TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT OCTOBER 21, TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE. No. 32. Beaver, Myrtle Wallin. ----- o------ No. 33, Hemlock, Jennie Blanchard. No. 34, Neskowin, Mrs. Jessie Tag- Successful Gathering and a Large jart. Number of Teachers Present. County Court Proceedings. .----- * NEW JERSEY VOTES AGAINST SUFFRAGE 5. I I HIGH AND LOW TESTING MILK. Claims Allowed. No. 36, Hemlock, Nora Myers. —o----- Below will be found several items No. 37, Hebo, Perul Jones. of news recently transacted by the Emphatic ‘No’ Answers Woman’s Experiment to Ascertain the Difference in Cheese The annual Institute of the Tilla­ No. Appeal—Majority 50,000 to 60,000 mook County Teachers came to a Ferry. 38, Tillamook, Mrs. Mabie R county court: Making Qualities in High and Low Testing Milk. Claims Continued successful close on Wednesday after­ -Npri?’¡PShalem- Sadie E M c K Last May the Directors of tl.e Tillamook Creamery Association decided to Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 19. — New Barthold Barge Co. for Surveyor ’ s noon, after holding session for three en­ office $9.00. a test conducted to show ttie difference, if any, ueiweea t.ie cheese mak­ Jersey registered at the polls an em­ have days. The program was of unusual in­ ing capacities high and low testing milks. Tl _______ No. 39, Nehalem, The reason tor _ Ibis action was r Dr. : S. ' M. Wendt, for cornor’i office phatic “no" to woman’s appeals for the feeling, on of the cargare! Bash, $5.00. terest and the teachers who attended issistant. part of some of the patrons, that all > were _ not getting a the ballot, indications shortly after returned to their homes with a larg< r square deal wuen pa'd for cheese mils 0.1 the outlet* tut basis, 1__ A committee No. 40, Bay ocean, M "I. s. midnight were that the white and yel ­ rs. Alice Phil- $21.50. . Lamar, supplies, court house, view of their profession. ips. appointed to arrange fur the test and they asked lue write: to assist Mr. low banners of “Votes for Women” was ilugh Factory, in Hugh Barber, the maker at Fairview Faelurj , 111 conducting It. The factory County school superintendent W. S No. 42, Cloverdale, Ruth Sutton. E. 1’. Justice court, fourth h d fluttered down to defeat in each was at the time receiving a little over 20,000 lbs. of milk and that from ti e Buel opened the institute with an ad­ No. 45, Beaver, Mrs. Ella R. Sperry district . Marcher, of the state's 21 counties and that the $M5. testing herds was made up in one vat and from the lowest testing herus dress of welcome. He also gave the No. 46, Garibaldi, Minnie Ripley. Clras. . I. I lcugli, supplies $25.50. majorities against adoption of the Highest in another. I he herds with the medium test were not included in the trial. plan of the institute’s work. Addresses No. 48, Wheeler, Belle I. Conlogu constitutional amendment to enfran ­ I cmcy & Bremmer, supplies, road Tue results of the four days trial weru as follows: e, districts were delivered by Mrs. M. L. Fulk­ irincipal. chise women was between "o.ooo and Nos. 1, 2, and 3, $309-86. vat 2, Low Testing Milk Vat 3, High Testing Milk 60,000. erson and Charles H. Jones in the No. 48, Wheeler, Jaunita Engdabl, Date lbs milk lbs fat lus cheese lbs lbs milk lbs fat lbs cheese lbs A. 11. Averill Machinery Co., sup­ morning session and in the afternoon issistant. Undaunted by the overwhelming plies, road districts Nos. 1 and 2, ________________ __ from press cheese __ from press cheese tide against them, suffrage lcadets 5-24 Mrs. H. C. Hanson, local high school No. 48, Brighton, Martha E. Alley. 833-00, ÔOZ2 196.0 168. when 6023 ¿ ü U. 0 708. when announced tonight that they would I history teacher, and I. H. Dunstan No. 49, Tillamook, Gertrude Schlap- Peter Luthi for damages, $25.00. 6-25 5yo9 206.8 603. para- 5678 214 15 672. para- start tomorrow with new plans, in ­ county fair board president, spoke 011 Tillamook Sar.d and Gravel Co., 5 26 5013 160.41 518. fined 5327 231. <2 629. hued No. 50, Beaver, Irma Dotrge. tent upon pledging candidates for the 5-27 interesting subjects. Mr. Dunstan $50.21 4791 495. 