Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 03, 1916, Image 1

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No. 34
Having taken charge of the auto­
mobile department of Case’s Garage,
I solicit your patronage in the future
as in the past and will guarantee sat­
isfaction. Frank H. Devine.
For Sale, about 36 tons of hay or
will trade same for cattle. If preferred
can bring stock and feed same on
place.—Inquire of F. H. Neilson, Bay-
City, Oregon.
J. J. Longcor formerly
of Ba;.
City, came in on Friday from Salem
to attend to some business, and was
to have left Tuesday, but is held her
as a witness in a bootlegging case,
W e have made special arrangt
ments with the Telephone Co., t
connect you directly with our office
in case you wish any of our GOO1
COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28V
O ur B ank / s a 5 af £P iac £
the Wells Fargo Express office his
place in this city to be filled by Mr.
Summerville, of Salem.
For sale, two 2 year yearling bulls
and two calves, 1 year in Spring, A. J
C. C. Jerseys,from dams that tes
300 to 400 pounds butter fat—T. H.
McCormack, Tillamook, Oregon, R.
F. D. 1.
M 15.
For Sale—Tug Chas M. Greiner, 4
years old, length 80 feet, beam 19 ft.
draft 8 ft., 350 horse power. N ow i 1
Portland Harbor. For price and full
particulars address G. W. Evans,
McMinnville, Oregon.*
Attorney J. L. Henderson informs
us that a sneak thief stole the tools
that were used to cut out the light­
house trail, and if the party who did
I so fails to replace them he is liable
to be prcsecuted.
for it
ney carried in the pocket slips away easily. Put
1 in our BANK ; it won’t be so hard to refuse a loan
riends” who will never pay you back. Nor will you
ihly SPEND your money when it is safe in our bank.
■ refer those who have not banked with us to those
HAVE. Our vaults and locks are strong. The good
is of men of high CHARACTER and known financial
PONSIBIL1TY are also behind our bank.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
We pay 4 per cent interest on Sayings Deposit.
illamook County Bank
I have orders for a great number
of calves and am n°w buying all
I can get. When you have a calf
for sale its money in your pocket
to call me up. Am able to pay and
will pay fancy Prices for Durham
Bulls, Red Poll Bulls, Durham,
Red Polls and Holstein Heifers.
Can also use chickens.—Both
Phones.Smith, THE CALF MAN.
Capital and Surplus, $30 000.00
Member Federal Reserve Bank.
E. H. Lower and wife, of Duluth,
Minn, are visiting with Attorney and
Mr*. Wm. Marx this week. Mr. Low­
er appears to be a fine gentleman and
it sems to him a little remark-
ibe on reaching the jumping off place
of the Northwest, he is held here on
recount of the tie up on the railroad.
That’* a pretty good way of keeping
>eople here.
Married on Thursday morning, Feb-
uary 3rd, at the Methodist parsonage
he Rev. Edward Gittins officiating,
\fr. Robert R. Stillwell and Mrs.
"tula Finney. Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Voyes, parents of the bride, and Win-
i slow Finney and Marcia Stillwell
were present at the ceremony. The
j young couple are well known here,
ind thtir friends wish them a long
life of happiness.
Owing to the extreme cold weather
in Eastern Oregon and Idaho and the
poor train service that we have been
having lately, it has been very detri-
mental to us in handling all of the
young calves, but we are still taking
them all and doing the best we can
with them. Call us when you have
anything to sell and we w-ill call and
get it. We w-ant a lot of hogs at this
time as we are going to ship a car in
the very near future.—Tillamook
Livestock Co. Both Phones.
D. L. Shrode, Geo. Williams and
Charles Kunze vs Maude Sharp and
P. J. Sharp is a suit filed in the cir
According to the official weather
Druggist Koch is enlarging his cuit court to recover $307.80 and
for January only 12.89 inches
floorspace in his drug store by the
of moisture was precipitated and this
the defendants.
addition of a balcony.
