Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 09, 1915, Image 8

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p I
A Full and Complete
Line of
Pyrolin Ivory,
Stationery, Perfumes
Xmas Tree Ornaments
We make our guarantee good
en plenty of food and fresh air under
direction of a competent physician
Tuberculosis dispensaries give free
advice and treatment to those unable
to pay a physician.
Avoid patent
medicines and advertised cures. They
do not cure andare always dangerous.
If nothing more you will be losing
valuable time anil giving the contest­
ant for your precious life a probable
winning advantage. '1 here is no dan­
ger from association with a careful
consumptive whodestfoys his sputum
properly and is always cleanly in xab-
Tuberculosis may be prevented by­
teaching the consumptive to destroy
his sputum without fail. Be teaching
people not to sleep, live or work in
dark or badly ventilated rooms. By
teaching the consumptive how not to
infect his family, friends or neighbors
By discovering the disease in its
early stages and curing the patient,
thus removing a source of infection
to others. By educating the commun­
ity as to the nature of the disease—
that it is communicable, preventable
and curable. By educating people to
keep their bodies in such physical
condition as to enable them to resist
the germs. By advocating fresh air,
out-door life, no overwork, whole­
some food, and temperate hapits.
I am appealing to' you today to use
your wisdom in the excellent issue
of knowledge, for the preservation of
your own lives and the lives of others
as a positive defence against the
deadly onslaught of the enemy of
human life, tuberculosis. It is the war
that pays—it brings prosperity. En­
list in the campaign by preaching
Red Cross Christmas Seals. Buy them
and use them as an expression of
J your appreciation of the sacredness of
1 life. Buy many of them, one cent each
for this is the method adopted nat­
ionally for winning the victory. Every
seal is a bullet in the fight against
tuberculosis. It helps protect your
country, your neighbor, your family
and yourself from the disease and
its cost. These seals will be sold by
the ladies of the local Civic Improve­
ment Club at different stations in
some of the stores and the post office
until Christmas day. Have a definite
part in the beautiful philanthropy of
"peace on earth, good will to man.”
preventable and curable disease. Let
. these terms burn into your minds so
Interesting Lecture Defivered in Till­ that they will never be forgotten as
1 you value life and shall be obliged to
amook by Rev. J. E. Youel
| wrestle with its foes. Tuberculosis
------ o------
| kills -'00,000 persons each year in the
Before three audiences last Tuesday i United States—I every 3 minutes. It
afternoon, Rev. J. E. Youel, of the kills one-tenth to one-seventh of all
Presbyterian Church, delivered an in­ our people. It kills one-third of all
teresting lecture on welfare work. In I who die between the ages of 18 and
the afternoon he spoke before the I 45. It costs in dollars aud cents over
high school and received interested ^500,000,000 a year in loss of life and
attention. Directly after he addressed labor to the United States. Not less
the Presbyterian Ladies’ Guild on the than 1,000,000, it is estimated in the
same subject and in the evening he
United States are now suffering from
presented his lecture before the 1. O. it.
O. F. lodge. The lecture in full is as
Tuberculosis is a disease process
caused by the growth in the body of
Solomon, King of the Jews, has the tubercle bacillus
or germ. The
said, “Wisdom is a defence, even as
germ is a vegetable parasite, discov-
money is a defence; but the excel­ ered by Dr. Robert Koch, of Berlin,
lency of knowledge is, that wisdom in i 88 j . The daily expectoration of a
preserve-til the life of him that hath
consumptive may contain millions of
it.” We gain knowledge for the pur­ germs. I he germ growing in the
pose of enabling us to defend our
body destroys tissue and produces
fives, a possession which was dearly poisons or toxins which cause the
value and labor and fight to sustain well known symptoms of the disease.
ami perpetuate. This quality is sure as I he commonest form of tuberculosis
an instinct in all animal life, beast as is tuberculosis of the lungs, or con­
well as human. Each individual will sumption, but it may occur in any
wor kand fight,if necessary, to protect part of the body, especially in the
the life it possesses, and together as bones and joints of children, and as
mates or singly, there is cunning and scrofula.
well directed skillful effort put forth
There are certain
for the sustenance and protection of causes, as, in the person, weakened
the lives and safety of their offspring. physical condition, lack of proper
Every form of life seems to have its food, alcoholism, grippe, colds, pneu­
foe. 1'he question is not alone a bib­ monia, mcasels, typhoid, plurisy, etc.