172.5J 6663 246 3 669. No. 51, Hemlock. Alice Perry. Legislature to permit them to vote told of the work done by the schools ............. Claims Rejected......... 21235 <55.77 2161 2184 22691 981.17 2678. 2649. No. next spring for Presidential electors. of this county toward the state fair. E. C. Smith, for priming $5.20, 54, Barnesdale, Lydia R. Crane. Average test: 3.55 per cent fat 4 3 per cent fat They have two weeks in which to No. 55. The afternoon session was closed by 5", Pacific City, Kathryn Ward. Clamis miuwca. Allowed. Yield per cwt. milk 10.3 15s cheese 11.» pounds-cheese make their effective campaign. Can- Can­ No. 56, Rockaway. Ruth Burge. • Sandberg & Logus, Cone road $274. M. S. Pittman, of the State Normal, Yield per pound fat 2.89 lbs cheese 2.73 ms. cheese . .1-24 didates for the Legislature have been No. ... speaking on "A Better Position.,, An V . P McKimens D. Wood, M cKiluvtis road " 57, Tillamook, Helen Slant, Thus we see that in this four day test the high testing milk yielled 1.5 lbs. 80.38 al nominated by both big parties ami evening audience was well instructed principal. • A. Arstill, Wheeler-Brighton more cheese per hundred of milk than the low but that the low testing mint No. 57. Tillamook, Marion Hare, road .................................... 1678.06 will come before the voters for elec­ yielded .16 lb. more cheese per pound of butter fat. These figures check very by splendid lectures from Dr. B. W. tion November 2. DeBusk, of the State University an< assistant. • Arcnz Construction Co., closely with those of Prof. Van Slyke of the New York Exp. ¿Stu. except that President's Aid of No Avail. No. 58. Bayocean, Marie O. Glaze. our yields wete higher in both eases. Prof. E. D. Ressler, of O. A. C. Hunt’s bridge road .......... 7.103.1t President Wilson ’ s recent announ ­ No. 50, Blaine, Agnes Taylor. Prof. Van Slyaes Figures On Tuesday morning Dr. DeBusk A. T. Dolan. Bay City road .. No. 60, Hemlock, Jean Shillinglaw. Sandberg & Logus, Bayocean 342.64 cement that he would vote for suf­ per cent fat per cent casein cheese per 100 milk cheese per lb fat spoke on "Play and its Meaning tc frage, in the opinion of suffrage lead- 3 00 2.10 No. 61, Tillamook, Mrs. Alice M. 8.30 road .................................. 2.77 Child Life.” and out of the depth of — converted -------- • ■ to the;r ers, thousands t„ A. Arstill, Squires road....... 3 50 2.30 his knowledge he delivered a wonder­ Phillips. 9.45 2. <0 cause. His stand, however, and __ 1 the 4 25 2 60 11.17 ful lecture to the audience. Professor; Union High School No. I, Nehalem, Sandberg & Logus, Bayocean 2 63 vigorous campaign waged by the road .................................... E. English, principal. M. S. Pittman and E. D. Ressler alsc 5.00 2.90 12.90 2 58 138,00 women to the last minute failed to Union High School N» ■, Mrs. Sandberg & Logus, Pacific gave interesting lectures. In the after­ The increased yield per hundred of milk is easily explained by the fact that irevent a heavy vote against adoption City road ........................... Xgnes Randle, assist»*- noon Charles Jones and Roy C. Jones 613.03 >f the amendment. In his own voting the casein increases with the fat but it does not increase in proper 10 1 with ti e Sandberg & Logus, green tim­ spoke on interesting subjects. precinct, the Seventh District of Prin­ tat, therefore the yield per pound fat decreases as the fat increases if the ber road ............................. On Wednesday morning three 778.60 ceton Borough, the vote was more casein increased in proportion t.i the fat the 6 per cent milk in the above table NEW CASES FILED. Jeffrey & Bufton, Hollett road should have 3.5 percent casein when compared with the 3 per cent milk. splendid addresses were delivered by 1602.88 han 2 to 1 against the amendment. Jeffrey & Bufton, Sandlake On July 7th, two cheese were sent to the Portland Cheese Co. and four to Frank Welles, Prof. Ressler and Mrs C. . - .a, ... ... A&Cliry Unofficial returns from nearly two- road .................................... 