TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 21, 1915. Stats Press Flashlight. I I Notice cf Sale of Execution. California particularly shine with which was so out of the ordinary as their deversitied exhibits of all kinds, to excite the peculiar interests of the ----- o--- — Notice is hereby given that by vir­ Rollie W. Watson Sends Account of which are just simply grand is put­ train porters, taxcab drivers and ho­ tue of a w rit of execution issued out It remains to be seen whether the His Trip. ting it mild. tel bell boys on the route between I of the -t is a problem that Court, of the State of democrats are going into the next has not been - satisfactorily — — o ----- The Machienry hall, the Pure Food Portland and Vancouver and in that Oregon, Circuit satisfactorily solved for the County of 1 illainook, year’s canvass with the cry, "He e «where as yet. But it • i - s crv i Rollie \\ . Watson, who is visiting, Exhibits, Army and Navy Exhibits, city. He traveled under aliases. crying for dated the 14th day oi October, 1915, kept us out of the war.” But it is very attention, and sooner or c later the with his wife, the fair at San Francis­ with working models and demonstra- Wife Has Checking Privilege. in the cause wherein John R. Harter certain that the republicans will as­ ■ ery necessity of cutting J expenses co sends us the following interesting tional workings of models and full The account which Henry had at was plaintiff, and Charles R. Soule, letter: force a radical cha sert, “He kept us out of work.”— Ob­ will and complete plants are interesting serv.ee regulatio.7s/fce "Lould "b“ We left Tillamook on Sunday, Oct. Ihe Royal Arts and the Netherlands, the bank was subject both to his own Soule Brothers, Incorporated, a cor­ server. mon: authority vested in the resjon- 3rd, on Tuesday the 5th at 9:30 a.111. The Canadian, The Australian, Ital­ checks and those of his wife. Mrs. poration. J. J. Jones, J. Swank, O. \V. Henry was notified of the fact that Wilson and Harriet L. Wilson, his Increasing the public debt in the ■ ble heads of government. No man we left, Portland on the "Steamer ian, French, Corea, China, Japan,and there was money in the batik in her wife, C. M Zumzalt, W. C. Look and Special ’ of the North Bank road for desperate hope of bringing prosper­ SiMo a ‘h’* 1U hSS a” «’alienable exhibits upon exhibitsare all interest­ husband ’s suicide letter toiler, and be­ Mrs. W. C. Look, his wife, and W. B. Flavel, where is located the docks ing. But one could never, never get fore the forgery was discovered she Shively, ity is to disregard all the lessons of right to a job at someone’s else cx- Assignee, were defendants, and steamship station of the “ North ­ throu-’h this great exposition and checked out ail the balance, amount­ upon a judgment frenzied finance. The way to do it is P’Hsc- Such a spirit breeds defiance and decree rendered ern Pacific ” SanFrancisco Steamers, insubordinati and in- even begin to see it all, it half, it ing to about $300. She has since re­ against the defendants above named, to cut expenses and reduce taxes, not of authority, msuooruination which leave from here every other quarter. 1 he Live Stock exhibits are plunge into deeper depths of bonded efficiency.—Oregon Voter. the bank. Henry surrendered and in favor of the plaintiff, John R. day. Ihe train, is an all steel vestubl- enormous, their fancy thoroughbred paid indebtedness.—Oregon Voter. ---- -0----- more than $300 in money and person­ Harter, for the sum of seven hundred ed parlor car train, and on this trip stock front*evcry country on earth al property when arrested. ------- o------- One of the Progressive party lea- and 00000 dollars, with interest there­ Every package of seeds sent by con­ derers are declaring themselves in pulled eleven coaches and two bag­ and stock likes of which we have nev­ Henry last spring won an automo­ on at the rate of eight per cent per gage cars out of Portland. This train er heard of. gress of the people of the districts line with the Republican partv. The bile in a subscription contest conduct­ annum from the 22nd day of July, goes right through to the steamer and We have been going, going, going ed by a Portland daily newspaper. 