TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 9, 1915. * ttli 01 be tht íhi 3-5’ uel un .ics crei It tht NOTICE. 1 p.gtra help in tax collecting. «50.00 I i -- Tillamook County Fair Board. Your Help is Needed. are some of the best breddairy bulls Roy Blanchard .......... 500 . 0 I Records, Supplies and Ex- 225.00 Dennis & Jenck......... in the Northwest. Notic is hereby given, that on penses .................................. I he Tillamook County Fair Board 15.00 Many talks have been given on ueo. Bean ..................... Thursdy, the 30th day of December, Miscellaneous . .................. 1 he 1 illamc-ok Civic League are 100.00 i held a meeting Saturday at the 500 1)15, * *0:30 o’clock A. M. at it I --------------- I court house, and elected officers for aiding the nation-wide war against feeding and personal aid to several Peter Newberg .......... 57.05 Total .....................................$4,267.32 . the coming »ear. I uc cot t House, in 1 iliamook Coun- i- / tuberculosis. They can succeed only farmers in liguriug ont balanced ra­ D. W. Gilbeii & Sons 15.00 Treasurer’s Office. I ly, Urepn, a puoiic hearing w ilt _ be s ’ j The new member, Erwin Harrison, with your help. Everywhere in the tions. In several instances the rations W. K. Uould ............... 1.00 Treasurer’s Salary ................ $t,ooo.oo I was elected secretary, and J. H. Dun­ L nited States the little red cross figured out resulted in a saving from Fred Murphy ............... bad at 'inch tne taxpayers will 46.00 195 00. stan was re-elected president. Mat­ seals are on sale for a few weeks be­ one to three cents per day per head j. M Baker ................. beard 11 iavor or against any pro­ Supplies and Expenses........ over the rations which were being posed tat levies as snown by the lol- I ters pertaining to the 1916 Fair were fore Christmas. Nine-tenths of every Total ........................................ $653.93 Jowmg <|umale by the County Louit, Total . ...... $1,195.00 discussed and J. H. Dunstan was di­ cent one spends for the seal goes to fed. Mis. Road Fund D. Fruit Inspection: As fruit inspec­ 1 0; imajipok County, Oregon. , , Assessors Office. rected to proceed at once to assemble aid citizens of our own state in their tor, several shippers of diseased Iruit King & Smith Co........................ 4«3O° I tsiimJe of the amount of money Assessors Salary ... $1,200.00 data for the 1916 premium list. fight against the dread disease. «.«5 1 proposedto be raised by taxation tor Depuly Salary .... 900.00 For many years tuberculosis was have been warned to send no more Plasker Bros................................. T he Board desires to state that the' 14-75 ute ensuhg year tor Tillamook Louu- ’ One ’ Field L 11 Deputy, four Mo. 300.00 itemized statement of estimates cov believed to be incurable. Now we such fruit to the county. One very Alex McNair Co.................... .-. badly diseased shipment of pears was v Special help Extending taxes 165.00 ering the $1000.00 in the Countv kr.ow it to be both curable and pre ty, , Uregyn. $41890 destroyed and the shipper made to Total ................................. Figuris assembled by the County | Records, Supplies and Ex­ Budget for County Fair is on file in ventable. I he deaths due to it have Sour Grass Road. penses ... 550.00 the County Clerk’s office and reads already been reduced one half but stand the loss. The result is a better Court 4ow that it will require the grade of fruit shipped into the coun­ F. E. Hobson ....................... $407.39 nmi ot$32O,O98.72 to defray the ex- as follows: ty as the growers have found out that Pacific Face Brick Co.......... 31 19 Total ................................. $3,115.00 Premiums jcnsesoi liltamook County, Oregon $300.00 1 illatnook is no longer a dumping C. F. Shortridge ................... 875 Surveyor’s Office. lur the year 191O, and tor tne object Salary, manager, $3 per day . 400.00 ground for their culls. 3.989.1o Til. Bay Con. Co .................... ;ad pg pose 01 county improvement, Surveyor’s Salary, $5.00 per Salary Secretary, $15 per mo. 1 80.06 9.00 To summarize; 965 farm visits have Ira C. Smith ......................... day, estimated ..................... $1,000.00 Traveling expenses members he luzntenance ot county buildings, 5 00 been made, 650 business letters writ­ C.P Morse ............................. ■rads,bridges and for the salaries ot Deputy’s Salary, $5.00 per of the board .............. 