TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 23, 1915. and there is no telling what will hap­ pen to interfere with industries tn the future. The snap shot man fully real­ ized that he was in a hopeless mint- tory at one time when he opposed freak and untried laws, but public sentiment is beginning to react. e want to add that before Oregon can shake off the system and get back to safe and sane methods it is going to be many years before it can or will do so, and in the meantime capital will go to other states where it is safe from political cranks. FIRE ! FIRE ! ! FIRE ! ! ! A 1916 Xmas Musing. ___ jww^wfi^í¡afggfgigfaaaag^-g.EHaígíg E/ajaiaaäjcifeasrNj Make This Your CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR’S i Shopping Mecca. All men and nations have made sure advance, . THE BEST CHRISTMAS You say, sweeping the past with mus­ ing glance. PRESENT. Since the olden days of spear, bow and flint. that Santa Claus can bring to your And tallow dip in the gloaming aglmt ■Q home is a lire insurance poliey. We From spinning wheel, hand loom, sickle, and all hope you may never have a fire, but The crude clumsy methods of elder one is apt to occur through many toil; From the old, slow, horse-drawn causes, and it is well to be on the safe stage coach travel, side. We can give you a policy in \ It was not generally known that the To the fast express, the modern mar- 1 changed last State Legislature had vel; good company at rates which cannot the amount of money to L be used in F rom wave-tossed wind-waited, be bettered anywhere. Drop in and road districts from 50 to 70 per cent, ocean craft. For the information of our readers At whose frail wooden barriers Nep­ see us. we will quote the law. w hich is as tune laughed, follows: To the great, steel, steamer that . ounty Court or Commission- “The C____ _ plows the brine ers' Court of each county in the state Propelled by sun-stored power of J, jf not to exceed ten may le elder time. e iliac on all taxable I mil's < .4 county, at the time Man, obedient, to Divine command, PHONE US. CALL ON US- WRITE US. uiual tax levy upon Has added to himself on every hand; TODD HOTEL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK, ORE. ti'.e previous year's assessme-.t. which Added, harness for the need of the pj hour; shall be set apart as a general road :--L to be used m the building Supplementing the weak physical THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT should go on record as favoring, a-. . and improving the public or county power. that is more money should be devot­ roads or bridges on county roads of For what is forest and coal, oil and ed to hard surfacing in the future, the county in which the property is gass, flic snap shot man believes that is is located Said tax shall be paid in Utilized more and more as the years the wisest thing the citizens could do money, and collected in the same I pass. a The snap shot man takes this op­ to insist that $100,000 of the road manner as ether county taxes are col­ And on-rushing power of the wa’er fund should be used for this purpose. fall. portunity to wish everybody a merry This can and should be done by cut­ lected, and when so collected shall be used for road purposes only, as But power thus stored up for the use Christmas. ting out all new road projects for the provided in this Act, and seventy per­ of all. few years. It is a waste of mon­ cent thereof shall be apportioned to "And he shall have dominion” it was Every fair minded person will ad­ next to improve roads at considerable the several road districts including said, mit that the assessment of Bayocean ey expense and in a few months to be property have been placed too high, cut up with heavy travel. This is districts composed of incorporated E’re e’en in embryo man existed, on account of having no way out. It what is taking place south of this cities and towns, in such proportion Or ere the coal and oil and gas were laid as the amount of taxable property in should never have been placed at the each district shall bear to the whole In the faroff, old Carboniferous age. valuation it is today with no road city. ----- o — amount of taxable property in the Yet, what is’t the difference makes, facilities, for it is good roads that It is gratifying to know that editors county, and the remaining thirty per places values into property. betwixt are not the only persons who make cent shall be applied to roads in such Human poverty and the ultra rich, Nothing is to be gained by the mistakes. When editing one of the locality in the county as the court Between the masses, whose hard, timber men bringing