THE HEADLIGHT ’ S BARGAIN PAGE. PATRONIZE OUR HOME MERCHANTS. There is a Misspelled Word is One of these Attractive Advts. The First Person to Find the Mistake and Present the Correction to the Merchant in whose Advt. the Misspelled Word Appears, will be Given One Dollar in Cash. Proper Nouns and Trade Names Excepted. Start the New Year Right ! ByJTrading at Mason's. RAY__& CO, Dealers in Groceries, Hay, Grain. THE Genuine Bargain Store. J Have a Clean, Up-To-Date Stock of goods . ( \ DßJL ^L/adies’ &> Gent, ’s Fashionable Boots <8^ Shoes. Cannot be Surpassed for Comfort and Wear. 50 lb. can, $6 00. DressGroods and Underwear. I Carry a Complete Dine of First Class GROCERIES, ETC., And You will Save Money in Your Grocer^ Bill by Trading this Year with H. MASON & CO., Fresh East- Full Tine of Bulk Pickles. A ern °ysters- cJMasonic Building. AMMER FURNITURE CO. Golden Oak and Mahogany Finish, $2.25. SEE OUR DRESSERS. Fir Dresser, large base French Plate Mirror, 14x24, at $8.00. Solid Oak Dresser, with Bevel Mirror, 16x26, at $12.50. Mattresses from $3.00 to $16.50. Springs from $1,75 to $5.00. All Other Goods Sold at BARGAIN PRICES, KING & SMITH CO., ut ARM ROCKERS, Golden Crown Flour, bl., $5.50 Sack, $1.45. Ray&Co. ’s Special Coffee, lb. 27 c. Royal Club Raisins, per lb., 10c. _____ „_____ Currants, 2 pkg, 25 c. Good Walnuts, per lb - - 17c, 9 Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. Agents for Sherwin - Williams Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Wall Paper. Mechanics’ Tools. Fishing Tackle, Guns and Ammunition. Sporting and Athletic Goods. Dynamite and Stumping Powder. You will have to Hurry if you get any of the Special Bargains in the Clean Up at the GRAND LEADER. TILLAMOOK FEED CO. ■ WALL PAPER ! « Only up-To-pate,^YalL^aP9r Store in Orders Solicited.» WallPaper, double roll, per roll, from 1 f)p 1 W» FLOOR paint , per g'al., 55c. INTERIOR PAINT, per gal., 55c. Ilk I*- S' ~ in am I i Paper Hanging. i I. MYERS. TILLAMOOK GARAGE. Service Station for AU Cars. Expert Repairing. A Complete Line of Ford Parts Carried in Stock. Satisfaction and WorkmanMiip Guaranteed. ACKLEY & ROSENBERG, Props. ale a lot of mon3y out of town, but a Mail Order House doegn't even give a Parade. Patronize Cur Home Merchants./