Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 11, 1916, Image 1

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    Vol. XXVI
No. 35.
Should YOU be taken away front your wife and
children do you not wish for them to be free from WANT ?
The best way to make vour family independent is to
REGULARLY BANK a part of the income from your
labor or your business and let this money STAY in the
A foolish investment may endanger the happiness
of your family. BE CAREFUL.
Make OUR bank YOUR hank.
We pay 4 per cent interest on Sayings Deposit.
Tillamook County Bank
Tillamook Jottings.
Houses to Rent, see Watson.
Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. I.
Clough ■ Co.
Piano for rent.—Apply at the City
Transfer Co.
Get free Kodak instructions at C. 1
Clough Co.’s.
Wanted, young pigs.—A. F. Coats
Lumber Co.
The Star Theatre will give a show
Saturday night.
Bring in your prescriptions, Tilla-
mook Drug Co.
Safe deposit boxes tor rent, Tilla-
mook County Bank.
Mail has been coming in by way of
Willamina this week.
The place to eat is at the “Good
Eats,” Ramsey Hotel.
Sacks wanted—Lamb Schrader Co.,
Tillamook Oregon.
A motor cycle for sale cheap, apply
at Ed's Garage, Tillamook.
Hay is selling at $20.00 a ton with
the prospect of it going much higher.
You choose your doctor. Choose us
as your druggist—Tillamook Drug
A marriage license was issued to
Emery Edmund Wagner and Leia B.
Stimpson, both of Wheeler.
For sewing that’s right you will
need the White.—Jones Knudson Fur.
Co., Agents.
The Tillamook Meat Co. is paying
7c. per pound for live fat hogs up to
225 pounds.
Jitney Service: Auto for hire at all
hours. Phone 53J Day—154J night
Lee Slyter.
For Sale—A five passenger White
car, in good condition—Apply at
Ed’s Garage.
Have you prescriptions to be filled?
Me can fill any prescription.—Tilla­
mook Drug Co.
For Sale, High Grade Jersey bull,
to months old. E. R. Garner, Hem­
lock, Oregon.
Miss. Blanch McNair will leave on
the first train for a visit to friends in
Portland and Eugene.
1 he M cst Coast Electric Supply Co.
moved to new quarters opposite the
hirst National Bank.
For sale, cheap, vine maple and
spruce limbs. Apply to M. R. Hancn-
kratt, I illamook, Oregon.
Mood Sawed—Call E. W. Knight
on the Mutual phone, Prompt service
and careful work.
• •
M bite service ’tis plain is assured
b) the name.-Jones Knudson Fur. Co.
I have orders for a great number
of calves and am n°w buying all
I can get. When you have a calf
for sale its money in your pocket
to call me up. Am able to pay and
will pay fancy Prices for Durham
Bulls, Red Poll Bulls, Durham,
Red Polls and Holstein Heifers.
Can also use chickens.—Both
Phones.Smith, THE CALF MAN.
Members of the G. A. R. and XV.
R. C. gave a birthday party in honor
of J. S. Diehl on Monday, the occa­
sion being Mr. Diehl’s 71st birthday.
For Sale, about 36 tons of hay or
will trade same for cattle. If preferred
can bring stock and feed same on
I place.—Inquire of F. H. Neilson, Bay
City, Oregon.
Next Saturday being Post and
Corps day, there will be program
commemorating Abraham Lincoln’s
birthday at the G. A. R. hall. It is de­
sirous to have a good attendance of
Post and Corps members.
Thad Robison, of the Tillamook
County Bank, and E. T. Hatom, who
had been held up in Portland on ac­
count of the tie up of the railroad,
came in on Wednesday by way oi
We have made special arrange-
ments with thc Telephone Co., to
connect you directly with our office,
tn case you wish any of our GOOD
COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W
For sale, two 2 year yearling bulls,
and two calves, 1 year in Spring, A. J.