mandamus pro­ church notices last week the snap may direct.” daily toil, This will cause some re-adjustments Barely ieeds the lamp of life with oil, ceedings against the County Court shot man almost fell into the waste on account of the alleged accusation paper basket when he read: “Last in the amounts of money to be ex­ And those who are rolling in wealth that the budget had not been fully Sunday the crows were good at al) pended in the three road districts, for and case? itemized, other than putting the the services.” It was too much of a we find the assessments are: What is the real cause? The reason $0,780,679 county to additional expense, for the joke to let pass, and at first the snap R. D. No. 1. please, delay will necessitate additional help shot man decided to tell the operator R. D. No. 2. 8,052,465 Why, age-old forests, leagues of soil _____ 3- 2,488,895 and grass, in the assessor’s and sheriff’s offices. to “follow copy,” but on second con­ R. D. No. If the new law is followed it will Vast iron and oil deposits of the past, The County Court acted wisely in sideration he thought that discretieon mean that road district No. I will re­ Giving to wealth its unearned incre­ was the better part of valor for it ceive more money than is provided restricting the weight of loads on ment, auto trucks and other vehicles, for plight have angered the "crows” so for in the budget and road district Should be thus lavished, poured, upon much that they would want to hang No. 3 considerably less. Considering when 7000 pounds of freight are piled the few. on auto trucks, which travel at about the snap shot man to the nearest that there is a larger population in And the masses still toil from dawn 10 to 15 miles an hour, it is no wond­ telephone pole, which would be ex­ the South part of the county than in to dew? er that the road between this city and ceedingly tough on him at this fes­ the north part, and that travel over Why, but through the accident of Cloverdale is cut up at this season of tive time of the year. It is up to the the roads is that much greater on ac­ birth, the year and it is going to take a lot young man who wrote the notes for count of no railroad facilities, it looks Some never know or feel the strain of money to repair it. Better get the the Christian Church to square Tim- to us that the law is hardly fair to of earth. hard surface road spirit as soon as self with the “crows”. Of course, Bro. this county, because it benefits a few “ Created free and equal all men are," posible and ent out those heavy Van will enjoy the joke. rather than the majority of citizens maintenance charges every year. who have made their homes here. Inphrases that run smooth, high- The persistency of the Portland The law, no doubt, is a benefit to sounding, fair, We have noticed quite frequently Journal in stating that it had inside some localities in some counties, but Our own great “Bill of Rights” pro­ claim, recount. that proper courtesy have not been information that the Supreme Court it is unfair and unjust in this county. Which the literal facts of life discount shown the Press of this city in not of the State of Washington would It does not require much of seer or inviting it when something of public declare the prohibition law iuvalid sage. importance is under consideration. proved to be false. That paper can­ In this progressive and enlightened The snap shot man attributed this not be relied upon as being trust­ age, largely in the past to the isolation of worthy in the future, now that it was To see and know that an Infinite God this neck of the woods, but now that paper that vilified Republican candi- wer are more up-to-date, progressive cauglit red-handed in publishing a de­ A joint installation of Rebecca and Has, indeed, created all things good. and need the Press more than ever liberate lie as to what the decision of Oddfellows will be held on January Enough for all this earth will pro­ the court would be in the prohibition to help develop the county, we want duce, 4th, all members and their immediate to express our opinion by saying case. The court declared the law val­ friends in town that evening are cor- But somehow all the richest, sweetest id and, further, the opinion was unan ­ that whenever the Press is ignored it juice, imously concurred in by all the dially invited. is not showing good judgment. Seems now to be extracted by the judges. This is the Democratic news­ For Sale—One kitchen cabinet, one few, It may be a good law in some re­ paper that valified Republican candi­ sanitary couch and good sewing ma- Leaving but husks for many to chew. dates