■MMX TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, FEBRUARY 17, 1916. Communication. ican labor, have removed to China To the Editor. ' for the week. Secretary McAdoo must f ! their ports except in cases of distress , have indulged in a little lurid lan­ and are building huge evaporating Before making my announcement, same as they did. We believe one of and refrigerating plants for the prep- ADVERTISING RATES. imergency.” guage when he found that measly eration of egg mixtures, employing Mr. Beals told 111c he would not be a the greatest stumbling blocks to men or Will the United States follow the Legal Advertisements. going to church is the fact that there almost invariable practice,” or the contribution to the public revenues in Chinese labor. The Topeka, Kansas, candidate for County Treasurer. Since that time pressure has been the I reasury’s Christmas stocking. plant and one from Boston, are ex­ First Insertion per line ........... $ .10 are too many sects who hold different “ rule of international law. The latter, brought to induce him to reconsider •05 beliefs, one church claiming that it is it would seem, if we are to be consis­ No wonder he wants to tax gasoline, amples. A short while ago \ icc-coun- his decision, and I, recognizing his Éach subsequent insertion, line. and "various other sul Gilbert, Nanking China, stated in right and the others w rong. No mat­ tent. To compel the Appam to leave horsepower Business and Professional cards things,” to quote from his annual re­ Commerce Reports, that exporters fitness for the office, willingly with­ ter how one may strive to avoid it, one month...................................... 1.00 there is more or less religious preju­ our port, as The Hague Convention port. Imports are coming in as never were purchasing eggs in his vicinity draw and pledge him my hearty sup­ 05 dice with church going people on ac­ requires, would be to restore the ship before, but they are coming in for at 40 to 42 cents a gross. He reported port. Locals per line each insertion... to the British, and to say to Germany, In my opinion, when a man has count of the different beliefs, and this We cannot uphold you in preserving the most part tree of duty. the following consignment arranged Display advertisements, an inch _____________ — demonstrated his fitness for any po­ ------ o ------ is criticised by non-church goers anil for at the time he wrote; Fresh eggs, the lives of these people, although .50 one month.................................... Why anvbodv should prefer to re­ Io San Francisco, 102,000 dozen, at sition, public or private, by satisfac­ given as a reason why they refrain we have insisted that such should be All Resolutions of Condolence sort to all manner of disappointing $0.04’0; Seattle, 311,000 dozen at $0.046 tory service, he should be retained if from attending church. Wc think we .05 >ie the signs of the times changing your practice at all times. ( ¡1 the methods of raising public revenue 1 acoma, 521,833 dozen at $0.046. willing to serve. anil Lodge Notices, per line . oth'i hand, there is, "the almost in­ in this respect, for some of the great­ variable practice of neutrals”—and rather than a good old fashioned Re­ Eggs frozen in tins, to New York Tillamook Ore., Feb. 12. 1916. Notices, lost, strayed or stolen J. H. Dunstan. publican protective tariff is a problem est minds and church wotkers of to ­ »tc., minimum rate, not ex­ Great Britian. We forsee more com­ for the psychologist. I o annoy, vex, City, 7,253,318 pounds, at $0.03: Seat­ day are striving for church unity. plications and more correspondente. tle, 656,000 pounds at $0.03. He stated •25 When this is brought about, which we ceeding five lines ..................... inconvenience and exasperate the that the territory covered by agents To The Voters of Tillamook County. people with all manner of direct tax­ radiating from Nankin produces 75.- hope will not be many jears, one of ation is not a mistake, it is a blunder. 000 dozen eggs daily for export. Re­ FREE TRADE DOPE. the greatest stumbling blocks to suc­ RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION I hereby announce myself a> a can­ And after the blunder find an increas­ port: cf other U. S. Consuls indicate cessful Christian work will be remov­ (Strictly in Advance.) Why the Voters Should Support the ing, menacing deficit should certainly rimilar activities around Swatow, didate for the office of Sheriff on the ed. One Year ........................................... Jt-jo teach a lesson to any one not pre­ Canton, and other Chinese centers, Republican ticket at the primary Republican Party. vented by partisanship from learning. Wc are informed that petitions are Six Months ........................................... 