Vol. XXVI. No. 24 TILLAMOOK, OREGON. NOVEMBER», 1915, |i.5o PER YEAR. Fresh Oysters direct from Balti­ Fresh Eastern Oysters at the Sani-1 more at the Sanitary Market everv tary Market. * day. * The retail merchants of Dallas, hor sale or trade one heavy team and have perfected an organization, with one light team. Will take town prop- Hugh Black as president, to protect erty. See Shrode. * themselves against bad credits, fake Modern 6 room house, on Second advertising schemes, etc. Hereafter Avenue East for rent or sale on easy all advertising by the members of the terms.—Inquire of Geo Williams. » association will be confined to the lo­ cal newspapers. Member Federal Reserve Bank. F. D. Small left the first of the Augusta Wallan vs. T. J. W'allan is week to visit his wife, whois in Cal- riorma for the benefit for hcr a divorce suit filed in the circuit court. These parties wire married 011 the 30th of April, 1905, and last April OFFICERS : Having bought the Tillamook Iron ron defendant wilfully deserted and Works from A. K. Case all business abandoned the palintiff, and for that B. C. LAMB, President, u'c j t- ISt Wil1 be transarted by reason the plaintiff wants the mar­ riage contract dissolved. \V. J. RI EC HE RS, Cashier. H. Sander. At a meeting of the school district Frank A. Row’e vs. J. Victor > J. c. HOLDEN, Vice-Presdent. Saturday, the budget published by Farnell and wife is a „ suit 3U.i filed ilrco in m th» tn. on .he board was adopted and 3 / ‘ : circuit court to recover money on t. mills tax levy was made. The board I E. KELDSON, Assistant Cashier. promisory note. was authorized to enter into a con­ DIRECTORS : Bazaar and Sample Fair given bv tract with Elmer Hoag to transport the Ladies Aid of the Christian pupils from the Tillamook river dis­ P eter II eisel . A. W. Hvxx. c. j. E dwards . Church. To be held next .door to trict at $25.00 per month. post office, Dec. 4th. Ida Hadley vs. Ed Hadley Jr, and \V. J. R iechers . B, C.,. L and . J. c. H olden . Ai cbanRe *n the train schedule was Lizzie Hadley and Ed Hadley, sr, is made on Sunday, the passenger and a suit filed ia the circuit court of mail train leaving here at 10:20 a.m. 1 transfer of rcalestate, the plaintiff and arriving at 3:20 p.m. illegitig that the defendants conspir­ Careful Attention Given to all Banking ed against her and induced her to Mrs. Viola Mills took her Franzel to Portland to consult a convey certain real property, which is now seeking to have transferr­ Lusiness Placed in Our Hands. specialist. His shoulder was injured she ed to her. but seems to be infected. No man can hide money and keep OTHERS from Senator Geo. E. Chamberlain is ad­ Odd Fellows Bld. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. knowing it. There is always something* in his actions Jonas Olson and wife left Saturday vised that the forestry service is un­ that " gives him away.” w vls*t the home of their daughter, able to comply with a request for aid >OQO!»OOOQ>3CC>900UOOO Mrs. Lon Kinnamaa, at Aloha, where in constructing of a road between Our strong vaults will keep your money safe. they spent Thanksgiving. Sheridan and Tillamook through the Besides this, MEN of known financial RESPON­ Protect your valuable papers from Tillamook forest service. But $20,000 fcssors Sanders and Crockatt were Parent Teachers* Association. SIBILITY are behind our bank. the unexpected fire by renting one of is available for road construction in referees and umpires, Supt. Onthank Oregon this year and this is being ex ­ our safe deposit boxes. Only one I The regular meeting of the Parent Make OUR bank YOUR bank. , dollar per year. Tillamook County pended on roads in the Cascade, De­ was time keeper. ’ Association was held Fri­ schutes and Umpqua forests. Bank. • To better facilitate business the . Teachers evening in the auditorium of the We pay 4 per cent interest on Sayings Deposit. two auto stages running between day The second of the three school Jesse and Homer Kellems, Sunshine Cloverdale and Tillamook have con­ High School. Entertaining numbers evangelists, left this city Mondav semester divisions ended Wednesday solidated and in the future the White were given by the 2nd, 4th and 8th as the school is given both Thursday j morning after having worked here stage will carry passengers only and grades, and also by the high school for a month. Rev. VanWinkle ac­ and Friday as holidays. Report cards the mail stag., will handle the mail music class. were given out on