C. C. Jerseys,from dams that test
300 to 400 pounds butter fat—T. H.
AlcCormack, Tillamook, Oregon, R.
F. D. 1.
M 15.
Sheriff Crenshaw has failed to heat
whether the man he arrested, sup­
posed to be a murderer and wanted
tn Idaho, was the man. He was taken
from this city to Portland by a depu­
ty sheriff from Idaho.
For Sale—Tug Chas M. Greiner, 4
years old, length 80 feet, beam 19 fl.
Now i i
draft 8 ft., 350 horse power. L_„
Portland Harbor. For price and full
particulars address G. W. Evans,
McMinnville, Oregon.
The case of P. J. Worrall. charged
with violating the prohibition law,
was continued until the seventeenui
by Justice Stanley, on a petition pre­
sented asking for a continuance, so
as to enable him to procure witnesses.
The dance and basket social at the
Grange hall on Saturday proved very
successful, the receipts amounting to
$93.36, which will be used to help
build a new hall. Harrison Booth was
the auctioneer, and the highest price
paid for a basket was $5.75.
Wanted: One hundred men at the
Christian Church next Sunday night
to hear the men’s special program.
For Rent—Store Building now oc­
cupied by B. D. Lamar as a variety
store after Feb., ist.—P. W. Todd.
Your Free Sample of Briquets is
now ready at Lamb-Schrader Co’s,
office.—B etter c. Lamb.
For sale or trade a moving picture
— ■
— Call
— or write to J. S. w
Prime, Bay City, Oregon.
For Sale—Full blooded
Rock Cockcrals, $1.00 each. “
E. L.
Stewart, Box 456, Tillamook, Ore.
It’s a friend in deed and the machine
you need the White Rotary at Jones
It was expected that train service
Knudson Fur. Co., store
* would be resumed this morning, but
Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ the freight train which W’as to have
arrived here last night failed to reach
sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for here, and the passenger train that
merly of the Spanish Kitchen.
was to have left this morning was
called off.
Money to Loan on First Farm
Mortgages—E. J
Robertson, 702
The firemen have commenced work
Title and Trust Building, Portland, in fixing their new quarters in the
city hall and are intending to fix the
We use only the purest drugs ob­ rooms in good comfortable style.
a sum of money has been ob­
tainable to enter into your prescrip­ Quite
tained from various sources which
tions. Bring them to us—Tillamook will be invested in furnishings.
Drug Co.
If you have any hogs to sell call us
Having bought the Tillamook Iron up on either phone as we are going
Works from A. K. Case all business to ship a carload of hogs in the near
from Sept. 1st will be transacted by future. We are also buying all kinds
H. Sander.
* of young calves and hides as well as
furs of all kinds.—Tillamook Live-
Wanted—To rent piano by respon­ Stock Co. Bell phone 8F22.
sible party. Write stating grade of in­
The Star Theatre has now on hand
strument and rent asked. Address T. episodes five and six of the "Million $
E. H., Tillamook, Ore.
* Mystery” and will show them on
Hear the male chorus, quartette, Friday night. There will be no mis­
solo and orchestra at the Christian sing episodes because when Smithy
Church next Sunday night. Sermon starts a serial picture he goes through
subject: “The Tragedy of the Buried with it without a skip.
If you are contemplating the pur­
Protect your valuable papers from chase of a piano or player piano
the unexpected fire by renting one of write me for prices. It will pay you
our safe deposit boxes. Only one to see me before buying elsewhere. I
dollar per year.
Tillamook County have the old reliable Wiley B. Allen
Co., agency for Tillamook County.—
Leland B. Erwin.
For Sale—Four grade Jerscw cows
and one yearling Roan Durham Bull.
League held a meeting on Saturday
Price $300.00 the bunch. F. L. Buell. when several matters were attended
Tillamook, Ore.
