TILLAMOOK, OREGON. |i.$o PER YEAR. DECEMBER'S Fresh Eastern Oysters at the Sani­ Tillamook cheese is now quoted at OOOCGG©OQOOOOGOG©r<;aOG&&OOOGCOC©Gi©0©OOOOCOO tary Market. » 17c. I* 1 he Gem Theater promises several Fresh Oysters direct from Balti­ of the best shows to be obtained, for more at the Sanitary Market everv the week, Dec. 20-25. day. * 1 . J. Harris, sr., left Saturday for Lost—A small straw suit case be­ Portland where he joined his wife, tween Pankow’s garage and Beaver, and they will go to Burlington, Ore., belonging to Andrew Yeitch. Finder where they will spend the winter. please leave same at this office. \\ e will meet the price of anv mail One of the local garages had trouble order house on the same grade of with their gasoline tank on Tuesday, goods, so bring your catalogue and due to the high water after the rain. see Shrode.—Tillamook Feed Co. * The air valve that allows air to enter Do not forget to attend the German the tank when gasoline is drawn, be­ Congregational Church bazaar next came submerged in water and the Saturday, Dec. 11, in the store next tank was consequently filled. A Ford car drew gasoline and filled the car to the post office. with water, which soon stopped the Sheriff Crenshaw returned from engine. _______ ____ When __ the trouble was dis i'L_ ­ Montana on Saturday, where he had covered the garage tank was enfptbd gone to bring back Carl Dennis who with much trouble and the water re­ was wanted in the county for forgery. moved. The air valve has been fixed Protect your valuable papers from so that air will be secured above any the unexpected fire by renting one of possible water mark. our safe deposit boxes, Only one Quite a number of the school dis­ dollar per year. Tillamook County tricts, as will be seen by the budget Bank. • published in this issue, have levied Claude and Tom Commings, of special taxes. The new law, it seem’ Newberg, who have been here as must have the eff< ct of incrasing guests of I.. Bristow, ______ , hunting ducks these special levies, for the school around Tillamook, returned home on districts have got next to the situa­ tion that if they don’t levy special 1 uesday. * taxes, when they do want money they I Amongst the appropriations for cannot levy it, for the law says: "I-or 1 rivers anil ___ __ harbors are two items: each year after 1915 all such tax rates It is absolute FOLLY for a man marry or who has a WIFE and CHILI >REN d^re" nie- One for bay and bar. $48,000; and the shall be so limited as not to levy a other; completing the improvement, greater amount of revenue than the perndent upon HIM not to save a part of his income Tillamook Bay, $35,000. larger amount levied in either of the ! from his earnings or his business. Lost—Leather case containing auto­ two years preceding plus 6 per cent.” A bank account is like a ball of snow, it will melt mobile tools, between my residence Is the law acting as a boomcrag on and Tillamook City. Finder will be those who had this clause inserted? away unless you ADI) to it. The habit of constantly reimbursed for same.—Notify Cyrus It looks so. INCREASING the balance to their credit will make The high tides of this week, coupled Randall, Tillamook, Oregon. any man or woman RICH. with the fact that the danger was in­ Having taken charge of the auto- creasing at Bar View, caused many Make OCR bank YOUR bank. 1 mobile department of Case's Garage, people to visit that place in the last I solicit your patronage in the future few days. On Tuesday about 25 cars We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Deposit. as in the past and will guarantee sat­ were lined up near the scene of the isfaction, Frank H. Devine. wave washed town and a boatload of 1 County Judge A. M. Hare and people went down to Garibaldi and THE OLD RELIABLE. Commissioners F. L. Owens and G. walked down to Barview. The rail­ R. McKimens left Tuesday to attend road is working hard to secure their the State Convention of County tracks against a washout and tlicv Courts in Portland. have completed their piling and rock wall in the dangerous part of the I have the county agency for the washout. The old boat house is the Wiley B. Allen Co. line of . pianos. ______ only building outside of the rock For rent, five roomed house newly Being at no expense in selling saves papered and renovated. Address you the large profit always made by wall and it is expected that the next * few high tides and seawaves will take Claud Christensen, Bay City a salaried salesman. Write me if in­ away everything that is not protect­ Attorney Oak Nolan was in from terested. Box 431, Leland B. Erwin.* ed by the sea wall. When the danger ♦ Portland, having business at the Brassware at Ammer’s. Mrs. Ina Cady, daughter of Mrs. H. is past there will probably be nothing circuit court. * Houses to Rent, see Watson. E. Weston, has been here several left out side of the railroad levee I J. O. Bozorth, of the First Bank weeks on account of the illness of along the whole stretch of shore line. All kinds of dry wood.