1266.38 hirds of the districts in the state the Dairy Dept, of O. A. C. for scoring and analysis. These cheese were E. White et al vs. R. A. Henry Harriet Heller, of the Boy's and ■ filed r;i,..i in the ■--- circut • by three different men with tne result that the ones from the low test­ s a suit court to re- M. F. and John Jenck, Cross Girl’s Aid Society, of Portland. showed that in 1222 out of 1891 dis­ jilJged road .................................... 894.60. tricts ing milk showed an average score of .833 points above these from the high test­ :over $1.55 and $1.75 for auto truck the vote was 88,275 for the To many of the institute attendants vork and the further sum of $10.00 In the matter of contract with imendment and 124,119 against it, a ing milk. I his slight difference might easily have been caused ,by something the program on the last afternoon ind besides the composition of the milk although the two vats .were manipulated for costs and disbursements. Wright Blodgett Co. the same was ap- najority of 35,844 against suffrage. equalled or surpassed any session of alike, as far as possible. The analysis of the cheese showed, for the low test­ proved. The Feeney and Bremer Company the whole institute. With the excep­ zs. the Arcnz Construction Co. is a ing milk 32 93 per cent fat and 26.23 per cent water and for the high testing In the matter of an agreement with tion of one speaker the program was suit filed to recover the sum of $197.- Arenz Construction Co. for exten­ ARRESTED FOR milk 31.21 per cent fat and 25 96 per cent water. 1 his analysis is reversed from given by local teachers. Professor P. >3 for work and supplies furnished sion of time for road work north of SUNDAY SALES. what we sheuld expect according to Prof. Van Slyke’s book on cheesemaking but the chemist is willing to vouch for the figures and as he knew nothing of C. Crockatt gave a splendid talk on he defendants. town the same was granted. ‘‘Public Speaking in Connection with Grocers Accused of Violating Law. what we were trying to get at, we have no reason to doubt Ins accuracy. In the matter of the petition of J. W. G. Dwight vs. Conrad Krebs is The loss in the whey w«s found to be .2 pei cent fat for the low testing English.” Miss. Hazel McKown gavi 1 suit filed in the circuit court to re­ F. Bradley for a county road, the Recently Upheld. milk and .25 per cent fat for vat number 3. This figures out practically the an interesting talk on "School Music” cover same was rejected. $383.37. Professor Karl Onthank, local prin­ The first complaints filed under the same percentage of the total fat lost in both ca les, giving no advantage to In the matter of a conference com­ Sunday-closing law since the act was either milk in that respect. cipal of schools, delivered an interest­ mittee concerning the Oregon-Cali­ declared On the last day of the test the patrons were asked how many cows were constitutional by the su­ ing lecture on the “Health of the Owens Postoffice Destroyed. fornia land .rrant, the same was or ­ Child”. preme court six weeks ago were is­ furnishing the milk that went into each vat and the yield of milk, fat an I dered cancelled. cheese per cow was determined. Of tlie 1.3 per cent mrik, 201 cows furnished Institute was pronounced most The postoffice and the residence of In the matter of the petition of C. sued by District Attorney Evans 5663 lbs , containing 246.3 lus. fat and making 669 lbs. cheese or an; average ( successful by all in attendence and L A. Cummings, at Owens, 10 miles A. Eastman for a county road, the Tuesday morning in Portland. Tho*. _■ per cow of 28.2 lbs. of ftnlk, 1.25 lbs. fat and 3.3 lbs. cheese. Of the 3.5 per iccused as violators of the law arc from the names of the instructors on lorth of Nehalem, were destroyed by same was rejected. cent milk 150 cows furnisned 4791 lbs. containing 172.5 lbs. fat and making 495 Dan Kellaher, 135 Grand Avenue; J. the program many splendid lectures lire