lical one, but arises in th« thought of In the environ, such predisposing
us all, “What is your Life?” We can­ causes as bad living and working con­
not answer just what it is. Finite man ditions—especially impure air, dark­
sometimes finds himself powerless to ness, dirt and dust. Respecting ¡in­
produce or retain it in the world. A mediate causes, 1 am authorized
skillful physician remarked to me one say to you, that tuberculosis is
time, as he knew that
41 faithful quired, not inherited. One may ac-
fight he had made for holding life in herit predisposing causes, as a weak
a stricken body wa
was a losing one,
constitution and susceptible physical
“Life is a strange thing, isn't it?” conditions with not enough exuber-
Life is a mystery.
and vitality and force to throw off
It is not for us
concerned deadly disease germs. There can be
so much with what
as it is to no tuberculosis without the germ.
use ous wisdom in
erving and 1 h<' commonest method of infection
making the most of the lives we have. is by inhalation. Dried germs ‘from
These lines from an unknown author spitunes of consumptives float in the
are to the point:
air and are breathed into the lungs.
"'Lis not for man to trifle: life is brief Hence the necessity of destroying all
And sin is here.
sputum, and of special precautions in
Our age is but the falling of a leaf,
coughing and sneezing. Tuberculosis
A dropping tear.
may also be acquired by ingestion, i.
We have no time to sport away the e., by swallowing the germs with in­
fected milk and food,and more rarely
All must be earnest in a world like by inoculation through cuts and I
wounds.. Commonest early symptoms I
"Not many lives, but only one have are, persistent cough and cold lasting
a month or longer, loss of weight
One, only one.
1 and appetite, run down feeling, after-
How sacred should that one life ever noon temper ature, , night
„ - ______
sweats, , spit-
1 ting of blood or streaks of blood in
Day after day filled up with blessed sputuin. I hese symptoms should lead
| anyone to consult a reliable physician
Hour after hour still bring in new at once, and should be considered as
criminal negligence if such council is
A good office of wiMlome is to re­ ' not sought. I bis is justly a day when
cognize the fact of life, and to profit "Safety First" is not only a popular
by the discoveries of science through motto for post cards but a sane
the application of the law sand councel warning to all, knowing that not only
given us. Yes life has its enemies, the one life is imperiled but many
t here are things that kill it. 1 iciti ral­ others as well because of the foolish
ly diseases. One of the deadlier; end neglect of one or two careless ignor­
tar reaching foes of lil.'e in this gener­ ant, unalarmed or timid sufferers.
ation is tuberculosis, or consumption,
Prevalence of tuberculosis in fam­
which has been aptly called the great ilies and among children does not
Aim ricin White Plague. One of the piovc that the disease is inherited,
sanest piovemcnts of today is that of but that there is or has been a parent,
the National Association tor the study or other person, who has or has had
ami prevention of tuberculosis. Sub­ consumption, and that the fact that
sidiary to this organization there is Others develop it is due to direct in­
fection from one person or another.
the Oregon Association tor the pre
vention of tuberculosis, the director­ W e observe then the danger from
ship of which consists of many rec­ playing in infected floors, and using
ognized prominent physicians-and in­ i infected utensils, clothes, etc. The
telligent laymen, of various occupa­ child has an inherent right to life,
tions in our states. What 1 shall say health amj^ rosperity.
Essentials in the cure of tuberculos­
here along the line of specific facts,
figures and advice, will be upon this is are fresh air, light, cleanliness, rest
authority, which they have issued in and wholesome food. Early discovery
circular form for use in a general ed­ of disease is necessary fbr cure. The
ucational campaign, the names of best method of cure is sanatorium
I treatment. The disease may be treat-
which I can furnish if desired.
Tuberculosis is a communicable, I ed at hdme, if the patient can be giv-
against disaster by taking out a fire
insurance policy with us. Then the
proverbial bag of gold is yours if
your house is food for flames. Do you
realize that the PREMIUMS PAY-
insure bis household furniture for
several years for a few dollars—about
enough to buy a pair of shoes. It’s a
crime then not to be insured.
“ The Insurance Man »
There has been a report circulated
that prices at the Gem Theater have
been raised to 15c. for adults on all
shows. Ibis is absolutely false. We
have only raised our prices on Thurs­
day night programs, which we are
compelled to do, as our service for
that evening is of the late
consequently, it costs more, and we
must make the small raise in price.
All other programs the same old price
ioc. and 5c., unless otherwise billed
and advertised.
Yours Respectfully,
L. E.Partridge.
Presbyterian Church N°tes.
------ o-
"Human Welfare: Science, Sanity,
and Good Health” will be the subject
of the pastor’s sermon at 11 next Sun­
day. This will be the first of several
studies dealing with human interest
problems in the light of reason, reve­
lation and religion,, which will be de­
livered at intervals during the year.
