Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 11, 1916, Image 10

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    Circuit C°urt DoUcet.
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C. E. Ingalls, editor Daily Gazette-
Times, Corvallis.
Eric Allen, Dean of the College of
Journalism, University of Oregon,
E. E. Brodie, President Oregon
State Editorial Association, editor
Morning Enterprise, Oregon City.
1 he court docket for the February
term c4 the court, which was post­
poned from the 7th to the 23rd of
February, contains the following
Warren Construction Co., a cor-
poration, vs. Tillamook City, a inuni-
| A Rural Credit System for Oregon.
cipal Corporation. Damages.
------ o------
T. B. Potter Realty Co., a corpor­
ation, vs. F. D. Mitchell. Action for By Percy A. Cupper, Assistant State
I Engineer.
Cheap money for the Oregon far­
Coats Driving and Boom Co., a
corporation, vs. Alma S. Johnson. mer ami the best method of obtaining
engaging state wide attention and
L. S. Miller, vs. Laneda Inc. a cor­ a conference has been called to meet
in Salem during March to consider
poration. Action for money.
Burton Rice, vs F. H. Wilkins. ' tins and other kindred subjects.
| 1 believe that it will be generally
Action for money.
B. J. Howland, vs. Eastman-Wilson conceded that the farmer is entitled
Co., a corporation. Action for money. to borrow money at less than eight
State of Oregon vs. Charles Zozcl. per cent. I bis being so, how may we
best obtain this result.1' 1 he state is
Mrs. S. W. Kapischka, vs Tillamook now loaning the six million dollar
school fund to Oregon farmers at six
Hotel Co. Action for money.
J. Tone, vs. Tillamook Hotel Co., 1 per cent, however, this fund is totally
inadequate to meet the demands upon
Action for money.
National Credit Association a cor­ I it and there is always a long waning
poration, vs. Chas Ray. and Robert J. list. 'I his fund is beinu- successfully
administered for sixteenths of one per
Cpton. Action for money.
Miller, Simington and Calhoun, a cent and is a boon to the few farmers
corporation, vs. A. J. Stillwell. Action who are fortunate enough to secure
loans from it. W by not use this as a
tor money.
George Moskos, vs. Coats Driving basis for a system of rural credits,
arrd Boom Company, a corporation, and increase the fund through the
: issuance and sale of state bonds? The
Action for money.
Alex McNair & Co. vs. Maud Sharp. loaning of the state school fund is a
| success ami the extension of a suc-
Action for money.
Henry Tobi and A. C. Anderson, | cessfully operating plan is more to be
desired, than the adoption of a new
vs^John Parker. Action for money.
W. <i. Dw ight, vs. Florence V. and untried plan. Stale bunds could
Getchell and R. H. Getchell. Action doubtless be disposed of at four or
four and one half per cent. 'This
for money.
W. G. Dwight, vs. Roy I. Mapes. would leave a margin of 011c and one
half or two percent to cover admin­
Action for money.
and to insure the state
I he Nehalem Company, vs. Hailey istration
against loss, and would doubtedlcss
Mill co. Action for money.
George Bye, vs. Fred Sturgis, Ac- yield a profit that could be applied to
the state school fund. This plan will
tion for money.
require the adoption of a constitution­
City of Bay City, Oregon on
al amendment, and such amendment
relation of C. F. Stone, and J.
flicks, Co-partners doing business as should be broad enough to permit of
Stone and Hicks, vs. P. A. Sandberg, the bonds being deposited with tile U.
W. J. i.ogus, Ed. Worthington and E. | S. Treasurer as the basis for the is­
suance of Federal currency to the
D Landingham. Action for money.
1 he Nehalem Company, vs. Bailey state as it is now issued to National
Banks. 'This co-operative plan of
Mill Company. Action for money.
Nehalem Valley Bank, vs. F. B. rural credits has the endorsement of
the Grange and its only objection is
Sturgis. Action for money.
