Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 27, 1916, Image 2

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Legal Advertisements.
W. H. Kendle, farmer, Meda.
Clyde Kinnaman, farmer, Tillamook
the grades.
The words in these contests shall I Andrey Klein, farmer, Nehalem.
James Kodad, farmer, Tillamook.
be spelled by the contestants at the
E. G. Krebs, brickmaker, 1 »11»-
tune the teacher pronounces them to
the class. They must be written on mook.
Chas. Kunze, farmer, Tillamook.
paper ready to be collected at once.
Ed. Kostic, farmer, Blaine.
No pupil will be permitted to re­
B. E. King, merchant, Tillamook.
write the words. Teachers shall pro­
Frank I. humin, farmer, Beaver.
nounce the words but once.
Southern California has much to offer you this
L. Labowitch, merchant, Tillamook.
VV e shall be pleased to explain any
winter. City or country, mountain or beach
E. M. Lane, fanner, Manzanita.
thing contained in the above pertain­
Everett J. Landingham,
resortsail are inviting. The Panaina-Califor-
ing to these contests which is not
nia Exposition at San Diego will remain open
clear to either pupil or teacher. Write Cloverdale.
Fred Lewallen, farmer, Hebo.
this office for any information you
anoteer year-bigger and better than ever But
E. H. Lindsey, farmer, Mohler.
" «
h 1 o«r pppn
wish regarding the contests.
Galtsornia offers something even
'1 hese contests have been prepared
Frank Long, Sr, millman, Tillamook
greater than this. It is the
with the hopes of improving the
spelling of the average pupil. While
Alfred Larson, farmer, Tillamook.
it is not obligatory it is hoped that
all teachers will approve of it, and
J. S. Lamar, druggist, Tillamook.
encourage the pupils of their schools
J. L. Lawrence, farmer, Cloverdale.
to enter the contests. We would also
Geo. Loerpabei, farmer, Nehalem.
caution teachers not to give time to
Roses in bloom, Oranges and Lemons ripening
M. F. Leach, merchant, Tillamook.
spelling that properly belongs to
J. W. Maddux, drayman, 1 illamook.
on the trees. Poppies and Geraniums every­
other subjects.
Albert Marolf, farmer, Tillamook.
where. This is the real California. The ex­
Students of the Academy may en­
ter these contests the same as if they
pense of a trip to ^Southern California is not
belonged to a separate district.
C. \\. Mcllvaine, showman, Bay
Teachers are requested to grade
thete manuscripts before mailing City.
- rw* •
six-month tick*
them to us. We shall check the grad­
W. L. Myers, showman, Wheeler.
ing and compare for proof.
Alex McNair, merchant, Tillamook.
We hope that the schools will offer
___ _ all
w ‘ . Stopovers
Pacific Northwest points,
H. A. Miles, farmer, Woods.
a prize for the winners in each grade
Morrison Mills, farmer, Tillamook.
are C...VZ..
at _______
pleasure. _ Through car service
and the teachers of the different lo­
I. H. Moore, farmer. Hemlock.
on limited trains, through dining car and ob­
calities will provide prizes for the
. Oscar Myers, farmer, Beaver.
servation cars make the all-rail route the de­
ones that win in the try-outs.
Grant Mills, merchant, Tillamook.
We shall provide liberal prizes for
lightful way to go.
Edgar Munson, lineman, Tillamook,
the champions of each grade at the
bookkeeper, Tilla
Ask yonr local agent or write
c. w. Miller,
final contest. The amounts of these
John NI. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
prizes will be given at a later date.
N. E. Melchior, farmer, T illamook.
Respectfully yours,
I S. A. Moulton, barber, Tillamook.
W. S. Buel,
R. B. McCiay, farmer, Beaver.
County Superintendent.
John Nelson, merchant, Bay City.
John Naegeli, farmer, Tillamook.
J. T. Nevins, shoemaker, Bay City.
N. M. Neilson, farmer, Tillamook.
Peter Norberg, farmer, I illamook.