and makes it a practice of be ­ chine, for thirty five dollars. Call at Rich men now banquet, feasting as spects to compel county courts to ex­ pend ”0 per cent of the road funds in smirching the character and good in­ McGee Apartments across from of yore, Cj tentions of Governor Withycombc. the district where it is raised, but it public Library. While beggers long for crumbs upon After all, when it come down to a does not do justice in all counties. the floor. What indeed! would be more ac­ As a result of this law the south part thoroughly reliable newspaper, the ceptable to your wife and family this When first upon the cold New Eng- of the county will be deprived of part Oregonian still retains that distinc­ Christmas than a fine new piano or of the money that was intended to be tion, and is the daily newspaper that player-piano? land strand, Easy terms in reach of expended in that road district, which the people should support. No one all.—The Wiley They found beneath their feet the B. Allen Co. can or should have any more confi ­ will have to go to the north end of promised land, the county. When the County Court dence or faith in the Portland Journal Mr. B. Cavin and family, of Cald­ Our Pilgrim Fathers fell upon their for it is in the Ananias class. made up the budget it was not aware well, Idaho, are visiting with his sis­ knees, ' of the fact that the law had been ter Mrs. J. E. Klienfelter during the Then fell upon the Aborigines, We have published in this issue part changed. holidays. Mr. Cavin won the cham­ And from Atlantic to Pacific coast, of Judge Ballenger's address on the pionship of being the best rider in There remains of Indian scarce a Last week a person dropped into Oregon System. It makes interesting the world at Walla Walla last year. ghost. th# office and asked us to publish reading, for the judge predicts the They raised their voices high in Editor C. E. Trombley and family semething for him. We refused to do people of Oregon will soon see the song to Him, so, because he was not a subscriber fallacy of the whole system. The will spend Christmas at Cloverdale. For sane deliverance from storm and We must adnonish our respected anil wa.s dropped from our list for the snap shot man has never been an ad­ King; reason he was delinquent. \Ve conic vocate of the Oregon System, ami Bro. to be merry and wise, with the They professed faith in a God above, compliments of the season and a hap ­ across a good many persons like this. when it was first agitated he was one Who ordered all things by the law of They know where to find the editor of those who predicted that it was a py and prosperous new year. And we Love, when lhev want something advertised stab at our representative form of extend the same to all the other coun­ And then drove Roger Williams to free, or, should they get into trouble, government, a fine thing for political ty editors._______________ the wild, want the notoriety kept out of the agitators and cranks, would lead to Because he had faith like a little child. newspapers, but rarely ever spend a class legislation and that the tax­ Christmas Program, Methodist S. S. They burn’d or hang'd supposed nickle to support the home newspap­ payers would be at the mercy of the witchery, The following interesting program In the name of Puritan Bigotry. er. The snap shot man has helped a non-taxpayers. All these things arc good many persons politically and in gradually taking place, with addition­ will be rendered at the M. E. Church 1 hey fled from persecution hard and a business way. Some have not appre­ al taxation piling up on the taxpayers on Friday evening: dire, ciated it, but the majority have, and as a result of the dual system of leg­ Songs by the congregation: “While those are the persons the snap shot islation. Politicians made the Oregon Shepherds watch their flock by night” I hen het their own inquisitorial fire. And even now, grim war, like the 1 System a hobby-horse to get into and “Hark! the herald angels sing.” man is always ready to stand by. Vulture, j office, and the dear people flocked to Declamations: Is picking the bones of Modern Cul­ I he budget meeting is called for the standard of the so-called political Herman Hunter, “Enough for All.” ture, next Thursday morning, and froui reformers, who advocated the false Ruth Erskine. all wars, ancient and modern, present indications there does not ap­ I doctrine of the Oregon System, which Elvira Wolfe, “Three Good Cheers” And now pass'd. pear to be very many complaints was to cure all political ills by the Song by Mrs. Edward’s class. Seem but child’s play in contrast with how