130.00 150 ten, 521 office callers received, 687 Jas Sorenson ........ ................ day, estimated ..................... 750.00 -unlyotticers and employes, and for 2.50 telephone calls, 83 farmer's meetings Clarence Yach ....................... Chainman and Axman, est.. 500.00 ‘ier urposes, as follows, to-wii: ................................. $ moo 00 10.88 addressed with a total attendance of Barthold Barge Co................ Road Purposes. Office supplies ....................... 250.00 Other funds needed will be -upnlicd 77 50 1.807, 30 schools addressed reaching R. L. Shreve ......................... For district No. 1. by admissions, etc., at Fair. ibout 700 pupils, 8 issues of the ex­ ¡thFork Nehalem Road, Total ................................. $2,500.00 $4,342.80 change sheet published besides many Total .............................. ystSide ................................. ; $4,000.00 County Court. ¡ews paper articles, and 11,395 miles General Fund. THE CITY ELECTION. County Judge’s Salary ........... $1,200.00 jtlrFork Nehalem Road 51.50 Kes side................................. 1,000.00 County Commissioners Salary raveled on official duties by team, A. L. Steininger ............... 150.UO .uto and train. J. E. Reedy ............................. $5.00 per day estimated ... 2,000.00 Caucus Nominees Elected and Stan jul.lv alley road ................. 600.00 A. E. Ball ............................... Roy C. Jones. Expenses and Supplies .... 300.00 9-5» j» ednp lciing McKimens dard Oil Franchises Carry. 100.00 H. Crenshaw ......................... County Agriculturist. MN .................... 1,000.00 4.00 Burroughs Adding Meh. Co. Total . ....... $3,500.00 250.00 jtoel road ............................. . The city election passed off qt, The J. K. Gill Co................... 3*5 County School Superintendent. jbeecr-Brighton road .... 5,000.00 Bills Allowed By County Court. 229.97 Superintendent’s Salary .... $1,000.00 on Monday, with only a mode: ate one out of every R. L. Shreve ........................... deaths arc nth Fork Nehalem road 6.80 C. A. Dunn ............................. 1,500.00 Deputy’s Salary............ ’......... 600.00 vote cast, 358 persons going to the still charged to tuberculosis. So why jus! of main road ............ Road District No. 1. 2.00 Anderson Bros ..................... 200.00 polls. All the caucus nominees were not seal your Christmas packages and an-Foley road ................. 7,000.00 1 raveling Expenses ............ 15.90 I 72.00 R. L. Shreve ......................... Office supplies and expenses 300.00 elected as were also the two franchis­ letters with these cherry seals ami E. A. W orthington .............. gibjldi- Wheeler road, 9.00 es to give the Standard Oil Company have the joy of knowing that with ueo. Hartzell ........................... 18.75 M. E. Gruber ......................... Surfacing and maintenance 5.00 11.85 Kink & Smith ......................... Total .......................... .. $2,100.00 permission to locate an oil distribut­ the reme.nberance for the friend goes tamer y Wagner ....................... «th Fork Nehalem bridge 4.20 ing station in the city. Some opposi­ the greater possibility of health to a K. B. Kennedy ....................... 28.75 Berns Bros ........................... Court House. w r oley ................... •••.•■■• 2,000.00 ered Zaddach ......................... 50.00 Mrs. P. E. Jewell ................. 30.00 Janitor’s Salary .............. $660.00 tion developed to the franchise at the fellow citizen. ¡building and surfacing _narley Ba so tn ....................... 25.00 12.50 Peter Erickson ..................... The s-.als will bé on sale all of Sat 45O.OO last moment, but it cut very lit tie fi ;- botth ¿nd of Cone road . 4,000.00 Wood .................................. A. Worthington ................. 150.00 6.95 A. W. Hess ........................... Lights and Water.......... 360.OO ure. It was contended that if one of uiday the nth and Saturday the 18th, jjil protection from Miami 25.00 66.75 G. W. Burgess ..................... 