TILLAMOOK, OREGON. OCTOBER I i . jo PER YEAR. 1915. mnh i takcn char«c of ll>e autc- Mr. and Mrs. Van Patten . held a " sol ritdePartn,int °f Cases Carage, farewell reception in honor of Mr. I soba your patronage in the future and Mrs. Jade Powell, last Friday ¡sEc-ion, KankH *DcXran,ee Sa,‘ evening. 1 he Van Fatten home was well tilled with admiring friends of Jb?.* *5® members and guests were the Powell's and a very pleasant time , ' ■ . on Tuesday evening at the was enjoyed. Sumptuous refreshments and banquet at the were served and a entertaining pro­ die ¿ p'n Ha'' »ckgates from all gram was given. Mr. and Mrs. Pow­ C ddfellow lodges in the countv ell left on Sunday for Idaho where were present. they will make their home. To whom it may cone rn. I find “Neptune’s Daughter,” played by *’e acrcs lhat 1 advertised Annette Kellerman, assisted by loco •i c at ^125 per acre, and assessed people, will be at the Star Friday on­ S150 per acre is a mistake as it is ly, 1 his is a wonderful picture, and assessed at $j2 per acre instead of allows the actress as the greatest ?‘so, J. S. Stephens. swimmer in the world. It shows her We have made special arrange- | tied hand and feet and thrown from-a j cliff 50 feet high into the water. This ments with thc Telephone Co., to picture has been advertised for for­ connect you directly with for rent charge of the office. It seems that Tom Cqoney, who did all, dancing, singing and playing she was dragged to shore, several Mie—Inquire at Williams’ Har­ the stabbing in this city last week, games. Miss McDonald was engaged hundred feet from the dock, and Last Fridav Coroner Wendt was ks* shop. • called to Pacific City, the bod) of a made good his escape. He had eviden­ beached. as pianist for the evening Mrs. P. R. i A hole was found in one of the tly crawled into a refrigerator car I man supposed to be that of \\ lltsey, EP'SC0Pal Guild will meet at Jackson kindly assisted on the violin. planking just below water line and it u.j ’’’f Airs. F. C. Baker ner.t who was drowned about a month through the ice box at the top of tiie At a late hour a dainty lunch was is thought the tug fouled on a snag car The car was standing near "•Snesday. ago when a boat was capsized. served by the ladies. All agreed that Lamb's dock, and en Tuesday a man Mr. and Mrs. Ammer proved an ex­ during the storm. She will be ready for service in a day or two. If you have upholstery w’ork to do was seen to leave this car at iHllsboro cellent Tillamook Feed Co.’s host and hostess. Those pres­ or t*lc>r Saturday Specials. call up E. B. Jacoby, Bay City, Ore., without a hat. ent were Mr. and Mrs. Ammer, Mr. «will pay you J * on the Mutual phone or leave orders Foot-Ball. W. H. Guest left for Portland this and Mrs. H. A. Williams, Mr. and i ----- o - ■ Pladys Beals returned home at Jones-Knudson Furniture Co. AJi morning, having closed up his busi­ Mrs. P. R. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Last Friday afternoon the high for “!°nday after being in California work first class. ness in the Masonic Building and ship Thad Robinson, Mr. and Mrs Frank school football team clashed with the 'or about a year. 1 Hill, Mr. Heyd, Mr. and Mrs. Will ped the goods to Portland, where he What, have you to exch’nge for 20 Bacon, Mr. town team on the football gridiron at Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. I' ■ ®°als reports that Mrs. Jennie acres of land 5 >»>1« fromqn^shaach will go into business again. It was on and account of Mrs Guest's health that and Mrs. Reichers, Mr and Mrs. the Stillwell park in a scoreless game. Ore. to acres in pear and peach Both teams played hard and neither tronKi** <1Ult.e s'ck with organic heart orchard.—P. O Box 325, Tillamook, they left. During their residence in Carl Haberlach, Mr. 1 and Mrs. Albert ‘«xible at Netarts. Tillamook Mr. and Mrs. Guest and Plank, Mr. and Mrs. _ Joi Franklin, seeemd to have the advantage when ^ry one of our fancy dressed chick- Ore. daughter Lillian, made many friends. Mr. and Mrs Partridge Mr. and Mrs. the game closed with the ball in pos­ Next to Gem Theatre. “Wanted, a young man of good ad­ Burge and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. session of the high school on their s for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla- Mrs. Blaine Hays gave a dinner in Schultz. 30 yard line. I dress to represent Tel. 130 J. Afeat Company. * of goods on a commiss on basis at honor of the birthday of Mrs M E. Cheese Advanced in Price. Tillamook. Address Page & Son, Vaughn at her home in this city •rue,*?:1'’, c,\eaP- v>ne maple and I Thursday, those present being Mr. ----- o----- Portland. and Mrs. Blaine Hayes, P. W. Todd, kran APply to M. R. Hanen- tari Haberlach raised the price For Sale-One Monarch Steel Mrs M E. Vaughn. Grandpa Hays, '■ ‘'llamook, Oregon. * cheese on Wednesday to 15c. kornf1 E'-AjSrna" Jersey cow with s^alVheating’st" e "iron bej^n^^ Miss Ella Turner and J. M. Selby, It pound. was the 6jrd anniversary of Mrs. The Rescue of Life. Till-,- , dcr Please notify H. UitRof mattress. All practically goo Vaughn's birthday. '“‘»'nook, Mutual phone. The County Budget. Inquire City Transfer Co. in case of fire is accounted noble, but ---- o — - ~i\0.0 • 11 ‘ partially attained after the onswerp na careful work. •x ♦ Smith had come in to attend the fun- week. The budget, as 1 meeting next mooV’agam Friday year by the County of the flames. T here is a way of rescue compiled last November, 5 and 6, at jenkens jew and daughter left on eral of his mother. advisory board, totaled Court and the Bl V however. A way that discounts the 4rir ho 3' • They «P«‘ ‘o make The annual I?fec,in,?r OD.,i>(11ngt0.V- fry Store Headaches rcJ‘.eZed* made up as follaws: home m Astoria s.oWcrs of the Masomc B*‘dayi '¿S Straightened in children. No $172.000. damages of fire, smoke, and water. Road District No. I $'-2,M» now°U.r./1rce Sample of Briquets is VoT»". at’ e£ht o’clock m the charge for consultation or examina- Road District No. 2 67,000 Protect yourself with a fire insurance At Cloverdale, Tuesday and 52.000 office ny at Lamb-Schrader Co’s. November. 2 and 3. at Road District No. 3 »«—Better C. Lamb. policy from a company that has a loc'ge rooms. _ Wednesday, Bay Qty Thursday. November 4. I After the budget meeting the court took into consideration a fsw im- financial r< serve suff'.cielitfy latge to < deed was placed on file **«k provemt nts and slightly revised some assure you of indemnity.' transferee what •- know" the of the items, and levied a road tax TV- at Garibaldi that the for $188,539.65. It seems Peter Byrom property consideration court docs not favor an advisory to Fred H. Andrus, th c s 210 acres of board, so places desiring road im- b