PETITIONS CIRCU­ LATED. ------ o------- The members of the Loyal Daught­ Double Bond ers Sunday school class of the Chris­ People of Nehalem Disagree Over or over to an tian Church pleasantly surprised their Road Matters and Want McKimens given with every Cash point in County ' Recalled. teacher Mrs. Botts last Tuesday evening by coming in a body with re­ What is probably a factional fight freshments and spending an enjoyable at Nehalem is the cause of petitions Every order is Full Books for $2 evening with their teacher at her being circulated for the recall of careful expert attention. P heme. $2.50 in County Commissioner G. R. Me- ’ One of the social events of the year Kimens, growing out of a difference will be the silver tea to be given by of opinion as to where the road mon­ The Nationally — Suits and Quality the Tillamook Bible School on Fri­ ey should be expended in road dis­ trict No. I. A large number of persons day afternoon. This is held in Conner American Lady and Nemo Knit and Phoenix tion with the art exhibit at the school living in that district have signed the Hosiery, New and the program will consist of au petitions, but in other parts of the easy on Pictures and Artists by Mrs. county there is little or no interest Mansen and a lecture on Art Appre­ taken in the recall of Mr. McKimens, ciation by Professor Humbert, other in fact, there are a good many per­ numbers will also be given to fill out sons who object to putting the county an afternoon of pleasure for those in to the expense of a recall election. J. attendance, lea will be poured by W Thompson is named in the peti­ Mrs. Botts and Mrs. Youci from J jo tion as a candidate for the office. He AHE loveliest anti best the La Porte Woolen Mills have designed and woven for the coming to 5 p.m. The Domestic Science de- is a Socialist and at the last general j season's wear have been included in our selections of Cotton and Silk Fabrics. Here partment will serve and all arc cor- election opposed the Republican can­ didate and worked for the election of dially invited to attend. 3 Fou will find displayed on Tables and Counters absolutely the latest and most up-to- Mr. McKimens. Now he is wanting I Mr McKimens ousted and himself Swastika Club. date weaves designs anil color combinations in Wash Fabrics of every kind. The members of the club and a elected to the office of County ( om- Come and view them—even though you do not buy just now it will give us pleasure to number of guests were entertained by missioner The petition reads: simply show you the many pretty fabrics prepared for your own personal viewing. Mrs. Koch at its recent meeting. The To J. C. Holden, County Clerk of afternoon was spent in chatting and A partial list of the weaves nt?w in stock is given below. Read and learn the names of the games, Mrs. Youel and Mrs Harri­ Tillamook County, State of Oregon: We the undersigned, legal voters of | son carrying off the honors. After re­ newest and most up-to-date weaves on the market today. freshments the club adjourned to and within Tillamook County, State ! ■ of Oregon, hereby demand the recall meet with Mrs. J. C. Hidden for the of George R. McKimens, County February meeting. Buyer’s ¿Movements. Deliveries. Commissioner of Tillamook County I Owing to the disorganization of from the North District. Miss Julie de Par, buyer of a Shakespeare Club. freight and express service many The reasons for said demand are as I Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Dept rJ The Shakespeare Club was enter- shipments of merchandise have been turned to Tillamook on MonJ tainvd by Mrs. l.amb at her follows, to-wit: __ __ B. C. _._____ delayed in transit. Below we give a He has proven himself to the satis- ' home in this city on Friday afternoon after spending a two month’s via short list of Spring Purchases de ­ when the members and invited guests faction of the people of the North livered since railroad service was District to be incompetent to conduct | tion in the style centers of the h