TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 16, 1915. 1 / port of our enormous export trade I But it has been the fortune of Pres- I No Prospect of Ec°nomy. | /and the activity of our factories as an idem Hilson to be able to write oil ----- o— ’■ the ei-L'. -_j. has l again ■ | I other things than tariits, hookworms hookworms, I V I evidence that fickle jade The submission of estimates by the T, „ ~ O I taken up her permanent residence "in politics, ar.d pellagra; and his mes- I various 1. departments of the Federal [ <1 6 e,n Uommercial Club has 45 I our midst.” They say that Europe is sages have vied in interest with the I G ■ oveminent encourages no hope of i°C arnon8 **s members and I ¡,orrow ing money from this country most thrilling of our best sellers. His ■‘return to that simplicity qnd econ­ s lould be able to get through the as nevvr before and that our railroad latest communication to the country 1 omy which benefits the Democratic winter without any serious illness, es I yar(js ail(j docks are congested with is a momentous message which, coin- ’ government," which the Baltimore pecially with the help of^ to druggists ^ooljs for foreign shipment such as milting tile L nited States to a policy | platform pledged. Every department How many of f these professional r ’ men I was never before seen. But they are of preparedness, gives notice to the can the McMinnville club boast oi ?— I very careful to avoid a suggestion world that while we shall refrain | wants more money than was appro­ priated for 1916, although after the News Reporter. that all this is only temoprary and from giving oftense to any peacefill- , deficiency appropriations made neces- - -o----- wholly dependent upon the European minded nation, we shall be able to de­ I sary by the tailure of the last Con­ A man may be rich financially and war. They fail to mention that when fend ourselves against all predatory gress to pass fifteen of the great sup- a hobo by nature; a girl may be the war ceases this so-called prosper­ peoples. 1 ply bills arc voted, the expenditure* I homely and be the reigning queen 01 ity will cease and leave nothing be­ On the subject of the war that the for the year 1915 and 1916 will exceed her set both at the same time; a fel­ hind it and they fail to recognize the Keiser has carried to America, the .my in the history of the government,- low may be a polished and refined fact that the railroads and other President speaks in clear and unmis­ being $177,ocx),ocx) more than those of failure in the business world, or rich great corporate activities are neither takable language, which is worthy the last Republican Congress wtiose I and influential with a bad reputation. borrowing money or extending their the earnest attention of all native "profigate waste of money wrung , But a good steady job, high minded operations, by either building new­ Americans and the deep study of from the people by oppressive taxa- | companions after business hours, and lines or improving their present prop­ those naturalized citizens who meas­ tion” was denounced by the Balti- 1 a pretty sweetheart ‘who is never erties.—Rural Spirit. ure their loyalty to this country with more platform and by every Demo­ frivolous, rarely fail to develop the a hyphen. On this, the President crat of low or high degree through­ best in man.—Seaside Signal. About the cussedest and crustiest says: out the United States in the campaign ------ u ------ w - I cuss that the Rev. G. H. Bennett, and 1 am sorry to say that the gravest of 1912. The estimate for 1917 exceeds Whatever may be said of Ford’s I a good many others ever saw, was threats against our national peace1 that of any year except ¡86;. peace party trip ,it is an unparalleled I that particular one that preceeded a and safety have been uttered within 3 he statement that the increase “is venture. Regardless of failure or sue-1 recent funeral on the road to the our own borders There are citizens 1 almost wholly due to the adininistra- | cess, the results of the expedition I cemetery. T here was more than one ot the United States, 1 blush to admit, whether triumphant, grave or gay will I who wished that the man in the light born under other flags but welcomed ■ tion plans for military prepardness” n. The net military increase be watched with keen interest. This I spring buggy ahead was consigned to under our generous naturalization is not true. a . ____________ is but $26,000,000 and ... the net naval mission of Ford’s to the battle-torn a hole in tne ground, but that did not laws to the full freedom and oppor- increase Li but $70,000,000. i .. _______ This con­ nations of Europe is the most talked take him from the road to allow the tunity of America, who have poured stitutes only $96.000,000 of the $170,- of topic among Americans. Publicists, saddened procession to pass. The the poison of disloyalty into the very ( n | 600,000 increase over the extravagant ru statesmen, editors and ministers have trouble was that the man ahead kept arteries of National life; who have ! ;‘PProl>r>atiun for 1916. Furthermore, Delicacies for the holiday feasts abound in our in ni given their views on Ford’s extraor­ in the center of the road and ambled sought to bring the authority and the ‘1‘* estimates for some purposes are dinary mission, but have said but lit­ along at an unusually easy speed. It grocery section the many things that combine good name of our government into ! too low. The postal estimated for tle upon it. Some have said Ford is a is the opinion of those who tried in to make the festal cheer arc displayed for you to 1 contempt, to destroy our industries * 1917 is $1,000,000 less than expendi- "millionaire fool" others have claimed vain to get the man to allow the fu­ however they thought it effective for . tures for 1916, as reported by the it was a gigantic advertising scheme. neral procession to pass that he was their vindictive purpose to strike at 1 1 reasury Department. But then tí choose from. —News Reporter. somewhat jealous of the automobiles them, and to debase our policies to postmaster gem ral’s estimate is Our dry goods anil notion departments are r tí that made the mourners’ carriages. the uses of foreign intrigue. Their ways several millions below the tí replete with values for the Xmas shopper, Your Here is a trio of statements by Rab­ Honking of horns and personal pleas number is not great as compared with propriation and there is usually an tí interestswill be will taken care of in this, Til la- •d bi Wise made in a recent speech in w ere of no avail, the road hog refused the whole number of those sturdy ddilional deficiency to l>e cared for. Portland, which shows that the Qua­ to budge and the entire procession fi­ hosts by which our nation has been I he legislative estimate is but little K monk's only complet® department store. kers and Jews are about of one mind: nally had to pasS round his spring enriched in recent generations out of over half that for last year. The few­ tí “The way to insure for war is to pre­ wagon. The woman behind him must virile foreign stocks; but it is great decreases are more than balanced by k r A FEW SUGGESTIONS— pare for it—and we will have it. If have thought a deal of her compan­ enough to have brought deep disgrace increases everywhere else. The Sixty­ k President Wilson had made his war ion for his actions. If there isn’t a law upon us and to have made it neces­ fourth will beyond question be known s 0§ speech two years ago he would have against hogging the road there should sary that we should promptly make as the most expensive Congress in B SLIPPERS : tí been declared crazy. We have one be, say those who suffered from one use of processes of law by which we the history of the government. For Men and Women. “ Comfy” an tl ¡tí hundred years of peace with Canada person’s obstinacy, and there should may be purged of their corrupt dis- 'tí “ Siesta.” because we have had no war vessels also be a law against men with so lit­ tempers. America never witnessed Conquered Distances. |tí on the Great Lakes, no fortifications, tle principle as to hold up a funeral anything like this before, It never le1 HANDKERCHIEFS : no thoughts of war. We have no war procession.—Polk County Observer. dreamed it possible that men sworn Caliornia is justly proud of the ex- into its own citizenship, with the Latin-American countries .... men ___ drawn posiuou mat lias tun us com Se tí An Ideal Gift Article. Reasonably Priced out of great free stocks such as sup­ ihruugn inc most 01 me year, and K and will never have another so long A Duchess Who is Queen. Here. plied some of the best and strongest now passes into History as one 01 me tí as we do not arrange for it.”—Tele­ elements of that little, but how heroic notable successes oi tts kind. It was tí phone Register. Duchess Skylark Ormsby is only a LACES AND RIBBONS : nation that in high day of old staked profitable in many ways, Cue box ui- tí ------ o------ cow, but amongst cows she is.a queen If you feel grouchy and out of sorts because she is the best butter-produc­ its very life to free itself from every lice test included. A lew of the 49crs ■K We have a good assortment for the Holi­ rd and the world seems warped and er in the world. In a test recently entanglement that had darkened the are still alive, contemporaries oi some day Trade. twisted from all viewpoints, look in concluded at Minnesota Agricultural fortunes of the older nations and set hundreds ot surviving soldiers of the the glass. Your own reflection will College, Duchess Skylark Ormsby up new standard here—that men of war with Mexico. 