—See Shrode. of Bay City, was a city visitor on her mother. She left for home last Many laborers are working now to week, going with her mother to the save the wreckage of lhe dance hall Wanted—Hemlock wood, See Tuesday. and hotel and arc hauling the big Shrode. * Wood Sawed—Call E. W. Knight Mt. Taber, Portland Sanitarium. timbers to a place of safety. Supt. Stock Feeders Attention—We hap; O. T. Burkrhalter of the S. P. rail­ Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. I. on the Mutual phone, Prompt service on hand a full line of International road and engineer F. M. Seipert were and careful work. ♦ Clough Co. * Stock Food Tonics and Remedies Your Free Sample of Briquets is that are sold on absolute guarantee. in Bar View on Monday looking over Furnished rooms at Mrs. Knudson’s the situation. The big waves at hiyh now ready at Lamb-Schrader Co ’ s, Money back if not satisfied.—Tilla­ tide are lashed over the jettv with $2.00 a week. office.—B «tier C. Lamb. mook Feed Co. ♦ such force that the sand is still being For your Sunday roast call Sani­ Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ Five row boats are under construc­ undermined from the big log cabin tary Market. sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for- tion in the manual training depart­ of Captain Farley. On Tuesday a Get free Kodak instructions at C. I. merly of the Spanish Kitchen. ment and as this is a splendid chance person could not walk on the iettv Clough Co.’s. * for the boys to secure a boat at small as the big waves washed the track all Todd Hotel;—clean rooms; com- cost, many more are thinking of con­ the way. ________ ___ Born, to the wife of Lee Tittle, on rates; structing them. fortablc beds; reasonable Monday, a son. * square treatment; free buss. Wheeler Saw Mill to Start. The largest rainfall in one day this, Good oat hay at $15.00 per tonjit Barred fall was recorded between the hours For Sale—Full blooded I Ray & Company's store. It is reported that the Wheeler Rock Cockerals, $1.00 each. E. I.. of 5 p.m. Tuesday and 5 p.m. Wednes­ Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla- Stewart, Box 456, Tillamook, Ore. day, when according to the rain guage Lumber Co s saw mill at Wheeler will b- started up again in the new * niook County Bank. Saturday Specials:—Link Sausage, at the home of Professor Sanders, 3% year. This mill closed down owing to inches fell in 24 hours. the lumber market being paralyzed The pitfee to eat is at the “Good Pork, Veal and old fachioned country as a result of lumber being placed on sausage. — Tillamook Meat Co. There can be no doubt as to the Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. pleasing qualities of "The Broken the free list. A big line of Xmas goods to select Coin” after hearing the many com­ A. A. Pennington was in Portland Christian Church. from at Lamar’s Variety Store. “Drop plimentary remarks made by those this week on business. in and look around.” who saw it last Monday and Tuesday. Todd Hotel asks a share of your “Lights. Sattellites and Dark Bod- The new manager of the Todd See this big serial at the Gem each ies” will be the subject for the Sun - trade.-Free buss for our guests. * Hotel meets all trains upon arrival a..' week on the above evenings. * day morning sermon. Some interest­ C. J. Edwards took a business trip with an automobile bus—its free. * The boys of the Manual training ing astronomical facts will be used as to Portland on Wednesday. For sale or trade one heavy team and department of the high school have a basis for the discourse. "Naaman was a mighty man of Electric disc stove, 3 hole, 3 heat, one light team. Will take town prop­ agreed to do the work of laying a sidewalk of wood, between the two valor,but he was a 1< per," will be the erty. See Shrode. for sale cheâp at Electric Store. * school houses and to repair the old evening theme. The churches arc ask­ When you go looking for Xmas Ask Shrode about the “One Man I candies. Don’t forget Lamar s ariety sidewalk between the grade building ed to help the doctors against the and the new play shed. stump puller for clearing land. I “White plague” and by way of illus­ Store. ‘Drop in and look around. * tration some helpful suggestions will Dr. J. G. Turner, formerly of E. T. Haltom returned from a busi­ be made during the sermon Sunday Mrs. J. E Reedy returned on Mon­ Lowe & Turner, eye special ­ ness trip to Portland on Tuesday. night. day from San Francisco, where she ists of Portland, will be in Tilla­ Through kindness of some of the Attorney J. R. Callahan has been had visited relatives and the lair. mook again Tuesday and Wednesday, Tillamook doctors with whom we chosen city attorney of Bay City. I Mrs. Ed. Gittins returned from Dec. 21-22, at Jenkins’ Jewelry store. have held consultations regarding We are in a position to make s-me Woodburn on Monday, having visit­ Don't fail to consult Dr. Turner this disease we hope to be able