TLLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JANUARY 13, 1916 » First Flax in Oregon. warfare except to scare Londoners ? I Was Henry Ford just advertising' t Will the actual settler ever get any of. By Charlotte* Matheny Kirkwood, that railroad laud grant for ^.50 Pioneer ot iK|J. ------ O----- - » . . -i til . . 1 .,1. * ’ ’ The 111., present -ill! I flax 171 agitation brings The Oregon people are in a very acre? Will President \\ rlson stick to ' to my mind a fact not generally receptive mood tor that breeze ot the Balitmore platform.'' Was it a prosperity that lias long said to be good or bail year tor prunes? Some known at the present time. In 1844 my mother planted flax blowing from the scenes of activity of these will doubtless be settled, while others will remain with us as 'seed in the G illamelle \ alley. She m the r.ast.—Sheridan Sun. inscrutable mysteries.—,L mpqua \ al­ had carried her seed bag across the : plains. We called it her "treasure Don’t worry over competition in ley News. I I bag.” business. It will stiffen your back ------ u------ 1 1 he result was a nice bed of trial bone, scrape the rust from your in­ The number of accidents to tres­ tellect ami lift you out of the rut of passers on railroad tracks is increas- flax, fairly good, from which she stagnation. Buck up, step up, and 1 mg alarmingly. In the pa«t year 10, 302 gathered enough se cd to sow half an was sown in Tu- yuo'il get there.—lone Journal. 1 people were killed by railroad trains, acre. This t ivial crop north of Hillsboro, 1 of which number 5471, or 50 per cent alatin Plains, Gasoline in Portland has advanced were trespassers, who were using the near the present town of North nearly 50 per cent within four or five railroad right of way as a thorough­ Plains. months. Yet it is at a time of year fare or playground. Besides the num- | Late in the Fall of ’44 we moved, spassers were in- 1 my my father ramer having uavmg bought the ...v Old x when as fuel it is least used. There is her killed 6354 trespassers ......................... 1,824 , persons dead Mission farm of Dr. David Leslie, ,12 no satisfactory explanation except jured—a total of 11, . ’ . e miles II.... .. north .-«1. of . Salem, r»n t li »* VI' on the west that the oil companies need the mon­ or wounded in one year is the price of ey.—Oregonian. their self-assumed right to trespass side of the Willamette River. on railroad property. According to I A ferry was there, known as the "Let the good news go out that the these figures 16 trespassers are killed "Mission Ferry.” Later it took my editors of Oregon are fighting first, every day and one every 90 minutes. father's name, and became an object last and all the time for a square deal During the past 24 years 168,000 per­ point known to all the old settlers as for capital investors with special ad­ sons were killed, and 117,257 injured "Mathcney's Ferry.” Here in the rich sandy loam of this vantages to none, and you need not while trespassing on railroad tracks worry about the welfare of our old or “flipping" cars. 1 Tie railroads are bottom she sowed her seed and har­ commonwealth.”—Oregon City En- spending huge sums of money every vested her crop from which she re- terprisc. year to protect the lives of their em­ cicved quite a rich return. The crop ------ O------ ployes and passengers and to guard was pulled, retted (as we called it), With the Blue Sunday closing law their rights of way. From State Leg­ swingled and hackled and twisted in­ and the Dry law in force in Oregno islatures they receive little encourage­ to bundles. Mothef had brought no wheel to there will be little left for the webfoot ment to make travel safe. Legislators to do during the summer vacation, have refused to pass laws sufficiently spin it on, so it was laid away. Dur­ but work and go fishing. Perhaps if severe to deter the trespasser, who ing the next immigration a little flax the Fish Commsision discovers that too frequently pays for this legislative wheel found its way across he conti­ fishing is really an enjoyment, Bar­ negligence and his own carelessness nent. Mother heard of it, and sent bank's services will be enlisted to with life.—Spectator. her flax to its proud owner up on the create a fish that will not bite on Santiam. It was spun into thread, and Sunday.