Sunday morning. The mail and In the matter of the petition ‘of D. May, East Sixth and Pi’rn-'d-: lbs. cheese. This is an average per cow of 31.9 lbs. milk, 1.15 lbs. fat and 3.3 must have been delivered. Postoffice equipment were lost. The Solon Schiffman for a county road, streets; Mason, Gran I avenue lbs. cheese, showing that the'amuunt of cheese per cow per day was the same •ause is unknown. The loss is about there being no bond filed, the same ind East Fred instances. The Roll Call Ankeny street, and lien A. in both >1500. Mr. Cummings saved only his was continued. This test has added nothing new to the knowledge of the dairy world but, The teachers in attendance were: Bellatuy.*, Grand and Hawthorn aven ­ I believe, was worth while in that it lias shown that the difference between vorking suit. He formerly was a In the matter of appointment of All four are grocers. No. 1, Tillamook, Barney Hanson, Portland the herds is not so great as was thought by some and that the results obtained contractor. bridge tender for Tillamook draw­ ues. principal. The informations were issued on bridge. E. W. Stanley was appointed. complaint of A. V/. Akcrhielm, 3729 here check very closely with those from other sections. No. 1, Tillamook Pearl E. Miller, Do not give up the fat basis of paying for milk at your factories until you In the matter of the appointment assistant. street Southeast, and A. are sure you have something better to put in place of it. By no means go Methodist Church Services. of county road master C. A. Dunn Sixty-fourth C. Roberts, 523 East Forty-fifth ijo. 2, Tillamook, Mrs. W. W. Wil­ back to the old system of paying for weight alone as it is grossly more unjust was appointed to the position. ey. street North. Both said they com­ than the present one. l'ake for example, two men delivering milk as follows: Sunday, Octh. 24th, Sunday School, In the matter of the appointment of plained as private citizens, disclaim ­ No. 3, Tillamook, Earl E. White. A 100 pounds of milk testing 3.5 per cent fat and an inspector for the concrete roads. ing any connection with any organi­ to o'clock, W. E. Noyes, Supt. No. 5, Manzinita, Alice B. McIn­ Five minute sermon, 10:25. B 100 pounds of milk testing 4.3 per cent fat. G. G. Hall was appointed at a salacy zation of grocers. Akcrhielm did not tyre. According to our yields this would make 22.1 lbs. cheese which if it sold for Morning worship, n o’clock, theme, of $5000 per month. nention his buisness. Roberts said he No. 6, Oretown, Florence Whyte. ‘The Prayers of Jesus” 14c and cost 3c to make would leave $2.43 to be divide I between them they Ill the matter of the cancellation of was a collector. would receive. No. 7, Netarts, Katherine Loerpa- Class meeting, 12 m., W. M. Heas- county warrants the same were or- Pool Hal's Unnoticed. bel. On weight basis: dcred cancelled. ton, leader. Asked why they did no not complain Fat delivered cheese made check rec’d per lb cheeso rec'd per lb fat No. 8, Beaver, Clara Loerpabel, Evening service, 7:30, the Rev T. against pool and billiard ' ' ' “ I __ 1 rooms and $1.214 A 34.7c 10.3 11.8c 3.6 principal. B. Ford, D. D will preach the sermon. OWN ROAD DISTRICT :igar stores, open all day in the B $1.214 10.3c 11.8 28 3c 4.3 No. 8, Beaver, Mida Hiner, assis­ Good music at the services. DENIED PORTLAND downtown districts, Akerhielm and On fat basis: tant. Monday evening, at 7:30, Love Roberts said they had mot noticed A $1 09 10.58 31.15 No. 9, Tillamdok, Karl W. Onthank Feast, led by Dr. Ford. any of them open. 11.36 $1.34 31 |.> B principal. Supreme Court Decides Question Tuesday evening, 7:30, Quarterly The issuance of the __ _ four __ com- The difference in price of cheese made from the tw » milks is 1.5 c whe-t No. 9, Tillamook, Mrs. Bertha Han­ conference, presided over by Dr. Where Two Laws Conflict. ilaints may lead to further attacks on paid bv weight method and only .7c whe 1 paid for f it. s > the error is double . son, history, Teacher training. Ford, district Supt. of Salem district. 