3OO.OO the oil tanks should explode and tale also on the afternoon of Wednesday u. Reed ............................... »... river, Miami-Foley road., 2,000.00 Telephone .......................... 25.00 5250 Ed Worthington ................... County Jail Expense, ... 25O.OO tire and run into the slough it would the 15th. You will find them at ». E. Rittenhouse ................. jor joint road, Tillamook 18.80 jeopordise the water front properly Haltom’s, B. D. Lamar’s, various .»Ib«rt Miller ........................... 29 35 J. W. Thompson ................... Repairs and Supplies ... 98O.OO 1,500.00 h <1 Yamhill ....................... 18.10 and local industries. This is where grocery stores (watch for the red. Ernest Kebbe ......................... •95 J. W. Thompson ................... fee «hanging and surfacing 10.00 T'illamqok Feed Co................ 18.40 cross) or at the P. O. about mail >ert Comstock ....................... the most opposition developed. Total ................................ $3,000.00 5,000.00 road at Bar View ............... s.. E. Easotn ........................... 10.00 S. M. Wendt ......................... 52.50 time. ____ l'he election resulted as follows: Circuit Court. I’ibon river road ................. 1,000.00 Jurors, Witnesses, A in. Barker .............................. 24.00 Mayor—S. A. Brodhead. 1.25 T. H. Goyne ........................... Bailiffs for lock crushing plant, 6.50 625 L. S. Hushbeck ..................... Agricultural Extension Work in A. D. Loinmen ....................... Treasurer—M. \\ . Harrison. and Expenses ................ $3,000.00 Tillamook-Yamhill road C. A. Easum ........................... 7-50 Mrs. D. Martiny ................... 3 25 Councilmen. Tillamook County. Justice Court. 500.00 A. S. T ilden .............................. 22.05 l-j estimate .......................... 5.00 E. W. Stanley " ' et al First Ward—Dave O’Donnell. Justice & Constable fees, Jur­ 8.60 Je» Bridge, Foley Creek Ed. Brauncsurether ............... 8.25 E. W. Stanley ci al Second Ward—G. R. Edmunds. ors, witnesses and supplies $1,000.00 In reviewing the work in Tillamook Dan Davidson ......................... 8.50 5.00 E. W. Stanley et al etimated ........................ .... 1,000.00 Third Ward—R. T. Boals. County Coroner County, it is well to tirst giance at tin. K. E. Myers ............................. Jnigc repairs and planking 10 00 E. W. Stanley et al «55 Fourth Ward—W. J. Hill. Coroner fees and inquests ... $250.00 agricultural conditions as they exist. 8.20 A. L. McLarty ....................... 2.50 E. W. Stanley Ct al ior bridges ........................... 2,000.00 Fifth Ward—H. A. Williams. ------ o----- 1 he area of the county Is approxl- 12.40 ■lock crushing machinery .. 4000.00 Juvenile Court Expenses .... 2.50 E. w. Stanley et al Water Commissioner foi fifth mately 270,000 acres of which onlj Wm. Chisolm ........................... 50.00 Keueral road repairs and 2.50 E. w. Stanley et al »V. T. Craine . ......................... .’2 35 Insane ........................................ 50.00 i ward—zYlbert W. Plank. I The Standard Oik Ordinances were 94.493 or 13.1 per cent is farming S. G. Reed ......... ».................... 5.00 J. C. Holden 27333 ■ emergency, culvert mater- Elections ................................ $3,500.00 of this farm lands. Only 32.2 per cent 2.25 1 eslie Barber ........................... 4,400.00 Printing .................................. $1,500.00 voted upon as follow s: I al .......... ............. ........... 437 J. C. Holden land is improved. This unimproved, Glass & Prudhomme Co. .. 39.65 ■lad supervisors, salary at First franchise—Yes, 202; No, 121. unproductive land constitutes one 01 ..liner Scovcll ......................... Care of County Poor .......... 2,750.00 H. Crenshaw ....................... 283.33 . I. Kuppenbender ................. ■ J4.00 per day estimated . . 1,000.00 Widow’s Pensions ...................$2,000.00 Majority, 81. the drawbacks of the farming situa­ 230.33 32.50 P. W. Todd ........................... Second franchise—Yes, 207; No, 118 tion. No cheap method of clearing Walter Morgan ..................... Health Officer ...................... A. Sheldon ................................ 