1 nese venerable LADIES ’ GOODS : set you thinking and wondering if produced 27,761.07 pounds of milk in such origins and such free choices of citizens remember the rush to Lail- , allegiance would ever turn in malign perhaps it is not you instead of the 365 consecutive days. This was nearly fornia following the discovery of gold Boudoir Caps, Aprons and Dainty Linger­ world that is warped. When some­ fourteen tons, or twenty-three times reaction against the Government and in 1848, and the difficulties in reach­ ies and Undergarments. people who had welcomed and nur ­ thing goes wrong and you feel like her own weight. The butter fat con­ ing the alluring laud 01 treasure in cussing or kicking the cat there is tained in the milk weighed 1205.09 tured themand seek to make this those days. A journey by ship around MEN’S SUPPLIES: proud country once more a hotbed of Cape Horn took six months, one nothing quite so efficacious as look­ pounds, average percentage of 4.32. European passion. across the plains was more hazardous ing in a glass. You see yourself as you Shoes, Hats, Caps and Raincoats, Gift Good butter, which is about 85 per A little while ago such a thing and might be longer. A route was are and not as perhaps you think you cent butter fat, is worth, say, 35 cents Suspenders and Holiday Neckwear. are. All of your hard lines and your a pound. Duchess Skylark Ormsby would have seemed incredible. Be­ opened through a jungle road at the ill humor are reflected by the faith­ then produced about $500 worth in a cause it was incredible w-e made no Panama Isthmus, and at length a FOR THE BO Y OR GIRL : ful glass and the moment a fleeting year. Besides this she gave her own­ preperation for it. We would have stage line was organized that made a ' been almost ashamed to prepare for hundred miles a day. A pony express ' smile begins to creep over your face er a calf, gallons and gallons of skim A splendid Line of Toys and Presents the glass will magnify it and glorify milk, buttermilk and other by-prod­ it, as if we were suspicious of our­ helped with the mails, but it was not and Infants’ Goods. selves, our own comrades and neigh ­ until the first overland tailroad was it until in time you will be smiling ucts the value of which must have from the pure joy of living—Look in been considerable. What a boon such bors! But the ugly and incredible completed, in 1809, that the journey I thing has actually come about, and we was cut down to the modern length. 1 the glass.—Ione Journal. a cow to any of the many widows are without adequate Federal laws to A visitor to the lair who could per-' who live in the house down the lane! deal with it. I urge you to enact such sonally recall the early days lnaivel- Window cards . in Hillsboro this The retiring ixillll butter queen was ,------ , 1 ne reining «UK . Fin- ... laws at the earliest possible moment, ed most at tne annihilation ot dis­ week announce that a Roseburg gen-' dcrnv prillv johanne Rue, whose but- I ------- —- - and feel that in doing so I am urging tances during the last iorty years. tieman will address taxpayers of the ter record was less by 28.62 pounds j you t0 (|0 nothing less than save the It require/! national courage to cause of high taxation, "Extrava­ 1 than that of the Duchess, but whose ]lonor an(j self-respect of the Nation. acquire me vast area covered by the gance, Waste, Graft." Now, The In­ milk production was 642 pounds dependent respectfully submits that more. The Duchess gave a little less Such creatures of passion, disloyalty, Louisiana Purchase, and later, to add when a gentleman living some hun­ milk, but it was richer, and as a re­ and anarchy must be crushed out. Caliiorma to our domain, making it dreds of miles away and who only sult she gave more butter. That is the They are not many, but they are in­ iiiieroceanic in the most expansive finitely malignant, and the hand of visits the county once a year when standard by which cows are estimated our power should hover over them at sense ot the word. Where the gold hunter oi me 50s crossed the isthmus his profession demands, by inference by good dairymen. once. They have formed plots to des­ on a mule, dreading the deadly fevers •f declared that the county is in the ' I The record is interesting because it troy property, they have entered into of the region before he could span the hands of grafters, he is to say the ' represents an effort of science to con­ conspiracies against the neutrality of fifty miles, is now the Panama Canal, I Masonic Bld. Both Phones. Free Deliveries. least, going some. Discussion of tribute to the world’s peace and plen­ the government, thev have sought to