N. McMillan, vs. Southern Pacific I common to all systems of national
Company, a corporation. Damages. | credits, in that we must wait the slow
D. L. Shrode, Geo. Williams and grinding of Federal legislative action
Charles Kunze, vs. C. M. Martin and before receiving any benefits. Now is
the crucial time in the development of
Mary J. Martin. Action for money.
D L. Shrode, Geo. Williams and agricultural and other resources. We
Charles Kunze, vs. C. M. Martin. need capital, both state and private, I
to carry 011 this development and we
Action for money.
Johanna York, vs. Southern Pacific need more restrictions around the ex- 1
Company, and Pacific Realway ami penditure of slate funds anil less re­
Company, and f’acific Railway
~ "
r and striction around the expenditure of
private funds.
Navigation Co. Damages.
Oregon lias a credit worth millions
H. B. 1 -ockwood vs. Frances B.
of dollars and it may weell be used in ’
Witchey et al. Action for money.
Carl Rossetti, vs. Southern Pacific discretion for the benefit of the Ore- ,
gon farmer and the upbuilding of the
Co., a corporation. Damages.
A. E. Holden and Ethel Holden, vs. state in such a manner that it will not
A. F. Coats Lumber Co, a corpora­ cost the taxpayer a cent and will
tion, and Coats Driving and Boom actually produce a revenue.
Co., a corporation. Damages.
G. F. Chaphe, vs. R. 11. Ashcroft, et
Grange Position.
ul. Foreclosure of lien.
------ o------
Morrison Mills, vs. Randolph Lamb
National loans to farmers and limit
and Sarah L. Lamb, h'.isband and wife placed upon interest to be charged
Foreclosure of mortgage.
by private capital for farm loans are
J. Baumgartner, vs. Martha Psctak, the demands made by the Grange, as 1
et al. Foreclosure of Mortgage.
per the following resolutions reaffirm-1
E. Jensen, vs, A. M. Myer et al. eil at its recent national convention 1
Foreclosure of mortgage.
at Oakland:
T>. K. Jeffrey, vs. H. J. Conklin and
Resolved, That any farm credit 1
A. G. Ross. Foreclosure of mortgage. plan which docs not include a direct
W. II Easom, vs. Eliza F. Evans, .eduction of the "prevailing rates” of
et al. Foreclosure of mortgage.
interest, as well as a long term of
Mary J, Cone, vs. C. 1.. Wallace et amall annual payment, upon farm
al. Foreclocure of mortgage,
□nortgages .will not meet agricultural
W. L. Provoost, vs. Mary J. Cone. requirements or materially benefit our 1
Foreclosure of tax lien.
In the matter c>f the applications cd
Resolved, That no farm credit law
Joseph Blaettler, 1 heodore Gaechtcr
Frank Reichmuth, Nile Alfred Nils­ which places in the hands of private
capital the power to make interest
son Brandm and Bernard J. Mc- rates on mortgage bonds, without I
C dwell to become citizens of the U. S. limitation by Federal law, will meet '
of America.
Albert Marolf and Katie Marolf, vs. either the needs ot agriculture or the
l rnest W. Knight, Nellie F. Knight just demands of the National Grange.
Resolved, I hat the Government of
and Malphus Johnson. Foreclosure of the I nited States shall lend money
at a rate not to exceed q!4 per cent
Uitchell, vs. Jackson Lee to farmers, upon thirty year farm
Gitchcll. To quiet title.
land mortgages, with such provisions
I. b Robertson, vs. Eva A Fouts as
may be necessary to make the
now Eva A. Walton and John Doe Government perfectly safe, with the
Walton, her husband. Forclosurc of addition of an ainorization charge
that will pay the principal in that
Albert W. Phelps and Funa Phelps, time, provided, that not more than
vs. Gottfried Kaegi and John Enzler. $10,000 shall be loaned to any one pcr-
Foreclosure bond for deed
| son 2nd that no person owning more
Andrc’.v Peterson, v.s M. B. Shafer than $2o,ooo worth of land .shall be
and Sarah E. Shafer. Foreclosure of cntiteled to these privileges.
