TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 2, 1915 for lard in this neck of the woods Sunday at the Presbyterian Church. Records Smashed Again. than for any thing else. Out who's go­ ing to do the rendering. The world’s championship for the "Church Loyalty” will be the pas­ E. Hall has moved into Barneyville, production of butter fat in a year has near the saw mill. Many of us are tor’s morning subject at It next Sun­ oeen won by Duchess Skylark Orm­ looking for a padlock peddler anx- day, and in the evening, at 7:30 the sby a Holstein Friesian, owned in iuo,ect of the sermon will be “Why iously. _______________ Would Men Rather be Excused," Minnesota. She produced 1205 pounds Sunday School at to, and Young Peo­ butter fat from 37,162 pounds milk School N°tes. ples’ Meeting at 6:30 make up the 11 the year anil maintained an avera~e butter fat record of 4.32 per cent. Members of the first five grades of services for the day. The members She ate less than 20 pounds of grain extend a cordial invitation to the the school have sent five cases of do­ a day and only such grains that are nations to the Boys’ & Girls’ Aid So­ people of the community to be pres­ A'ithin practical reach of every dairy- ent, and assures them a warm wel ­ ciety in Portland, as well as a num­ come. nan. ber of small contributions of money. Most of the donations were in the George Gothcis will have the canal Teachers’ Examination. form a canned fruit and vegetables, clear by Jan. I. Suppose it bad to de­ but a number brought useful clothiiq, pend on the vole of the people. and other things and quite a number Notice is hereby given that the __ Jess Willard has made $200,000 contributed pennies and nickles to­ County Superintendent of Tillamook, ward making a happy Thanksgiving County, Oregon, will hold the regular >ince the Jack Johnson encounter. for the homeless children in the Port­ examination of applicants for State Does physical courage pay more than land institution. Certificates at the court house room, moral courage? Mr. Reed is back at school, although Tillamook City, as follows: The silver lining? The Boston with his left arm in a sling and still Commencing Wednesday December Transcript says: “During the recent showing visibly the effects of the l5. >9>5. at 9 o’clock, a m. and con­ Kansas cyclone it is said that the sun severe accident which recently befell tinuing until Saturday, December 18 was obscured for two hours by a him. 19>S! at 4 o’clock p.m. cloud of limousines and grand piano.” Miss Mabel Goyne has been unable Wednesday forenoon—Writing, U Texas Socialists want the Federal to attend school this week on account S. History. jovernment to manufacture liquor of severe illness. Miss Lelia Drew l ill ul f° ,OTO ber "l ” « ’ .lit. Wednesday afternoon — Reading through the thrilling story or TnEr.llOKEN nd sell it to Jhe consumer at cist. has substituted for her. cm.', entwined in every eplaode. underlying f hystology, Composition, Methods i CTery action and overpowering every other emo Ac gather that the Texas Socialists The Postum Cerial Co. and The Reading, Methods in Arithmetic. t*0®: tho "’Bole is love. Colgate Co., have recently sent ex­ T11E BROKEN COIN Is uot merely a charming Thursday forenoon—Arithmetic .re not drys. love story, rather let -ua Fay that the whole bril­ hibits and educational demonstra­ History of Education, Psychology liant. thrilling, master pl«»t is enshrined and cm- An Indiana man has a 185-barrel ____ bower< ’’ In that atmosphere of truth, fidelity and tion outfits of the products. The lat­ Methods in Geography. ¡stern filled with apple cider. More (¿dilation whoso highest and beat expression And* Itself through love. ter are being used by teachers of the nd more each year cisterns are be­ 1 hursday afternoon—Grammai grades in arousing interest in the Geography, American Literature ing built for this purpose; and the See The Broken Coin W«I care of the teeth. Physics, Methods in Language, Thes • evenue laws haven’t begun calling High School classes in Agriculture ¡s for primary certificates, Science o. hat moonshine. Tit? Photo Play Serial Supreme and Domestic Science are attending — One Every IKudb Education. Truth continues to nonplus fiction, O. A. C. Extension school this week Friday forenoon—Theory and Prac n three automobile accidents at and other pupils have attended at odd Next Monday and Tuesday Dec. periods when they have had classes lice, Orthorgraphy, Physical Geog olumbus, Ohio, all in one day and 6 , and __ 7, .. the Gem Theatre will __ have in high school. Several of the Domes­ raphy, English Literature, Chemestry n widely sepcralcd parts of the city, History of Education. the first number of their new Serial tic Science girls have acted as assis­ omen whose first name was Edna Friday Afternoon—School