Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 23, 1915, Image 4

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JUDGE BALLINGER RAPS THE pie who stand for something iit civic can be taken from the rich man, no prove him almost a professional hat
, lif*-, being in control, the irresponsi- matter how accomplished, is to be talker.
| hie, the disgruntled, the unsuccessful applauded, and that whatever the ; On the subject of prepardness he
----- o------
cent per annum, for $75.00 as attor­
ney’s fees and $19.00 costs and dis­
bursements. and the costs and ex­
pense of s id sale.
Dated this D< cumber 23rd, 1915.
H. Crenshaw,
Sheriff of Tillamook
County, Oregon.
First publication Dec. 23rd, 1915.
Last publication Jan. 20, 1916.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
masses of our people control the ba
I,..! i- government does to oppress and pro­ must have talked through his hat last Oregon, tor liilauiouk County.
Points Out its Defects and Predicts lot,
secute the capitalists of the country December when he poked fun at the J. H. Ellison and Ellen
both state and national.
That the People of Oregon Will
Therefore instead of trying to cor- is a source of popular gratification; "nervous and excited” people who Ellison
S°on be Dissatisfied With It.
rect the mal-administration in otir that whenever our courts misconstrue contended that the country had "been
legislators and administrative offices, the law to accord with the popular negligent of national defense.” He George \ audersee and May
Judge R. A. Ballinger addressed a ■ which became possible only by i li e wave of sentiment, they are to be used rhetorical opiates to deaden the V andersee,
effect of Secretary Garrison’s annual
meeting in Portland recently and abuse of the ballot, why did not these condemned.
To George V andersee, one of the
We all know there is no room for report of 1914 urging military prepar­ above named defendants.
his subject was the “Oregon System.” ' netv thought statesmen start at the
We have given some extracts from fountain head and restrict the ballot socialism in America, and that this ation. He put his stamps of approval
In the name of the State of Oregon.
Praying for peace is like praying
the address, which are worth read­ to those only who could intelligently condition must necessarily be tem­ on Secretary Daniel’s fatuous report
You are hereby required to appear for rain. The prayers are bound to be
porary. There can be no continued last year. He has been on both sides and answer the
exercise it?
complaint filed answered if you keep on.
In discussing any subject relating
But this matter of distrust and of assualt of class against class with out of nearly all current problems except against you in the above entitled
When you order the mince pie of
to the principles of government, I dodging the real issue is not and was the destruction of all classes and the the tariff and he shows signs oi flop­ suit on or before the expiration of commerce—don’t. Order apple pie.
have more anxiety of being right th in not the most viscious feature or this defeat of orderly and successful gov­ ping on that. The saddest feature is six weeks from the first publication T hat’s chiefly what you’ll get, after
that he can never tell when he is talk­ of this summons and if you fail so to
of being in accord with the popular new system. It was the element of ernment.
The burdens of taxation you bear ing through his hat.—Globe Demo­ appear and answer, for want thereof all.
dishonor that saturates it thiough
Beauty of complexion is determined
It requires no courage nor manli­ and through. It was the carrying cut today may yet further enlarged in the crat.
the plaintiffs will apply to the court by the care and condition of the
ness to follow the multitude, but it indirectly what was known to be ».»•- effort to create happiness for the new
for the relief demanded in the com- stomach, says a physician. So that’»
requires both courage and a keen proper and unlawful to carry out di­ apostles at the expense of him who
Already Nominated; Already De- pitiint, that is that plaintiffs have
how “skin deep" beauty is.
plods at his business, but this cannot
sense of the error of the multitude in rectly.
judgment against you for the sum of
Bryan has frequently said that he
those who combat the popular view .
Let us for a moment turn our atten­ go on indefinitely and when the halt
comes, it will, 1 think, come with a
President Wilson is fortunate in the December 7th, 1914, at the rate of 8 "never again expects to hold political
1 would therefore prefer to be clas­ tion to this phase of the question.
sed with the letter even at the risk of
The Constitution of the Uni’c I shock to the impractical authors of fact that the Republicans have no per cent per annum, less $10.00; for office.” The presidency has receded '
strong man, or at least none has yet
for good. But Mr. Bryan can reflect
holding unpopular notions.
