Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 11, 1916, Image 9

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County Court Proceedings.
Long & Co........................
Oddfel'ows Give Banquet.
1 illamook Iron Works
32. SO
n the matter of the petition for the Alex McNair .................
On Tuesday evening the Tillamook
’anization of
Lodge, No. 94, 1. O. O. F., entertain­
innage District, it was ordered that
Total .....................................
ed the Clovcdrale and Beaver lodges
> County Clerk give notice of the
General Fund.
in this city at the hall of the local
faring ot the petition, which is sei E. W. Stanley, et al ...................
lodge. The First Degree was exem­
(r Wednesday MVrch 22.
t£. W. Stanley .............................
plified for the benefit of two candid­
In the matter of the claim of Harley H. Crenshaw ...............................
ates of the Cloverdale organization.
pland for
indemnity for cattle J. C. Holden .................................
After the ceremony the lodge was dis-,
kughtered, the hearing was, set for ira C. Smith .................................
missed and a merry time was enjoyed
hursday, March 2nd; rhe claim 01 Bushong & Co................................
around the banquet table. Rev. \ an
rank L. Owens was set for the same H. Crenshaw ...............................
Winkle presided as toastmaster and
kept the spirit of fun at its height
vV. S. Buel . ..................................
li/ the matter of the resignation of Bushong & Co................................
through the evening. Speeches were
. W. Thompson, as justice of the t'. W. I odd .................................
__ visitors
______ and
made _ by
a _______
few of the
eace for the first justice district, the B. L. Beals ...................................
some of the members of the local
ame was accepted.
lodge. R. L. Shreve gave a very in­
A. M. Hare ...................................
Bills allowed were as follows:
teresting and instructive talk on the
rrank L. Owens .......................
District No. 1.
history of Odd fellowship.
Geo. R. McKimcns .....................
$10.00 C. A. Johnson .............................
!. V. Stoker
readings wrcre given by Rev. Van
rred Paquet .
Winkle and Jeff O’Donnell sang two
Dr. S. M. Wendt ................... . ..
ohn Langley
solos. The Bay City lodge was un­
7-50 T. E. Epplett ...............................
to attend on account of the high
f. W. Klein .
P. E. Epplett ...............................
5.00 King & Smith .............................
water on the county road.
V111. Chisholm ..........
The county Oddfellow convention
ieo. Dougherty........
7-5° A. McNair ...................................
committee met for the first time and
500 R. F. Zachinann .........................
. E. Blazer.................
elected John Aschim chairman and O.
Bert Rittenhouse .. .
7- 50 Grant Thayer .............................
G. Swenson secretary. The meeting
Fred Hill ...................
3-75 Coast Power Co...........................
was adjourned after having planned
>25 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co..............
¡Arch Cummings........
to meet in this city on the 22nd of
28.50 Tillamook Herald .............. .. . . .
H. W. Klein .................
this month,________________
21.25 Glass & Prudhomme Co..............
Wm. Chisholm ..........
5.00 P. W. Barrett .............................
Hugh Rittenhouse .. .
School Notes.
16.50 J. C. Holden ...............................
C. D. Grout...................
10.30 Conover & Condit .....................
W. M. Petteys .............
The second term of this year’s work
A. Beebeheiser ........ ..
5-9° Berns Bros.....................................
began Monday the 24th. The enroll-
5-90 W. D. Gladwel! ...........................
J. Beebehiser ...............
men increased in the high school
Pomranky .....................
1-25 Berns Bros.....................................
from 116 to 131. At that time in the
10.00 Tillamook Meat Co....................
Leslie Barker ...............
grade schools 12 additional pupils
16.25 H. Mason & Co............................
Geo. Knight .................
were registered in the different grad­
Clark Smith .................
8- 75 Geo. W. Phelps ...........................
es on this day or shortly preceding.
500 Geo. W. Phelps ...........................
Ernest Crown .............
This makes a total of 465 pupils reg­
5-00 R. T. Boals ...................................
Francis Buckles ..........
istered in Tillamook schools so far
C. W. Ross ...................
3-75 Dr. H. E. Rinehardt ...................
this year. The increase is especially
M. B. Shafer ...............
3- 12 Boys & Girls Aaid Siciety ...
marked in the high school where the
2.50 Tillamook Feed Co.
Ed Best .........................
number registered is considerably
Howard Crane .............
8.75 Tillamook Feed Co.
larger than it has ever been. New
15.00 Tillamook Meat Co.
Hiram Crane ...............
classes were started in the High
12.50 Rollie Watson .
Martin Ripley .............
