TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 27, 1916. . ■ ■Ml THE HEADLIGHT’S BARGAIN PAGE here is a Misspelled Word is One of these Attractive Advts. The First Person to Present the Correction to the Merchant in whose Advertisemet t the Misspelled Word Appears between 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. on SATURDAY NEXT will be Given One Dollar in Trade. Start the New Year Right ! ByTrading at Mason’s. THE We are Still Selling Genuine Bargain Store. SUGAR CURED HAMS I Have a Clean, Up-To-Date Stock of at 20c. per pound. DRY GOODS. Ladies’ (S5 Gent, ’s Fashionable Boots Shoes. Cannot be Surpassed for Comfert and Wear. Dress Goods and Underwear. I Carry a Complete Line of First Class GROCERIES, ETC., And You will Save Money in Your Grocery) Bill by Trading this Year with H. MASON <§> CO., Special Brand Bacon, 19c. lb. Fancy Breakfast, 26c. per lb. Bacon Backs, 18c. IIIGII CHAIRS, $1,25 to $5.00. CHILDREN’S ROCKERS, Red and Golden Oak, 40c. to $4.50. IRON BEDS, like cut, White or Vernis Martin Finish, $7.50. Golden Crown Flour, bl., $5.50 Sack, $1.45. Ray&Co. ’s Special Coffee, bl. 27c. Royal Club Raisins, per lb., 10c. Currants, 2 pkg, 25 c. Good Walnuts, per lb - - 17c. ft SANITARY Fresh East- ■ Bulk Pickles. KHT ern Oysters‘ Full Line of çJ/Wasonic Building. AMMER FURNITURE CO. RAY & CO., Dealers1 in Groceries, Hay, Grain. Use Good Judgement in Buying All Other Goods Sold at BARGAIN PRICES. Our Aim is to Please. Hardware and Sporting Goods. Ammunition, Quick Meal Ranges, Building Material, Wall Paper, Du Pont Blasting Supplies. KING & SMITH CO .9 TILLAMOOK, OREGON. While it is true train delays have caused us some incon­ venience, we have had to re­ sort to some of our emergency Reels, and may have to again, but they are reels never shown in Tillamook before. “THE MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY,” Every Friday Night, at the STAR THEATRE. JilMB hh 3 HMHEKSBBBHBWESEMHCE OnWednesday, the 2nd day of February, J > we will sell a Special Coffee, Tibs, for $1.00, or 15c. per pound. Catsup at $2.25 per doz. or 20c. per bottle. These are all to be cash sales. We will also give 5 bottles of Catsup to the person guess­ ing the correct number of cat­ sup bottles in the window,and 3 bottles to the person guess­ ing the nearest, and 1 bottle to the person coming the third nearest. THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS. Columbia Crochet and Tatting Cotton, in white and colors, Special, 8c. Ball. Ladies’ White Sheer Lawn and Cross Barred Handkerchiefs Special, 6 for 25c. Ladies’ Outing Flannel & Ging­ ham Petticoats, 75c. values, Special, 50c. each. The Celebrated Thompson Cor­ set, $1.50 values, Special, $1.25 Pair. Fine Dress Ginghams, in new plaids, 15c. val, Special 10c. yd. TILLAMOOK FEED CO. GRAND LEADER. vALL ÄPER ! Only Up-To-Date Wall Paper Store in the County. Mail Orders Solicited. / al lJPape r, d o u ble o11’ Per Toh, from Í OC. up LOOR PAINT, per gal.,.5165. INTERIOR P MNT, per gal , 11.65. We Do Paper Hanging. CLAUDE I. MYERS. TILLAMOOK GARAGE. Service Station for All Cars. Expert Repairing. A Complete Line of Ford Parts Carried in Stock. THE QUALITY STORE. The First Showing of New Spring , DRESS GOODS, . Plain and Embroidered and Figured Voils, Organdies, Linweaves and Others. A. A. PENNINGTON. Don’t Throw Away Your Prescription. By taking it where it may not be accu­ rately filled—where part of the ingredients used may be so old as to have lost their freshness, strength and purity. Get the full value of your* doctor’s ser­ vices by bringing your prescription to us -where you know it will receive all the exact care and honest .attention that our pride of reputation—backed by experi­ ence, training and the most complete, modern, carefully-selected, thoroughly- tested and well-kept stock of prescription drugs can possibly give it. C. I. CLOUGH, ACKLEY & ROSENBERG, | Reliable Druggist, Tillamook, Ore. Props. Satisfaction and Workmanship Guaranteed.