States provides that "the United the new system.
been developed with them, to oppose $100.00 as attorney’s fees and for the that it is better to be rich than presi­
However, I do not believe the States shall gaurantee to every state
him next year.—Nashville (Tenn.) costs and disbursements of this suit, dent.
thinking people of America are either in this Union a republican form of
Talking Through Hats.
and for the foreclosure of a mortgage
willing or prepared to accept the ex­ government.” This gaurnaty was
Is he so fortunate? It remains to be given by J. K. Childers to plaintiffs,
tremes in political experimentation necessarily mutual and binding, atnot
The few published remarks Presi­ seen. There are plenty of men strong which is recorded at page 22 in Book
as an advance in government, for only upon 4he national government,
upon careful analysis they are for the but also upon the state or state-1 dent Wilson made to members of the enough to beat the Free-Trade nom­ "U” of the Record of Mortgages of
most part destructive of our Repub­ that accepted and pledged a compli­ Democratic National Committee but inee of next year. Any able, sound Tillamook County, Oregon, cover­
lican institutions as 1 will hope clear­ ance therewith. The whole union of whet our appetite for those concealed. uncompromising Protectionist with ing Lots 13 and 14 of Section 2 in
ly to point out.
states old and new, became parties po It is easy to imagine that the presi­ a good clean record can beat him. T ownship 2 South, Range 9 West, W.
dent explained to his party committee There are plenty of such available for M. in Oregon, the payment of which
T he subject of discus- ion
I am the compact.
about to enter upon and regarding
Now the "Oregon System” confess­ how he has been deliberately trying the job, The American Economist, mortgage was assumed by you in a
Dr. Eberle and Dr. Braithwaite aa
which 1 ’ have been invited
__ to
_ _____
campaign deed executed by said Childers to you
treat edly an abandonment of the republi­ to trim his administration sails to provided
is the defects in “The Oregon Sys­ can principle of government. It is a current breezes. He thinks he has for restored Protection will be vigor­ conveying said described real proper­ well ae Dr. Simon — all distinguished
authors—agree that whatever may be
descent to a pure democracy, as it’s trimmed so much that the only debat­ ously carried on between now and ty, and that the plaintiffs have such
"The Oregon System” is that ser­ advocates contend "under the initi­ able issue left is the tariff and he in­ elecion day in 1916, registers this pos­ other and further relief as to the the disease, the urine seldom fails in
furnishing us with a clue to the princi­
timates a willingness to reverse him­ itive prediction: Woodrow Wilson is Court may seem equitable.
ies of political experiments of recent ative.”
This summons is published in the ples upon which it is to be treated,
years which have practically convert­
In the case of choice of senators self on that as soon as he can ascer­ already nominated and already de-
end accurate knowledge concerning ths
Tillamook Headlight by the order of nature
ed the constitution and laws of the by the legislatures of the states, it tain just what course will be required feated.
of disease can thus be obtained.
state from a representative or repub­ was sought to evade the constitution­ at the end of the war. In iiis com­
the Honorable A. M. Hare, County If backache,
scalding urine or frequent
lican form into that of a democracy, al provision, and in Oregon this eva- placence over his achievements he
Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, urination bother or distress you, or if
'lliis was accomplished through radi­ sion assumed the form of what was said that the opponents who predict­
said order being dated December 15th uric acid in the blood has caused rheu­
cal alterations of the organic law, de­ known as "Statement No. 1” and ed his defeat were talking through
Take Advantage of a Hillsboro Citi­ 1015, requiring publication to be jnade matism, gout or sciatica or you suspect
their hats.
zen’s Experience.
nominated as The Initiative, The Ref­ "Statement No. 2.”
thereof once a week for six success­ kidney or bladder trouble just write Dr.