Wednesday and on companied them. Professor Sanders gave a short talk THE OLD RELIABLE. next Monday the last division of this and local freight. The through sacks on aims and methods of teaching Miss Lucia Macklin and Prof. P. C. semester will begin. Only 15 more of mail will be handled by the White agriculture in the upper grades and high school instructors, school days are given before the stage and dropped off at the post- in the High School. eoooooooooooeGGOoeQcocoGoocoQOfio&oQQOQOGQoseoeeQCQSQ Crockatt, went out on the train Thursday morn­ Christmas vacation, it commencing offices, thus giving the postmasters Burge won much approval by ing to spend the Thanksgiving vaca­ on the 17th of December and ending an opportunity to sort the mail and her Mrs. talk on teaching primary grades, have the sacks ready for the mail tion, visiting friends and relatives. on the 3rd of January. Electric disc stove, 3 hole, 3 heat, stage upon its arrival. Under this ar­ which she demonstrated by using a Lost—Leather case containing auto­ The Kcllow barn on the Ncstucca rangement both stages will arrive at number of members of her beginning for sale cheap at Electric Store. * mobile tools, between my residence river, near the Farmer grade, was the their destinations earlier, by making class. Mrs. Shrode read a paper on the de­ Ask Shrode about the “One Man” and Tillamook City. Finder will be victim of the storm Sunday night, the time on the road shorter. Having ♦ reimbursed for same.—Notify Cyrus when it was blown into the river and no freight to bother with the White velopment and care of the testh, and * stump puller for clearing land. Brassware at Ammer's. Randall, Tillamook, Oregon. carried to Bull’s landing, a distance stage can leave Tillamook immediate­ Supt. Onthank in detail the findings Born, on Monday to the- wife of the dentists in the examination of Houses to Rent, see Watson. If you have upholstery work to do of six miles, before it stranded. The ly upon the arrival of the train.— of Ralph Welsh, of Blaine, a girl. the teeth of the local school children barn contained a horse and buggy, an Courier. _______________ call up E. B. Jacoby, Bay City, Ore., All kinds of dry wood.—See Shrode. which was made fast spring. Mrs. Louis Laborwitch and daugh­ on the Mutual phone or leave orders auto and many other things. The auto Lyceum Entertainment Saturday Professor was elected to the office Wanted—Hemlock wood, See , ter are visiting friends in Portland. at Jones-Knudson Furniture Co. All and buggy were smashed but after of treasurer after the resignation of ----- o----- Shrode. * ♦ some effort the horse was taken from We are in a position to make some work first class. The third number of the I.yccum Mrs. Edwards. It was decided to de­ the bpilding without any injury. Dining Tables at Ammer Furniture I long time farm loans. First National "Wanted, a young man of good ad­ course, and by far the best of the en­ vote the receipts from the socials to Bank. » David Curtis, Nellie Curtis, Mrs. J. Company. * dress to represent us selling our line tire season’s entertainment, will be the purchase of art works for the Curtis, Jennie McGhee, Arma Billings For Sale—Remington typewriter of goods on a commission basis at W. G. Dwight, C. E. Hadley, E. J. presented to the Tillamook public on school rooms, and also toward pur­ Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. I. Address Page & Son, Saturday evening, when the Apollo chasing a Graphonola or a Victrola Clough Co. * No. 7, good condition $12.00.—Shu­ Tillamook. Geinger, Emma Leach, S. A. Moulton Concert Co. will appeart at the ( hris- for the use of the schools. Portland. bert, S. P. Depot. * Albert Schlappi and Kasper Schlappi For your Sunday roast call Sani-! Commencing December 1st, the Til­ vs. Tillamook City is a suit filed in tian Church, the program commenc­ Five room furnished house for rent tary Market. in'? at 8:15. or sale—Inquire at Williams’ Har­ lamook Dairy, Berns Bros, propriet­ the circuit court growing out of the The Apollo Concert company has a Get free Kodak instructions at C. I. ness shop. ♦ ors will sell milk for cash at 7 cents improvements in Maple Grove addi­ varle ty of musical offerings which EAT VIERECK’S per quart, 4 cents per pint, 24 cents tion. That the defendant be required Clough Co.’s. * 1 Watch the Tillamook Feed Co.’s will entertain the most fastidious, per gallon. to set forth the nature of its claim, the splendid work and wonderful