Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 21, 1915, Image 1

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    Vol. XXVI
Z¿/?¿/Z^£7V7~ MAM*
z’äsy not
trust TO
The CAREFUL man—the man who takes no long
chances—is the one will w in out over the pian who
goes blindly into things and trusts to “luck.” Nothing
can stop the success of a man w ho keeps sober, works
hard and regularly BANKS a part of his income front
his labor or his business. Is it not better to have
your money and keep your balance GROWING than
to trust to a DANGEROUS “ luck ?”
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
We pay 4 per cent interest on Sayings Deposit.
Tillamook County Bank
Tillamook Jottings.
■ ■ o-----
Houses to Rent, see Watson.
All kinds of dry wood.—See Shrode.
Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. I.
Clough Co.
For your Sunday roast call Sani­
tary Market.
Get free Kodak instructions at C. I.
Clough Co.’s.
Botn, to the wife of Bert Folks, on
the 14th, a girl.
Born, to the wife of Earl Blanchard
on the 12th, a son.
AU kinds of lunch meats at the
Sanitary Market.
Born, to the wife of C. A. Eastman,
on Monday, a son.
Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla- I
mook County Bank.
The place to eat is at
the “Good
Eats,” Ramsey Hotel.
Morris Schnal has gone to Seattle
and Tacoma on a visit.
Teams wanted to haul wood. Apply
to Frank Hanenkratt.
Spring calves for sale—J. W. Jen-
ningSj Kilchis River.
We are in a position to make s-mic
long time farm loans. First National
Five, room furnished house for rent
or sale—Inquire at Williams’ Har­
ness shop.
For Sale—23 head of steer heifers
and cows. No Jerseys. Sandlake Co.,
Sandlake, Ore.
Watch the Tillamook Feed Co.’s
window for their Saturday Specials,
it will pay you.
Try one of our fancy dressed chick­
ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla­
mook Meat Company.
With another week of fine weather
er contractor Heyd will have the roof
on the new city hall.
Mrs. M. Page left on Wednesday
for Ilwaco, Wash., where she will re­
side with her daughter.
For sale, cheap, vine maple and
spruce limbs. Apply to M. R. Hanen-
kratt, Tillamook, Oregon.
Lost—A small Jersey cow with
horns. Finder please notify H. Uithof
i illamook, Mutual phone.
W ood Sawed—Call E. W. Knight
on the Mutual phone, Prompt service
and careful work.
Mr. W. A. Spalding, of Forest
Grove, ____
came ...
in __
on ____
Sunday to visit
his daughter, Mrs. Everet Hall.
Saturday Specials:—Link Sausage,
Pork, Veal and old fachioned country
sausage.—Tillamook Meat Co.
Having bought the Tillamook Iron
Works from A. K. Case all business
from Sept. 1st will be transacted by
H. Sander.
Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­
sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for
raerly of the Spanish Kitchen.
For Sale—Horse, weight 1100
broke to work single or double,
auire of G. H. Poland, Tillamook.
Mrs. I. C. Row left on Friday for
Hillsboro, where she will visit at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Phelps.
M. E. Holden and Miss Marie Hol­
den left last week to spend the win­
ter in California after visiting friends
in Portland.
G. A. Hunter and Mrs. Wheeler
left on Tuesday for Napa, Cal., the
latter to remain in California for six
In falling from the porch, the five
year old daughter of D . E. Reed
broke her right arm, and Dr. Hoy
was called to set the injured limb.
Mrs. Katie Zurfleuh had the misfor­
tune to fall at Pleasant Valley last
week and break her leg above the
For rent—House, 4 rooms, pantry,
also furnished house, Rents reason-
able. Apply, Elmer Baker, Lamb
Schrader dock.
One ton of coal equals two cords of
wood and you don't have ‘o sow and
split it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello
Centray Gi’ine 28W.
Protect your valuable papers from
the unexpected fire by renting one of
our safe deposit boxes. Only one
dollar per year. Tillamook County
If you have upholstery work to do
call tip E. B. Jacoby, Bay City, Ore.,
on the Mutual phone or leave orders
at Jones-Knudson Furniture Co. All
work first class.
Mrs. A. K. Case and Mrs. Art Case
will leave next week for Idaho, where
they will make their future home.
Mr. Case expects to leave about the
end of the month.
For Sale—20 acres, six miles from
Tillamook City, all in cultivation at
$ 125 per acre and assessed at J150
per acre.—J. S Stephens, Room I,
Commercial Bldg, Tillamook, Ore.
What have you to exchange for 20
acres of land 5 >.”>les from and" peach
Ore. 10 acres in pear
orchard.—P. O Box 32S> Tillamook,
“Wanted, a young man of good ad­
dress to represent us selling our line
of goods on a commission basis at
Tillamook. Address I age & Son,
For Sale—One Monarch Steel
Range; 1 Singer sewing machine,
small heating stove. Iron bcdand
mattress. All practically good as new.
Inquire City 1 ransrer Co.
___ Portland
To exchange first class
land for
residence or 1
nd stock
ranch in Tillamook
dairy ... ai._
t , M. O. Rose, 15« E.
79 “ n 7 Portland,’Ore.
Having taken charge_of the auto­
mobile department of Case s Lar K .
! solicit your patronage in the future
as in the past and wdl guarantee
isfaction, Frank H. Devine.
