KOVEMEER 25, 1915. AMOOK heal ANOTHER BIG STORM STRIKES BAR VIEW. MOVABLE SCHOOL. - —o------ Extension Service of O. A. C. to be In Tillamook November 30 Results of Dental Inspection School Children. of | Ths Englishman Spots. In a second class railway earrings, going from Lausanne to Paris. I once passed a uigbt of couflk-t. On my side were a Swiss who spoke English and an Englishman who didn't »i decreased power of mastication; (2) toxic effect of pus which is ab­ I Experiments show that light can be mook County Schoolmasters’ Club Morning—10:00-12:00. L se and misuse of fertilizers, J. E. sorbed directly into the blood or tak­ seen through a dean cut opening of Supt. K. W. Onthank, of Tillamook, Larson. en into the stomach or intestines; (3) not more than one forty-thousandth of was elected president, and Prin. I’ R Co-operation organizations for the reflex nervous disturbances due to an inch. Wyman, of Bay City, was elected dairymen, E. B. Fitts. vice president. Definite plans were pain, impaction of the teeth, etc.; and This fact was determined by taking begun for conducting regular bi­ Afternoon—1 00-4 00. <4) the possibility of acting as a two thoroughly clean straight edges Drainage of Tillamook lands, J. E. breding ground and distributing point monthly spelling contests between and placing a piece of paper between Larson. the large schools of the county, and for the bacteria which cause acute in­ Testing milk for caesin and butter fectious diseases. Several studies of the surfaces at one end. the opposite for an annual oral spelling match for fat, E. B. Fitts. the championship of the county. Ten­ the effect of defective teeth upon end being allowed to come together. Breeding for -milk production, E. B. health have been made that 50 per The straight edges being placed be­ tative arrangements were also made Fitts. for meetings. The next meeting will cent or more school children have tween the eye and a strong light In a Evening, be held at Bay City. enough defective teeth to interfere dark room, a wedge of light was per­ The domestic science girls served harm structures, wood and con­ seriously with health. ceived from the ends between which crete (i> lustrated), J. E. Larson. u ,O ,hc vi»iting school men There is also a very marked rela­ the paper was placed and the opposite, H. T. Botts and G. B I amb, mem tion between poor teeth and mental which were brought together. The hers of the local board of enducatior I development. In 1912 an experiment thickness of the paper t»elng known, were guests at the luncheon was made in Cleveland which seems the distance a|>nrt of the two edges of to demonstrate this conclusively. the small end of the wed«e of light Serious Auto Accident. I have some choice young pigs for Forty pupils in a school in one of the was easily calculated. poorer districts, all of whom were sale, both sexes, the kind th t “repeaters”, were chosen. Their teeth A bad accident which might have Irving*« Intensity. proved latal, occurred on I hursdav matures very young. One of tny herd were put in good shape, and, held to The piercing eyes nod Intense ex­ evenmg when Earl Ford ran down boars weighed 620 tbs. at eighteen fidelity in following instructions by 1 rof. Recd and his little girl with months old. My hogs have won rib­ promise of a liberal reward, as well pression of Henry Irving once h id tbe as by visiting nurses, were kept in effect of makiug h fellow actor alto­ his auto opposite U. J. Stephen». It bons at county and slate fairs. good shape tor a ye*r. Psychological is claimed that Ford was under the gether forget that lie was on the stage experts tested their mental ability at Phone -or write lor prices. influence of liquor and had no lights at a IL It occurred In Manchester dur­ the beginning and close of the ex ­ burning un his machine. JOE DONALDSON. perminent, and found an average im­ ing a performance of "Macbeth." and KK*d' Wh? ” ,l,e train­ R. F. D. 1, Tillamook. provement of 50 per cent in mental tn tbe scene where Macbeth says to ing teacher m the public school, ai ability at the end. Improvement in one of tbe murderers. “There’s blood . daughter, were on their w school work was simultaneous, only opon thy face!" Irving put so much church, when struck — by auto J the • •• w UM IV T' One failing of promotion. This rela­ earnestness into bls words that the girl was thrown down „„d IC’ and ,, the tion is shown in Tillamook. Of the 12 murderer forgot bls proper aoswer passed over her. rendering hre auto who had 8 or more defective perman­ (“ Tis Banquo'a. then") and replied in conscious. T he machine caught R un- er,i ent teeth only two could be classed a startled- voice: and dragged him 40 feet, almost Is there? Great as above the average in scholarship, mg the clothes from hi» body ll tear- Ucotr ne fancied, as he afterward e re- at least seven were below average and reived two gashes in the head and a several were retarded in grade in ad­ ■aid, that be'd broken a blood vessel. broken collar bone, and was other- dition. wise badly shaken up. It wa. . • - not Sometime before the examination known at first who w!.