* to. The matter of making Tillamook
the dahlia city was advocated by the
Don’t forget those busted castings. President, Mrs. J. C. Edwards, and
Can be welded for half. Goods sent Fred C. Baker and Mrs. Billings gave
by parcel post and express promptly short talks on dahlias.
returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook,
Owing to the extreme cold weather
in Eastern Oregon and Idaho and the
poor train service that we have been
If you want to rent a first class having lately, it has been very detri­
160 acre ranch, capable of handling mental to us in handling all of the
75 to 80 cows, see or write C. W young calves, but we are still taking
Miller at office of A. F. Coats them all and doing the best we can
Lumber Co, Tillamook, Oregon .. .* with them. Call us when you have
anything to sell and we will call and
Having taken charge of the auto­ get it. We want a lot of hogs at this
mobile department of Case’s Garage, time as we are going to ship a car in
1 solicit your patronage in the future the very
near future.—Tillamook
as in the past and will guarantee sat­ Livestock Co. Both Phones.
isfaction. Frank H. Devine.
On Monday evening at the bowling
Since the snow last week, the parlors of Frank Fitzpatrick, the
weatheT has been wet and stormy, bowling enthusiasts of the city met to
with considerable rain. The Wilson form plans for a bowling tournament
river was again out of its banks this to be held in the near future. W. J.
morning, with some prospect of high Reichers, Frank
Fitzpatrick and
water if the storm continues.
Howard Millis were named a commit­
tee to arrange the details of the tour­
ney. It was decided by those in at­
tendance at the meeting that the
teams would be composed of five men
each and in case of absence the ab­
sentee’s average score would be used,
thus eliminating the bad practice of
substituting. In this tournament the
team winning the greatest number of
matched games will be declared the
winner, the last tourney being decid­
ed on the basis of the greatest num­
ber of pins bowled. At least 6 teams
will enter the tournament and plans
are under way to organize one of pro­
fessional men only and another of
MOVE to 1.0 O.F. BLD.,
“ Drop in and hook Around ”
81.50 PER YEAR.
FEBRUARY 11, 191«
The Star Theatre received a week’s
supply of pictures today coming by
way of Willamina.
I Dr. J. G. Turner, formerly of
Lowe & Turner, the well
known eye specialist of Portia..4, will
be in Tillamook again Friday and
Saturday, Feb. 25-26, at Jenkins’
Jewelry Store. Headaches relieved.
I Cross eyes straightened. No charge
for consultation or examination. Sat­
isfaction guaranteed. At Bay City,
Feb. 21 st., Cloverdale, Feb. 24th,
Beaver Feb. 23rd.
Last Saturday the Wheeler light
plant went out of order, the genera­
tor burning out, and the city asked
the aid of the Coast Power Co. to
assist them before Saturday evening.
C. J. Edwards ordered one of the
exciteors removed from the local
plant and this outfit weighing about
700 pounds was loaded on an Over­
land car and accompanied by five
men. Mr. Edwards drove to within a
few miles of Wheeler. Many streams
were overflowing their banks and
several temporary bridges had to be
constructed. Six men
carried the
equipment over half a mile where it
was loaded on a Ford car and to­
gether with the men was hauled to
Wheeler. By dark the damage had
been fixed and the lights turned on
by evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill entertained
about twenty-four of their friends
last Tuesday night, progressive rook
being the game for the evening. Mrs.
Hill had planned the decorations
characteristic of St. Valentine's, and
many a broken heart was mended
that evening. Music was another fea-
ure which always is pleasing, espec­
ially when listening to Mr. Koch’s
well rendered violin solos. The lunch-
:on was one of those made famous by
our Tillamook ladies and was enjoyed
>y all. Those present were: Mr. and
\lrs. Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Haberlach,
Mr. and Mrs. Burge, Mr. and. Mrs
Balei, Mr. and Mrs. Ammer, Mr. an<
Mrs. Olson, Mr. and Mrs, Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs
Poorman, Mr. and Mrs. Williams
Mrs. Thad Robison,
Miss Marie
Tinnerstet and Fred Christensen.
