TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 16, 1915. ■I withhold privilege must be one upheld by force, instead of resting, as this I one is supposed to do so, on the solid I foundation of mutual helpfulness and I good will, "with equal rights for all, special privileges to none.” If wom­ an’s position in family, school and church is recognized as of first im­ portance to the welfare of the com­ munity at large, which nobody denies why is she denied equal power in the conduct of the government? Her au­ thority in family, school and church is nut indirect, but decidedly direct. She therein represents herself. When it comes to state she must step back .■nd let her male relatives represent (?) her. Why’___________ Maryland, j in Mississippi, I in Ne­ braska, 156 in Oklahoma, I in Oregon 16 in Pennsylvania and 59 in Texas. An Optimist If You Want a lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Postmaster General Burleson states A man who that these automobiles will improve FARMERS’ AND HOME-MAKERS’ WEEK the farmer’s mail and express facili­ ' owns a and RURAL LIFE CONFERENCES ties. He says time schedules are bet­ January 3 to 8, 1916 Fish Braol ter and weather doesn't affect auto­ You can get it of Me. mobiles so much, and that an auto­ Live Information, Practical Help (or the Home the Farm, the Community. Reflex mobile can do fifty to sixty miles a I I am going to Close Out half my regular of Oregon s Greatest IndnMries day regular schedule. He is going to ' Conventions Conferences on Oregon*» Most Vital Problems Slicker pay these automobile carriers $1800 a stock ot Watches. The Sale will last 20 days. DEMONSTRATIONS— year and make them supply their own IKCTURH* EXHIBITIONS KN TKK TAlNMKNTS $3.00 cars and uniforms, and will adopt a thousand people attended last year It is a regular style of automobile and uni­ Two great place to make friend«» with live Old Prob thinkers and live thoi ghis gtaxi form. Carriers on wagon routes get . sny:. rain. worker*, and good woik. only $iaoo. There is a carrier in Kan­ P c A t / tw / sas using an automobile on a thirty WINTER SHORT COURSE Prices Away Down. absomMf mile route who has been getting $1200 January 10 to February 4, 1916 -X Pretoctor Het, 75 cer-ti Bird Slaughter Costs Bill°n a Year. and who is going to get $1800, and he A Practical Agricultural Course in a Nut Shell. We Grind Stones to Order right here says the raise will more than meet Applied Science .n Actual Work of the Farm aud House livid Destruction of birds, according to a his expenses, even w hen a good many in Tillamook. SuAs/uchon Guarcr.te-! miles have been added to his route. statement made last week by Col. G. Courses in FRUIT RAISING, FARM CROPS, Send for calatoli SOILS STOCK RAISIN« ’ . DAIRY WORK, O. Shields, president of the League of A. J. TOWER CO. POULTRY raisin ;, g ARDK-NING. cook - American Sportsmen, costs the Unit­ BOSTON IN«;. SEW ING H'H SKHOLD ARI’S, HOME Latest Anthrax Epidemic. NURSING BU-INK S METH« DS, ROAD ed States a billion dollars a year, a-*.» ------------------------------------------ BUILDING fa f M ENGINEERING. RURAL i "Cotton growers,” he said, “lose $ioo- ORGANIZATIONS marketing . “Anthrax is more or less common 000,000 a year by the boll weevil. Correspond« nee Courses Without Tuition. in human beings, said Dr. z.Uoipr. Why? Because the quails, the prairie Expert Instil ct on m Music. K- I ecd tiuhoad rates. chickens, the meadow larks and other ttichhorn, duel of the division of pathology, bureau of animal inuuttry, birds, which were formerly there in F01 program wiit«* to The College Exchange, Oregon "in i e Agricultural Co leg«. Corraias. 12 1 to 1-1) If I FAIL to CURE i«v CANCER «TUMOR i t™«t millions have been swept away by lacpartmcnt ot Agucuituie. south particularly it is extremely < before It POISONS tluds er attsetes te BONE thoughtless men and boys.” the neg- The chinch bug costs wheat grow­ common, especially among Without Knife or Paia ers another $100,000,000, he said, and roes, ft is a disease which, , onginat- No PAY Until CURED) O.I.C. ing in cattle, sneep, horses or hogs, fly $200,000,000. WRITTEN GUARANTEE Bill, there is nothing the matter with the "It Hessian is transmitted in various ways to I have some choice young pigs for No X Kay or other . . a-wnrs takes more than 24,000 chinch /J < *111^1 a »J the old simp except rusty joints and bugs to weigh an ounce and nearly humans. Original infection is follow­ sale, both sexes, the kind th t swindle. An Island ■. ure weakness ot mind. If he had kept him­ 50,000 Hessian flies to weigh the ed by characteristic manifestations TUMOR. LUMP self on the move he would have been of the disease within two to seven matures very young. One of my herd SORE on 1» Mother the gobler we sent to sister all right even now. Somebody has same,"he continued. “A quail killed days. The indications are fever, grad­ boars weighed 620 lbs. at eighteen or body long la Sue for her thanksgiving dinner told him that rheumatism is most by an expert in Ohio had in its crop ual weakening, pronounced swellings 1 months old. My hogs have won rib­ cancer ; it never »thto didn’t lose his head, she told me prevalent in November and he mag­ 1200 chinch bugs; another killed in especially of the neck and throat and bons at county and state fairs. 