TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. DECEMBER 2, 191L THE ELECTION ON MONDAY. CITY CAUCUS. T° Decide Whether Tillamook °r Mayor S. A. Brodhead Nominated Bay City Gets Oil Distributing. Without Opposition. Station. Only 18 Shopping, Days toXm^ Shop Three Days of Early. Bargain Choosing The city caucus was largely attcnd- The Standard Oil Company has de­ cd on Monday night the court house cided to establish an oil distributing being well filled, with the women station in Tillamook County, giving voters fairly well represented, For Tillamook City the first choice several days previous a movement Whilst we will endeavor to give whether it wants this modern, econ­ was made to “down” Mayor Brod­ our usual careful and courteous at­ omical and safe method of handling head, because he would not quash the tention to every customer during gasoline and oils located here, in the proceedings in three cases brought in the busy days of the holiday shopp­ event of the citizens voting against the Recorder’s office. Notwithstand­ ing wc would earnestly urge you to the franchise, the oil distributing sta­ ing that a considerable following had do your shopping as early as possi­ tion will go to Bay Cityi 1 hat is as promised to line up to defeat the ble, before noon if you can manage asured fact, for a free site hasebeen Mayor for renomination, it somehow it. You will thus be able to choose otfered the Standard Oil Company petered out at the meeting, for no more leisurely and the sales force as an inducement to locate there. The one scented to want to, or were scared will be able to give you more indi­ editor believes the citizens should to nominate the person who had been vidual attention and assistance in vote to allow the Standard Ool Com­ "slated” for the position, and it ended making selections. pany to do business in this city, for it up in a fizzle. Mr. Brodhead had done Following is a list of Gift Sugges­ will not only be a safe way oi handl­ the right thing in not doing as some tions which no doubt will help you ing gasoline and oils, but the consum­ persons demanded of him, and he had solve a few of your problems for er will be able to buy it at less cost. theb acking of persons who have the X mas. Should the distributation be estab­ city’s welfare at heart when it came Read the list through carefully lished in this city it will add some­ to enforcement of law. mark each one you can use and then thing by way of development. Can Attorney H. T. Boots was chosen with this list in your hand, your the citizens afford to build a wail chairman and G B. Lamb secretary. Xmas shopping will be made easy. around the city and allow nobody to The first order of business was the come in, at a time when taxes are on nominations for mayor and treasurer, the increase? ft is plainly up to the the nominations for councilmcn fol- citizens whether they want the oil lowing: distributing station or will allow Bay Mayor—S. A. Brodhead. City to derive the benefit and advan­ Treasurer—M. W. Harrison. tages. Councilmen: Kid Gloves, pair $1.50 to $2.00 Threre is some opposition to giving First ward—Dave O’Donnell. New Neckwear . 59c, to 75c. the Standard Ool Company a fran­ Second ward—G. R. Edmunds. chise, engineered principal'y by Fourth ward—W .J. Hill. Blocki Perfumes .25c. to $4.00 James Feeney, who runs the foundry, Fifth ward—H. A. Williams. Phoenix Silk Stockings, Black, which is, more liable to cause a most Water Commissioner for fifth ward serious conflagration in the city than —Albert Plank. White and colors 85c. to $2.00 any other business because he is not As Mr. Williams cannot qualify, Wirthmor Waists.............. $1 00 complying with the requirements of owing to having no real estate in his Wei worth Waists............ $2.00 the city ordinance in safe-guarding own name someone else will have to the city from fire be nominated. Tea Aprons . ..... 15c. to 59c. We wish to mention that some years Boudoir Caps.......... 33c. to 98c ago the editor had some experience Christianity and the World War with a foundary in Portland, which Handkerchiefs, each 5c. to 98c. was in a congested district, and was Handbags............ $1.33 to $2.00 A large audience filled the Christian about the size of the foundry in this city, but it set fire to the surrounding church last Sunday evening to hear (rift Towels ...... ,20c. to $1.25 buildings and the editor was one of the lecture delivered by Professor Kimonos................. $1.33 to $5.00 the victims, being partly burned out Crockatt, of the local high school, on and a good paying business destroy­ “Christianity and the World War.” Bath Robes.......... $3.25 to $4.50 ed. The editor is in hope that the Last year Prof. Crockatt studied this Silk Petticoats $2.50 to $4.50 foundry in this city will not cause a question in preparation for the State serious fire, but between the two risks peace oratorical contest, and his ora­ Furs...................... $6.00 to $12.50 —the oil station and a foundry—the tion delivered last year at the Univer­ Siesta Slippers . 