TILLAMOOK, OREGON. PRUDENT MAN SANA'S H/S MONEY' BOCKBT BOOKS ¿BSAK & O ur B ank is a S afe P lace for tT Money carrietljin the pocket slips away easily. I*nt yours in our BANK ; it won’t be so hard to refuse a loan to ” friends” who will never pay you back. Nor will you foolishly SPEND your money when it is safe in our hank. We refer those who have not banked with us to those who HAVE. Our vaults and locks are strong. The good names of men of high CHARACTER and known financial RESPONSIBILITY are also behind our b.tnk. Make OUR bank YOUR bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Deposit. Tillamook County Bank THE OLD RELIABLE. ooGiooQGeoofiooGiiooeocoeoecceosososoo&oRO&sooGoseosiQoc Tillamook Jottings. Frank A. Rowe, of Wheeler, was in the city on Monday. A heavy fall of snow on Tuesday made another change in the weather which has been changing quite fre­ Ralph Bacon is on the sick list. quently of late. Houses to Rent, see Watson. * Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. 1. sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for Clough Co. * * merly of the Spanish Kitchen. Get free Kodak instructions at C. I Ambitious young couple will rent Clough Co.’s. * dairy ranch or will help on one. Ref­ Wanted, young pigs.—A. F. Coats erence.—Address Headlight Office. Lumber Co. * Moulton and Son will move their Bring in your prescriptions, Tilla­ barber shop into the I. O. O. F. mook Drug Co. Bldg., on or before Feb. 1st, 1916. * Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla- Money to Loan on First Farm ♦ mook County Bank. Mortgages—E. J. Robertson, 70- T itlc and Trust Building, Portland, Born, on Thursday, to the wife of Oergon. * F. H. Minich, a girl. E. J. Claussen vs. F. H. Wilkins and Born, on Friday, to w’ife and R. A. Wilkins is a suit to wife Leopold Blazer, a son. recover $243.37 and $250.00 filed lit "Good the the circuit court. The place to eat is at Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. “The Million Dollar Mystery” is in . town now and will be shown at the Born, on Saturday, to the wife of J Star T heatre Friday night in the 3rd H. Rosenberg, a girl. and 4th episodes. A motor cycle for sale cheap, apply A meeting of the co-operative as- it Ed's Garage, Tillamook. sociations was held in the court house E. T. Haltom went to Portland on on Saturdey, to discuss matters per­ taining to the dairy interests. Tuesday on a business trip. We use only the purest drugs ob­ You choose your doctor. Choose us s your druggist—Tillamook Drug tainable to enter into your prescrip­ tions. Bring them to us—Tillamook To. * Drug Co. * For Sale—A five passenger White Attorney J. L. Henderson returned »r, in good condition—Apply at from Portland on Friday, where he d's Garage. had gone to see his son, Robert Lynn, Have you prescriptions to be filled? who is to enlist in the navy. r'e can fill any prescription.—Tilla- Having bought the Tillamook Iron 00k Drug Co. * Works from A. K. Case all business For Sale, High Grade Jersey bull, ) months old. E. R. Garner, Hem- from Sept. 1st will be transacted by ck, Oregon. ♦ H. Sander. * For sale, cheap, vine maple and Wanted—To rent piano by respon­ truce limLs. Apply to M. R. Hancn- sible party. Write stating grade of in­ Sstt, Tillamook, Oregon. * strument and rent asked. Address T. * Wood Sawed—Call E. W. Knight E. H., Tillamook, Ore. 1 the Mutual phone, Prompt service Protect your valuable papers from Id careful work. * the unexpected fire by renting one of For Rent—Store Building now oc- our safe deposit boxes. Only one ipied by B. D. Lamar as a variety dollar per year. Tillamook County >re after Feb., 1st.—P. W. Todd. Bank. • 1 our Free Sample of Briquets is Mrs. J. R. Callahan, wha had been w ready at Lamb-Schrader Co’s, visiting a sister in California, return­ lice.—B«‘" C. Lamb. ed on Friday, having been delayed For sale or trade a moving picture several days in Portland on account tfit, complete, Cali or write to J. S. of the tie up of the railroad. ime, Bay City, Oregon. ♦ If you want to rent a first class T had Robisno of the Tillamook t6o acre ranch, capable of handling •unty Bank, went to Portland on 75 to 80 cow s, see or write C . W Miller at office of A. F. Coats icsday on a business trip. Lumber Co, Tillamook, Oregon . . * Ride with Smithie—Phone 20T for Having taken charge of the auto­ nek auto service to any part of mobile department of Case’s Garage, 'unty—night call 78J. Ira Smith. 