TLLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JANUARY, 20, 1916 AMMER FURNITURE CO. Use Good Judgement in Buying Hardware and Sporting Goods. Ammunition, Quick Meal Ranges, Building Material, Wall Paper, Du Pont Blasting Supplies. KING & SMITH CO., TILLAMOOK, OREGON. THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS. Columbia Crochet and Tatting Cotton, in white and colors, Special, 8c. Ball. Ladies' White Sheer Lawn and Cross Barred Handkerchiefs Special, 6 for 25c. Ladies' Outing Flannel & Ging­ ham Petticoats, 75c. values, Special, 50c. each. The Celebrated Thompson Cor­ set, $1.50 values, Special, $1.25 Pair. Fine Dress Ginghams, in new plaids, 15c. val, Special 10c. yd. We will give $1.00 Worth of Merchandise to the 1st, 15th, 30th and 50th Persons bring- ing this Advt. to our Store on SATURDAY, Jan. 22nd. We will also sell on that day the best grade of Canned Peaches for 15c. cash, that usually sells for 25c. and 30c. per can. Coffee at 15c. per pound for the day only. TILLAMOOK FEED CO. GRAND LEADER. WALL I P aperi Only Up-To-Date Wall Paper Store in the County. Mail Orders Solicited. Wall Paper, double up roll, per roll, from 1 Oc. TILLAMOOK GARAGE. Service Station for All Cars. Expert Repairing. A Complete Line of Ford : Parts Carried in Stock, FLOOR PAINT, per gal., 31 65. INTERIOR PAINT, per gal., 31.65. We Do Taper Hanging. Satisfaction and Workmanship Guaranteed. CLAUDE I. MYERS. AOCLEY & ROSENBERG^, - J- r-,» - Props. Don’t Throw Away Your Prescription. By taking it where it may not be accu­ rately filled—where part of tiie ingredients used may be so old as to have lost their freshness, strength and purity. Get the full value of your doctor’s ser­ vices by bringing your prescription to us —where you know it will receive all the exact care and honest attention that our pride cf reputation—backed by' experi­ ence, training and the most complete, modern, carefully-selected, thoroughly- tested and well-kept stock of prescription drugs—can possibly give it. c. I. CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist, Tillamook, Ore.