Names Drawn at the Last Meeting of
F. H. Neilson, farmer, Tillamook.
the County Court.
Jack Olson, dentist, Tillamook.
A. Olds, farmer, Tillamook.
H. V. Alley, farmer, Nehalem.
Geo. Olds, farmer, Tillamook,
Andrew Anderson, farmer, Tilla­
E. B. O’Neel, engineer. Hemlock.
river country. As it was the Wilson
Barn Blown Down by Storm.
Matt Olson, farmer, Nehalem.
river overflowed its banks and cut off
1 . S. Armentrout, farmer. Hemlock.
Wm. Owens, merchant, Cloverdale.
On Saturday morning the large barn travel north of town. W. A. Williams
Eugene Atkinson, farmer Sandlake.
J. C. Pangborn, farmer, Tillamook. of Mori is J. Bays at Woods was had one of his plate glass windows
A .M. Austin, surveyor, Tillamook.
John J. Perry, farmer, Tillamook. blown down by the storm, injuring a broken and the plate glass window
E. G. Anderson, merchant, Hemlock
Joseph Price, farmer, Hebo.
number of cows. Mr. and Mrs. Bays of Olson’s restaurant was struck with
M. L. Barber, tarmer, Nehalem.
Chas.| Pike, fisherman, Bay City.
were in the barn, and fearing that the a sign and was smashed..
M. N. Bays, tarmer, Cloverdale.
C. E. Pearson, farmer, Tillamook.
wind would wreck the building, turn­
Train service was crippled again,
H. A. Bell, engineer, Nehalem.
Andrew Peterson, farmer, Garibaldi ed the team loose which managed to and the passenger train which left
A. T. Blackburn, farmer, Tillamook.
Geo. W. Phelps, merchant, Gari­ get out before it collapsed. They cut here Saturday morning returned to
Chas. Bennett, farmer, Bav City.
the ropes which held the cows, but the city and did not get through until
C. J. Blanchard, farmer, Hemlock.
A. A. Pennington, merchant, T 111a- the barn began to sway with the force Tuesday. Telephone and telegraph
E. M. Bales, carpenter, Tillamook. mook.
of the wind, and before they had time lines went down between here and
J. S. Beggs, farmer, Cloverdale.
H. L. Provoost, merchant, Bay City to drive the cows from the barn, they Portland.
N. G. Boquist, farmer, Tillamook.
W. A. Penter, farmer, Oretown.
had to make a hurried retreat, and it
It is reported that considerable
John M. Bodie, carpenter, Bay City.
W. L. Provoost, farmer, Bay City. was fortunate that they did, for the
timber was felled as a result of the
Henry A. Brandt, farmer Sandlake.
Dell Penter, fanner, Oretown.
building collapsed and buried the hard blow.
Carl Possetti, farmer, Tillamook.
F. L. Buell, farmer, Tillamook.
cows below the debris killing one and
A passenger train arrived on Wed­
Lester Ray, farmer, Oretoy :i.
C. C. Byers, merchant, Rockaway.
injuring eight others. Mr. Bays’ loss
S. G. Reed, bote* keeper Nebriem. is over $1,200, as his hay and other nesday from Portland, the first since
F. R. Beals, real estate, Tillamook.
William is .rdi.H farm?'. lillci.iook things have been damaged.
last Friday.
A. W. Bunn, farmer Beaver.
C. F. Burton, farmer, Tillamook. i i . J. Kcd'ci', armer Oritcwu.
A. E. Rittenhouse, farmer, Mohler.
Hans H. Brooten, farmer, Clover­
Accidentally Shot.
Fairview Literary Society.
F. W. Robitsch, farmer Hemlock.
Wilbur Booth, farmer, Tillamook. 1 E. E. Rowland, farmer, Blaine.
On Sunday while Fred Robitsch Jr.,
The Fairview Literary Society will
I. C. Rowe, farmer, Tillamook.
John Burns, farmer, Tillamook.
F. C. Robison, merchant. Barview. meet next Saturday, when the follow­ was duck hunting if a small boat on
Claud Christensen, farmer, Tilla­
a slough back of his father’s place
I H. H. Rosenberg, merchant, Tilla­ ing program will be given.