to about your eyes and glasses. No long time farm loans. First National ed her daughter there. with something furnish the public . Bank. * _____ ‘ while. ‘ . However I E. A. Jackson, brother of U. G. charge for consultation or examina­ practical and worth tion. the discourse proper will be a ser­ County Surveyor Ross Shreve is in Jackson, who has been in on a visit We have on hand a lot of canned mon dealing with spiritual disease. Portland this week also road master left on Monday. Those not in attendance elsewhere goods that we want to clean out be­ Dunn. I Morrison Mills went to Portland on fore we take invoice, and wc are go­ are invited. Five room furnished house for rent Tuesday to attend the stock show in ing to sell them at almost anv old or sale—Inquire at Williams' Har­ that city. price in order to clean them up. These Stack Up With Slab Wood and Help ness shop. , W anted by young woman, house will be cash sales and you will have Our Home Industry. that Watch the Tillamook Feed Co.’s work, cooking or any kind of_ work. to hurry as the prices are so low • come condì- We are pleased to note that condi- window for their Saturday Specials, Address Van Patten, Tillamook, Ore. they will not last lpng. First Co. • I tions are shaping themselves for a The schooner Della was taken off first served.—Tillamook Feed it will pay you. larger and steadier pay roll for the This was omitted from the roll of City of Tillamook this winter than Rollie W. Watson’ returned from Nestucca spit on Friday morning second where she had stranded the previous honor which appears on the Portland on Tuesday, where he had 1 has been possible for some time. Sunday. gone on business. The A. F. Coats Lumber Co. have ' 8 Second Grade. What, indeed would be Try one of our fancy dressed chick­ -ers, recently received into their boom on Eunnice Arnmer, Thomas Be ceptablc to your family this Chris the Tillamook River a million feet of ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla­ mas than a fine new piano or player Gerald Crenshaw, Robert Duvall, logs and are getting their railroad Filkins, Gladys F.dgbert, Bessie line in shape to begin hauling over it mook Meat Company. piano? naiuvn, Wade Jenkins, to tide water, which will insure a R owena Hanson, Having bought the Tillamook Iron e Icnkins. Marv Jolliffe, Clyde “Yogr money’s worth or your mon­ Corinne source of raw materials to supply ey back” is the guarantee of the Works from A. K. Case all busmess folliffe, Marion Lamb, Clyde Lucy, their mill. They contemplate running V' iley B. Allen Co. from Sept. 1st will be transacted by Irene Monroe, Elizabeth Mowrcjh overtime provided they can find an Earl Maine. Gilbert Pye. For sale, cheap, vine maple and outlet for their wood which must be Pallin, Julius Sylvester Ne\ tile Smith disposed of to advantage in order for spruce limbs. Apply to M. R. Hanen- H. Sander. Found a leather pocket book _ be­ Lee Stillwell, Louis Sheldon, F.lvon them to run. At present they are *0- kratt, Tillamook, Oregon. Found a Owner Smith, Lloyd Terry, Muriel Wiley. i liciting orders for future deliveries longing to Ole Thompson. Lost—A small Jersey cow Head- it ------------- behoves --- everyone to assist as The Parent-Teachers' Association and ----- „ _ __ the same at tne can recover the same at norns. Finder please notify H. I ithoi lacing his order will meet on Friday evening at 7 45 much as he can bv pl. [ light office. Tillamook, Mutual phone. at once with *• the — Mill ” Company even basket There will be a good program con- — A new year’s dance and night sisting of numbers from the first though he may not be in need of the F. D. Small returned from Califor­ social will be given on Friday fifth and sixth ~ grades. The fuel at this time.Tillamook needs a nia last week with Mrs. Small, who ffth <-..d me V ' ■ F , third, he i. V, good pay roll to fill up the sla«-k sea­ has been in that state for the benefit December 3>. •" ‘ Loyal Order of fifth grade has drilled on a very in­ son when there is not much doing in teresting little drama from the of her health and is visiting in Port­ building, by the — ' Bird's Christmas Carol, by ***** the cheese industry. This company M oose. land. Douglas Wiggin. Miss Sander will alone has brought in and spent during I redd a paper on hand work tn the the past four months a very large Primary Grades and Miss Mck°wln. sum of money and has under contem­ plation plans for expending s’ill more will discribe the aims and methods ol pl music in the public schools. Superin­ money provided it gets the patronage tendent Onthank will report on the and co-operation they merit. At pres­ results of the various tests of lan­ ent they have under construction a guage and arithmetic ability recently large addition to their loading shed made in the school A rrrdy tan­ and bids are being received for the nest meeting mil alto be held for the construction of another concrete dry < . necettary , ____ tiles to be built along the side the one transaction of tatmitt. _ Fverv w one is i urged to attend and get , completed last spring; all of w hich « « 11 acquainted with their cLildrens in r’«Jo make a larger and better 1 ill- . 