Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 16, 1915, Image 6

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for 10 mills. One district however did alike reel with dizziness, and at the
end oi the session both have only a
not vote a special tax.
very hazy idea ot what the legislature
First Insertion, per line............... $
The Wheeler Reporter wants the has been doing.—Banks Herald.
the Banks Herald has taken a
Each subsequent insertion, line.
•05 people of the north end of the county
to attend the budget meeting and de­ wrong view. Suppose, tor instance,
Business and professional cards
1.00 mand that that part oi the county mat me judiciary committees ot the
one month ................................
have more oi the road money, bc- Slate Legislature were composed ot
Locals per line each insertion.
.05 I cause the timber assessment in that our best attorneys, mere are attor
Display advertisement, all inch,
I part of the county is greater than in Heys who would question whether
one month ..................................
•50 . other parts of the county. 1 bat is not me laws were constitutional espec­
the right way to consider the matter. ially it they had a oau case and rncir
AU Resolutions of Condolence
clients were ready to put up the mon­
and Lodge Notices, per line..
05 I he tanning community pays, in the ey to Hgnt the laws on constitutional
central part of the county, exceeding­
Lards ot Thanks, per line..........
•OS ly more taxes than clscwnere, and we grounds. We still adhere to our opin­
Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen
tiave no hesitancy in saying that ion mat all laws snould be passed
I where the population is densest and upon as to whether they are consti­
etc., minimum rate, not ex­
tutional belore they become effective,
ceeding five lines......................
.25 travel over the roads heaviest, this is tor it is hardly fair to require a liti-
where a large proportion of the road
gant to have to go to the trouble and
money should go.
expense of doing so.
He is a thrifty farmer who kills his
(Strictly in Advance.)
The snap shot man was a little dis-
and ship the pork to the city
One yeai ........................................ $>-5° hogs
when he finds the animals arc getting appointed that so small amount of
Six months.......................................... 75 sick.—Oregonian.
money was to be used tor hardsurlac- I
Three month*...................................... 5°
This puts us in mind of the dairy­ mg, out realizing that so many roads
men who sell their old worn out in uilterent parts ol the county need
cows to the butcher and then howl improvements, we are not going to
THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. like blazes at the poor class of meat complain, tor we believe the County
that is sold at the meat market, or Court is a better judge than we are
roast the local butcher because he in this matter. Witn several unfinish­ i
Editorial Snap Shots. won’t buy the old cows that the ed road projects completed the com­
meat peddlers do, and unload the old ing year, we hope in tuture to see
Tile most sensible, practical and cow meat onto the dairymen as ten­ considerable ot the road money to be
economical road booster is the person der young steer. The snap shot man used tor hard surlactng, for it is talse
who boosts for a hard surfaced high­ is a little suspicious of meat peddlers, economy to keep spending large
way through Tillamook County.
for he has bad old cow meat palmed sums oi money on the macadam high­ I
------ c,------
off on him for prime beef.
way through the county. Had the
We suppose as usual, a lot of out­
county ten years ago started hard
siders will attend the budget meeting
Here is an illustration of Oregon's surlactng it would be money ahead to
and tell the dear people of this coun- freak laws. It is unlawful to employ day, but it was not then fully realized
ty what they should and should not a person on road work more than that autos and auto trucks would
eight hours, but a juryman can be cut such a figure in destroying ma­
------o ’ —
kept at work all day and all night, as cadam roads. It will not take many
If the City Council will pass an was the case in the city last week, years to hardsurtace the main thor­
ordinance prohibiting cards in pool and that is perfectly lawful. It would oughfare it our citizens would use a
rooms, it will be a good thing for the not do for the snap shot man to be on little patience and quit advocating
city and minors. Don’t allow the pool a jury that w-as overworked in that new and expensive road projects in
rooms to be run like they were a few manner, for there would be some different parts of the county. Cut it
bucking on our part. Now we can’t out for a tew years and concentrate
years ago when the county was dry.