Song, by Audience.
C. I. Clough, druggist, Tillamook. ! mook.
near Hemlock, He was accident-
Recitation, Robert Holden.
E. K. Scovcll, farmer, Nehalem.
W. F. Caine, farmer, Nehalem.
ally shot. It seems that the gun
<1. B. Crane, farmer, Hemlock.
was laying in the bottom of the boat
C. H. Christensen, farmer, Nehalem.
Mildred Johnson and with the muzzle pointed towards him
L. W. Stuivcnga, farmer, Tillamook.
W. S. Cone, cruiser, Bay City.
Oran Leach.
John Schild, farmer, Tillamook
and that he took hold of the barrel and
Will Christensen, fanner, Oretown.
Selections, Mr. VanWinkle,
Fred Scharzinger, farmer, Oretown.
E. E. Cross, farmer, Oretown.
drew it towards him, with the result
Reading, Frank Bester.
Lee Tittle, farmer, Tillamook.
A C. Daniels, farmer, Mohler.
that the hammer got caught and snap­
Dialogue, by the School.
Clarence Tilden, farmer, Tillamook.
Albert Darby, farmer, Tillamook.
ped. firing the gun and sending a
Dolph Tinnerstet, farmer, Tilla­
Grant Dawson, farmer, Cloverdale.
Dialogue, Pulling Sam’s Tooth.
charge into Fred’s left hand, tearing
Geo. I.. Dick, drayman, Tillamook. mook.
Recitation, Douglas Leach.
P. J. Trobough, farmer, Beaver.
half of it away and lodging in his chest
I). J. Dunn, farmer, Meda.
News Paper, by Editors.
M. Wood, farmer, Beaver.
N. J. Dye, farmer, Tillamook.
and erm near shoulder. Some of
F. ltner Webb, farmer, Cloverdale.
J. B. Dimick, farmer, Woods.
the ahot struck him in the face.
Song, Mr. and Mrs. Dye.
J. I). Wallace, butcher, Tillamook.
A. T. Dolan, contractor, Tillamook.
The injured boy, secured assistance
Dialogue, Joe Simpson’s Double.
Alex Watt, farmer, Tillamook.
Edward Earl, farmer, Cloverdale.
from some of the neighbors by shout­
W. A. Williams, merchant, Tilla­
T. R. Elliott, farmer, Bay City.
D. T. Edmunds, merchant, Pacific mook.
Jam^s McKimens is Dead.
ing, and as soon as he was taken to the
house. Dr. Wendt was sent for. Dr.
I. J. F.arl, farmer, Tillamook.
We are sorry to announce the death I Wendt dressed the wounds and left the
Oretown Registers a Kick.
C. J. Edwards, electrician, Tilla­
of James McKimens, son 'of County
Oretown, Jan., 22, 1916. Commissioner G. R. McKimenSj boy with good prospects for recovery.
W. E F.asom, farmer, Tillamook.
which took place in Portland on At last reports he was getting alorf
Editor Headlight.
w. B. Elliott, farmer, Bay Citv.
Monday. The cause of death was tu­ nicely.
It is about time that the people berculosis, His father and sister Mrs.
Paul Erickson, farmer, Tillamook.
A. C. Person, real estate, Tilla- of Tillamook County, should register Vanciel were with the deceased at
Death of Mrs Rosana Anders°n.
a mighty kick, until we get our mail the time of his death. The deceased
G. A. Edmunds, merchant, 1 illa- ! service restored, as good, at least, as was well known in this city, having
it was before the railroad was built. clerked at King & Smith Co.’s store,
Mrs. Rosana Anderson, a highly re­
P. A. Finne, shoemaker. Tillamook. Thirty live years ago, we had better and his death came as a surprise to spected resident of this county, died
mail service than we have today when his friends here. He was a steady,
C. R. Funk, farmer, Tillamook.
the wagon road extended only about persevering young man and made at the home of her daughter Mrs. J.
* iiiaiuvOK.
