TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 6, 1916. __■-H____________________ _ _ «——<■ ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. First Insertion, per line............ Each subsequent insertion, line. Business and professional cards one month ............................ Local» per line each insertion.' . Hsplay advertisement, an inch, one month .............................. All Resolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices, per line.. Cards of Thanks, per line......... -I»tice», Lost, Strayed or Stolen etc., minimum rate, not reeding five lines.......... burdensome to anybody, and it seems to us that 9 mills is a good big sum of money to place in the roads every year, in fact, we believe that as most persons have had to economize more or less our public bodies should endeavor to do likewise. We are sor­ ry to say that this county has had a whole lot of agitation the past two years. The citizens have seen a whole lot of smoke but no fire; a whole lot of threats, accusations and insinua­ tion, but have seen nothing to sub­ stantiate them; and a vast amount of agitation, which seems to have been 'hot air.” Some day Tillamook will be safe anti sane again and free from agitators. COUNTY FAIR SLOGAN. The Headlight Prize Won by Mrs M. J. Bays, of Woods. Await you here without a doubt. Along with the clams, the crabs and the trout; I he deer, the ducks, and the royal chinook; I lien, come, and try living in Tilla- niook. that all the young men examination were wel 1 , physicially and of superi« gence, and that all of thern made good officers in States Navy. He expttug that he was only able to of those who took the tqj Tillamook, Tillamook, LEVY IS FIFTEEN MrSH Tillamook breeze The wnole world knows thc Tilla- T County Court MakesChaapJ _•** mook cheese. Tillamook Fair, Appropriations. | All us 1 illamookcrs will be there. -o---- . The County Court met«» Welcome to our Tillamook Fair, co make the annual coW.fl|' y j All who come get treated square, which was placed at 15 Come to thj£ land for fish and clam, 2 nulls less than last year, Finest meal for any man. is as tollows: itt Good vegetables and famous cheese, school Fund 0019 -MSB Ideal summers, and sea breeze, High School .0004 fl th Why is it that some of our citizens Also hills and timber green, Library.................. 00015 W- refuse to give Bayocean a square RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. 'lhe loveliest scenery ever seen; institute 00005 MHH deal? The motion put at the budget (Strictly in Advance.) And the mussels in the muck, ueneral Fund .0035 . 4° meeting to use all the Bayocean ap­ Editor Headlight,---This Slogan unanimously Hurrah! boys for Tillamook. One yeai ..................................... $1.50 propriation on hard surfacing the Road Fund .............009 By balance on hand and - !aid paid agitators have play- play­ wind ideas exclamcd: estimate ......................... Federal Court. Come one, come all, ed their game, „ __ e. In Washington Coun- "Let 'er Blow. The agitation that have been going The opinion denies the prayer of New Bridge, Foley Creek Choose you a home estimated, ..................... on in the county the last two years ty about the same thing occurred, There’s a clambake at the Fair. the Brunswick-Balk-Collcnder Com­ In land so fair, only it was a personal matter, some Bridge repairs and planking have done much to boost the bonding Oli^ what Fair? Tillamook's County pany, manufacture of billiard and Near ocean ’ s breeze. question for hard surfacing the main of the taxpayeis making a fight on Fair, of course.” for bridges ..................... pool tables and bowling alleys, for a Give the district attorney’s office. They highway through the county. "" W ell, that was some consolation There's a land that lays hard by 1 the permanent injunction restraining Dis­ Rock crushing machinery .. 1” some agitators plenty of rope and managed by a small majority, to de­ that 1 illamook had decided on one of trict Attorneys and Sheriffs of 25 General road repairs & emet- ocean, they invariably hang themselves. A prive that office of funds to enforce those clambakes at their County Fair. 