T illamook , County Court Proceedings. headlight N ovember 25, 1915 1 that "blarsted Brittisher” Barron, I Current Comment by Newpsapers. School Notes. who has been hitting the high spots I ----- o----- In the matter of the petition to va- .at . Practica!ly all of the American egg 1 he second grade won the prize ate a portion of "Park" in Rocka- laying a contests «,..,«,, u of . .even, lo 1 The Tariff was not revised by the recent years. To nilPil l until rva-K»««» the _-- 1- * cham- I Democrats in 1913. It was butchered. picture as a result of having the i .L*as cont,nue< until I kno,. have gotten goat -i of a. this ' the December term. largest number of parents out to the pion of the champion breeders is no When the history of 1914 comes to In the matter for claims for indem- , small honor, -1IU and ,, to have brought to be a hitten it must be so taken up with Parent Teachers’ association meet­ ing. nity for cattle slaughtered, the fol- Oregon the -L- grand prize, the cash, Air. Reed has been laid up with in­ , lowing were filed and will be con- and a score of trophies offered at the the European War as to omt all men- ton of the operatons of the Demo­ juries since Thursday evening. He I sidered next month: greatest — Exposition v/a of modern lilt»! times cratic Tariff. j Ed. Worthington ... will return to supervise his work next A very important question $-2500 1 is about all that might be -J expected I Peter Erickson ........ About all the Free Traders accom­ Monday, although he will not be able to-day which every housekeeper 25°° even of college hens. 1G VU Burgess .......... 25.001 t ' ....... been ...... following plished was alarming capital and to use his left arm for several weeks must decide for herself is whether io those who : have LA. W. Hess ..................................... 1 ____ — j i n crippling the credit of American to come. In the meantime Mr. On- 50.00 the poultry work of ... Prof. Dryden" she prafors puro, cream of tartar nt rtr ... * . « • thank has taken charge of the class. 1 In lhe matter of final payment of I 1__ sheepman, for which the present scar ­ recent years this "bringing home the baking powder like Royal or Fourth grade won the Palmer Pen­ Jenck Bros, on E. E. Cross road, the : bacon" is no surprise. Working at O. city is responsible. nant for the greatest improvement in rlaini of $472.26 was allowed and I A. C. this “Luther Burbank of poul- whether sho is willing to usn Mr. Edison has devised a factory writing this week. Fifth grade close | I Ordered paid. baking powder made of inferior trydom ” developed Lady Macduff, whistle that can be heard for twenty In the matter of final payment on the hen that two years ago laid 303 miles. It will not be grently needed, second. substitutes which do not add the Fairview and Hunt’s bridge roads eggs in 365 «lays, the world’s cham­ however, so long as the Underwood i Last Saturday when the first rc- 1 healthful qualities to the food. port of the Oregon University and O. ae claim of $4.385.03 was ordered pion record until very recently. While Tariff is in operation. lid. | A. C. football game catne in from the this distinguished egg­ Ono kind is easily distin­ If you are not anxious that the scene of the struggle at Eugene, and \n matter of the resignation of developing producer, Prof. Dryden bred up world should have Free-Trade here the score given as 0-0 at the end of Lb. -’Pincer as constable for the first guished from the other, since more than 250 at the expense of the wage earners in the first half, excitement ran high in ■ p-. ’ri’-k ACVCl’l- i whole flocks laying Als\r?c!i..'‘le same was accent- eKRs per hen, and now has several the laws of various States require the United States, then the adequate Tillamook among the 'defenders of I»- r .... u' — ■•«••»povn I • ' - lhom Pson was appumi- appoint- ' the ingredients to be printed ¿to till the vacancy, the petition of , 1 laying about the 300 mark. He is one Protective Tariff is the remedy. both teams. The Oregon boosters be­ Vink La r lamboy being rejected. | | who has given his time to the de- unon the label. If anyone is in gan their celebration, w hile the boos- V\ hen war ends foreign countries, ters for the Orange and Black waited __ __ _ resignation ,,_w l^the matter of the of velopment of egg-producers rather doubt which kind is most health­ r7. ” Marcher as constabie „ for the I l*’aJn-to t*le,Pr°6uction of feathers, with their industries reviving and for the final results. \\ hen the final t J. ’ ful, it is worth while to ask the iustice district tbc ....... • and m speaking of the Oregon tri- necessities great, will try to cut into score came in 9-6 there was a mistake Fforth justice the same » was — i unlPh in this contest said that the re­ the American market at low prices, in the wire the game was considered family