?" JANUARY 6. 1916 If ,ì 9 I ICELAND B. ERWIN, rorn the free trade prosperi- Why "Anuric” Is an ving president, these words PIANO INSTRUCTION. INSURANCE itting companion piece to his Diploma front Chicago Musical trance to congress that "the 3 moral of these figures is that Against Sudden Death College.—Beginners receive the same . plain council of prudence to Before an Insurance Company will careful training as the most advanced. inue ail v* of »..« the , present IUC an ------- taxes or take a risk on your life the examining Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc* equivalents and confine them- ' taKe a rlBB uu _______ ir cn___ ’ 01 providing proviums physician will test the urine and rcpoi. report of ves to the problems revenue”—by whether you are a good risk. When tion. All lessons given at Studio. 12,000,000 of new 1, we presume, your kiunejn kidneys get sluggish and c'og, ore onerous taxation, outlook, Mr. “ you ---- — **“• i.z'tv» sick-head- Factory Representative for the suffer from backache, sick-heaa- low do you like th» ache, dizzy spells, or the twinges and Chute & Butler Pianos and Player .ree-trader? I pains of lumbago, rheumatism and Pianos. o j*. The urine is often cloudy, full The New York World thinks that gout, sediment; channels often get sore the party of protection is in a quan- of o' and “*• sleep is disturbed two or three p T BO ALS, M .D., “wants to preach calam- —---- but dary; but that limes a a uight. the it wonderful prosperity of , t- huicB night, This in the time you poor ity, the luru.u», ....................... PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. the country country forbids," Don ’t worry Bhoui< E"suid l con8ulk consult ®°me P»‘ys£‘an of wide that experience-such as Dr. Pierce o the jsincss about the party of protection ---- „„ ,hal on ' experience —such as Surgeon S. P. Co. cents for how to make truth ‘o‘f' his him neil 10 discovery, account. It will known know the what to do about and ^pie’package Send (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) revises the - Oregon. It w1^ . Write him your symptoms Tillamook ... w upward, that li!,S 'Vmderful prosperity. show that prosperity is spotty .cord of the ad- SIIUW mat this a««*- r --- ------ . - - an(j gen^ a eampie of urine for test. 'Willie” Bryan will and far from general; that it is chief- , Experience has taught Dr. Pierce that ^y^IEBSTER HOLMES, ly confined to the filling of export "Anuric” is the most powerful agent out of Wilson. war orders, while the basic industries in dissolving uric acid, as hot water ATTORNEY-AT-LAW melts sugar; besides being absolutely , the use of spending millions which have nothing to make and sei! harmless it is endowed with other .nd a nation's harbors and then which the fighting nations want are properties, for it preserves the kidneys COMMERCIAL BUILDING, . those defended harbors into re­ operating on a basis much below nor­ in a healthy condition by thoroughly ption marts for the products of rice mal capacity. The party of protection cleansing them. Being so many times FIRST STREET,» eating, disease-spreading alien labor­ is in no quandary. It is the party of more active than lithia, it clears the free trade that finds itself with a bad ers which come here to destroy our heart valves of any sandy substances OREGON uy tariff on its hands which it cannot de­ which may clog them and checks the TILLAMOOK, »Here industrial enterprises? fend; a tariff which, prior to the Eu­ degeneration 0? the blood - vessels, as . end of The protection the war gives is only ropean war, was wrecking the coun­ ’veil as regulating blood pressure. uture. Un- such as may be represented by a try’s industry and business; a tariff "Anuric” is a regular insurance and i rp H. GOYNE, uie iron heel knife with only blade left out of four. whose evil effects have been modified life-saver for all big meat eaters and those ussia will never Free trade was moving to break all but by no means wholly overcome by tvho deposit lime-salts in their joints. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. a great sum an- the blades, and the war saved one war conditions. Ask the druggist for "Anuric" put up . will scarcely submit blade for a time at least. When the by Dr. Pierce, in 50-cent packages. Ortice : O pposite C ourt H ouse , ■ sell to the extent of an- war is over free trade will devote at- ' There are on the docket of the -*ry preparation and turn it tention to the other blade and break United States Supreme Court the so- STRENGTH AND BEAUTY Oregon. with Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Tillamook to the 'leutons, nor will the it, too. called 5 per cent rebate cases. They Come This is a blood cleanser and med allies consent to a cash involve a tremendous sum in customs Discovery. that starts the liver and stom­ lyment of an indemnity