—Seaside Signal. many a pioneer housewife was made Let It Rest happy by a “hank” of Oregon thread. "One year I planted some corn in We also utilized the tow, hackled The queer aspect of the Sunday law Tillamook County, It didn't mature from the more choice lint, Using it as is that it has no basis in morals or in hut 1 left (lie stalks standing all win- padding for “comforts” and matres- ter. In the spring they started to religion, but only in law. 1 he courts scs, shus softening several hardy pio­ say that it is free from any taint or grow and that fall 1 gathered ripe neer beds. corn off them. I planted that corn the suspicion of bigotry or fantacisin, and In all, there was a wagon load -if that in its enactment and enforcement next year and it all got ripe and to fibre, and it made a huge lot of it is a proper exercise of the police this day I have -seen corn that come thread, of blue clay color, which was from them," says Thomas Hillings power. t he public knows that no easily bleached. Mother kn v. how to good can come to anyone if the law worth recently from Tillamook and handle the flax, for she had woven who now resides at Newberg.—Yam­ shall be put into effect, for it is ridic­ many, many yards of fine linen be­ ulously discriminatory, and arbitrar­ fore she came to Oregon irom flax hill Record. ily puts under the ban certain useful grown by herself. The Oregon flax 'The dairymen of Georgia have rais­ and necessary works, businesses and was longer and of finer quality than occupations, while without rythin or that grown in Kentucky, and I am cd the price of milk two and on« half cents a quart because ol the in­ reason it exempts certain others. ready to believe all that is said Why,for example, should a grocery about its quality being superior to creasing price of feed for their cows. store be shut tip and a . bakery left The democrats put feed on the free that grown elsewhere. No great in­ list, and imports increased tremen­ open? (Jr a theater be unmolested dustry has developed from the tiny while a baseball game sti ruly sup ­ dously. They put milk on the free list packet of seeds my mother brought and the importation of milk increased pressed? with her, but our climate and soil aie No one worth heeding calls for the marly 6jo per cent in the fiscal year so well adapted to its culture that I literal enforcement of the law as it of 1914 over 1913, and over 1520 per believe everyone ought to encourage cent in 1915. They assured the peo­ stands—not even the authors of the those who are trying to establish flax new Day Rest which is to be substi ­ i ple that tree trade meant low cost of production in our State on a large living. Here is a sample of the way it tute for the orthodox Sunday. If now scale. through the mistaken zeal of misguid ­ works out.—Polk County Observer. ed zealots we are to have a campaign Tardy Justice If Emperor W illiam is seriously in- to make dead law a live issue, a cauicated, a peculiar situation will de­ great deal of harm will be done— A larger part of the public burden velop. Should the emperor die the harm to the cause of a rational Sun­ of supporting employees of the Pull­ fate of Germany will be problematical day observance, which most people man Car Company is to be assumed as the crown prince is not the man now agree as proper. by the corporation. Announcement is It may will be hoped that the relic his lather is nor has he rhe confidence made that the company has allowed of the people. As long as there is a of early-day foolishness which still salary increases aggregating $600,000 strong hand at the helm ot Geranmy reposes on the statute books almost for the coming year. Among the ben- the war machine works perfectly. forgotten in its well deserved neglect ificiarics car porters and Pullman will be permitted to remain there With that hand withdrawn, the real, conductors figure conspicuously. and vital weakness of autocracy until the people, or the Legislature No class of service with which the have an opportunity to say what they would be manifested. Therefore the public is familiar has been kept more want in the way of Sunday observance , future of the empire hangs upon the frankly on a gratuity basis that that life of the man whose mysterious ill­ J he attentio n of the public ami the associated with Pullman travel. Be­ ness is the subject ot so much anxious authorities ought now to be diverted fore the Federal Commission on In­ speculation.