75 election to be held in May, and if her This “new freedom," new or old. Un­ fi is quite apparent that, while eggs Now that France reports that in the shell have fallen off somewhat, nominated and elected will do my Three Months ..................................... 50 being circulated for the recall of .v ..... — — has der Republican management what­ County Commissioner McKimens, export trade to the United States ,,j billion francs -i-rin» during the ever our citizens paid for government China is increasing her exports to us best to enforce all law’s with strict which again shops the absurdity of reached two support was collected in the least of prepared eggs for bakers’ uses. economy. may I- wc THE TILLAMAAK HEADLIGHT. one feature of the so called Oregon past year of 01 bloodshed, _________ what • . « The egg-producing industry is being System. 1 he snap shot man is oppos­ cxjiect when peace gives her markets irksome manner, and thousands never gradually transferred to China, un­ T. W. Lyster. ed to the recall on general principles, a tree hand to grab our American knew it cost them a cent. Also the der free trade. markets under President Wilson's foreigner, who sought our markets principally because a few disgruntled Finally, admitting, for the purpose To The Voters of Tillamook C°unty. persons can invoke this law for per­ welcome open harbors of free trade? in competition with our producers of argument, that the importation of — --- o — and laborers, had to pay a good share sonal reasons and to satisfy their 1 herewith announce myself as a Secretary Redfield readily acknowl­ of the government expense. Under Chinese eggs has not lowered the The old Watchtower building has spleen, placing the expenses on the edges that our economic doorway is made several attempts to cause a big taxpayers. The snap shot man is of the “new freedom” plan the foreigner price of eggs here, what, then, was candidate for the office of County conflagration in tins city. It may do the opinion that there is not sufficient “open to unfair competition from pays nothing, and our own people are the purpose of letting them in free? Surveyor of Tillamook County, ml - so yet, for it was always considered a I grounds to recall Mr. McKimens, and abroad," but he is willing for other held up at every turn for contribu­ Why not have the revenue? We need ject to the will of the Republican it. Or does the Journal advocate a tire trap. 1 •, wc hope the taxpayers will take our hands than those of the present ad­ tions to the public treasury. The “new diet for the poor of this state of eggs voters. If nominated and elected will advice and swat these recall elections. ministration to close the door. And, freedom" was to lower the cost of contemporary with Confucius?—As­ endeavor to perform the duties im­ posed upon me with justice and im­ It is safe to say that two thirds of Mr. McKimens and those who want needless to say, a protective tariff living, but everyone knows it has not partiality. those who signed the recall petition him recalled see things in a different marjority will attend to the matter at done so, and we are licking stamps toria n. Harry P. Kerr. have not registered. Names of that light where the money for road dis­ the next election. instead. This is a handicap of the i present administration which prom­ character on a petition does not trict No. I should be expended. I here One Month cf Prohibition. For County Treasurer. As our free trade friends seem so ises to make it impossible for it to amount to a rap. always have been and always will be a difference of opinion on this point. zealous over a "tariff for revenue," survive an election. Wc will gamble that there arc some Ever since taxis were collected for why do they not enact such a law? The jury that heard the evidence I hereby announce myself as a dairymen paying more for high pric­ road purposes in this county, the The legislation they have passed so The Democrats at Washington still against George Schultz, charged with candidate for the office of County ed hay just now than they would have dairying and farming interests have far has admittedly failed to provide shy at a tariff measure. They are selling liquor in the Perkins Hotel Treasurer of Tillamook County, sub­ paid the next twenty years for a little had a preemption on the road fund to the revenue. : bound if possible, not to raise money bullet, returned a verdict of guilty, ject to the will of the Republican vot­ it pos- improve their roads, and now, when additional tax so as to make — in that direction. Accordingly they with a sentence of three months in