Resolved, That the legislative com­
hercsa Elliott Musselman, vs. Eby mittee and officers of the Grange
T.. Musselman. Divorce.
throughout the country arc instructed ’
John Weiss, vs Charles Larson and to insist, on behalf of this body, that
Alex Frazer. Foreclosure of Meehan more substantial government aid, to 1
ic’s lien
steady interest and uphold the market
Basil Anton and George Masikas, tor farm mortgage bonds, shall be I
vs. b oats Driving and Boom < •>, a included in the bill finalh passed by
corporation, and George Moskos Congress.
Labor lien.
Frank A Rowe,' vs. J. Victor A
Christian Church.
Farnell and Florence A. Farnell his
wife. Foreclosure of mortgage.
Evary one was delighted with the
David Curtis, et al. vs. Tillamook excellent program given last Sunday
City, a ine.nuip.il corporation. To night by the ladies. There were 103
quiet title.
women present notwithstanding the
I om ' sin.iy, vs. George R. Ridge­ rainy night.
way, et .il Foreclosure of mortgage.
This special Sunday evening scries
J. I* I-llison and Ella Ellison, vs. will be concluded next Sunday night
George Vandersee and May Vander- with one of the greatest gatherings
Scc Foreclosure of mortgage
of men ever ussemblcd at a religious
Ida Napier, vs. Logan Napier and service in Tillamook One hundred is
J. Napier Divorce.
not the limit for there has been al­
The Nehalem Co. vs Bailey Mill Co most that many present before with­
Foreclosure of mortgage.
out any special effort, but with the
School District No. 40, a municipal following specials we hope to climb
corporation, vs. W. P. Short, Eject­ well up into the second hundred Sun­
day night.
John Earl, vs. Thos Coates, admin­
t. Men's chorus of 25 voices
istrator of the estate of Anna F. Paq­
2. Music by McGhee's Orchestra
uet, deceased, John B Paquet et al.
3- Male Quartet.
Foreclosure of mortgage.
4- Solo.
Tillamook County Bank, a corpora­
"The Tragedy
5- Sermon subject,
tion, vs Red Marich. Foreclosure of of the Buried Talant." Although the
services will be held entirely by men
F J. Claussen, vs F H Wilkins it will not be for men only. There I
and Atlantis H W ilkins, husband and were more than half as many men as
wife and R A. W ilkins Foreclosure women last Sunday night at the
of mortgage.
women's special, and we wait the.
ladies to turn out with men in greater 1
percentage next Sunday. I verybody i
Press to be Represented.
who docs not attend church « sew here
------- ------
is invited to be present
The Press of Oregon will be tepre-
1 he subject tor the morning sermon
sented at the Irregation, Drainage will he "Humbled and Exalted."
and Rural Credits b onference to
One of our young ladies will sing
held at Salem in March oth by the 4 solo.
following members of the Oregon
State Editorial Association:
Piano for Sale.
Fred C. Baker, editor Tillamook
Headlight, Tillamook. Ore.
For sale, a Hollctt A Davis piano,
Bruce Dennis, editor Evening Ob
good rendition Inquire of T. P.
server, l.aGrande.
Johnson, Tillamook, Ore.
t ">Iss 1s;ockiin which 8iz^
ssed through being displayed.
you are in the Store you should make a point of looking over
the Bargains now being offered is given below.
e v
Announcing an Advance Display of
in the
Dress Goods and Suitings
Are both money saving events and
worth your while in looking over.
Here you will find goods that are
worth the regular prices, but owing
to sizes being broken or some other
similar reason they are offered al
great reduction^ to effect a clear­
Visit the Bargain Square every
time you arc in the store. It will pay
WE cordially invite every lady in this
coinil v who is interested in Fabrics for
Spring to come to this store and view
the new weaves now being displayed in
our Dress Goods Dept.
Since purchasing our stocks of Dress Goods
and Suitings fur the coining season several ad­
vances in priceshave been made and only this
week were we notified that many of the num­
bers now on our shelves, owing to the scarcity
of certain dyes, cannot be obtained again.