— Telephone Register. dustrial Relations some months ago evidence was submitted confirming \ oung men of today who arc com­ the absurdly small salaries paid bv PLEASE DON'T PRINT IT. fortably settled on the farm, or just the Palace Car Company to its por­ * ----—o------ • completing their education prepara­ ters and conductors. No denial was tory to a life career, should remain U Presidents Plea When He Reads attempted of the obvious truth that Pocahontas Love Song. right where they arc ami never leave the tips of passengers were relied on the green fields of the country, flic to make up the difference between Billy and Mike Fitzpatrick, song what the company paid its employes great city will offer them white writers, read in the papers weeks ago lights and dissipation and debauch­ and what thy really earned. ery ami failure in nine cases out of that President \\ dson was going The situation is outrageous from ten and death will find them wishing i? ¡;iarry ^Irs- Galt, whose family, the whatever standpoint it may be view­ Bollings, descended they had never strayed from the " " .. » was directly ed. It is a tardy bit of justice the comforts ol the old fireside. But not from Pocahontas, the Indian 1’rin- Pullman Company nqw performs— cess, As a cor. ; !;.ncnl to the presi- so the country. It offers them a life justice to the public as well as to its of freedom and manhood and useful­ dent and his fiancee, Mike dashed employes. It ought to develop a high ness, with plenty to cat and wear and off a song about the love of the white er degree of self respect all round. health, happiness and a clear con­ chief and his Indian pi inccss, and sent a copy of it to the W bite House. science.—itemize r. Here is the letter they say they re­ First Panama Canal Report. But the work is not yet done; there ceived : " 1 he White House, Washington, Mill remains the enforcement of the Progress of the war in Europe has, law as it stand» on the statute books. Oct., 22—My Dear Sir: Replying to of course, considerably diminished 1 hi* is largely in the hands of the your letter of Oct. 19, the president the amount of ship tonnage passing public officials. If they do their duty asks me to say to you that he would through the Panama Canal. A state­ from the very beginning, rigidly on­ be very much obliged if the song to ment of the first ten and a half ioning the law from the moment it which you refer wa re not published, months following the canals opening, Is m force there will lie no trouble lie would t>e very much distressed if included in Col. Goethal’s official re­ about the future. The man who fails it were. 1 am sure you will under­ port, now made public, would have will l><- relegated to private hie. No­ stand mid appreciate his position. Inin from 30 to 40 percent greater body having anything to do with the Sincerely yours, —I. V. Tumulty hut tor the emborgoes or prostrations enforcement of the prohibition law "Secretary to the President.” I. id on European commerce by the should be selected from the ranks of The authors say they arc sorry, hut war. 'l ct the total figures , even as the "wets" or near wets. They must they cannot withdraw the song from now seen, with all such traffic exclu­ l><- above suspicion and they must be circulation now ded. are sufficient to justify an opin­ judged by their past affiliations as ion we expressed at the time Col. Here’» The well as their present professions. A pale face chief of a liocthels, summoned to Washington Keep good men out on guard and the I On the trail of an Ind..... when Prisident Wilson was jamming result will take care of itself.—Tele­ through Congress a repeal of that Ill his light canoe that was built for gram. section of the Panama Canal act re­ tw o ----- » leasing I uited States coastwise traf­ Came drifting to the shore, The department of commerce bulle­ fic from tolls, told a congressional A lover ’ s dart hit the white man’s tin stales that the French industrial committee that, without such tolls the heart, commission is now touring the Unit­ canal could not be made to pay its ed States and investigating conditi From the girl operating expenses. face ons 'with a view . to establishing a For he was chief of t It is possible, in view of the falling trihe. market in this country for French off ot European commerce as a re­ products One of the members of Arni she was an Indian maid. sult of the war, that the canal could Hus commission is secretary of the Chorus, not have been made to pay operating French Syndicate of Cotton Spinners, You are red __ ____ and __ I am white __ expenses during the first