1911; seventy-five dollars attorney’s costs the government thirty-seven MteSt t'llarlts Summer Baird, of makes the trip of 107 miles in 3 form early morn till late at night. The Recently he moved his family to Por­ fees; thirty eight and baboo dollars, cents. The same package could be Massachusetts, who was third party arriving at the boat in time Golden Gate Park, the Cliff House, tland from Tillamook and established with interest thereon at the rate of bought at any store at any time for candidate in 1913, and who now calls hours; for lunch, which was served directly Sutro’s Baths, the Beach sights, Tel­ six per cent per annum from the 30th ten cents, the difference between ten , u"Y.r ,s.uP°rters to support Sam- on arrival of the train. There are a egraph Hill, Sauslito and up Mt Tam- a home at ¡too East Market street., day of January, 1915; sixty-one and cents and thirty-seven cents is poli­ foi McCall‘ Republican candidate number of things that appealed alpais are all wonderful and worth tics.—ltemizer. tor the same office. His letter to the pleasantly to us in connection with seeing. We have been extremely for­ Notice of Appointment of Adminis­ 63I100 dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum i rogressive party chairman seems to the trip down from Portland to the trator. In fact the only possibility of front the 30th day of July, 1915; and There is going to be a shortage of nave been a summons to the Bull boat, but owing to other incidents in tunate, ----- o what we have, is owing to the for his costs and disbursements of meat in the United States some of Moose to commit haragiri. He realiz­ connection with this story, 1 shall seeing In the County Court of the State of Insurance Companies that I rep­ th s suit, allowed and $53-55. and these fine days if we keep on supply­ es that its purposes are being served not go into detail in this, fearing that Big Oregon for Tillamook County. resent have tendered myself and Mrs. commanding me to satisfy the said ing the armies of Europe, without a by the Republicans and thwarted bv I should impose on your space. In the matter of the estate of James Watson every courtesy immaginable. judgment by the sale of real proper­ decided increase in production in this the Democrats. Hence he calls for a These boats, they are just simply We have been “dined and wined”. We McGbee, deceased. ty belonging to the said defendants country. An advance of from three to union of forces to rid the country of immense. 1 have been aboard a num­ have had the automobiles and schauf- Notice is Hereby given to all whom and hereinafter described; five cents a pound is already in sight Democratic rule. When we consider ber of large passenger steamers, feurs to take us around and guide us it may concern that by an order of therefore, in order to satisf with still further advances threaten­ the broad principles at stake, there which ply in the Atlantic and Pacific, and show us the many sights and the County Court of Tillamook the Now, said judgment and decree 1 wil ed as the shortage become greater.— are in fact but two parties of any but the Northern Pacific and the attractions which we would never County, Oregon, made and entered of on the 15th day of November. 1915, at record therein, on the 14th day of 10 o’clock Polk County Observer. consequence in this country—the Re­ Great Northern, arc two of the finest been able to have seen otherwise. a.m. of said day, at the October, 1915, the undersigned was publican and the Democratic—and passenger palaces afloat. They are We have what is known as “Expo­ front door of the Court House in appointed- the administrator of the Mr. Baird has simply proclaimed the sister ships, being both just exactly sition Rheumatism” and it affects eve­ The Telegram of Tuesday devotes Tillamook City, Tillamook County, ry bone and muscle in the whole hu­ estate of said James McGhee, deceas­ Oregon, sell at public auction to the a good part of a column to upholding fact that Republicans and Progress­ alike. ed, and all persons having any claims ives are all in one party because they Immediately on arrival of the man system. It is said that the Fair the merits of Oregon lumber for pav­ highest bidder for cash in hand, the said estate are hereby notified foljowing described real property, ing purposes. Why did not the Tele­ stand for the same principles. That steamer train, over boo passengers is larger at night than in daytime. against to present the same, properly veri ­ fact is no longer denied except by were assigned to their staterooms, You ask why? and you will be very situated in Tillamook County, Ore­ gram have the same sort of a notion fied to the said administrator at the those few third party men who are without trouble or confusion, and in politely told that "every foot is an to-wit: along in the spring when it was Tillamook County Bank, within six gon, Blocks three, four, nine, ten, eleven, whooqing it up for tar and positively held back by pride and selfinterest. less than ten minutes all were dis- acker”. This is true to the best of my months of the date of this notice. 