TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, FEBRUARY 3, 1916. C q U beer-guzzler, a toper. Far from it, not be long until there will be an shall be constructed along the South 0(1 V. temperate drinkers, hard-headed busi nounced the completed plan for get­ bank of the Little Nestucca river where the same borders upon the ' ness min saw the evils of the saloor. ting this system of state highways proposed district. Said district bord­ which, I am sure, will meet with your •f ers upon said river, and as said The Democrats seem so desirous business and decided to stop it, giv­ of seeing Col. Roosevelt nominated ing those engaged in the business a approval."—From the address of Gov. lands are now situated the same are I now subject to overflow at times of for the presidency, that one wonders i good long time to close up their W ithycombe. ! high tides and freshets, and the con- why they don’t select him as thci' I shops and depose of their intoxicants, i struction of a dyke along the bank of j The majority for state prohibition is Notice of Hearing cn Petition To said river will protect said lands from own candidate.—The Spectator. inundation, and the land will thereby Form Drainage District. sufficient to put the "qroakers” to 1 be rendered more fit for cultivation, If that $6o-a-quart champagne is sleep. Oregon’s citizenship is eager to and much more productive. In the County Court of the State of poured in the sewer up at Seattle, give Brohibition a fair, impartial to. The signers of tms petition Oregon, for the County of Tillamook agree that they will pay any and all there will doubtless be several cases trial before condemning it.—News Notice is hereby given that hearing expenses incurred, and any tax or of heart failure among the spectators. I Reporter. on the following petition will be held ; taxes that may be levied against —Register, Eugene. at the Court House in the City of their respective lands for the purpose Our Democratic brethern are in­ Tillamook, County of Tillamook,' of paying the expenses of organizing, It is 20 days since the prohibition clined to settle the question of wheth- State of Oregon on the 22nd day 01 1 or attempting to organize the propos­ law went into effect and not one 1 er or not Judge Hughes, of New York March, 1916, for the purpose of de- | ed district, such expense to be taxed termining whether the prayer of said against the signers in proportion to single permit for booze has yet been will be the Republican standard bear- petition shall be granted. the number of acres owned by them issued in Wahkiakum county. Must 1 er for 1916, for them. They do not To the Honorable County Court of I and affected by the proposed drain­ Tillamook County, Oregon: be on the water wagon.—Columbia want him to make the race, which is age district. undersigned, being the owners it. Wherefore, your petitioners River Sun. , the very best hunch to the Republi- oi The more than fifty per cent of the ■ pray that the lands described herein, ' cans that he is the best man avail­ land in Tillamook County, Oregon, » The grape juice regime established able. While Cummins, Roosevelt, La- hereinafter described, do hereby or such thereof as may be found by the court to be properly included in by Bryan at the White House at the Follette, Root, Sherman and all the petition your Honorable Body and the proposed district, either perman­ beginning of the Wilson administra­ others have their followers, it strikes pray that you cause to be organized ently or until further investigation ami formed a drainage district for 1 and surveys may permit elimination, tion is at an end. President Wilson j us that Judge Hughes is the one man ini purpose of having said lands re- shall a,ldu be umaicu declared mgauutu organized unu into a has decided to serve light wines at who will unite the party and make a claimed and protected in the manner drainage district under the provisions --- .k- the -M effects — herein set forth from of I of Chapter 340 .... all diplomatic functions. Step by step successful run. Therefore the Demo­ her.-.r, hereinbefore referred is the president becoming autocrate crats want someone else to make the water, for sanitary and agricultural to. purposes, and for the benefit and Dated this December 14, 1915. of the White House.—Telephone race. If the question was up to the welfare of the public, and for the 1. Lester Ray. Register. people of Oregon we are sure Judge public utility and benefit. 2. D. H. Fletcher For the purpose of this petition we ------o----- Hughes would win the nomination 3- T. H. Renter state the following facts, as required As an instance of how people gen­ hands down,—News Times. 4- John Fox. by Chapter 340 of the General Laws erally will do the right thing if some­ 5- Chas. Fox. of Oregon for the year 1915. 6. L. J. Redberg. body starts the habit, a feed store in Preaching "American First” arid 1. T he name proposed for the dis­ 7- Ole B. Redberg. Albany has given away 1,000 pounds practicing "Foreigners First” is a trict which is herein prayed for is 8. T. A. Porter. of seed for feeding the birds while policy that will enibarras the demo­ Little Nestucca Drainage District. 9 _ G. A. Etzwiler. 