The hat has furnished politics with
erendum, The Recall, The direct Pri­
By this "cleaver device,” as it was
ive we< ks, and the date of the first Pierce at the Surgical Institute, Buffalo,
When the back begins to ache,
mary, Presidential Preference Pri­ called, every legislator was summon­ imagery before. The
Don’t wait until backache becomes publication thereof is the 16th day of N.Y.; send a sample of urine and de­
mary, TheCorrupt Practices Act, etc., ed to execute a pledge to support the sought to associate Benjamin Har­ chronic;
December, 1915.
scribe symptoms. You will receive free
all having been adopted at different candidate for the
United States rison with his grandfather’s headgear.
H. T. Botts.
’Till kidney troubles develop;
medical advice after Dr.Pierce’s chemist
times within the last thirteen years. Senate receiving the highest number Mr. Wilson once singled Mr. Bryan
’Till urinary troubles destroy night’s
Attorney for Plaintiffs, has examined the urine — this will bo
My own state the State of Wash­ of votes at the general election of a out as the typical unscrupulous dema­ rest.
carefully done without charge, and you
I ast publication Jan. 20, 1916.
ington, and several other states have senator in Congress "without regard gogue of America and expressed a
will be under no obligation. Dr. Pierce
Profit by a Hillsboro citizen’s ex­
wish for some way, "at once degni- perience.
adopted portions of the “System.” to my individual preference.”
during many years of e«perimentation
Sheriff’s Sale.
The Oregon System, however, is the
has discovered a new remedy which he
Those who initiated this "clever de­ fied yet effective, to knock Bryan in­
Zina Wood, Broadway St., Hills­
only one that is "full jeweled.”
finds is thirty-seven times more power­
vice” were unwilling to abide by the to a cocked hat, once for alt.” Col. boro, Ore., says: "Doan’s Kidney
I will not undertake to give a syn­ lawful method of securing this result Roosevelt’s contribution of a hat to Pills helped my back and relieved me
ful than lithia in removing uric acid
Notice is hereby given that by au­ from the system. If you are suffering
opsis of these measures, you must all —that is, by an amendment to the the ring will linger long in the mem­ of kidney trouble. 1 recommend
possess a familiarity with their gen­ Constitution of the United States. ory. Mr. Wilson will not soon hear them as first class kidney medicine. 1
from backache or the pains of rheuma­
eral terms and objects. It is suflic- The 17th amendment to the Consti­ the last of his slang imagery. He has haven’t used them to any great extent sale i sued out of the Circuit Court of tism, go to your best druggist and ask
ient for me to say that the leading tution, however, has now made state­ acquired something of a reputation but what I took relieved my back in
for a 50-cent box of “Anuric” put up
purposes of
these constitutional ments No.i and 2 obsolete, but it did himself for using the ventilation short order.My experience proves that County, bearing date Dec. 20th, 1915, by Dr. Pierce. Dr. Pierce’s Faverite
Prescription for weak women and Dr.
amendments and statutes were to in­ not carry any immunity to those who holes in his hat for purposes of con­ Doan’s Kidney Pills can benefit the
vest the people with the direct power had violated in spirit the fundament­ versation. He admitted in his 1912 system.” Price 50c, at all dealers. tiff vs. M. B. Shafer and Sarah E. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery for
letter to John Brisben Walker that Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy
the blood have been favorably known
of legislation, to reduce the legisla­ al law.
upon and will, on Friday, the 2lst for the past forty years and more. They
tive branch of the government to a
It must then appear that in order to his "History of the American people” —get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the s ime day
of January, 1916, at the hour of are standard remedies to-dav—as well
mere name or figure-head, and to de­ correct certain abuses the good peo­ was written with ignorance and prej­ that Zina Wood had. Foster-Milburn
10 o’clock a.m., at the Court House, as Doctor Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets for
stroy the efficiency of political par­ ple of Oregon and some of the other udice of place and that he was not in Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
in Tillamook City, Tillamok County, the liver and bowels. You can get a
states were led into adoption of a position to think while whiting it.