1 he rank and file and the men who pursed throughout the ship. knowledge and experience to date eighteen, ninet en, twety, excluding everything else from its October, 1915. seventeen, Sunday \\e made a trip to Berkeley, Dated this 14th day C of A. twenty-seven, twenty-eight and columns, wood blocks included? Echo draw votes have abandoned the party, . Lunch was announced in a very McGhee, and nothing remains but the skeleton short time and the spacious . dining a delightful cross bay ride and by twenty-nine, and lots from one to answers, why?—Mt. Scott Herald. Administrator. of an organization.—Oregonian. room was seated with merry passen- train of half an hour. We had a de­ seventeen inclusive and from twenty- gers. Right here I want to say : that lightful visit with Mr. and Mrs. three to twenty-six inclusive, of block -----o----- A Portland man has been offered a the service—in < __ detail 2— " „ every is , just Notice of Sale on Foreclosure two, and lots one and from twenty- Thayer and had lunch and auto quarter of a million dollars for his The passing of the Pacific Mail right. The bracing sea air and entic­ Claude -------o — six to forty-seven inclusive, of block dairy and condensed milk trade-mark. Steamship Company from the com­ i ing dishes set before us made us very ride through the University grounds. We viewed the Greek Theater and Notice is hereby given that by vir­ sixteen, and lots from twenty-eight Every farmer should select an attrac­ mercial life of California has left in iudeed, and a very hearty sights in Berkeley; having spent the tue of an execution and order of sale to forey-cight inclusive, of block tive name that may also serve as a its wake a train of heartaches in hungry was partaken of before going to greater part of Sunday in a most de­ issued out of the Circuit Court of the fifteen, and jots from one to eight trade mark for his products. By keep­ places where questions of national meal sea. Personally, I have never been visit. Mr. Thayer is looking State of Oregon for Tillamook Coun­ inclusiv , and from fifty-seven to ing his goods up to the standard in­ legislation received far too little at­ bothered with sea sickness, but, sor­ lightful as a fiddle as the saying goes. In ty, by the Clerk thereof and under I sixty-one inclusive, of block twenty- dicated by the trade mark and then tention in the past, and who now, ry to say, that Mrs. Watson is not a fine never seen Mr. and Mrs. the seal of said court, dated the — one and lot one of block twenty-six by advertising them where he ex­ alas, find it is too late to repair the very good sailor, but during our trip fact I have looking better and filler. day of September 1915, in a case in and lots one, two and sixteen pects them to be sold, he will be able evil which has been done to all of down the coast there was no inclina­ Thayer remember me to all my said court wherein W. H. Easom is block twelve, all in Avalon, in to dispose of most of his surplus at them by the one act—the La Follette tion on her part to sea sickness and Claude says friends. Let us hope that plaintiff and Eliza F. Evans, P. J. County of Tillamook and State good prices and fair profits. The trade Seaman’s Bill, says the California In­ she came through the trip down the Tillamook will be back among us at Tilla Brown and Mae G. Brown, his wife, Oregon. mark should also be printed on his dustries Magazine for August. Scores coast and enjoyed it immensely. Claude inook in the not far distant future.Af­ Clark M. Terry and Mabel R. Terry, Dated the 14th day of October, 1915. farm business stationery.—Yamhill of jobbers, scores of supply houses, There are five meals a day—that is if ter H. Crenshaw, leaving from our visit to Berkeley his wife, J. H. Rosenberg, H. H. Record. scores of manufacturers, scores of you care to partake: Breakfast, Tif­ we rode through Oakland and over to Rosenberg and E. M. Condit are de­ Sheriff of Tillamook business houses and thousands of fin, Lunch, Tea and Dinner, light re­ Alameda where we spent the evening fendants, said execution being to me County, Oregon. A fellow dropped into the office employes, all have been participating freshments are also served by the with Mr. and Mrs. Benton Sifford, directed, and being based upon a de­ First publication Oct. 14, 1915» i the other day and ordered the paper, in the past in the annual $5,000,000 deck stewards on deck, and dainty representative of the California Fire cree entered in said cause on the 20th Last publication, Nov. it, 1915. and we were pleased. Said it was a spending account of the Pacific Mail pastry and light drink is for those Ins. Co., Mrs. Sifford is a former Til­ day of September, 1915, I have levied good paper and we were glad. Said it Steamship company of California that feel the effects of inal de mere, lamook County girl and has numer­ upon and