ten and a lie is making his headquarters at the That makes our love true blue, half months of operation, between its Boston office of the bureau of for­ For I know that von love me. opining in August 1914, and the close eign and domestic commerce. Thus, And you know I love you. of that fiscal year, on June 30, 1915. while the department of commerce is, Let us stroll together "math the But the coming of the war, to ob­ ostensibly, bending every effort to silvery moon.” struct its use by many ships within a get the American manufacturer to ex­ When the twilight shadows fade, few weeks alter its opening, was not tend trade abroad, it is at the same And I’ll crown you lady of the pale lorseen by I ol. Goethels at the time I time giving the widest publicity at face tribe, he made statement of his opinion government expense to the efforts of My preUy little Indian maid that the coastwise tolls were abso­ foreigners to capture the American lutely needed to make the water-wav market and putting the machinery A Touching Appeal. self sustaining. The totals now in­ and conveniences of the government cluded in his report show that opin- at their disposal in favoring their de­ Senator Bob Taylor of Tennessee ion not well founded, from any point signs Several instances of this nature often told of how when he was "Fid­ of view, at that tune. The figures have been recently reported.—Astor dling Boh," governor of that state, an »how that in ten and a half months ian old negress came to him and said 1088 with net Panama tonnage of 3,- Massa Gov na, we’s mighty po, There were still a few unsolved this winter and ah wish mu would i 84,1.035 tons used the canal, and paid the toll of $1.25 per net registered I problems brought over to the new pardon ma old man. He is a fiddler (the j ton I he conclusion is easy, if not ob- I year, among which _____ might he nien- same as you is and he’s in the pen’- vious, that, wii i the world commerce tinned. Who struck Bills Patterson? tentrv." I remaining unimpaired as it was in Was the United States flag ever sa­ "What was he put in there for?” ( 191.1. canal tolls would have paid ex­ luted in Mexico? How much of that asked the governor. penses without laving tolls on coast­ Anglo-Frence laon was really sub­ 0 woekin to' it that good fo’ I wise trade. scribed5 How much of the right of ’nothin nigger done stole f some Isa I ! 1. \"(or4een »«P«Wes of management way to the lumber railroad is still be­ • eon.” had, however, to be met during the I ing held up’ Did the Portland police If he is good for nn'hing what do lime of this first report of operations. ever catch that trunk murderer? Will you want him back for’" ? he report Mates that, with insignif­ they ever catch him’ Do you ever ’’"ell vo' see. wek all out of bacon icant exceptions, the canal was com-1 catch any of their thugs’ Is Greece said the old negress innocent- luted before the beginning of the t»«-j neutral? Are Zepplin» any good in; * a ( cat year ending June 30 last. But, the What the Editors Say. I plaint, that is that plaintiffs hgyJ ! report goes on to say, "In maintain- 1 Bids Wanted on Hauling Cheese and judgment against you for the sum Supplies. |ing the channel—including the re­ $tooo.oo, with interest thereon iroJ I moval of earth deposited by slides— December 7th, 1914, at the rate of g Maple Leaf Creamery Association | there were taken from Gaillard Cut c._ hauling per cent per annum, less $10.00; fj (formerly known as Celebra Cut) 4.’ ' wishes to receive bids on $ioo.oo as attorney’s fees and for the 710,666 cubic yards at the cost of cheese from its factory to railroad de­ | costs and disbursements of this suit 14 1-8 cents a yard, and from the pot, into cars and to dock in lilla- on hauling box and for the foreclosure of a mortgage! channel at the Atlantic entrance I,- mook city; also in < Tillamook City given by J. K. Childers to plaintiffj ... . ...... . 233.301 cubic yards at the cost of 39" shooks from cars i„ -................ —, ... 