r. Vol. XXVI No. 3fl TILLAMOOK, OREGON. THE "PRUDENT MAN PROTECTS HIS FAMILY WITH A BANK ACCOUNT ¿/A ME KNOWS 4 HiS DUTT Should 1OI be taken away front your wife and children do you not wish for them to be free from WANT ? The best way to makeyo'ir family independent is to REGULARLY BANK a part of the income from your labor or your business and let this money STAY in the bank. A foolish investment may endanger the happiness of y ou r f a tn i ly. B E C A R E F U L. Make OUR bank YOUR bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Deposit. Tillamook County Bank THE OLD RELIABLE. W. Tinnerstet and wife left Tues­ day to visit relatives in Clackamas County. White service 'tis plain is assured Houses to Rent, see Watson. * by the name.-Jones Knudson Fur. Co. * Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. I. Agents. Clough Co. * For Rent—Store Building now oc­ Piano for rent.—Apply at the City cupied by B. D. Lamar as a variety store after Feb., 1st.—P. W. Todd. Transfer Co. * Mrs. Fannie Lee, of Lincoln, Neb., Get free Kodak instructions at C. I come in on Monday on a visit to her Clough Co.’s. * brother, R. A. Leonard. Wanted, young pigs.—A. F. Coats Your Free Sample of Briquets is Lumber Co. * now ready at Lamb-Schrader Co's, Bring in your prescriptions, Tilla­ office.—B stter. c. Lamb. mook Drug Co. * For sale or trade a moving picture Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla­ outfit, complete, Call or write to J. S. Prime, Bay City, Oregon. * mook County Bank. * It’s a friend in deed and the machine Come and sec the pictures we need you need the White Rotary at Jones in our school rooms. * Dr. W. C. Hawk, of Bay City, was Knudson Fur. Co., store in the city Tuesday. Joseph Von Rotz was fined $10 by using profane The place to eat is at the "Good Justice Stanley for language on the public highway. Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. * G. W. Coffman and wife left for Sacks wanted—Lamb Schrader Co., Portland on Monday. Mr. Coffman Tillamook Oregon. is subpoened to appear before the grand jury next Wednesday. on Geo. Loerpabcl was in the city Clyde Clements is having his prop­ Monday from Nehalem. erty remodeled and when finished the of Born, on Saturday, to the wife O. K. Barbershop and the Royal Charles Cooper, a daughter. Chop House will move there. Councilman O'Donnell left on Mon­ Try these 25c dinners at the Ram­ day for a business trip to Portland. sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for- You choose your doctor. Choose us merly of the Spanish Kitchen. as your druggist—Tillamook Drug Co. * We use only the purest drugs ob­ Mrs. E. T. Watkins and family left tainable to enter into your prescrip­ on Monday to join her husband at tions. Bring them to us—Tillamook Drug Co. * Salem. D. F. Thompson, who is a candidate For sewing that’s right you will for County Commissioner on the Re­ need the White.—Jones Knudson Fur. publican ticket, was in the city on Co., Agents. * Saturday. Born, on the 12th to the wife of The Tillamook Meat Co. is paying 7c. per pound for live fat hogs up to Elmer Paine, at Eugene, a daughter. Miss Blanch McNair left on Monday 225 pounds. * to visit her sister and niece. Tillamook Jottings. Adrian Tinner returned from Idaho on Monday to look after property in­ terests here. Jitney Service: Auto for hire at all hours. Phone 53J Day—154J night Lee Slyter. * Come to the Silver Tea at the High School, Friday, February 18th at 3 p.m. Have you prescriptions to be filled? We can fill any prescription.—Tilla­ mook Drug Co. * For Sale, High Grade Jersey bull, 10 months old. E. R. Garner, Hem­ lock, Oregon. * For sale, cheap, vine maple and spruce limbs. Apply to M. R. Hanen- kratt, Tillamook, Oregon. * Wood Sawed—Call E. W. Knight on the Mutual phone. Prompt service and careful work. • Protect your valuable papers from the unexpected fire by renting one of our safe deposit boxes. Only one dollar per year. Tillamook County Bank. • ■A patriotic program will be given by the G. A. R., W. R. C and public school, Friday evening, Feb. 25 at 8 p.m. at the high school auditorium. Everybody invited. Frank Heyd and Hill and Winters have been awarded the contract for the one story building which is to be I erected on the First National Bank property opposite the bank. J. F. Rceher and wife had some dif­ ficulty in getting to the city from their home up the Wilson River, it taking three days. Shortage of feed wrought them out of their mountain tome. Don't forget those busted castings. Can be welded for half. Goods sent by parcel post and express promptly returned. Hiner & Recd, Tillamook, • • Oregon. a first class If you want to rent * 160 acre ranch, capable of handling 75 to 80 cows, sec or write (. W Miller at office of A. F. Coats Lumber Co, Tillamook, Oregon ... * Having taken charge of the auto­ mobile department of Case’s Garage, I solicit your patronage in the future as in the past and will guarantee sat­ isfaction, Frank H. Devine. For Sale, about 36 tons of hay or will trade same for cattle. If preferred can bring stock and feed same on place.