had another delightful time. The dec­ the affairs of the office of County | Fancy Fabrics resumed. cific Coast. orations and place cards were after American Lady Corsets, new Spring Dresses, the St. Valentine order, with lovely Commissioner. Any help or advice you may n« Models. He has failed to spend the money flowers. The hostess served a dainty Art Threads. Complete Selection. in Satorial Matters will be gladi appropriated for the various road dis­ lunch. The invited guests were Mes­ Sewing Threads, All numbers. tricts in a judicious manner and con­ given by Miss de Par any time ya dames I. C Smith, Blaine Hays, E. T. Men’s Tennis Shoes and Oxfords. ducted the road work in an incompe ­ 27 inch Floral and Striped Flaxons •22ic. care to pay her a visit on the li Haltom, J. C. Holden and B. D. La- Ladies' Tennis Shoes and Oxfords. tent manner. mar. cony. 36 inch Broad Striped Voiles ....................... ... 25c. Ladies Emma Lou Pumps , He has arbitrarily announced that in colors White and Black. he would not make certain road in- 36 inch Dashona Voiles ■ ■ ................................ ... 25c. Surprise Party . Bergmann Shoes, to to 15 in. tops. proveemnts if the money was appro­ Dr. Jack Olson surprised Mrs. Ol­ priated at the Tax Payers’ Meeting ... 35c. 36 inch Floral and Striped Seed Voiles son last Friday evening by asking when such road is the most heavily 40 inch Swiss Novelties ................................... . 39c. Showing WAYNE KNIT" about thirty of their friends in to traveled in the North District and 38 inch Striped Carnation Voile................... ... 39c. play rook, it being Mrs. Olson’s birth­ greatly in need of repair. Reliable day. /Xnd we further respectfully request 36 inch Striped Hvlo Voiles ................... ... 39c. The Dr. had planned everything that, upon filing of this petition, you Hosiery) 36 inch Echelon Voiles ................................... ... 45c. even to the culinary work all as a order a special election to be held for surprise, and modi credit is due him the purpose of said recall, in the man­ Boys and Girls, 38 inch Voiles Classique ................................. ... 48c. in giving the friends all such an en­ ner provided by law and that the COATS 40 inch Fancy Striped Voiles......................... .. 50c. joyable time. name of James W. Thompson be Mrs. Olson was very much pleased placed upon the ballot of such recall 40 inch Voile Charmatit.................................. ... 59c. and has asked us all to do it again election as the choice of the under- i 36 inch Silk Striped .Voile Espange............ • •. 65c. please. signed for the office of County ■ Com- Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. missioner of Tillamook County from 36 inch Silk Marquisette.................................. •69c. Crenshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, the First District. 36 inch Soie Scintillant .................................... ... 75c. Mr. and Mrs. Ammer, Mr. and Mrs. Robison, Mr. and Mrs. Bales, Mr 36 inch Silk Lace Kavissante .... ............. • • • 75c Christian Church. arid Mrs.- Haherlach, Mr. and Mrs 36 inch Silk Marquisette ................................ . .. 75c. Barge, Mr. and Mrs. Holden, Mr. and You are invited to attend the •Mrs. Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wash Long, Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Mr. and vices at the Christian Church Mrs. Poorman, Mr. and Mrs. Morri­ Sunday. The morning sermon will be Suits and son, Miss Tinnerstet and Fred Chris- on the Sunday School lesson, while the pastor’s sermon for the evening teaten. will be “The Carcas and the Buzzard” O— Prof. Humbert will sing a solo at Plisse Crepe.......................................... Wayne Knit Stockings for Boys 171c. Rook Parties. and Girls are giving such immense Mr. and Mrs. Ammer entertained at both services, McGhee’s orchestra Fancy Striped Voile .......... ............. 