Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 03, 1916, Image 10

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P. J. Worrall Arrested for Bootleg­
Surprise Party.
----- o
P. J. Worrall, manager of the Ho­
John Theiler Trapped Se!ling .Wine Holden with a rook party at their
Made from Evergreen Blackberries. home last Tuesday evening, the oc­ tel Tillamook, was arrested on Thurs­
casion being Mr. Holden’s birthday. day, charged with violating the pro­
hibition law. It seems that a number
John Theiler an old resident of this Honors fell to Dr. Olson.
county, living at Pleasant Valley,
The hostess had provided a dainty of traveling men were leaving that
gained the reputation of being the luncheon and all those who were morning, going out by road, and
first boot legger caught in Tillamook present voted another one of “those Worrall allowed one of the men to
County since the prohibition law good times” and when it was time to procure a bottle of liquor.
went into effect on the first of Jan­ go home all joined in wishing Mr.
uary. It wasn’t rot gut whisky made Holden many more like occasions.
Christian Church.
from alcohol, nor was it a less in­
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
----- 0-----
toxicating beverage known as lager Haberlach, Mr. and Mrs. Poorman,
Our special Sunday evening service
beer, but it was home made vintage Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. have thus far proved a marked sue- (
with a pronounced "kick” in it and I Burge, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Lamb, cess, but we want you to note what’s
M. r an
F M.
M naUa,
took only a few glasses to prove that I y
d Mrs. E.
Bales, Mr. and coming next Sunday night. The
it had a large percentage of alcohol Mrs. Dr. Olson, Mr. and Mrs Alder- women will furnish all the specials
in the home product. Every year Mr. man, Mr. and Mrs. Crenshaw and and we are expecting a hundred of
Theiler appears to have put up a cer­ Mrs. Haltom.
them present. We want you to hear
tain amount of wine, made from what
the ladies' choir of 25 voices and also
High School News.
is known as the evergreen blackberry.
the quartet.
Mr. Theiler thought it no crime to
Mrs. Page will sing a solo, and the
City Supt. of schools Karl Onthank sermon will be especially prepared
sell his home product at 25c. per bot­
tle. But the “kick” in the home vin­ left last Saturday morning for Port­ for the occasion.
tage is what first caused some sus­ land and Eugene to secure an English
Everybody will be welcomed.
picion, for it had the effect of mak­ instructor to take the place left va­
ing a number of young people feel cant by the resignation of Professor
Presbyterian Church Notes.
decided elated and Theiler anticipat­ Crockatt. Mr. Onthank is planning to
ed doing a thriving business by un- return by the Neahkahnie Mountain
Although last Sunday was a very
loading about $250.00 worth of this trail if the trains are not running in a stormy day the program for "Join
few days. Professor Crockatt went the Church Day” was carried out, and
beverage with the “kick" in it.
by the pastor and people were delighted to
The tables soon turned when the out Thursday afternoon
district attorney’s and the sheriff's Southern route.hiking over to Willa­ receive ten new members into the
offices got next. ‘ Sheriff Crenshaw mina, and from there to Eugene.
church fellowship all on profession of
was soon on the job, and in almost
their personal faith. The special music
Last Friday evening the Sopho­
less time than one can tell it, Theiler’s
conducted by Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
little plan of doing a land office busi­ more class basketball team of the Koch in the evening service was much
ness was smashed into smithereens high school was defeated in a close apreciated as usual. Many kind words
and Theiler and his large amount of game with the Freshmen quintet were spoken respecting the pastor’s
wine hauled to the city. There were The final score was 13 to 12 in favor evening discussion of a live subject of
of the Freshmen and such was the
five barrels and several demijohns.
the day “The Church and the Lodge”
Sheriff Crenshaw went out to excitement that the boys announced Next Sunday will be a day of good
Theiler’s place last Thursday evening it all over the city by loud cheering. interest. "The Fire from the Hill”
simply to rubberneck, and as he This game is one of a senes of class will be the subject of the sermon at
reached there he saw a young man games and the ranking at the present 11, and in the evening at 7:30 the
come out of Theiler’s house. The time of the classes is Juniors won subject will be “God’s Patience To­
sheriff put the young man on the one game; Seniors won and lost one ward the Impenitent.” All who are at
sweat box and he owned up that game; Sophomores won and lost one liberty to attend are cordially and
Theiler had sold him a bottle of wine game; and Freshmen won one and urgently invited to these services.
for 25c. Marking a piece of money lost two games.
