TLLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JANUARY 13. 1916 i- I Ten Commandments for Husbands thee as lichen to an old oak. I $647.50, $323.75 allowed. For Women. And Wives. Claim ot tieals Bros, in the suin of 1. Thou shait not nag. — — o ----- 1 $685.00, »342.50 allowel. The County Court appointed the 2. Thou shait keep thy temper to 1 lie remaining half of these claims Mrs. Irene Sheffield, an authoress, thyself. following road supervisors: District No. I—E. A. Worthington. are paid by the state. sat before Vice Chancellor Vivian , 3. Thou shall not bore thy husband. Road District No. i. District No. a—W. B. Aiderman. Lewis of Jersey City and told of her Reinember that thou keep unholy Walter Morgan ..................... District No. 3—J. M. Baker. unhappiness and of her hatred for her I bis 4. many Six days shait thou Dr. J. E. Reedy was appointed John Pauqet .......................... husband, Justice Scheffleld, Harvard | frivol and socks. the things that thou i Mathew bpringer ................. County Veterinarian. graduate, lawyer and clubman, who is I lovest to all do, but on the seventh, C. W. Ross ...................... nr- — - ■ sueing to divorce her. I think. Remember his linen to see that ' R. E. Myers .......................... Bills Allowed by County Court. was the answer she snapped it is spotless. Provide thou the extra M. B. Shafer ........................ Owing to the Tillemook Compiercial Club being at This Meritt Lane, her husbond's attor­ stud for the emergency that win Albert Sheldon ..................... Miscellaneous Bills. re-organized into a County Chamber of Commerce, ney, when asked to describe Schef- come, and watch lest the suit that Mitchell ....................... Cloverdale Merc. Co ............ $ 1.00 Erank hath been pressed is not returned to 1 to occupy quartersiu the new City Hall, the Directors field: Ernest Crown ....................... T. W. 1 odd, envelopes ......... ¡55^ Otto Shear ............................ is a tyrant, a cheat, a liar, and, its accustomed nail, as it will be one have decided to dispose of most of the Furnishings at if “ I He J. H. Wilson, auditing . . . . JUO.UO Hiroiu Perry ......................... have to say it, your honor, the he asketh for. A. H. Gaylord, bonds lor Public Sale. These Furnishings are of excellent quality meanest man God ever gave life to.” 6. Thou shait not ask him any Johnson ................... county utiicials................... 285.OO Malvin didn’t add that outside of that questions, neither in the morning, nor Hironi Crane ......................... and the club paid $3,(XX) for them. The items are 1 tl he She J. C. Holden, expenses.......... <323 Prank was all right, either. To the con­ at noon day hour, nor at night; for Crane ......................... ulass & Prudhoinine, mds. . . 31-30 John Langley good shape and worth considerable more than will be trary, she said: “The way he treated whatsoever a man wanteth thee to ......................... Bushong & Co., mds............... 04.71 1 Fred Paquet ......................... me and n^y children is simply inde­ know, that will he tell thee unsolic­ asked for them. They consist of B.00 W. D. Shafer ......................... C. F. Pankow, auto hire....... scribable. The old Roman terror men ited, and a question mark is a hook 8.00 George C. Hiner, mds.......................... Benson ..................... never had any thing on the things I that catcheth who knows what. ' Tillamook County Creamery Mirrors, PL A YER PIANO, had to call my husband. ” E. A Worthington ................ 7. Thou shait not complain; verily, - Association, Fair Board ... F. P. Hobson ....................... Looked straight at her husband a complaining woman is worse than Mutual Telephone Co............ BILLIARD TABLE, Rug, Albert Plasom ......................... who often whinced beneath the sting a shoe that pincheth. Pacific Tel and lei Co.......... I Wm. Woods .......................... 8. Thou shait not steal thy heart of her lashing words. Mrs. Scheffield, Coast Power Co...................... Card Tables, POOL TABLE, , F. Barnes .............................. her eyes flaming, told the story of against his hobbies. Electric Store, mds .............. 1 O. Barnes .............................. 9. Thou shait obey him—sometimes her married life in passionate and lillamook Headlight printing Folding Tables, FOLDING CHAIRS, I B. Combstock ....................... —uncertainty has its charms when dramatic terms. Tillamook Herald, printing . S. A. Barber.......................... T. E. Epplett board prisoners She tested about all the “ten com­ minds are masculine. Show Case, ROCKING CHAIRS, Ed Tomilson ..................... . . 10. Thou shaft be fresh and sweet mandments for married men” which Crystal Laundry ................... Joe Vermilyea ....................... and dainty as a shower bouquet. For Counter, King & Smith Co. mds.......... ARM CHAIRS, she had pronounced broken by Shef ­ i Wm. Tomilson....................... Tillamook Sheet Metal Wks. field. She said: He transgressed lingerie is more to be desired than L. H. Kenny ......................... LargeLEATHER Chairs, Locker Shelving, Justice C°urts. about all of them except the first, rubies, and a good cook above gov- I Jack Alwood ......................... 300 I Tony Landholt ..................... J. W. Thompson ................. which reads “Thou shait keep the eminent bonds. Silver KNIVES, FORKS Desks, C. P. Briggs .......................... 300 I Tony Lagler ......................... past to thyself.’ I tried my best to 3.00 E. H. Lindsey ....................... W. F. Thompson ................... live up to my ten commandments for Notice of Final Account. and SPOONS, CASH REGISTER, 2.40 W. Powell ............................ married women.” E. A. Worthington .............. E. W. Stanley ....................... 5-8o R. Kennedy .......................... Mrs. Sheffield testified she had Notice is hereby given that the un- Cooking Utensils, TABLE LINEN, E. W. Stanley ....................... >385 Bert Comstock ..................... written both series of commandments dersigned, has filed in the County For County Poor. J. Reed ................................. about two years before separation, Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, DISHES of All Kinds. Mrs. Marie Kamm ............... but had only published them recently, in the matter of the estate of Margery A. E. Rittenhouse ................. Crystal Laundry ................... Charley F.asotn ................... . as she explained, “I needed the mon­ Lcasia, deceased, their final account, And several other items not mentioned above. Mrs. P. E. Jewell ................. Albert Miller ...................... ey." as administrator and administratrix lillamook Meat Co................ R. E. Myers ......................... ’ For Men. of said estate. And that said Court Every item marked in plain figures and sold for R. N. Henkle ...................... . D. Davidson .......................... 1. Thou shait keep thy past unto thy has fixed Friday, February nth, 1916, City Transfer Co.................... cash only. Charley Easom ..................... at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said self. H. Mason & Co...................... R. Kennedy .......................... day at the Court House in Tillamook 2. Thou shait not scoff, Dr. L. L. Hoy ....................... The Board of Directors will receive bids for any Roscoe Barber ..................'. City, Oregon, as the time and place 3. Thou shait be a careful kisser. Rollie W. Watson ............... , Dave Thompson ................... item or items until 6 P.M., Friday, January 14. The 4. Remember that thou keep thy for hearing objections to said account. L. S. Hushbeck ..................... 