15.00 W. S. Buel ............................. «3333 Total .................................... $49.950.00 Truant Officer ...................... Majority 89. this land and bringing it under culti­ isic Gould ................................ 11.25 B. L. Beals ........................... 8333 For Road District No. 2. The report that Mr. Williams was vation has ever been found. Some County Veterinarian .......... 17500 II.35 C. A. Johnson ....................... not a property owner and could not data on the cost of clearing land and Joe Miller .................................. [or Shiftman road ............... $ 500.00 County Fire Warden .......... 117.10 «7-50 A. M. Hare ............................. 500.00 Expert farm advisory work qualify grew out of the fact that no the most desirable methods has been John Paquet .............................. [or Doughty road ................. M. Springer ....................... 13.12 F. L. Owens ......................... 99.65 transfer of property had been record­ gathered. pom Dawson Hill North Scaler of Weights and meas­ 103.70 500 Geo. R. McKitnens ............... C. W. Ross .............................. 500.00 ed. He had, however, paid taxes on to Base Line ........................ ures ........................................ Six hundred and twenty of the six R. E. Myers .............................. 6.00 375 Claude Lewallen ........ ,.. . . real property, but had failed to have hundred and fifty-one farms of the Brom Riverdale up Kilchis County Fair ............................ l,c 12.00 3 75 M. E. Gruber ......................... 200.00 Stock Indemnity .................. the deed filed, which was done after county can be classified as strictly Ed Best ...................................... [River ...................................... < 55-00 Geo. Benson ........................... 3125 T. E. Epplett ......................... the caucus meeting. « 300.00 Auditing county records ... For Krake road ..................... » dairy farms. Our main problems, then John Langley ................... 1540 35-62 T. E. Epplett ......................... iFrom Jenkins bridge to One Ford car, for Surveyor’s are related to the breeding and feed­ W. D. Shafer ........................... 3948 7 50 Pacific Tel and Tel Co. . . . [Freeberg’s......................... ■■■ 1,000.00 ing ot livestock. In the year and eight office and County Court .. 4 H. W. Kline ............................. I POMONA GRANGE MEETING 33-75 7-50 Coast Power Co...................... months in which County Extension Arthur Palmer ....................... IFrom Grange Hall up Wil- Current Expenses ................ i 13.50 I ------ o------ 3- 75 Tillamook Headlight ........ 1,000.00 work has been in operation in the State Taxes (estimated) ... 52, c Hon river ........... ............ ,• • • • 12.50 5 00 Tillamook Hearld .............. v). A. White .............................. Recommends Appropriation of $15,000 county the following problems have District Attorney's office .. 2,< From Grange Hall up 1 rask 18.20 F. P. Hobson ........................... 44-35 Conover & Condit .............. for Bayocean R°ad. 1,500.00 been worked on: District Attorney’s Office. river ...................................... 5300 Anderson Bros........................... « 50 Dr. R T. Boals..................... A. Soil Needs: 1. A drainage dis ­ 500.00 $ 120.00 Office rent ............................ For Fish Hatchery road ... 6.40 Sam Me Vey ........................... 23790 Geo. W. Phelps ................... Tillamook County Pomona Grange trict has been organized and is being Sam McVey................................ 5OOO Telephone rent and supplies [From upper Trask River 300 Marie Kamm ....................... «795 met last Thursday with the Fairview put into operation, which, though it 700.00 For the enforcement of the 6.25 Bridge toChilders ............. 10.00 J. Anderson ............... .......... W. W. Gibbs et al ............... Prohibition Law ................ 1,830.00 Grange. In the forenoon twelve can- comprises about six hundred acres, Paul Dicks ................................ 20.00 From Long Prairie School 10.00 L. S. Hushbeck ..................... didates were initiated. ------------- will demonstrate to many the value of 2.50 House to Brick Yard .... 