However, in spite of these exceptional cir­
cumstances our showings this year equal if
they do not actually surpass in point of quality
in weave, beauty in finish, and variety of selec­
tion any we have ever made and you will spend
a pleasant hour in looking over the displays
which have been prepared for your viewing.
Particularly do we wish to draw your atten­
tion to our extraordinary showings of Navy Blue
Serges. Make a point of seeing these and ex­
amining both weaves and colorings for they are,
we believe, practically the last reliable Navy
Blue Serges we shall be able to obtain at the low
prices quoted.
To $1.40 l’ants for ............
'To $2.50 Pants for..............
To $1.25 Vests for ............
To $1.75 Vests for..............
To $2.50 Vests for ............
7<;c. Union Suits for ........
$t.oo Union Suits for........
$2.00 Union Suits for ........
$2.75 Union Suits for ....
$3.75 Union Suits for ....
. ... 29c.
. .. . 69c.
.... 79C.
.... 98c.
• ■ ■ $i-59
.. • 59c.
.... 83c.
.. . $1.29
. . $1.80
• $2-44
All sizes for ages 2 to 16.
To 50c. Separate Garments . . 19c.
To 95c. Separate Garments ... 53c.
To $1.68 Union Suits ................ 98c.
35c. Dress Goods .... ... 19c-
75c. Dress Goods .... • • ■ 49C.
$1.48 Dress bloods .. .. . 98c.
$2.25 Dress Goods . . .
• $1-49
25c. Kimona Fleeces .......... 15c.
75c. Kimona Eiderdowns.. 39c.
Actual $¡.00 Messalines .......... 79c.
Reliable Navy Blue Suiting Serges,
6c. values for ..................... : 29ÎC.
19c. values for ..................... . 5C.
35c. values for ..................... • 9c.
48c. values for .................. .. 16c.
Storm Serge ........................
Storm Serges ........ ...........
Storm Serges ......................
French Serges....................
Suiting Serges ..................
Suiting Serges ..................
French Serge ....................
Suiting Serge ....................
Suiting Serge ....................
Suiting Serge......................
Suiting Serge....................
Mannish Serge.......................................
Plain and Fancy
Black Dress Goods and Suitings,
Goods of All Kinds.
Wash Goods of All Kinds.
Wool Goods of All Kinds.
Draperies of All Kinds.
Silks and Satins
etc. etc.
50c. to
A Sale of
That will be Welcomed
by Every Parent in
this County.
Taffeta Suiting
Crepe Suiting .................................
Epingle Suiting........ ......................
Velour Suiting................................
Melrose Suiting................................
Crepe Suiting ...................................
Black and White
Suitings and Dress Goods,
22zc. to $1.98.
Suitings ....
Suitings ...
Check ..........
Suitings ..
........................... 22k
........................... 25c.
........................... 69c.
........................... 79c.
........................... 98c
........................... $1.00
........................... $1.33
........................... $1.33
.............................. $1.50
........................... $1.75
........................... $1.88
........................... $1.98
Plain and Fancy
Dress Goods and Suitings,
I lin e exceptional values in Suits
for Real Boys offered at reduced
prices that will enable you t;
to save
dollars on the boys’ New Spring
i- ci'er'
°*lcre'l is of good re-
labjc weave and the colors just the
kind to suit both boy and parent
At this remarkably low price we
Offer Suits of Norfolk Coats ami
Knickerbocker Pants, in Naw Blue
Serges and Fancy Mixture Tweeds
in Ians, Greys and Browns, and
they are shown in
,Q fj(
6 to t8 years.
Splendid wearing all wool Suits
for Boys ill Cheviots, Scotch Tweeds
and Fancy Mixture Blues, Browns
and Greys. Some of these Suits have
extra pants and the selection in­
cludes all sizes to fit ages 6 to t8
$7.50 S^RS $6.85
An exceptionally smart line of All
Wool Suits in Scotch Tweeds of
Fancy Gres Mixtures These Suits
are particularly good looking models
and will give absolute satisfaction
in wear. 1 hey arc shown in all sizes
to fit ages 7 to 17 years
35c. to $2.50.