Oregon, sell at public auction to the sample of any one of these remedies
I am sorry to say that this respect methods of correction wholly immor­ He has confessed that what he used
and reverence for our long establish- al in principle and disloyal to the nat­ to say about foreign immigration, the the man in knee-length underwear a highest bidder for cash in hand the by writing Dr. Pierce.
following described real property
ed institutions in recent ycars has ional government. Does anyone think initiative and referendum and organ­ preoccupied air.
situate in Tillamook County, Oregon,
been cried down by the “ ___
that such a course has a tendency to ized labor came through his hat. His
Down South, where they are so to-wit: Lot 31 in Block 10, Manhattan
Doctor Pierce’s Pellets are unequaled
iveistas" and condemned as reaction­ stimulate or quicken the public con­ New Jersey speech on tolls, his Har­
of said as a Liver Pill. One tiny, ¡Sugar-coated
ary, using that term contemptuously, science in the line of civic righteous- vey correspondence, his “too-proud to usually considerate of everybody’s as shown upon the records
fight” speech, his varying expressions feelings, the Atlanta Constitution county. Said sale will be made for the Pellet a Dose. Cure Sick Headache,
and the masses have been stampeded, ncss?
doesn’t hesitate to say: “Georgia purpose of satisfying the judgment Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Constipa­
dragooned, and humbugged into the
So it is with the people of your about Mexico and his inconsistent at­ will sing at the close of the extra ses­ entered in said cause, which is for the tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and
belief that a conservative citizen is a ____
state, , ......
and that of mine. It will take titude toward civil service, war loans, sion of the General Assembly, ‘Praise recovery of $307.03 with interest all derangements of the Liver, Btouiach
reactionist and a dangerous man, con­ several years for the crop of evils to export of arms, public economy and
spiring to keep the people enslaved fully mature from these experiments the binding force of platform pledges God from Whom All Blessings Flow.’ from December 8th, 1915. at 8 per and Bowels.
to a defunct system. I think it will looking to a pure democracy. They
appear, however, in due time, that the are, however, already manifesting
sculptors of the new system have re­ themselves in a measure, in the gen­
moved the head of Opollo from the eral tendency to incompetency of
statue and substituted for it that of 1 public servants, in an increase of pub­
lic burdens and a laxity respecting
The public mind is deadened by the the security of life, liberty and prop­
UPHOLSTERY—Deepened and of the finest,
POWER—Increased to FORTY horse power;
constant platitudes uttered by demo- erty; and also in that respect for our
gogues of the "rule of the people.” established institutions which have
hand-buffed, semi-glazed leather purchas­
The result is the really capable and long endured the storms of social and
MOTOR—Increased from 3J£ x 5 to 3%-inch
able ;
substantial elements of society with­ political contention.
x 5-inch stroke;
draw from any participation of pulilic
A taste of variety is a characteristic
affairs, and leave the noisy agitators passion of democracy. It will, how­
REAR AXLE — Safety - insuring F U L L-
WHEELBASE Increased from 108 to 112 ins.
in full charge of the government- ever, soon be come tired of this new
with what result?
axle, designed and built in Studebaker
toy and discard it.
TIRES—Increased from 33 x 4 to 34 x 4
Mischievous and imperfect laws,
The tables of statistics on the ex­
timid and inefficient administrratic n, ercise of the new system already be­
and a reckless extravagence for the gin to show this, and we may confi­
overburdened taxpayer to carry!
dently hope for a return to the safc-
FINISH—Number of body-finishing opera­
In time this may produce in the gaurds of popular government which
Wagner Starting and Lighting System, in use
publis mind a settled conviction that were cast away by the introduction
our system of government, through of the new experiments.
F OUR years and tested and proved on more
CAPACITY—Increased from Five to SEVEN
its failures, is less satisfactory to the
In practical operation. The Initia­
than 150,000 cars.
citizen and of less protection than a tive, The Referendum and The Re­
benevolent despotism, and if sonic call possess the inherent defect of
well-equipped individual should ap­ stimulating factions, and a strong
pear at such time, capable of con­ minority faction may easily dominate
vincing the people that he has a suf­ the ballot.
ficient quantum of bencvolenc, he is
Eight per cent of the votes cast at
likely to be given the power.
the last general election for Supreme
Instead of introducing better safe- Court Justice puts the Initiative into
gaurds to strengthen represenative motion. Five per cent of the same
government, the System is undermin­ vote starts the machienry of l'lie Ref­
ing the whole structure of our repub­ erendum, and twenty five per cent of
lican institutions.
that The Recall.
