THE HEADLIGHT ’ S BARGAIN PAGE. PATRONIZE OUR HOME MERCHANTS. There is a Misspelled Word is One of these Attractive Advts. The First Person to Find the Mistake and Present the Correction to the Merchant in whose Advt. the Misspelled Word Appears, will be Given One Dollar in Trade. Proper Nouns and Trade Names Excepted. StartJhe__N_ew___ Year RiQhtJ By TradingatMason's^ ‘ THE Genuine Bargain Store. LARD. Ladies’ Gent, ’s Fashionable Boots Shoes. Cannot be Surpassed for Comfort and Wear. 10 lb. pail, 5J b. pail, 65c. 3 lb. pail, 40c. 50 lb. can, $6 00. DressGoods and Underwear. Special Brand Bacon, 19c. lb. I Have a Clean, Up-To-Date Stock of DRY GOODS. I Carry a Complete Line of First Class RAY_& CO, Dealer j' in Groceries, Hay, Grain. Golden Crown Elour, bl., $5.50 Sack, $1.45. Ray&Co. ’s Special Coffee, lb. 27c. Royal Club Raisins, per b., 10c. _____ ,_,_____ Currants, 2 pkg, 25 c. Good Walnuts, per b - - 17c. Sugar Cured Ham, 20c. lb. groceries , jbtc .^ And You will Save Money in Your Grocery) Bill by Trading this Year with H. MASON & CO., ^/Vlasonic Building. SANITARY Fresh East- Bulk Pickles. ARICLT ern °ysters- Full Fine of All Other Goods Sold at BARGAIN PRICES. KING & SMITH CO., AMMER FURNITURE CO. Hardware The Great and Sporting Goods. Ammunition, Quick Meal Ranges, Building Material, Wall Paper, Du Pont Blasting Supplies. IIIGII CHAIRS, $1,25 to $5.00. CHILDREN’S ROCKERS, Red and Golden Oak, 40c. to $4.50. Day is Now in Motion Pictures at the Star Theatre, Saturday only. EDWARD CONNELLY iR THE DEVIL FIVt PART MUTUAI MASTFRP1C TURF PRODUCED BY NEW YORK. MOTION PICTURE, CORPORATION TILLAMOOK, OREGON. THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS. Ribbons, Plain, Flowered and Plaids, 5 and 7 inches wide, values to 35c. yard, Special 19c. yard. Good Quality Cotton, Batts i lb. rolls, 10c. values. Special 6c. Roll. 31b. Rolls Cotton Batts, the size c'f a large comforter. ■. Special 75c. Roll. Men’s Canvass Gloves. \ Special 5c. Pair. Men’s W ool Mixed Sox Special 2 Pair 25c. You will have to Hurry if you get any of the Special Bargains in the Clean Up at the TILLAMOOK FEED CO. Drama of the i THE BIG BARGAIN STORE. We have had a good Holiday business, but find Our Stock still Long in some Lines, and having bought heavy for Spring, will continue the LOW PRICES until and includ­ ing JANUARY 15, 1916. A. A. PENNINGTON. GRAND LEADER. F WALL PAPER ! TILLAMOOK GARAGE. Service Station for All Cars. Only Up-To-Date Wall Paper Store in the County. Mail Orders Solicited. Wall Paper, double 1 roll, per roll, from -A-. TL-T* * Expert Repairing. A Complete Line of Ford Parts Carried in Stock. n FLOOR PAINT, per gal., 55c INTERIOR PAIMT, per gal., 55c. We Do Paper Hanning. CLAUDE I. MYERS. ___________ Don’t Throw Away Your Prescription. t Satisfaction and Workmanship Guaranteed. A , ] ACKLE'f_& ROSENBERG, By taking it where it may not be accu­ rately filled where part of the ingredients used may be so old as to have lost their freshness, strength and purity. Get the full value of your doctor’s ser­ vices by bringing your prescription to us —where you know it will receive all the exact care and honest attention that our pride of reputation—backed by expert- , tncc, training and the mo6t complete, modern, carefully-selected, thoroughly- tested and well kept stock of prescription drugs can possibly give it. C. I. CLOUGH. Reliable Druggist. Tillamook, Ore. i; but a Mail Order House doesn’t even give a Parade. Circus may take a lot of money out of t> jwd Props. ■» 1 Patronize Our Home Merchants.