The local sawmill has commenced is an exceptionally dry month. 13%
C. Pangborn and children left on
es to Rent, see Watson.
inches of snow fell and the average
Saturday for Alauldon, Ill, where they its night run of work. The change temperature for the nionth was 33.9
developed ioc. per roll.—C. I.
will make their home.
perienced men have been secured to degrees. 18 degrees was the coldest
for rent.—Apply at the City 1 For Rent—Store Building now oc­ operate the machinery. Two crews of temperature for the month and the
thermometer never went above 48.
cupied by B. D. Lamar as a variety men are being used.
r Co.
On the 22nd the strongest wind in
store after Feb., 1st.—I’. W. Todd.
ee Kodak instructions at C. I.,
Owing to train delays and bad years' blew over the coast, a south­
Your Free Sample of Briquets is
* I
weather conditions the movies have wester registering 94 miles at North
now ready at Lamb-Schrader Co’s,
ed, young pigs.—A. F. Coats office.—Better C. Lamb.
been closed since Tuesday night. The head.
boys say they only have a few reels
For sale or trade a moving picture
A serious land slide occurred this
in your prescriptions, Tilla-
on hand and they want to pick the
outfit, complete, Call or write to J. S.
the Trask river at the
best nights for which none can blame week on
)rug Co.
Prime, Bay City, Oregon.
* them.
old fish hatchcry. A strcnch of 50
deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla-
feet all the way down the canyon was
G. W. Coffman, who ran the Silver
?ounty Bank.
If you have any hogs to sell call us swept entirely bare, and some of the
Dollar Saloon, will leave for Portland
up on either phone as we are going small buildings around the hatchery
place to eat is at the “Good on the first train leaving here.
to ship a carload of hogs in the near were demolished. No vestige of a
pamsey Hotel.
For Sale—Full blooded
Barred future. We are also buying all kinds
road was left for a long stretch, the
registered Holstein bulls for Rock Cockerals, $1.00 each. E. L. of young calves and hides as well as avalanch of dirt and trees covering
furs of all kinds.—Tillamook Live- everything up. The slide also took
F. R. Beals.
* away, a small building on Ray Walls’
It’s a friend in deed and the machine Stock Co. Bell phone 8F22.
ks wanted—Lamb Schrader Co.,
you need the White Rotary at Jones
place, who homesteaded that part of
kook Oregon.
Knudson Fur. Co., store
* 7% beam, 10 horse power, Roberts’ the land where the canyon is situated.
■'t miss "The Waif” at the Star
Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ engine all complete, must bring $150 The slide just missed his house.
Ire Saturday night.
sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ cash. Also one 40 ft. float with two
rooms, finished for only $25. Enquire
motor cycle for sale cheap, apply merly of the Spanish Kitchen.
Circuit Court Postponed.
at first float below Elmore dock.—
B's Garage, Tillamook.
Money to Loan on First Farm Sessions &Schenck.
County Clerk J. C. Holden received
Ithe Star Theatre Saturday night Mortgages—E. J
Robertson, 702
Seth Jenkins, who has been working a telegram from Judge Geo. R. Bag-
Waif” a six part photo play.
Title and Trust Building, Portland,
for Mr. Blackmore, at Barnesdale, ley stating that he had made an order
it choose your doctor. Choose us Oergon.
was arrested by Sheriff Crenshaw postponing the February term of the
Dur druggist—Tillamook Drug
We use only the purest drug* ob­ on Tuesday while on his way to his Circuit Court until the 23rd and the
tainable to enter into your prescrip­ home in Spokane, Wash., on advice county clerk was instructed to advise
br sewing that’s right you will tions. Bring them to us—Tillamook of Mr. Blackmore, who accused the attorneys, jurors, litigants, witnesses
I the White.—Jones Knudson Fur. Drug Co.
♦ young man of stealing furs. Jenkins and others. All arrangements had
■ Agents.
Having bought the Tillamook Iron handed over the furs and was allowed been made for holding court next
Works from A. K. Case all business to settle the matter.
Monday, District Attorney Goy ne
up to from Sept. 1st will be transacted by
several criminal ca»ef to be
Last week there was several inches
H. Sander.
of snow on the ground, and Sunday disposed of by the giand jury.