School in Penmanship, Spelling, His­
15-00 Marie Kamm . .
Andrew Zurcher ........
tory, Solid Geometry, General Sci­
Walter Smith .............
1500 L. S. Hushbeck
ence, Sewing and Manual Trainingl
12.50 Mrs. P. E. Jewell
Frank Crane .................
Students who were prepared to do ad­
Malves Johnson...........
125 J. E. Shearer ............
vanced work in other courses were
Otto Shearer ...............
250 C. I. Cough Co..........
permitted to do so.
W. B. Shafer .........
>•25 Plasker Bros...............
62.00 Ackley & Rosenberg
E. A. Worthington .. .
A beginning class of six started in
Bert Comstock ...........
16.25 R. L. Shreve ...............
the primary work under Mrs. Burge.
10.00 Geo. Bean .................
Ernest Kebbe .............
Pupils who are to be entered in this
Felix Kebbe .................
>7.50 T. H. Goync .............
work before next spring must enter
Guy Loerpabel ...........
7- 50 Albert Mills ..............
them in this class within the next two
Rudolph Tohl .............
26.50 A. E. Ball ...................
16.50 Cyrus Randal ..........
R. B. Kennedy ...........
Geo. Hartzel ...........
8.75 J. C. Bewley ............
Miss Mae Wynn has been selected
Rosco Barker .............
48.15 Crystal Laundry ....
to teach the eighth grade position,
500 A. F. Coats Lbr. Co.
Orsen Batterson ........
recently left by Miss Case. She as­
Geo. Balmer .................
>3-75 Tillamook Headlight
sumed her duties at the beginning of
Ernest Kebbe .............
17-50 M. D. Ackley............
the second term. She will teach
Fred Zaddach .............
8- 75 City Transfer ...........
Arithmetic and History in both the
Cbas Easom .................
>8.75 Tillamook Headlight
seventh and eighth grades.
10.00 Tillamook Herald . . .
Elmer Easom .............
A. E. Rittenhouse ....
4- 37 J. E. Reedy .................
The splendid X-Ray machine which
L. L. Lee .......................
$3,296.90 Dr. Boals recently gave the high
Tohl & Anderson ...
school was set up by the Science De­
Wheeler Lbr. Co. ...
partment and operated for the first
United Brethern Church.
F. P. Hobson ...............
time this week. This is a very expen­
A. J. Flemming ........
sive machine and the high school ap­
Geo. W. Phelps .........
• 50
Sunday School io a.m. Preaching preciates the kindness of Dr. Boals
4.00 it a.m. Y. P. C. E. 6:30 p.m. Evening in providing such a nice equipment.
Andrey Zurcher ..........
Hiner & Son ...............
70.59 sermon 7:30.
------ o-----
Feeney & Bremer Co.
Special music both morning and
Harold Humbert, a graduate of the
37-20 evening. Whosoever will let him come University of Oregon this year, has
S. ' P. Co...........................
and take part with us.
arrived to assume the position left
Total .............................
R. G. Sumerlin, Pastor. vacant by the resignation of Profes­
District No. 2,
sor Crockatt. Humbert assisted in the
O. Thompson ...................
department of literature at the Uni­
Nazarene Church.
c. Carlson .........................
versity and has had special work in
G. Bloom .............................
literature. He has just completed an
The revival meetings conducted by essay for special honors at the U. of
S. Olson ..............................
A. Halverson .....................
21.76 Evangelists Goss and Son, continue O., and was the soloist for the Uni­
with increasing interest. Services each versity Glee Club when it toured the
A. Hogen ...........................
3013 day at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m.
E. Nelson ...........................
state this year. Humbert has appear­
Sunday services: Sunday School, ed in Tillamook before and is liked
E. Ivanson .........................
M. Anderson .......................
by all who know him.
G. Kanga .............................
28.83 Young People’s meeting at 6:30.
----- o------
A. Biggs .............................
39 20 Everyone is cordially invited to at-
The high school debate team are
H. C. Hawk.........................
12.00 tend any or all these services.
waiting for final arrangements before
Alwin Blum .......................
they arrange to meet the teams with
Sunday Services at the M. E. Church. which they are tentatively scheduled.
Fred Blum .........................
I H. Moore .......................
The last word received from the Dis­
Sunday School 10 o’clock, W. E. trict Director at Astoria was to the
Ben Darby .........................
A. E. Holden .....................
11.00 Noyes, Supt. Five minute sermon to effect that the debates would be held
next Thursday, which will probably
Homer Wilks .....................
6.25 school 10:45.
