« TLLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JANUARY 27, 1916 What the Editors Say. A * I A » ■ 1 i w, F j . j f"’J According to no less an authority than Prot. X erkes, or Harvard, th. pig is more nearly akin to man than o, any otner animal save the ape. Ibis relaiionsuip, explains the protessor, is in a phychological sense, winch, we hope, is another way of saying in a Pickwickian sense. Sadly, however, it must be confess­ ed that the opinion of the savant merely confirms the opinions ol many layman, who are coniessed em- pricists, One hears frequent and bet­ ter allusions to the "piggishness” oi people. One is familiar with the street car liug, the dinner pig and several other varieties of the bipedal genus sus. These, happily, are not numerous but make up m activity what they lack in numbers. But that we are all piggishly disposed—that news comes as something of a shock. Still one rejoices that the kinship is psychological rather than physiologi­ cal, through the cannibals of tradi­ tion do speak of their favorite deli­ cacy as "long pig,” and Gilbert’s mariner of the Nancy brig avers that the mate be ale "much resembled pig." In appearance, however, wc fancy that we have the advantage 01 the pip, there being no family like­ ness al all. And our conduct we may ncss reform. There is even another line oí thought that may bring us consola- lion. Perhaps the professor rneant that the pig was akin to man, not man to pig. T bat is, in its higher flights of thought the pig operates as does man i h; is not presumptuous or unreas­ onable on the part of the pig, and man can offer no objection to th pig’s adopting him as a model. If Prof. Yerkes will kindly avow that this latter theory was what he meant to voice, all shall be forgiven. J^KLAND B. ERWIN, Weak Women! Notice of Sheriff’s Sale of Re 1 Property. ------ o------ The statement made by the secre­ Notice is hereby given, that under tary of war to the House Committee and by virtue of an execution dated Now when a man calls his wife a on Military Affairs the other day in the 27th day of December, 19>5. **• "she cat,” and she whacks him over explanation of his plan for creation sued out of the circuit court of the the head with the rolling pin, how in of the “Continental army” throws btate of Oregon, for Tillamook Coun­ sonic light on the secretary’s attitude heck are they to obey the scriptural t ty, in the cause wherein J. M. Nichols, injunction and dwell together in love with respect to compulsory service, David Strome, and Joe Strome were Unofficial reports coming out of and, harmony?—lone Journal. plaintiffs, and Frank Shipley and Washington of late have stated that Mrs. Naomi Shipley, Allen *11-— Jenner Everybody whose income is too compulsory service was the aim of mu _____ were defend­ and *»»■•. Mrs. ....... Allen j Jenner the program under consideration, and income small to be touched by the ants, upon a judgment duly given and tax thinks that if he were receiving in commenting on these reports we rendered against the said defendants express a doubt that the conclusions an income big enough to be noticed on the 12th day of November, 1915. of the secretary ’ s annual report as to by the government he would be so in the Circuit Court of the State of the present impossibility of estab ­ happy that he would cheerfully pay Oregon, for Lane County, which the tax; but he wouldn’t. The proof lishing compulsory service in this judgment was enrolled and docketed country had been so quickly reversed. of this is in the unanimity with which in the Clerk's office of the said Cir­ everybody who is subject to the tax Mr. Garrison, it seems, has not alter­ cuit Court of the State of Oregon, ed his position, but argues that if an objects to paying it. Please bear in for Tillamook County, on the 27th adequate volunteer force under feder ­ mind that we are not speaking from day of December, 1915. a”d was ior al direction and control is not estab ­ experience, however.