ers at the 1916 primary election. sible Io have a line of steaincrs es- other property interests want some Respectfully, One of the leading industrial na­ are planning to stop a rush of for­ jail for the blind pigger. Probably tablished between this city ami San consideration, there are dairymen who tions of Europe once urged its citi­ eign goods in some other way. They three years would have done this law B. L. Beals. Francisco. an anti-dumping breaker more good; but the shorter raise a big howl. But this is a narrow, zens "never forget when you buy a are formulating selfish way of looking at the situa­ foreign article your country is the scheme. This would create absolute sentence will suffice. To the Voters of Tillamook County. The Women’s Civic Improvement tion, for in a few years other indus­ poorer." That was sound advice, and prohibition of such shipments. I hey It was man like Schultz who League is going to make ■ Tillamook tries in the county will iar outdistance cannot be denied. And yet it is a truth say high tariff would not stop the brought prohibition on Oregon. They announce myself a canrli- I hereby ....... ..... dahlia city ___ the and we - want to im­ I that of dairying in the enormity of that one of the great political parties dumping process. But to stop all this were not content with the profits to date for Sheriff on the Republican 1 press the fillowing lines on the minds business and the amount t of money of this country has persistently refus­ dumping, as they call it, would also be made out of the liquor business as ticket, subject to your approval in the of the women of this city: handled. But we are drifting away ed to recognize. The whole purpose all the revenue that conies from such I it was regulated by the law. They May primaries. Breathes there a women from our subject and what we want of a protective tariff is to discourage articles. Many of these now are pay- were always trying to "make a little Respectfully, With soul so dead to impress upon the minds of the the purchase of foreign goods and to ing duties. Some, of course, are pay- on the side"—by keeping open after John Aschim. Who never to her self has said, people. Those living in other parts induce citizens of the United States ing no duties at all. In fact that num­ hours, by supplying the wants of " lliis is my own—My flower bed?” of the county do not want to take to buy goods produced at home. The ber of articles not taxed is larger than drunken men, by catering to a side To the Veters of Tillamook County. part in a Nehalem factional fight, if whole purpose of low tariffs is to most suppose. Their prohibition al­ entrance trade on Sundays, and by My! that home made wine the it can be avoided. together seems a u>rt of confession selling liquor to minors. The so-called The Oregon sheriff turned into the sewer on Sat­ System is making it tough on the tax- make it easier to buy in foreign mar­ that free trade is wrong. It is going to high class saloons and hotel bars I hereby announce myself as a can­ urday was certainly rotten looking I 1 payers by a little additional tax here kets. the extreme, an undesirable extreme, were the worst offenders against the didate for nomination for the office of and rotten smelling stuff. It is a sur­ I 1 and additional tax sonic where else. Secretary Redfield presents almost if the Democratic theory of free trade liquor law. 1 hey would not obey it, County Sheriff, on the Republican prise to us that those who had iinbib- But its all in the system of fleecing an pathetically amusing spectacle in is right and just, then a policy that and their “pull" was so strong that ticket. If nominated and elected I ed-r>f it had not turned up their toes | the overburdened taxpayers.. planning all manner of roundabout would stop it altogether in many they could not be punished for break­ shall endeavor to enforce the law with after drinking it, for they took des­ efficiency, and economy. regulations for the protection of lines is iniquitous and indefensible. It ing it. perate chances in drinking it. It was Respectfully We want the people of the North American industries when the war is is going farther than the wildest The police were either blind, or pre­ simply horribly smelling stuff. W. L. Campbell. end of the county to get wise, for over. He wants the nearest possible tariff dreamer would venture. It tended not to see the open violations curtails revenue, for, as a matter of The recent bad weather caused here is something that can be put thing to protection, but, being a hide­ course, included in the prohibition are of the law practiced by the hotels some damage to roads and bridges in I over on them if the recall election is bound Democrat, cannot accept the articles that pay duties. It is not be­ and .