amounting J. CLAUSSEN, Of course our free trade liver pres- revenues, loosely estimated at be­ alterative into vigorous action. It thus assists to six times the national debt of the dent won’t fully realize it until No­ tween fifteen and twenty million dol­ ach . LAWYER, the body to manufacture rich red blood J: lars, collected under the provisions of which feeds the heart, nerves, brain and e United States. Such declarations of vember election, but attempts to dis- DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT from free the Underwood Tariff law. On the organs of the body. The organs work ..n- (he terms to be exacted by the pos­ tract public attention sible victor will not go far in estab­ trade’s failure by a capmaign of mil- court’s decision hangs the fate of smoothly like machinery running in oil. Y'ou feel clean, strong and strenuous in­ lishing peace. Neither will the de­ itary preparedness 2!3 T illamook B lock r..r_______ as surely _ will these millions. If the Supreme Court stead of tired, weak and faint. ministers mands which are said to have expres­ prove a political boomerang to the i upholds the 5 per cent rebate provis­ O ragua Tillamook 11 record in sed by the allies for ending the strife tree traders as the bonds themselves ion in the Underwood law, then the be considered for a moment by the are certain to increase the taxpayers’ sum in dispute belongs to the foreign military and Teutons, Sidney E. Henderson, Brea., j for complete and utter com­ burdens. importers and must be paid back by •gainst war and and military annihilation is R. JACK OLSEN, <1 of our country, mercial the government. The Treasury deficit Surveyor. j said to be talked in the high up cir­ The responsibility of the Simmons- long ago became alarming. If this ad­ id can see the hand­ cles. No nation will stand for this, un­ Underwood Tariff bill does not rest ditional sum has to be paid out, it John I.eland Henderson, Sec- I DENTIST. wall, can discern the less the rotary Tret»., Attomey-at- j payonet of the conqueror is alone upon the Democratic Congress. will still further emphasize the failure ut the mailed fist that at (I. O. O. F Bldg.) the throat, and this condtion does President Wilson was a potent factor Law, Notrary Public. ,ur peace and security— I exist today with any of them, in the enactment of that law, and it of the Democratic fiscal policy. On about your brother, how not the other hand, if the Supreme Court Tillamook - Oregon t he chances are that all this prelim­ was the President and not Congress Tillamook Title and I you?—lone Journal. inary bluster is merely so much that threatened to "hang higher than decided that the 5 per cent provision of the Underwood law is invalid, the scrapping for wind, to use a prize Abstract co. kJ T. BOrLb New York capitalists, confident that ring quotation, and that neither side Haman" on the gibbet of public opin- highest court in the land will have iojt anyone who cried hard times as a convinced the Democratic congress I Law, Abstracts, Real Estate, , Americans will become the world's expects to get one half of what they A A . result of the passage of the bill. of a humiliating blunder, and still fur­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. shipbuilders in the very near future, now openly claim as their terms of Surveying-, Insurance. ther emphasize its record of legisla­ are investing hundreds of millions of peace.—Umpqua Valley News. Complete Set of Abstract Books is The difference between the present Both Phones. ' 1 tive efficiency. The fact that the At­ dollars in eastern shipbuilding yards superficial free trade prosperity-in- torney General, in order to save the I Office. TILLAMOOK • - OREGON. ' in order to supply the coming demand Oregon brewers are put out of busi­ for merchant vessels. Since commer­ ness, while California brewers get the spots and protective tariff all-round revenue involved, is attacking the val­ Taxes Taid for Non Residents. prosperity is that one conies steeped cial ships are now being sunk at the trade from every part of Oregon. idity of the law Congress worked six T illamook B lock , in the blood of dead husbands and the rate of ten thousand tons a day and The real Prohibitionists tried to tears of widowed mothers and father­ months to pass makes the situation Tillamook .... Ore11 dry laud while the local anvil and enforced. It must be enforced, and enough to support the government, 1 which is far GUARANTEE qbammer club sat around spitting to- vigorously, or Oregon will be a dis­ and arguments, plausibly if not satis-! eligibility ’■ than poor hotels or • a WRITTEN No X Ray or other COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. I bacco juice upon his lumber whitlle- grace in her own eyes, confessing her factory, were advanced to show how mushy climate. swindle. An Island C ured T illamook