—ltemizer. the sum of $880.00, the further sum of lished and maintained thc country $107.00 attorney’s fees, and the sum of ultimately will be compelled to re ­ It just begins to dawn upon the ! $27.00 costs and disbursements, com­ American public why this administra­ sort to compulsory service in some manding me to satisfy the said judg­ form. The secretary, in defense of his tion has placed such stress upon the ment, less the sum of $260.00 received policy which has gone forth to the I plan, says that it is not new; that it on said judgment, by the levy and world under watchful waling, and it was recommended by Gen. Emcrv sale of the property of said defend- is recognized as being one of those Upton after that celebrated authority mts. had been sent on a special mission, pleasant little alliterative phrases af­ Now, therefore, I have duly levied fected during college days, and which nearly forty years ago, to study the upon and will, on the nth day of arc so hard to break away from. armies of the world, and that it has February, 1916, at 10 o’clock a.m., at Watchful, Waiting, Woodrow W ilson thc endorsement and support of the .he front door of the county court notice the beautiful effect produced war college division ol thc General louse in Tillamook City, Tillamook by the repetition of the letter "W”. Staff and other military experts. He County, Oregon, sell the hereinafter No wonder it is so hard to give it up. states that ncith> r the Sw iss system described real property of the said nor that of Australia, both of which —Umpqua Valley News. lefendants, at public sale to the are advocated by inanj as proper lighest bidder for cash in hand, in That was a fine bit of flattery the models for us, can be effectively ap­ order to satisfy the amount due on English parliment paid the Irish, plied to this country, for the reason said judgment, as aforesaid, including when they eliminated them from the that the Federal Government has no he costs and expenses of this writ action of the conscription bill. Every­ jurisdiction over the public schools, ind of such sale. The said real prop- body knows the Irish arc born fight­ which arc the foundations of these rty is described as follows, to-wit: ers, only they do not like to be coerc­ systems. The N. E. % of the S. W. ’/I and 1 he country seems to be very nearly ed into this. There is no doubt about he N. W. % of the S. E. !4 of Sec. the manner in which the regiments unanimous in the opinion that the o, in Tp. 5 S., R. 10 W. of W. M„ in which have gone from the “auld sod" present arm establishment is inade­ Iillamook County, Oregon, contain­ will acquit themselves, nor is there quate, but there is a strong sentiment ing 80 acres, more or less. much doubt that enlistment will be against any gr< at increase of the reg­ After the War, What? H. Crenshaw, Sheriff of prompt and quick, when actual neces­ ular forces and a feeling equally Tillamook County, Ore. sity demands this from them.—Ump­ strong against enforced military ser­ First publication Jan. 6, 1916. _ f> vice. it may not be the part of wis­ To the Editor: qua Valley News. Sherman said "War is hell." He Last publication Feb. 3, 1916. dom to rely upon volunteers for our Candidates for office this year will defense, but the fact remains that that was mistaken. War is worse than Summ°ns. run cn to a little joker adopted by the reliance exists, and has existed for so hell. Hell is the place where, aftei last legislature which is intended to long that nothing but an actual fear the judgment day, the wicked are tc make nominations at the primary of a great war will change it. But it is be punished according to what they In the Circuit Court of the State of election conclusive and aims to pre­ and has always been, the height of deserve. But in war the innocent arc Jrcgon, for Tillamook County. vent a candidate defeated at the pri­ folly to depend upon volunteers who punished, and the instigators of the j. H. Ellison and Ellen maries appearing at the election with are wholly untrained. We should at uloody carnage go unpunished. War ..bison Plaintiffs. a brand new party designation. The least make a serious effort to estab­ will never cease as long as men arc vs. provision is an innocent little require­ lish a system of volunteer training unregenerated, and the nations glori Jeorge Vandersee and May ment which provides that candidates that would provide a sufficient force fy war by putting the laurel wreath vandersce, Deiendanls. must subscribe to the following for conci ivable emergencies, and that on rhe brows of those who send shot To George Vandersce, one of the pledge when filing: "If I am not nom­ would be at all times under federal and shell crashing through the bodies ibove named defendants. inated I will not accept the nomina­ control. 1 he National Guard, excell of men. In the name of the State of Oregon. Men arc horrified at the disregard tion or endorsement of any party ent for certain purposes ami to a You are hereby required to appear other than the one in which 1 am reg­ limited extent, does not and cannot, of international law and treaty obli and answer the complaint tiled istered.”