will on Saturday, the 23rd Deafness Cannot Be Cured was more than worth the money to alone. When A manufacturer loses and are loath to leave their comfort­ ous friends and acquaintances in Til­ day of October, 1915, at the hour of by local application, as they cannot reach any man of intelligence, and we were his cracker account of some $30,000 a able steamer chairs on deck in the lamook whom she wishes to be re­ ten o’clock in the forenoon of said the (Irceasrtl portion of the ear. There ia only one way to cure deafnes», and that is glad. Said it was the mainstay of the year, or paint business of an equal fresh air for closer quarters between membered to. The weather has been day, at the Court House door in Till­ by constitution remedies. Deafness is caused town and we were tickled. Said it was value, he is feeling the direst effects decks. | delightful, the county and the fair is amook City, Tillamook County« Ore­ by an inflamed condition of the mucous The trip from Flavel to San Fran- o ___ The __ ... trip _ by boat ___ _ is _ a treat, and gon, duly sell at public auction, to the lining of the Eustachian Tube. When thia the greatest booster and the most re­ of this bit of spectacular La FolleJ? great. is inflamed you have a rnmbling sound liable town builder and developer in legislation. The whole thing will cisco is made by these boats in regular everything so far has just been lovely, highest bidder for cash in hand, the tube or imperfect hearing* and when it is entirely _ 2b 5 Words fail me to express everything following described real property, sit­ close«!. this whole community, and we yelled serve one purpose. It will teach the schedule time, of not < exceeding Deafness is the result, and unless inflammation can be taken out and this with joy. Paid for his paper, and we people to take more seriously a cor­ hours, leaving Flavel at 2:30 and ar- ' just as I would like. Well, good uate in Tillamook City, Oregon, to- the tube restored its normal condition, slid gently to the floor in blissful un­ poration side of a public question. riving in San Francisco the next things must end, sooner or later. Wo wit: Lots five and six in Block eight hearing will be to destroyed forever ; nine consciousness. Nature had reached its I llis incident has shaken business out afternoon at 4 o’clock. On the trip 1 start on our return home Saturday in William D. Stillwell’s Second Ad­ cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, is nothing but an inflamed condi­ of its apathy; people are sitting up down the weather was clear and the ' the 16th, will be back in Tillamook dition to the Town of Tillamook which limit.—Ione Journal. of the mucous surfaces. and taking notice. They realize that sea rather smooth, with long rolling 1 about the 20th. (now Tillamook City), for the pur­ tion We will give One Hundred Dollars for any sea swell. Off the Mendocina coast I case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that pose of satisfying the decree in said there is such a thing as killing the With best regards to all Tillamook The friendship of Governor Withy- be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. combe and Senator Moser is strong goose that laid the golden eggs. Re- we ran into a fdg bank and it kept i Headlight readers, and trusting that cause tnd the cost and expense* of cannot Sendfor circulai s. free. us company with fog whistles blow ­ the salt, as follows: mendicr tba: rig business is not It'd I have nqt imposed upon your space. I J. CHENEY Me CO.. Toledo. Ohio. enough to stand the strain put on it i Judgment in favor of plaintiff Sold by Druggists, 7flc. by busybodies who are trying to merely because it is big. Also that a ing until we arrived off the Golden Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation against defendants Evans and Brown cause a rupture between these well- statement is not to be discredited Gate. We arrived in 'Frisco on Wed­ BANK FORGER ARRESTED. nesday afternoon at 3:30 o ’ clock p.m. for the sum of $552.10 with interest at merely because it defends a corpora ­ known Republicans. The story pub­ That controversy over the Effi­ ahead of our schedule and in running R. A. Henry Forges Check for $1287 8 per cent per annum from date of lished recently to the effect that the tion.