20c. satisfaction in wearing and color re­ rook on Valentine’s evening, tile occa­ will furnish the music. Don’t miss it! Beach Cloth............................................ Four hundred people filled the aud­ taining qualities that particular par­ 20c. sion being Mrs. Ammer’s birthday. itorium last Sunday when the men of | ents are demanding that they be sup­ St. Valentine decorations were car­ Fancy Check Voile ........................... 221c. the church led the services. It was the plied with Wayne Knit only when ried out very artistically in every lit­ New Sport Cloth ................................ best attendee! service of the special supplies arc needed for the children. 221c. tle detail event to the delicious lunch­ Sunday night series held so far. ^Mcn and Women arc also choosing Bedford Cord Suiting ..................... eon. 221c. Wayne Knit and you will find here a Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Middy Cloth ........................................ weight, a weave and a price 25c. ,-1-2 tO Suit Grange and County Fair Notes. Reichers, Mr. and Mrs. Hill. Mr. and your own particular requirements. Splash Voile.......................................... ------ o------- Mrs Koch. Mr and Mrs. Bales, Mr. 29c. end Mrs. Heberlach, Mr. and Mrs No. 3. A Boy’s Heavy ribbed Tillamook County Pomona Grange, Dotted Swiss.......................................... 29c. Burge. Mr and Mrs Williams, Mr. regular March meeting, will be held Black Hose in sizes to Fine Dimity........................... ............. and Mrs Williams. Mr and Mrs, at Orctown, Thursday, March 2, at 35c. tit ages 4 to 16. nr Robison, Mr. and Mrs. Morrison, Mr. 10:00 a.m. Novelty Check Voile.......................... 35c. Price per pair...... £DC. arwt Mrs. Olson. Arrangements arc being made to Dainty Striped Voile......................... convey all grangers who so desire, to No. 3. A heavy two thread Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Winslow* gave Cloverdale by auto truck, where they Mercerized Voile.................................. ribbed Black hose for a rook partv on Monday evening al will be met by Oretown Grangers Beach Cloth.......................................... boys attd «iris, ages 4 to their home in this city to a number of with conveyances. The road between their friends, when a most enjoyable t lovcrdale and Oretow n is too bad Fine Seed Voile.................................. . .. 35c. 16. Price per pair 17 >C. time was spent Refreshments were for autos at present. Gabardine Suiting.............................. ... 39c. served by Mrs. Winslow It is hoped that a good delegation Descripion of above Wooltex No 7—light two thread Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. will be present from all Granges in Lace Cloth.......................................... • •. 39c. Motel given below. ribbed Black hose for Partridge, Mr and Mrs Sanders. Mr. the county, let us make it a live meet- Striped Splash Voile......................... . • 39c. and Mrs. Mercer. Misses Mabie ing. bovsand girls, ages 4 to Jaunty Govne. Hazel McKowan. Rita Smith, Fancy Striped Voile......................... ... 45c. A movement is on foot to organize 16. Price per pair Amta Everson, Clara l’riest Messrs, a new Grange at Sandlake. S^ORT Mercerized Seed Voile.... . ............ ... 48c. Alfred Swensen. Harry Swensen Those who wish to attend Pomona No. 50.—A fine ribbed Black Oscar Sw’enson, I eland 1‘ rwin. Alfred Grange bv truck from Tillamook Novelty Voile........................................ ... 48c. for hose for girls in sizes to Fletcher, ’*dwln Roquist, D. Robison should inform J. H. Dunstan as soon Poplin Suiting ............................. .. ... 50c. and Mrs. Dunahoo. tit ages 3 to 15. nr as possible. Gabardine Suiting............................... ... 50c. Price per pair £0C. The County Fair Bohrd held a Yof will exclaim over the excep-J St. Valentine’s Party. meeting Monday, all members being Novelty Voile ...................................... ... 