doctor. Then decide. ifocepted. in the Hudson for a ' ? a.st[iki"K demonstration of the lhe need of a real Protective Tariff I 1- ‘ matter J: . J. ---------- even, but when the true report came will be felt then. This should be R. L. L. Shreve, Shreve. J M , effce °f the breeding. The hens in And when once a decision 13 1 county road, ' R. that the score was 9-0 in favor of Baker and H. M. Farmer were ■ ap- i A /hree wlnn*ng pens entered by O kept in mind in preparing for the Oregon, the graduates of that school reached let no advertisement or campaign of 1916. I pointed as viewers, to meet at Clover­ 1 A. C. w-ere selected on the production went wild with joy and many amus­ dealer’s argument or canvasser’3 ■ records of their ancestors, complete dale on Nov. 22nd. Congress must, and will, continue ing scenes were seen 011 the street. solicitation change the decision. ( ]n the matter of the petition of 'records of each of these five years to deal with Tariff. Taking the Tariff The final debate tryout for the se­ It is not a question of a few ¡Solon Schiffinann for a county road, back givmg him the lineup. out of politics is impossible. Even if lection of the high school team was This victory seems to be a vindica­ it coats or of pleasing a salesman, 'this was continued until next term, as could be done, the surrendering of held last Saturday and the final rank­ was also a petition of W. H. Kandle. tion of college education, in the case the power of taxation to a so-called ing of the chosen men is as follows: It is a question of health. | ]n the matter of the contract with of chickens. In this instance college commission of business experts Ernest Crockett, Delmer Powers and W. D. Wood on the Geo. R. McKim- education and educated won out, and would not solve but might increase, Clifford Martin, tied for second place If this appeals to you as rea- |tns county road, an extension of time Mr. Barron, the English breeder the difficulties complained of. sonable and sensible advice, it and Lee Doty fourth, 1 revor Hare were swamped, was granted to complete the road whose phenoms is worth reading twice. And it A summons comes from the White fifth and (. harlcs Lamb a close sixth. thinks enough of Dryden’s birds to until March I, 1916. The team will now work with the is worth remembering. In the matter of a budget of taxes have offered him two pens for one House to all Americans to "take their question and form their casts for the stand for America, first, last and all ¡or the 1915 tax roll, it appearing that and $200 cash to boot. debates with the other schools in the the time." No man can stand by When it comes down to the records ¡¡would require the sum of $319,238.- ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO unless he stands by Ameri­ district. 1 he first debate will prob­ j 67 to defray the expenses for 1916, made by any of the pens in competi­ America can industries—the forms and mills, ably come shortly after Christmas. Commissioner McKimens entered a i I tion or individually there is little to and New York Professor G. F. Sanders, of the there is no way to do that unless protest against the raising of an am- be said. The Oregon White Leghorns you are in favor of a Protective Tar­ high school, is now official local fount to exceed the sum of $154,000 taking first place laid something more iff. weather reporter and has the appara­ [for road purposes, but the court than 1600 eggs, an average of but lit­ in good working order. He re­ The Free-Trade boat is listed so tus ¡thinking that the former amount was tle more than 160 per hen. The same ports that up until the 24th of this ( hens at the Oregon station probobly heavily that it is due for sinking in necessary, placed that amount in the month there has been 16.00 inches of No. 8574. •would have produced around the 250 1916. Many Democrats are leaving i budget, which appears elsewhere in I mark, but the conditions here were the old tub and are safe within the rainfall and that during the last ten this issue. Report of the Condition of the days there has been more than an 1 In the matter of the appointment of not conductive to heavy egg produc­ lines of Protection and prosperity, average of one inch a day, 11.19 tion. All the chickens were up against with more coming over every day. a person to serve on the County Fair inches having fallen in that time. Board, to fill the vacancy caused by I exactly the same thing, so no one has Going to be some submerging next The fifth grade won the Palmer year when Woody makes his final the resignation of Wm. G. Tait, any special regrets. kick. I Penant in competition with the sixth at Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of Erwin Harrison was appointed on grade and fourth grade. The sixth Flax Failure is Denied. ¡the board. ____________ The cost of making a first-class dye grade came in second i n the last con­ business on November 10th, 1915. in America is admittedly high, but test. Salem, Or., Nov. 22.