B lock , it could be done. In the congress that plant makes the cure ing up his pine boards with their jack inability to use all her sovereign Any TUMOR, LUMP or( * Summons. Tillamook - - • - Oregon. at knives and telling him what a fool he power as a state to enforce her own now assembles every defender of the SCHE on the tip, tariff system will defend it on the ROOM NO. 261. % or body lol long _ is ■ was to expect a big rain in a Country police regulations. giound that it cannot yield enough CANCER; it never home In the Cirduit Court of the State <4 CANCER;.it that was too dry to grow alfalfa. But 1 ' SJ1OU ---- M — be no trifling, W.BU cither — pnlnsiniliila-tslago he kept at it. Finally the flood came by officials or by press of public in revenue, and must be supplemented Oregon, for Tillamook County. 120-PAGE BOOK «ent I « QARL HABERLACH, J /I and every mother’s son of the croak dealing with officials—the law as it is by heavier and heavier extra taxa­ J. H. Ellison and Ellen I FREE, 10,000 testi-■ <1 montai«, fitti ti nal w tion. I Ellison Plaintiffs. er* were drowned. This is the only in­ must be enforced.—Oregon Voter. ----- o----- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 1 vs. stance we know of ill either sacred or Of course, the village blacksmith George VatiderSee and Majr profane history where a bunch of Sheriff's Sale. t. andalwayspotaonsdeepann- T illamook B eock amt the small manufacturer who can't Vandersee, Defendants. knockers got exactly what was com ■ -o pit glands and KIUS QUICKLY afford a steam engine, and gets his To George Vandersee, one of the Onewoman tnevery7die»ofcancer ing to them.—Itemizer. — U.S. report J. . . (Oregon Notice is hereby given that by au­ power from a portable gasoline en­ above named defendants. We refuae many.who watt too long A muat die Tillamook » thority of an execution and order of gine, will continue to throw up his Poor cured at ball price If cancer 1« yet «mall In the name of the State of Oregon. A good resolution to make for the sale issued out of the Circuit Court of hat for free-trade Democracy when You are hereby required to appear Dr. & Mrs. Dr. CHAMLEY & CO. 0R. GEORGE J. PETERSEN * beginning of the year would be to the State of Oregon, for Tillamook Mr. Wilson puts the tax of 1 per cent and answer the complaint filed "Strictly RMIaMe. Creatait Cancar Specialist Hiring" settle in some way every debt you County, bearing »late Dec. 20th, 1915, per gallon on his gasoline and 25 against 4340 I» 436E Valencia St, San Frandaco, Cal. you in the above entitled DENTIST, owe. If you owe anyone make some m the case of Andrew Peterson plain­ cents per horse power on his engine, on or before the expiration of KINDLY MAIL THIS taaaaeaaeM CANCER arrangement to pay the debt. If you tiff vs. M B. Shafer and Sarah E. and just for good measure sews up suit six weeks from the first publication Successor to Dr. Perkins have not the ready cash go to your Shafer, Defendants, I habe levied his protection-tariff earnings by com­ creditor and get an extension of cred upon and will, on Friday, the 21st pelling him to affix a stamp on every of this summons and if you 4ail so to TILLAMOOK, ¿OREGON. appear and answer, for want thereof it. Tell him just how you are situated day of January, 191b, at the hour of check he makes on his deposit and the plaintiffs will apply to the court and ask him to help you out. Too 10 o’clock a m., at the Court House, savings account. for the relief demanded in the com­ C. HAWK, many people wait until long after the in Tillamook City, Tillamok County, plaint, that is that plaintiffs have debt is due to make proper arrange­ Oregon, sell at public auction to the Mr. Wilson blushes to admit that judgment against you for the sum of ments (or its payment. Don't wait un­ highest bidder for cash in hand the aliens, born “under our flags, but __ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. til the creditor calls on you. Call on following described real property welcome under our general natural­ $1000.00, with interest thereon from him. If every person who can, would situate in Tillamook Countv, Oregon, ization laws to the full freedom and December 7th, 1914, at the rate of 8 pay his debts that payment would to-wit: Lot 31 in Block 10, Manhattan opportunity of America," have poured per cent per annum, less $10.00; for Bay City Oregon help many more to pay their obliga as shown upon the records of said poison and "disloyalty into the very $too.oo as attorney's fees and for the lions. One person paying an obliga­ county. Said sale will be made for the arteries of our national life.” But does costs and disbursements of this suit, of satisfying the judgment and for the foreclosure of a mortgage tion often causes others to pay and purpose Q BORGE WILLETT, in said cause, which is for the our free trade president