' ' ■ ■■! 'J..1.— ae*.1"1
the sheriff told the young man to go
Last Tuesday evening the students Women’s Civic Improvement Club
in and get another bottle, and being
and faculty" of the high scho >1 gave a
Meets Friday.
exceedingly accommodating Theiler
farewell reception in honor of Prof.
produced the bottle of wine and the P. C. Crockatt who is intending to
The regular meeting of the Woman’s
young man placed the money on the
leave this week for Spokane where he Civic Improvement Club will be held
table and departed. The sheriff took
has been appointed at the head of the at the Guild Hall Sat. Feb. 5, at 2:30.
the bottle of wine, which was used as
department of Literature in Spokane
This club has determined to begin a
evidence against Theiler.
University. The reception was held campaign that will place Tillamook on
Friday- morning the sheriff went
in the Guild hall and over 75 were the map as the “Dahlia City” and to
out again to the Theiler ranch, armed
in attendance to enjoy the pleasant that end the subject of dahlia culture
with a search warrant and a warrant
time. Games were played until a late will be discussed at this meeting. Mr.
that placed Theiler under arrest as I
hour when dainty refreshments were Fred Baker. Mrs. Billings ar.d Mrs.
the first person to violate the prohi­
served. Professor Crockatt responded Zaddach of Nehalem, all prize winning
bition law in Tillamook County.
to the farewell gathering by a short growers, will address the club, and
With Theiler and the wine piled on
talk telling of his appreciation for wilt give information which no one in­
an auto truck, the sheriff brought
the spirit of the young people of Till­ terested in dahlias can afford to miss.
the victim and the goods with a amook.
Every woman in the city, whether a
“kick” to the city.
member or not, should take advantage
Saturday Theiler pleaded not guilty
On Friday night the basketball of this opportunity for instruction that
before Justice Stanley, who set the teams of Garibaldi will come to Till­ will enable them to get the very best
trial for Monday morning. The court amook to meet the girl’s and boys results from work in this line.
house was well filled at the time, high school teams on the local basket
there being considerable interest tak­ ball floor at the opera house. Two
Frozen to Death.
en in the case. District Atty. T. H. weeks ago the local school teams
Goyne was the prosecuting officer, sallied down to Garibaldi and the
On Thursday of last week, Dan Ger-
and Attorney S. S. Johnson defended girls lost by a decisive score and the yeas and L. W. Neeley left their
Theiler. The prosecution placed sev­ local boys defeated the Garibaldi homes at Wheeler for a hunt in the
eral witnesses on the stand, all of quintet by a score of 25 to 18. The hills back of the town. They separ­
whom conclusively proved that the game was so fast and exciting that ated with the agreement that they
State had a strong case against Thei- it was pronounced the best ever seen should meet later. Gerveas, however,
lcr, the testimony of sheriff Cren­ near here and a hard fought exciting did not show up at the appointed time
shaw showing that Theiler had been game is expected here. Garibaldi and later a searching party was sent
nicely trapped and that he had cer­ teams have been adding new players out to look for him. No trace of him
tainly violated the prohibition law. and have been practicing hard for the could be found until Saturday when his
There was no doubt on that point in struggle while the local teams are body was found near the jetty frozen
stiff. It is thought that he succeeded
the minds of the large audionce.
working out every night. The local
Court adjourned for noon before teachers and other athletic ladies in getting Out of the mountains during
District Attorney Goyne had pro­ have been playing against the girls the night and wandered towards the
duced all his witnesses, and on reas­ to give them the proper training and beach and died before he coulu get to
sembling the case soon came to a the boys have been having some hard safety.
Coroner Wendt went to Wheeler Sun
close. Theiler withdrew his plea of work every evening. The Garibaldi
and made an examination of the
not guilty and pleaded guilty, this be­ teams and supporters will motor from
body. An inquest was considered un­
ing agreed to by the prosecution, there on Friday.
provided he would plead guilty to two
----- o——
charges. This Theiler did, and it was
The Community Sing.