for which the people oi tlie United ex- ’ whether or not there is waste or ty. The butter queen was not an ac­ nry into every confidential transac­ btates have paid $350,000,000, with travagance is ligitimate, even if the ' cident. She is an achievement, and it tion of the Government in order to nobody to grumble al or regret the speaker is not in a position to know is difficult to estimate the increasing serve interests alien to our own. It is cost. 1 he tar-sighted genius of the whereof he speaks, but when a man efficiency of cows as they shall be re­ possible to deal with these things American people ordained the canal. even hints at graft he should be in a produced from her kind. Because but­ very effectvallv. I need not suggest It is their way to rejluce distance and seen thereon at the present time. It is This campaign will attempt to show position to baric up his statement ter is so universally a commodity, so the terms in which they may be dealt save time in transit wherever it can planned to have this not a spasmodic that this is not necessary. In rural with conclusive facts.—Hillsboro common that it is conspicuous only with.”—The Spectator. be done. In the lityday of its placer aflair and a follow-up campaign will communities where ice cannot be ob­ tained, with a very little expenditure when it is lacking from the table, we Independent. mines California product'll $65,000,000 immediately e nsue. The popular belief that infant mor­ of money, an abundant supply of are apt that behind the vast produc­ gold in one year. Now mining is a good water can, and this can be used The Open D°or. Coos County can do no better thing tion yearly there is a story of en­ side feature in the state, but the coun­ tality is greater in our cities than in in cooling a storeroom or a refriger­ ----- o------ try docs not suffer for fresh gold, of the rural communities is not true, ator almost as satisfactorily as ice. for the people at this time than to deavor which has run through the We say it again, and with emphasis which our share now is $100,000,000 rather it is just the opposite. Save for select a competent road builder to ages. the crowded home* of a very few '1 he roads can be oiled to keep down Duchess Skylark Ormsby is a Hol- the doors of America are open to annually. _________________ take charge of road maintenance and large cities, the city baby has a better the storms of dust, lawns can be kept foreign commerce, and when the war stein-Friesian, owned by John B. Ir ­ construction. There should be no chance of living than docs the rural fresh and green just as well as in the of industry in is over and the wheels Child Welfare. win, of Minneapolis. Dairymen may question about the ability of appli­ one. The reasons are very manifest. city and the removal of refuse and the ------ o------ cants and in the choosing, personal observe with profit that she was not Europe are again turning to their full Pirst and probably most important is building of the house a sufficient dis­ capacity of production, there will be The United States Department of freshened until she was past five preference should never be entertain­ nothing to prevent the United States Labor through its Children's Bureau, the cheapness and case with which ice tance from the barn will in like man­ years old. She had ordinary foods, ed. All applicants being equal, we can be procured; our improved strert ner preclude flies. These are but a from becoming the dumping ground urge the appointment of an out-of but she had them regularly. Unlike for the goods of the great nations at is going to attempt throughout the preclude storm of dust, and a better few of the lessons baby week will at­ United States the celebration of Mrs. Howie ’ s soulful kine, she prob ­ Coos County man, for we believe bet­ milk supply can be obtained, while in tempt to teach. No movement has war, unless the vicious tariff system ter results will be had from an appli­ ably did not have lace curtains and now in force is repealed and protec­ “Baby Week” and set aside March 4 the rural communities icc is more dif­ ever been launched has been filled to March 11 to be known as “ Baby cant who comes to the county free­ music to benefit her temperament, but tion restored. It is not necessary to with greater possibilities and the Week" says the Oregon State Board ficult to procure, dust is everywhere, boards of health of every city and handed and with no preferences re­ Alex Hansen, who cared for her dur­ an open door that all imports be put bathing facilities are usually lacking of Health. This is not to be a baby garding the improvement of any par­ ing the test, probably did not try to upon the free list. The present admin- show where babies are brought to and diarrhoea and enterites, the