TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. FEBRUARY 11. 1916. I I I Notice of Hearing on Petition To inundation, and the land will thereby be rendered more fit for cultivation, Form Drainage District. and much more productive. ■ -o ■ — to. The signers of this petition In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. agree that they will pay any and all When a playful dog upsets a lamp Notice is hereby given that hearing expenses incurred, and any tax or and the house burns, that is misfor­ on the following petition will be held tuxes that may be levied against tune. To dispose of the animal before at the Court House in the City of their respective lands for the purpose the disaster would be a calamity, be­ Tillamook, County of Tillamook, of paying the expenses of organizing, cause folks—that is certain folks— State of Oregon on the 22nd day of or attempting to organize the propos­ must keep dogs.—Willamina Times. March, 1916, for the purpose of de­ ed district, such expense to be taxed termining whether the prayer of said against the signers in proportion to The Oregon initiative and refer­ the number of acres owned by them petition shall be granted. endum system of direct legislation To the Honorable County Court of and affected by the proposed drain­ can and will work wonders for the age district. Tillamook County, Oregon: good of the whole people, when oper­ 11. Wherefore, your petitioners The undersigned, being the owners ated by intelligent and humane peo­ of more than fifty per cent of the pray that the lands described herein, ple. But operated by crafty, soulless land in Tillamook County, Oregon, or such thereof as may be found by politicians with the sole object for hereinafter described, do hereby the court to be properly included in more dollars for them, it is justly en­ petition your Honorable Body and the proposed district, either perman­ titled to the name of "Fake legisla­ pray that you cause to be organized ently or until further investigation tion.”—Drewsey Pioneer-Sun. and formed a drainage district for and surveys may permit elimination, ------ o------ the purpose of having said lands re­ shall be declared organized into a A Colorado postmaster, who was claimed and protected in the manner drainage district under the provisions detected in the act of hugging a lady herein set forth from the effects of of Chapter 340 hereinbefore referred in the postoffice, was reported to the water, for sanitary and agricultural to. department at Washington and his purposes, and for the benefit and Dated this December 14, 1915. dismissal requested. A reply was re­ Lester Ray. welfare of the public, and for the ceived to the effect that there was no 2. D. H. Fletcher public utility and benefit. rule of the department which prohib­ For the purpose of this petition we 3- T. H. Penter ited a postmaster from hugging a state the following facts, as required 4- John Fox. woman who wanted to be hugged, so by Chapter 340 of the General Laws 5- Chas. Fox. long as she did not interfere with the An Associated Tress dispatch of 6. L. J. Redberg. discharge of his duties as postmaster. recent date tells of the big plan of of Oregon for the year 1915. 1. The name proposed for the dis­ 7- Ole B. Redberg. —Itemizer. the International Harvest Company, trict which is herein prayed for is 8. T. A. Porter. to sell stock on the monthly payment 9- G. A. Etzwiler. Its time to quit fighting. Even the plan to any of its 350,000 employes Little Nestucca Drainage District. 2. The boundaiy lines of the pro­ 10. Chas. Ray. washer woman is feeling the effects who may wish to take advantage of posed district are as follows: 11. M. W. Harrison. of the war. Washing sodas used to be the offer. The plan is a most liberal Beginning at a point 773 feet South State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ $1.20 the hundred weight,but now one in that the payments made draw­ of the Sixteenth Section corner at the mook. ss. they are $13. Blueing has gone up interest at the rate of 5 ner cent, Southeast corner of the Southwest I, D. H. Fletcher, being first duly from $2.50 to $12, not for a hundred pending the issue of stock on the cer­ quarter of the Northwest quarter of sworn, say: That 1 have read the fore pounds, but for one pound. Even tificates, provision is made for sus­ Section 9, Township 5 South, Range going petition: that I believe the al­ starch has gone up from six to ten pension of payments in case of ill­ 10 West of Willamette Meridian, in legations thereof to be true; that the cents a pound and potash from six ness or unavoi lable layoffs, the stock Oregon, running thence in a North­ signatures appearing to said petition cents to seventy-five. The first thing is to be sold to the employes at less westerly direction alon~ the high are the true and proper signatures of we know we will be seeing things than the market price, the certificates water line as follows: the persons whose names appear as double in our laundry slip.