Law Picture “The Broken Coin.” This tants to Miss Turley in her demon­ ere hurt in each accident. Geology, Algebra, Civil Governmcn picture will have in it as leading strations. The experts of the United Stales Childhood and Adolescenc. characters, Grace Cunard and Francis The Webster Club has announced iepartment of Agriculture who have Saturday forenoon — Geometry, Bot Ford, who need no introduction to an entertainment for Friday evening, .ven conducting a convention of slate the people of Tillamook and vicinity, Dec. 17th, for the purpose of raising any, School Administration. .adirs in training youth to take part Saturday afternoon — General His they being the ones who gave such funds to defray debate expenses for il tilling the soil to better advantage tory, Bookkeeping, Methods. universal satisfaction in ‘Lucile Love’ the year. Debate prospects are very 1 ill reach directly* 250,000 boys and 'iris who have made a beginning in good and it is anticipated that a con­ A big program at the Gem Theatre siderable fund will be necessary to Postmaster Shot. Clerk Kills Self. he work. The sub'ect is one in which December 6 and 7. Five reels of pic­ meet traveling expenses of the debat- dl the young should be interested. tures, and some of the late sengs will ors and provide them with the mater­ Ashland, Or. Nov. 30.—E. J. Keiser Country and city are so closely in­ be sung by a trio of young ladies of ial which they shall need in order to postmaster of Ashland, founder of the terrelated that the knowledge impart­ Tillamook. win the debates. Last year the Web­ Recorder and for many years its 'd may be regarded as useful to all ----- O— ster Club played a dramatization oi editor, was shot and seriously wound­ Americans. The ownership of land, Old Are you enjoying the special pro­ Dickens' Christmas Carol, by means ed shortly after 11 o’clock this morn- so difficult to obtain in the grams at the Gem Theatre each of which about $40,00 were raised for ng by William Greenfield, a clerk in World, is made easy for us by nation- il policy of which the Agricultural I ne otfice. Thursday evening. Prices adults 15c., debate expenses. This year it is ex Three shots were fired, two aimed Department is a powerful outgrowth. I children under 12 years 5c.. Some pected to get another play, althougl speakers at the oenvention enlarged thing extra good, at a slight advance the actual selection has not beer rt Kaiser, both of them taking effect. an the subject of improved methods made. Don't forget the date, Friday Greenfield then turned the revolver in price. See them. an himself, firing the weapon into n these broadening lines of rural in­ Dec. 17th. The second report period of the lis mouth. Picked up in a dying con­ struction, in gardening, domestic science and canning, as well as gencr- year is past and the report cards dition he expired at 1:30 p.m. More Moss From Woods. Kaiser was seated in front of the il farming. These studies can be re- have been issued. Nearly all these show a good improvement in quality office looking over mail and accounts, luced to practice in the earliest sea­ We saw the gray backs from Pacif­ of work. Some cards are especially with his back toward Greenfield, who, son, a fact that makes them doubly ic City were crawling over the last good, several having two or three without warning, shot twice in rapid ittractive. While it is true that pop­ week’s paper. The lice must be starv­ “H” marks. “H" it being understood succession. The first bullet struck the ulation tends to cities it is equally ing down there to try and come up is Honor and is the highest grade postmaster near the nose, glancing true that the intercourse between here and eat our news. given. Only 5 per cent of the grades down and hitting the front teeth, rural and urban communities is more Tis a good thing the road was given in the year are expected to b< some of which were loosened, the ind more intimate. The ability of a pretty near finished beaween Woods “H”. bullet dropping out of his mouth. The nan to sustain himself in cither place and Rockey Grade. It serves for a Boat building is all the rage at the second shot hit the mastoit bone be- is a valuable resource. good parade ground for the tin sol­ Manual Training Department at this aind the car, glancing backwards, diers. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured time. In addition to the boats already tnd has not yet been located. Ernest, sure is working for his Re- under construction, two others have with LOCAL Al’PLll!\TIONS ar they Ward cutting wood. cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca­ been started. Bob Myers is undertag Tax Values Decline.’ tarrh is fi blood or constitutional disease, There are some directors at Pacific ing another and Lynn Goyne started tnd in order to cure it you must take in­ ----- o----- City who had better read up on school an Alaskan canoe. Goyne hails from ternal remedies Hall’s Catarrh Cure is Salem, Or., Nov. 30.—Taxable prop­ taken internally, and acts directly upon law. Queer that they don’t know that the interior of Alaska and drew the the blood and muceous surfaces Hall’s erty in Oregon, as announced today before they bond a district they have plans for the canoe from memory. atarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It e>y the State Tax Commission, is was to have some one elsc’s say so be­ prescribed by one of ♦he best phy­ The next Parent Teacher’s Asso­ in this country for years and is sides their own. They can’t run every ciation Meeting will be held Friday. valued at $934,495,023.25. This valu­ a sicians regular prescription. It is composed of ation is based upon property equaliz ­ thing if they are directors, clerk anil Dec. 10. There will be entertaining the Lest tonics known, combined wit the janitor as well as teacher. Maybe numbers by several grades and papers ed by the county boards of enuiliza- best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combina­ I wonder if they are sworn in to start by several teachers and parents. N< lion and that equalized and appor- tion the two ingredients is what • * pro­ .ioned by the State Tax Commission. 2uccs of such with. wonderful results li» en ri tig charge will be made at the meeting As compared with the valuation in Catarrh. Semi for testimonials, free. From the following quotations but unaccompanied children not or .914, r_ O. when the total was $934,413,080, F. J CHIiN’IiV to CO.. I'rnps. Teledo, you will know you’ve met in this the program will not be admitted. Sold by Druggists price 75c, .here is an apparent increase, but in Take Hall ’ s Famih Pills for con. at p iti< n. neck of the woods: The first of a series of high schoo' there is a decrease. In 1914 “A genial smile for all who pay class basketball games will be play .eality he lands included in the Oregon & their bills.”—W. R. Riibedec. cd in the opera house on Friday at California land grant, valued at $21,- “First aid to damsels in distress.”— 7:30, when the Juniors will clash with -’25,435, were not included in the val­ Bert Cornett. the Freshmen and the Seniors with uation totals, while this year they “I wish 1 had a good loveable com­ the Sophomores. lave been listed on the assessment and carry around a load panion.”—Mr. Deuel. The basket nail rules which will b' b- roll. 1 « ; of water and a cold ‘‘I'm going to have one.”—John I used universally in the United States The taxable value of property in Bellique. both in Universities and high schools ihc 35 counties of the state, as equal- T ower'sFish Erand “I’ll beat that Ford if it takes all are a combination of the intercolic • zed in the different counties, shows winter.”—Mr. Spencer. giate and Y. M. C. A. rules of last 1 total of $812,516,640.34, as compared "I can’t swim my team of rabbits year. This will make the game much with $806,217,086.84 in 1914. The lat­ across the river.”—Mr. Shaver. faster and more exciting for the pco er total is exclusive of railroad grant “I’ve got a son that is a son.”—Gil­ pie in seats. ands. Although the rules are strange ti­ bert Belleque. theda every drop. Capture of Trade Feared. “How 1 admire a certain crow.”— the local boys, coach Sanders insist' Easy fitting and E. E. Parker. that they be played from the begin­ etrong at every ‘I’m a tipsy mooser you bet.”— ning so that the school team will be London, Nov. 27.—Discussing point Keflex Edges well versed in them by the time the icwly-formed American International Adam Babcock. stop every drop “Oh! 1 like the gals, especially trip is made to meet outside teams. Corporation, the Morning Post says: from running in The high schoo! is working out a schoolmaams.”—Ed Pierson. “It is evident that the United at the front . "Lookout, Ed, I’m after one.”— constitution by which the students States is making preparations for and faculty of the school can be defi­ capturing the world’s trade after the Ernest Edmunds. Protector Hat. 75 cent. "I’m the highest priced butter.”— nitely organized into an association war. This country must treat this as Satisfaction Guaranteed which will be able to carry on busi- a serious proposition. Since the com­ H. A. Miles. Send for catalog “Say Sir, d'ye see this star?”—D. T. ness on a business like manner and mencement of the war America pros­ gain the respect of the city merchants perity has reached an enormous im­ A. J. TOWER CO. r Edmunds. “Have you seen any lost calves."— which is necessary for the success of petus from foreign powers, particu ,.5 poston flSH BR.V*X) school activities. A committee ha« larly those of England, France and Mr. Fisher. “Seen any ducks?”