1 slructpr. ---------- —- |»mook. ----- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Capital and Surplus, $30 000.00 Member Federal ;Reserve Bank OFFICERS : R. C. LAMB, President. W. J. RIECHERS, Cashier. J. C. HOLDEN. Vice-Fresilent. I. E. KELDSON, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS : C. .1. E dwards . J. C. H olden . A. W Ik'NN. W. J. R iechers . B. C. L amb . the “PRUDENT MAN” Tillamook County Bank Tillamook Jottings. I LAMAR’S VARIETY STORE, ‘Ï Tillamook, Oregon. Drop in and book Around H b j , ___ .......... ..... Careful Attention Given to all Banking Lusiness Placed in Our Hands. Odd Fellows Bld. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. WANTED, A SLOGAN! watched them for a time and then went into the jail and found that they had sawed out one of the bars and To be Used for the Next Tillamook would, no doubt, have made a break County Fair. for liberty as soon as it became dark. The sheriff ordered them all in the The Tillamook Headlight offers a cage and he found several jack knives prize of $5.00 for the most appro­ which had been converted into saws. priate slogan to be used to advertise the next Tillamook County Fair. It Civic Improvement Club. must be in a few brief sentences or in ------ o------ verse, the latter not to exceed more The Civic Improvement Club of that 10 or 12 lines, but fewer the bet­ ter. Pui ils of the district schools are this city will present a splendid pro­ earnestly requested to take part in gram on Monday evening, Dec. Ijth this contest, although it is open to at the Guild Hall. The meeting is everybody living in Tillamook Coun­ purely entertaining and there will ba ty to compete. I'he Fair Board will no business meeting afterwards. The act as judges, and the Board meets at program is as follows: the end of the month, it is requested Selection. McGhee Orchestra. that all those who take part in the Reading, "The European Guide” John Leland Henderson. Contest, send th< ir slogan, addressed to the editor, which should reach this I \ ocol Solo, Miss Mabel Goyne. Selection, High School Glee Club. office not later than the 20th of Dec. Just to give some idea as to what Reading, Prof. P. C. Crockatt. an illustra^ Harkic Minstrels, Members of Club. is wanted the following is ar. Vocol Solo, Mrs. Fred Poorman. lion: Last Saturday afternoon Ir business Come to the land of sweet sea breezes and rich meeting of the club was held at the For mammoth timber home of Mrs. C. J. Edwards and 36 cream cheeses; There’s fish and clams and oysters. were in attendance to carry on the af­ fairs of the club. loo. And lovely scenery to meet your view. To get the clams you'll find some Trouble Near Mohler. muck ---- o Never mind, old boy, you're in Tilla- A telephone call to the Sheriff’s rmick. office, telling of the shooting of a We feel sure this can be improved man near Mohler, caused District At­ upon, and those who compete are torney Goyne and Deputy Sheriff privileged to use any part of it if they Swenson to hurry to the scene of the feel disposed. Put your thinking caps trouble. on and get busy, for we don't have to Arriving there they found that no si-ad out side, or to mail order one was shot but that William Barker houses, for Tillamook County has a and Orson Battersun had hunted on whole lot of citizi ns with bright, and lhe old Shiftman place which Antone original ideas. But thev need bring­ Lagler rents, against the wishes of ing» out Now, who’s going to carry the occupant and that he had ordered off the prize and obtain the high hon­ them off the premises. While speak­ or of composing the most appropriate ing to one of the boys the other took slogan. __________ two shots at him with a shotgun but at such a distance that no one was Jail Break Frustrated. hurt. 1 he boys were taken into custody Sheriff Crenshaw has a bad bunch but after an investigation they were of prisoners in the county jail, who • ' b ased when they pleaded guilty 10 have the appearance of b< ing tough assault and paid a fine of $25 and characters. He kept them in the cage costs. at night, blit in the daytime allowed th< 111 to like the corridor. The sheriff If you don’t go to the musical cam- also kept a man in the jail at night, for he was suspicious of his guests. cdy those who do will invariably as­ He was surprised on Tuesday 1 aftcr- sure you it is the best one that ever noon to be informed by Mrs. Dan came to town, quite as those who Goodspeed , who was visiting M rs. leave a theater at the end of the sec­ ond act are told without fail that Pankow, who lives opposite the they "1 missed the best part of the court house, that the prisoners were sawing the bars of the windows. He show.” The ELECTRIC STÖR E Next to Gem Theatre. 4» Every Piece of Electrical Material Reduced in Price for Pros ­ perity Week. Week