TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 25, 1915. Slate Press Flashlights. cease work, and thereby cripple our I have the government borrow as many manufacturers. We find German ' millions more to experiment in a J ELAND B. ERWIN, agents setting fire to factories, blow­ business which the most alert and ag­ ing up munition plants, and placing gressive business men have found England will resort to conscription infernal machines on American ships, PIANO INSTRUCTION. unless more able bodied single nun not only to the destruction of our unprofitable under the American nav­ igation laws. respond for war service. W hy not property and prosperity, but to the Diploma from Chicago Musical compulsory service in such an emer­ impcrilment of the lives of our citi- College. —Beginners receive the same NOTICE. gency? Why should the red blooded ' zens. careful training as the most advanced. men who have the willingness and J he war that Germany has carried Terms:—$4.00 per months lastruc­ courage to sacrifice themselves bi to America is destructive of our in­ Notice is hereby given, that on tion. compelled to carry the whole burden dustries, implacable on the part of Monday, the 13th day of December, of hardship and suffering, while those those who instituteed it, and humili­ 1915, at 2 o’clock in tile afternoon, at All lessons given at Studio. who are lacking in patriotic qualities ating to every patriotic American.— the Court House, in Tillamook Coun­ Factory Representative for the remain comfortably at home.—Ore­ The Spectator. ty, Oregon, a public hearing will be Chute & Butler Pianos and Player gonian. had al w hich the taxpayers will be Pianos. heard in favor or against any pro­ °----- that certain . '. in­ Ine Rurarl Barometer. posed tax levies as shown by the fol­ Remove the ----- “swag" p T BO ALS, M.D., lowing estimate by the County Cou t, terests will get if militarism is estab­ automobile salesman finds that of lillamook County, Oregon. lished and it will not be quite so ob the An surest THEJIBEST STOCK OF||HARDWARE IN record of the financial sit ­ Estimate of the amount of money jectionable. But, should the govern­ uation in the country is the briskness PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ment conclude to build'its own ships, of the sales of automobiles. He sold proposed to be raised by taxation for the county Surgeon S. P. Co. make its own armor and manufacture in the vicinity of Quincy, 111., too cars the ensuing year for Tillamook Coun­ its own ammunition, a great portion of a $750 make, and just half of them ty, Oregon. (I. U. O. F. Bldg ) of the “sentiment” bought and creat­ went to the farmers. . Figures assembled by the County See Us’for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. Hllaniook ... * Oregon Court show that it will require the ed would fizzle out. Even war-at-any- This, lie says, gives an idea of how sum of $319,238.67 to defray the ex­ ^rice newspapers would become as important bumper crops are to the jentle as little kittens.—Independence 1 manufacturer of automobiles. penses of lillamook County, Oregon Monitor. for the year 1916, and for the object ^^¿EBSTER HOLMES, The year 1915, in the greater part of and ----- o—— purpose of county improvement, «COOOOSCeCGCOC09&9>OOQiOOG.4eOGiQOGCCOCOOOOOOOOOOOeC the United States, although there art the maintenance of county buildings, With the defeat of the non-partisan sections not so fortunate, has been ATTORNEY-AT LAW political scheme of the progressives one of the bumper crops. The auto­ roads, bridges and for the salaries of of California it begins to look as if mobile manufacturers are doing an county offjeers and employes, and for COMMERCIAL BUILDING, the people—the ones who do the unusually good business in the coun­ other purposes, as follows, to-wit: Dealers in Road Purposes. greater part of the voting—were com­ try as a result. And prosperity that FIRST STREET, ing into their own and would in the means business for automobile manu­ Roads, Bridges, Supervisor’s » Salaries, Repairs on Ma­ TILLAMOOK, - OREGON futurp weigh well before they voted facturers means business for every chinery and supplies ... $173,389.95 favorable upon the greater part of tin purveyor. K BRANDS OF FLOUR: Clerk’s Office. schemes put forward by interested The United States is the only coun­ REEDY, D.V M., partisans in the name of the legisla­ try in which the ownership of auto­ Clerk’s Salary .................... $1,600.00 q "-'1< rning Star.” *‘Y. Family Bend.” ‘‘Oregon Flower. 