stop to real­ given by J. K. Childers to plaintiffs, thus each person in the community is entered ize that his own theorizing political recovery of $3°7<>J with interest which is recorded at page 22 in Book benefitted, Try and see how it works. from December 8th, 1915, _ „ at 8 per organization has been the principal "U" of the Record of Mortgages of ATTORNEY-AT-LAW —News Times. DONE RIGHT cent per annum, for $75.00 as attor­ foster-father of this city by its en­ Tillamook County, Oregon, cover­ T illamook C ommercial B uildix * ney's fees and $19.00 costs and dis couragement of alien labor against ing Lots 13 and 14 of Section 2 in Judge Ballinger's very frank ex­ bursements, and the costs and ex- American products? at 1 ownship 2 South, Range 9 West, W. Tillamook .... Oregon pose of some of the weaknesses of pense of said sale. M. in Oregon, the payment of which the Oregon system has set a good Dated this December 23rd, 19< 5. "Perhaps it was because members mortgage was assumed by you in a RIGHT PRICES. many people to thinking ami cannot H Crenshaw, felt so deeply the solemnity of the oc­ TQR. E. E, DANIELS, be answered as newspaper friends of Sheriff of Tillamook casion, a seriousness superinduced in deed executed by said Childers to you conveying said described real proper ­ the system arc attempting. Calling County, Oregon. part by the visions of more taxes, ty, and that the plaintiffs have such A Strike for Liberty. CHIROPRACTOR, the kettle black was never a very ef­ First publication Dec. 23rd, 1915. that the joint body listened to un­ other and further relief as to the ----- c----- fective argument reminding the Last publication Jan 40, 1916. broken silence to the President’s mes­ Court may seem equitable. lxtcal Office in the Commercial An interesting little decision has people of the imperfections of the old sage," i the way the free trade party This summons is published in the been handed down by the Supreme •ystem it supplanted docs not nec­ MANY IN TILLAMOOK referred to Mr Wilson's message to Building. TRY SIMPLE MIXTURE congress. Yes, and just the same vis­ Tillamook Headlight by the order of Court of the District of Columbia. It essarily prove that the new system deals with the power of a railway the Honorable A. M Hare, County Many Tillamook people are sur-1 ion of more taxes is witnvut serious flaws. Judge Ballin­ ¡TILLAMOOK • ORE ____ ____ will manifest itself I ger's ftatement to that effect upon I prised at the QUICK action of sini- J at the polls at the next national cicc­ Judge of Tillamook County. Oregon, to make the people “move up front.” said order being dated December 15th This power, according to the court, the class of men w ho enter public life pic buckthorn bark.glycerine, ete., as ( tion, hen VI« the tired of toll, requiring publication to be made is entirely an assumption. .It has no _ _ w ___ VU dottorate, IH is alone worthy of serious thought, mixed in Adler 1 ka. This simple rem­ platitudes anil promises, will give the thereof once a week for six success­ support in law. If railway companies and there is no denving its truth As edy acts on BOTH upper and lower order to rekindle fires in the boil­ ive weeks, and the date of the first EAT VIERECK’S more passenger* on a car than , he says, one can nominate himself bowel, removing such surprising foul ers of American the industry by vothig publication thereof is the t6th day of take can be seated they cannot move the (or any office and if enough enter matter that ONE SPOONFUL re­ in a projective tariff congress. December, 191 v the race an unfit has as man) chances lieves almost ANY CASE constipa­ passengers about “like pawns on a BREAD, H. T. Botts. | chessboard.” The American people . of winning <'I < tion, sour stomach or gas A few “ The »lefiHt ’ an the general fund of ^^^Mlippcd in under th, old Attorney for Plaintiffs. . should express their gratitude for the ___ _ . ______ _ • _____ doses often relieve or prevent appen­ the treasury on «ir 30th of lune, 1017. T^^c new «a»» a | 1 ■■ I ' . • . t dicitis. A short treatment helps chro­ will be nearly $23^000,000," admitted I-ast publication Jan. 27, 1916. 'man who refused to “move up front” TIELAMOOK BAKERY j^Llt and b da» l< ■ • , - and when mov -d by force demanded nic stomach trouble. The INsTANI, Mr . Wilson in n»» message to coi* Freeh Oysters direct from Balti- damages. He is of the bone and sinew , oro Inde- easy action of Adler i-ka is astonish- «ress, ad»ling significantly, “the total ¿¡ >OTe at the Sanitary Market ever» jing. J. S. Lamar, Druggist. of the men who struck fetters from deficit will be some $297,000,000.“ the ankles of slavery. At All 4 E Let ’er Rain! Reflex Slicker $3.00 i I WILL GIVE $1000 Any LUMPin WOMAN'S BREAST llinED 15 A U AHU Ell Have Your House Wiring Done by u Gogt power1 Co I A M».. 1 I 'A ” • < i * 2 Ki â _____