see that a man who works on the our efforts and as much money as
Lane county has prohibited auto road is a more superior class of being possible out of the road fund on hard
trucks with hard tires to run in that to be protected by legislation than a surfacing. We advocate this because
county, because they cut up the roads juryman. Thanks, however, to the we believe it is to the best interest of
in winter. Some of our citizens have boasted Oregon System which so the county and the taxpayers, as well
advocated the same thing in this many of our citizens espoused, which as the most economical way of ex­
county, but it would be hardly right is responsible for class legislation.
pending a big portion of the road fund
to do so, because the south part of
tor the next tew years. By eliminat­
the county has no railroad.
County Judge C. G. Gillette, of ing all new road projects and ex­
Josephine County, hit the nail on the pending $100,000 every year on hard
We hear some complaint from the head when he said:
surfacing, this would not necissitate
north end of the county because
‘In conclusion I wilT state that an increase in taxation, nor would it
first road district is contributing to- about all the county court has to do be necessary to bond the county. As
wards the Sour Grass road. Gentle­ with the making of the budget and we ad.vocated a few weeks since, our
men, this road is of inestimable bene­ fixing the levy is to figure out what plan is to pay as we go in road work.
fit to all parts of the ocunty and the the statute provides and fix the levy It is as plain as the nose on a man’s
citizens should hold a big celebration accordingly. The county courts are face that we cannot have a lot of ex­
when the road is completed next year. blamed tor the high taxes, but they pensive road projects under way and
only do what they are compelled to obtain much hard surfacing at the
That was a good betting stunt the do, and tin place to commence tax same time without extra taxation,
saloon people put up that the Wash­ reform is at the fountain head, and I which is not wanted or desired. This
ingtoti prohibition law would be de-, think many of these boards and com­ is the reason the snap shot man ad­
dared invalid. They
then turned missions could be done away with, vocated several weeks ago completing
round and bet that the law would be as they arc expensive, and then give all unfinished road projects next year
decaired valid, and as usual the bet­ the local bodies a little more discre­ so as to make it possible to start in
ting fraternity caught a large number tion in administering the affairs of with hard surfacing with only one
of "suckers.”
their locality. In other words, the iron in the fire. We offer these few
counties have nothing to say in the suggestion
to the
It was fortunate that Judge Bagley premises, and these topheavy com­ taxpayers as a solution of our road
was holding court last week, when he missions ami boards make our taxes problems, and if this becomes the
disposed of several criminal cases, a burden and retard capital from in­ consensus of opinion of the people,
which saved the cost to the county of vesting.”
which we know it will, then now is
feeding several prisoners until the
the time to start in and carry out
next term of court. They put the
The Tillamook Headlight suggests what we have advocated to obtain a
county to considerable expense as it that all laws be submitted to the su­ hard surfaced highway from Clatsop
was, for it does not take long to cat I preme court to be tested as to their to Yamhill counties lines, and elimi­ !
tip considerable money in presecuting constitutionality before they are fin­ nate all new road projects from the ■
law breakers.
ally passed by the legislature. This, budgets until this is accomplished.
------ o------
we think, would tend to make our We do not know any better time to 1
The state tax for Tillamook County system of lawmaking more complex, start in than right now reducing the
is $10,000 less. Some good have re­ and would confer upon the court a maintenance charges on macadam
sulted in getting rid of the sensation­ sort of legislative power not intended road, for the longer this is put off ■
al, extravagant West administration. by the constitution. Still it is along more expensive it is going to be with ;
Call out the Oregon National Guard the right lines insofar as it seeks a the large increase in travel. Our
and lets have a celebration as a re­ means of safeguarding legislation. slogan is “swat” those who bob up !
suit of this curtailment in taxation, However, each branch of the assemb­ with new and expensive road projects.
thanks to having a gentleman with ly has a judiciary committee whose So lets get down to actual business
business qualifications at the head of very purpose is to do the thing that and use good horse sense and con­
the state government.