A five minute talk on “What About
Tuberculosis" will precede the even­
ing sermon, which will be on the sub­
ject "How May 1 Become a Chris-
tain?” Sunday school at 11, and young
peoples meeting at 6:30 furnish op­
portunity for study and action for all
ages. Last Sunday was a day of good
attendance and interest in all the ser­
vices. The Ladies' Guild enjoyed their
banner attendance day Tuesday after­
noon, when over eighty ladies were
present. The refreshment committee
served a <?eligbtful lunch, cafeteria
style. All who are at liberty to attend
are earnestly invited to have a per­
sonal interest by being present at one
or all of the services of next Sunday.
Strangers especially welcome.
Circuit Court Proceedings.
Circuit Judge G. R. Bagley com­
menced a special term pf the circuit
court on Monday, taking up several
cases that were left over and what
criminal cases District Attorney T.
H. Goyne had to try. The grand jury
was called to consider several cases.
The grand jury was in sessionthis
week, and on Tuesday returned the
following indictments:
Coats Driving and Boom Co. vs.
Alma S. Johnson. Continued.
Tillamook County, on the relation
of James Langley vs. M. M.Mead et
al. This case went to trial and was not
finished as we went to press.
Tillamook County, on the relation
of Sandberg-Logos Co. Action for
money. Verdict for defendant,
Carl Possetti vs. Southern Pacific
Co. Action for money. Non-suit by
Lehman and Clough Co. vs. Alice
Carr and H. E. Carr. Action for mon­
eyjudgment and decree.
Samuel l.cback et al vs. Allan H.
W ilson et al. Foreclosure. Confirmed.
C. E. White and U. S. Lawver vs.
R A. Henrv. Foreclosure. Dismissed.
John Weber vs. A. F. Coats Lum­
ber Co. and Coats Driving & Boom
Co. Injunction. Dismissed.
Andrew Peterson vs. ""
M B Shafer
and Sarah E. Shafer. Foreclosure..
Judgment and decree.
Ida Hadley vs. Ed. Hadley sr„
Lizzie Hadley and Ed. Hadley jr.
Augusta Wallan vs. T. J. Wallan.
Divorce. Default.
David Curtis, et al, vs. Tillamook
City. To quiet title. Leave to file
amended complaint.
Carl Dennis, f(>r forgery. He plead­
ed guilty Jpdge Bagley sentenced the
prisoner to an indeterminate santence
of two to twenty years in the State
Cliff Nicholson and Ed. Omar, for
burglary. They pleaded not guilty
and their case was set for trial on
W . J Stephens for allowing a min­
or in his saloon. He pleaded guilty
and was fined $50.00.
English have ceased tot protes
against Zeppelin raids, possibly be­
WRITE US. cause thev are so indignant that they
are voiceless.
Only 12 Shopping Days to Xmas
.mi .
- r-----
IStartYour Xmas^
List with
“ Nemo Wonderlift” Corsets I
A^OU can simplify your
entire gift giving pro­
blem by giving
Phoenix Silk Hosiery
—Every recipient will appre­
ciate and enjoy the wonderful
luxuriousuess of your gift
long after the day on which
it was received.
— Phoenix Silk Stockings for
women have won their way
to fame because of the splen­
did quality, soft and Elastic
weave and perfect colors that
are always to be found in
every pair.
—We show Phoenix Stock­
ings in colors of Navy Blue,
Field Mouse, Portland Grey
and Russian Green as well
tis in plain Black and White
tit prices per pair
Specially Designed Models,
Combining Nemo Hygienic
Features with ultra-modish lines.
— ” Nemo Wonderlift” Corsets are designed for ill
figures so that however difficult it has been hithertoto
secure a comfortable model you are assured of a perfect
fitting Corset in this much talked of style. These Wcn-
derlift Corsets give a new kind ot physical comfort never
before possible.
—The information that this particular kind of Corset
reduces a large abdomen both quickly and permanently
will be welcomed by many women who have hitherto
not been securing just the kind of Corset they felt was
Give Him
A Pair of
House Slippers
—For his leisure hours, he
certainly would appreciate a
pair of these gift House Slip­
—There’s a complete line to
choose from in both regular
and Romeo styles and in felts
in colors of Black and Grey
and vici kid in i.ice shade of
Tan. All sizes per pair
—The “Wonderlift” hailed by thousands of physicians as a per­
fect adoininal support is steadily gaining the approval of
American Women who need such a model. The Semi Elastic
Wonderlift Bandiet Uplifts, supports and holds in place the
vital internal organs. It prevents, relieves and often'cures the
.ills peculiar to •women It is instantly adjustable to any figure.
Also it is a superior style Corset, giving the military shape and
poise and the lines required by present models.
There are three different modes : —
No. 554 For Short Full Figures )
No. 555 For Taller Full Figures '•
‘ .