1 would recommend that a committee be appoints 1 to study the di Here t he constitutionality of the Sunday- No. 9, Tillamook, Peter C. Crock­ Come to any or all of these services Salem, Or., Oct. 19.—Writ of man­ closing law. The appeal to the su­ systems of paying for milk at che< se factories and,n-j< rt at r* me future meet* att, English, debate, civics. damus to compel Multnomah County preme court was taken after Judge and welcome. Roy C. Jones, No. 9, Tillamook, Geo. F. Sanders, Commissioners to place the City of Morrow had declared the act uncon­ County Agriculturist. Edward Gittins, Pastor. science, mathematics, agriculture. Portland in a separate road district stitutional on the ground that it was No. 9, Tillamook, Lucia Macklin, was denied today by the Supreme discriminatory. The fact that the law Algebra, Latin, Biology, physiology Sunday at the Presbyterian Church. Court on the ground that an act pass­ designates Sunday as “The Lord’s daughter. Dairymaid of Iowa, at two No. 9, Tillamook, Pauline McEl ed by the last Legislature after chap­ Day,” is the basis of a contention years old, produced 460 pounds of vaine, commercial subjects. Signs of the forward movement and ter 127 of the 1915 session had be­ that it hereby makes a religious dis- buter fat. Another daughter calved No. 9, Tillamook, Emma Ueland, its effect are in all the services of the come a law, took precedence. The crimination. four months ago and has av< raged domestic science and domestic art. church every Sunday, and it is grati­ opinion was written by Justice Bean. Violation of the law is punishable sixty pounds ol butter fat a month. No. 9, Tillamook, David E. Reed, fying to know that the people ot the W illiam F. Brady instituted the pro­ by a fine - of from $5 to 50. Lady Dairymaid of Pinehurst at the ----- j.j manual training, mechanical drawing, community are pleased with the char­ ceedings against the County Commis­ age of four years made a record of Kellaher Admits Act. basketry. acter of the services. Sunday School sioners, basing his contention that the Dan Kellaher said he had not yet 7/0 pounds of butter fit a year No. 9, Tillamook, Hazel McKown, at 10 a.m. offers a good hour of song Commissioners should constitute lecidcd whether he would contest the H. Schoffclmcycr, I music, German, English. and Bible study tor all ages; the Portland a separate road district proceedings. Frail. No. 9, Tillamook, Georgene Cace, Young People’s Society will hold an under chapter 127 of the 1915 session "We have been keeping open on Eighth grade. inspiring meeting at 6:jo p.m. in the laws, which provides for dividing Sundays since the people of the city Notice. No. 9, Tillamook, Clara M. Pruehs, lecture room of the church, Mr. Rob­ counties into road districts in Octo­ roted down a closing law last June,” Seventh grade. ert Leonard will be the leader, and ber and that incorporated cities he lc said. “ We did not keep open un- We have completed our new gospel No. 9, Tillamook, Ethel Klann, the subject for study is “Capturing shall be road districts by themselves. il that time.” cars and v. ill be ready Nov. 15th, to Sixth grade. The records show that this law was Politics of God." the pastor’s morn­ nold a leu «lay» meeting, in any lo­ I have some elu.ice young pigs for r 9. Tillamook, A. Beatrice ing subject for the sermon will be filed with the Secretary of State at 3uemsey Cows Earn $1,000 a Year. cality, in this county, independently, Chaneay, Fifth grade. “1 lie Human Cry,” and in the even­ 8:30 a. m. of February 23, while chap­ or i.i connection with any evangeli­ sale, both sexes, the kind that No. 9, Tillamook, Mabel Goyne, ing at 7:30 the subject will be "Bio®- ter 194, which substitutes September I matures very young < >nc of my herd One thousand dollars a year income cal pcoj lc. Fourth grade. Montgomery & Nori hup, boars weighed 620 lbs. at eighteen of the Second Mile.” There will be for October as the time for making from a dairy cow. 1 raveling Evangelists. months old. My hogs have won rib­ No. 9, Til’amook, Retta Smith, special music, and good spirit and act- the road district division and con­ That is the high standard set in the bons at county and state fairs. third grade. tion in all these services. The public tains no provision for making incor­ magnificent herd of registered Guern­ Phone or write for prices. No. 9, Tillamook, Mamie Sande s. is cordially invited to attend any or porated road districts separate dis­ sey cows owned by W. W. Marsh, For Sale. JOE DONALDSON, tricts, was filed on the same day at proprietor of Iowa dairy farms, Wat­ Second grade. all of them. R. F. D. 1, Tillamook. 