—News- are redeemable any time in cash, and Thence North 76 degrees West 440 signed thereto, and that each and all Times. hence the employe who starts on the feet; thence North 38 degrees East of said signers are owners of land plan is simply being urged to save 852 feet thence West 465 feet to the within the proposed district as set What is a kilowatt? We have al- his money, exactly as he would do sixteenth section corner; thence forth in said petition. ways been at sea on this point. Now with a savings deposit or a life in­ North 332 feet; thence North 65 D. H. Fletcher. we read that the average man, elec- surance policy. The plan is another degrees West 1460 feet; thence West Subscribed and sworn to before me trically speaking, each day dissipates move by a big corpoiation to bring it 510 feet; thence North 29 degrees this 18th day of December, 1915. about two and a half kilowatt hours closer to the people. The Pennsyl­ West 1670 feet; thence North 42% H. T. Botts, of energy, mental exertion and heat vania road, we believe, originated this degrees West 970 feet; thence South Notary Public for Oregon. radiation. We will give a half column plan. It has been followed by the 81 degrees West 665 feet; thence My Commission expires Dec. to some college professor or student American Telegraph and Telephone South 86% degrees West 660 feet; 26. 1915. to elucidate this problem, and at the Company, by the Northern States thence South 73 degrees West 182 All persons owning or claiming an same time would ask that he show Power Company and by a number of feet; thence South 33 degrees West interest in lands described in said the average dissipation in kilowatt public service and other corporations. 361 feet; thence South 30 degrees petition are hereby notified to appear hours of a basketball player.—Tele­ And now comes the news that the West 369 feet; thence North 72 de­ at said place on said date and show phone Register. (Jnited States Steel Corporation has grees West 90 feet; thence North 67 cause, if any there be, why the prayer ------ o------ announced an increase in the wages degrees West 217 feet; thence North in said petition should not be granted. The women teachers in the state of its employes of 10 per cent, mean­ 34 degrees West 340 feet; thence J. C. Holden, will undoubtedly note with pleasure ing about $10,000,000 a year increase South 85 degrees West 250 feet; Clerk of the County Court. the recent supreme court decision that in pay.—Pendleton Tribune. thence South 66 degrees West 296 feet; thence South 50 degrees West getting married is no longer a bar to Notice of Final Account. further activities in that profession. 294 feet; thence South 38 degrees A Sporting Proposition. West 563 feet; thence South 63 de­ Mrs. Maud L. Richards, a teacher in Notice is hereby given that the un­ grees West 190 feet; thence North the Portland schools, was dismissed a The Republican convention will 54 degrees West 24 feet; thence South dersigned, has filed in the County year ago for getting married. The Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, case was carried to the courts and in nominate Colonel Roosevelt. The Re­ 58 degrees West 336 feet; thence a decision handed down a few days publicans will not risk a three corner South 33% degrees West 214 feet; in the matter of the estate of Margery ago by the state supreme court she is tight. The lure of the pie counter is thence north 65 degrees East 120 feet; Leasia, deceased, their final account, to be reinstated and to receive her too strong. Better halt a loaf with thence North 18 degrees East 100 as administrator and administratrix salary for the year she was idle.— Teddy than no loaf at all with V ilson. feet; thence North 31 degrees East of said estate. And that said Court _____ _____ North 23 degrees has fixed Friday, February nth, 1916, Teddy will rule or ruin. 'That is the 167 feet; t thence Banks Herald. L__. 