Born, on Thursday, to the wife of it snowed on and off most of the day,
at all
Afternoon Party.
night John Linder a girl; to the wife of making sleighing a novelty in this
Jos. Delsman, a girl.
he 1 illamook Meat Co. is paying
Last Wednesday afternoon at the
the weather occurred on Monday,
per pound for live fat hogs
Wanted—To rent piano by respon-
when the wind changed to the South, home of Mrs. Robt. Leonard was the
sible party. Write stating grade of in­
bringing a warm rain, which soon scene of a pretty gathering. Fourteen
strument and rent asked. Address T.
ladies responding to the very unique
tney Service: Auto for hire
cleared the ground of snow.
E. H., Tillamook, Ore.
invitations sent out by the hostess
>' Phone 53J Day—154J
Dryden R. Baker vs. Daisy Baker
Protect your valuable papers Iron
Slj ter.
complimenting Mr*. Albert Byers.
the unexpected fire by renting une of is a divorce suit filed in the circuit Each lady represented the title of
For Sale—A five passenger White our safe deposit boxes. Only one court. These parties were married in
some well known book and the after­
• in good condition—Apply at dollar per year.
Tillamook County Salt Lake City, Utah on the 19th of noon was partially spent in the guess­
*s Garage.
December, 1913, and the complaint
ing of each book, then a musical game
alleges that a few hours after the
.lave you prescriptions to be filled?
was announced which proved very
married the defendant wilfully de­
e can fill any prescription.
entertaining. Mr*. Erwin Harrison
Can be welded for half. Goods sent
serted plaintiff, and since the date of
>ok Drug Co.
winning the prize. Decoration* were
by parcel post and express promptly
the marriag^ have lived separate and
of the Valentine order and all pres­
For Sate, High Grade Jersey bull, returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook,
ent voted having a very pleasant after
months old. E. R. Garner, Knight
Hem- Oregon.
ck, Oregon.
If you are contemplating the pur­ noon. Guests present were: Mr*. C.
If you want to rent a first class chase of a piano or player piano W. Miller, Mr*. Albert Byers, Mr*.
For sale, cheap, vine
Iruce limbs. Apply to M. R. or re- 160 acre ranch, capable of handling write me for prices. It will pay you E. T. Haltom, Mr*. W. A. Williams,
75 to 80 cows, see or write C. W to see me before buying elsewhere. I Mrs. W. Reichert, Mr*. E. E. Koch,
ratt, I illamook, Oregon.
Miller at office of A. F. Coats have the old reliable Wiley B. Allen Mrs. Thad Robison, Mr*. Fred Poor­
[Mood Sawed—Call E. W.
Lumber Co, Tillamook, Oregon .. * Co., agency for Tillamook County.— man, Mr*. Wm. Hill, Mr*. J. C. Hol­
the Mutual phone, Prompt
* den Mrs. Blaine Hays, Mr*. Erwin
E. T. Watkins left for Salem last I Leland B. Erwin.
|>’d careful work.
I fully intend to sell you that piano rtarnson and Mr*. Robt Leonard.
1 he question of destroying
this spring, unless the automobile
liming the wine to Theiler will come
man gets there first.
Service« at the Methodist Church.
l'P before Justice Stanley on the llth.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hey-1 were
White service ’tis plain is assured
pleasantly surprised by a few friends
Sunday School, io o’clock, W. E.
b the name.-Jone* Knudson Fur. Co.
in honor of their 8th wedding anni­ Noyes, Supt. Five minute sermon to
versary Sunday evening. Mr. Erick­ schooL 10:50. Morning worship, II
son acting as pastor performed the o’clock. Theme of sermon, "The Cra­
wedding ceremonv
the bride ar.d dle; Eugenics, Physical and Spirit­
groom promising to love and obey. ual." Class meeting 12 M, W. M.
Many useful gifts were received Heaston, leader,
A dainty wedding supper was served
Special music at these service*.
being a rubber wedding the favo.s Come and welcome.
were rubber wedding bells.
Edw. Gittins, Pastor.
lamook Jottings.