—Members of chemists hope it may be less before How Many Sportsmen? RESOURCES. the S’ate Board of Control ------- today , as­ the domestic article is exposed to for­ I The boys in the Manual Training , ------ o----- $*40.65766 Loans and discounts ................................................................................... serted that an article in the Oregon Department are undertaking, under eign competition. While any uncer ­ I On August 22nd while Chas. Mor­ Overdraughts, unsecured ........................ . ............................................... 774-34 Journal last week ___ .... the direction of Mr. Reed, the con ­ J* saying that the tainty exists on this point the infant gan and Andrew Peterson were hunt- 35,00000 U. S. Bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) .................. | in« deer in the hills back of Bay City, flaxraising work being conducted by dye industry in the United States tract for small carpenter and building Bonds other than U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings Morgan mistook Peterson for a deer the state promised to be a failure and should be Protected by a stiff Tariff, jobs. Eldred Reed and Lowed Ed­ I deposits ....................................................................................................... 3.05343 wards are building a cabinet for Mr. land shot him in the hip. The wound that they were dissatisfied with J. C. by a Republican Tariff. Clough. Some of the seventh grade Bonds and securities pledged as collateral for State, or other Cady, in charge of the flax plant at | was not fatal. A number of Iowa Republican pa ­ 5,000.00 deposits of bills payable (postal excluded ...................................... boys are making a lot of filing boxes Deer appear plentiful this season in the penitentiary, was untrue. pers which claim a membership in for the use of the county agricultural­ Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks) owned Both Governor Withycombe and Tillamook county, many hunters beg­ the “Old Guard," forget all about ist and the school library, and sever­ unpledged ......................................................................... .......................... 34.333 18 ging the limit. W. J. Himes killed State Treasurer Kay declared that the a Protection three years out of four. al small jobs will soon be under way. Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve Bank ................ $1,800.00 work so far had been satisfactory, and 'three spike bucks or Trask river. But when Presidential year comes, The boys are at present preparing an Less amount unpaid .................................................................... $900.00 The largest buck killed in this county Secretary of State Olcott said that like Chicago’s "greatest dailv.” the estimate for the constructon of ad­ Furniture and fixtures ................................................................................ 7.38047 so far this season was bagged by with the experiment uncompleted it men in their sanctums about from Ju­ ditional sidewalks on the school Real e state owned other than banking house ...................................... 7.484 *6 Alvin Wells. It was a seven-point was too early to predict the outcome. ly until November for the Lincoln- grounds. Mr. Reed is anxious to have Net amount due from Federal Reserve Bank ...................................... 5,000.00 All three members of the Board said and weighed 219 pounds dressed. McKinley Tariff policies. an opportunity to teach the boys Net amount due from approved reserve agents in other reserve On the first day of September a they had not considered asking Cady cities ............................................................................................................ The farmer, the planter of the more carpentry by actual practice. large io-point elk was seen drinking to appear before them for an explana­ He hopes to secure contracts for Net amount due from banks and bankers ............................................ at the creek at Bridge No. 8 on the tion of his conduct of the flax work. south, the business man, the laborors small buildings such as woodsheds Exchanges for clearing house .................................................................. “Indications now seem to point to a and all the citizens who are not Pro­ Salmonberry by trainmen of the success of the flaxraising industry,” tectionists ought to join the Protect­ which can be hauled to to the prem­ Outside chicks and other cash items .................................................... Southern Pacific. Governor Withycombe. “Where ionists and aid in the restoring of ises of those for whom they are built. Fraction 1 currency, nickles and cents.................................................. The campers and pleasure seekers said He will be glad to take up the matter Note s other National Banks ................................................................ we had figured on only obtaining 500 are having much sport killing bear in tons of straw, we have harvested 600 the great American Protection pol­ with anyone who has need for such Coin and certificates. Lawful money reserve in bank .................... Tillamook county, seven having been tons. We have threshed out nearly icy; then we will listen to real pros­ small buildings, between now and Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (not more than 5 per cent the imaginary, as killed on Kilchis River during the last 3000 bushels of seed and should real­ perity instead of on circulation) and du.- from U. S. Treasurer .................................. 1,250.00 the carpet by dema- spring. now spread on week in August The County School Master's Club ize $6000 from this source alone. mogues. The anglers have had a fine season. Whether it is best to ret the flax in will meet Saturday noon at the High Total $274,96* 89 At President Wilson's direction the School. This club includes all men Tons of trout have been taken from the winter or wait until spring is a Department of Commerce and Fed ­ Wilson and Trask rivers this sum­ question yet to be determined." who are teaching in the county of LIABILITIES. Trade Commission have begun an Tillamook. 1 lie local school men arc Capital stock paid in mer. At the present time the anglers State Treasurer Kay pronounced eral $ 25,000.00 are having great sport with jack the Portland daily’s story as absolute­ investigation to find a means to pre­ entertianing those from other parts Surplus fund ....... 5,000.00 vent a flood of cheap labor products of the county. 1 he domestic Science Undivid. d profits ... salmon along the head of tide waters ly without foundation. $3.007.31 from European markets when the Department will serve luncheon as a Reserved for taxes . . Ducks are coming into Tillamook "It may be that the flax can be ret­ 150.00 Bav in large numbers, and the shoot­ ted best in the Spirng,” said Kay, war is over. Let our Free-Trade Pres­ part of their regular class work of Reserved for .............. $3357 3* ident proceed to enjoy his negotia­ the girls who are taking cooking. ing is excellent. “so as to permit the scotching pro­ Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid .. . . 1,011.05 2,146.26 Charles arid Harry Fletcher have Circulating Up to October 1st there had been cess without the employment of ar­ tions with Cupid. The incoming Pro­ notes outstanding ...................................... 25,000 00 sold 47,433 anglers’ and 30,584 hunt­ tificial heat. That is to be tetermined.” tective Tariff administration will pro­ nearly completed a boat which they Due to banks and bankers .............................................. 9.661.95 vide the means to Protect American have been building in the Manual ers’ licenses. For the past few years 144,81226 industries. Training Department. Bob Meyers Individual deposits subject to check .......................... the number of anglers’ licenses sold *3.707 56 has a canvas covered canoe under Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days .... has steadily increased. This is due Notice of Appointment of Viewers If Americans find it advantageous way. Certified checks .............................................................. 60 00 Other boys arc planning to For Assessing Damages and Ben­ largely to the policy of the Fish and to buy the products of European fac­ make boats durng the winter. P< stal savings deposits................................................... 1,83648 efits in Laying out Streets Game Department in constantly re­ tories under the rates of duty pre­ 5,000.00 A cobblers outfit has been ordered State, county, or other municipal deposits................ stocking the streams of the state, scribed by the Underwood act, Mr. Total demand deposits .................................................... $165,416 30 thus making a fair catch reasonably Notice is hereby given that the Redfield can invent no method of for the Manual Training Departmint. Certif'catcs of deposit .................................................... *2,433 43 certain to him who loves to spend a Common Council, of I illamook City, keeping them out of this country. Mr. Reed is expecting to teach the Other t me deposits ........................................................ 