286 -o. feet; . . thence ., " ‘ 2g de- at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said North ultimatum, and the stand-patters will East There is a probability says thc balk and curse, but take their medi­ grees East 220 feet; thence North day. at the Court House in Tillamook 21% degrees East 446 feet; thence City, Oregon, as the time and place Dallas Observer, of Mrs. Ella G. cine. Teddy will rule. North 25 degrees East 1538 feet;I ior hearing objections to said account. Metzger, president of the Dallas Wm. J. Bogart, Goldie woman’s club, becoming a candidate The foregoing interesting predic­ .hence North 26 degrees East 360 Clark, administrator and for state representative on the re­ tion is from the Medford Mail-Trib­ feet; thence North 48 degrees East administratrix of the es­ publican ticket. And why shouldn’t une, which in recent years deserved 320 feet; thence North 3 degrees East tate of Margery Leasia, she? If women once get the economi­ and gained state-wide lame as a pro­ 216 feet; thence North 41 degrees deceased. cal idea of government firmly fixed phet by always presaging the election West 536 feet; thence North 53% de­ in their minds it’s hairpins to stogies of a Democrat to whatever important grees East 766 feet; thence North 48 First publication Jan. 13, 1916. that they will knock the everlasting office was vacant in Oregon. Last degrees East 450 feet; thence North Last publication Feb. it. 1916. buttons off the legislative iackets of November however, the eye that 6 degrees East 590 feet; thence South For County Treasurer. the male parasites who before now peered into the future and performed 81 degrees East 55 feet to the left, or ------o------ have been elevated to the legislative the extraordinary feats of second South bank of Little Nestucca River; I hence in a Southeasterly direction I hereby announce myself as a halls.—Sheridan Sun. sight became slightly discolored along the left bank of said river to a candidate for the office of County when the returns showed that Dr. The gasoline situation is puzzling, Withycoinbe had won the governor­ point North of the place of beginning; Treasurer of Tillamook County, sub­ thence South 1160 feet to the place of ject to the will of the Republican vot­ says an exchange. It would take ship. beginning. ers at the 1916 primary election. many lawyers, to figure it out. In 1 he Spectator thinks that the Mail The lands described and contained Respectfully, Chicago the independents claim that Tribune has unconsciously mussed J. H. Dunstan. the Standard Oil is holding prices the tea leaves in the cup in which it within said boundaries constitute a body of swamp, wet and down to 16 cents in that city, prices pretends to see the nomination of the contiguous overflow lands. that are breaking their backs. In colonel by the Republicans. So cer­ 3- The total acreage included in To the Voters of Tillamook County. other districts prices range upward tain is the Spectator of this, that it is. said proposed district is 345,614 acres. to 18 and even 20 cents, the latter be­ willing to wager a case of Weinhard’s I hereby announce myself as a can­ 4- The names of the owners of ing in Oklahoma where they have Golden Nectar, a beverage that great­ land in said district as shown by the didate for nomination for the office of the raw oils. It may be confessed that ly cheers but does not inebriate- records of Tillamook County, Oregon County Sheriff, on the Republican the situation is badly mixed up the against a box of the world-famous and acreage owned by each of ---------------------‘ ‘ ' said icket. If nominated and elected I country over and one cannot make Rogue River Newtons that Teddy owners is as follows: shall endeavor to enforce the law with head nor tail out of it. Congress will not be nominated by the Repub­ John Fox and Charles Fox 67.1 acres efficiency, and economy. seems to be agitated and to be ready lican convention this year. T. H. Penter, S. A. Penter 59.3. acres Respectfully to take a hand, but congress probably And The Spectator attributes to William Henry Craven, Jes­ W. L. Campbell. knows no more than the rest of us.— Colonel Roosevelt more ability than se A. Craven, Mary L. News-Times. the Mail Tribune is willing to concede Craven, Birdie L. Craven To The Voter» of Tillamook County. him. The Medford paper says he will John L. Craven, Orby Crav­ ------ o—— “In our statement of small nations” rule or ruin. Judging by what has hap­ en and Clair G. Craven, as I hereby announce myself as a says Senator Chamberlain of Oregon, pened to the Bull Moose party, he devisees of J. K. Craven de Democratic candidate for the office “this country acts like a bully, while loes both.—The Spectator. ceased, ............................. 11.24 acres of County School Superintendent in our deaings with powerful coun­ K Craven, deceased .. 11.24 acres subject to the primary election to be tries we act like cowards.” To what Lester Ray..................... 39 70 acres held in May, 1916. He Knew. did the utterance of our senior Sen- W. J. Lyons ................... 