in­ Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla­ window for their Saturday Specials, bread For Sale—One Monarch Steel and that all adverse claims of the de­ strumental presentations from a great ♦ mook County Bank. * it will pay you. Range; 1 Singer sewing machine; fendant be determined by the court. variety of instruments, including the V. R. Duncan and wife left Satur­ small heating stove. Iron bed and one The services at the Christian church saxophone, banjo, guitar, clarinet and Born, on Sunday, to the wife of day for Roseburg, where they will re­ mattress. All practically good as new. on Sunday v.'ll be conducted entirely the apotlophonr, an instrument of TILLAMOOK BAKERY Roy Henkle, a son. side in the future. Inquire City Transfer Co. * by the high school students and Prof. their own design, will form a pleas­ The place to eat is at the “Good Fur- For rent — The Allen House, Having taken charge of the auto ­ Crackatt v.-ill lecture in the evening ant entertainment for everyone. Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. * The company has been on the musi­ nished. J. S. Stephens, room 1 Coni- mobile department of Case’s Garage, on Christianity and the World War. ♦ I solicit your patronage in the future Many people have bien asking Rev cal platform for twelve years and this At All Grocers Ed. Womelsdorf and family left mercial Bldg, Tillamook, Ore. in the past and will guarantee sat­ VanWinkle about the question and he year have a better progranrthan ever. Saturday for Portland. Mrs. Stanley Coates left on Mon- as has given the platform over to Prof. isfaction, Frank H. Devine. » Fence Posts for sale—Apply to A. day to spend Thanksgiving with her Crockatt as he has made a special parents in Portland The directors of the Tillamook Live study of this question. In the morning Watt, Tillamook, Oregon. Try one of our fancy dressed chick­ Stock Market Association elected L. Lee Doty and Trevor Hare will D. Smith president and M. W. Har­ speak and the music will be conduct­ ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla­ rison treasurer, and leaving the office ed by the high school. mook Meat Company. * of secretary to be filled later. Next to Gem Theatre. The three Nehalem fish cases were disposed of in Justice of the Peace Mr. and Mrs. Max A. Schultz en­ We have made special arrange- tertained at Thanksgiving dinner, ments with the Telephone Co., to Thompson’s court at Nehalem on ! Monday. There was considerable in- 1 covers were laid for 16. Wanted to buy, a young mare, connect you directly with our office, terest taken in tin cas< s. The first about 11 to 13 hundred.—Address E. in case you wish any of our GOOD case tried was that of M. F. Bowman, ' the jury acquitted him. William | L. Robertson, Tillamook. * COAL, Lamb-Scbradcr Co., Call 28W and Hartzell was found guilty and was The heavy wind storm which blew Don’t forget'those busted castings. fined $100 and the case against ('has. early in the week, smashed a window­ Easom was dismissed on motion of Can be welded for half. Goods tent District in the office of Dr. Allen. Attorney T. H. Goyne. by parcel post and express promptly Justice Thompson suspended the For saje, cheap, vine maple and spruce limbs. Apply to M. R. Hanen- returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, sentenuce in the Hartzell case pend­ Oregon. * ing good behavior. kratt, Tillamook, Oregon. Blank applications for registration Lost—A small j\*sey cow with Erwin Harrison, cashier of the Till­ of automobile and schauffeurs for horns. Finder please -.^tify H. L ithof amook County Bank, was appointed annual license for the year of 1916 Tillamook, Mutual puone. on the County Fair Board by the have been received by Rollie W. Wat­ Wood Sawed—Call E. W. Knight County Court to fill the vacancy son from the office of the Secretary Read every word of this Ad. It caused by the resignation of Wm. G. of State. All automobiles, as well as will pay you. I have the factory on the Mutual phone, Prompt service Tait. schauffers who drive their cars for and careful work. agency for the High Grade Chute & hire must have their licenses to op- C. Christensen and wife parents of Butler Pianos and Player Pianos, Your Free Sample of Briquets is perate their cars after January 1st, F. W. Christensen who came in to At ­ »nd have recently secured the Wiley now ready at Lamb-Schrader Cos. 1916, as their present licenses will ex­ tend the funeral of Mrs. Christensen, B. Allen Co.’s line of Pianos for Til­ office.