United States Agriculturist Keys
assisted by county agriculturist R. C.
Jones is making a survey of 100 typ­
ical Tillamook County farms with the
purpose of securing dependable data
for government reports. Although
the two agriculturists have only been
working a week 46 farms have been
covered and some remarkable facts
ascertained. Some of the farms are in
a high state of prosperity. The Ore­
gon Agricultural College is cooperat­
ing with the U. S. department of Ag­
riculture in this survey which will be
of great benefit to the farmers of the
state. In Lane county which was sur­
veyed lately it was found that the
average farm was losing $37 per year.
At the close of the survey of this
county a summary will be made and
given to the farmers of the county as
an aid in their work. These men arc
experts and the information obtained
will be valuable.
Capital and Surplus, $30,000.00
Member Federal Reserve Bank.
B. c. LAMB, President.
W. J. RIECHERS, Cashier.
J. c. HOLDEN, Vice-Presdent.
I. E. KELDSON, Assistant Cashier
C. J. E dwards . .
J. c. H olden .
F eter II eisei ..
W. J. R iechers .
A. W. B unn .
B. C. L amb .
Careful Attention Given to all Banking
Business Placed in Our Hands.
breeding teaches us that the scrub
bull is as liable to impart to his prog­
eny beef qualities as milk qualities.
Embrace this opportunity to ge> on
the right road and enrich your dairy
herd by placing at its head a sire of
the dairy type, pure-bred, and regis­
F. R. Beals.
Basket Ball.
In two fast and exciting gai'ies
:he local high school girl’s and boy's
basketball teams defeated two teams
representing Garibaldi.
The local
girl’s team composed of Lola DeLil­
ies, Zylphia Switzer, Irma Sumerlin,
Fay Hill, Agnes Coates and Athyle
Sumerlin played a splendid game and
clearly outplayed the visiting girls by
scoring a 12 to 6 victory. The boy's
raine was the roughest and fastest
game that has been played on the lo­
cal floor. Both teams were fairly
evenly matched and the local boys
had to fight hard for victory. The
first half ended with a score of tl to
5 in favor of the school boys but th*
visitors came back strong in the sec­
ond half and almost evened the score
in brilliant play. The final score
registering 10 to 18 for the high
school. The school lineup was Ray
Erickson and Crockatt
Lucas center. Jot Erickson and Bo-
tuist guards substituting men were
Edwards and Crimmins.
Bids Called for Wood and Hauling.
Clover Leaf Creamer Co. wishes to
receive bids on 70 cords of mixed
wood and Hemlock wood cut and
ricked into its shed at its factory be­
tween Tillamook and Bay City. Wood
is to be good sound wood and cut in­
to 16 in. lengths. Factory wants bids
on not less than ten cord lots. Half
of the wood to he delivered by June
1st, 1916, and the other half by Aug­
ust 1st, 1916. Terms to be strictly
complied with.
Company also wishes to receive
bids on hauling cheese to Tillamook
and hauling boxes and supplies from
Tillamook to the factory.
Send bids to Carl Haberlach, Sec­
retary, Tillamook Oregon., on or be­
fore Feb. 19, 1916. Company reserves
the right to reject any and all bids.
Clover Leaf Creamery Co.
To The Voters of TBtamo°k County.
I wish to announce myself as a
candidate for the office of Joint Rep­
resentative for the Counties of Tilla­
mook and Yamhill at the Republican
primaries in May.
F. A. Rowe.
To the Voten of Tillamook County.
1 hereby announce myself as a can­
didate for nomination for the office
of County Clerk, on the Republican
ticket, at the primary election to be
held in May, 1916.
________ J. C. Holden.
Furs Wanted.
------ o------
Purs wanted, highest prices paid.