20.00 James Lommen Win. J. Bogart, Goldie marriage vows. Six days shall shait thou right to reject any and all bids reserved by them. Geo. W. Piulps ................... 5-90 J. Reed ..................... Clark, administrator and dream of might-have-beens, but, on lillamook Feed Co............... 18.75 I Gilbert Zaddach ’ administratrix of the es­ Hand or mail your bid to 1 ra C. Smith, City. the seventh—wake. Remember thy Conover & Condit ................ 1905 Felix Kebbe .............. tate of Margery Leasia, wife to sing her praises. Give her Gto. W. Phelps ..................... 4 00 Ernest Kebbe ........ deceased. Public Sale will be Saturday, January 15, at Club freely of thy time and wit, for a dull Coroner's Office. O. Batterson ..................... S. M. Wendt ........................ husband is a discouragement to the First publication Jan. 13, 1916. Rooms, across the street from Ramsey Hotel. <3 <5 Carl Swenson ..................... Gods, and a clever one—almost hu­ Last publication Feb. 11, 1916. Surveyor’s Office. I Clair Finley ................. man. R. L. Shreve ........................ IRA C. SMITH, in charge. 11.25 Ernest Kebbe .......... C. A. Dunn ............................ 5. Honor thy wife and all her bills. <■3° Guy l.oerpabcl ................... For County Treasurer. 6. Remember thy mother-in-law to Kilham Stationary and Print­ I 1 Sam Tomilson . ...................... ~ 1 _ •!_ 11. . r ing company .......... ....... keep her guessing, for a wise mother- 28.00 Leslie Barber I hereby announce myself for the R. L. Shreve ........................ in-law loveth a cheerful liar and a 53.50 Ben Kuppenbender .... F. R. Beals and wife returned last office of County Treasurer of Tilla­ How ’ s This ? C. A. Dunn ............................ 45-62 A. good excuse is better than none. week from California. S. Tilden ....................... •Ve offer O ne H undred D ollars R eward W. E. Anderson ................... 7. Thou shait not steal a march in­ mook County, subject to th? will of 19.06 Ed Braunesreuther B. D. Lamar has rented part of the or any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured to thy club. the Republican voters at the 1916 Salaries. Hugh Rittenhouse................. vacant store in the I. O. O. F. build­ by Hall's Catarrh Cure. C. L. Hawley expert farm 8. Thou shall not toy with primary election. 1.. .. Koa uv Allmon Geo. R. McKimens ....... UPHOLSTERY—Deepened and of the finest, 11O.75 A. J. Nails......... ‘ POWER—Increased to FORTY horse power; Circuit Court. Frank Dye ....................... , hand-buffed, semi-glazed leather purchas­ D. Martiny ............ 3 25 Dan Billings MOTOR—Increased from 3J4 x 5 to 3%-inch H. Crrnshaw expenses .. able; <2.44 c. Dye........... jj ;;;;;;;; bore x 5-inch stroke; Geo. P. Winslow ......... 22.85 I Q. Pangborn ....... Cha». E. Runyon .......... 20.00 C. Wilks ....................................... ‘ WHEELBASE Increased from 108 tol 12 ins. REAR AXLE — Safety - insuring FULL- T. E. Epplett ................. 18.00 W. Tinncrstet ..../// Ira C. Smith ................. floating axle, designed and built in Studebaker 10.00 Marion Darby TIRES—Increased from 33 x 4 to 34 x 4 T. H. Goyne......... 12.00 L. Haugan ........... . . . . . 1 G. W. Switzer ...................... ’ factories ; 5.00 Geo. Wilks ............ Goodrich; “ Juror« and Witnesses. E. W. Overton ....... Harris ................. FINISH—Number of body-finishing opera­ ELECTRICAL SYSTEM— Studebaker- 12.20 I Henry Nelson ........... Marolf ........................ 1300 E. Goodspeed ___ ...... .............. tions increased from 20 to 25; Wagner Starting and Lighting System, in use Knight ................ 