A. B. Freebcrg,
farmer, Tillamook.
T. Davis at Beaver, on Sunday.
D. Fitzpatrick, farmer, Tillamook. six miles south of Tillamook City, many friends.
Deceased had been ill for about five
from there to Beaver and south, was
H. 1.. Fowler, farmer, Tillamook.
The remains were brought from
nothing but a trail and a mighty Portland on Wednesday and were years with paralysis, and her desti
Wm. B. Flagg, farmer. Bay City.
rough one at that. Bud and Jeff Gal­ buried at Bay View Cemetery, a large was caused by the culmination of that
John Fleck, farmer, Cloverdale.
lace carried the mail from Grande number
W. II. Gilmore, barber, Bay City.
' ' friends
disease. Her children who reside in
H. F. Goodspeed, farmer, Tillamook Ronde to 1 illamook and I carried funeral from the north part of the
Tillanoo'c county are: Mrs. J. T. De
E. I. Gcinger, farmer, Tillamook.
There were no roads worth the name,
vis, Beaver, Mrs. Armontront, Hem- i
Will Goeres, farmer, Tillamook.
■ and no bridges over the streams. We
Gus. Goeres, farmer, Tillamook.
lock, and E. G. Anderson, merchart at
Christian Church.
simply had to go through hell and
Archie Gist, farmer, Cloverdale.
high water, but we landed the mail
Chas Grout, contractor, Ray City.
Sunday cventng
evening January 9th was
The remains were taken to Portland
M. E. Gruber, liveryman. Tillamook ’ and were seldom half a day late. Now young ladies evening at the Christian
today, where the funeral will be he»i
there arc pretty good roads and
J. 1.. George, farmer, Cloverdale.
Church. Last Sunday night about the
Erwin Harrison, cashier, Tillamook. bridges, and the only pass into Tilla­ same number
of young men had and the remains laid at rest at th«
mook County, that is open summer
Ernest Haag, farmer, Beaver.
evening program. Riverside cemetery.
E. T. Haltom, merchant, Tillamook. and winter. The mail route from There were 24 in the chorus, five in
Grande Ronde to Oretown and Clo-
E. D. Hall, farmer. Hemlock.
the orchestra, three ushers, three on
H. C. Hansen, farmer, Tillamook. 1 verdale should be re-established im- the platform besides several others in
For County Treasurer.
Arthur Holden, farmer, Tillamook.
the service,
large audience
that was present.
M R Hanenkrat, farmer. Tillamook ‘ and *'n,,,er’ and
part °f ‘he C°°nty The message was delivered by Prof.
hereby announce •sysclf >s ’
E. R Hays, farmer. Sandlake.
| need suffer.
Crockatt, and it was indeed a message candidate for the office of Count
The Southern Pacific Company is that lifted the listeners to a high Treasurer of Tillamook County, »»*
W. M. Hcaston, barber, Tillamook.
not to blame for the road blockade. plane of spirituality.
David Hess, farmer, Beaver.
ject to the will of the Republican rot
It is their misfortune and not our
A. H Harm, jeweler, Tillamook.
Next Sunday night is a union young ers at the 1916 primary election.
fault, that the road was built in the peoples’ service in which both the
T. J Harris, Jr. fanner. Tillamook.
wrong place. It will never be prac­ young men and young ladies will par­
R. B. Hays, clerk. Tillamook.
J. H. Dunstan.
tical tor anything but a logging road ticipate. Note the following:
Thor Haugen, farmer, Tillamook.
and will always be expensive to
F. Hering, farmer, Tillamook.
There will be a a young
young peoples
peoples' ’
To the Voters of Tillamook Coo#
O. T. Hellenbrand, farmer, Oretown maintain in the winter. They can chorus of fifty voices.
grade a road from Willamina to Tilla­
Peter Heisel, farmer, Tillamook.
------ o —
A male quartette and young ladies
mook for less money than the up- quartette.
Frank Hobson, farmer, Garibaldi.