900.00 tion by the people. The plans of this mobiles by farmers is a common Deputy Salary ..................... I. 780.00 class of politicians have been given thing. American farmers are not so Deputy Salary .................... E. T. ULLMANN, Manager, VETERINARY. some hard knocks in Oregon during scientific as those of Europe or of Records, Supplies and Expen- pcnscs, Tillamook, Oregon. 900.00 x Commercial Building, the past ^ear or two and now comes Asia. But they possess vastly greater Both Phone«. Mutual Phone. California with a “solar plexus" blow acreage of land per capita, and their Total ........................... $4,180.00 rillamook ... Oregou to such schemes.—Lebanon Criterian. business is operated upon a larger Sheriff’s Office. scale. They rode good horses when Sheriff’s Salary ................... $1,600.00 We used to wonder why the North­ the horse was the only farm tractor, Deputy Salary ..................... 900.00 ern Pacific railroad used a baked po­ and drove good hand made vehicles, Deputy H. OOYNE, Salary ............. . 900.00 tato as a menu trade mark. Now we always alive to the importance of the Extra help in tax collecting. 150.00 know. Until a man has eaten a Willa­ right material and workmanship in Records, Supplies and Ex­ ATTORNEY-AT LAW. mette valley baked potato dressed up the buggy or barouche. Nowadays penses ............................. in good brown gravy, he doesn't they are buying automobiles with the Miscellaneous ..................... know what a good potato is. And our same shrewdness, not always the Officer O pposite C ourt H ouse , good friend Geo. Armstrong brought cheapest make, but usually machines Total ............................. $4,267.32 lillamook . in four varieties last week that were at moderate prices and of proved • Oreg-on. ’s Office. so good and beautiful that we lost all quality.—Louisville Courier Journal. Treasurer’ Treasurer s Salary .............. $1,000.00 resentment we may have had toward Supplies and Expenses ....... 195-0° Adam for causing us to lose out on J OHN LELAND HENDERSON, Juggling Official Figures. our Eden heritage. We haven’t any Total ...................... . . . . . $1,195.00 doubt that proper archaeological in­ Assessor’s Office. ATTORNEY vestigation would prove that this is Over a year ago the Globe Demo­ Assessor’s Salary ............... AND the original Garden of Eden, the crat deplored the fact that the people Deputy Salary ................... $1,200.00 900.00 home of the apple—and the baked po­ could no longer take statements made One Field Deputy, four Mo. COUNSELLOR AT-I.AW. 300.00 tato.—Corvallis Gazett Times. by cabinet members at their face val­ Special help Extending taxes 165.00 T illamook B lock , ue, but had to subject them to scrut­ Records, Supplies and Ex- Tillamook ... - Oregon- penses .............. ............ W illiam Jennings Bryan is for peace iny. Since then we have had to go 550.00 ROOM NO. 261. except withing the ranks of the Dem­ below the superficies of Secretary Total ocratic party. Herein he has sounded Redfield’s statements' several times. ............... $3,115.00 a note of antagonism toward Presi­ But it seemed inconceivable that full Surveyor’s Office. J. CLAUSSEN, credence could not be given the offi ­ Salaries, Surveys and Engi­ dent Wilson that may occasion ex­ . LAWYER. cial reports of the condition of the neering ............................... $2,500.00 ceeding discord among the Great Un­ United States treasury. Yet on Oc ­ County Court. washed and lead ultimately to their DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT undoing in the campaign of 1916. It tober I of this year the daily treasury County Judge's Salary . . .6 $1,200.00 1 statement showed a net balance of County Commissioners Salary is as difficult for Bryan as it is for 2’3 T illamook B lock $5.00 per day estimated . .. 