120 -PAGE BOON sent }I FREE, 10.000 testl- ■ 71 when 1 saw her in town today. You ines he has it at that time. He has a Kansas wheat field had 2000 Hes­ then death by asphixiation. uioulalfc Writs U Phone or write for prices. remember we sent him in a rather rested too long, is about all in, and sian flics. “ This division has been working Col. Schields added that potato for several months in the effort to tight box. Well, it was delivered can’t last much longer. There we JOE DONALDSON, w'nile the family were at dinner. \\ e have an object lesson lor both of us. growers pay $17,000,000 a year for I perfect a serum for the treatment of R. F. D. 1, Tillamook. spraying poisons, and remarked that hadn’t sent word that we would send anthax and only recently the work a quail slain in Pennsylvania had 27 One woman in every 7 aiesof cancer—U.S. raport it, but 1 think they were anticipating Cousin Clara, when I was in the potato bugs in its crop. He said that . progressed to a point where it was We refuse many who wait too long & must die such a present, as we often contribute city last week, visiting Aunt Malinda, j felt advisable to make public announ- Poor cured at half price if cancer la yeMmall something to their holiday feasts. she told a funny story to me which 1 Mrs. Margaret M. Nice of the faculty; cement. A serum has been in use for Dr. & Mrs. Dr. CHAMLEY & CO. of the Massachuestts State University I Well, believing that the box contain­ am sure you will appreciate, because many years in Europe, but it has "Strictly R.II.M., Grsstsst Csncr Spclrilat ll»lne” 4340 I 436E Valencia St, San Frandaco, Cal ed a turkey, the hired girl had the ex­ of the slowness of your widower after long study, estimated that quail been more of an antitoxin or prevcn- KINOLY MAIL THIS tsuasaaa.» CANCXR pressman take it into the kitchen. beau who seems to be unable to get destroys 75,000 bugs and 6,000,000 tive. The serum we are using is both preventative and curative. It is pre- After a few minutes there was a lively his own consent to propose to you, weed seeds annually. pared by injecting into a sound and commotion in the box and an investi­ although he has apparently been your Motor Mail Routes. healthy horse small doses of the an­ gation followed. The lid was pried devoted admirer several years. How­ thrax bacilli, that have been weak­ off and the head of the gobler popped ever, as there is no baby in the family out. Of course, they were delighted to butt in between you and your • Motorization of the rural free de- I ened, but not killed, by subjecting with what they had hoped for, but prospective finance and shoo himaway livery system in the United States them to high temperatures. Such how to kill it was a difficult problem, from you, we will continue to watch, has been started with more than 250 doses the administered four times at as no one was hard-hearted enough wait and hope that he will make good automobile routes established be­ intervals of several days, then the to take its. life. However, it was taken to you some time during the present tween July 1 and October 15, and 250 horse is given minute quantities of .... active ...... ..... ..... The .... and virulent bacilli. Sidney E. Benders >n, Ires., out in the yard and there attempts century. Malinda’s story is that “a others are to be put into operation the were made to behead it, but each one pompous, middle-aged, rich widower, by December , is the announcement I dose is gradually increased until the Sit rveyor. failed. Will took a hatchet and aimed who was courting a middle aged wid­ of the Post Office Department. Bet- animal is able to withstand immense John I eland Henderson, Sec­ ter service for less money to the 1 doses, and then our serum is pre ­ it at the long neck of the gobler as it ow just across the street from her public and better positions financially retary Treas., Attoiney-at- from the horse's blood. protruded upward a foot or so from house was so humiliated recently and otherwise for the carriers, are pared "A peculiarity of anthrax is the fact | I.aw, Nottary Public. between the slats of the box, but the when he visited her home that he the reasons upon which the depart­ that the spores of the bacilli are able blow fell far from its mark, because called off the courtship, and, as far as ment based the motored mail route to survive in full virulence for twenty Tillamook Title and Will closed his eyes and turned his this particular woman is concerned, policy. to twenty-five years. They are, in head away when he struck. Then the has made up his mindto remain sin­ Abstract co. The routes to be in operation by fact, the most persistent end resis­ hired girl tried the hatchet, but the gle. . A baby 1 year old was the direct December I, will be; Fourteen in Ala­ tant of all bacilli.” Lv.v, A ’ntrieLs, R ■ il Estate, turkey ducked down into the coop cause of his humiliation but the wid­ bama, 4 in Arkansas, 29 in California, All persons handling hides, horse