98c. to $1.48 foundry, in the judgment of the sity of Oregon were all along this editor, is the most liable to cause a line. His lecture last Sunday is given be­ conflagration. It is true that the establishment of low in part: You all know-, that the Foreign Of­ the oil station in Tillamook would take most of the business from those fice is the nation’s agent in handling who handle gasoline, but considering international questions. The vital Bath Mats ............................. 98c. the risk of having barrels of gasoline question now, as to whether the mode Small Runs.......... 98c. to $2.98 in all parts of the city, especially in of handling these questions, commer­ the business district, there is no get­ cial and political, is open or secret, as Woolnap Gift Blankets, plain ting away from the fact that a station to whether it reflects the desires of colors and plaids $2 to $5.00 located on the slough, away from the the real state—that is, the common business section, is by far the safest people, those who really have to pay Table Linen Sets........ $10 to $13 method of handling it. the price of war, is entirely depend­ Bed Sets................................. $6.75 It is up to the citizens to decide the ent upon the concept of just what matter next Monday, but they should constitutes the State in the mind of Pillow Cases and Shams Em­ not be influenced by the misleading the Foreign Office. broidered ................ 50c. to 88c. circulars that are being circulated, for According to international law and it is not the intention to establish tl.e practice the Foreign Office must give distributing station in the congest.d to the State a definite sort of person­ part of the city. If the parties who ality for the fulfillment of its obliga­ wrote the letters had been better in­ tions. That personality in the mind of formed of local conditions they would the Foreign Office must be either an not have attempted to deceive the abstract soulless personality apart people. Anyway the citizens are bet-, from the inhabitants, just as in civil ter judges of those matters than out­ law the corporation is treated as a siders who have undertaking to advise soulless entity, a conscienceless bodv the citizens on some things they apart from the individual stockhold­ know little about, for it is a question ers; or it must be a living vibrant, in the mind if the editor if they knew human personality absolutely insep­ the exact local condition they would arable from the thinking and feeling be recommending, not opposing, a men and women who altogether make safe method of handling gasoline in up the real State. this city. This living, vibrant, human person­ Garters......................... 25c. to 50c. The editor has no fight against ality of the State, is recognized by those who are opposing the passage that striking phrase, “We the People Leather Combination Sets — of the ordinance, for they are entitled of the United States.” As a practical Belt, Watch Fob and Bill to their opinions the same as the ed­ philosopy of government making for itor is entitled to his, but the city will world pcac.e its chief cliaracterists are Book, per set ................ $1.50 take a step backward if it puts up the according to Lord Bryce, “Full Pub­ Cnff Links.............. 25c. to $1.(X.* bars and shuts out those who want to licity, Time for Discussion, and Pop­ spend money and do business in this ular Control, in Foreign Affairs.” Tie Clasps .............. ¡¡25c. to 50c. city. ____ I his theory of the State has been the Garter and Suspender Sets in reflex in the mind of our Foreign Office in every practical step taken I Fancy Boxes....................... 75c. Schooner Della on the Beach. in international complications and to Initial Handkerchiefs 15c. to 50c The gasoline schooner, with freight, promote international harmony and goodwill, from the time of John Jav Linen Handkerchiefs,25c. to 50c went aground on Nestucca bar on Boxed Suspenders 50c. to $1.50 Sunday afternoon when she attempt­ to Woodrow Wilson. This theory bas ed to cross in. Her deck load was re­ kept alive the vision of world p'.ace Bath Robes........ $5.00 to $12.95 in our cosmopolitan population. “ VVe moved on Monday, when it was ex­ Smokinu Jackets................ $3.85 the people of the United States ” is no pected that she would be floated. She empty phrase, no idle concr pt, no Dress Gloves........ $1.25to$ .50 failed to get off, owing to the tide. I he vessel has been moved quite a false theory, no illogical doc trine, no distance and it is expeetd tha‘ she outgrown and inhuman sta.'