TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. FEBRUARY 17. 1916. illamook Jottings. J Worrall, of the Tillamook Ho- tit for Portland on Monday. ler being out of commission for Leeks, train service between this tend Portland was resumed on Hay, a train from both ends get- Ith rough. , • • je case of P. J. Worrall, who is char Led with violating the prohibi- to-day before tion [law, ----- was tr^ed , . Justice Stanley and he will decide the ^^^■at 10 o’clock Friday morning, ft A civil suit was tried before Justice Stanley and a jury on Friday, in whfch R. F. Zachmann sued P. W. Tpd< for $94.51, the account growing of a disagreement amount out| o' J!--------------- * of the ‘.............. ig for a plumbing job. Mr. Todd ed to settle for $33.00, but Mr. ^^imann would not accept that. 1 lie ■s* 61 in a verdict of $30.00 • jury mry brought broc „ forlZachmann. He has appealed the ^ase ■ A tire alarm was turned in Tuesday jfcj rriing, another fire having started in what is known as the Watchtower buikling. The fire started near the chimney in the upper part of the building and spread rapidly, for when tht’hose company arrived the fire had ■tnari, good headway. It took only a 'few minutes to extinguish the flames, building belongs to Mr. Morgan " as insured, as also the furniture, ^^lbany society circles were given a ^^^len surprise when Miss Ruth phine Eddy and Clarence W. ault were married Tuesday of last k at Roseberg, their engagement n® being announced until the evening preceding the event. The bride is the daughter of Attorney and Mrs. B. I.. EBdy, of Roseberg and formerly of Tillamook. She was attending Albany dulegc, being a prominent member oFthe freshman class. The bride- ^^Kom is a prominent Albany news­ paper man and a favorite in social circh s. The newlyweds are making their home in Albany. At a special meeting of the City Council on Friday the matter of let­ ting the contract for electric fixtures for the new city hall was taken up, and the bids from The Electric Store or $240.00 and the Coast Power Co., of $285.00 were opened, and The Electric Store having the lower bid was awarded the contract. The audi­ torium will be lighted by semi indi­ rect fixtures hanging close to the ceiling. The same lighting effect w-ill be used in the council chamber and library. The balance of the building will have appropriate fixtures in keeping with the construction of the building. _________________ Cheese Maker Sues Association. W. Hiner vs. Beaver Creamery Aasociation is a suit filed in the cir­ cuit court to recover $645.00 having been wrongfully discharged as cheese maker of that co-operative cheese as- j ÂJciation. The plaintiff alleges that On the second of Uovember, •9I5, plaintiff and défendait entered into a contract wherein defendant promised a»d agreed to maintan, during the year 1916, a cheese factory at Beaver, atid employed plaintif as cheese maker, under the following stipula­ tions; While the quantiy of milk de- litered to the factory ly its patrons wjas sufficient to operate the factory daily, he should receive $75.00 per pjonth as wages; and should the > ' j|uantity of milk be not sf broken time. Plaintiff alleges that he per- for«ned his part of the contnct up to February 9th, and is ready o con­ tinue the contract, but plaint'f was - Wrongfully and maliciously dicharg- i -fd notwithstanding he offered a con- I , tinue his part of the contract. r charge, on each picture presented to the school by an individual or siciety, a brass plate suitably inscribed with the name of the donor. Such a gift, or any special contribution to the picture fund, will be most welcome. We hope you will be interested in what seems to us to be of vital im­ portance. Cordially Yours, Parent Teacher Association. ------ o The following program was render­ ed Thursday evening: Art appreciation, Mr. Humbert. High School Chorus. The train, Berney, First Grade. Trio, Hazel, Kitty Jeff O’Donnell. “Age of Innocence” Reynolds, Boby Stuart and Van Dyke, Second Grade. Feeding her Birds, Millett, Third Grade. Violin Solo, Robert Driscoll. Melon Eaters, Murillo, Fourth Grade. Gleaners, Millett, Fifth