30.30395 what to do for lost soles. day on the stream. Of course we Oregon, has appointed Carl Haber- That can only be done by revising boys $42,737-38 The school library has received its Total of time deposits ...................................................... must take into consideration the fact lach, David Martiny and T. E. Epp- the Tariff law, or by manufacturing apportionment of books from the that our angling streams are easier lctt as viewers, to view the following so cheaply in the United States that County School Library. For some Total $274,961.80 of access than our hunting grounds. proposed streets, to-wit: An exten­ our products can compete in our own reason this was somewhat reduced A fisherman can spend a day angling sion of Tenth Street, or the street markets with those turned out by this last year but nevertheless a State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, ss: and return home in the evening with platted in A. A. Miller’s Addition as poverty-striken Europe toiling for splendid lot of books is now beng I, W. J. Rieciiers, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear his catch. A hunter spends from a Seventh Street, from the west line of a pittance after the war. prepared for circulatinon by the li­ that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. couple of days to a month on his Miller’s Addition to the West line of W. j. Riechert, Cashier Take away "war orders” and Amer­ brary class. hunting trip. He has to go farther Block 46 of Thayer’s Addition to ica would be stagnating in a business Two new students were received in Correct attest: B. C. Lamb, C. J. Edwards, J. C. Holden, directors. for his big game or his birds. It takes Tillamook City as provided for by sense indeed. Aside from the "war the High School this week, namely: Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of November, 1915. more preparation and demands a Ordinance No. 298 of 1 illamook City, order" centers America is stagnating Alfred Fletcher, who returns to grad­ E. J. Claussen, Notary Public. bfger outlay of money. All these approved August 3, *9*5, and has ap­ in a business sense. "War orders” uate with the senior class and Chessel My Commission expires, Jan 27, 1917 items enter into a consideration of pointed Friday, the 24th day of De­ cannot last forever. What we shall do Mills who entered the Commercial the causes underlying the fact that cember, 19*5, at the City Hall, in when they cease? Shall we continue Department. ’ Tillamook each year there are more anglers ---- City, Oregon, at the the wretched economic policy that licenses sold.—The Oregon Sports- hour of 9 o'clock a.m. as the time and has produced this condition of things, ALL TIRED OUT. man. place for said viewers to meet for the or shall we return to the days of ade- ■■ -o purpose of making the assessment of quateTariffs, formed on national not Hundreds More in Tillamook in the Oregon Hens Win. damages and benefits arising out of sectional, lines and assuring a real not Same Plight. BURNED OUT! the proposed extension of said street. stimulated, prosperity everywhere? Tired all the time; Oregon Building, P. P. I. . E„ Nov. All persons claiming damages by BUT THANKFUL STILLI Free-Trade is simply a theory. It Weary and worn out night and day; HV ____ ___ again this M-—It > "Oregon first” r reason of the appropriation of any Could you say as much? If your Back aches; head aches, time in the twelve months' Internat­ property which will be affected by flattens the earth like a buckwheat Your kidneys are probably weaken­ business was ruined today by fire ional Egg-laying contest involving such proposed extension are hereby pancake and cuts canals to join all 560 hens from the four corners of the notified to file their claims for such oceans and streams, so that if one ed. would you, too, be ruined, or would You should help them at their work. earth. The contest ended today, and damages with the City Recorder of body contains disease germs, all the your fire insurance policy protect other streams — put into one — shall Let one who knows tell you how. *• » matter of fact it is Oregon first, Tillamook City, Oregon, on or before have full benefit of the contagion. you as does the policy of this agency? Mrs. Lydia Pearson, 1017 Third St., second and third—three pens of the time so appointed. . . Free Trade—ribmarines are sunken McMinnville, Ore., says: "Pain in my Don't wait until after the fire—it'« White Leghorns, Barred Plymouth The boundaries and termini of the bombs out of the way—opened our back bothered me a great deal. I had too late to insure then. Come in today Rocks and a hybride of the two, en­ proposed extenson, and the boundar­ ports for the entry of produce and tered by Prof, James Dryden head of ies and descriptions of the private wares made by people of other na­ headaches and often felt tired. I tried and ask for particulars at once. To­ the poultry department at the Oregon property proposed to be appropriat­ tions, and by one un-American stroke a number of medicines but nothing morrow may