Morning w’orship II o’clock, theme mean that the boys will have to walk
Lea Wilks ...........................
out. Superintendent Onthank is plan­
Wilbur Wilks ...................
>•25 of discourse, “Lime and Iron.”
Class meeting 12 m. W. M. Heaston ning tq walk over the Necarney trail
C. Wilks .............................
with the negative team composed of
Frank Dye .........................
16.25 leader.
Evening services 7:30, theme of ser­ Delmer Powers and Clifton Martin
Guy Allman .......................
mon, "Be of Good Cheer.”
while Lee Doty and Ernest Crockatt
A J. Nails .........................
Special music, good old hymns. will wait for the Rainier negative
Geo. Olds ...........................
Come and welcome.
team to come in here. Although the
C. Wyss ................. ............
Ed. Gittins, Pastor.
teams are handicapped by the loss of
H. V. Berge ........................
the coach Supt. Onthank is working
John Pohl ............................
with them daily and the prospects are
Pete Lunden .....................
At the Presbyterian Church.
Tillamook Wated Co. ...
F. C. Feldschau ...............
Sunday School at 10 next Sunday.
Supt. Onthank was held out of the
S. B. Vincent .....................
One of the best Abraham Lincoln’s city by the lack of way to return last
T. B. Potter Realty Co. .
own stories will be told by the pastor week and so he took the first train
E. J. Wood ............ .*.....
at the close of the Bible lesson.
from Portland to Seaside after the
A. F. Coats Lbr. Co............
"The Fragrance of the Acceptable silver thaw and then walked from
Frank Devine ...................
Sacrifice,” will be the subject of the Seaside to Nehalem. Although late on
Ira C. Smith .......................
sermon in the service at 11, and the Thursday afternoon he took boat
King & Smith ...................
theme-of the pastor’s annual Lincoln from Nehalem to Brighton. Unable
C. W. Thurman ...............
memorial sermon to his congregation to go further he decided to camp and
W. B. Aiderman ...............
in the evening at 7:30 is "I Am a iouna
ne only had two matches,
found tnat
that he
Gilbert Hall Co...................
Servant of my Day.”
however, . ‘ by ‘ being
' j very careful he
The living members of this church managed to start a fire with the first
Total .............................
join with their pastor in an urgent in­ one and he spent the rest of the night
District N°. 3.
vitation to all their neighbors, friends keeping the fire going. Everything in
Jas. Imlah .........................
and strangers, not obliged to worship I the woods was wet and Mr. Onthank
R. L. Huston .....................
elsewhere at these hours, to come had to break fuel with his hands. The
Geo. Kellow .....................
>•25 and participate in the worship and ex­ I next morning he went on and arrived
Fritz Drcbret ...................
26.25 ercises of the day "in the little brown at Mohler only to find that there was
Lloyd Kellow ...................
6.86 church.” _________________
no motor. So unable to find any
Albert Clark .....................
means of riding he determined to
Henry Ely .........................
Fairview Literary Society.
reach Tillamook by night and started
H. A. Brandt .....................
------ o------
on his long hike. He arrived on Fri­
R- E. Welsh .......................
The Fairview Literary Society will day after having covered a distance
Mar Keene .........................
2.20 give the following program next Sat­ of 40 miles on Friday.
R. Y. Blalock ...................
3 >2 urday at the Grange Hall:
E. Borba .............................
•62 juii
,. nuuiciivc.
A splendid opportunity to study and
Clint King ...........................
1 87 Recitation, Freddie Donaldson.
enjoy the work of master sculptors
Ed. Morton .......................
•>-87 I Recitation, Billy J enkins.
and painters will be given the public
John Borba .......................
473 ' Dialogue, Questions and Answers.
of Tillamook next Wednesday when
John Kumm .......................
3-75 Pantomime.
the Parent-Teachers’ Association will
Dave Hess ...........................
B. exhibit over 200 splendid engravures
3-75 1
Adam Lipen .......................
in the schools of the high school.
L. D. Kraker .....................
1.25 ! Song, "Made in U. S. A.” Male Quar­ 1 he exhibition will be continued to
Louis Anderson ...............
1.25 - tet.
Saturday inclusive and a small charge
Jas. Sutton .........................
Dialogue, "Entertaining Sister's Beau' will be taken which will go directly
I. . D. Saididge ...............
Recitation, Victor Johnson.
to the purchasing of pictures for the
J. Lewallen .........................
Heart Drill, Seven young ladies.
school. The greatest paintings of the
C. M. Lane .........................
world will be shown in excellent en­
Fred Lewallen ...................
2.50 Dialogue, "A sudden discovery.”
gravures and all should see t them.
Guy Mattoon .......................