“better class" of saloons, behind To The Voters of TiUamook County. which were interests so strong that this county, which will take several persisted in. There is little or no in­ simple and efficient expedient of a I hereby announce myselj as, a thousand dollars to repair. This I terest taken in the recall election in protective tariff. Instead, he would lieved that this policy will please the even a grand jury, with a dozen affi­ country. The higher tariff would davits showing sales of liquor to Democratic candidate for th’e office shows the absurdity of the motion the other two road districts, and if have all manner of “drastic laws” serve the purpose of putting the need ­ the voters are forced into taking part which in their working would create school boys, did not have the courage 2 ‘ 1 Superintendent made at the budget meeting that the of County School county court itemize and place on in the recall election, we suggest that friction and be a serious handicap to ed check and at the same time would to find an indictment. Mr. Schultz subject to the primary election to be add to the revenue, and of this the a candidate be nominated who docs American industry by reason of the had the notion that he was still in the record every cent of road money to held in May, 1916. H. M. Cross. be expended in road district N<> 1. not reside in road district No. I ami enormous cost of their administration. government now stands sorely in protected class, and after the prohi­ need. It does seem curious that a high who is in no way connected with the bition law went into effect sold whis ­ Suppose the Dougal-Doiigally-Do- Democratic official should go so tar factional fight- at Nehalem. If we un ­ “ This do-nothing policy which has key as openly as a dairymen peddles I siii motion had carried, what a lu­ To the Voters of Tillamook County. dicrous position it would have placed derstand the situation right, the peo­ been adhered to by the Democrats is as to propose the actual prohibition milk. I he three months’ sentence will of trade, when his party from the cure him of the belief that the pro­ ple living in road districts 2 and 3 do giving the Republicans a great deal of this county in. I hereby announce myself as a no want to be calk'd upon to take campaign thunder, which will be used time of its incipiency has stood for a hibition law was like the old liquor ------o------ candidate for the office of County trade that is free and open with the part in or be forced to line up with against their opponents in the presi ­ law — merely passed for the regulation The Marshfield Record calls the Commissioner (North end) Tilla­ action of the city council .1 “Fanatical one faction or the other, and when it dential election campaign this fall." world, and that has held to the doc­ of the “ginks that didn’t have a pull." mook County at the primary election comes to a show down they will vote trines that a man should be allowed deprecatingly admits our esteemed The law-abiding citizens of Port ­ Act of I illamook Aldermen," in pul to be held in May 1916. ting the lid on near beer establish for a disinterested person to look Park Row neighbor, the New York to buy where lie can buy cheapest, land will try out prohibition; if they D. F. Thompson. even though that were at the after the county's affairs in the north World. But it cannot be denied that like it, they will keep it on the statute incuts, and then goes on to say: part of the county. In this part of the uttermost bounds of the earth. the present free trade congress has books, and if they do not'like it they To The Voters of Tillam°ok County. “You find cranks everywhere and will amend or repeal it. But they are Tillamook is the latest to develop the county the people arc very pronounc­ done enough already to wreck Amer­ ed against putting the county to the Making Our Farmers Compete With ican industry. determined that no blind pigger or worst sort. Recent dispatches tell of I hereby announce myself as a can­ ------o------ Chinese. bootlegger shall by showing how didate for the office of County Sheriff the city council holding a meeting expense of a recall election, and as a large proportion of voters reside in The Canadian lumbermen and pota ­ easy it is to evade the law try to cre­ on the Republican ticket at the pri­ and imposing a license fee of $1000 In the philosophy of the ancients, ate sentiment for its abrogation. for near-beer business placet. The af­ road districts 1 and 2, with very little to growers arc leaping a rich harvest mary election to be.held in May. As far as we have gone with the