The Headlight would have the su­ centrate on this one road project the
preme court do. We believe that if next few years.
Twenty road districts in Clatsop the legislature were given a little
county voted for special road taxes, more time, and that if a few more re­ Three Varietias of Seed to be Given
which ranged from 3.1 mills to 10 striction were placed around the in­
Away by Government.
mills. This will give some idea as to troduction of bills, the same result
the sentiment of the people when it would be accomplished in a more sat-
In connection with the distribution
comes to road improvements: One isfactoary manner. As it now stands
district voted for 3.1 mills; 2 for 5 bills are rushed through in the allot­ of new and rare field seed authorized
mills;1 for 5.3 mills; 1 for 6 mills; ted sixty days with such rapidity as in the act making appropriations for
l for 7.3 mills; 1 for 9 mills; and 12 to make legislators and the public the United States Department of
Agriculture, the
Department has
placed at the disposal of Congress­
man W. C. Hawley a number fo pack­
ages of the Sudan grass seed, some
u Montana-grown alfalfa seed, and a
i few packages of an improved variety
field peas, so that he might dis­
i of
tribute them to the farmers of the
First Congressional District of Ore­
{ gon.
A considerable portion of this seed
is intended for spring planting and
Mr. Hanley is requested to submit
the names of farmers to receive it at
an early date. The Department de­
sires that a farmer experiment with
one variety of the seed at a time,
as the supply is limited, and seed
rare and expensive, and a wide dis­
tribution may in this way be secured.
Congressman Hawley will be glad
to have all those who desire to ex­
periment with seed write him and he
will endeavor to secure for them
without cost to them one variety of
the thwe varieties placed at his dis-
posal. Seed will be sent by the de­
partment, upon Mr. Hawley’s sug-
gestion, to those with whom suitable
arrangements can be made.
Legal Advertisements.
___ ______ ___ -___ ___ _____ __ ___
New Year Presents
Jenkins' Jewelry Store
Now is the Time to_Bjæjrour
RAY & CO.’S Sanitary White Store
Royal Club Coffee, reg. 40c. per pound, 5lbs.for
3 Cans Royal Club Early June Peas for
3 Cans Royal Club Cut Stringless Beans for -
3 Cans Royal Club Hominy for
3 Cans Royal Club Solid Pack Tomatos for
3 Cans Royal Club Maine Corn for
Two 1 lb pkgs. Royal Club Currants for
Fancy Royal Club Seeded Raisins, per pound -
Fancy Sea Port Corn, 3 cans for
Fancy Silverdale Tomatos, 3 cans for
1 can Royal Club Punkin, 1 can Royal Club Squash,
1 can Royal Club Spinach, all three for
Golden CROWN FLOUR, $5.50 bbl.
$145 per sack at RA Y & CO
Millions F°r Farm Studies.
All Kinds of Jewelry
It is u nice reflection to think and positively know that
you can Ret the finest of Jewelry here without paying a
fabulous price for it. Every article we sell is modest ly
priced, and we guarantee its superior quality in material
and workmanship. Let us till your Christmas and New
Year needs, and you will never have cause to regret it.
Jenkins, the Reliable Jeweler.
« i
' The blizzard.
For Assessing Damages and Ben­
efits in Laying out Streets
Under the new law by which each Statements of McMinnville Citizens
Notice is hereby given
that the
Are Always of Interest to Our
state is encouraged to cooperate with
Common Council, of Tillamook City,
with congress in making appropria­
To many of our readers the streets Oregon, has appointed Carl Haber-
tions for agricultural improvement
work, the allotments to the f»rty of McMinnville are almost as famil­ lach, David Martiny and T. E. Epp-
eight states for the fiscal year is $4, iar as those of our own town, and we lctt as viewers, to view the following
782,270, an amount that ought to pro­ are naturally interested to read of proposed streets, to-wit: An exten­
duce substantial results and promote happening there. The following re­ sion of Tenth Street, or the street
in A. A. Miller’s Addition as
rivalry among the states to get larger port from a well-known and respect­ platted
Street, from the west line of
shares of this national aid, contingent ed resident will be helpful to numbers Seventh
Miller’s Addition to the West line of
on the extent to which a state is wil­ of men and women of Tillamook.