10.00 Monologue, "Morning Mail.”
The classes of the school will be per-
Roy Woods .......................
500 Recitation, Billy Johnson.
mitted to study the pictures in con-
Claud Lewallen .................
10.00 Dialogue, "Morning Callers.”
nection with their studies.
Ed. Lyster .........................
2.81 Paper, C. Embum and L. Johnson.
C. A. Dunn .........................
On Friday evening a program will
ft Co.............................
7 50 Dialogue, "Han’s Von Smash.”
be presented in which living tableaus
Baker .........................
You are cordially invited to attend will be presented and other interest­
this program.
ing features staged for the entertain­
* Total ..............................
ment of the public.
Notice to Mutual Telephone Patrons.
H .M. Farmer ...................
Almost 15 inches of rain has fallen
M. E. Gruber ...................
Notice is hereby given, that patrons this month and with the heavy snrw
H. W. Herring .................
Sam Riefenberg ...............
i-25 i of the Tillamook County Mutual Ttl- | in the mountains danger oi another
I.no i ephone Co., are to pay their monthly flood is in sight. On Thursday a ve -y
Harold. Cross ...................
F. E. Qross .........................
1.00 rentals at the Tillamook County I warm rain and wind swept the sn> w
I off the hills and the rivers are rising
F. E. Hobson .....................
çâ’ 50 Bank in the future.
' rapidly.
Tillamook Bay Con. Co. .
'a 620.60 I
Mr. Clark and the Stamp Tax.
! booths and exacting tribute from the
school girls on their chewing gum.
------ o------
The stamp tax on notes has come in
On Monday
evening the
Before the holidays the Democrats for special criticism. One disgusted
council met in regular session with the of both houses of Congress extended
following members present: Mayor S. the so-called war tax for another citizen says: “The Democratic admin­
.... _ istraiion
istration nas
has busted
uusicu me auu
and now
A Brodhead; councilmen, O’Donnell. year. r. t
1 he Republicans were willing
when j
to borrQW mon.
Boals, Hill and Williams; recorder, to extend
■xtend it iron,
j h
debts ••
trom three months to *
John Aschim ; Attorney, H. T. Botts; six 1
Problem of raising revenue with-
Marshall, N. .>. Myers.
to that effect. But, without assigning 1
Clemens and Bogart were both grant­ any reasons for the year's extension, out alienating voters is a big one.
ed a soft drink license, set at $35 per the Democrats insisted upon it, while The administration may finally co>i«K
elude to get the bulk of it by ¡«creas­
at the same time admitting that a
The council voted to let the Firemen new measure for raising additional ing the surtax on large incomes. 'Diet
hold a dance at the city nail on Febru­ revenue would be submitted later in would not cost many votes.
ary 22
Council ordered a steel filing case the session. In view of this, many HOW APPENDICITIS
will be surprised at Speaker Clark’s
for vault in recorders office.
A light was ordered established on announcement that he will work for
the repeal of the stamp tax and also
Tillamook people should know that
corner of 6th and Delmonte.
Council ordered gravel hauled on opposes the stamp on checks that the a few doses of simple buckthorn bark,
president ami Mr. McAdoo have sug­ glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka,
Stillwell Ave.
gested. Mr. Clark calls such “onerous, often relieve or prevent appendicitis.
1 he usual bills were allowed.
vexatious and harassing methods of : This simple mixture removes such
Kill Kare Klub Entertains Husbands. taxation” inadvisable. He is speaking j surprising foul matter that ONE
politically, as was Senator Tillman , SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY
«The ladies of the Kill Kare Klub I some time ago, when he said that CASE constipation, sour stomach or
banqueted their husbands at the Guilu every time a man wrote a check he gas. A short treatment helps chronic
Hall on Feb. 4. A table was spread would “cuss the Democratic admin­ stomach trouble. Adler-i-ka has eas­
which reached from one end of the istration.” Both gentlemen realize iest and most thorough action of any-
we ev„ sol(J j s u
hall to the other, and it was ladened that the voters have sufficient prove-, lhi
cation for ctiun
such ntr-L-ilirtinns
melediction« vxJitnrMit
without gist.
with good things to eat.