I hereby announce myself as a O
L. S. Johnson, farmer, Tillamook, i keep of the present road will cost,
A solo, accompanied by the violin didate for nomination for the office
M. Jacoby, manufacturer. Bay City. for the next ten years, ___
and pass and piano.
County Sheriff, on the Republic
through a good farming and dairy
I. H. Holgate, farmer. Hemlock.
A special orchestra number by Mc­ ticket. If nominated and elected
country all the way; and as safe in Ghee’s orchestra.
Jas. D. Hadspeth, farmer, Beaver.
shall endeavor to enforce the law*1
winter as in summer.
Jas. Hunt, farmer, Tillamook
Resides these special features will efficiency, and economy.
Any way we want our mail service be the great congregational singing
J. J. Hudson, farmer, Cloverdale.
restored, we want it immediately, led by the young peoples’ chorus and
Janie» lmlah, farmer, Hebo.
W. L. Campbell.
Ben Jacob, farmer, Tillamook.
U. G Jackson, civil engineer, Tilla­
Special sermon subject: "The Dis­ To The Voters of TiHamook C<
S. H. Rock.
covery of self.”
D. D. Jones, farmer, Tillamook.
A hearty invitation to those not in
I hereby announce myself
Furs Wanted.
H B Johnson, farmer, Tillamook.
attendance elsewhere.
Democratic candidate for the ot*
J L Jone*, merchant, Tillamook.
of County School Superintend!
Furs »ranted, highest prices paid.
l.cwi» S. Johnson, farmer, Tilla­
Rain and Wind Storm.
subject to the primary election tc
Send for price list. G. D. Alderin &
held in May, 1916.
Emmett Jenkins, mariner, Tilla­ Co. Salem, Oregon.
H. M Ct*
Tillamook County had another
j *
““u anoiner rain
•d •
wind storm c,.
on Saiuroav
Saturday that
F. J Kumm, farmer. Reaver.
To The Voters of Tillam°ok County. proved
to be
6- one of
„r the
.L hardest
proved to
C. C. Jensen, farmer, Hebo.
for manv years It rained and storm­ To the Voters of Tillamook C
G. A. Jones, merchant. Rockaway.
I hereby announce myself as a can­ ed all Friday night, ami the rain fell
Jos Kutcher, farmer, Tillamook.
I hereby announce myself a*
didate for the office of Countv Sheriff in torrents, and long about 8 o’clock
F \V. Krebs, farmer, Tillamook.
on the Republican ticket at the pri­ Saturday morning the storm was at candidate for the office of C«j
Tho* Kellow. farmer, Hebo.
mary election to be held in May.
its height, and had it continued an­ Commissioner (North end)
C F. Kennedy, farmer. Garibaldi.
monk County at the primary elefl
other dav it would
have inundated
J G. Kennedy, farmer, Tillamook.
Fred H. Minich.
the whole of the Wilson and Trask to be held in Mav iot6.
SCHOOL SPELLING CONTEST. ner as those for the high school and
First Insertion, pe> line............ $ .10 County School Superintendent W. S.
Buel Gives Rules Governing Same.
Each subsequent insertion, line.
Business and professional cards
1 hereby give complete details for
one month .................................
carrying out me County spelling Con­
Locals per line each insertion.
test, wmen was pre: •cnicd io you
Display advertisement, an inch,
tn rough the papeis m me county
one month ....................................
•50 some days ago.
1 he contests will b<
/•II R< szzhitions of Condolence
-nd Lodge Notices, per line..
OS dmerent dates and v. 1
view as well as tulure
Lards ot Thanks, per line ........
the nates tor me lour contests are
Notices. Lost, Strayed or Stolen
as follows. First contest, February
qth; decond contest, .uarcti 3rd;
etc., minimum rate, not ex­
ceeding five lines.......................
.»5 1 mrd contest, .»larch jl; Fourth
contest, April adtn.
the woius ror tnese contests will be
seicctcd tram nicks Champion spel­
ling nook ano mailed the teachers
(Strictly in Advance.)
irom this oilice
One yea» .......................................... $1.5°
1 cachets win pronounce the words
Six months ............................................. 75 to me pupils 01 me several grades on
Three month*......................................... 5° me aiicrnoon ol the- dates tor the
several contests.
the pupils shall write these words
with pen and ink, on legal cap paper.