2. The boundary lines of the pro­ the snow is on. It is only recently crats when they come to defend their 10. Chas. Ray. posed district are as follows: M. W. Harrison. that people have taken a general in- record next fall. In the ten months of Beginning at a point 773 feet South 1 tcrest in this good work. It has come democratic tariff rates precceding of the Sixteenth Section corner at the I State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ mook. ss. through agitation and example.— the outbreak of the war, our imports Southeast corner of the Southwest ] I, D. H. Fletaiier, being first duly quarter of the Northwest quarter of ! Telephone Register. sworn, say: That I have read the fore V...:----- 9, - .. 5 „ . Range _ of meats and dairy products increas­ Section Township South, i ed to $40,545,000 as compared with 10 West of Willamette Meridian, i:i going petition: that I believe the al­ legations thereof to be true; that the By taking it where it may not be accu­ The Post Office Department shows $12,460,000 in the corresponding IO Oregon, running thence in a North­ signatures appearing to said petition that honest advertising campaigns of westerly direction alon" the high rately filled—where part of the ingredients months under the republican tariff. water line as follows: are the true and proper signatures of newspapers and magazines are killing used may be so old as to have lost their the persons whose names appear as Imports under Democratic policies Thence North 76 degrees West 440 the get-rich-quick enterprises includ­ thereto, and that each and all freshness, strength and purity. were more than three times as great feet; thence North 38 degrees East signed of said signers are owners of land ing bond investment schemes, home as under republican policies. We 852 feet thence West 465 feet to the within the proposed district as set Get the full value of your doctor’s ser­ purchasing plans, endless chain en- corner; thence ' forth in said petition. gave the foreigners greater access to sixteenth section vices by bringing your prescription to us North 332 feet; thence North 65 terprises which are defrauding the D. H. Fletcher. our markets, and yet the cost of liv degrees West 1460 feet; thence West — where you know it will receive all the credulous millions, but that the lot Subscribed and sworn to before me ing did not decrease. The American 510 feet; thence North 29 degrees this 18th day of December, 1915. teries—the worst frauds of all­ —arc exact care and honest attention that our West 1O70 feet; thence North 42% farmer is forgetful of some things H. T. Botts, still flourishing. — Willamina Times. pride of reputation—backed by experi­ but he will remember these figures degrees West 970 feet; thence South Notary Public for Oregon. 81 degrees West 665 feet; thence My Commission expires Dec. ence, training and the most complete, According to available statistics, when he makes up his mind how to South 86'j degrees West 660 feet; 26. 1915. vote next November. The thence South 73 degrees West 182 figures modern, carefully-selected, thoroughly- there were registered in the United All persons owning or claiming an feet; thence South 33 degrees West in lands described in said States at the end of the year, 2,190, are from official reports.—Astorian tested and well-kept stock of prescription 361 feet; thence South 30 degrees interest petition are hereby notified to appear 257 automobiles, with five states drugs—can possibly give it. Another commission has been crea­ West 369 feet; thence North 72 de-1 at said place on said date and show greis W < st 90 feet; thence North 67] making no reports. Counting these at ted and is at work in California, to degrees West 217 feet; thence North cause, if any there be, why the prayer an average value of one thousand in said petition should not be granted. ascertain who pays the taxes and how 34 degrees West 340 feet; thence J. C. Holden, dollars, which is considered low, one South 85 degrees West 250 feet; they can be shifted Some are so fool­ Clerk of the County Court. can gam some idea of the enormous thence South 66 degrees West 296 ish as to thing that there is some wav feet, thence South 50 degrees West amount of money used for this meth to make the rich people and the cor­ 294 feet; thence South 38 degrees Notice of Final Account. od of business and pleasure.—L'liip porations pay all of the taxes. Ora­ West 563 feet; thence South 63 de- qua Valley News. gr< 1 s West 190 feet; thence North tors make some people who pay no Notice is hereby given that the un­ 54 degrees West 24 feet; thence South dersigned, has filed in the County Rev. E. E. Gittins, of Tillamook direct tax, believe that they do not 58 degrees West 336 feet; thence I Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, 214 feet; in the matter of the estate of Margery o__ » West - “4 iwt, City, Oregon was in Amity Wednes­ have to become interested in the sub­ South 33'. _ degrees nee north 65 degrees East 120 feet; Leasia, deceased, their final account, day, Mr. Gittins informs us that he ject. But it has been proven by census tin thence North 1 “ J 18 degrees East too as administrator and administratrix expects soon to quit the active minis­ statistics that the man who pays $12 feet; thence I ’ . North 31 degrees East of said estate. And that said Court ( try and when he does he expects to a month rent pays $3 of that for taxes 167 feet; thence North 1 23 degrees has Friday, February nth, 1916, I The grocer who sells people the East 286 feet; thence North 28 de­ at 10 fixed live in Amity the rest of his days. o’clock in the forenoon of said vim North Certainly nothing could be more necessities of life is forced to add 10 greis East 220 feet; thence .. 