'Tis gency, culvert material ... «*||^ Oregon counties, Multnomak county a land that to see is to please; few more editions of the Tri-County the prohibition law and cut out the The other friends caught the whitty The breeze and the shellfish, the tim­ being one, from enforcing the law. For road South side Miami Bulletin will surely help the bonding appropriation for a deputy. In Col­ saying and the next time they found bridge .......................... ber, Police Power Upheld. umbia County a few soreheads man­ someone down and out they also question along some. The milk and the honey and cheese; In great detail it sets forth the rea­ Road supervisor's salary at j» aged to get a majority at the budget would exclaim: $4 per day, estimated ..... These are tlie happy resources that sons for rejecting the contentions Cases are to be brought in the Su- meeting and cut the road work down "Let 'er Blow. makes of Wilson T. Hume, attorney for the preme Court to try out some pre­ one half. But, really, why the budget 1 here s a Clambake at Tillamook’s 1 illamook truly great. petitioning company, as to the invali­ visions of the prohibition law. This meetings are a farce, is because about County Fair.” For Road Distnct N°.ij I believe I could live and be happy, dity of the law. was decided upon by the district at- too persons attend them and want to Some nearby boys caughe the funny If abandoned by the rest of the state. It holds that the principle of the For Schiffmann road ........ I torneys who met at Salem recently, dictate where there arc a voting pop­ saying: right of the state to regulate the pur­ For Doughty road ........... I bis is another good argument in i ulation of. 4000 to 5000. It is a good "Let 'er Blow. Welcome to our County Fair, suit of occupations on Sunday under From Daw son Hill North to favor of our contention that the Su­ thing that the budget meetings There's a Clambake at Tillamook's You'l be surprised to see what’s there its police power has been conclusively preme Court should pass upon the are only advisory. Base line ........................ County Fair.” all the vegetables you will see. determined by the Oregon Supreme From Riverdale up Kilchis constitutionality of all laws before And now the school children have Of And such nice cream cheese there they are enforced. It may be twelve SUIT TO FORECLOSE FILEE Court in two decisions. river ............................... M it. will be. months before those decisions are ob­ It declares that the United States For Krake road ............... ' There's a Clambake at Tillamook's We’ve lots of timber and fishes hue, ----- o ----- tained. Supreme Court further has uniformly From Jenkins Bridge to Fret- "Let 'er Blow. Unsold Property at Bayocean Park Some clams and crabs and lots of upheld the principle as being a legiti­ County Fair.” berg’s ........................ ■••• I Is Involved. dears Saloons were sat on because of tin c mate exercise of the police power of From Grange Hall up Wilson And who d a thought it, the slogan Don’t fail to come and take a .look. ----- o ----- lose manner in which they were con the state. river ............................ I A suit to foreclose a mortgage of iound its way into the Tillamook pa- At our County Fair in Tillamcyok. ducted, not because the prohibition It asserts the contention that the From Grange Hall up Trask P e .!\ s - cs > even as far away as the $173,829.41 on unsold property in ----- o----- party had the strength to bring this law interfers with religious liberty to Willamette Valley, Eastern Oregon, river ................................. 1 Hurray for the breeze, about. We would have preferred see­ Bayoccan Park, a summer beach re­ Washington, Idaho, and California, be ill-founded, and declares it essen­ For fish hatchery road ..... sort near Tillamook, was filed in the Huckleberries and trees, ing a straight prohibition law, but tially civil and not religious. they had all seen the latest and most From upper Trask river With fish, cheese and honey our dual system of legislation is re­ United States District Court Monday appropriate Slogan for Tillamook in Technical Objection Denied. bridge to Childers .......... We’ve plenty of money, sponsible. I’he people voted for a by Mrs. Frances L. Potter, wife of Hie Ing dailies: It sweeps aside technical points From Long Prairie school to B. Potter, the original promoter of In