ÏLLA1Æ00K HEADLIGHT JANUARY 20. 1916 i City Council Meets. Not that Bad. Augmenting • | THE STOCK REDUCTION AND CLEAN-im SALES WITH A GREAT SALE OF WHIT^ On Monday evening the city council “It would please me very much, met in regular session with the 'follow­ Miss Stout,” said Mr. Mugley, “if you would go to the theater with me this j ing officers present: evening.” Mayor, S. A. Brodhead; Councilmen, “Have you secured the seats?" in- D. O’Donnell, R. T. Boals, W. J. Hill, quired Miss Clara Stout. ------------ * r> i r -n ZA T7 TÄZrrrmJ “Oh, come now,” he protested, H. A. Williams; City Attorney, H. T. Botp; Marshal, N. J. Myers; Recor­ “you’re not so heavy as all that.” A Soft Answer. der, John Aschitn. H. H. Rosenberg was appointed bv Something hard and round came the council to fill the vacancy as coun­ thiougn Hie winuow 01 Mr. vuivcriuls rPHREE Sensational Sales offering unlimited opportunities to every man and Moman in this cilman from the second ward, taking uining room and landed witn a spiasu j county for making tremendous savings on new, seasonable, clean, up-to-date and reliable 111 iuv oread and miik 01 me yiAiug- the oath of office Monday evening. UUU. The ordinance for the purpose of' en­ Ubl Cl Lia ror a iDonicm the frantic parent forcing the prohibition law was pass­ thought lav ¿tppi nud wine at last. Don^delay your shopping, for the Bargains announced herein won’t last long, and such ed on its third reading with the pro­ a ui-u, jasi nc Drginning to get vision druggists should file withir.' 24 over cue »liVCM mere c«mie a gciiue wonderful savings are well worth an extra effort to secure. hours of sale, the doctor’s prescription uut insistent Kuocxing at tne Uuor The White Sale inaugurated to-day in connection with the Stock Reduction and Clean-I p rxitgiity iiv ¡usuiQ udi ana threw the and affidavit of purchaser of liquor. pui i*»i .u^cu. ouisiav stood a small A soft drink ordinance was passed j I juv , cup puiiteiy in nand. Sales will be gladly welcomed by the ladies of this county who- usually take advantage of tins’ to its third reading, requiring’ a $500 ricasc sir, nt- said courteously, great yearly event to effect savings on both Household and personal supp les in \\ iit<.. bond that establishment be conducted "cun Wc nave our baur’ "iVw-wuatr gasped Quiverful.' in an orderly manner and also requiring Clean- Up Sales. BARGAINS FOR a $25 liscense and $10 extra where card “You kick your beasuy bah tnrougn my winuow, nearly frightening one tables are used. Condensed List of the A 01 my cmiuien to oeath, and then you Another ordinance was passed requir­ nave the eunlounUed cheek to Come First Showing Bargains Available in this ing a license of $1000 for the sale of and—and ask lor your bull! Great Event. New Embroidery Edges, Insertions, Beadings, "Weil, sir," suiu me polite young­ products of malted hops' or ’ barlev. Space does not permit men­ This would ’nclude near beer and other ster, cauniy, "you ve gut eleven enn­ — Act 11 al $25.00 Hart Schafi. ui en, you know, and we've only one tion of all the wonderful Bar­ t^All-overs, Flouncings and Corset Cover like drinks. ner & Marx Suita in all tlJ uam ’ 9 gains offered in this Clean- The Mayor made the'following’ com­ latest styles for Em broi deri e s. Up Sale nor does it permit of Had to Give it Up. mittee appointments: lengthy descriptions. The —Actual $15.00 to $17.50 $ Account and Current Expenses: They were speaking of life in the Reductions, however, are so OSITIVELY the finest selection of dainty Embroideries valuesin Men's sty'.ish suits. O’Donnell, Boals, Rosenberg. counu y tne oilier evening when tins generous that the savings Serges, tweetls, etc Streets and Public Improvements’ story i.as recalled by Senator William we have ever shown and priced at special savings amply repay you for the brev­ n. inumpson, oi Kansas. for.............................I Rosenberg, Williams, Hill. ity in .’describing the various during this great Sale of White. Some t.me ago a colored man from Licensee and Ordinances; Williams, — Actual $2250 atri $2ñ.r : items. the city applicu for a job on a farm, Hill, O’Donnell. 