After the ratinn
banquet the Klub enjoyed a short pro­ the stamp tax.
gram prepared by the entertainment
When the president urged the war
$100 Reward $100.
committee. After that Progressive tax in the early fall of 1914, Mr. Clark
The readers of this paper will be pleased
Rookwas played.the honors won byMrs. was displeased. It was not because
learn that there is at least one dread« d
Shrode. Those present were Mr. and there was no need of money. He did to
disease that science has been able to cur'- :n
Mrs. Plank, Bales, Edwards, Everson. not then openly object to the kind of all its stages, and that is Catarrh. II Il s
Mason, Poorman, Boals. Shrode, Wil­ tax. He confided to a constituent his Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure hqw
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
liams, Olson, Pennington, Youel, Hah real reasons in a letter published at known
being a constitutional disease, requires a
erlach, J. Lamar, Misses Marie 1 irn-T- the lime in the Globe Democrat. He constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
stet, Allegra Mason. Areta E.ers. n, said that it should have been post­ Cure is taken internally. acting directly upon
blood and mucous surfaces of the system,
riazel McKown, and Mr. Fred Christ­ poned until after the November clec- the
thereby destroying the foundation of the
ensen, Mr. and Mrs Kcch vere also I tion. It is possible that the speaker disease, and giving the patient strength by
guests invited by Mr. and Mrs. Aid -r- I bears in mind the approach of another building up the constitution and assisting
Tn doing its work. The uroprieturs
man who were unable to attend. T< e j election, one or more vital consc- nature
have so much faith in Its curative powers
ladies of the Kill Rare Klub atre en­ 1 quence to the Democrats than that of that they offer One Hnndrcd Dollars for any
case that it fulls to cure. Fend for list of
tertained last week by Mrs. Riedy
and Mis. J. Lamar at the Lamar home 1 1914. The present tax is unquestion- testimonials
Address H. 8. CHENEY & CO., Te’edo.
A very enjoyable afternoon was spent
with need ework. Electing officers fir I ridiculed the spectacle of Uncle Sam Sold by Druggists. 7ffe.
lake Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
the ensuing year was the business of begging pennies at the telephone
the day. Mrs. Chas. Miller was elected
Pres. Mrs John Youel Vii-e-Pres. Mrs.
Fred Poorman Sec. and 'i reas.
ladies decided to entertain their hus- j
bands the first Friday night in Feb. ;
Miss Marie Tinnerstet was the guest
of the afternoon. After a very deli­
cious luncheon the ladies adjourned
uutil next roonyt.
City Council Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that all non­
patrons of the Mutual Telephone Co.,
will be charged for the use of said
company’s lines or phones.
S. A. Brodhead, Sec.
Tillamook, Oregon.
Made in Oregon Flour
“Oregon Flower,’ ’ a Hard Wheat Patent.
“Yamhill Family Blend,” Hard & Valley Wheat.
“Morning Star,” Select Valley Wheat.
Tale of the Dollar Bill.
A farmer went to town to spend
Some of hard earned dough,
And in a merry jest, and just
To show his printing skill.
He printed his initial on
A brand new dollar bill.
He spent that dollar that same day,
Down at the village store,
He thought ’twas gone forever then
And he’d see it no more;
But long before the year rolled by
One day he went to fill
A neighbor’s order, and received
That same one dollar bill.
Once more he spent that dollar bill
In his own neighborhood,
Where it would do himself and friend
The most amount of good.
Four times in two days it came back
As some bad pennies will,
And each time he’d go out and spend
This marked one dollar bill.
Had he been wise that dollar might
Be in his town today,
But just two years ago
He sent far away.
The people who received it then
I know have got it still.
For ’twas a mail order house
He sent his dollar bill.
No more will that marked dollar
Come into the farmer’s hands,
And neverrgore will help to pay
The taxes on his lands.
He put it where it never can,
Its work of life fulfill.
He brought about a living death
Of that one dollar bill.
Use Good Judgment in Buying
and Sporting Goods
Quick Meal Ranges,
Building Material,
Wall Paper,
Du Pont Blasting
Customer (to drug clerk) Do
keep Dr. Pirate's Peculiar Prescrip­
tion ?
Drug clerk (absent-mindedly) No,
thus econveyed his attentions to his
but we have something just as bad.
to your home during the coming' year,
but there is a possibility that it may,
and if it does you should be prepared
for the consequences. It seems to us
so foolish when a man says he doesn’t
need f.re insurance, that he has nev­
er had a fire and don’t expect to have
one. When a fire starts you can never
tell where it will end. Be prepared in
any event by taking out a fire insur­
ance policy.
“ The Insurance Man.”
â Quarter
D wjng
UR 1918 Catalog and Planter*«
Gnide 1« a valuable reference every
grower should have. It list« depend­
able Farm, Garden and Flower wed and (tee
beet •qwipmrr i for roultrymen. Qeekaepere
and Ordrardiilt. Ask For < stalo« No.
Kitchen Ranges and
Heating Stoves.
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere.
• • W 8