50c. No 6-5. Fine Lisle Hose in tion? smartness . and jauntines* of | Dr. and Mr*. S. M. Wendt nsaiated present. The program of the 1916 Black or White for (¡iris New Plaid Vo le................................. the» new Sport Coats for Spring. by Mr*. A. A. Bennington, gave a de­ premium list was presented and ap- . 50c. TCre are such weaves as Black and I 4 to 16. Price per nr Mercerized Transparent Organdie... • 50c. lightful Valentine pur tv on Monday proved by the board. WJte Checks, Plaids, Tweed Mix- | In the announcement of tqi6 fair pair ......................... ¿3C. evening at their home on First Street Mercerized Voile....................................... - 50c. tu/s, Coverts and Velvet Cords in| superintendents, the name of Stanley The houae wa* very nrettily decorated (. oates, Supt. ccors of the most pleasing and be- i Poultry Dept, was Fancy Check Voile.................................... 50c. cjning tones. in red and white; heart* and cupid* omitted Terry Nub Voile ...................................... . 50c. Come in and have one of these coatsJ Manager Dunstan was instructed to being lined In honor of St. Valentine* tied on in front of the triple mirrors il Gabardine Pecant...................................... . 59c. Day. Chester McGhee entertained the assist the printer to the final proof of md sec for yourself how smart and || book and expediatc the nriniing of »neat* with a number of violin solo*, same. Bedford Cord Suiting........ ................. 69c. Oecoming they are for such modest | prices. which were very much enjoyed. The I he recent 90 mile gale put down a Silk Marq uisette........................................ . 75c. evening wa* »pent in music, singing good portion of the fair grounds snd interesting gamua, after which a fence, especially on the North side Suitings Have a little patience and you will SPRING mo»t delightful luncheon wa* served see a better fence there as soon as Beach and Street by the hostess. The guest* departed arrangements can be made to that ef­ at prices from feeling that they had spent a most en- fect. Spring ¿Models joyable evening. Those prescnt Now on Display inch Self Color Beach Cloths ........................ wore: Mr. and Mm. K. T. llsltom. High School Arranging Farmer’s Every woman is naturally anxious Short Course. inch Self Color Beach Cloths........................ to know what are to be the authorita­ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holden, Mr. and tive styles in Suits for the coming1 Mr». Henry Crenshaw. Mr. ■tai Mrs. inch Striped Beach Cloths.............................. A Farmer’s Short Course for the season and this advance showing will C. J. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. two week* from Monday, Feb. ,'| to 36 inch Plain and Striped Beach Cloths. .. give you the opportunity of becoming Panningtom, Mr. and Mr». Fred Poor-1 Friday, March ,lrd. is being arranged acquainted with what the vogue is to 36 inch Striped Oxford Suitings.......................... man, Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Clough, | by the high school and County Agri­ be. culturist Jones. Letter* are being sent 56 inch Palm Beach Suiting ................................ Come and view the new models and j Mr. and Mrs. John Callahan, Mr. and out to farmers in the neighborhood of have a few of them fitted, you will Mrs C. E. Trombley, Mr and Mr» Tillamook, announcing the subjects not be importuned to buy if you do ! Fancy Wash Silks R. Sylvester. Mr. and Mrs. L. D which will be discussed during the not wish to purchase just now. Shrode, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Myer*. course. The discussion* will be led for and Included in the models displayed the met part by Counts- Agricultur ­ Mr. and Mra. S. A. Moulton. Me»- [ the weaves arc pleasing and up to date i' ist Jones and G F Sanders who has Gabardine, Poplin, Serges, Diagonals 1 dames McGhee, G. H. Ward, Kai'Der charge of the agricultural work in the Tweeds and Black and White Checks. Zweifel, John Welas, Marie Remer. high school, but a number of local 40 inch New Silk Organdies. The styles are absolutely correct, 50c. John S. Lamar; Mieeee Ethel Gaylord. farmer* have consented to lead on ■ / 36 inch Tub Silk Waistings. the weoves all pleasing and up to date 65c. Ruby McGhee; the Messrs. A. H. Gay­ Mibiect* in which thei arc interested «■ and the colors both becoming and 40 inch New Indra Silks ... lord, Cheater McGhee, and Dr. end I and all discussion* will be oven to 69c. fashionable. . J anyone present. The aim being to Mrs. S. M. Wendt. 