Mrs. J. O. Rogers, 603 Grant Street, Block 46 of Thayer’s Addition to
ling to labor for its own advance­
Tillamook City as provided for by
ment in soil production. The average McMinnville, Ore., says: “I suffered Ordinance No. 298 of Tillamook City,
sum allotted to a state is $100,000, intensely from backaches and head­ approved August 3, 1915, and has ap­
but the average practically does not aches. Sometimes the attacks lasted pointed Friday, the 24th day of De­
apply. Wzhat a state does for itself is for a week. I couldn’t move without cember, 1915, at the City Hall, in
the main factor in the case. In the having pains in my back and hips. Tillamook
City, Oregon, at the
present allotment, Texas leads with a Sometimes when the headaches came hour of 9 o’clock a.m. as the time and
share of $234,000, Iowa coming next on, I had to go to bed. I didn't know place for said viewers to meet for the
with $229,000, New York -third with the trouble was caused by my kidneys purpose of making the assessment of
$219,000, North Carolina fourth with but since T have been so greatly re­ damages and benefits arising out of
$192,000, Indiana fifth with $182,000 lieved by Doan’s Kidney Pills, I the proposed extension of said street.
and Georgia sixth with $166,000. Mis- know what caused the trouble. They All persons claiming damages by
siouri does not reach as high a place not only regulated the action of my reason of the appropriation of any
as it should, its share standing at kidneys, but relieved the headaches property which will he affected by
$114,000, which is less than that of and backaches. “(Statement given such proposed extension are hereby
West Virginia or Mississippi. But Aug. 28 1907.)
notified to file their claims for such
Over five years later, Mrs. Rogers damages with the City Recorder of
Pennsylvania also gets but $144,000
and Ohio $117,000, so they, size con­ said: “I think as highly of Doan’s Tillamook City, Oregon, on or before
sidered, have been even less alert Kidney Pills now as I did when I the time so appointed.
than Missouri. The Southern States recommended them several years ago
The boundaries and termini of the
obtain nearly half of the total, and Kidney trouble hasn’t bothered me proposed extenson, and the boundar­
the Southwest is not missing the op- I
ies and descriptions of the private
Price 50c. at all dealers. Don’t property proposed to be appropriat­
portunity, Oklahoma will receive
$142,000 and Arkansas $137,000. New- simply ask for a kidney remedy—get ed for said extension are as follows:
Mexico gets $36,000, Arizona $26,000, Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that I Beginning at the Southwest corner
Mrs. Rogers has twice publicly rec- of Block 14, of A. A. Miller’s Addi­
and Kansas $109,000.
Nearly half of the whole amount ommended. Foster
Co„ tion to Tillamook City, running
thence West to the West line of
provided for the year comes from the Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Block 46, Thayer's Addition to Tilla­
national treasury, so that state supply
but little more than 50 per cent of
Such queer rumors get started; we’ll mook; thence South o degrees 12
the funds to be expended for their warrant Carranza does laugh—some­ minutes East 60 feet along said West
own agricultural development. This where in the midst of those whiskers. line; thence East to the Northwest
corner of Block 16 of A. A. Miller’s
bargain ought to be treated as a wel­
Our fear of foreign invasion is Addition aforesaid; thence North to
come opportunity, and eventually it
is regarded in a majority of the states. greatly modified by the coviction that the place of beginning.