At tiie head ot me manuscript should
be given the name, grade, and school
Editorial Snap Shots
district number, ol each pupil. Papers
The weather the past two months should not be folded. All manuscripts
has been on a par with Democratic should be at once mailed to us.
1 he manuscripts will be graded in
free trade—it was tough.
this office and the results of each
------ o------
Some of the old 'lillamookers had contest will be reported to the pa­
their heads screwed on the right way pers of the county.
Pupils that misspell the least num-
when they contended that the rail­
road into T illamook County should ber of words, for the four contests,
have been built from Sheridan. It is shall be declared the representative
fortunate that the railroad has plenty from their district for the grade to
of financial backing, for maintainance which they belong. These repress icnta-
charges every winter would have put fives of the several districts of the
a less fortunate corporation in the
,u" county, shall meet with representa­
tives from neighboring districts of
bankruptcy court.
------ o
the same grade, and spell orally for a
In discussing the matter of the sectional try-out. I he winners in
management of the cheese industry ! these try-outs will be declared the
in this county on Saturday, at a meet­ sectional representatives to represent
ing called for that purpose at the ' the schools from that portion of the
court house, it was wisely decided to county at the final contest to be held
let well enough alone. The snap shot 1 at Tillamook City, some time in May.
man takes some pride in knowing T his final contest w ill also be an oral
how well the industry is handled and contest.
the flattering results that have been
Each district in the county will be
attained at its business end. T hanks privileged to have as many represen­
to the spiirit wf co-operatiou that tatives at these try-outs as they have
exists in this county. It took* years to grades in the school. One may enter
reach the present high standard of the try-out contest for the grade to
success that the dairy industry enjoys which he belongs. Hence it is to be
to-day in this county. Although it is understood the number of contestants
not dependent upon any one person, is not to be taken into account.
it is good business sense to stay with
Due notice will be given to each
those who have helped make the in­ •teacher, stating the exact d tes for
dustry a success, at its business end, the local try-outs and the champion­
anj as long as the dairymen are get­ ship contest. I he place of meeting
ting good and satisfactory service, and the districts included in each sec­
thcre is no need of making any tion will also be given at the same
time. '1 eachers are requested to sub­
mit suggestions to this office with
From what we can learn there ap- reference to these local try-outs, in
pear* to be a disposition
on the part the matter of date, districts to be pit­
of some persons in the north end of ted against each other in your section
the county to agree on one person for of the county, etc. We have not fully
County Commissioner, and that they worked these things out to our satis­
are endeavoring to induce S. G. Reed faction, otherwise they would be in­
to consent to run for that office. Mr. cluded with these instructions.
Reed is a fine business man and
I he words for these contests will be
would make an excellent commission­ selected uniformly, for each grade,
er, for he is greatly interested in the from the section of the speller, which
development of the county. But we is designated as grade work for each
hardly look for unity of action in the grade, as shown by the "Oregon
choice of commissioner in the north State Course of Study." The first con­
part of the county, if past history is test words will be selected from
any criterion to go by. Ic would be lessons 1 to 25 inclusive, and from
perfectly satisfactory to other parts lessons 86 to 110 inclusive. The words
of the county if the north end could for the second contest will be select­
agree to support one person, but we ed from lessons 26 to 50 inclusive,
hardly think this can be done as there and from lessons 111 to 135 inclusive'
arc others already in the field, and For the third, from lessons 51 to 70
the voters willdiave to decide.