DONE RIGHT just in time to avoid the thrust. Then ow's daughter and son-in-law were 3 in Colorado, 20 in Deleware, 22 in hair, wool, goat hair and goat skins Surveying, Insurance. she remembered having seen her aunt the indirect causes. The baby is the fthe District of Columbia, 22 in Flor­ should give immediate attention to at Huth I’lior.es kill one by wringing its neck. She widow’s grandchild. The widower has ida, 127 in Georgia, 3 in Illinois 14 even the slightest skin abrasion ; TITt.AMO.IK - • OREGON. tried it but couldn’t get the death been courting the grandmother for in Indiana, 40 in Iowa, 3 in Kansas, 3 through which they might become af- RIGHT prices twist. The third attempt also failed, nearly five years without “popping” in Kentucky, I in Louisiana, 3 in fected. »QOGGO0QOGOQ&GQCOC0COGCC4 as the obliging grocer’s boy was not the question. The widow's daughter Strong enough to hold the turkey knew this and she told her husband. and wield the hatchet at the same The latter remembered that it had time. That ended the design on the never occurred to the widower to gobler’s life, and, at Sister Sue’s sug­ take a little toy or somtehing to the gestion, they decided unanimously to baby, so the baby's mother and father get the grocer to put it in shape for at great trouble, taught the baby to Christmas. That evening the grocer speak a little piece. The baby called UPHOLSTERY— Deepened and of the finest, POWER—Increased to FORTY horse power; sent his boy after the turkey, and the every woman he saw “Mamma” and boy took it out of the box to carry it, spoke of all men as “Dada.” Using hand-buffed, semi-glazed leather purchas­ MOTOR—Increased from 3& x 5 to 3%-inch but the turkey was too strong for him, the baby’s ability, the father and able; got away and came back to his old mother started a course of education bore x 5-inch stroke; home. This morning when 1 went out that worked well. To "Mama” they to feed the cows I found our 1 hanks­ added the word “beau” and repeated REAR AXLE Safety - insuring F U L L- WHEELBASE- Increased from 108 to 112 ins. giving present to Sister Sue pre A&j«nHer . • • «50 Land&uKoadatar, 3-paaa. . . 1189 week old have to get out this cane to er made in connection with votes for help me move about. The pain grows men- it could not be made with a S'< Cylinder Modelt with the moon, so that at its full I am straight face by anybody familiar Touring Car, 7*paBacnger . • S1O5O PoAduter, 3-paMt ngrr • . . 1000 unable to leave home; as the moon with the workings of elections. Now Landau-RoadaUr 3-paaa. , . 1350 wanes the pain gradually subsides, let us analyze the proposition and gel Coup«», 4 passenger .... 1550 Urnousine, passenger . . . 2250 and the latter part of the month finds at its true inwardness If voting is a F. O. B. Detroit me in pretty good shape, but the mere privilege, by whom n is givem trouble will not be all over until about If there exists some persons who the 8th of December. No, the legs have a right to sort out according to doesn’t swell, but it gets as hot as their own notions the classes who Detroit, Mich. pepper and makes me feel as if my shall have a vote, why arc the voters South Bend,Ind. Walkerville,Ont clothing were on fire. One day an old chosen by sex instead of by fitness, —AfTlhSiV-J codger told me of what he claimed so that no man can be too ignorant Fl would prove a sure remedy. Here is or too dull to possess the Pr,v’lf®e: the receipt, just as I wrote it down, and no woman can be mtelhgent and he said, vehemently. Then he took patriotic enough to acquire it If he out his memorandum book and read: vote is a privilege, who, ,‘hin’,h“ “Two large onions, three tablesful of right to confer that privilege. Where turnentine; chop the onions fine, mix do they get the right to decide who with the turpentine, spread on a piece shall Tote, and who shall not vote t* QUICK Or» of red flannel; dip flannel into hot If the rulers are the people, and the vinegar and apply on going to bed. government consists merely of 'h ir “And to think I was donkey enough appointed agents, one can understand •Q try it is what gets me! I kept it uhence the government derives i »found my knee until I thought it was authority But if the drawing the marrow’ from the bones, of its own inherent authority, and it was on, 1 judge, not more than independent of the people. »» .“ an hour. I took the stuff off and spent do to be able to confer a certain pnvi the rest of the night in agony. I have lege on part of the people and to re always been a peace-loving man, but ] believe if I could have had that man *n the room with me that night there w’ould have been a case for the coro­ -»1 ner’s jury. I hope to live long enough s trouble nryi never to find out why my trouhie comes except in November.” Well, GOOD WATCH CHEAP All Kinds of Nice Jewelry. A. H. HARRIS, I Jeweler & Optician I Located in Tillamook Drug Store. I WILL GIVE $1000 Uncle Silas Says. i Any LUMPio WOMAN’S BREAST Have Your House Wiring Done by Cost power* Co. . Dollar for Dollar. What car ¿ives as much? 4O horse power 7 passenger four »885 GEO. WILLIAMS, Tillamook, Ore STUDEBAKER « 1