mur­ state in the Union should lend their ticular locality. There are many good break her back with a hickory stool istratioi has gone far in that respect some cold storage room to be striped derers of children, have greater way. earnest co-operation. men in the state who can be had and as many a modern farm boy has done and doubtless would go further were naked and viewed by a committee if the commissioners are satisfied to some generous milk giver in a mo­ it not for the requirements of revenue consisting of old maids and childless but there still remains a respectable divorcees, but a sane, sensible effort that a really competent man cannot ment of impatience—Oregonian. number of products upon which du­ will be made to instruct the whole be hired for $1,800 a year, then we say they will be fully justified in pay­ Loyalty Measured With a Hyphen. ties are payable. The moment, how­ people as to the possibilities of prop­ ever, that the tariff rates are lowered ing as much more as the applicant de­ Among the habits which the older below the point of protection they er child hygiene. Beginning Sunday, mands. But remember, the people are March 4, they will ask that sermons going to demand results and that is generation has broken itself of and cease to be a barrier on a check to dealing especially with the topic be which the new has not contracted is importations, and become, to the con ­ the only side which will be aired delivered in all the churches of the whether he meets with failure or suc­ that of reading the President s mes­ trary an invitation to the outlander United States. Far too frequently the sage Successive years of national re­ to come in and welcome. That is the biblical text "Suffer little children to cess.—Coos Bay Harbor. pose agitated more serious effect and the purpose of the I nder- come unto me for of such is the agiidicM by uj nothing ...... .. ---- than our quadrennial conflicts at the wood tariff act, and the fact that we kingdom of heaven” is preached at Certain politicians, for personal and the polls, have giving to the «»«II»* are now reaping all the evil conse­ the funeral of the child whose life party ends, are preaching that the quences of that measure is due to the O. financial nnanciai depression is .3 1 past ‘ , dignified avoid- temporary suppression of the manu­ was needlessly sacrificed to insani­ period of and that prosperity, with a big P, is ! warmly praised and sedulously tary condi ions, and with our present facturing industries of Europe. ** • - us. — • • the •’ re- ed. When the war it over and the ac­ know ledge of the cause of infant mor­ already with They point to cidental protection from foreign man­ tality, we now know that "God’» will” ufacturers that the conflict ha» given has too often been simply an excuse us ceases to exist, the competition for man’s carelessness Public meet-1 for American be — active and ings will be attempted in all of the ¡tail trade a»«-«»« will ------- - The purchasing power ot citie», addreises, papers, lectures, 1 the^markeL" o(E«rope w ilf be great­ slides, exhibitions, etc , giving infor­ fortify yourself d. ......... America, bulging with mation not only as to the cause of ly decreased ‘ ; world’» oyster, not untimely deaths but giving what is I against disaster by taking out a fire gold, will be the ■ened with a Pistoltan »word, more important, literature and educa­ insurance policy with us. The the for it already open. The salesmen tional material for attaining longer proverbial bag of go d is yours « of Germany r and France, and of every and better lives. The most potent < the countries that have factor in education at the present I -r,oxr^EM;uMSPAY: other one of «,....- ----- .‘.i seas in time, the press, will be asked to print ioooe>o©oo*5ec'&ooo©<>!>!>o^z»3c<>50oQn Flower." «he community that ha» too frequent­ Democrat ly been aimed at the poster dealing with tuberculosis, and which are sure Hush little barroom, to be a relief to the esthetic whose Don't you cry! J »1 utnal Phone. s.-nscs are continually offended by , I You’ll be a drug »tore „ ,.c WRITE US. jorat of the glaring advertisement» By and by. NS Make This Your CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR’S Shopping Mecca. Supply Your Wants for Table or Tree from our Varied Stock CLEAN, NEW MERCHANDISE. Christmas Candies & Nuts, H. MASON & CO ALEX. MeNfllR & CO. GENERAL HARDCUARE Kitchen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN the ; county . See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. FIRE I FIRE ! ! FIRE ! ! ! I YAMHILL MILLING COMPANY, I ROLLIE W. “ The Insurance Man PHONE vs . CALL OX TjUAM00K, ORE. T odd hotel building , Flour, Grain and Feed. ’ E. T. ULLMANN, Manager, I Commercial Building, Tillamook, Oregon. c