The private property to be appro­
But not in equal degree, since Illinois, within fort,--eight hours of the en­
Yankee ingenuity priated is all that included within
with $149,000, is lower in the list than emy's landing,
Georgia, and not much ahead of the would have invented a dozen contrap­ said boundaries, the same consisting
of portion of Lots 1,2 and 3 of Block
$135,000 of South Carolina. There is tions to demolish the foe.
Part of the perennial mirth of 46, Thayer’s Addition aforesaid, and
all. the
flexibility that could be
asked in the spending of the money America is derived from amateur de­ the tract laying East of said Lot 3
bounded on the West by ti e Fast
by each state. New York allows half scriptions of weddings.
of its allotment for county agents,
Kansas is a state of such high line of said lot and on the North,
the rest going into home demonstra­ spirits that good crops are almost as South and East by the North. South
and East boundaries of the tract to
tion, movable schools, boys' clubs, much of an inspiration as religion.
be appropriated, being a tract 60 feet
dairying, horticulture, fighting plant
North and South by 53.3 feet East
diseases, farm management, and pub­
and West.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
Dated this November 25th, 1915-
with LOCAL
A state that looks over the list and cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Ca-
John Aschim,
finds itself nearer the bottom can of­ ; tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease.
City Recorder of Till­
fer nothing better than the excuse and in order to cure ityou must take in-
amook City, Oregon.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is
that it was not awake to the situation. ; ternal
taken internally, and acts directly upon
—Globe Democrat.
I the blood and muccous surfaces. Hall's
Cleveland’s water department needs
I Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It
in order to mm
was prescribed by one of the l»est phy­ a $500,000 bond issue tn
_ J _ 'T'l.
~4*c> s Att»»
It may be recalled that even the
.... sicians in this country for years and is the • interest on •* its t. bonds.
original bloodhounds of history didn’t the best tonics known, combined wifi the point where it won’t be overtaking
catch Eliza. Their record for utility best blood purifiers, acting directly on the the fourth city.
i mucous surfaces. The ¡»effect combina
is consistent.
An editorial in the Toledo Blade
tion of the two ingredients is what pro-
Almost anything will pose for cof­ ; Cuces
such wonderful results in curing says that the argument in favor of the
fee in these days. A Minnesota man Fatarrh Send for testimonials, free.
Ben Davis apple is that it will keep
J CHENEY At CO., Props. Teledo, O.
recently drank muriatic acid, thinking 1 F. Sold
till the cows come home. Admitted.
by Druggists, price 75c.
it coffee.
| Take Hall's Family Pills for conpstipation. Keep it from the cows.
i ?
Display windows are full of military
Christmas toys; this is well nigh
cruelty to the pacificists.
Gen. Coxy may sympathize yet, in­
stead of ridicule, when the Ford
crusaders are told to keep off the
in everything;
There's good
four of the newspaper boys are en­
abled to take a trip to Europe, thanks
G to Mr. Ford's generosity; and there’s
no denying he is generous.
So long as there is work to be done
at Panama, Gen. Goethals will have a
finger in the pie. says an editor; and
at present it looks like a mud pie.
W hen Col Watterson shakes his
walking stick at the Hohenzollerns
he ought not to include our beloved
Prince Henry. What a Kaiser he
would have made!
“Winter has this advantage,” says
the Chicago News; “It brings nothing
to swat or muzzle.” It brings some­
muzzle—if we only could:
S . thing
» ” 11 «K to um
We have Two Tons
NUTS for Sale for the Holidays.
No. 1 Soft Shell Walnuts,
Paper Shell Almonds,
Shell Bark Hickory Nuts,
Brazil Nuts,
Missouri Black Nalnuts,
Imported Chestnuts.
Plain Mixed,
Grocers’ Mixed,
Crystal Mixed,
I.X.L. Chocolates,
Broken Mixed,
Ribbon Mixed.
French Mixed. .
Beauty Mixed.
Schraff’s Chocolates in Fancy Boxes at the
R^emember we sell Retail and Wholesale.