News has been recieved by debate
fortunate for him that he did so, for coach Crockatt of the high school
----- o -
had District Attorney Goyne desired, that Astoria and Ranier were the
The Community Sing given by the
he could have preferred 20 charges winners in a series of debates through Civic Improvement Club at the Guild
against Theiler. One of the worst out the lower Columbia River district Hall, last Friday evening was well
features in connection with this boot- and that they
_ would
meet _____
with Tilla- attended and much enjoyed by all.
legging, was the fact that Theiler mook which won its debate by de­ Everyone entered heartily into the
singing of the old songs, led by Miss
had »old wine to minors, who had be- fault,
fault, in
in a a triangler
triangler contest
contest tr»
to AaeMM
McKown, music teacher in our public
come intoxicated.
the championship of the district, on
The justice took the case under ad­ next Saturday evening. According to schools.
The McGhee Orchestra, under the
visement for a few hours before pas- the schedule
____ Delmar Powers afid
directorship of Chester McGhee, ren­
sing sentence, when he
... ____ -
j C.i.'.oi, raarnn composing the nega-
» —------------- j
and costs and - — 30 days
in jail I live team will travel to Astoria ami dered two fine selections, which were
—,- ...
Owing to Theiler
Ts.a— being
----- somewhat ad-
- Lee Doty and Ernest
-- Crockatt
----------- will
- — heartily applauded. Something entirely
vanced in age he suspended the jail I defend the local rostrum agrinst the new were the numbers by the German
double quartette. Their two selection*
sentence pending good behavior.
onslaughts of Ranier's negative team. were much enjoyed, but not at all !
It is more than probable that the I ’ There
are _ grave ____
.2... ar-
,.j v".-
understood by the majority of the
sheriff will destroy, the whole of the I rangements will be completed
1 as audience. Mrs. Stranahan read a fine
wine, which is now stored in the|t there
will be no comtnunication for selection from James Whitcomb Riley.
county jail.
some time. If the local boys are suc­ The violin selections by Robert Dris­
cessful in both debates then
...... two coll were well rendered and showed
Administrator's Notic«.
speakers will be chosen front among much talent. Mr. Driscoll responded
---- o------
the four
t---- <o represent Tillamook
to two encore*. He wa* ably accom­
Notice is hereby given to all whom against a
panied on the piano by Mr. Leland
it may concern that the undersigned, which is
Erwin. The selection* bv the male
the semi-final contest.
was by an order of the County Court,
quartette, composed of Messrs. Gay­
of Tillamook County, Oregon, made
Notice to Mutual Telephone Patron«. lord, Jones, Claussen and Eberhardt, '
•n the 25th day of January. 1916, ap­
were both enjoyed.
pointed administrator of the estate of
Notice is hereby given, that patrons
Mrs. C. J. Edwards, the president
Sophia Severance, deceased. All per- of the
__ ____
Tillamook County Mutual Tel- of the Clwto, being absent on account
sons having claims against said estate I ephone
Co. are to pay their month!.» of sickneae in her home. Rev. Youel
are hereby notified to present the | rentals
at the Tillamook County, acted as chairman of the meeting.
same to the undersigned with the Bank in the future.
■ After the program a good time wa*
proper vouchers thereto prdperlv
enjoyed socially by thoee wishing to
verified within six months of the
1 «main.
United Brethem Church.
date of this notice at the Tillamook
County Bank, Tillamook City, Ore­
Sunday school 10 a.m. Preaching 11
Piano for Sale. ________
a.m. Y. P. C. F... 630 p.m. Evening
----- o— — ,
Dated this 3rd day of February, <916. service, 7:30. Special music both
For tale, a Hollett & Davis piano,
M. W. Harrison.
' morning and evening.
in good condition. Inquire
Administrator of said estate. I
R- E- Sumerlin, Pastor.
,‘Johnson, Tillamook, Orc.
T- L
fr / dax |
Hundreds Continue to Benefit by
The Stock Reduction, Clean-Up
and Annual White Sales.
The Bargains offered in these three Sales are simply) Stupendous
and if you have not already taken advantage of them do so now for
the}) cannot be repeated when once the merchandise is sold out.
For Men, Women, rJ/Misses, Bo})s, Girls
and Children.
You need reliable footwear this sort of weather so
fill your needs now at these saving prices :
To $1.75 Children’s Shoes for • .................... 98c.