Grade. Duct, Irma Sumerlin and Mabel Goyne. Alice Freeman Palmer, French, Sixth Grade. Her Tribute, Kline, Boyhood of Lincoln, Johnson, Seventh Grade. Solo, Mr. Humbert. Knitting Lesson, Millett, Mona Lisa, Leonardo de Vince, Eighth Grade. Bowling Contest. On Monday evening the first of the series of matched bowling contests between the bowling teams of the city was held in the alleys of Fitzpatrick. I he two teams matched for the night were the 1 illamook Meat Co. and the Tillamook Livestock Co. squads. A lively match was played but the Meat Co. team bowled high pins for ill games. The scores were as follows Tilamook Meat Co. Team. Games. Players 1st 3rd 2nd Peterson • 72 •34 151 Christensen •37 •53 •35 Claussen 183 •49 • 79 Wallace 199 •55 ••4 Leach 168 •35 •24 Totals 842 743 703 Average 762 2-3 1 illamook Live Stock Team Games. Players 3rd ist 2nd Edmunds • 55 • 71 •74 Williams 130 •43 •44 Handley • 36 •23 •42 Allen 100 IOI •53 Daniels 118 128 •34 - ....... Totals 642 689 721 Average 684. Six teams have now 1 been organized to enter the bowling contest t now ___ started in the city. The names of the teams are Gem Theatre, O. K. Barber shop, Haltom’s, Commercia 1 team, Tillamook Livestock Co., and Tilla­ mook Meat Co. On Wednesday even­ ing I he Gem 1 hcatre was defeated by the Q. K. team in a lively contest which brought out some splendid in- dividual bowling. The scores 1 of the games are as follows. Gem Theatr e Team. ist 2nd 3rd Players Game Game Gam a Blanchard >23 •55 127 Winslow •35 142 •33 Partridge 121 156 112 Koch 186 191 •5« Edwali J 46 •52 109 Totals 641 749 Team average 713. O. K. Team. 1st 2nd Players Game Game Zumstein 128 168 Brown 142 112 Chaffee •24 156 Honey ta6 •78 Goldswarthy •74 158 Total 746 Team average 753 2-3 School 740 Wotes. 744 3rd Game 167 113 164 I r 55 “ 176 775 Woods and Pacific City Items. (This reached us too late for last w eek's issue.) A great excitement occurred one day last week. B. S. Cornett and a lot more of local sports were out on the hills east of town chasing a panther. They tracked it to the home of Gil­ bert Belleque where they touml it to be Gilbert’s dog. W. R. Robedee, started a story here Sunday that the Japs had attacked us, and all the tin soldiers for miles around were getting their guns shin­ ed up for business, but when investi­ gated it was found to be a josh, like many more of the pranks. Some were sorry that it was not the truth. They do say that Ernest still takes little trips out to South Woods to see the weather. W ith the R. R. out of commission it makes it very bad, as we have only had mail three times in a month. Thirty years ago we received mail daily. It took long enough before, as the mail lays over in Cloverdale one day. Why not get together neighbors and have it changed so as to have the mail leave here and connect with the stage at Cloverdale. Richard Miles, is completing Ernest wood cutting job. Arthur Beals, of Tillamook, drove 55 head of cattle to his ranch at Pa- cific City, this week. Morace Bays is putting up a tern- porary shed for his cows, and will soon have carpenters replacing the barn which blew down during the last storm. What is the matter with some more Moss from Woods? Please get busy Miss Writer. ___ made, to enter into a contract and file a bond satisfactory to the County Court as required by law. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this the 17th day of Feb., 1916 J. C. Holden, County Clerk First publication Feb. 17, 191b. Last publication March 2nd, 1916. FIRE ! FIRE ! ! FIRE I ! ! MONEY RIGHT IN YOUR HANDS is what an insurance policy docs for you when a fire comes along. No one can afford to be without the protec­ tion of a fire insurance policy. Should a fire occur, which is always liable to happen, yon will be reimbursed at once for your loss. Let us give you this protection by writing you a pol­ icy to-day. N°tice. There will be a public sale of the following personal property Wednes­ day, March, 1st at the W. N. Vaughn estate 4 miles North of Tillamook City, 41 cows, 7 two year old heifers, one registered Jersey bull from the noted Ed Cary herd, 1 grade bull, 8 junior yearling heifers. A great many of these cattle are high grade Jerseys. Farm implements as follows: 1 plow, 1 drag harrow, 1 mower, I hay rake, 1 tedder, I disk, 11 milk cans, 2 CALL ON US. milk buckets, 1 small wagon, gas PHONE US. engine 2% horse power, barrel churn, cream separator, log roller, hay car­ rier rope and blocks and other small tools too numerous to mention. 