No. 556 For Slender to Medium ) x «LIT.
Self Reducing Models.
—The world famous Self Reducing Idea is now developed into
such a variety of models that every stout figure can be cor
rectly corseted. Following are a few of the numbers carried
in stock : —
- a
No. 322 Nor Me ilium Short Figures
No. 356 Auto-Massage Model, Low Bust' dj-Jv
No. 3/5 Duplex Model. Low Bust
1 Pair
No. 341 Invisible Model. Low Bust
Special Showing.
Silk Waists
For Practical
Xmas. Gifts.
Received by express to­
day a shipment of the
loveliest Silk Waists in
plain colors of the most
pleasing and becoming
shades. See south win­
dow. Prices
$2.00 to $4.00.
¿Model 403, $4.00 Per Pair.
—This popular model is for stout figures of medium height,
has medium bust and hick, med um skirt ; and is furnished
with Nemo Relief Straps that take up, support and reduce a
large abdomen
—We should esteen it a pleasure to give you a practical demon-
stration of the mi.iy desirable feature! built into each of the
f iregoing 111 »dels even though you do not purchase at the ‘.i no.
Y >1 w’ll eve itu 1'ly w -ar oit oi ¡these m»d:lss»y»u miy.-u
well become acquainted with these particular n i n'oers now
When may we expect you?
Japanese Art Ware,
Indian Blankets,
Small Rugs.
Handsome and Acceptable Gifts
For Home and Home Loving Friends.
--The tendency in Gift Giving is decidedly towards those
of a saner character than has in past years obtained.
— If you would present sane acceptable and appreciated
gifts investigate these suggestions.
Japanese Art Ware.
—Genuine Japanese hand made Jardinieres,Flower Bas­
kets, Fruit Baskets, Sandwich anti Cake Servers, etc.,
in beautiful Brown colored cane weaves.
—Handsome gifts and gifts that because of their
strength and durability will be appreciated after years
anti years of persistent use. Prices from
Welcome Gifts for
Milady’s Boudoir
or House Wear.
45c. to $3. 75.
Indian Robes and Blankets.
— Genuine Oregon Mills Wool “Navajo” Blankets in
“Totem Pole,” ” Let er' Buck” anti other Indian color­
ings as well as a selection of Indian Colored throws in
inexpensive weaves. Prices from
$2.50 to $9.35.
Small Rufa.
AVIiat more useful gift for the home than one of these at­
tractive small Rugs of Tapestry, Velvet or Deltox Grass?
There are several colorings to choose from anti sizes 27
54 to 27 x (K) at prices from
98 c. to $2.98.
Useful Gifts
For the Home or for Young
friends commencing House Keeping.
—One can always depend upon one's gift being acceptable and
appreciated if it fills a want or use in the Home.
With this thought in mind this list was prepared with a view
to helping you to choose just the right kind of gifts for your
Home loving friends and acquaintances.
Sale of
Embroidered Pillow Cases and Shams.
—Fine tpialitv weaves of White Pillow Shams and Cases Em­
broidered in White. Pale Blue or Pink
—Just the daintiest things you could imagine and eminently
desirable for use in the guest chamber.
Reg. 5Oc. Cases note 39c. Reg. 69c. Cares now 57c.
Reg. 65c. Cases now 53c. Reg. SSc. Shams now 75c.
The Famous Woolnap Blankets.
— A thoughtful gift—and a useful a pair of handsome Woolnap
______ r
Blankets: Blankets any home may be proud of having —We
show genuine Woolnap Blankets in plain white with colored
Borders, plain grey with colored Borders and plaids in colors,
pale Blue, Pink and Tan—and the prices are per pair from
$2,00 to $5.00.
Table Linens
-Are always acceptable.
—Your gift will be doubly welcome if it takes the form of table
Linens—When glancing over the many other sensible gift sug­
gestions take a look at these sets of Table Cloths and Napkins
to match—There are various designs in beautiful gift qualities
at prices from
$10.00 to $14.50.
—Two of the styles shown in
our selection of Gift Slippers
for women are here pictured.
---These comfy and dainty
Slippers are shown with flexi­
ble soles, and tops in felt or
Suede. Included in the selec­
tion there are Fur trimmings,
pompoms, and ribbon trim­
mings. The color selections
include self colors of Wine,
Pale Blue, Brown, Black.
Orchid, mixed green and com­
bination colors of grey with
red, lavender, or blue; wine
and white, black and laven­
der, brown and grey, red and
white, and blue and white
— Every pair will give the
recipient many hours com­
fortable wear and will help
to remind in a practical man­
ner the thoughtfulness of
one of could choose such a
sensible gift. Prices per pair