inclusive and from lessons 136 to 150
inclusive. For the fourth contest from
Representative W. E. Humphrey, lessons 71 to 85 inclusive and from
of Washington, uttered some sting­ lessons 151 to Hio inclusive. This
ing remarks in the house of Represen­
does not include the annual spelling
tative* in regart to what he railed
Democratic prosperity under a free contests In the local try-outs the
words will be selected from the same
trade regime. This is what he said:
as covered bv the above Staten
"Who wt'D boast of the prosperity 1 words
here that is measured by the blood le.sons \\ <• shall Ingin at lesson one
ami tear* shed across the sea? Our for each grade ami spell without omit­
prosperity is measured by the toil of ting a single word until the contest is
human life taken front the armies of decided. In case two or more pupils
Europe. We want the prosperity of should lie, the tie will spelled off im­
peace and not the prosperity of war. mediately. Should all the words be
We want the prosperity that tells of used for the entire grade work, and
happiness and content and joy, and the contest yet be undecided, the
not the prosperity of grief and an­ words for the annual spelling con­
guish ami despair. < *us present pros test for that grade will then In- given.
prrity of misery .and misfortune. It is . I lie words for the 1 hampionship
prosperity of murder and passion. • onlest will be selected from the
< >ur present prosperity is human life same book and each grade will begin
measured in money. Our present with lesson one. The words will he
prosperity is coined from human hate, pronounced consecutively until the
stained with human blood, mildewed final contest for that grade is lecided.
The words for the contest for high
with human tears, fjlleit with human
agony and despair, blackened with schoid pupils will be select'd from
Minimum Requirements, lists in
shattered hopes and ruined lives and
marked and marred with tragic hu­ spelling and in Correct Usage for the
man death I hope the terrible truth Schools of Orciron." The dates for
may be burned into the brain of the these contests will be the same as for
American people until no man will the grades The words for the first
dare to boast of this battle field pros­ contest will be the first column on
perity. If the Democratic party wish­ each page of the spelling words For
es to claim the credit for our present the second contest, the second col­
blood soaked prosperity, then certain­ umn, for the third contest, the third
ly there are none that desire to share column, and for the fourth contest,
the words from the fourth column,
that honor with it.”
Each district teaching high school
subjects will be allowed one represen­
List of Registered Voters up
tative to meet the representatives
January, as. (
from other high schools, where they
shall spell orally for the high school
championship for the countv. There
will be no local trv outs for high
Prohibition’ .. .
school pupils. The contests will be
conducted the same as the grades,
Socialist ...........
with this exception The student that
misspells the least number of words
No Party .
from each school will be declared the
Total ... I.;............................. 1591 representative for their school.
contests will be held
Under the new election law the ' The following
same time for the b r
• benefit of
County Clerk is required
tc» ------------
appoint «tudrnts not attending school
official registers in the various
voting I cm — • --------
oli* votino
First for those who have not com-
precinct*, and the following appoint­
pleted the eighth grade. They will
ment* have been made:
spell the same words as the eighth
F A. Rowe, Wheeler.
grade. This however will be a sep-
T F. Ashlev. Bay.
arate class
F. B. McKinley, Beaver
Second for those who have cont-
1 McCabe. Cloverdale.
ptete»l the eighth grade. Th
. Geo. W
W. Pheljis,
Phelps, Garibaldi.
for this class will be the same as for
Alya Finley, Foley.
the high school. These books are in
<. \ Jones, Rocksway.
______ '
the hands of the teacher* and anv one
H. F. Fffenberger. Nehalem.
desiring to enter this contest is re-
( . S Atkinson. Sandlake.
quested to copy the words f om the
W H Christensen. Neskowin.
Henrv 1 King, Bayocean*
Teachers are requested to pro­
Fannie Smith, Blaine.
nounce these words for these sepa­
E. E. Parker, Union.
rate classes on the same date as the
other contests are given The rea­
To the Voters of Tillamook County. pers should be marked non-attending
pnpils and grade or high school, as
1 hereby announce that 1 am a can­ the ease mav be. A separate report
didate for the nomination for the of for these two cUsses will a'« '» be giv­
fice of County School Superintendent en after
e’ch co"te«t T’e local
at the primary election to be held .in try-outs and the championship con­
test* will he hel-1 «or these classes at
Geo. B Lauib.
the same time and in the same man-
Southern California
Sunshine and Flowers
>ow Round Trip tts;lt.eon sale
D. F. Thomp