LLAMOOK HEADLIGHT DECEMBER 30. 1915 ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. First Insertion, per line............... $ • «» Each subsequent insertion, line. .05 Business and professional cards ont month ................................ 100 Locals per line each insertion. .05 Display advertisement, an inch, one month.......................................... 5° All Resolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices, per line.. .05 Cards ot Thanks, per line..................05 N-ticcs. Lost, Strayed or Stolen etc., minimum rate, not ex­ ceeding five lines.............................. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. (Strictly in Advance.) One yeai ........................................ Çt-S0 Six months ......................................... 75 Three month»..................................... 5° THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. Editorial Snap Shots The world's greatest crime is the horrible war now raging in Europf. We only express the sentiment of the people of the county when we hope that the County Court will get busy as soon as possible and get n< xt year’s road work arranged for and contracts let without the delay that took place last year. The County Court has gained some experience the past yei ar, and, no doubt, it will be used to good effect. There is this satisfaction. Tillamook County was not the only section of country by a long shot which had a juvenile deluge last week. Old Sol . rough and we soon forget peeps th These little inconveniences. But the over flow of rivers have some good features. The thick sediment that is left on the meadows is a wonderful fertility to the soil and will insure a bumper crop of hay next year. The prohibition law prohibits the manufacture of liquor in Oregon, but it allows that manufactured in other states to be sold here. It prohibits one person from shipping, in more than 24 quarts of beer or two bottles of wine or spirits, but a family of a dozen persons cannot obtain more than the one person. It prohibits papers from carrying liquor advts., but it cannot stop newspapers published in other states from carrying advts. f 0111 being circulated in this state. ■ —o------ A letter writing campaign is pro­ posed for next month to help adver­ tise Oregon in the East. Better plan yet. Send the home newspaper to your friends in the East, and then they will have 52 letters instead of one. The citizens of Tillamook county should send the Headlight to their friends in the East, anyway, for it would be a good new year's present, and it would certainly help to adver­ tise the county, for it is the home newspapers that are leaders in this respect. Saturday the State of Oregon will go, what is commonly called, “dry.” It is a freak prohibition law like so many laws in this state. Our idea of a prohibition law is to take it “straight”. There is one good thing about the law however, and that is the people hammered the lid on the saloon coffin good and hard and we do not expect to see a repetition of those institutions. We do, however, expect to see a reaction of public sentiment in regard to the manufac­ ture and sale of malt liquors in the state, and should this come about the medium of trade will not be through the saloon, for it is not the malt liq­ uors that cause Brunkness as much as other liquors. Advertising schemers can always put c put into hard surfacing the main thoroughfare through the county, all present projects completed, no new projects started, and the county to pay as it goes. That is the policy we intend sticking to and advocating from time to time, but it may be that if outside agitators intend to ruffle our wool, why we are liable to put on our fighting duds and whoop her up to bond for a hard surfaced highway from ( latsop to Yamhill county lines. Wheeler Reporter Discusses Matters. Road ( Wheeler Reporter.) This paper does not wish to be un­ derstood as opposing the construction or improvement of any road in the county. In fact, all the roads are needed and each road will have its benefit upon the county as a whole. But we do believe that it is hardly fair that this road district should have to contribute toward the building of a road in the extreme South rn part of the county. If such an attitude is to be taken, would it not be fair for this district to ask districts No. 2 and 3 to contribute $5,000 or $6,000 each, to be used in widening and fixing up the roads up the Nehaletn, to con nect with the Columbia Highway? In tact, would it not be just as feasible to join with Clatsop county in a joint road district and spend the money in district No. a and 3 in building a road in Clatsop County, as it is for us to be spending money in the Sour Grass joint district, where most of the work is in Yamhill county? 1 lie Tillamook Headlight attempts to justify the juggling of District No. t's money by saving: "Gentlemen, the Sour Grass road is of inestimable benefit to all parts of the county, and the citizens should hold a big cele­ bration when the road is completed next year.” Parlying Bro. Baker says further, "The \\ heeler Reporter wants the people of the North of the county to attend the budget meeting and demand that that part of the county have more of the road mon 7, because the timber assessment in that part of the county is greater than in other paxts of the county. 