1,000.00 Feeney & Bremer ................... «7-45 City Transfer Co................... In the afternoon, after an hour of drainage. One public demonstration R. H. Cady Co. . ...................... Total ............................. $2,000.00 7.00 From Chas. Wells place 4- 75 P. W. ’Barrett ....................... f routine business, the Grange was ad- has been belli on this area. Aid has School Fund. 132.00 Southern Pacific Co................ South ...................................... 1,200.00 $40,000.00 dressed by Prof. Anna M. Turley, of been given in several smaller drain ­ 300.00 County School Fund .......... Total $3.430.33 20.00 For Bewley Creek Road .. B. L. Bailey .............................. 8400.00 O. A. C„ on Industrial Club work age problems. County High School fund. Ftom Michaud’s to Kum- 300.00 and by Prof. J. E. Larsen on soils 2. Aid has been given in developing 300.00 County Library Fund .... Total ................................. $¡,129.71 merli’s .................................... Don’t make a mountain out of a a local lime quarry and the price of 10000 and drainage. County Institute Fund .... _______ From Jas Tone’s down Road Dist. No. a. mole-hill; make a mole-hill out of a I " . . lecture ground lime stone reduced from $11 In the evening, after the 200.00 Trask River .......................... M. J. O’Donnell ................... $ -75 mountain; or let George do it—at $48,800.00 hour, the main item of business was to $4.50 per ton. Demonstrations G. E. Hart. . ............................ Total IFrom Wells place West on «7-50 Panama. the discussion of the county budget. showing the value of lime, especially 400.00 5.62 Dave Jones ............................. 1 old Netarts road ................. $320,098.72. The County Court was present, by on the preaiic soils, have been con­ E. Michel ................................ . Total 500 Those Republican victories in the From Stanley’s to Happy special invitation, and got a chance to ducted. ----- o ------ 1,000.00 I.25 East are the handwriting on the wall, Camp ...................................... 3. Pot tests, using the different A. Gubser ................................ County hear the discussions for and against Probable receipts of the 3-75 and by no means pleasant reading for Ftom Desmond place up various items and also to answer commercial fertilizers on our most Roy Mapes ........................... .63 the Democrats, ft was an absurd- Netarts Bay ........................ 1,000.00 other than direct taxation. questions concerning the budget. As unproductive soils, have also been Alvin Stasek ......................... Receipts from the County Democratis delusion that the war in S. Smith .................................. 200.00 1.25 For Chas. Wooley road .... Clerk's office (estimated). $4,500.00 the Pomona Grange includes all the carried out. 500 Europe was so engrossing Americans For completion of Squires 4. A soil survey of ths entire coun­ Ed. Stasek ............................. subordinate Granges in the county Receipts from delinquent .63 would not think straight 'lit on politic- politics road ........................................ 3,500.00 ty is now under way with the object Pete Jacobs .............................. The taxes ..................................... 3,000.00 and is, therefore, a very representa­ of mapping the main soil classes and Will Himes ....................... .. 1-------- 500 until peace had been restored. For shoulders on hard sur­ „ - school districts, tive body of the farming interests of Also the _______ following 9.00 war has not concealed the Tariff Alwin Bluin ........................... face Fairview and Hunt's the county the action taking at this obtaining the analysis of them so Alwin Blunt ........................... ports and cities have filed with the 2.50 tragedy. 80O.OO road ........................................ ------ o—— County Clerk andAssessor, the spec­ meeting ought to have considerable that we may know just what treat­ John Proctor .......................... 18.75 ment is best for them. Bayocean road ........................ 10,000.00 influence with the Court. One hunting contingency about Fred Blum ............................. ial levies. .75 B. Crop Needs: Several new crops For hard surface road South The first item to be discussed was . One Mill eliminating defectives is that from A ill Turner ............................ School .93 have been tried out, among which are from Hunt’s bridge ........... 22,300.00 .......... t Mill the appropriation for the county hair. «4-37 time to time the classes to be given School grass, Joe Mapes ................................ For joint road, Tillamook »x.o». j ............... 2 Mills. Motion was made to recommend to alfalfa, sweet clover, Sudan corn. Of N. J. Dye ................................ 51-25 demerit marks under the eugenic School 2,500.00 meadow fescue, rape and the County Court that the $1000 ap ­ Yamhill, 1-3 estimate ........ 9 27 laws will be made more comprehen­ School Dist No. 6. three and % Mills propriation for the County Fair be these crops, the first two have ; not Guy Almon ........................... . For rock crushing machinery Dist. No. 8 ............... 6 Mills. Frank Dye ................... .. 43 50 sive. Ultimate perfection in the hands School ; to the 700.00 struck from the budget. After discus­ been very successful owing t at Manhattan ........................ 3 75 of enthusiasts may be sought in too School Dist No. 9 ........... 3'A Mills. sion, the motion was lost by a large lack of lime in the soil and to the A. J. Woils .............................. For rock crushing plant 500 much of a hurry. Another reign of School Dist. No. 10................. ’»M,1, I abundance of weeds. T he two grasses Henry Nelson ....................... joint Tillamook Yamhill majority. 750 terror? Dist. No. it ............Mills. C. Dye ...................................... School er 0.00 Motion that the Grange recommend are promising especially the meadow Ed Hanenkratt ...................... road 1-3 estimate ............... 500 Dist. No. 12............. One Mi l. 1,200.00 School Dist. No. 14 ........ Tw0 M' ,s to the County Court that the appro­ ’ fescue, rape makes excellent growth L. C. Wilks ............................. (For bridge plank ................... 3-75 5OO.OO School Dist. No. 15 ............. 2 MJ s priation of $500 for County \ eterin- j and especially good hog pasture. Seed Will Wilks .............................. for repairs to machinery .. 1.25 School .corn of hardy varieties lias been ob­ ary be struck from the budget. After For repair work over entire Homer Wilks ......................... 1.25 School Di«t. No. 17 ............. 2 MdJ*- discussion, the motion was carried. tained from nearby Willamette Val­ A ' district .................................... 7,000.00 Holden ................................ «543 School ley points and a fc wfarmers were Motion that Grange recommend to For one Supervisor’s Salary 1093 THE NEWEST School Dist. No. 21 ............... -4 Mi s. • induced to try it the first season. The Ben Darby .............................. $4-00 per day estimated .. 1,000.00 School Dist. No. 24 ............ 2% Ml s. the County Court that the appro­ Guy Vaughn ........................... «437 , second season about twice as many priation of $¡500 for County Agricul ­ For hard surfacing road 2 SO D. B. Darby .....,........ School Disi No. 25 ............ 'A Mi s. turist Work be struck from the bud­ were anxious to try it with the result 10905 north to Wilson river Dist No. 26 .......... I'A M; «• 1 that on the sixth of November this A. F. Coats Lbr. Co.............. . 666 86 School get. After a healed discussion, an 7,000.00 M. J. O’Donnell ................... .’>»‘>8$ .................................... School Dist. No. 3' ..................3 'j! ’ amendment was proposed recom­ 1 year we had 25 entries at the first T. B. Potter Realty Co. ... 210.65 Thia la a recent discovery of Doctor >or deficiency on contracts Dist. No. 32.............. 2/z Mi Is. ¡Annual Tillamook County Corn Show School mending the reduction of the apP r «- 5,000.00 Pac. Tel and Tel Co............ 1.50 Pierce, who la head of the Invalida’ for 1915................................. School Dist. No. 34 .......... ¡A Mil - priation from $15°° «° *750. 1 he I and an attendance of about two hun­ W. B. Alderman ................... 60.00 Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, Dist. No. 35 .............. ’M'". dred at the show and institute. The 4 50 N. Y. Experimenta at Doctor Pierce’» Total .............................. $74.300.00 School Dist. No 37.................. 