.c philoso­ phy. will be pulled off Friday morning. QUEEN Lovers of peace, more to all other causes combined, it is du, to an out­ QUALITY Notice to Parents. grown doctrine, a senseless theory of SHOES just what constitutes the State in the Parents who are thinking — of en­ mind of the European Foreign Office, For Women tering children in the beginning class which in spite of a logical passion for cAre now Purchasable peace of the public school are requested to internationalism and world At this Store. notify Supt. Onthank. before Dec. 10. among the common ■people perpetu­ Diseri minuting Shoe' Buy­ Unless there is a sufficient ...t number ates a false nationalism and is a ers will welcome thia oppor­ to warrant organizing t a class, no breeder ot wars. these indictments against tunity for Securing the fa­ children will be admitted -------- 1 at the be- , !” V,'S,W mous “Queen Quality'’Shoea «innig of the second term who have tins philosophy cd the State which by in thia district. not at least had one-half year of work. its secret .ui'A -aloof policy docs not Just now we are allowing get the reaction of an intelligent pub­ four late models in patent lic mind on international questions; Swastika Club. with critvetietted tope patent and w.tJch by its very existence, ad- ------o------ with neat tope, gunmetal ■’cre-.ice to and practice by the For- The club was entertained entrrtaincd by Mrs. with cravenetted tope, and Office makes the citizens them­ E. T. Ha I tom on Friday, Nov. 19. A selves irrational vici kid with cravenetted on international full membership was present. The va­ questions, is there anyone to deny top». lie sla are shown in Mili­ cant places arc filled by Mesdames that it is a senseless, illogical, out- tary and Louise Cuban Hill, Robison and Onthank. ,r»wn and inhuman state philosophy ? style**. A very enjoyable afternoon- was ■ s it any wonder, when the State is spent in a social way. The invitv-*| treated bv the Foreign Office as an $3.75 and $4.00. guests were Mesdames Lamb, F. r abstract soulless and conscienceless Come* in and have a pair Baker and Groat. sort of personality divorced from fitted, you wjll not be tmpor The hostess served a deUcious vital every day human bonds and in­ tuned .‘o *>uy. luncheon, after which the clv'b anc ** ,o l'omc after it on I Dec. 4. Remember you 00,1 . have to make a single purchase pay a cent to get thee spoujis. just cv me and get one. Lamar's Varitey STore? “Drop in and Look Around.” 30 Killed in War Plant Explosion. Wilmington. Del , Nov. 30.—Thirty workmen were killed and seven fatal- ly injured today in a terrible explo- sion of about four tons of black pow- dcr at the upper Hagley yard on the l’ul'’out l’owdcr Company. It was the worst accident that has occurred in any of the company's plants in a quarter of a century. The cause of the blast has not been determine*!. According to a statement Issued by Wle company *tbe origin “will probably always retiain a mvs tery,” Nevertheless. a most sei ere in­ vestigation has been instituted by the company, and every employ who was mar the building will be put through a thorough examination in the hone that some clew to the cause learned. I | I ' An Hilvance shipment of the celebrated Mallory Craven- etted Stiff Hatt« in the very latest and ruost up to-date Block». - $3.00 ¿Mallory Hats Cravenetted - $3.50 ¿Mallory1 Hats Three Days Bargain Sale Women’s New Fall Coats, $11. For Actual $15, $16.50, $16.75, $17.50, and $18.75 Coats. Here’s a Coat Event of intense interest to every women who lias put off buying her New Fall Wrap until now. The Coats offered at this remarkable saving price are absolutely correct in style, perfectly tailored, and made of fabrics of character and worth. Come in and try them on in front of the mirror and see for yourself just how good they are. A COAT PURCHASED NOW MEANS A BIG SAVING. Sale of Sale of Xmas. Kerchiefs. Comfy Blankets. t_ylctual 15c. values for ¡^Actual $1.25 values for 10c. Half Dozen in a box 50c. Ladies’ Initial I landkerchiefs in a beautiful quality. Every wanted initial in the selection. Buy them by the box for Xmas gifts. Six in a box fifty cents. 89c. Full Sizes only. A sale of warm, comfy, flannel­ ette Blankets such as every dis­ criminating housewife will want to turn to advantage. Buy now anil save for future use. Pair of Brand New Florsheim Shoes Stetson Hat With every Hart, Schaffner tSr* Marx Overcoat. Buy yourself a H.S. & M. Over­ coat Saturday. Monday or Tues- 1 day and we will fit you with a pair of the famous Florsheim Shoes free of charge. With every Hart, Schaffner Marx Suit. Let us fit you in a H. S. & M. Suit Saturday, Monday or Tues­ day and we will crown your pur­ chase with a brand new Stetson Hat free of charge. FREE FREE Three Day's Bargain Sale Stamped Pillow Tops, Scarves, etc For Actual values to 63c. A sensational three days Bargain Event offering Library Table Runners, I illow lops, 1 able Centres, Work Bags and many other stamped pieces in Crash, Linen, Linen Crash, etc., etc. All stamped ready for embroidery. Some are colored to assist in choosing the most desirable colored silks for em­ broidering. l ake advantage of this wonderful offer to assist you in your Xmas gift plans ideal Gifts for ¿Married Friends Japanese Art Ware. Snipped direct to us from Japan, these useful and ornamental pieces are both handsome in appearance and exquisitely designed and finished. A b gifts to married friends this Xmas none could be more desirable ant| they are sure to be appreciated. Jardinieres, Fruit Baskets, Cake Servers, $1.38, $2.00 to $3 75 $1.25, $1.48 to $2.25 $1.19, $1.39 to $1.98 A