—Inquire of F. H. Neilson, Bay City, Oregon. * In a story of the defeat of the Gar­ ibaldi basketball team by the local school last issue the score appeared as 10 to 18 when it should have been 20 to 18 in favor of Tillamook high school. Wanted, to rent a dairy ranch, on bottom land to carry 25 cows or bet­ ter. Have had experience in dairying in Tillamook County and can furnish first class reference. Address care of * Tillamook Headlight. made special arrange- W e have ments with the Telephone Co., to connect you directly with our office, in case you wish any of our GOOD COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W For sale, two 2 year yearling bulls, and two calves, I year in Spring, A'. J. C. C. Jerseys,front dams that test 300 to 400 pounds butter fat—T. H. McCormack, Tillamook, Oregon, R. M 15. F. D. 1. For Sale—Tug Chas M. Greiner, 4 years old, length 80 feet, beam 19 ft. draft 8 ft., 350 horse power. Now i 1 Portland Harbor. For price and full particulars address G. W. Evans. McMinnville, Oregon. * The A. F. Coats Lumber Co. is run­ ning two crews, which makes 170 persons on the payroll of that enter­ prising lumber company and distrib­ utes a large amount of money in town. We need more institutions like this. If you have any hogs to sell call 11s up on either phone as we are going to ship a carload of hogs in the near future. We are also buying all kinds of young calves and hides as well as furs of all kinds.—Tillamook Live- Stock Co. Bell phone 8F22. * Otis Chase was arrested for hunting game out of season, and was tried be­ fore Justice of the Peace Stanley on Friday. Chase was defended by his father, O. W. Chase, who made quite an oration, but the justice was con­ vinced that the evidence proved the guilt of the young man, he imposed a fine of $40.00. Sheriff Crenshaw destroyed the five- barrels of wine, seized at John Thei ler's home, on Saturday. He beat in the heads of the barrels, and the wine which had a decided sour smell ran down the sewer. About 50 persons witnessed the performance. Theilcr had pleaded guilty to violating the prohibition law and the home made wine was condemned. 191« Drop in and book Around.” 11.50 PER YEAR. poor train service that we have been having lately, it has been very detri­ mental to us in handling all of the young calves, but we are still taking them all and doing the best we can with them. Call us when you have anything to sell and we will call and get it. We want a lot of hogs at this time as we are going to ship a car in the very near future.—Tillamook Livestock Co. Both Phones. * On Thursday morning a rousing sendoff was given to the Tillamook high school debitors who left on the OFFICERS : train for Astoria, where they will de­ fend the honor of Tillamook in for­ B. C. LAMB, President. ensic battle. About 30 of the students from the school were delegated to W. J. RlECHERS, Cashier. send them off and the train left the depot amid rousing cheers. Superin­ J. C. HOLDEN, Vice I’resdent. tendent Onthank left with the boys as an advisor and Professor Sanders I. E. KELDSOX, Assistant Cashier will act in that capacity here to the boys who will debate here Friday DIRECTORS : evening. A. \V B onn . P eter B eisel . C. J. E dwards . After a two month's absence in which business was combined with W, J.-R iechers . B. C. L amb . J. C. H olden . pleasure Miss Julie de Par, Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Buyer for Haltom's, returned to Tillamook on Mondav via Willamina, Dolph and Hebo Many of her purchases for Spring arc now here and preparations for the seasonal opening arc well in hand Miss de Par has in the course of her vacation become exceedingly conver­ sant with the style tendencies for the coming season and will be glad to give any visitors to the store the ben­ OQQQOQOSQSOSOOCO&SOCOSOCOQOQOOeOOOOSCeOOOOOGOCQOOOOe efit of her advice and help in Sartor­ ial matters. ___ I tended. It was a rally day for the have for «tale on my farm on the Circuit Court on Wednesday. school and everyone present about Miami River, several choice pure­ bred, registered Holstein-Fricsian The February term of the Circuit too enjoyed themselves to the fullest cows, heifers, and bull calves, also extent. After the speech making part Court, which was postponed until the of the program, the audience went some choice grades, all tubercular 23rd, will convene in this city on out to the new “gym” and witnessed tested. Wednesday, with Judge G. O. Bagley a lively game of basketball between If you have a scrub bull at the head on the bench. We published the dock­ some of the visiting teachers and a of your herd, relying upon his get be­ et last week, and with the exception local team of young ladies. The game ing producers because his dam, of no of two damage suits against the rail­ was fast and spirited and resulted in particular breeding, was the best cow road, there is nothing of much im­ a victory for the visitors. Mr. Buel you ever owned, you are taking des­ portance thus far on the docket, was one of the star players for the perate chances, as the science of unless sonic criminal cases should teachers, but all of the players cer­ breeding teaches us that