11.2 acres H. M. Cross. ator have reference? We recall very D. H. Fletcher ............... 8.45 acres Ben Blewett recently visited a M. W. Harrison............ distinctly a firm and efficacious note 53-25 acres To the Voter» of Tillamook County. addressed by President Grover Cleve­ school and was much interested in Charles Ray ................... 1.00 acres land to Great Britain in the Venezue­ listening to a primary class _____ recite L. J. Redberg................. I hereby announce myself as a 9.00 acres lan affair; and history holds up for physiology which happened to be on O. B. Redberg............... 2503 acres candidate for the office of County the inspection and instruction of the the subject of the stomach. After the Christoffer Christensen 56.60 acres Commissioner (North end) Tilla­ present government an ultimatum ad­ recitation Blewett gave a short talk F .J. Carver ................... « 79 acres mook County at the primary election dress to the Emperor of Geramny by on the subject and among other Grace Etzwiler ................. .063 acres to be held in May 1916. things said: President Theodore Roosevelt. It is T. A. Porter and Condessa _______ D. F. Thompson. "And remember, children, that the L. Porter........................... possible that Senator Chamberlain is .031 acres comparing President Wilson’s swift stomach is one of the busy organs of J. P. Gage................................... 1.86 „........... acres To The Voter» of TillamOok County. and sudden action against Haiti with the body that has no bones in it.” 5. The proposed reclamation and At this statement he noticed a trou­ protection of said lands is for sanitary his sweetly scented notes to Germany I hereby announce myself as a can­ and his watchful wating policy to­ bled look on the face of a bright little and agricultural purposes, and such didate for the office of County Sheriff ward Mexico? While the Senator has red-haired boy and said kindly: proposed reclamation and protection on the Republican ticket at the pri­ “Well, Francis, what's the trouble. will be conductive to the public health exposed himself to a charge of lese majestic, it cannot be said that tht Did you think there was bones in the and welfare, and of public utility and mary election to be held in May. Reytectfully, comparison is inapposite.—The Spec­ stomach ?” benefit. ________ Fred H. Minich. tator. "Some people have, Mr. Blewett. 6. All of the said lands included in Our baby's got a bone in his’stomach, said proposed district are properly To the Voter» of Tillamook County. Only once in the year and a half of all right. He swallowed the dollar dad included therein, and will be benefi­ ------ o European war has this country been gave me for Christmas last night.” cially affected by the operation of the I hereby announce that I am a can­ in real danger of becoming involved proposed district. didate for the nomination for the of­ in the conflict, The real crisis occur- 7 1 he benefits of such proposed fice of County School Superintendent Different. red when the . president ______ _______ reclamation and protection will ex­ it the primary election to be held in almost suc- Dr. E. C. Hibshman, at a recent ceed the damage to be done, and the May. ceeded in forcing through the demo­ cratic congress his ship purchase bill nanquet, told of a man __ who had the best interests of the land included, Geo. B. Lamb. So long as the nations at war sank reputation of being rather "near ” 1 ___ and and of the owners thereof as a whole private merchant ships carrying war who had succeeded in storing up quite and of the public at large will be Administrator*» Notic®. supplies to other warring nations, the a large quantity of the coin of the promoted by the formation and pro­ controversies that arose were ques­ realm. It came to pass that a noted posed operation of such district. Notice is hereby given to all whom tions which could be settled by ne­ revivalist came to St. Louis and the 8 The formation of a drainage gotiation. But if we had undertaken wife of the wealthy merchant per­ district under the provisions of Chap­ it may concern that the undersigned, to carry American goods in govern­ suaded him to attend services with ter 340 of the General Laws of Ore­ was by an order of the County Court, ment-owned ships, as was proposed ler on the opening night. gon for 1915, under the provisions of of Tillamook County, Oregon, made by this administration—and. more­ "Make all the money you can” the which this petition is presented, is a over, in ships formerly