law fair is ridiculous on the face of it and effort a movement can be started front the Underwood free trade tariff the question "which came first the Respectfully, effort could be law. To the two l'uget Sound ports hen or the egg?" was a fruitful source it seems to be working nicely. In the the old idea of penalizing the profit' whereby united Fred H. Minich. of liquor selling are followed. The brought about to elect a disinterested of Blaine and Sumas more than 350,- of speculation of little practical con­ month of January, there was a de- Tillamook Council would ,us well person until such time as the people ooo.ooo shingles came in from British cern. Today the question, “which will crease of 80 per cent in the number of license soda fountains as the nectar- of Nehalem see the necessity of Columbia during the year 1915, while take preccnedce, the American lien or arrests for drunkenness. That is a To the Voters of Tillamook County. showing—particularly good, hopski-beer places. They will die nat­ working and pulling together for the 1,365 cars of lumber entered by way the Chinese egg?” is developing two good announce that I I hereby ——,----------- - I am a can- urally for lack of patronage and need development of that end of the conn- of Blaine alone. On the 20th of Jan­ schools of thought among our news­ when we know that more than ordi­ ty. The snap shot man will have uary permits were issued at Olympia more papers on the Pacific Coast. The Ore­ nary care was taken to drag to the didate for the nomination for the of­ no assistance in hurrying their Miner­ al. \ ou could not drink enough oear- to say in the future and will make for the admission of l00° ed October, 1913, we imported 21,000 The police records show other Johnson, Tillamook, Ore. appears to have been made and the compared with $12,460,000 in the cor­ dozen eggs, for the same period 1914. every year. | prize brought into port in strict ac­ responding ten months under the re­ democratic law 4.667,000 dozen; for things that are worth noticing. For Ford Auto For Sale Cheap. It was stated in or,e of our churches cordance with accepted rules of inter- publican tariff. Imports under Demo­ the same period 1915, 1,772,000 dozen instance, last month the reckless driv­ appeared to have completely disap­ ------ o on Sunday that onlj r> per cent of the ( national law. leaving out of account cratic policies were more than three In addition to this prepared eggs er peared from police ken, and not a The Hague Convention, as everybody times as great as under the Republi­ are becoming an important factor in Good second hand Ford Automo­ men m Oregon went to church. One a "? e .k drUnkc ? 'hauffeur was arrested bile, 1914 model, for sale for $3:0- reason given for lb is was that people seems to be doing Bv these rules the can policies. Under the Democratic our imports. Inasmuch as frozen and who come West 10*4 their religion be­ Appam is the property of the captor, tariff law the United States gave the evaporated eggs come in in bulk, duty And the number of unfortunate girls Will take a good young horse for picked up on the street by the po ­ part payment. Apply at the Headlight hind them in the ‘East there is, no subject only to the decision 01 the foreigner greater access to our mar­ was assessed on them under the re­ * doubt, some truth in this statement. German prize court, and these rules kets and yet the cost of living did not publican law at the rate of 5 cents a lo hlO/LUke.n **° *?e municipal court office. As lillamook sis one of the last | permit the captor to take his prize iti- decrease. The American farmer is dozen, estimating it to the pound. Io k * k a,nd f,ned and ,urned adrift ' io a neutral port. "The Supreme 1 Io p,ck'd UP again and tried and forgetful of some things, but he will The democratic law cut the duty to 2 Oregon couatees t o be developed, for >100 Reward >100. a number *( yi.iri the church going Court of the United States.” says remember these figures when he cents a pound. During the fiscal year fined in a devthxh monotony of shame ' Halleck. “ ha* followed the English The readers of this paper will be plen*<^ und pcr,ecu,>an. has fallen to people were e.ertainly few,, but makes up his mind to vote next No­ 1913 we imported 3.400,000 pounds. I nr, to learn that there is at least one dread»“ thanks to r ceunporatively few liberal rules and has licld valid the condem­ vember. The figures arc from official As they are not separately listed in practically nothing. disease that science has been able to cure in . nr.. , . he pr °h , hi'ion law seems to be citizens w' 1l <1.1 J 5. 7. I 1 <1 I ). I" II i. t Take Hall's Familr fills for constipation- "^’■1 x