1 Hart Schaftner A Marx sa There are Embroideries in Muslin, longcloth and lawn and on assuring Uncle Josii that he 1 Ways and Means: Hill, Rosenberg, ‘ Underwear was right there with the agricultural lisli Overcoa Boals. ( education, he was given a pad and For ¿Men, Women, Misses, and selections of Insertions and Edgings to match. Health and Police: Boals, Williams, three-legged 1 stool and toid to milk Boys, Girls and Children. Buy your Spring and Summer Lingerie Embroideries —Actual $10.00 ami $12.(I k 3 O’Donnell. I the cow. I smartly cut and "Say, boss," dejectedly remarked —Boys’, Girls’ and Misses’ Dr. Boals was appointed health offi- now while savings are generous and selections complete. to-date Overcoats Rastus,, returning to the nou»e a hall cer. Shirts, Pants and Drawers iiour later, “ I guess dat 1’11 hab to — Actual $1.50 Flannel Shirt» in. white, half bleached and Insertions, Edgings and Flouncing The Ferris Bill. give up de job 00 milking that cow.” in Navy, Tan, Khaki r* grey fleece lined cotton, sizes “What s tne matter.’’" inquired L'ncle and Grey, till sizes for < to Josh, knowing the cow to have a gen­ immediate importance 2 to 16 years in values Of more ___________ . Em broideries. Beadings. Oregon and the Western states that tle disposition. “You didn’t try to ciub to 45c. for...................... —Actual $1.50 Monarch Sttitsj the administration s program of pre­ her did you ?” 19c. Golf styles in neat Values to 30c. for .......... Actual 10c. values for 7jc. •—Boys', Girls' and Misses' paredness is thé Ferris Bill which "No, sah; no sah!” was the quick re- ' has just recently passed the House, joiner of the colored party. "She jes’ | Union Suits, Pants and Actual 15c. values for 12ic. Values to 44c. for...... 38c. patterns for each . . fhis bill attempts to, and dots, take wouldn't mind. Coaxed all 1 knew i Drawersiu white,half bleach­ — Men’s Outing Flannel^ away from the people of Oregon, how, but she wouldn’t sit down on ed and grey cotton; and white Actual 20c. values for 17ic. Actual 69c. values for.. 57c. Nightgowns in plain whiitr from the commonwealth of Oregon that little stool.” natural, tan and grey wool, and all other Western states, the Actual 79c."values for.. 68c. and stripes. Special Actual 25c. values for 20c. sizes 2 to 16 years and light to enjoy, have and to hold pro­ Each Cost of Culture. Actual 93c, values for.. 79c. --- Boy’s Outing I'liintielsj values to 95c. for.......... perty and property rights within the Actual 33c. values for 29c. confines of the state. The college freshmen yeir was — Men's actual 50c. value, Nightgowns in stripes onlvQ Corset Cover In more common terms it takes proving very expensive to lather, so All-Over Grey fleece lined cotton shirts and sizes to tit ages away the right to the use of the water lather decided to have a “heart-to- ie8 Embroideries. ami drawers in sizes, 36 to 4 > power of the mountain streams of heart" talk with Charles, home for the 6 to 16 years for........ I Embroideries. Oregon and places it in the hands e f week. shirts, and 32 to 41 25c. Values to29c. for FOOTWEAR the Secretary of the Interior or some ‘Now son,” he said gravely, but af­ drawers for per garment Actual 44c. values for 39c. other official at Washington who fectionately, “your mother and 1 are 39c. Values to 49c. for BARGAINS —Men's Wool Shirts and never saw the west, and gives him the spending just as little as we can pos­ 59c. sole right to say who shall have leas­ sibly can. I get up at 6:50 and work Values to 75c. for . Pants in Cooper l’ibbed, Actual 79c. values for 69c. For t^Men. Women, Boys, I ts upon these water power sites, who until after 5. But son, the money just heavy plush wool, and Gias Girls, ^Misses and Children. > shall develop them and how, etc. won’t go round at the rate your ex­ teubury wool in tnediu n light In legal terms, effective upon the penses are running. What do think Men ’s. Dress Shoes. Special »3» Sale of Dainty White weight, sizes 34 to 44 passage of the bill, it virtually sets up we had better do?” $5-75 8 inch top Daytons .... $5’5 in Oregon a prepetual landed proprie­ and values to $1.50 for For a moment Charles’ head was Discontinued Models $0.50 ¡2 inch top Daytons Lingerie Underpriced $5 « tor whose lands shall remain forever buried in thought, and then he re- $6.65 j $7.50 12 inch top Daytons Ladies’ Union Suits, American Ladÿ Corsets To $1.00 Undermuslins 79c. exempted from the taxing power of plied: $3.50 Men’s Gum Boots $3'5 the state, and also from its power of “Well father I don’t seen any way $5.00 Snagproof Glim Hoots Vests and Pants. and Ferris Waists. To$1.50 Undermuslitls 97c. $4’5 eminent domain, so that they may be out but fur you to work nights.” $6.50 Snagproof Gum Bouts $5 «51 closed to development or allowed to —White, natural and grey To $1.50 Ferris Waist tor 79c. To $2.75 Petticoats -... • $1.98 $7.90 Snagproof Gum Boots . $6i:‘ be used on such terms and charges Germany’s Divorced Girl Wives. vests pants and Union Suits, To $3 98 Undermuslins $1.59 $3.50 Ladies ’ Shoes for $2.lj , Actual $1.25 Corsets for 89c. as the proprietor of the lands, the and Pantalets in black only, $2.50 Childs’ and Misses' Shoes $1.4 Actual 50c. Brassieres 33c. Federal Government, may choose to It is imperative and in the most Actual $1.75Corsets for $1.19 $i.6<. $2.50 Boy’s Gun Calf Shoes and sizes 34 to 44. Actual 65c Brassieres 49c. name. The state within those boun­ vital interests of the German people $3-75 Boy’s Gun Calf Shoes Actual $2.50 Corsets for $1.39 Actual $1.25 Brassieres 98c. daries the water power is located has that a solid barrier be placed against Union Suits. 98c I $1.75 Infant's Shoes .......... nut one word to say about it. the hurried and reckless matrimonial So effectually docs this Ferris bot­ alliances which, thanks to the cupid­ 75c. values for ■ 59C. Yard Goods Bargains. tle up the West that future develop­ ity of the tribes of marriage brokers, $1.00 values for ... . 83c. To 35c. Dress Goods ment along the lines of the greater are being made in every part of the Household Necessities Included in the $2.00 values for ... To 75c. Dress Goods . 494 $1.29 opportunity is practically forbidden country. To $1.48 Dress Goods . 98c and only at the pleasure of some of­ $2.75 values for ... $1.80 Every girl is possessed by the obses­ To $2.25 Dress Goods $i-4l> ficial in Washington will our great sion of getting married. How fre­ Sale of White. $2.44 $3-75 values for ... lo 75c. Kiinona Eiderdowns . 394 water possibilities be even touched quently we hear men talking in that To 25c. Kimona Fleeces . 15« upon. Vesfs. fashion. Yet their mental indolence VERY careful housekeeper knows the value of having Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Cali­ prevents them from seeing whose 65c. values for.....................39c. fornia and all the Rocky Mountain fault is is that the young girls find no generous reserve supplies of Household necessities, not $1.25 values for .............. 