36 inch Floral Silk Crepes . Discriminating Shoe Buyers are 69c. provoke an exchange and interchange Wooltex” j •—— choosing ’Queen Quality" Shoes for 32 inch Striped Tub Silks .. of ideas and experience, as much a* to , ../•••• 75c. Junior* Champion in Basketball. m»n> reasons- fitting, are perfect, Illustrated above provide lectori s and instruction \ 1 I 36 inch Tub Silk Waistings ./.... 75c. styles are ultra-fashionable, leathern Keves «ill HiVf thr rrM11, ,lf |hr . is one The Junior* of the high school won ar. he best procurable and last, com- 36 inch Striped Tub Silks . management survey which is being *1.00 their title to the schorl championship torlablc and pleasing in appearance ¿Models m the county Two will prob. 1 ------------------ on last Friday Awning bv defeating M.iti be devoted to instruction in L'ur own individual stvle is here In this We// Known c^rfake. 'Hfc senior team in a fast gxme K, i milk testing and the general know-I and «e should be glad of the oppor­ Advertised ¿Mf ch^ndise Now on View Here. tunity ef titling you whether you Mr d 44 to n The Sophomore« al 'edge required for cheese maker* „n. | A dressy model is this Suit No. 497° “’M rated the FreslimcSi in j one wish to pnrchase«ow or later i I?' ’¡."¿'’"I,'•"bitctsl He/- sided rame made of Black Gabardine and show­ Make your selections, however as '• och will he di.rossni are Orchard • As the basket ball sf ^gon is just Pruning ami Spr.avinc ing all the most authentic innova­ Hart Schaffner & ¿Marx q H Clothes. Feed, and I P°.s’,b'e- ,h»»« am difficult about closed a few of ft r athletes ar.- tions in Spring styles. merchandising davs and our advice to VVeylne Knit and Phoenix 4* Sox e< bnv Potato md Potato Blight turning their energy the plaited waist with »ilk toward track every customer is to delay as little as c_4rrow Shirts and PHen. which i* a new sport ‘ in the school , ’ "''••tte < rop Rotation and Breeds I braiding. Bell sleeves and Fancy Silk lossible all necessary purchases of Breeding and B-e Culture Stetkon and Mallory/»*». Athletic Coach Sand- e» say* there is and Collar. The skirt is of the popular J whatever nature they may consist The tnretio.. « ¡f| | ... >,,| ( | jn rj( , a some splendid materr • I from ® hieb 11_____ yard width with gathered waist and 2 Keiser Neckwf- cj'o *ee ,hf newest “Queen to pick a tract team *'Id ha* com- • monk high sehr ol btulditt«* from t-rx>' ln£r, beIj of self material. Quality model Its a "Soap Kid" and Flörsheim Sh/ I »o .too meh s .____ ____ , ’ ’ iternoon Evervone in-1 meneed training t This Suit is shown in size 38 only the name it hear, is the “Gypsy." 1 terMted ia invited to attend. and is not duplicated—only one oi each style being shown. Society Events in Tillamook. RECALL Gold Trading Stamps Purchase on Fridays. redeemed in cash or merchandise. Store of Shoes, Orders of $1.00 Tillamook givenprorn and Advertised Merchandise- Wooltex Coats,'Queen Corsets, Munsingwear. Wayne Horne Sewing Machines and Ladies Home Journal Patterns. Silk NEWSY NEWS OF NEW NOVELTIES IN FABRICS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. Delay'ed Wash For Waists and 221c. to 7oc. Come and View An Advance of Authentic Spring ¿Models in SUITS AND The For 17k. and 25c. White For Fabrics Dresses. 171c. to 75c. . 17k COATS Spring J9.00 to $17.50. Have you^chosen Your New Fancy Wash For Wear 20c. to $1.33. Authentic Styles in SUITS $14.48 to $25.00. Wa/sis Dresses, 50c. to $1.00. For $500 /• The “ of the New Spring Nationally for ¿Men Sold ’ Suit