2,000.00 Roosevelt to keep still when he isn’t $128,063,545.23, whereas at the close of business the day before it was only Expenses and Supplies .... 300.00 satisfied. Rather than not to be seen Tillamook Oregon and heard and read, we fear he would $40,898,894.04. Since not a cent had Total ............................ come into the treasury in the mean ­ $3,500.00 rather disrupt the party that thrice Court House. honored him with a presidential nom­ while from any source, this over­ Q)K JACK OLSEN, ination. He may be sincere, but a sin­ night difference of over $80,000,000 Janitor’s Salary ................. . Wood ................................... set experts to work scrutinizing cere man who is also obstinate and DENTIST. likewise wrong is just about as dis­ methods. The increase was produced Lights and Water.............. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) turbing a factor as a cockroach in the by slight of hand bookkeeping. Jon­ Telephone ........................... athan Bourne made an investigation County Jail Expense .......... 980.00 pudding.—Weston Leader. and found that $61,000,000 of the Tillamook . Oregon Total ............................ increase came from shifting to the $3,000.00 Sunday Closing Law. asset side of the ledger disbursing Circuit Court. J J T. BvriM officers balances which had from Jurors, Witnesses, Bailiffs (From the Oregon City Courier.) time immemorial been carried as lia­ and Expenses .............. $3,000.00 * ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. i Getting down to the Sunday clos­ bilities. Justice Court. ing law, just as it stands, is is out-of- Harvey S. Chase, a certified ac­ Justice & Constable fees, Jur­ Completa Set of Abatract Hooka in date and a fraud. The Sunday closing countant of Boston who once worked ors, witnesses and supplies $1,000.00 Office. law permits drugstores to be open, in the treasury, has gone into the County Coroner Taxe« Paid for Non Resident«. but bars department stores. Yet the matter more exclusively. He shows Coroner fees and inquests .. . $250.00 modern drug store sell fishing tackle, that July 1, 1913. neither subsidiary County School Superintendent. T illamook B lock , gymnastic apparatus, talking 111a- silver coin, silver bullion or minor Superintendent’s Salary .... $1,000.00 TillamooK .... Oregon chints. books, pens, comeras, eye­ coin was included in the assets. In the Deputy’s Salary.................... 600 00 Both Phone«. glasses, more or less massive furni­ last statement, all these amounting Traveling Expenses .......... 200.00 ture and office fixtures, school-room to over $30,000,000, are included. The Office supplies an expenses. 300.00 fittings, toy balloons and fire works— national bank notes redemption fund hawk , Total ............................ 1 and incidentally drugs. Under the and the balances of disbursing offi­ law the modern drug store can stay­ cers were considered liabilities. Both Juvenile Court Expenses .... open and flagrantly violate the spirit have been shifted by Secretary Mc­ Insane ................................... PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. of Sunday legislation, while the mer­ Adoo to the other side of the ledger. $3,500.00 NEW HOME U^ERC chant next door, who doesn’t pose as Mr. Chase “certifies” that if the daily Elections ................. Bay City Oregon $1,500.00 a druggist, has to lock up Saturday statement of October 23, 1915. had Printing ................... ARE 2,750.00 night and stay shut till Monday morn­ been made on the same basis as that Care of County Poor $2,000.00 QUALITY CHOOSERS at the end of the fiscal year in 1913, Widow's Pensions .. ing. QR. L. L. HOY, 200.00 Just as one example, that cannot be the available balance would have been Health Officer ................... 