1 solicit your patronage in the future For Sale—Full blooded Barred i as in the past and will guarantee sat­ ock Cockerels, $1.00 each. E. L. isfaction, Frank H. Devine. lewart, Box 456, Tillamook, Ore. William Fox presents Robert B. .11 Schultz, t arl Schultz and Joe Mantcli and Genevieve Hemper in rank.in of the Coats Lumber Co, “The Blindness of Devotion” at the tent to Portland on Tuesday. Gem Theatre Friday night only. Tillamook County Bank vs. Red Adults 15c. children 5c. lanch is a suit filed in the circuit Manager Smith, of the Star Theater °urt to recover $205.00 on a pronus- has announced that the serial "Mil­ ory note. lion Dollar Mystery, will be shown al wW1 wW' -Vb» LAMAR’S VARIETY STORE, ? WILL MOVE to 1.0 O.F. BLD., February 1. Drop in and Look Anou nd” 0 as usual on Friday night. The film for this entertainment is already in the city. Last Tuesday the Senior class play­ ed the Freshman class in basketball and defeated them to the tune of 29 to 7. The Senior quintet appeared on the floor with girl’s costumes and created a sensation. For Sale, about 36 tons of hay or will trade same for cattle. If preferred can bring stock and feed same on place.—-Inquire of F. H. Neilson, Bay City, Oregon. * An extraordinary photo play at the Gent Theatre, ' Friday night only, “The Blindness of Devotion ” ’ Don’t fail to see it. Show will start at 6:45 on account of the Community Sing, «vhich will be held the same evening. Moulton and Sons have moved their barber shop to the Oddfellows’ build- ng. The new quarters arc a picture of neatness and cleanliness, making it he most attractive barber shop in the city. For sale, two 2 year yearling bulls, ind two calves, 1 year in Spring, A. J. C. C. Jerseys,from dams that test JOO to 400 pounds butter fat—'T. H. McCormack, Tillamook, Ortgon, R. F. D. 1. M 15. Don't forget those busted castings. Can be welded for half. Goods sent >y parcel post and express promptly .eturned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, Oregon. JANUARY 27, 191« ATTENTION DAIRYMEN. I have orders for a great number of calves and am n»w buying all I can get. When you have a calf for sale its money in your pocket to call me up. Am able to pay and will pay fancy Prices, for Durham Durham, Bulls, Red Poll Bulls, ~ ' Red Polls and Holstein Heifers. Can also use chickens.—Both Phones.Smith, THE CALF MAN. |i.$o PER YEAR. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus, $30.000.00. Member Federal Reserve Bank A debate was held on Wednesday officers : afternoon at the high school between affirmative and negative teams of the LAMB, President, school and although the decision was unanimous in favor of the affirmative W. J. RIECHERS, Cashier. .he thre decisions were very close, Leo Doty and Ernest Crockatt rep­ J. C. HOLDEN, Vice-Presdent. resented the affirmative and Delmer Powers and Clifton Martin, the*Vicg- I. E. KELDSON, '\M»iatant Cashier xlive. The judges were Rev. Van A inkle, Rev. Yoel and Attorney DIRECTORS : Claussen. The same question was de­ bated as has been in the high schools I’ eter H eisel . A. W. B unn . C. J. E dwards . of the state. Resolved that the United Slates should adopt the essential B. C. I.AMb. W. J. R iechers . J. c. H olden . features of tbe Swiss system of mili- .ary training and service. The three masted sailing schooner Repeat, which was abandoned early Careful Attention Given to all Banking this week and which has been drift­ ing off the coast was taken in tow by Business Placed in Our Hands. 1 tug back to the Columbia river this (Thursday) morning. According to Captain Farley, of the I.ife Saving Odd Fellows Bld. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Station, the ship was waterlogged ind had her deck load of lumber washed loose; some of the lumber «OOQO9OOOOCOOOO0OOCO!3O30O<9CO0eOSCOOe>OOOO99OOO9QaCOOOO was washed on shore. However, the boat was ten miles out to sea when Captain Farley saw her and four men were on board, the cabin was still above water when the ship was in tow and mast of the cargo can be saved. The Repeat was home bound or Honolulu. The student body of the high school recently organized by a constitution held a nomination of officers on Tuesday. Clifton Martin and Joe Erickson were nominated for the presidency and Ray Erickson, Alfred Fletcher and Joe Erickson for vice- Good times coming to T-I-L-L-A-M O-O-K. president. Delmer Powers was the We feel the wave NOW. Everyone you meet only nominated candidate for general will say, “I told you so,” Choice iota like these manager and Zylphia Switzer and Nellie Gaylord were named for sec­ have never before been offered on such easy retary. The election will be held this terms. Buy now and get a good start. Make week. The classes also elected their representatives to the student coun­ 1816 your banner year. Own a house and be in­ cil Seniors, Ernest Crockatt; Juniors, dependent. B-O-O-S T for Tillamook and Till­ Lee Dody; Sophomore, August Bo- quist, and Freshman; Howard Wil­ amook County. liams. Good buys are easy sold. LAt t Friday evening about 75 young people of the city went to Garibaldi under the supervision of Rev. Van Winkle who held a church meeting 7 room house with bath, light and water, lot 521 there that evening and then i the ’ Tilla ■nook High School girls and boys ft. on 2nd Ave. East and Sth St., $1,250. >asket ball teams