— Hillsboro Independent. under onr constitutional provisions, gations by the belligerent powers en­ against you in the above entitled be made to fill the requirements. gaged in the present war. But the suit on or before the expiration of Congress has a serious problem to Whether Mr. Garrison's plan is thc necessities of war recognize no law, six weeks from the first publication face in providing adequate laws best that can be devised is a matter either human or divine, as too sacred of this summons and if you fail so to against ‘‘dumping." Dumping is the for careful consideration. It is object­ to break. It is utter folly for men to selling of a product in a foreign coun­ ed to by many on the ground that it is think that men frenzied by spirit and appear and answer, for want thereof try at a lower price than is sold at impractical, that its quota could not exigencies of war will respect law, the plaintiffs will apply to the court home. In the rebuilding of Europe, be filled by volunteer enlistments. justice, or humanity. War is entirely ior the relief demanded in the com­ which must follow the war, the Unit­ The secretary admits that possibility. outside of God’s purpose, and is not plaint, that is that plaintiffs have judgment against you for thj sum of ed States, ill all probability, will be But some plan should be adopted, , and amenable to any law or obligation. $1000.00, with interest thereon from the object of a dumping campaign by adopted now, and patriotism should Terrible as is the present war in its foreign nations. If this should happen be the controlling influence in its destruction of human life and its December 7th, 1914, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, less $10.00; for the markets of this country would be consideration. disregard of the restraints of law and demoralized. The United States is justice, yet this war is as nothing in $¡00.00 as attorney’s fees and for the rich. Foreign nations, broken in for­ comparison to the significant and :osts and disbursements of this suit, tune, by every trick of trade, will at­ terrible things that will immediately md for the foreclosure of a mortgage tempt Io rebuild their fortunes at the “'■iv, Billy, wot’s a preferred cred­ follow the present conflict. New anil iiven by J. K. Childers to plaintiffs, expense of the United States. Canada, itor?" startling developments will coim which is recorded at page 22 in Book South Africa and Australia have laws "I hat's a guy ye owe money to wot quickly. Men everywhere will be ‘U” of the Record of Mortgages of to prohibit dumping. The necessity ken lick ye." ready to condemn the old regime as Iillamook County, Oregon, cover- for adequate laws for the United .1 total failure, and unfit to rule hu­ ■ ng Lots 13 and 14 of Section 2 in His Rec°rd Clean. States is ail immediate one.—Banks manity. Remedies of all kinds will be I ownship 2 South, Range 9 West, W. ------o------ Herald. suggested tozavert future wars, and to M. in Oregon, the payment of which “Your son doesn’t work very hard usher in a reign of universal and nortgage was assumed by you in a in the office since he left college lasting place. All kinds of ex­ deed executed by said Childers to you "No, he doesn’t want to jeopardize tensive religious combinations will be conveying said described real proper­ his amateur standing.” etiected in order to guide the ship oi ty, and that the plaintiffs have such state sately over the turbulent polili Jther and further relief as to the Sweet Revenge. c.il seas. Attempts will be made to Court may seem equitable. This summons is published in the have the voice of the church dictate­ legislation, ami have the civil officers I illamook Headlight by the order of submit to the decrees of the church, he Honorable A. M. Hare, County and regard its pronouncements as an fudge of Tillamook County, Oregon, equivalent to a "Thus saith th« laid order being dated December 15th 91$. requiring publication to be made Lord.” in Revenge? They will demand rightenousness hereof once a week for six success­ —»A es. In the music room, u ive weeks, Hints ago, I just saw Mrs. by law, God and Christianity legally ■ublication and the date of the first 1 sit down, on her own silk recognized in the fundamental law of December, thereof is the 16th day of >9i$. tlie land, a Standard of religion set up H. T. Botts. lor all men by the state, and Sunday Attorney for Plaintiffs. Not Without Avail. laws universally enforced, irrespec­ ------o------ tive of individual faith or conscience Last publication Jan. 27, 1916. "Peter • Cooper, stand up.” in the matter. All these things will Notice of Final Account. I'hc ra aw-boned "poor white trash, Keeping Cows. follow in quick succession as pro­ ------ o------ holding his ragged hat in one hand posed remedies, and the authority oi "■ -o-—- —— Notice is hereby given that the un- One of the greatest drawbacks to and the tail of his shabby coat in the the church will be exalted above' the lersigned, has filed in the County successful farming in the Pacific other, walked slowly up to the stand. state. “Yus, judge.” History repeats itself with unfailing Lourt of Iillamook County, Oregon, Northwest lies in the fact that loo “You arc accused of profanity in a accuracy. When the Roman govern in the matter of the estate of Margery many fanners keep cows I his is all w rong'and ought not so to be. It is a public place.” ment went to pieces after the days of Leasia, deceased, their final account, "I guess I did it, judge. Nigger was < onstantine. the church took advant­ is administrator and administratrix situation which has grown up through >f said estate. And that said Court an abortive attempt to do the right trying to steal my boss.” age of the situation and placed her "But you should know better than sell m the forefront, making the has fixed Friday, February nth, 1916, thing and better one's condition, but to take the name of the Lord in vain, civil officers subservient of her de­ it 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said it lias proved a failure. No one should keep cows. The Mr. Cooper.” crees. Her reign, which was at first day at the Court House in Tillamook “It wasn't in vain, judge. You ies welcomed, proved to be the ban and City, Oregon, as the time and place cows should keen him. And there is a vast difference. I he average cow in oughter have seen that nigger run!” the wreck and rum of civilization for for hearing objections to said account. this country produces 132 pounds of Wm. J. Bogart, Goldie centuries. No greater calamity could Valet Was a Fixture. butter fat which when made into but­ befall our republic than for it to re­ Clark, administrator and ■ o------ ter amounts to $46.50 ami this, with ns Constitutional guarantees administratrix of the es­ John Morrison, an elderly Scot pudiate her calf, manure and skim milk is her of indtvtdual freedom in religious tate of Margery Leasia, total return for her feed and care dur­ laird, had an ancient valet named Ga­ i iTr 1?*’ a"td deceased. S,-ICt ad^rren« to briel, whose petulance and license of ing the year. Her calf might sell for purely civil functions. Unless our First publication Jan. 13, 1916. as much as $5 and a fair valuation on speech went so far as to be intolera­ iovlhvnmn.tkln< “"'«"’Promising Last publication Feb. 11, 1916. ble. One day at dinner Gabriel took the manure and skim milk would give c y-'lty to the fundamental principles tile liberty of calling something which one a good basis of comparison with upon which our government was AVOID MISTAKES. the cost of her feed and the necessary his master said "a great lee." founded, a worse catastrophe will be ------ o------ "Wed," said the laird, really offen labor in caring for her As she is not all our nation at the conclusion of No Need for Tillamook People to ded, and rising from the table, "This the poorest of her kind—just the Experiment with Such Convincing average of all it is easy to see that will do no longer. We must part at war l.’tr7iin‘ n‘‘[ -han *hat which thc nr ' Th ' . bnng 10 ,hf "a,io" of Evidence at Hand. last." she is not keeping you. Lurope. 1 he losses of war arc fore arc fore­ "Hout, tout!" replied Gabr Now look on the other side of the Hon nfl.nt,a frW. ainh im ’’ n.r -d. ..\n cou|,|tl-t aniwir ,|4(i was the reply A whole crop of Pillv Sunday» hn He Had Money. In a saloon on Decatur street tak­ sprung up He couldn’t be allowed to ing a drmk. work that lead alone. i .■'r* there no more ronian‘ic "Did anybody out this way make "Do you mean to tell me that it out of fruit last year.” Il takes a sleek coneiei ovt of a cat | stories in the magazines of the great y.0“ five hours to consume one #ny J .mo7*y replied Farmer ComtosseL to be left locked up in the house when .news beats scored bv the club report urmk. 'The man that runs the store He I1 er I isy enough. The club reporter the family move» away. “ Well, suh, no; not ex-activ; 1 win bought a lot of it already canned an’ has grown up. interrupted three er R>’ limes,"— sold it to us agriculturalists." •* r Volunteer or Compulsory Service Our Cousin Pig. PIANO An Oregon Woman Testifies. Lents. Oregon.-" When I was going through the critical time of middle life, I took several bottles of Dr. Pierce 8 Favorite Prescription at*d it helped ins wonderfully. I cannot say enough in favor of this medicine. Have also used the ‘ Golden Medical Discovery ’ in my home for many yearj for many different ailments.” — Mx». E lla H arold . Leota, Oregon. INSTRUCTION. Diploma from Chicago Musical College.