owned by the preacher said in the course of his dis­ proper and advantageous method of on the 25th day of January, 1916, ap­ nations at war—these ships would course. "We all ought to make all the accomplishing the reclamation and pointed administrator of the estate of cAtainly have been captured and dcs- money we can.” protection of the lands included in Sophia Severance, deceased. All per­ trbyed. No one will dispute the as­ “Well," said the merchant to his said proposed district. sons having claims against said estate sertion that such action would have wife, "here is one preacher with a lit- 9- The proposed plan for the rec­ involved us in the war immediately. -le.sense. He thinks the same as I do.’ lamation and protection of property are hereby notified to pre»ent the The American statesmen who avert­ "Save all the money you can,” con­ in the proposed district is, that a dyke same to the undersigned with the ed the only real and serions crisis— tinued the preacher. shall be constructed along the South proper voucher» thereto properly the men who actually kept us out of "Fine, fine," said the merchant, bank of the Little Nestucca river verified within six months of the the war—were the republican sena­ ‘that’s a speaker after my own heart. where the same borders upon the tors, aided by several patriotic 1 hat s what I have been doing all my proposed district. Said district bord­ date of this notice at the Tillamook democrats, who prevented the pas­ life.” ers upon said river, and as said County Bank, Tillamook City, Ore- sage of the ship purchase bill. Will "And,” continued the preacher, lands are now situated the same arc gon. now subject to overflow at times of they do it again?—Astorian. “give all the money you can.” Dated this 3rd day of February, 1916. u "Oh, shucks." groaned the merchai t high tides and freshets, and the cot • M. W. Harrison. Travelers who are accustomed to ‘there, the fool has gone and spoiled struction of a dyke along the bank of being held up at every corner ar.d it all." said river will protect said lands from Administrator of said estate. What the Editors Say. who have found it necessary when en j route to either carry a lunch or pat­ ronize the necessarily high-priced I diners, have been agreeably surprised with the lunch service adopted by the i Southern Pacific some time ago. The male brunette who formerly announc­ ed that dinner was ready in the diner, and who did it in a tone to indicate that you could either follow him or starve, now announces the meals as usual but also leaves a slip announc­ ing that for the accommodation of passengers lunch boxes will be de­ livered by the waiter upon request at the modest price of 30 cents. The slip gives the contents of each box, the list including items sufficient for a good sized lunch. \\ ith the lunch boxes a family may be fed at the price it formerly cost one. There was no particular reason why the Southern Pacific should adopt this lunch box service, other than the accommoda­ tion of its patrons. Such interest in the welfare and comfort of travelers is such a contrast to the public-be- damned spirit of the roads of a few years ago as to be worthy of special notice.—Sentinel, Cottage Grove. k RAY & CO Dealerj" in Groceries, Hay, Grain Golden Crown Flour, bl., $5.50 Sack, $1.45 Ray&Co. *s Special Coffee, bl. 27c Royal Club Raisins, per lb., 10c Currants, 2 pk£, 25 c 17c Good Walnuts, per lb All Other Goods Sold at BARGAIN PRICES Don’t Throw Away Your Prescription By taking it where it may not be accu­ rately tilled—where part of the ingredients used may be so old as to have lost their freshness, strength and purity. Get the full value of your doctor's ser­ vices by bringing your prescription to 11s —where you know it will receive all the exact care and honest attention that our pride of reputation—backed by experi­ ence, training and the most complete, modern, carefully-selected, thoroughly- tested and well-kept stock of prescription drugs—can possibly give it. C. I. CLOUGH Reliable Druggist Tillamook, Ore We are Still Selling SUGAR CURED HAMS at 20c. per pound Special Brand Bacon, 19c. lb Fancy Breakfast, 26c. per lb Bacon Backs, 18c Full Line of SANITARY Fresh East Bulk Pickles. a DTZpT ern Oysters/ Start the New YearRiQhtJ By TradingatMason’s THE Genuine Bargain Store I Have a Clean, Up-To-Date Stock of DRY GOODS Ladies’ Gent.'s Fashionable Boots &• Shoes. Cannot be Surpassed for Comfert and Wear. Dress Goods and Underwear. 1 Carry a Complete Line of First Class GROCERIES, ETC., And You will Save Money in Your Grocers! Bill by *— Trading this ” Year with H. MASON & CO çyVIasonic Building.