3CCOO0QCO9OQCGOO3O9C All cattle over one year old will be tubercline tested. Good notes with ap­ proved security will be expected for all amounts over $10.00. Free lunch at noon, sale begins at 10 a m. Warren Vaughn Geo. Vaughn. Managers ROLLIE W. WATSON, “ The Insurance Man »> WRITE US. TODD HOTEL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK, ORE. ^YAMHILL MILLING COMPANY 8 Tillamook, Oregon. WHAT FASHIONABLE WOMEN WILL WEAR THIS SEASON. Styles Described by Miss Jule de Par, of Th: Store That Sells Wo the expert tailors re­ quire the best materials for garments that they recommend to stylish dres­ sers. Fashion’s Prominent Features. In suits and coats, the most fashion­ able features are the incurve at the waist, without being close fitting, and the sharply flared rippling plaits low the waistline. ñüEX. McNflIR & co GENERAL* hardcuare Kitchen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. »USTOM ** TAILORING «/Q uality Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals addressed to the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, and indorsed “Proposals to complete W. S. Cone (Bay City Miami) County road” from Station 77 plus 00 to Station 102 plus 00 in ac­ cordance with the plans and specifi­ cations thereof on file in the office of the County Clerk of Tillamook Coun­ ty, Oregon, will be received by the County Court of said count)-, at its office in the court house at Tillamook City, Oregon, until 10 o'clock a.m. on the 3rd day of March, 191Ó, and at that time publicly opened and read. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the County Clerk of 7'illamook County, for an amount equal to 5 per cent of the total amount of said bid, which shall be forfeited to the County, in case the bid be accepted and the bid­ der shall fail,refuse or neglect for a period of five days after the award is made, to enter into a contract and file a bond satisfactory to the County Court as required by law. Bids will be received for the clear­ ing, grading, excavating and placing t'f culverts. One dollar ($1.00) will be charged for each set of plans and specifica­ tions taken from the office of the County Clerk, which amount will be remitted to the successful bidder. The Ct’«’’1)’ Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this the* '7th day of Feb., 1916 J. C. Holden, County Clerk First publication Feb. >7. >9ló. Last publication .March 2nd, 1916. The boys of the Sophomore class Many jackets and coats have almost have recently acc epted a challenge a wing-like flare. This feature is from the girls of the same class as ried ¿>ut in a smaller way in the Rrt Exhibit at High School. follows: ed cuffs which finish the new Challenge! sleeves. I The art exhibit which was repo'cd We, the girls of the Sophomore Plain materials and checks are ko be indefinitely postponed is i»w class do hereby c hallenge the bops of ferred for suits. The plain materials in the city, having been opened o the Sophomore class to a sch jlarship are frequently ornamented with silk ¡visitors on Wednesday afternoa. contest for the next six weeks' under embroidery and inlays of taffeta. frhe pictures are photogravures of th the following rules; For sport coats there are new nov­ ¡famous paintings and sculpture worl I. Per cent of grades to be takerf elty weaves of white wool and fancy rThe exhibit is being held at the higl according to percent of punils. coating in navy, Copenhagen, Holland ¡school and many people are availing 3 Attendance, including tardiness blue, old rose, maze, green and red. nhcmsclves of the opportunity to see o be considered. Silks are very fashionable and ’the famous art of the world. 3. 