—Brick Gilman. secured the constitution« from schools Russia. Moreover, the financial pres­ “Takes a kid to make a racket.”— throughout the state and the local tige of America has been increased document will be the pick from these. by the extent of which its bankers Leo Norton. ire able to finance the necessities of “Come to Sunday School.”—Fred I have some choice young pigs for Enurope and other countries. Thun. Boulder Creek. Nothing, therefore, is more natural sale, both sexes, “Right, left, right, left.”—Bert Lew­ the kind th t is. O. W. Kinnaman spent several than that American bankers and busi­ matures very young. One of my herd ness tnen should be looking ahead and “Now you just look here, Jersey, days at Netarts hast week, gunning taking steps for maintaining this boars weighed 620 tbs. at eighteen I’m boss.”—Maurice Bays. for ducks. ., . R Y. Blalock went to Shendan last financial and commercial prosperity months old. My hogs have won rib­ “I can lick any man smaller than bons at county and state fairs. Friday, he expects to be absent about after the war.” myself.”—Clarence Dunn. “Takes me to fish above the dead- ‘‘ Mr's^L. N. Sandoz went I’hone or write for prices. Tilla ­ line.”—Mr. Dunn. JOE DONALDSON, “I like to live alone.”—Jim Kirk- mook last Monday and returned Wed- R. F. D. t, Tillamook. wood. " M d r a s y M C. Kellow, of Hebo visited "I get der cows mid der vip.”—Mr. ......... . ...................... . ....................... her daughter Mrs. John Jenck, from Hurliman. FARMERS AND HOME-MAKERS’ WEEK "I had a spouce once.”—Barney Saturday until Monday. d The families of H. L. Jensen ano Knoblock. and Rl'RAL 1IFE CONFERENCES "Mr. Robedee has the best store. n 14 Mclntvre went to neater January 3 8. «9'8 Thursday to attend a I hanksgtvtng —Arthur Edmunds. Information Practical Itrlp fov th. Hom. “1’11 pay you later.”—E. Hall. rCMn;sOnH ‘AhChopaH entertZd’ her Li« u the Farm th. Community. . "My homes in Cloverdale, my heart r„,of Oregon « Cr.ale« lnduvin.. tn P. C.”—Vic Learned. c .nferrnc.» on Oregon’. Mo* Vital problems „Minings best.”—Jack Williams. • DEMONSTRATION'*'— LBtT ^XHIBir'o.Ss enthktaixmhnts "Yea, kerosene will cost me some tn 1 year or two.”—Mr. Hunter. T-O ihouMnd people attended Isst yenr It la • «e^Ttoee w make friend, w-th U« "Pulse wild, sprain of the petella. Oppertshouser and little • thinker, and live ihoiighis good ate Thanksgiving dinner —George Caroll. t „ «urkcra »nd g'«»d -ot *HH'»t.t> AMT«. HOMJ-. IVM!«»» MKTHOIM KO'O Ye, there will be more than one d/viin Tillamook the last week TILLAMOOK BAKERY have been weather we tlNG PAKMF.XGtNT-FnlXC »IMA! div we can’t cross the river without hX’K^'Kone linem r«GAM1!AT>OXS MAMBHTiWG a bridge. __ . Coarse. Without Tuition lust a little more rain father Sol, busy. -—-’ "" luck Robedee’s water supply» ’bout «.duved rs.lrondrmea bendinf five ont. Kitchener sp00,000 mt 11 do it as glibly as if there were no trouble at all in keeping up the enlistments for the present one. Wc fancy army life will have to be made somewhat more attractive than it has been. i Mr. Root learned something else about the people—that they won’t read nine columns of fine print. Almighty manifests some mercy: Europe got through this dreadful year without the expected epidemic of cholera. * One can take a trip to Bolivia for to cents, without the fleas, prespira- tion, smells and expense—at a movie show. FIRE ! FIRE ! ! FIRE 111 IT’S LIKE SNATCHING MONEY right out of the fire to have a fire in­ surance policy covering your proper­ ty, for the money you would have lost had you no policy is saved to you. We have the agfrncy of several strong companies and can give you a policy that will really protect you when a fire occurs. ROLLIE W. WATSON, “ The Insurance Man » PHONE US. CALL ON US. WRITE US TODD HOTEL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK, ORE. Children’s Rockers, $1.00 to $3.50 High Chairs, $1.25 to $5.00 $5.25 Steel Cribs See cur display of Brassware. Ammer Furniture Co Don’t Get Wet IQ Reflex Slicker $3.00 O.I.C. O. A. C. 1 Printing Point Does Not Bob Up and Down In an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter the point on the paper which is to receive the type impression is stationary at the instant the type hits. The carriage does not bob up and down when the shift is made to write capitals. Why? Because the type is shifted—net the carriage. The only movement of the carriage« is back and forth on its closely adjusted ball bearing runways— and this does not take place while the print is being made. There is no lifting of the carriage. This is one reason why L C. Smith & Bros, type­ writing is free from blurs and every letter in the right place. >4 s Jt for DemoiutraUon L. C. Smith 6/ Bro«. Typewriter Co. Hem. Off... ..J F«.«„ 336 O k st., SYRACUSE N Y. Portland, Ore. |j