1 hat is not the right way to consider the the farming community pays, in the central part of the county exceeding­ ly more taxes than elsewhere and we nave no hesitancy in saying that where the population is densest and travel over the roads is heaviest this is where a large proportion of the road money should go. In other words, Bro. Baker seeks to inform us that the timber interests of District No. 1 should pay for the building of roads for the cheese in­ THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN dustry of Districts No. 2 and 3. He well knows, and can t get away from THE COUNTY. the fact, that the north end of the county pays over 51 percent of the See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. total tax of the county, and the law specifies that at least one-half of all money raised in any one district, shall be spent in that district, which law the "Honorable" County Courts have OOCGGOOOGOOOOOOGOOOOOOOGOWOGOCOOOOGGOOOOOOOGQCCOGCOe» in the past years barely complied with by “the skin of their teeth, so to speak. , . , , . He also knows that this end of the county needs toads and improve­ ments as much, if not more than the the other two districts of the county. Bro. Baker’s pet district is so used to relying upon appropriating, or po­ classed at the price and equal to many of the higher priced litely stealing, the funds of the net Mi hard wheat flour on the market. | end of the county, that if a move US es :r- If you want your boys and girls to grow strong and started to raise money to buy mer :r ¡zed underwear for the “poor farn •cs’ healthv serve them with plenty of the products from Yam- of that district. Bro. Baker would X- ¡hill Family Blend Flour. YAMHILL MILLING CO. .0 pect the North end of the county appropriate its 50 Per ,cent or more- We shall have something to say at the budget meeting. RUEX.’MeNAlR & CO. general HARDCURRE Kitchen Ranges and Heating Stoves. ! BREAD | ! made of Yamhill Family Blend Flour is ! a life giving food. It cannot be out- j I O 8 J The Headlight made the suggestion on Dec. 2nd that road districts No. 2 and 3, appropriate money for the Ne­ carney road, Here is what the snap shot man said: “Tillamook and Yamhill counties succeeded in getting $9000 of the state Highway funds. Why c'an’t Clatsop and Tillamook get together another year and ask for an aprpopriation for the Necarney road, That is a trump card the commissioner from the north part of the county should be ready to play at the first opportunity. We be­ lieve there would be no difficullyin ob­ taining an appropriation for t' at pur­ pose which would give Tillamook county one of the most beautiful scenic highways in Oregon. Tilla­ mook and Y’amhill counties did not get as large appropriation for the Sour Grass road as it should have done, and this should be a good ar­ gument in favor of obtaining $20,000 for the Necarney road. And to insure this improvement, and a give and take spirit, Commissioner Owens should be willing to give $7,500 from his appropriation and a like amount from the judge’s district. That would be giving each end of the county a square deal in an expensive road pro­ ject.” That surely dispenses with the first part of the Reporter’s editorial, and shows that we are willing to assist district No. i in that plaudable un­ dertaking, for it will benefit the South part of the county as much as the north part of the county. The Reporter then says “We have no hesitancy in saying that where the population is densest and travel over roads is heaviest, this is where a large proportion of the road money should go.” That is what the snap shot man is contending for and we are glad to know that the Reporter agrees with us. The south part of the county produces one third of the cheese manufactured in the county and this goes to prove that the roads in that part of the county are used by more dairymen than in district No. 1, where a very small proportion of the cheese is produced. And the south part of the county is without railroad connections, consequently the travel on the roads is exceedingly heavy. In regard to the other portion of the Reporter’s editorial, it seems to want to make Bro. Baker the "goat," and as it is punctured with a fault finding, grouchy spirit, we do not think it is necessary to answer it further than to say that we do not know of anybody who wants to de­ prive the north end of the county a just proportion of the road fund. It is safe to say that the editor of the Reporter has never been in the south part of the county, and when he takes a broader, liberal view, with the fault finding, grouchy spirit eli­ minated, it will be better for the north end of the county. ROAD DECISION MADE. State Engineer to H*ve Full Charge of Highway Work. Salem, Ore., Dec. 28 — Final chapter in the controversy waged for the last six months over who should have supervision of the state highway de- I partment was written today by the Supreme Court, when in an opinion by Justice Bean, State Engineer Lew­ is was declared State Highway En­ gineer to have charge of state road work in place of E. I. Clantine, chief deputy engineer. The decision was given in mandamus proceedings instituted by Peterson * Johnson 1 contractors. In allowing the applicaption for a writ, the Supreme Court construed the measure passed by the last legis­ lature consolidating the state high way department with the office of I the State Engineer, declaring the pro­ vision which placed the state high­ way work in charge of a chief deputy engineer invalid. The court held that the provision conflicted with the title 1 of the act. Under the consolidation law, the Governor is given the appointment of the thief deputy engineer. Today’s, decision does not remove this power j from the executive, through the right of appointing deputies in the high-1 way department, hitherto accorded the chief deputy, is declared to be-i ■ong rightfully to the state engt»*-/ 11W We are the largest wholesale liquor dealers north of San Francisco We can assure you a prompt er, more efficient service and lower prices than you can ex pect even from San Francisco We handle nothing except standard brands. Price list now on the press. Northern California agents for Ranier Beer. Delaney & Young Box 114, Eureka, Cal.