2114 degrees East 446 feet; thence day. at the Court House in Tillamook pleasing to the Amity people than to per cent to make lip for taxes. So if North 25 degrees East 1538 feet; City, Oregon, as the time and place have Mr. Gittins here as a permanent taxes are unnecessarily high, more thence North 26 degrees East 360 for hearing objections to said account. Win. J. Bogart, Goldie citizen, for he is universally loved by and more is shifted onto those least feet; thence North 48 degrees East Clark, administrator and 320 feet; thence North 3 degrees East able to pay the high cost of living. It our people.—Amity Standard. administratrix of the es- is exactly this poor, propertykss 216 feet; thence North 41 degrees ■ o------ • tate of Margery Leasia, West 536 feet; thence North 5314 de­ deceased. Astoria is to have a municipally class, that the politicians get to vole grees East 766 feet; thence North 48 owned steamer line plying the Col for schemes that he may have a fat degrees l ast 450 feet; thence North First publication Jan. 13, 1916. Last publication Feb. II, 1916. umbia between that seaport and the job. He promises the people all kinds 6 degrees East 590 feet; thence South 1 81 degrees East 55 feet to the left, or upper Columbia. This is done in an of relief at the hands of commissions South bank of Little Nestucca River; For County Treasurer. effort to force the railroads to give and minimum wage scales, that only Thence in a Southeasterly direction ----- o Astoria what she considers her rights enrich the grafter.—Seaside Signal. along the left bank of said river to a I hereby announce myself as a point North of the place of beginning; candidate for the office of County as to rail rates. Those who object to Recall of county judges is bccoin- tlimce .South 1160 feet to the place of Treasurer of Tillamook County, sub­ cities owning anything except their beginning. ____ ... to the will of the Republican vot­ sewers will see in this move a step ing a habit down in Columbia coumy. 1 he lands described and contained ject ers at the 1916 primary urimarv election. election toward inevitable destruction. -Cap­ ft was only a year ago that a capable within said boundaries constitute a Respectfully, official was dumped into the discard contiguous body of swamp, wet and itol Journal, Salem. J. H. Dunstan. as an aftermath of the unsavory overflow lands. 3. The total acreage included in High taxes constitute a problem Columbia highway mess, it being well said proposed district is 345,614 acres. To the Voters of Tillamook County, that will not be settled satis­ understood that he was the target for 4. The names of the owners of factorily so long as the people, resentment against state officials land in said district as shown by the hereby announce myself a.0 as a* a va.il can- — --- — — through the initiative and referendum who could not be cached, and now records of Tillamook County, Oregon didate for nomination for the office of and acreage owned by each of laid County Sheriff, on the Republican ask for still more taxation. With it is proposed to attempt to recall owners is as follows: these weapons, they can have any his successor because he stood pat on John Fox anil Charles Fox 67.1 acres ticket. If nominated and elected I size taxes and any kind of govern­ his budget estimates. Has it ever I 11 Renter, S. A. Renter 59.3. acr<% shall endeavor to enforce the law with Full Line of SANITARY Fresh East efficiency, and economy. ment they want—and to date they struck the recall advocates that car­ William Henry Craven, Jes­ Respectfully se A. Craven, Mary L. seem to want costly government and ried to its logical conclusion it means Craven, Birdie L. Craven W, L. Campbell. high taxes. The "reformation" seems public officials with spines like jellv John L. Craven, Orby Crav- Bulk Pickles. A ern °yster9 to be working in the w rong direction and with no higher ambition than to cn and Clair G. Craven, , as To The Voters of TilUmook County. oi J. K. Cra aven de —Oregon Voter, hold on to their jobs. A self-respect­ devisees ceased, I * hereby myself as a mivuy announce myselt ing man of ability will have nothing K Craven, deceased ......... 1124 acres Democratic candidate for the office Old John Barleycorn is going to] to do with a system that redue :es him Lester Ray ................ ........ 1124 acres of C ------ ‘ ~ County School Superintendent acres have another solar plexus. At this | to the level of a mere clerk, with a W. J. Lyons............ ........ 1 39-70 1.2 acres subject — to the primary election to be congress bills arc to be introduced constant threat of dismissal should D. H. Fletcher ........ ......... 