met two aggrega- 2 vacant lots in block 2, Miller add., $700. ions of Garibaldi on the 1 new gym- uasium at that place and furnished an 1 vacant lot corner 3rd Ave. East and Park St., xciting entertainment for the large $4o0. crowd in attendance. After a hard fought game the local school boys 2 vacant lots cor 3rd Ave. East and 9th St , $650. defeated the Garibaldi team by the 1 vacant lot cor. 3rd Ave. East and 9th St., $500. score of 35 to 18. An extra period of 1 vacant lot cor. 2nd Ave. East and 9th,St., $550, time was required to play off the tie of 17 to 17. The local lineup was 1 vacant lot corner Sth St., $300. '.’letcher, Conover and Powers guards Edwards and Brooks centers and Ray These lots will be sold at owner’s prices No Erickson and Crockatt forwards. commission added. Your own time to pay for A. E. Holden and Ethel Holden vs. them, at prices less than rent. Only 6 per cent V F. Coats Lumber Co. and Coats Driving & Boom Co., is a suit filed in and you can build on the lot now. the circuit court to recover $2,500.00 Property all over the city for sale, trade lamages. It i* alleged in the com­ plaint that the defendants, without and rent. ny authority, began digging and LEADING FIRE INSURANCE. constructing and dug across the plain- iff’s land a ditch, and hauled and lumped into Tillamook river a large luantitv of dirt at a point up stream ind about 500 feet from the premises jf plaintiffs. After doing so, allowed t to remain there and the current of he river following in its usual way, ■vash the dirt to a point within plain- iffs’ land, thereby completely dam­ ning up the river and causing the river to change its ancient channel hrough plaintiffs’ land and to seek i ind run into two other channels, one hrough a ditch and the other through 1 channel north of the old channel, ind through the premises, thu« chang­ ing the channel and washing away ind inundating the soil, and destroy­ ing the land. By reason of these ai­ leged damages plaintiffs seek to re- I cover $2,500.00.____________ James Wiley, of Minnesota, father of the late W. W. Wiley, and dnu- ghter Mrs. Peter Mackintosh, former­ ly Miss Bessie Wiley, came in on Friday to visit Mrs. W. W. Wiley mil children. See Miss Genevieve Hamper the superlatively bewitching young ar- ist, (Eve’s Loveliest Daughter) in The Blindness of Devotion,” at the Gem Theater Friday night only. \dults 15c, children under 12, 5c. If you have any hogs to sell call us up on either phone as we arc going .0 ship a carload of hogs in the near future. We arc also buying all kinds of young calves and hides as well as furs of all kinds.—Tillamook Live- Stock Co. Bell phone 8F22. * We have made special arrange- ments with the Telephone Co., to connect you directly with our office, in case you wish any of our GOOD COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W For Sale—Tug Chas M. Greiner, 4 years old, length 80 feet, beam 19 ft draft 8 ft., 350 horse power. Now ii Portland Harbor. For price and full particulars address G. W. Evans. McMinnville, Oregon. * Ray Grate, agent at the railroad de­ pot, left on Saturday to visit his home in Missouri, on a three week’s vaca­ tion. He went out by way of Necar- ney Mountain owing to the tie up on the railroad. R. E. Nichol* is in charge at the depot. For sale chcap**-One 24 ft. launch, /’q bi am, 10 horse power, Roberts’ ngine all complete, must bring $ 15c cash. Also one 40 ft. float with two rooms, finished for only $25. Enquire it first float below Elmore dock.— Sessions &Schenck. A pleasant surprise was tendered the Rebeccas on Wednesday evening, when a party of about 30 Oddfellows brought refreshments to the hall and entertained the ladies after their lodge work was over. A program was presented by the visitors and a pleasant time was enjoyed until a late hour. Abaut 70 were in attendance It has been reported that the son o( Manager Smith, of the Star Theatre has been taken ill with the mump- and several other infectious diseases and on that account many patrons of his theatre are keeping their children away. Mr. Smith’s little boy was suf­ fering only from a slight attack ot pneumonia and he has now entirely recovered. If you are contemplating the pur­ chase of a piano or player piano write me for prices. It will pay you to see e me before buying buyin elsewhere. I have the f old reliable Wiley . B. Allen Co., agency for Tillamook County — Leland B. Erwin. * I fully intend to sell you that pianc this spriTlg, unless the automobile man gets there first. LOOK, LISTEN AND ACT. ALEX. MeNAIR & co. A New Organization Formed. Another meeting of the business men was held at the court house on Monday evening, but no _ progress _ was made in forming a new organiza­ tion or re-forming the Tillamook Commercial Club. It was thought ad­ visable to appoint others to assist th< committee having the matter in hand of getting too persons to pledge $