The dear people think there are
A clique or faction possessing this
provisions in these "new (angled” small minority may easily tyrannize
It is the ONLY 7-passenger, 4-cyUnder car with a 3%-
laws which will furnish them with the majority and will in most cases
milk and honey, but they don't real­ prevail if efficiently organized.
bore x 5-inch stroke, FORTY horse power motor
A faction composed of nonproduc­
ize that they arc driving the goats to
the alter and overturning the bee­ ing and nonconributing classes of so­
that has ever been offered in America or Europe for
ciety may easily impose the severest
less than $1000. And it is the ONLY car of the sea­
The reason assigned for the intro­ burdens upon producing and contrib­
duction of these political experiments uting classes of society.
that has accompanied a $100 reduction in price
such as the Initiative, The Referen­
I bis situation invites the socialistic
dum and The Recall, has been de­ elements and the organized enemies
with such a SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE in quality.
clared to be deep sealed distrust of of established property rights ami in­
the competency of state legislatures terests seize these instruments and
— Iler to bring
and the desire to put the law-making use them as a steam roller
But all that we ask is for you to see the car. And it
functions and the control of public all people Ao a common i level, and i 1
won’t take but a few minutes for the car to convince
servants directly in the hands of the apprehend that this has been the con-
trolling motive in the promotion of
you that dollar for dollar, it gives MORE than any
The doctrine proceeds at the outset these measures on the part of their
Four Cylinder Mode!»
on the theory of distrust, namely, most ardent advocates.
Touring Car, 7-pass«n»er • • *88*
other Four on the market.
Roadster, 3-pa*sen»er . . .
We all agree that a democracy as
that the people cannot trust their own
Landau-Roadster, 3-pass. . .
opposed to a monarchy assures the
Let me ask you a question: If the greatest happiness to those compos-
Six Cylinder Model»
Touring Car, 7-passen»er . . *1050
people are incapable of selecting ing it; but when it descends to the des­
competent men to manage their potism of a faction, it is no less to be
Landau-Roadster 3-pasa. . .
affairs of government in a represen­ dicaded than the despotism of an in­
Coupe, «-passenger .... 1550
ative capacity, are they any more cap­ dividual.
F. O. B. Detroit
able of selecting them under a recall
I am at loss to know what kind of a
system? Is it not a confession that microbe produced in the minds of the
efficient and trustworthy men cannot people the necessity of a i Presidential
I residcntml
be elected to office, consequently, we Preferential Primary, the object or
Detroit, Mich.
the |»topie, will hang a club over which is stated to be to allow the
South Bend, Ind. Walkerville, Ont
their heads to frighten the office voters to instruct the
delegates of
their party to the national conven-
holders into being good.
Again, of the people of the state arc tions as to whom they shall vote for
to select
competent for presidential and vice-presidential
public servants, arc they any more nominees.
Have our presidents and vice-pres­
campetcnt in sclecing or making pub­
lic laws? The whole doctrine seems idents been so inefficient or corrupt
to me to involve an absurdity as well that a reform is necessary in their
manner of nomination?
as a contradiction.
In a little while it will be found that
bet me tell you where the trouh:<
was which rendered our legislat ires all these beautiful theories are lead
inefficient and filled the public mind inu us to the bad; then the eager
with a distrust in public officer* and sanguine men will come around and,
talk loudly of the ills of the new
in our laws.
It was in and is still is the unlimit­ tangled system.
1 he common people will aga ain
ed franchise.
It is in the placing of the ballot in catch up their tone and the pendulu
he hand* of an irresponsible multi­ will swing back—at least this is my
view, as an optimist.
de and disinterested electoral
A dangerous public sentiment per­
The soviet of the whole difficaltv
■tar* to me to be clearly in the vades the new system, and in it there
t, and instead of thinking peo is a strong flavor of sociaksm.
in ugly terms, it is that anything
'»e responsible people, the peo-
Dollar For Dollar»
What car gives as much?
40 horse power
7 passenger
four «ass
GEO. WILLIAMS, Tillamook, Ore.