1-6 cents a yard. These slides, it anil from saw mill in lillamook City : which is recorded at page 22 in Book1 to its factory, same to be piled in •JU” of the Record '• of Mortgages ------- of 1 seems, kept the canal closed less than Tillamook County, Oregon, cover, a month. The slides of this year are factory; also for hauling other sup- j ing Lots 13 and 14 of Section 2 in | more serious, more delaying and plies from Tillamook City to factory. ■ T ownship 2 South, Range 9 West, \\ much more costly. But the Panama Company reserves the right to reject j M. in Oregon, the payment of which Canal has already shown its coming any or all bids. Leave bids at office of | mortgage was assumed by you in value as a commercial asset, leaving ’ Carl Haberlach, Secretary, on or be- deed executed by said Childers to you out of sight its military importance. ; fere Feb. 1st, 1916. Bids to be for conveying said described real proper­ season of 1916. Maple Leaf Creamery Association. ty, and that the plaintiffs have Sheriff’s Sale. other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. Notice of Sheriff’s Sale of Real This summons is published in the Notice is hereby given that by au­ ProPerty. Tillamook Headlight by the order of thority of an execution and order of the Honorable A. M. Hare, County sale issued out of the Circuit Court of Notice is hereby given, that under Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, the State of Oregon, for Tillamook dated said order being dated December 15th and by virtue of an execution County, bearing date Dec. 20th, 1915, in the case of Andrew’ Peterson plain­ the 27th day of December, 1915, is­ 1915, requiring publication to be made tiff vs. M. B. Shafer and Sarah E. sued out of the circuit court of the thereof once a week for six success­ Shafer, Defendants, I have levied State of Oregon, for Tillamook Coun­ ive weeks, and the date of the first upon and will, on Friday, the 21st ty, in the cause wherein J. M. Nichols, publication thereof is the 16th day of day of January, 1916, at the hour of David Strome, and Joe Strome were December, 1915. to o'clock a.m., at the Court House, plaintiffs, and Frank Shipley and H. T. Botts. in 'Tillamook City, Tillamok County, Mrs. Naomi Shipley, Allen Jenner Attorney for Plaintiffs, Mrs. ______ Allen ______ Jenner were defend­ Last publication Jan. 27, 1916. Oregon, sell at public auction to the and ____ highest bidder for cash in hand the ants, upon a judgment duly given and following described real property rendered against the said defendants situate in Tillamook County, Oregon, on the I2th day of November, 1915, AFTER ONE YEAR to-wit: Lot 31 in Block to, Manhattan in the Circuit Court of the State of as shown upon the records of said Oregon, for Lane County, which Hillsboro Testimony Remains Un­ county. Said sale will be made for the judgment was enrolled and docketed shaken. purpose of satisfying the judgment in the Clerk’s office of the said Cir­ Time is the best test of truth. Here entered in said cause, which is for the cuit Court of the State of Oregon, is a Hillsboro story that has stood recovery of $307.03 with interest for Tillamook County, on the 27th the test of time. It is a story with a at 8 per day of December, 1915, and was for point that will come straight home to from December 8th, 1915, _ cent per annum, for $75.00 as attor­ the sum of $880.00, the further sum of many of us. ney’s fees and $19.00 costs and dis­ $107.00 attorney’s fees, and the sum of William Wolf, Jefferson St., Hills­ bursements, and the costs and ex- $27.00 costs and disbursements, com­ boro, Orc., says: “My back was so pense of said sale. manding me to satisfy the said judg­ bad that 1 could hardly get around. Dated this December 23rd, 1915. ment, less the sum of $260.00 received Doan's Kidney Pills brought me al­ H. Crenshaw, on said judgment, by the levy and most immediate relief. After I had Sheriff of Tillamook sale of the property of said defend­ finished one box, my back was all County, Oregon. ants. right. There is nothing equal 10 First publication Dec. 23rd, 1915. Now, therefore, I have duly levied Doan’s Kidney Pills for the cure of Last publication Jan. 20, 1916. upon and will, on the nth day of Kidney trouble.” (Statement given February, 1916, at 10 o’clock a.m., at Sept. 23, 1911). H°lstein Breeders Notice. Over a year later, Mr. Wolf said: the front door of the county court Kidney Pills ------ o- house in Tillamook City, Tillamook "The cure Doan's The anual meeting of the Tillamook County, Oregon, sell the hereinafter brought has been permanent.” Price 50c., at all dealers. Don't County Holstein Breeders Associa­ described real property of the said sale to the simply ask for a kidney remedy—get tion will take place on Monday. Jan­ defendants, at public uary 17th, at 1 :jo o’clock, at the court highest bidder for cash in hand, in Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that