Send for price list. G. D. Alderin & To th« Voters of Tillamook County.
------ o------
The registration up to last Saturday Co. Salem,
- '
Candidate for nomination second
was 286 as follows:
Republican .
181 To The Voters of Tillamook ^County. term, on the Republican ticket, at
primary election in May, for County
Democrat ..
----- o------
I hereby announce myself as a can­
Socialist .. .
C. A. Johnson.
ii didate for the office of Sheriff on the
No Party ..
2 Republican
ticket at the primary
Ford Auto For Sale Cheap.
I election to be held in May, and if
nominated and elected will do my
Good second hand Ford Automo­
Frank A. Ro we for Representative.
best to enforce all laws with strict bile 1014 model, for saL for $’co.
Will take a good young horse for
Frank A. Rowe, of M’heeler, was in economy. .
part payment. Apply at the Headlight
the city on Wednesday, and he in­
T. W. Lyster.
formed us that there is some proba­
bility of the Wheeler Lumber Co.’s
sawmill starting up soon, which will
be good news when it does. He also
informed us that quite a number of
persons were wanting him to run for
Joint Representative on the Republic
can ticket. After interviewing quite a
number of our leading citizens, who
promised him their support, he decid­
ed to announce himself as a candidate
Mr. Rowe is a live wire and one of
the best boosters in the county. If he
succeeds in being elected, there is no
doubt but what he will make a good
representative and will diligently look
Good tijpes coming to
t T-I-L-L-A-M O-O-K.
after the interests of the people of
Tillamook County, and will make a
We feel the wave NOW. Everyone you meet
good legislator, for he is full of ener­
will say, “I told you so,” Choice lots like these
gy, using good business judgment.
have never before been offered on such easy
One thing can be relied upon, if there
is anything coming to Tillamook
terms. Buy now and get a good start. Mase
county Mr. Rowe will get 'it. His
1816 your banner year. Own a house and be in­
business relations and connections
make him a good candidate for the
B-O-O-S-T for Tillamook and Till­
position, and we are pleased that he
amook County.
has consented to run.
The Registration.
Holstein Cattle for Sale.
The Helstein-Frietian breed of cat­
tle with few exceptions, have held the
World-Records in the production of
milk and butter-fat for the past
twenty years. The last three world-
Records were made by the Holstein
breed in the following order, namely:
Finderne Holigen Fayne produced
in one year 24,612.8 pounds of milk,
and 1,116.50 pounds of butter-fat.
Finderne Pride Johanna Rue produc­
ed in one year 28,403.7 pounds of milk
and 1,176.47 pounds of butter fat.
Duchess Skylark Ornsby finished her
year a few weeks ago with 27,761.7
pounds of milk, and 1,205 pounds of
butter fat to her credit.
Recognizing the superiority of this
breed of cattle, I have purchased and
have for sale on my farm bn the
Miami River, several choice purs-
bred, registered
cows, heifers, and bull calvts, also
some choice grades, all tubercular
If you have a scrub bull at the head
of your herd, relying upon his get be­
ing producers because his dam, oL_pe
particular breeding, was the best cow
you ever owned, you are taking des­
perate chances, as the science of
Good buys are easy sold.
7 room house with bath, light and water, lot 52? ■a
ft. on 2nd Ave. East and Sth St., $1,250.
2 vacant lots in block 2, Miller add., $700.
1 vacant lot corner 3rd Ave. East and Park St.,
2 vacant lot9 cor 3rd Ave. East and 9th St , $650.
1 vacant lot cor. 3rd Ave. East and 9th St., $500.
1 vacant lot cor. 2ud Ave. East and 9th St., $550.
1 vacant lot corner 5th St., $300.
These lots will be sold at owner’s prices No
commission added. Your own time to pay for
them, at prices less than rent. Only 6 per cent,
and you can build on the lot now.
Property all over the city for sale, trade
and rent.
A. Ci EVERSON, Both Phones.