„ Synthetic Dyes. e»n.r*| lh<1 acci. was made, special instruction in the dent, for the driver The raw materials from which al­ ’”-r nurrved off and care of the teeth and the use of the most all the aynthetlo dyes are made paid no attention . sons. It was a- ' to the “7 ! injured nJurM per- tooth brush was begun. Sample tubes are only nine or ten direct products of that it wa. ’ pertained the next day ‘ ........ „7 of a standard tooth paste and tooth coal tar. These are transformed chem­ tend caused brush pledgecards were distributed to the acc’’ J” earl ------ Ford ■ who ~r -- — - ically into from 250 to 300 intermedi­ tent, as the headlight on his auto “ . ■. . —-— stimulate interest. "Health officers” was broken and a piece of ■- glass fc* ’ in each room reported each morning ate products, which In their turn yield and on the road fitted into the with condition of teeth as well as 1 about 1.200 chemically distinct dye­ headlight. Ford claims that he did not hands and finger nails, and otherwise ' stuffs. Among the processes employed know that he caused the accident, but teachers urged the care of the teeth. are high temperatures, great pressures admitted later that he supposed he After the examination this was con­ and low refrigeration. had done so_______________ tinued and some effect was made to ■ - show the children the advisibility of Hie Query. Notic« of Caucus. having cavities filled immediately. "Tou’ve been sentenced to twenty School closed soon, however, and Notie« la hereby given, that ■ can­ nothing special was done to reach the . years' ha,d tabor. With good time yon can cut that down, of course." said the parents. eus wiU be held at the Court House in A few weeks ago the teachers asked lawyer. Tillamook City, Oregon, on Monday, ____ how __ ____ _ had had den- “Good timer eiclalmed the prisoner. the children many November 29th, 1915, at the hour of 1 tai'work done since the examination, “How's a guy going to harp any good 8 o’clock P. M.. for the purpose of and about 90 out of an enrollment ap- Ume In prison?“—Detroit Free P ■ proximately the same as last spring, nominating ths following officers for j or about 40 per cent reported in the the ensuing year, to be voted on at the Slow Pay. : affirmative. How many of them had City Election on December 8th, 1915. “Does your father object because I’m their teeth put in good condition is to-wit: uncertain but the dentists report a paying attention to youT* “No Taw says he's glad to see you I considerable number who have had Mayor, five councilmen and city I extensive work done, and more com- paying aomethtng. tf it's only atten­ treasurer. Abo one water commission­ Tillitrnook. - 'Oregon. j ing all of the time, so the results ap­ tion."—Buffalo E> prana. er from the Sth ward. pear to be good. Done by order ofthe Common Coun- Earl \V. Onthank. Tros thrift, ancordtng to Robert . Dated this November lflth, 1915. . Ixmtw ,*tevrn*>n In to ran ■ Utt)« «nd John Aschim. \\e arc not too proud to prepare to , .. . > City Recorder. fight, and that s a great deal. «*nu • littlv lem Timely, seasonable, and acceptable gift sug. gestionsfor 'Xmas. Shop early—its the early shopjjer who gets the best choice, the best service and the greatest satisfaction. Not that the eleventh hour shopper is neg­ lected here—by no means—but the crowds who throng the store towards ’Xmas. Day prevent the salesfore giving that individual and helpful attention that can be given whilst the store is not so crowded. Plan to do your gift buying now and here— you will get immense satisfaction and pleasure in making a leisurely choice before the holiday rush begins. Gifts for Ladies. Wirthmor Waists. —Wirthmor Waists are always One Dollar Withmor Waists are always Worth More. Shown in New Hard anjrer Voiles, Flannel, Organdies and Fancy Voiles. All sizes from 34 to 44. Welworth Waists. Welworth Waists are sold here only. Welworth Waists are always Two Dollars. Exquisite styles, beautiful fabrics perfect fitting sizes, superb finish­ ings. All sizes 34 to 44. Leather Handbags. — Luxuriously soft leather handbags in all the very latest utility and novelty* shapes—Dainty Linings an‘1.$1.33 to $2.00 Blocki Perfumes. —Gift Boxes of “Flower in the Bottle“ Brand of Perfumes in all the most favored extractions. Plain and fancy bottles in fancy and OF_ tf*/i AA Jewel Boxes...................................... ¿OC. 10 «JH.UV Handkerchiefs. —Cambric, Lawn and Pure Irish Linen Handker­ chiefs, Hemstitched, Embroidered, initialled or lace trimmed. Priced each Awonderful selection- 5c. to 98c. Phoenix Silk Stockings. —Most desirable srifts. Shown here in all the newest and most fashionable colors as well as in Black and t'o'io":..A" 85c. Dainty Silks for Waists. What more desirable "gift than a suitable Waist Length of Silk. Pussy Willow Taffetas, Crepes de __ C bine, Figured Messalines, Check Taffetas, 'Pub Silks, etc. Priced per yard from 59c. to $2.50 r Japanese Art Ware. Just the kind of gifs y*our Home loving friends will appreciate Japanese Art Wicker Jardinieres, fruit Baskets, Sandwich Trays, flower AC- tn C7 7^ holders, etc., priced from.............. LO Siesta Slippers. ---For milady s boudoir—or house wear. Shown iti plpin self and combination color felts, colored crochet and suede; ribbon and no <91 OF Cl /ifi plush trimmed. All sizes, pair «/OC., $ 1 .¿3, $1.^0 Silk Petticoats. -;■t will I Try lens for