B. C. LAMB, President.
W. J. RIECHERS, Cashier.
J. G. HOLDEN, Vice-Presdent,
I. E. KELDSON, Assistant Cashier
A. W. B vnn .
J. C. H olden .
W. J. R iechers .
B. C. C amb .
Careful Attention Given to all Banking
Business Placed in Our Hands.
Tillamook—A Live Progressive City. scent of anything and everything that
will make for the growth and devel­
The writer had the pleasure of a opment of their fair city, and always
visit to the City of Tillamook—coun­ boosting, extending the glad hand to
ty seat and metropolis of Tillamook the stranger within the gates, and
County—famous for its fine cheese overlooking no point that will fasci­
all the time and for its sunshine— nate or lur him there to stay. But,
sometimes. We have heard much of alas, they labor under a severe hand­
this fine progressive city, snuggled icap—that is, publishing two papers
warmly behind the hills on a fine where but one should live and grow
broad bay, but with the whif of real and prosper. Someone has said that
salt in the air and none of the objec- the entire world will honor the man
tions of the exposed coast cities. We who. can make two blades of grass
thought we had vizualized this fine grow where but one grew before. And
city and given it as fair a setting in we want to go on record as declaring
our mind as might be justified, but a that a community is apt to chafe1—
visit proved our rosy view fell very and perhaps cuss under its breath—
where two papers butt into a field
short of the reality.
where Only one should be. Without in
In a valley much like our
at home, Tillamook has fine wide any way desiring to do the ‘'butt-in-
streets, modern business buildings,, act” on our brethern of Tillamook, we
handsome public schools and has now wonld predict the finest team of
in course of construction a modern boosters you ever met, if these two
$20,000 city hall; between three and men were joined in double harnes*
four miles of pavement, a fine sewer and given the job of making Tilla­
system, good mountain water and mook the best city on the coast from
other modern facilities complete a Seattle to San Francisco, and given
short survey of this city of 1800 peo­ half a chance they would do it, too.
We have enjoyed Tillamook cheese
ple—that impresses one as must like
a long time, and a visit to the lair
a city of 3000.
A brief visit with a number of the of the cheese has shown us that the
business men, a more extended and I product is certainly no finer than the
fraternal “conversation" as the diplo­ people who stand sponser for it.—
mats would say, with the newspaper Forest Grove News-Times.
men—Messrs. Baker of the Headlight
and Trombley of the Herald—glimp­
sed us the real reason for the progress
and prosperity of Tillamook—a hustl­
ing, progressive, co-ope ating group
of business men. The same conditions
in any city will produce the same re­
And in the van guard of this pro­
gressive procession of Tillamook bus­
iness men stand by the newspaper
men. Both are live wires, keen oA the
MOVE to 1.0 O.F. BLD.,
Drop in and kook Around.”
C. J. E dwards .
Card of Thank*.
We desire in this manner to thank
all who have been so kind to our
loved son, Janies R. McKimens, dur­
ing his long illness and death, and to
all who by kind words and acts have
helped us bear our loss. Your kind­
ness will always be remembered.
Geo. R. McKimens.
Mrs. Mary McKimens.
Good times coming to T-I-L-L-A-M O-O-K.
We feel the wave NOW. Everyone you meet
will say, “I told you so,” Choice lots like these
have never before been offered on such ea y
terms. Buy now and get a good start. Mase
1816 your banner year. Own a house and be in­
dependent. B-O-O-S-T for Tillamook and Till­
amook County.
Good buys are easy sold.
7 room house with bath, light and water, lot 521
ft. on 2nd Ave. East and 8th St., $1,250.
2 vacant lots in block 2, Miller add., $700.
1 vacant lot corner 3rd Ave. East and Park St.,
“2 vacant lots cor 3rd Ave. East and 9th St , $650.
1 vacant lot cor. 3rd Ave. East and 9th St., $500.
1 vacant lot cor. 2ud Ave. East and 9th St., $550.
1 vacant lot corner 5th St., $300.
These lots will lx* sold at owner’s prices No
commission added. Your own time to pay for .
them, at prices less than rent. Only 6 per cent.
and you can build on the Jot now.
Pro|>erty all over the city for sale, trade
and rent.