8-45 acres held in May, 1916. M. W. Harrison .... prohibiting the use of the mails for he attempt to carry out policies 53-25 acres H. M. Cross. he Charles Ray ............. 1.00 acres the ordering of liquors. These bills, knows ar* sound, if they happen not L. J Redberg 9.00 acres To the will if passed, close down enough dis­ to suit a majority which acts regard­ O. B. Redberg ......... Voters of Tillamook County. 2503 acres ----- u tilleries to make old John writh in less of wisdom but according to tluii Christoffer Christensen 56.60 acres I hereby announce myself as a mortal agony, for there arc over two own private interests.—Hillsboro In­ F .J. Carver ................. acres candidate for the office of County 1.79 Grace Etzwiler ............... .003 acres Commissioner (North end) Tilla­ thousand whisky mail order houses dependent. T. A. Porter and Condcssa doing a rattling good business with L. Porter......................... .031 acres mook County at the primary election the aid of Uncle Sam. Old Sam has Good Roads Oregon's Greatest Issue I. P. Gage ........................ . . 1.86 acres to be held in May 1916. _^___D\^\_Tho m p s o n. 5 The propositi re ..».■■xillVII and rtl several things to do yet before the ._ reclamation protection of said lands is for sanita try '........ mail service reaches the stage of and agricultural purposes, [..r— »uvn To The Voters of Tillamook County. and such can’t be improved upon.—News Times pioposcd reclamation and protection -------- _GV» «mi ----- 0----- will 6- ...... - ■* be conductive to the public health I hereby announce myself as a can­ Portland has some self-satisfying old welfare, and of public utility and didate for the office of County Sheriff judges on the bench that would d > means »0 much to the development of benefit. on the Republican ticket at the pri­ 6 All of the said lands included in mary election to be held in May. Credit to the supreme court bench if our state so must to the tillers of -aid proposed district are properly Respectfully. their legal knowledge is as profound the soil—that it must be met spuare­ included therein, and will be benefi­ Fred H. Minich. ________________ 1 as they think it is. One of them h vs ly.. The automobile and the motor cially affected by the operation of the proposed district. overniled the federal court on the truck are reaching out and changing To the Voters of Tillamook County. 7 The benefits of such proposed Sunday closing law and another ri conditions in the rural districts. The reclamation and protection will ex-1 I I hereby announce that I am a can­ fused for more than a year to com change has been so complete in cccil the damage to be done, and the mil a man to prison after bung de places that we have before us such I ■< st interests of the land included, didate for the nomination for the of­ fice of County School Superintendent dared guilty of embezzlement by > cvncrctc ixamplis of the vital need and of the owners thereof as a whole at the primary rrimary election to be held in and of the public at large will be jury. It has reasonably been suppos of better roads. The state, through May. promoted by the formation and pro- ed that law is law but evidently then I its Highway Department and the I sed operation of such district. Geo. B. Lamb. is some mistake about this in the] Highway Advisory Board, is outlin­ 8. the formation of a drainage minds of the two eminent jurists of I ing a »Ichnite campaign for provid­ district under the provisions of Chap­ Furs Wanted. ■ V. J.. c 340 of the General Lsws of Ore­ ------o------ ter the river city —Sheridan Sun ing a sv stem for state roads. But be­ gon for 1915, under the provisions of Furs wanted, highest prices paid. fore we start this campaign we must which this petition is presented, is a Send for price hst. G D. Alderin & an I work out this plan to its logical end proper and advantageous method of a o. ba lem, Oregon. Investigations are now being con­ ai'cotnpli.shing the reclamation and protection of the lands included in Forewarned. ducted bv the members of the advis­ »aid proposed district. I -■ o------ ory committee—Mr. Benson, Mr 9 The proposed plan for the rec­ Mother—Young man, don't ever let Vutlrr aud Mr. Albert—and it will lamation and protection of property me eatch vou kissing my daughter. in the proposed district is, that a dyke PC IlJ r I 1 RAY & CO Dealers in Groceries, Hay, Grain. G olden Cro wn Flour, bl., $5.50 Sack, $1.45 Ray&Co. fs Special Coffee, bl. 27c. Royal Club Raisins, per lb., 10c. Currants, 2 pkg, 25 c. 17c. Good Walnuts, per lb All Other Goods Sold at BARGAIN PRICES. Don’t Throw Away Your Prescription. C. I. CLOUGH Tillamook, Ore We are Still Selling SUGAR CURED HAMS at 20c. per pound Special Brand Bacon, 19c. lb Fancy Breakfast, 26c. per lb Bacon Backs, 18c Start the New Year Righ t I By Trading at Mason's. THE Genuine Bargain Store. I Have a Clean, Up-To-Date Stock of DRY GOODS Ladies’ Gent.’s Fashionable Boots & Shoes. Cannot be Surpassed for Comfort and Wear. Dress Goods and Underwear. i Carry a Complete Ljne of First Class J I GROCERIES, ETC., And You will Save Money in Your Grocery} Bill by Trading this Year with H. MASON & CO C^fasonic Building. Yojjng Man—No, ma'am I won't. 1