7500 called justice, common sense or even exhibited as $3,517,027.21. If some Truant Officer ................... PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 500.00 national bank should use the same County Veterinarian ......... good law. County Fire Warden ......... 285.00 state- methods of deception in its Any effort to legislate that people T illamook B lock , Expert farm advisory work 1,500.00 shall do on Sunday is just as unfair, nivnt Secretary McAdoo seems to Sealer of Weights and meas ­ States have practiced in the I nited foolish and biggotted as would be Tillamook, * • Oregon. ures ................................... 88.15 legislation regarding what people treasury, it would be thrown into the County Fair ........................ 1,000.00 soon as hands of a bank examiner as should do on Tuesday. There are Indemnity ................ 500.00 QR. ELMER ALLEN quite a number of people who declare the comptroller could give the or- Stock Auditing county records .. . 200 00 that the Bible says that rest shall der.—Globe Democrat. District Attorney ’ s office . 2,000.00 come on the seventh day of the week, »(Succeaaor to Dr. Sharp), DONE RIGHT One Ford car, for Surveyor’s and not on the first as is provided in office and County Court 493-25 Mr. McCombs Sees The Light. • the Sunday closing law. So long as DENTIST. Current Expenses ............ 250.00 at there is this conflict, it seems that it State Taxes (estimated) .. 52,000.00 William F. McCombs, chairman of might be well to forget the Sunday Commercial Building, Tillamook School Fund. the Democratic National Committee, RIGHT PRICES. law, and let common sense rule. County School Fund ........ $40,000.00 has finally seen the light on one sub­ ject of party blundering. He says that County High School fund. 8,400.00 QARI. HAHKRLACfl, 30000 the seaman's act, which went into County Library Fund .... Carrying the War to America. 10000 Tillamook, Oregon. County Institute Fund .... o----- effect last week, is a mistake and it ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW. The nearer view of German “kultur should be repealed. He declares that The New Home Sewing $48,800.00 Total the greater grows our admination for it was not a Democratic measure in T illamook B rock Machine Company, this thoroughness, which is its other the first place. W’e shall not argue Cheer up I Get to work Total $319,23867 Tillamook *. . . ¡Oregon name. For the conflict in which Ger­ this question, although the act was San Francisco, Cal. in a F ish B rand Probable receipts of the County many is engaged, nothing, apparently passed by a Congress Democratic in other than direct taxation. was left to chance. Everything was both branches and signed by a Dem­ Receipts from (he County |jR GEORGE J. PETKR8KN provided for. The knowledge that the ocratic president, and has been de­ Clerk's office (estimated). $4,500.00 United States, following the example fended in one way or another by Receipts from delinquent DENTIST, Germany set us when we were at war Democratic cabinet officials. But taxes ................................. 3.000 00 would sell munitions to her enemies, Senator LaFollette, who calls him­ Also the following school districts Successor to Dr. Perkin« provided her the means of curtailing self a Republican vote« with the and cities have filed with the County If I FAIL to CURE mi CANCER «TUMOR 1 trMt I our production and shipment of arms Democrats and talks like a socialist, Clerk and Assessor, the special levies. batata It POISOIIS «•» (hate « attMtet to BONE TILLAMOOK, OREGON. s Strong, easy fitting, and ammunition to the Allie's. It must is the reputed author of the measure. School Dist. No. Mill WitiiMrtKiHftwPaiR^^ ** 1 ............ One ~ light, and water­ be admitted that in the destruction of W’c are chi< fly concerned about the School Dist. No. 6 three and % Mills Nt PAY Until CUREOrTN ^KORGE WILLETT, proof. absolutely. our munition plants, in fomenting fob-, of the measure itself, provoca­ School Dist. No. 12........... One Mill. wain« 6u*R*«ttE\ \ ' Reflex Edge» «top tive of international entaneb mi nt No X R*y or other A I j strikes among our workmen, and in School Dist. No. 14 .... Two Mills Antilend 1 CURED water from run­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW planting dynamite in American ships and tending to force American ves­ School Dist No. 42 Three and 54 Mills awlndle. plant mskeethe, « ning in at the front sels out of foreign commerce in nor ­ carrying cargoes intended for her School Dist. No. 49.......... One Mill. Any TUMOR. LUMR or^^J AT T illamook C ommbkcial H vildino Black. Yellow or OUve khaki. SORT on the lip, la, ■oes she has given evidence of a mal times It will not do to rely on School Dist No. 51 One and 44 Mills, or body ton« la ■ Protector Hat. 75 cert a Secretary Redfield "construing ” away lillamook • • . Oregon kultur" that no other nation has ever Town of Nehalem .. Eighteen Mills HOME Sattrfactum Guaranteed Ï its harsh provisions. Any interested 1 Dated this 18th day of November, CANCER; It rio"f <1 had the audacity to show. party may appeal from his construe-1 170PASI bOOK » r t I A.J.TOWERCO. ’ - Germany has carried the war to TREE. 10,.O te.ll-» Cl /( (915- K. K, DANIELS. ••t BOSTON ‘ J. C Holden, ruoalala. RrM la M X V America, and in this country is wag- tions, which will have no weight with 1 a court. The act should be repealed, ) County Clerk. ■ng as bitter and desperate a fieht together with all other features of our I CHIROPRACTOR. against the Allies (and against our industries) as she is making in any of navigation laws which have been A IMn CD andftlwayspolKmade^pann* I .oca I Office in the Commercial Stair r>< Oh-,, City Teledo.l M DUAHuLniit rland. and WU1 OUCILf lhe battle fronts in Europe. It is found so oppressive as to put Ameri­ Lucan County. I Sidney E. HenJeraon, Pre« , One woman ineverr 7db «ofeancer—U H reMrt doubtful if ever before in the history can ships at a tremendous disadvan- . Frank J. Cheney make« oath that he i« We refute many who wail U mj )<»ng A mu«t die ____ Building. Surveyor. partner of the firm of P J Cheney Poor cured al half price if cant er 1« yet «mall °f the world a belligerent nation tage in competing with foreign ships •enior V Co doinj? bu«ine«« in the Cite of To­ commerce. John l.eland Henderaon, Sec ­ ¡TILLAMOOK • ORE' made war on its enemies by destroy­ in It foreign Dr. I Mrs. Dr. CHAMLEY & CO. r — — <^aa■■ County and State aforesaid, and would be gratifying if Mr. Mc-j ledo retary Treaa , Attoiney-at- that na.d firm will pay the «urn of ONB ing' tin industries and commerce df a Ht’N’DRHD DOLLARS for each and every 4340 I 43W TMwieia St, San Hanasca, CM. neutral country as Germany is doing. Combs, while studying the shipping : c«.me command would not dare such a thing. The tax- < ous surface« of tie «yatem. Bend for testi­ those vigorous critics of Kitchener and »'e find German agents suborning payers are willing t<> bear the risk of | Both Phone«. monial« free w '■ ’ rctich and the rest of the lead' rs Ghor Laders to •■all strike' F J • HENRY A CO. Tried,» O TILLAMOOK * • OMBOOM. million of dollars in site would soon have her heel on the Hold bv Hrn«i«tr 75c. •i.unst threatening American citizens * investing many in ___ . railroad Taka Haa c A —u uj F01a lot U •. wirnj's neck.— Otcgou Register. by intimidation and piomise of a government-owned to At All Grocers. 11: ‘! ‘l rcvaij, inducing them to Alaska. But they arc not eager flhEX. JVIcHniR & CO of GENERAL HAROUUARE Kitchen Ranges and Heating Stoves. 01 42 22 07 IW 17 »1 r.r, 11 ; 47 J5 Î1 >0 . YAMHILL MILLING COMPANY,1 W X) Flour, Grain and Feed. !5 >3 17 1 10 4 c, do est of 1015. <>rs. “Ç ’•!> ¡1 i> ' !• ¡> i- H3 E W c- Have Your House Wiring Done by Cost power Co. A Rainy Day Need Not Be Dull IWILL HIVE $1000 Reflex Slicker $3.00 AnyLUMPinWOMAHSBRIAST ♦ /