—Astorian. decree, $125.00 attorney’s fees and ciency Hoard goes on until it grows time was only 21 hours from the Governor and Senator had had a on Stone & Hicks Checks. $15.80, costs and disbursements and amusing. River bar to San Francisco serious disagreement is declared by Crooks Driven From Europe. Columbia judgment in favor of defendants Bar. We docked at pier No. 13 which both to be untrue and to have been is about three blocks North of Mar­ Richard A Henry, recently of Tilla­ Rosenberg and Condit against de­ printed in the hope of bringing about The war has made New York the ket Street, which is the main thorough mook, aged 25,wanted in Portland fendants Clark M. Terry and wife for what is said had already happened. biggest NEW HOME USERS international crook center" fare of this wonderful city by the sea. for passing a forged check for $1287. $232.10 with interest at 8 per cent per Governor Withycombe says Senator in the “ world, 43 on the First National Bank, was annum from date of decree, $50.00 declare. San Francisco is truly a wonderful 1 I arrested ARE Moser is not only r it in hand, or for part cash and the bal­ A. J.TOWER CO. ures. The country press, as a whole, been hundreds of robberies ranging scintalating columns for 475 feet shin­ in BOSTON ing and shining like brilliants that with checks on the First Na’icnal. ance approved security, and the sale excepting the few papers who have from $100 to $2,500. ’ Some of the heaviest looser* are you or I have seen the likes of before, His purchases included a dress suit, shall be subject to confirmation by , no ideas of their own or who are silk hat and a leather case for the the County Court of the State of Ore­ owned or controlled by the big inter­ Mrs Sherwood Aldrich, whose sum­ or in all probability never will again hat. same day he wrote his wife gon, for the County of Tillamook. ests, is against the movement for pre­ mer home at Southhampton, L. L in our time. The magnificent build­ who The E. J. Claussen, was visiting friends in Aloaitv, paredness, against militarism, against was robbed of $70,000 in jems, Mrs. ings, their unique construction, their that he Administrator of Sidney E. Henderson, Pres., had committed a crime, that James McMillan whose summer place stupendous and marvelous size and military taxation and the snobishness it Estate of Jasper Manchester-by-the-sea was rob­ massiveness is what the admiration of he was facing penitentiary doors, and Surveyor. that clings to the military class.— bed of jewes valued at $7^000, Mrs. all This Fair is over two miles long that she would next hear of him when News Reporter. John Leland Henderson, Sec­ his body was recovered from the bot ­ E. Clifton Potter, from whose sum­ and is from a "half to three quarters retary Treus., Attoi ney>i*t- ------- o------- Notice. mer piace at East Hampton, L. I., of a mile wide. There is everything tom of the river. He wrote another o- Law, Notrary Public. Civil service reform was all right in thieves obtained $50,000 in ’ ’ suicide" letter to a friend at Wood ­ on earth, in the air, in the sea, on the Owing to the fact that we «hall be >ts day, but if there's any one thing Mrs. Barbara Wright, Brooklyn, $2> ’ sea and under the earth to be seen. land, Wash. about our municipal government that Tillamook Title and He then started north, port basbijf a obliged to discontinue our bu«ine*i The fact is we have walked miles up­ January t»t, we hereby give especially needs reforming today, it is °°Rewards totaling almost on mile*, up and down ailes, through ticked for Woodland, but gomg after Abstract co. the civil service system. To knock out are still in force in some of the large buildings in and out up and -down through to Seattle and then e to Van notice that ail account« owing to the the vicious spoi 1 system, we have couver, B. C., from which city he pur­ Ramsey Hotel, and unpaid after the I rbrraivh this exposition for the past ( ziw . Abstract«, Real Estate, _ — 20th of October, 1915, shall be handed tied ourselves up so tight that it is robberies. ' ' we<-k and we have just begun to rea - chased a ticked to Duluth, Minn., to our Attorney, Mr. William Marx Surveying, Insurance. almost impossible to get efficient Chrochets of >1 our uu. climatejre jzc the job it would be to see it all over the Canadian Pacific and Soo for attention. service out of many employes protec­ conspicuous by • flotti Phocea. the closing of the passingly The «tale buildings are line* At Calgary he turned J>acK, t- z — C. S. Barne*. ted in their jobs by civil service rules. schools in one city ten days ago be- lovely, u«ed principally for recep- reaching Woodland again via Spok­ TILLAMOOK - . OKKCON. W. J. Pcter*on And now we have a civil service un- cause the weather s too hot and an(j rrM_ and j,ave few ,f any ane and Tacoma. His movement* Buckle*, decea*ed. *°u. with high purpose of increasing two ’ - exhibit*, excepting that Oregon and were traced by means of the hat box, day« because n efficiency, but which will be used UK boilers bei- out cf order. uke other labor unions have human nature to use a union for ‘ch TILLAMOOKERS AT FAIR. Let ’er Rain! Reflex Slicker $3.00