House. Every member and every order to satisfy the amount due on Mr. Wolf has twice publicly recom­ friend of the Black and White breed said judgment, as aforesaid, including mended. Foster-Milbourn Co., Props. is asked to be present. The object of the costs and expenses of this writ Buffalo, N. Y. this Association is to put Tillamook and of such sale. The said real prop­ Furs Wanted. County on the Holstein Map of erty is described as follows, to-wit: The N. E. % of the S. W. Ji and America. Lend a hand. The breed Furs wanted, highest prices paid. has been making notable history for the N. W. J4 of the S. E. % of Sec. itself in the past year and the end has 10, in Tp. 5 S., R. 10 W. of W. M., in Send for price list. G. D. Alderin & not been reached yet. Look at the Tillamook County, Oregon, contain­ Co. Salem, Oregon. records of Duchess Skylark Ormsby, ing 80 acres, more or less. H. Crenshaw, Sheriff of Finderne Pride, Johanna Rue and Iowa has over too consolidated Tillamook County, Ore. Finderne Holigen _ Fayne, the three I rural schools. Holstein cows who lead all breeds in First publication Jan. 6, 1916. This has all come practically with­ the production of butter fat and see Last publication Feb. 3, 1916. in the past few’ years, much of it if you can afford to stay out of the within the past two years. In 1903 caravan. Summons. there were only six consolidated W. E. Noyes, Pres. schools. From that time until 1910 B. Kuppenbender, Sec’y In the Circuit Court of the State of districts were organized at about the rate of one per year. The year of 1910 Oregon, for Tillamook County. gave evidence of an increasing inter­ Bids Wanted For Wood. J. H. Ellison and Ellen est. Tw'o districts were organized that Ellison Plaintiffs. year, two in 1911 and three ¡111912. Maple Leaf Creamery Association vs. During the school year of 1913-14, wishes to receive bids on too cords of George Vandersee and May good, sound hemlock wood in four Vandersee, however, sixty districts were organ­ Defendants. foot lengths, piled and delivered at its To George Vandersee, one of the ized. factory one and one half miles north­ above named defendants. The enactment of the law by the east of Tillamook City. in the name of the State of Oregon. thirty-fifth general assembly provid­ Wood to be delivered one half by You are hereby required to appear ing state aid to consolidated schools July 15th next and balance by August and answer the complaint filed was largely responsible for this great 15th 1916. Bids will be received for against you in the above entitled increase. not less than five cords. Factory re­ suit on or before the expiration of The school buildings are good and serves the right to reject any or all six weeks from the first publication well equipped. The influence of these bids. Leave bids at office of Carl of this summons and if you fail so to better schools on the communities is Haberlach, Secretary, Tillamook, appear and answer, for want thereof evident. There is an increased inter- Orc., on or before February tst, 1016. the plaintiffs will apply to the court est in education and a better com- Maple Leaf Creamery Association. for the relief demanded in the com-k munity spirit. F;'- -J right tobacco when you flrc-up somo Prince Albert in your old jimmy pipe or in a makin’s cigarette. And you know it I Can’t get in wrong with P. A. for it is made right; made to spread- smoke-sunshine among men who havo suffered with scorched tongues and parched throats I The patented process fixes that—and cuts out bite and parch. All day long you’ll sing how glad you are you’re pals with . - / ML jàïs C.'e-rifSt rut-y R- J. ReynoMs k Tobacco Co. It’s an easy job to change the shape and color of unsalable brands imitate the Prince Aibert tidy red tin. 6af •t (s impoisibln to 1 mi- V!? ,he f1"™' Prine« Albert tobacco! The IMteat.d proc eu peolecto UMtl P rince A lbert the national joy smoke You take this testimony straight from the shoulder, mm» You take this testimony straight from the shoulder, men. \ oucan smoke a barrelof P. A. without a kick! It hands out all the tobacco happiness any man ever dreamed about, it s so smooth and friendly. It's a mighty cheer­ ful thing to be on talking-terms with your pipe and your tongue at the same time—but that's what’s cominp- to you sure as you pin your faith to Prince ZUbcrtl R- J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wmatoc-SJern, U. C. .. . e fl I .A f i I 7 J I 1