Tillamook. piohibition law to prohibit the man­ T. "Let 'er Blow. raised against the validity of the law, brick yard ....................... . ufacture and sale of liquor in the the resort. I here s a Clambake at Tillamook’s such as the alleged insufficiency of From Chas. Wells place With interest and attorney's fees of Hurrah for the breeze. state, ami the state Legislature had County Fair." the title of the amended law of 1865 South ................................. Loganberries and cheese. to pass another law providing for its $25,000 for her attorney, W. C. Bris­ Now. we have Tillamook County tile total sum asked is in excess and other irregularities, with the ob- For Bewley Creek road ...... The timbered /trills enforcement, and in doing so legis­ tol, Fair, fairly well fared in the way of of $200,000. lated the amount of liquor that can be With fish and noney fill the bills, sirvation that the intent of the Legis­ From Michaud’s to Kumnier- S. B. Vincent, receiver for the prop­ advertising, the slogan spreading lature is apparent beyond any uvuul. doubt. __ j «oj shipped into the state. li’s .................................. . Wc all have niuckamuck. like wild tire, but lots more will be lt finds that the Sunday closing From Jas. Tone’s down lrask erty; the Potter-Chapin Realty Com­ It When we live in Tillamuck. done. 1 illamook theaters will be the 'T'TtZZ.T low ic is not in “ contravention of the "News-Rush!” is the slogan of met­ pany, and T. B. Potter Realty com ----- o river .................................. ropolitan newspapers. Several instal­ pany amt some of the property own­ first ones to harvest from the slogan The fine golden cheese 14th amend- From Wells place west on and naturally would be eager to help lations of officers took place in this ers in the tract arc made defendants. Constitution, old Netarts road ............ advertise by running a slide at the And the cool ocean breeze, city on a Saturday night, accounts of From Stanley’s to Happy show. Exhibits that arc certainly rare, property clause of the deprive any which appeared in the local news Camp .............................. Bids Wanted For Wood. And the comely milk maid "Let 'er Blow. nient to the Federal or property From Desmond place up Ne- Jj papers the following Tuesday and You'll see on parade There’s a Clambake at Tillamook's which reads as follows: Thursday, and the Sunday after the law, nor to Maple Leaf Creamery Association When you visit the Tillamook Fair. County Fair.” "Nor shall any state its jurisdic- For Chas Wooley road ...•• i same dope appeared in the Oregonian. w ishes to receive bids on 100 cords of Tillamook stores will sell gent’s * »» For completion of Squires 3 person of life, liberty It is true that the county editors ob­ good, sound hemlock wood in four The Fair Board are workers without due process of tain a great deal of news from the foot lengths, piled and delivered at its leather hatbands, leather wristlets And road .................................. ¿V the Grangers arn't shirker«. ’deny any person within juumik daily new -.papers, and when matter is factory one and one half miles north­ pennants, novelties of all kinds and school children are working tiled lion the equal protection of the laws.' For shoulders on hard sur- | « ¡at not. All with the slogan neatly The thoroughly sifted the metropolitan east of Tillamook City. dad. face Fairview and Hunts _ ..t ' stamped on the articles. news-papers take news from the Precedent is Cited. If we all pull together Wood to be delivered one half by road .................................. "Let 'er Blow. country newspapers, that is the cor­ July This clause had been invoked by Bay ocean road .................. 