—Better C. Lamb. pire on the last of the year. As there left for their home in Portland on lamook County. I am now able to Mrs. Minnie Maxwell was the win­ Tuesday, taking Verne, who will are over 30,000 automobiles In the pffer unmatchable values. state your application should be ap­ ner of the slumber robe which the make his home with them. Their line comprises the following Woman’s Relief Corps made. plied for early so that you may get At the regular meeting of the city your car numbers early in the year. well known instruments. Try these 25c dinners at the Ram ­ council on Monday the following _M»son & Hamlin, Ludwig, Milton, The revival meetings which have Kingsbury, Conover, -"-»»“»‘X, Hardman, sey "Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for levy was made: Water Commission, been held at the Christian church ■4 mill; library J4 mill; sinking fund r — — — * Rembrant, Wellington and many mcrly of the Spanish Kitchen. 1 mill; road fund 2% mills; general came to a successful close last Sun­ °th«rs. ~ day night with the biggest gathering Saturday Specials:—Link Sausage, fund, 9JJ mills. for religious services ever held in These instruments arc received by me on consignment, and being at no Pork, Veal and old fachioned country To whom it may concern. I find this city. The gallery had to be used sausage. — Tillamook Meat Co. that the 20 acres that I advertised for the first time in the history of the ppense in selling, saves you from for sale at $125 per acre, and assessed church for church services. 25 ad- ♦100.00 to $150.00 commission alway s Wanted to trade good organ for __ -__________ vide by a salaried salesman. At the at $150 pit acre is a mistake as it is ditions were obtained and the interest five cords of spruce !T b * ° r /T assessed at $92 per acre instead of grew as the meetings went along but Pm» of your purchase you receive a maple wood. Apply at this office. | the Evangelists Jesse and Homer ■«ned ’ Agreement of Exchange” $150, J. S. Stephens. I Kellems were engaged for Corvallis •hereby if for any reason within Miss Margaret Coates returnedl to For Sale, cheap, a good house boat, meeting this week anti had to leave one year from date of sale you would the city Saturday after two months Prefer another instrument, you re- visit w ith relatives in Salem and I ort 3 power boats, 1 scow, 3 skiffs, all , imemdiately. Jesse Kellems is a force­ 1 kinds of small mash nets, anchors, ful speaker and his logical sermons *'!v* full purchase price for yours 1 net corks, wheelbarrows and shovels attracted many. The Sunshine evan­ h the exchange. This is the only land. and all kinds of second hand boat Carl Haberlach and Sam gelists left a host of friends behind p ** on the roast that will do this, supplies—F. N. Elliott, Electnc them in this city. went to Portland to uould anything be more fair? Chil Iran’s Rockers, $1.00 to $3.50 Templar Degree at the Masonic 1 Light Dock. 1 leave it tp your judgment. The first basket ball game of the Attorneys T. H. Goyne and J. R. Temple. ^*I»nd B. Erwin Tillamook, Ore. season played on the local floor was i Callahan have formed a law partner­ played $1.25 to $5.00 High Chairs, in the opera house Wednesday ship, at the office of Mr. Goyne. night, between the High School Agri­ where Mr. Callahan has moved. The culture class and the College Prepar­ $5.25 Steel Cribs] ! latter will assist Mr. Goyne as dis- teams The "Aggies" having J triet attorney and will act at nit dep­ atory practically the future school team as uty. their defenders completely outplaved See cur display of Brassware. Owing to the city caucus and the the "Preps”. The score at the end of » Apollo Concert Co’s entertainment the first half was 13-5 in favor of the being pl««ed on the same date the Aggies and the game closed with a City Council at its meeting on Mon­ score of 24-15. Fast team work was day evening changed the date of the a feature of the game on the part of > «• city taucus to next Monday evening the Aggies but basket shooting sh<>w- i cd that much practice is needed. Pro­ 1 at the court house. 7W5 MANH/D HIS MONET/NA HOLE IN THE GROUND-IT IS GONE — THE "PRUDENT MAN"PUTS HIS IN THE BANK THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus, $30 000.00. Tillamook County Bank Tillamook Jottings. * , ELECTRIC STORE Every Piece of Electrical Material Reduced in Price for Pros­ perity Week. I bflMAR’S VARIETY STORE, Tillamook, Oregon. Drop in and book Around- <• ’’ □ Ammer Furniture Co