12.20 Amos Vaughn j ■ Dye ................ I FOUR years and tested and proved on more iz.tio Alvin Blutn .. CAPACITY—Increased from Five to SEVEN 15.20 I’, l’roctor than 150,000 cars. passenger; IS 80 I Fred Blutn 15.20 John Blum . 15 20 A. Walker . 4 40 Peat Walker .... 16.40 ’ I H " Moore ........ Cyrus Randall .... 15.80 I Boss Turner ....... J. W. Jennings 16.00 Robert Neilson W. H. Livingston . 4.40 George McDonnell M. P. Chance....... 16.20 Ike Well» ....... Frank Berns .......... 12.20 C. Wells ......... C has. 1 undquist 10.80 — Freebcrg Ben Neilson .......... 6.80 W. Schenk ....." A. (). lackson 10.40 J. I.. Myers ....... W esley Day la. 50 740 J M. Baker .......... It Is the ONLY 7-passanger, 4-cylinder car with a 378- A. S. l ane zj 40 11 00 Jack \\ illiatns .... Mike Abplanalp . 7.00 Alfred Barnes . . . . inch bore x 5-inch stroke, FORTY horse power motor Malphii» Johnson 8.ho ; S. _. Stark......... J. F. Powers ......... that has ever been offered in America or Europe for 6.20 Roy Blanchard ... E. A. Ball .............. 6.20 " Myron Blanchard less than $1000. And it is the ONLY car of the sea­ Gust W ieklund 6.40 • )■ J Hollctt . A. M Austin son that has accompanied a $100 reduction in price 6.30 1 1 l.yster ......... C. E. Reynolds 6.20 • I Wayne Franklin Henry Rogers . ... with such a SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE in quality. 3.30 , K. Lytter ..................... Erick Glad 6.20 • F. l.yster ............. ” ’ Carl Wallin 6.40 Ross C hilcott But all that we ask is for you to see the car. And it Smith Elliott 6.20 W. L. Hudson ....... Dan Goodspeed won't take but a few minutes for the car to convince 0 60 H. A. Brandt . I. H. Dunstan ....... 0 20 A. K. Myers ....... W’ B Aiderman you that dollar for dollar, it gives MOKE than ary 6 40 P. E. Myers ........... Four Cylinder Mo ¿el» Prank Worthington 6.30 Oscar Carver ........... other Four on the market. C. B. Wiley .......... T«wring Car, 7-paa.enger . • 9 20 Bert Smith ......... R««4.t.r, 3-paacm-er . , , ( has Goercs Laadau-Roadater,3-paM. . . 9.40 M. D. Sandoze M Curl ................... . 9 20 E. B. O’Neil S'X Cylinder Moa eli W’in. Rornicke 13.00 Henry Livengood TmiHn.Car, 7-pssaae«er • . N. J Myers ............ Roa4«ter. S paasancer . . ■ 6.30 H. J. Tohl ....... Lynol Thayer ......... LandaoUtsadatae 3-paaw . > 3.20 U. S. Edwards .. Cae»a, 4-paM«B(«r .... Dave Thayer 3.30 Emery Brandt Lhnauaine. - -paaaeaerr . . . ‘ ‘ •I S W C onr»vcr F. O. B. Detroit 3.30 < has. Atkins ......... W’. M. Condit .......... 3.30 Richard Miles P. J. Worrall 3.30 Clarence Dunn ..............\’’ Velma Nixon ......... 4.40 !;,nH Lawrenct ............ Chetael Mills Detroit, Mich. 440 H. Sherwood S. A. Rrodhead South Bend,Ind. Walken Ule,Ont 3.30 > H- A. Brandt C, F Dep'ord ........... 440 Forrest I. Ayer Henry Leach ........... 4 40 J. a . citrk j;;;....... Dr Geo. Peterson .. 4 40 William Clark . ........... Rovd Mendenhall A* ' «..2* . 440 J. C. Creevy ......... Ernest Crockatt....... 4 40 W J Rogart ,our Gr «»» Road 4 30 t 1 < ii amook . S Iron Works Roy Deeter «33 3.30 Dllamook R.y Con. Co.”.'" Rruce Wade A®37 ij 3.20 \ r. rtob'Qtl Henrv Cook ......... 3.B0 I Coast Culvert * Flume Co/' 10300 Floyd Woolfe ...... 44700 3.30 Hazel O'Donnell Ml*f«ll»neou» Road* 3 30 ' Till Tillamook Water Works Vick Stewart ....... uno 3.20 Southern ! Pacific Co. W’ J. Peterson ....... ¡0.00 3.30 Road Supervisors. I 4 * r I J SALE COMMERCIAL CLUB FURNISHINGS. Dollar for Dollar. What car gives as much? t I I - 40 herse power 7 passenger FOUR GEO. WILLIAMS, Tillamook, Ore STUDEBAKER ¿ 1 » -, Stock Indemnity. -?o «.£U7.Of M Y H.rriton 1„ lh<. D«iry Ranch for Rew. , A »llW of A X • < P in lk« « t I •S** 1.3.0 »Howvd h' ““ , * « ■W of F H. Beals m the •urn i of Bay City. Oregon rent, ». 15 cows now b* exp ct- w") Hathaway, * 1 4 r *