1 he loosing side shall give a promise to grow more Popular as the | The purpose of the exhibit is two­ ’eat to the winning side to be named season advances. » fold: k the winning side. Smartest Skirts are Shown. First—To give people an opportun­ suggestions, as a party, moonlight As skirts are all fuller, either ity to see a collection of the world’s r|t, or theatre party. circular models or plaited, they give famous masterpieces. Committee. the smartest appearance when worn Second—To make it possible for the quite short. schools to own a few of these pic­ unday at the M. E. C'aurch. Six to eight inches from the ground tures. is the most fashionable length. Even The exhibit will comprise over 200 Susay School to o'clock, W. E. concervative women will wear their pictures, all of them copies of great io°45S Supt' F‘Ve minut c sermon skirts five inches from the ground. masterpieces. The new short skirts are most con- The price of the tickets has been Morr,g worship n o’clock, theme Notice to Contractors. venient. With trim footwear and made low enough for anyone, chil­ of sermy “Sword with a Double iery to match, they are genteel dren and adults alike ,to be able to Edge. t,ss meeting 12 m. W. M. Sealed proposals addre-ssed to the very pleasing in appearance. attend. Heaston,,a(jcr County Court of Tillamook County, Latitude in Choice of Hats. The pictures which will be exhibit­ Eveninjservice 73O to-c]ock ser- Oregon, and indorsed “Pr.oposals to Wide latitude in choice of ed will not be for sale but it will be mon cond,scd “The sin OI- sins 51ns > furnish crushed rock to lilamook marks the early showing of spring possible, through the art section to which Jesusai(1 hath nt ver of forgiv- • . XyUUtilJ; __ County," ill in unu inmscii m spent in pictures for the rooms. a tram with two .all ative women. from 4000 to 8000 cubic yards of new silhouette. It shows the graceful, The exhibition is opened to the Having recogn>zedim from hil h. Crushed Rock F. O. B cars at any youthful curves and the wing like public each evening, except Friday lished portraits, th* r d fire up. point on the railroad between 1 illa- flare. It also shows one of the smart, evening. Special talks will be given on him in regard to; ¿novets> praj4. mook and Batterson, Oregon. new hats from one of America's lead­ on the pictures. Everybody come. mg them in a manne which was un. Bids may be submitted with the ing makers endurable to the senY building from Feb. 16 to Feb. garding each other i- ’ J^ilence. Each bid shall be accompanied by a Notice to Mutual Telephone Patrons. Addressing them v ,tli R-it suavity certified check made payable to the ¡The-influence of good pictures upon he said: County Clerk of Tillamook County, Notice is hereby given, that patrons ichfld-cannot be overestimated. The he said: for an amount equal to 5 per cent of end of many a life has been in flu - “Ah. ladies, the or ,e regr of the total amount of said bid, which of the Tillamook County Mutual Tel­ )ced by a single picture. life will be that I s’ .nil nev know shall be forfeited to the County, in ephone Co., are to pay their monthly Your attendance at the exhibit will which one of you ’ t was tha kissed case the bid be accepted and the bid­ rentals at the Tillamook County teatly encourage us. The Elson At latest accour ts the lad had der shall fail,refuse or neglect for a ïmpany has offered to affix, without not yet spoken to each ot her. period of five days after the award is , Bank in the future. You are used to tailor»’ ads. which »ny, ‘ we are the best—Our prices the lowest." Of course, atid you don’t believe such wild claims. That’s not the way we do business! We will say that we are simply one of the many concerns dointf our level best to serve our customers, deliver value, speed the work' and charge honest prices We are " Real" TAILORS and ‘ Ready to show you" that our store is the leading tailoring center in town. Come in and let us talk it over. Yi urs at coinmtind, J W. ED WALL, MEN’S AND LADIES TAILOR. Pell Phone Tillamook, Los Angeles inn! return $55 I* {rotti I’ort l.iml Six Month Return Limit. Stopover nt I’leiisure. On Sale Daily The Road of Thousand Wonders" Aik the local agent or write John M. Scott, Gen. Pail. Agt . Portland. Oregon. Southern Pacific. i