the County Court intends to ex­ sovereign rule of the people. Anyone Declamations: this last. pend the taxpayers' money next year. can see that the Oregon System Mary Ullmann, “Christmas, What I here is one thing that the meeting has scared capital away from Oregon, does it mean?” Perhaps the world grows better and Clarence Albert. wiser. Dorris Woolfe, "December." But in these days of “Mail’d fist and Kaiser," « Anthem by the choir. Declamations: And "She Rules the Wave,” is Brit- Robert Roberson. ania’s boast, Robert Campbell, “A Christmas And she s ready to back it at any cost Carol.” Its hard to believe that Mellenial Florence Hunter, “The Merriest dawn, day.” Is about to break with its harp and Exercise by members of Mr. Tromb­ - ley's class "Ring Out Sweet Christ­ .. 1 song race on the Earth,” the angelic mas Bells.” song rang, Song. Irma Austen, “Once Unto the And Nation's answer with the can­ Shepherd's.” non's bang; Declamations: “Good will to men” the angel chorus Jessie Thayer. said. ilene Austen, “Reiss of Chflstmas.” And the answer of man is heaps of Eula Thayer, "The Love Box." dead. Music by the Quartett. Modern Culture is but an outward Declamations: sheath. Frances Long. Which scratch, and Lo—the barbar- Marion Lamb, “An Impatient Wait­ inan beneath. er.” Christmas Story, Rev E. Gittins. and Drive is a poor word in war, and the drives turn out poorly. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured , with LOCAL APPLICATION« m th»r Europe is paying the penalty for , cannot reach the sent of the dtacaae Cn- clinging to the monarch idea; but we tnrrh is n hlo«xl or constitutional disease nnd in onier to cure ityou must take in- didn t think there was so much devil­ ternnl remedies Hall's' Catarrh Curs is try in it. ROLLIE W. WATSON, “ The Insurance Man Editorial Snap Shots. fl fl fl s fl fl fl fl fl g fl Tillamook Jottings. CHRISTMAS GOODS A Full and Complete Line of Pyralin Ivory, Stationery, Perfumes Xmas Tree Ornaments. TILLAMOOK DRUG STORE. We make our guarantee good. 1 1 , 1 taken internally, and acts dirvctlr upon the blood amt muccous surfaces Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one ol the best phy- jiiriana in this country for rears and ig a regular prescription It Is composed of the beet tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the m neons snrfaces The perfect combin* tion o' the two ingredients is what pro- Cue»» such wonderful results in curing Fatal rh. Send for testimonials, free P J CHBNKV A CO., Props. Teledo. O Sold by Druggists, price T.Sc Take Hall's Family Fills for cunpstlpatlon. F reedom of speech is one of those numerous blessings, the abuse of which gets one into trouble—but not to suffer prohibition for that reason. By a receipt on the ladies' page we see that pies made of pumpkin can be covered with a coating of sugar and white of egg, making them look much prettier. \\ hen the frosting's on the pumpkin pic, in a manner of speaking. Supply Your Wants for Table or Tree from our Varied Stock CLEAN, NEW MERCHANDISE Delicacies for the holiday feasts abound in our grocery section—the many things that combine to make the festal cheer are displayed for you to choose from. Our dry goods and notion departments are replete with values for the Xmas shopper. Your interestswill be well taken care of in this, Tilla­ mook’s only complete department store. A FEW SUGGESTION^-. SLIPPERS : For Men and Women. “Comfy” and “ Siesta.” HANDKERCHIEFS : An Ideal Gift Article. Reasonably Priced Here. LACES AND RIBBONS : We have a good assortment for the Holi­ day Trade. LADIES’ GOODS: Boudoir Caps, Aprons and Dainty Linger­ ies and Undergarments. MEN’S SUPPLIES : Shoes, Hats, Caps and Raincoats, Gift Suspenders and Holiday Neckwear. FOR THE BOY OR GIRL : A splendid Line of Toys and Presents and Infants’ Goods- ñl B B K K K K K E K E E E E E E E E E E & & Remember that our grocery shelves are laden & with good things for the table. Plan your menus & Christmas Candies & Nuts from our,stock. Special size Young American Cheese for the Holiday Trade. Send one to your friend. H. MASON & CO Masonic Bld. Both Phones. •f Free Deliveries. ALEX. MeNfllR & CO GEflERAb HARDOUARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. A Merry Xmas. anda Happy - and Prosperous New Year to All. GRAND LEADER BREAD ! made of Yamhill Family Blend Flour is ! a life giving food. It cannot be out- 1 classed at the price and equal to many of the higher priced ! hard wheat flour on the market. If you want your boys and girls to grow strong anil healthy serve them with plenty of the products from Yam­ hill Family Blend Flour. YAMHILL MILLING CO.