9:55 a. m. No. Tillamook, Mrs. Clara Burge, 27 acres of rich bottom land, one erloo, la. Forty two cows give be­ Justice Bean in his opinion declares tween 7,000 and 17,000 pounds of mile north of Mohler on the South First grade. Football on Friday. that where two acts are in conflict milk per cow a year. At the head of Fork of the Nehalem River. One mile No. 9, Tillamook, Daisey Good­ “the latter exprc'rion of the Legisla­ this herd stands the world’s chain; ion from church and cheese factory, less speed, rural. ture must prevail." The court held % mile fro michool house. Has .No. 10, Tillamook, R. D„ Mrs Har- Friday afternoon the high ! that chapter 194 did not limit the Guernsey cow Dairymaid of Pine­ than On river frontage- of 600 feet, no incum­ If I FAIL to CURE CANCER «TUMOR i tr..« | nett Ford, principal. .... ............. team will meet the town team Commissioners in making the divis­ hurst, with a record of 17,258 pounds brance, school would make a splendid dairy bsfom It POISONS 6»» fall tr attzclMS It BONE No. 10, Tiiiai . of milk and 910.67 pounds of butterfat Tillamook; ", R. D., Sylvia on the football gridiron for the city ion as seemed suitable to them. ! Rowe, assistant. or 1200 pounds of butter a year. Of farm. I’or price and other information Without Knif 1 or Pain Ì __ he town football championship. No. it, 1, Owens, Mrs. Elsie Irvin, twenty cow »’none averages less than desired, call on or address the owner. No PAY Until CURED team is composed of old football play­ Geo, R. McKimens, Mohler, Or. WRITTEN SUARAHTU ••n. 534-53 pounds of butterfat a year, ten v' 11, II’ Nehalem, May Smith. ers and captained by Art Wallace; al ­ No X Ray or other No. 12, Tillamook, Zela Sumcrlin. though they have not had much prac­ average above 650 pounds per cow, I * uimuuuK, z-tld An Inland No. three average above 774 pounds and : Administrator'« Notice to Creditors. ■wlndlo. «0. ij IJ, , Hebo, Lois Laughlin. Laughlii plant makes the cure tice their extra weight of 20 pounds No. Garibaldi, H. S. Brimhall, to the man will more than offset the two above 860 pounds. A list of these Any TUMOR. LUMP or No -- 14, 14. hrinal t 10 Rf on the lip, fa* e Principal. fine Guernseys reads like a roll call rj difference in practice. Both teams arc- Notice is hereby given, that the or body long is , No. 14, Garibadi, Eva Wheeler, as­ determined champions. Under sanitary conditions it never to win and a scrappy Court of the State of Oregon, CANCER: pains until la»t»tage sistant. well within the attainment of every County for Tillamook County, has appointed game will be played. 120-PA6E bOOK sent No. 15 Garibaldi, Pearl Graham. dairyman, this h. rd is helping to the undersigned administ: tor of the PR EK. 10,'XM) tenth The game will be called at 3:30 p. No. t£ I| make dairy history in the West. As to mon lain. Writs U aaar Woods, Mamie Sutton. of Jesse V. F.mbum, deceased, I , No. 18, Neskowin, Mrs. Hazel Com- m. Friday and admission of 15 cents the efficient handling of milk and the estate and all persons having claims against will be charged to cover expenses. nons. conditions of the surroundings of the said estate are hereby required to No. I?. Meda, Leola Dunham, prin- The game will be played at Stillwell herd it is interesting to note that the present the same to him at his resi­ ie OliiACD And alwnyspofvinndeeissrTn* l glamis and Kill J CUICKLV park. «'Pal. last test was made by Iowa State Col­ dence at Tillamook, Oregon, or to T. ^uANULni woman In ev