—^Beginners receive the «ante careful training as the most advanced. Terms:—$4.00 per mouthy Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos etc. T BOALS», M.D., At the first symptoms of any de- rangement of the feminine organism at any period of life, the one safe, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, really helpful remedy is Dr. Pierce a Favorite Prescription. Surgeon S. P. Co. Tens of thousands of women have (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) taken it with unfailing success for I diseases of a womanly nature. Tillamook .... Oregon. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription 1.1 a true friend to women in times of EBSTER HOLMES, trial and at times of pain when tbo organs me not performing their func­ tions. For headache, backache, hot ATTORNEY-AT LAW flashes, catarrhal condition^ bearing­ down sensation, mental depression, GOMMERCfAk PtîVDÎXC, dizz.ness, fainting spells, lassitude and exhaustion, women should nev?r fail FIRST STREET, to take this tried and true medicine. I Prepared from nature’s roots and TILLAMOOK, OREGON herbs, it contains no alcohol or nar­ cotic, nor any harmful ingredient. Sold in either tablet or liquid form. rp H. GOYN’h, If your dealer does not keep the sugar- coated tablets, send fifty cents (in stamps) for email box, or »1.00 in I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. currency for a iargo box. Write Doctor Pierce, Invalids’ Hotel, Office: O pposite C ourt H ou « b , Buffalo, N. Y., to-day. 136 page book on woman’s diseases cent free. Tillaincok .... Oregon, t Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets arc the original little Liver Pills. These tiny, R. JACK CLSKN, Bugar coated, anti-bilious grannies—the smallect and the easiest to take. One DENTIST. Ettle Pellet for a laxative—three for (I. O. O. F, Bldg.) a cathartic. Tillamook - Oregon Sidney E. Hen(let sop , Pie»., 1 Surveyor. J_ I T. 1 KM A A . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Boeks la Office. Taxes l'ald for Non.Residents. T illamook B lock . Tillamook .... Oregon Both Phones. John Leland Henderson, Sec­ retary Trens., Attoi ney-at- Law, Nottary Public Tillamook Title and ! Abstract co. Law, Abstract», R* il Estate, Surveying, Insurance. Both Phones. , TILLAMOOK - - QR. L. I,. HOY, OREGON. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Don’t and Get Wet carry around a load X \ - - Tillamook, Oregon. a k of water and a cold. / Tower’s Fish Brand Reflex Slicker $3.00 \ V, X KLM ER ALLEN .(Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Tilla mock Cotrttnerciu! Building, rheds every drop. Easy fitting ar.d 1 \ strong at every point RcflexEdges I. stop every drop from running in at the front. J E. REEDY, D.V M., VETERINARY. Roth Phor.ee. Trotector Hat, 75 cents Oregou Tillamook Satisfaction Gucrar.tccd 'oÇfNER'S Send for catalog y A.J.TOWERCO.;- su BOSTON LELAND HENDERSON, flSH BRMW ATTORNEY AND I WILL GIVE $1000 If I FAIL to CURE «j CANCER «r TUMOR itrtit before it POISONS deep glands or attaches ti BONE Without Knife of Pain No PAY Until CUREOf\> ARL HALJERLACH, WRITTEN GUARANTEED \ ' No X Kay or other A I j swindle. An Island J JI CURED plant makeethecurei^ fl Any TUMOR. LUMP AT SORE on the lip, or body long la ■ cancer : it never HOME 120-PAGE BOOK sent FREE. 10,000 te«tt-■ monials. Writ» ti mm COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. T illamook B lock , Tillamook - Oregon. ROOM NO. Ü61. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B loc T k Tillamook "... .Oregon JI O V Any LUMP» WOMAN’S BREAST ie HA BIA ED and al ways poison* deep arm* 15 U Anu Ln pit glands and KILLS QUICKLY One woman in every 7diesof cancer—U.S. report We refuse many who wait too long & must die Poor cured at half price if cancer is yet small 0R. GEORGE DENTIST, Sucpeaeor to Dr. Pcrkio» TILLAMOOK, Dr. & Mrs. Dr. CHAMLEY & CO. .OREGON. HAWK, "Strictly RtllaM», Greatest Cancer Saeclallst llvln»” 4340 & 436E Valencia St. San Francisco, Cat KINDLY MAIL THIS 1» taaaan »1» CANCER NEW HOME USERS ARE QUALITY CHOOSERS PETERSEN J. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. * ». Oregon Bay Qity ‘ BORGE WILLETT, ' - ATTOBNtY-ATIaAW T illamook C ommercial B ltldix « lillnmook - -J——3 a.L »1 Li' •I j J - • Oret/ou R. K. E, DANIELS. CHIROPRACTOR. Local Cilice in the Commercial FOR SALE BY w Building). TILLAMOOK Tillp.mook, - Oregon. - ORE The New Home Sewing Machine Company, San Francisco, Cal. Have Your House Wiring Done by EAT VIERECK’S ,Co$ power Co.! BREAD, TILLAMOOK BAKERY At All Grocers. DONE RIGHT at ’ RIGHT PRICES. I