34 inch Danish Suitings.................................
36 inch Batistes............................. .............
36 inch Granite Suitings...............................
38 inch Crepe Chuddahs.................................
42 inch French Serges..........
52 inch Ottoman Suiting«....
40 inch Chalk Line Suitings
42 inch . Fancy
42 inch Tnasah Carinas........
50 ihch Epingle Suitings ... .
52 inch Charmeusc Suitings
50 inch Mixed Suitings
44 inch
’ - Silk
Stripe Suitings.
56 inch Poplin
r* ’’ ~
’ ’
50 inch Draps de Paris
48 inch Striped Suitings
52 inch Mixed Suitings.
57 inch Broadcloths
_____ ...
36 inch All Wool Storm Serges
A Sale of
For Every Member
of the Family.
Reliable footwear for Children,
Boys, Girls, Misses, Men and Ladies
at savings well worth noting. Fill
those footwear needs of yours and
those of the chidren’s now while
selections are at their best. You’ll
never have such opportunities again.
To $1.75 Child’s Shoes for
To $2.50 Child’s and Misses
To $2.50 Boys’ Shoes for ..
To $3.75 Boys’ Shoes for ..
To $3.50 Ladies’ Shoes for
Men’s Dress Shoes Special
$3.50 Gum Boots for...........
$5.00 Gum Boots for...........
$6.50 Gum Boots for ...........
$7.00 Bum Boots for
$5-75 8 inch Daytons for
$6.50 12 inch Daytons for
$7.50 12 inch Daytons for
Wirthmor Waists are
not only Economical,
They are also perfect in
Style and Finish.
aThey are Always One Dollar.
They are A ¡way's Worth More.
36 inch Suiting Tweeds,
Suitor‘th’;” :!4r 7nbl: Wen' ? in T'"™1 <
rmtts or the ever popular mid useful sec »rate skirts
There are pleasing mixtures stvti.i. k u
cheek« .,i ,;,u « , ,
s, sty ltsli chec ks and over-
checks, pl.nds and checked mixtures
At Prices from $3 50
$ .88
*2 00
*2 50
Simply wonderful are the values we are offering nt
th s price when the scarcity of dyes and yarns are con-
?»Xes wiX ar t/'01''”’’!.11081™1’16 WeBVe* and ful130
luchbswtde an these all wool storm series nnd they
n't" "I C
’hades : Black* Navy Blue,
B Ue’ RuM,a" (,ree"- Havanne, Gre’, and Cardi-
.....l » .kir. le.iu.1, „( I,.««.
Come to the Footwear Shop
have a pair of Queen Quality Show
fitted and see for yourself how su­
perior in fit, finish, and quality
Queen Quality Shoes are over ail
others. You need not purchase no»
if you do not wish to do so. It wiH
simply give us pleasure to demon­
strate to you why we are placing
such confidence in Queen Quality
Shoes as to recommend them so
thoroughly to the discriminating
ladies of this county.
Shoose from Shoes of Patent, Vici
Patent with Cloth
tops and Gunmetal with cloth heels
in Cuban or Louis Cuban styles.
Ask to see the “Gypsy” a new
model in Soap Kid.
45c. to $2.50.
Actual $1.25 Values for ..........
Actual $1.75 values for ........
Actual $2.50 values for..........
For Spring 1916.
American Lady
To 25c. values for ....................
A list 0(
)OU "
In this city as in hundreds of oth­
er cities Wirthmor Waists have
made, and daily continue to make
hosts of friends. These Waists are
liked by all who know them, and.
because of the satisfaction they al­
ways afford, they have come to b<
the most popular among all inex­
pensive Waists. Its literally true
that you will never know how good
a Waist you can buy for $1.00 until
you have purchased and worn a
Wirthmor Waists are Sold
at Just One Good Store in
Every City. In this city
they! are sold here
exclusiv e/V.