5 Mi s. amendment w-as lost by a very large champion ten ears and the champion L. A. Blanc ........................... School majority. The original motion was 25.50 Hospital for several years proved that Martin Blazer ..................... ........ 4-10 Mills. For Road District No. 3. | bushel of seed corn were produced in Dist. No. 39 • 2.40 there is no other eliminator of uric acid Nancy Wilson ....................... Gtren Timber road ............... $1,500.00 School Dist No. , y 40 _ ... 13-10 Min®. lost by a six to one majority. School Motion that the Grange recom­ a field that yielded fifteen tons of S. B. Vincent, receiver . . . 277 50 tiiat can be compared to it. For those 1' 42 Three and % Mills »nd Lake road ...................... 3,000.00 School Dist No. , ment to the County Court and to the silage to the acre. The »eed was ob­ Howard Cooper Corporatic 1. 118.61 easily recognised symptoms of inflam­ Hemlock to Cloverdale .... 1,000.00 Ño. 46 ............. 5 »1- * Dist. Agricultural College that Farmer tained by the Agriculturist through Amos Vaughn ............... ?... 4500 mation—as backache, scalding urine “lainc and East Creek road. 3,000.00 School Dist. School Jones be retained as County Agricul­ the Agriculturist of Marion county. M. E. Gruber....................... 27-75 and frequent urination, as well as sedi­ No. 48 ............ -J.Mills. “Hdge on Blaine road ......... 1,000.00 I The number of cilos in the county has ment in the urine, or if uric acid in the School Dist. turist. Carried unanimously. H'v° t0. en.d °f Tillamook blood has caused rheumatism, it is Dist. No. 49 • • The itemized road budget was then doubled the past year and bids fair to School Total ...................................... $1.817.68 6,000.00 I Yarnhill joint road ........... simply wonderful how surely "Anuric” read by the Commissioner from each double again in the next year. Seed School Dist. No. 50 •• .... 7% Road Di1t.N0. 3. j and 'A r°ad, Tillamook-Yam- ~ district and that of districts one and of improved varieties and thousand W. Roenicke ........................... 281 sets. The best of results are always School Dist. No. 5 i One ..‘»II. 1-3 estimate.................. ... 3 three was approved as read by the headed kale has been introduced. W. A. High ............................ 60 obtained in cases of acute rheumatism School Dist No. 54 . 2'/i , 'orth side of river from in the joints, in gravel and gout, and Dist. No. 56 Grange When district No. 2 was Considerable work has been done to­ J. B Gdham ........................... School 2 75 invariably the pains and stiffness which ... 2 Cloverdale to Woods .... 4,000.00 ward the control of plant diseases taken up motion was made to School Dist. No. 58 Will Hudson ......................... 11.25 so frequently »nd persistently accom­ ... 3 /«om Cloverdale to junction mend to the County Court that the 1 and insect pests, especially oat smut, U. S. Edwards ....................... School Dist. No. 50 «9 50 pany trie disease rapidly disappear. ... 6 tof Woods road .................... 8,000.00 School Dist. No. 60 appropriation for the Bayocean road potato scab and blight, cut worms, Lester Edwards ..................... 875 Go to your nearest drug store and 2,500.00 or Pacific City road......... ... 5 be cut from $10,000 to $2.000 A ter cabbage maggots ect. Much more can G. W. Ramsey ................... .. . 10 00 »imply ask for a 60-cent package ot School Dist. No. 61 font junction of roads to High School. No. « 4-«o much discussion the motion was lost be done in this line another year. Wm Webb .............................. .. 2 50 Union •Anuric, ” inarufactured by Dr. Pierce, C. Livestock Needs: One new cow Neskowin .............................. 2,000.00 Port of Tillamook . ■ .... 2 by a large majority. It developed dur­ 25.00 or »end 10 cento to Dr. Ilerce for a Fritz Drebert ......................... Testing Association has been organ ­ . . 3% | Meda and Little Nes- ing the discussion of this motion hat Port of Bay City • • • • R. Lystcr ................................ 3-75 large trial package. If you »uipec* 5,000.00 Port of Nehalem . • 1 Ju«a road ............................ 4 3-1° the Bayocean people had offered to ized and the work of the old asso­ Ulyssis Edwards ................... 