79c. states have immense potential wealth way but that of marriage to realize BARGAINS FOR only from an economic point of view, but also for the in the undeveloped water power. It their aspiration for sympathy and $1.75 values for.................. 98c. only requires the denser population psychological communion. $2.50 values for ............... $1-59 convenience a reserve supply guarantees when an unex­ and the manufacturing impulse to set It is due to the brutal heartlessness these mighty machines of power in the sordid race after money of a great Pants. pected visitor arrives or when any emergency arises, motion. 1 hose things will come, are mass of our men, forcefully aiding as inevitable and the growth and devel­ they are by the vile marriage brokers, $i-37 t$i.5O New Middies for To $1.40 valuer for 29c. Here are saving values to opment of the country will be cheek­ that yosing girls lightly sacrifice love, help you fill you needs for I $2.98 Wool Middies for To $2.50 valuer for 69c. ed and held in abeyance until such youth and happiness for a marriage ,8c « $1.75 Silk Knit Scarves present and future use. tune as the Federal Government shall that in the most cases nothing but To 40c. Glove Values for 25'1 « cJAden’s Union Suits. please to release this mighty power a brutish enslavement. To 75c Glove Values for and even then it is doubtful if its en And why not, ask the man? The Sheets. 594] lo 93c. Glove Values for To $2.25 values for $1.50 ergies will be properly developed or costs are paid by others. Who arc $100 ] Satin Damask and Wirthmor Waists .......... To $3.75 values for $2.40 directed in the proper channels. Actual 50c. values for 39c. those others? The poor victims them­ $2 00 Welworth Waists .......... To $5.00 values for ... .$3.60 Die Ferris bill effectually bottles up selves. What do we see as a result of Table Linens. Actual 83c. ---Actual values to $27.50 in the water power sites, prevents cap this inhuman system which is knaw- values for 69c. Boys’, Girls’, ¿^Misses’, Actual ital from investing and takes awaj ing like a kanker at the very heart of Actual 65c. values .... 44c. smart stylish Spring C1Q QC 90c. values for 79c. the sovereign right of the state to the the German nation and destroying its (^Aden’s and Women’s Actual 79c. values .... 69c. 1916 Suite for ... use of its own property; it effectually hopes of future regeneration of the Actual 95c. values for 83c. •--Actual values to $30.(X) in throttles individual development and race at a time when those of us who Sweaters. Actual $1.00 values.... 89c. Ladies’ Smart Dress djin A0 Actual $1.00 values for 89c. practically creates a monopoly To are real men are shedding their — Boys ’ and Girls ’ Sweaters which future generations must pay hearts’ blood on the battlefields, Actual $1.2* values for $1.09 and driving coats for Y and Boys’ Kr.it Suits in big toll.—Pendleton Evening Tribune. Pillow Cases. The result of this: That today in ---Actual values to$12.50iu values to $1.75 for .... Berlin alone there are 30,00 divorced Actual $1.39 values ... $1.19 Ladies’ Coats for AO girl wives. Actual 13c. values for 10c. Pays Some Taxes. —Boys’, Girls' and Mieses’ This is nothing short of a national present wear at . . ------ o— Table Napkins. Sweaters in Grey and Red Actual 15c. values for 12k. A fact not generally known is the shame, which cries out aloud to the ■--Actual values to $7.98 inj and all sizes values amount of taxes paid by the big rail­ authorities for instant and drastic ac­ Actual 20c. values for •71c. Slightly display soiled, bet­ Misses and Children’s Ort to $4.50 for ................ road companies. The recent statement tion. To remove the shame from our New Coatsall sizes for Y ! of the Southern Pacific Company midst is every whit as imperative as ter values than can be secured cJAden's and Womens’ filed with the state Public Service the engineering of the food question, Bedspreads. -■-Actual values to 50c. in Commission shows that fully one- because where one involves the ma­ now. Exceptional Bargains: Sweaters. Boys’, Girls' and M it*ses O C - 1 third of the net revenues of the terial the other concerns the moral /Actual $1.50 values for $1.29 Gloves for per pair ¿«K* 1 $3-75 values for ... . .. $3 29 company are paid to the counties in starvation of the race. $2.00 Per Dozen for.. .. $1.49 which they operate as taxes. In many $4.50 values for Actual $1 75 values for $1 49 $3 95 How’s This ? $2 50 Per Dozen for.... $1.79 counties in Oregon it is the largest $4.85 values for .... ■ ■■■ $4 39 We offer Oxx HvsiiltD D ollars R bwabd Actual $2.00 values for $1.69 single item of tax receipts on the Sale of Bedding. $5.00 values for .. . $2 98 Per Dozen for.... $1.98 or any ca»e of Catarrh that cannot be cured $4-57 rolls in Linn was practically ten per by Hall's Catarrh Cure. $6.50 values for . . Actual $2.50 values tor $1.98 $3.25 Per Dozen cent of the entire collections for state 79c. Blankets for 68c. $5-95 F. J. CHENEY & CO., Teledo. O. for.... $2.23 $9.00 values for .. •... $6.15 county, school and municipal taxes. $1.19 We, the undersigned have known P. J. Blankets for 98c. With such investments the railroads Cheney for the lost 15 years, sad believe Seasonable become vitally interested in the pro­ him perfectly honorable in all business $1.25 Blankets for $1.09 perty of the county through which transactions and financially able to carry KNIT GOODS any obligations made by.his Arm. $1.75 Blankets for $1.59 they run and should not. as they have out NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. h For Intents, Girls, Misses in the past, be made the butt of every $2.00 Blankets for $1.79 Toledo, O. I ---- ------- • Halt’ _______ s Catarrh Cure ,v Is taken internally. internally, I Il demagogue ’s political campaign. and Women. .- »_».» -rtinu dlr-.il» .u .. luKcn . MEN. P : $13.65, l ts for $14.65¿ $6.65s 98c) jn 1JFC. $1.15 1 93c. «J3C» OQ QO_ SOC» E WOMEN no vOC. t>i /*n ^1.0*7 Í Give Him Time. ---- -o-— . “Although Chugson has had a car for almost six months, he still seems to think a pedestrain has some rights.' “How do you account for that atti­ tude”’ “It’s very peculiar. It certainly shows a woeful lack of self confi- dence." An imitation of style in writing is xferior to what it imitates. If it isn’t. N«‘t imitation. ■yle who live in glass houses had /go to raising bouquets—as the is do As the most frequent human ex- Ance to come of a family none of Am ever accumulated a fortune. 1 acting directly upon the blood and mucous «urfnees of the system. Testimonials sent ree. Price *5 cents per bottle, told by ell tlruggists ke Hall’s Family Pills for constl pation — Infants’ Pantalets in Red and White only, Gaiter Bot­ toms. Reji. 63c. values Notice any dimness on automobile | —Infants Knitted Sets Sweat­ lights? Two or three months more | and a pulmotor’can’t bring that or-! I er, Pantalets and Cap tf-l no dinance to life. to in-itch, Hetf. $3.25 forT*»*® A Pittsburgh paper calls it a chor­ — Men’s Women's and - Chil- ......... ............ ........ tleberry pie. Not if the cook ha* tried drrn's Knit Capa atid Toque« to thicken its inwardness with too much flour. in values to ♦ 1.50 It is a heavy burden for the people I I for.................................. with common sense to undertake to 1 keep those without it out of trouble; , I —Women’s and Children's Knitted Caps in plain and ind sometimes they give up trying. A golf expert says that no one can ; fauev styles and values 50c. talk and play a good game of golf, to $1.50 for though there are iome who regard a good game of talk as »aperior to golf. Oil- j“C. Ü 25c. to 98c. $2.50 Blankets for $2.29 $1.98 Comforters for $1.75 $2 50 Comforters for$2.29 $2.75 Comforters for$2 59 $2.98Comfor(ers for$2 75 $1.25 Feather Pillows for $1.09 $1.50 Feather Pillows for $1 29 $1.75 Feather Pillows for $1.59 $2.25 Feather Pillows for $1.98 .$3.00 Feather Pillows for $2.69