be 100 late. seemed to give me much relief. After •Agricultural College, capturing all ed for said extension are as follows: invited the people of other climes to taking Doan ’ s Kidney Pills a short th» places worth mentioning. The Beginning at the Southwest corner compete with us just the same as if Ur<|j0tj chickens were so far ahead of Bl< ck 14, of A. A. Miller s Addi­ they resided in our midst, and thus time, I was entirely free from kidney the past t|)ree or four months that tion to Tillamook City, running reduce all the workers to a common disease. The backache and other there really w'?s never any doubt thence West to the West line of level. And we are taxed and they go troubles left me.” (Statement given it Aug 28. 1907). «bout the final result and the final Block 46. Thayer’s Addition to Iilla- free. Over five years later -Mr. Pearson, «core shows the Canadian pen, the mook; thence South o degrees >a To avoid making changes in the said: "1 have had no kidney trouble l'Ho.XE ( S. CALL ON US. WRITE US. dosest competition, about twenty minutes East 60 feet along said W “ to speak of since using Doan’s Kid- igRs behind Oregon’s lowest. To add line; thence East to the J’or hwest Underwood Tariff it is proposed by ney Pills.” TODD HOTEL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK, ORE. jo Oregon glory, a Barred Plymouth corner of Block 16 of A. AMsIIer - Secretary Redfield to amend the Clay­ 50c. at all dealers Don't simp­ R°ck developed from college stock Addition aforesaid; thence North to ton Anti-Trust act so as to make the ly Price ask for a kidney remedy—get selling of goods here from foreign *«<1 entered by F. M. Sherman of the place of beginning. firms at less than cost of production Doan’s Kidney Pills—the «amr that Buffalo Who Adornes Our Five-Cent1 preservation. The head will be Lebanon, and the White Leghorns The private property to be appro­ Mrs. Pearson has twice publicly rce- Piece is Killed. mounted. _ ____ ttnong the college hans, proved to be priated 1» »11 •»*»• included within unfair competition” punishable as a ommended Foster-Milburn Co. f means of preventing the "dumping ’ ’ the highest individual »corers. Ap­ said boundaries, the same of low priced goods on our markets Props., Buffalo. N Y. Suspect Utters Threats. parently, the only reason Oregon did of Black Diamond, the aged buffalo portion of Lots t, 2 and 3 of! Block whose likeness is printed on $10 hot win a greater victory lies in the 46, Thayer’s Addition » oresa.d and at the close of the war. What amount of good has the Clayton act done in 474 More Officers Die. Baltimore, Nov. 21—Otto Buelow, treasury notes and ------------ is stamped r_ on the «et tHt the Oregon college did not the tract laying Fast of sad 3 ihi* country and how far could our latest 4-cent pieces, was put to death or Unger, the suspected deserter tnter more heus. bounded on the West by t R— industries depend on it for protection. London. Nov 12—Officers’ casua­ He was more than 20 vears old and fr<»m the converted German ember This contest, thé largest and long- line of said lot and on the Nort But it is not dumpage only that must lty lists for the fortn'r’ht ending Oc’ the largest bison in captivity. He Prinz F.itel Frederick, now interned p’ •• the Panama-Pacific Internat- be prevented against. In the manufac­ 2C show that the British army, in all had been in the Central Par|i corral at Norfolk, declares that "in six •?na' Exposition, was conducted on ture of dves Germany excels in her theatres of the war. lost 474 officers . for many years. months' time there will not be a war •he Exposition grounds under the process and her manufacturers can killed 8,7 wound« d and 147 missing, Black Diamond’s hide, which meas­ munitions plant in operation in the it throttle the newely established Amer- •t*«ticcs of the Unlver»ity of Cali- a total of I4«8. which brings the cas­ ured 1 jX 13 feet, will he made into an United States," according to city De­ •ornia. The great feature was the can industries without resorting to ualties since the beginning of the war automobile robe. The bison weighed tective Robert Porter. tontest between pens of ten birds, dumpace. If we are to have American Ao 19.668. Of this 6033 have been 1550 pounds, from which 750 pounds According to Porter, Buelow seem­ *®d pens were entered from practlcal- dyes the Tariff rates on dyes must be killed, 11.957 wounded and 1683 re- of dressed meat was obtainco. The ed to know tbc location of all muni­ g f>ery state in the Union, from City Recorder of Till­ protective. {corded as missing. teeth arc in a remarkable state of tion plants in the country. Mnada and from England. Among amook City. Oregon. I W also-rans are two pens entered by a Will You Read This Twice? FIRST NATIONAL BANK, FIRE ! FIRE 11 FIRE ! ! I ROLLIE W. WATSON, “ The Insurance Man.” .