To $2.50 Child's and Misses’ Shoes.............. $1.48
To $2.50 Boys' Gun Calf Shoes for................ $1.65
To $3.75 Boys' Gun Calf Shoes for .............. $1.95
To $3.50 Ladies’ Shoes for .................................. $2.19
Special ! Men's Dress Shoes per pair.......... $3.20
Actual $3.50 Gum Boots per pair.................. $3.15
Actual $5.00 Snagpruof Gum Boots................ $4.25
Actual $6.50 Snagproof Gum Boots................ $5.95
Actual $7.00 Snagproof Gum Boots................ $6.15
Actual $5.75 8 inch Top Daytons for.................$5.25
Actual $6.50 12 inch Top Daytons for ............ $5.95
Actual $7.50 12 inch Top Daytons for............ $6.65
^Announcing an Advance
Shipment of
Received this Week.
Just a few pretty models
in advance Spring styles
for milady’s choosing.
Come and see these
new models whether you
wish to purchase now
or not. It will give us
pleasure to simply show
them to you.
In the
Sale of Underwear
The Store that
Suits and Coats
for Women,
Florsheim Shoes
for Men,
Hart Schaffner
& Marx
Good Clothes
1 for Men,
Stetson and Mal­
lory Hats for
Arrow Shirts
and Collars,
La Porte
Woolen Mills
Dress Fabrics
Nemo & Amer­
ican Lady Cor­
For rJAden, Women, ryVlisses, Boys
and Girls.
A final effort to clean-up the broken lines and
odtls and ends in Underwear numbers left over
from the winter’s stocks,
Underwear for <yiden.
Actual 50c. Fleece Lined Shirts and
Drawers for ............................................
Actual $1.50 Wool Shirts and Drawers
Actual to $2.25 Union Suits for..........
Underwear 'for Women.
Actual to $1.40 values in Pants for...
Actual to $2.50 values in Pants for .
Actual $1.25 values in Vests for-...
Actual $1.75 values in Vests for....
Actual $2 50 values in Vests for ...
Actual 75c. Union Suits for................
Actual $1.00 Union Suits for................
Actual $2.00 Union Suits for. ...............
Actual $2.75 Union Suits for................
Actual $3.75 Union Suits' for................
Underwear for Children.
All Sizes to Fit sues 2 to 16 Years.
Actual to 50c. Shirts, Pants and
Drawers ..................................................
Actual to 95c. Wool Shirts, Pants and
Drawers for............................................
Actual $1.68 Union Suits for..................
and Elsewhere
Silk Waists,
Ladies’ and
Suits. Coats,
Dresses and
M iddies.
Men’s Hats,
Suits, Coats.
Dress Goods
Ki mono
Also Remnants
of Yard—Goods
Every woman who appreci­
ates good and stylish footwear
knows that the name Queen
Quality stands for everything
that is excellent in design,
make and finish, and these
features combined with the
style embodied in each model
makes them the desired of all
shoes for women. Shown in
Patent, Vici Kid, Gunmetal,
Patent with cloth tops and
Gunmetal with cloth tops,
these shoes can be had in
either Cuban or LouiseCuban
The “Gypsy” is a special
Model in Soap Kid. Ask to
see it next time you are in the
store. It will be shown you
Pt ices are from
$3.50 to $5.00.
That Offers Wonderful Savings to Every
Housewife in the Count}).
The savings you can make by purchasing
beddiug supplies now are both tangible and
worth while. Every bedroom need is included
in this Sale.
Actual 79c. Flannelette Blankets for per pair 68c.
Actual $1.19 Flannelette Blankets for per pair 98c.
Actual $1.25 Flannelette Blankets for perpair $1.09
Actual $1.75 Flannelette Blankets for per pair $1.59
Actual $2.00 Woolnap Blankets for per pair $1.79
Actual $2.50 Woolnap Blankets for per pair $2.29
Actual $1.98 Soft Downy Comforters for ... $1.75
Actual $2.50 Soft Downy Comforters for.... $2.29
Actual $2.75 Soft Downy Comforters for.... $2 •'>'.»
Actual $2-98 Soft Downy Comforters for ... $2.73
Actual $1.25 Plump Filled Feather Pillows $1.09
Actual $1 50 Plump Filled Feather Pillows $ .29
Actual $1.75 Plump Filled Feather Pillows $1.59
Actual $2.25 Plump Filled Feather Pillows $1.98
Actual $3.00 Plump Filled Feather Pillows $2.69
Sheets and Pillow Cases at equally
generous savings.
Gold Bond Trading Stampa Given With Every Purchase.