the scrub develop, there being several persons tainly did themselves proud. The lo­ bull is as liable to impart to his prog­ already held over to the grand jury. cal teachers greatly appreciate the ap­ eny beef qualities as milk qualities. Embrace this opportunity to get on proving words of the visitors and Presbyterian Church. wish to thank them sincerely for their 'the right road and enrich your dairy herd by placing at its head a sire of presence and timely remarks. “The Patriotism that Pleads for a Much credit is due the members of the dairy type, pure-bred, and regis­ Heritage of Health and Development the school and home club and others tered. Respectfully, for Every Child” is the topic for the who aided in preparing the fine lunch­ pastor’s sermon next Sunday at 11. eon which helped to make the event F. R. Beals. It is the right of every child to be the success that it was. Such gather­ Notice. well born, well cared for and well ed­ ings as this are of the greatest bene­ ucated. The child demands a fair fit to a school and all its patrons, and Notice is hereby given that all non­ chance in life. This will be another this fact is fully realized by the wide­ sermon in the interests of human wel­ awake people of Garibaldi. If you patrons of the Mutual Telephone Co., fare. In the evening at 7.30 the sub­ have anything good show it. If you will be charged for the use of said ject for the discourse will be “The know anything good tell it. Invite company’s lines or phones. S. A. Brodhead, Sec. Secret of the Beautiful Life.” This others to your school. Visit other - ------- 1 ____ 1 talk will be especially interesting ami schoold. Get acquainted. In this way War. helpful to young people. All arc cor­ get new and better ideas broaden our dially invited to attend the services of vision, and make ourselves worth War is bell, no matter what this church. ______________ more to the school district, and more The fires within that makes it hot! worthy to be called a "teacher.” Masters, by their devious ways, County Officials Consider New Road Light the red, destructive blaze! Site at Bar View. ialk of God and righteousness; Holstein Cattle for Sale. What arc they in this distress? This week County Judge Hare and ------ o----- - Talk about the soldier's faint, County Surveyor Shreve have been The Helstein-Friesian breed of cat­ Talk about the glory game; down at Barview looking over the Tell us it is good to die prospects for a new right of way for tle with few exceptions, have held the That a flag may float on high; the county road which was taken World-Records in the production of Tell us lofty sentiments aw’ay by the high tides and storms milk and butter-fat for the past Grow from blood and peatiler.ee; of the last months, when the whole twenty years. The last three world- Tell us corpses, strewn around, beach was gulped down by. the waves. Records were made by the Holstein Change the soil to hallowed ground It will be necessary to come -to some breed in the following order, namely: Finderne Holigen Fayne produced Tell us burning houses light igreement with the railroad author­ I Straying patriots towards the right; ities on a right of way or else build in one year 24,612.8 pounds of milk, Tel! us starving children wail he road on the hillside where the and 1,116.50 pounds of butter-fat. Only when their armies t til. surveyor has already run a prelimi- Finderne Pride Johanna Rue produc­ Tell us how great victories bless lary line. The land that will be cut by ed in one year 28,403.7 pounds of milk The widows and the fatherless; he road is very valuable and there and 1,176.47 pounds of butter fat. Tell us that the men who dici A'ill be a large expense to secure a Duchess Skylark Ornsby finished her Are their country's joy and pride; w buying all I can get. When you have a calf for sale its money in your pocket to call me up. Am able to pay and will pay fancy Prices for Durham Bulls. Red Poll Bulls. “ Durham, ’ Red Polls and Holstein Heifers. Can also use chickens.—Both Phones.Smith. THE CALF MAN. FEBRUARY 17, Don’ï be Satisfied with the Past, But Push Up. Good times coming to T-I-L-L-A-M 0-0-K. We feel the wave NOW. Everyone you meet will say, “I told you so,” Choice lots like these have never before been offered on such easy terms. Buy now and get a good start. Mase 1816 your banner year. Own a house and be in­ dependent. B O-O-S-T for Tillamook and Till­ amook County. Good buys are easy sold. LOOK, LISTEN AND ACT. 7 room house with bath, light and water, lot 521 ft. on 2nd Ave. East and 8th St., $1,250. 2 vacant lots in block 2, Miller add., $800. 1 vacant lot corner 3rd Ave. East and Park St, $500. 2 vacant lots cor 3rd Ave. East and 9th St , $650. 1 vacant lot cor. 3rd Ave. East and 9th St., $500. 1 vacant lot cor. 2nd Ave. East and 9th St., $550. 1 vacant lot corner 5th St., $300. These lots will be sold at owner’s prices No commission added. Your own time to pay for them, at prices less than rent. Only 6 per cent, and you can build on the lot now. Property all over the city fur sale, trad® and rent. * - •<’» LEADING EIRE INSURANCE. L C. EVERSON, Both Phones, I I