15th next and balance by August 1 here s a Clambake at Tillamook's And have some weather respondents do. Attorney Hume against the constitu- For hard surface road, South 15th 19m Bids will be received for The Fair will make every one glad. County Fair." Itionality of the law on the ground not less than five cords. Factory re ­ from Hunt’s Bridge ...... I illamook C ounty Fair Board, or Thi seven Justices ,of the State Su­ that the law made an arbitrary dis­ For joint road, Tillamook an* the right to reject any or all management, will, of course, have If you go to the Fair, preme Court during 1915 disposed of serves tinction between different businesses bids. Leave bids at office of Cail Yamhill 1-3 estimate ...... j8l cases, an average of a traction llabcrlach. Secretary, Tillamook, large posters and bills printed adver­ You'll surely see there. oi the same general class by granting above one a week if vacation days arc U tc ., on or before February 1st, 191b. tising the County Fair and the slogan As fine stock as there is in the line; special privileges and immunities to For rock crushing at Manhat­ in large type: tan .................................... So do not be afraid when you see the »otue businesses to remain open on not counted. The work is seven Maple Leaf Creamery Association. papade, "Let 'er Blow. For rock crushing plant, Joint months behind and as the state grows B'lmday, while others were prohibited Tillamook-Yamihll road I here s a Clambake at Tillamook's You surely will think it is fine. and litigants increase with popula­ under penalty from opening. County Fair.” ----- o----- 1-3 estimate .................... tion, there is not much prospect of Bids Wanted on Hauling Cheese and On this point Judge Wolverton I illamook hotels, restaurants, cafes, The school booth bridge plank ................ clearing the calendar.—Oregonian. Supplies. queues an opinion by the late Justice For hmeh counter», chophousra, great and l ooked pretty smooth, For on machinery If this paragraph is correct, then FieljL of the United States Supreme For repairs Maple Leaf Creamery Association little and all lodging houses, big and All decked out with buntings rare. repair work over entire the snap shot man will have to go to Court, and other decisions by the school again, for we can't figure it wishes to receive bids on uauiins district ............................. hauling on tti? finned' S,°gM fnRr#VCd And the chicken will crow same court, to the effect that the 14th Road supervisor's salary at out how the Supreme Court passed on cheese from its factory to railroad de And the band boys will blow amendment was never intended to in ­ "Let 'er Blow, pot, into cars and 381 cases last year and it only $4 per day, estimated ...... \\ hen you go to the Tillamook Fair. terfere with the police power of a to dock in Tilla- There's a Clambake at Tillamook's For hard surfacing road North amounted ..._ _ a ww-w«*. week, ».nut l ittle mis- mook city; also on hauling box «!» _ - to • one state "to prescribe regulations to pro­ _ to Wilson river bridge . • ■ County b’air." .......... <. uy takes like that are to be excused, in Tillamook • City __ , ei- shooks from cars I*. At the Tillamook Fair mote the health, morals, education I'll!- pccially at a time when Portland and from saw mill in Tillamook City '’[cour’«-. the clam man will have For deficiency on contracts We'll all be there and good orders of the people.” went "dry." to its factory, same to be piled in aB sides k°eS’ ’nd WdSOn bra"’»«d 0" for 1915 .......................... . Big, little, short and tall Applying these principles, says factory; also for hauling other sup­ At the Tillamook Fair. Judge Wolverton, the court clearly "I el 'er Blow. The new year’s edition of the Ore- plies from Tillamook City to factory. Total gonian is another splendid advertis- ...... Company reserves the right to reject rhere's a Clambake at Tillamook's Old Tillamook has trout in the brook. cannot say the Oregon Legislature For Road District No. I acted beyond its legitimate discretion County Fair. ” Ing production, full of reliable ! anu any or all bids. Leave bids at office of and And salmon and clams you bet. in exempting certain business from Green timber road ............. And soon infinitum useful information and profusely il­ Carl Haberlach, Secretary, on or be­ HowaH Lamar Obtain» Second Place Sand Lake road ......... And when the tide is low the Sunday closing requirement. lustrated. Of all the schemes to ad­ fore Feb 1st, iptfi. Bids to be for clam. .nd,?rnr Tillamook As every one know Hemlock to Cloverdale • •••• vertise the state the Oregonian's an­ season of 1910. clam» and the fresh invigorating sea- The table is already set. On Fri<*ay Representative Blaine^oad .. . nual is the best to boost Oregon No . --- iionity Hawley , Maple Leaf Creamery Association. cXd«::1 oTc,,,“n ?i,h‘hc ‘-’w ----- o ----- sent Blaine of road ::nt to the Navy N»v> Department his |I Bridge on ^d Till»^ one can estimate the benefit these rowds as long a. there is any Tilla- Oh come to the County Fair, nom;„2t :.".; cf z. pri... ' annual editions are to the state, and nominations of » principal and three Yamhill ioint road . " tk , nd *>"'««• Wedding Anniversary. Everybody that wears hair. alternates to take the examinations road. Tillamook t he billows break the great amount of good they have as < a representative midshipman from! Yamhill t-a estimate The ball headed get a wig accomplished in bringing new money, And sweeps the air Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Peterson cele­ the C01 And come see the fine pigs. Let er Blow. new people and new industries to brated ... First H,« Con........I D...™. .1 their seventh wedding anni­ Hogs that are fat and sleek Oregon in . the United States Naval , . —- < „.. ... wkiccu oiaies rsas , Oregon, something which is greatly At I illamook'» County Fair.” Ar>4 .......... ............................................... Cows as fine as silk. Academy. Lloyd Harris, of Oreg, needed. The Oregonian is to be com­ versary at their residence new year's erdale to Woods entertaining the members of the From which we get the milk. City, now attending the Oregon A" ' FronT junction‘of roads to N« mended for its enterprise in this re­ eve. “ In Tillamook. Social Circle Club, their husbandsand Wc get honey from the bees; spect, and this year's edition is one cultural College al Corvallis, is nom-1 .............. Find you a nook From the milk we make cheese; inated as principal, while Howard L. I ~ kowin of the best ever issued Letter writing a few additional friends. "¿T.1'1, ................................ , . Nestucca The host and hostess were pr In which to dwell. From the ocean we get the h~ — '»•* were present- week is alright in its way, but we Lamar, of Tillamook. M.lcs usm Gammill. I For M_,cda and L' we get the breeze, ___ --------- ......IWK, emts Bnv you a cow ed with a beautiful pink iilk Oh, do come, if you please. would suggest that a copy of the new ”'••• wool of Medford, — amd 1 ’ William Strong road .................................. To bring the how year's edition of the Oregonian comforter by the guests. Cards were Kinney, of Astoria, are nominated as From Woods to Sand Lake. the diversion of the evening. At To live right well. Would you like to see the fiuest trees? | first; second and third alternates, re- ' Slab Creek road .............. should accompany every letter. night a very tempting repast mid- Now ....... in peace j.n r W ould you like to feel old ocean's spectively.. —<>■ ■ was v—-• rest I For rock crushing plant. Join* served the guests arising at the >ou ve sweet release ’ breeze? We are glad that the intention to table nominations were based upon I ' Tillamook-Yamihll road From life’ •-J^men. » W ould you like to taste a full cream the The vote ten mills for road improvements and singing “Auf vider sehn” as bells ixsults of a thorough competitive ’ 1-3 estimate ................... • • , °~ • ----- —-o cheese? did not materialize at the budget pealed forth the new year. Look F..i«t, Look 1 examination held at Salem last No-I For culvert», repairs on brid- The place cards were original west, meeting. No doubt it would have car­ *»*. r Wk>k where At the grandest scenery would you vemb tr, at which time a number and will. of ____ _ „, and machinery .......... _ look’ ried The »nap shot man is not one suggestive of the woolen wedding, No yon . — . canfl randi' *ates presented t themselves. ‘„~...<.». land to give you such a tl rill ----- come right over to Tillamook’ 1 t Con|_ ___ — uuvrms Ul 1 each card being; drawn by mila tare I supervisor’s »alary»* 01 those who want to make taxation »keep. Then the r< •.suits of thi* ex.-tnination “ igr essman Hawley informs u» that As Tillamook ? rms us that P cr day, estimated ------- to 1- him -•-• by • the teacher a» re- General repair fund ... Richest cheese and creamiest milk... All the good^hings you've dreamed ported about -*•—s— _ ’— _ ..._ ~r iwcnrr and physic an who conducted it, showed Cheeses big and breezes rare, Fish and honey everywhere, With timber tall We beat ’em all, In Tillamook. « T°‘’> ......... *1 Si I