25.00 kidney or bladder trouble, send him a ciation fostered An attempt made, to I ti'?"to Sandlake .. .14 500.00 Tillamook City ......... give sufficient bonds for the comple­ H. J. Tphl ........................... 1950 sample of your water and describe Creek road ..................... 2,000.00 City of Bay Citi tion of the road if the County Court reorganize the Nestucca Association 2 . SO symptoms. Doctor Pierce’s chemist for its second vears work failed and would appropriate $15,000 toward i s I T„cni5b'nl? plant, joint «25 will examino it, then Dr. Pierce will P. Newberg.............................. Town of Ìeh’1fn’(lav of Decembe the 1 proposed Nehalem Association L J'nantook-Yamhill road completion. Motion was made that Dick Rutger « 25 report to you, without fee or ebarge. Dated the 8th day 01 500.00 Grange recommend to the County did not materialize. It is hoped that John lmtah ......................... I. «■$ estimate .......................... N ot «: — French »clentisto affirm that . 23.75 organize both these sections will «9*5- » q Holden. I .culverts, repairs on Court that the appropriation for the Ralph Wel.h .......................... 4.3.5 "Anuric” is thirty-seven times more I County Clerk. next year. I R? ocean road b< mcreasrd from " r«,11 e * and machinery .. . 1,50000 2 17 active than lithia in eliminating ur o The lersey and Holstein breeder» F J Welsh ........................... $10000 to $15.000 provid'd «8« ,Bav' 2 SO acid, and is a harmless but iwliabto ■ f Super» isor’s salary, breeders John Fleck .............................. $10,000 io - ,, _ ree to finish have been organized into r,iJX0,per day. estimated .. iSS, TILLAMOOK SB0rLJT A£T 1435 chemical compound that may be safely ocean PrnpV bonds to Club«, the object of which is to foster J. E Cochran '’’neral repair fund................. s 00 given to children, but shonld.be used KVttfr^n.. Mot.cn car- the interests of their breed in the Ed Pierson .............................. .. ... „I Thn« «I k . h?V j1";1, 'th," io't»"' 2 SO only by grown-up» who actually wish to Diek Ward ............................. eomrnunit v. Total ........................ $50,000 00 ’ . . 2 . SO restore their kidneys fa> perfect health, • mook buckthorn bark. r*Motion that all item The Tillamook Co-operative Stock Geo Shaver ......................... .. 8 25 by conscientiously using one box—-or C. C. Murphy ....................... <■ Clerk’s Office. hon. ^.’‘"7emi^inAdler-ika. ’ •arket has been formed to handle IO 12 more in extreme cases —as "Anuric r'rk’ Salary .......................... $t,6oooo I Lewallen ............................. » not mention'd above the surplus livestock of the count" to Doctor Pierce’s achievement> l*Pnty Salary.......................... 900.00 glycerine, etc., as uot>er a™ 7 ®* (thanks . read Carnen. fa by far the moot perfect kidney and very much on the »ame basis as the Fred I.'wallen ..................... 0 37 Claude l.'walf'n .............. jPnty Salary.......................... 780.00 Because it ac‘* O"oon fui Adler-i ka Motion to extend t< <-h<-esr is handled in the cooperative 6 56 bladder corrector obtainable. C. M l ane ........................... .. 't°fds, Supplies and Expen- I low er bo*e1’* vPc»se constipation the Count» Court a y factory. relieves almo« ’ any ca» im0¥C s s-ich Victor I-ane ..................... .. S«» ’.............................................. 90000 sour stomach or gas^H thj( # few . their court'»» m at »Id has been given in »he selection Dr Pierce’s Pellets are the original 43 «2 A. J Clark .............................. inB and »"."'rm* >1 •■4 rurchase of tweniv-five register ­ UtUe Liver Pills. One little Pelte» lot nani- surprising foul prevent app'" Total .. IÄI Wm. Clark .............................. $4,180.00 ( arose regarding the j N'cxt ed dairy cows and hrifer» and fifteen Forest Ayer ........................... .. 18.00 » laxative—three lor a catbartio. doses often ret treatment helps mon', risu « '0,e w Skater e- Sheriff» Office. 'registered dairy sires. Among thess 1 bie J. S. Lamar, ’ $1,60000 dicitts. A » Salary . . 1 meeting f ii at ‘rctowD< Salary7..................... chronic stomach troupe- j 900.00 * Salary 900.00 Druggist- K | “ANUKIC!" DISCOVERY IN CHEMISTRY r i ____