« •
Tillamook, Oregon.
Drop in and Book Around
I art 01 the hard surface road east
of town was thrown open to travel.
he eleven year old son of Walter
< r-r.cc was thrown from a horse
1 uesdav and his right arm was
bioken, winch Dr. Boals set.
Charles Kunze having resigned as
a member Ut the State Livestock i
- anitary Board, Governor Withy-
combe appointed Walter K. Taylor,
oi Corvallis to fill the vancancy.
Wanted—Furnished dairy ranch
near 1 illamook or Cloverdale. Per­ I
centage basis. Experienced cow man
and farmer. References. Chas. E.
(-lore. R.F.D. No. 2 Beaverton, Ore.»
Five warrants have been issued
charging persons with fishing more
tb 11 the law allows across the river.
1 hree oi the persons pleaded guilty,
not being aware that their nets were
too far across the river.
We have made special arrange-
ments with thc Telephone Co., to
connect you directly with our office,
in case you wish any of our GOOD
COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W
For Sale—Light driving team, har­
ness and hack. Latter practically new.
W ill consider trade for cows or
young stock. Also two two year olds
broken to drive double or single.
Lloyd C. Smith, Bar View, Ore.
Don’t forget those busied castings.
Can be welded for half. Goods sent
by parcel post and express promptly
returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook,
li.50 PER YEAR.
of a reading by Peter Crockatt, and
the visitors rose to go home they
pronounced the reception the best
ever held.
The event was planned as an intro-
duction an ad ' get-together affair for
the teachers
-.j and their friends who I
arc in the city for the three davs of
the r ieachers*
__ „ and to bring
the teachers in personal touch i with
each other.
Mrs. Hanson and Miss Mabel
Goyne planned the program and were
ably assisted by the local teachers
and students.
One Man Stabbed Eight Times With
Knife—The Culprit Disappears.
On Monday evening a serious stab­
bing affair occurred between two
strangers who had come to this city
a few days before, on Third Street
east of the Tillamook Hotel. The j
names of the men are Janies Donovan
and Toni Cooney, and they had gone '
over the county soliciting work as '
nubrella repearers, both having a
pack of umbrella frames on
back. They had been drinking togeth­ I
er quite freely on Monday, and it
seems they got into a fistic encounter I
in which Cooney came out best man
after which they mutually agreed to
make up and be friends again. Wheth­
er they started in to fight again is not
known, but Donovan made the state­
ment that Cooney attacked him with
a knife, who was wounded seven or
eight times in the breast,
breast. the back
School Notes.
and the hands. Two of the knife
To whom it may concern. I find trusts pierced Donovan’s lungs and
Nationally Known Lecturerand Writ­
that the 20 acres that 1 advertised another cut one of the ribs in two. debate team this year are quite
er Worked his Way up from
for sale at $125 per acre, and assessed Donovan who was bleeding quite I bright. A class of 15 is now studying
Printer's Devil to Plat­
at $150 per acre is a mistake as it is freely made his way to Dr. Wcntd's the state debating question, and un­
form Apostle.
assessed at $92 per acre instead of office, who was not in at the time. He der the coaching of professor P. C.
—— o-----
went down the stairs onto the street,
$150, J. S. Stephens.
have had more trouble
where his condition was noticed and
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lacelie, of the doctor sent for. After being at­ trained team should be turned out. than any one else—everybody has
Portland, uncle and aunt of Mrs. M. tended to in the office he was taken The actual statement of the question more trouble than anybody else,' says
F. Leach, are in on a visit, Mr. La- to Dr. Wendt’s Sanatarium, where he has now been received. "Resolved:— Ralph Parlette, who is to lecture here
celle formerly resided in this city and remained. It was at first thought that “That the United States should adopt Monday, Oct. .■■uh. "1 have dona
ran a butcher shop. They see many he could not recover, but the doctor the essential features of the Swiss about everything from playing in a
system of military training and ser­ circus and to superintending a Sun-
changes in Tillamook, for it is 20 thinks that he has a chance.
years since they were here.
There appears to have been an un­ vice.” The tryouts for the high school day school. I have worked on a farm
derstanding between the two men team will take place just before the as hired man. 1 have trained an or-
'Dr- J- G. Turner, formerly of after the stabbing that Donovan was Thanksgiving vacation.
phan calf to drink out of a copper
firm of Lowe it Turner, eye to go to a doctor and get fixed
The Sophomore class of the high kettle. I have driven a yoke ot ux-
specialists, of Portland, will be in after which they would join one an- school held a party last Friday even­ en and said the words 1 used to think
1 illamook again Friday and Saturday other again, for they had been to- I ing in the school building, and accord­ had to go with that job. May the
November 5 and 0, at Jenkens Jew­ gether for three years.
Lord forgive me, but 1 have! 1 have
I ing to the ancient custom the upper­
elry store. Headaches relieved, cross
At first Donovan would not tell classmen asserted their authority by worked on the section and pumped
eyes straightened in children. Ex­ who did the stabbing, denying
_. __ _that spending the evening with them. The the handcar. 1 have worked in fac­
amination free.
his pal had done so. He afterwards faculty members also attended and a tories, set type, edited, taught school,
and even begged my dinner.”
Died at Ideville, on Thursday after­ admitted that he and Cooney had good time was enjoyed by all. Games peddled
Ralph Parlette is the son of Rev.
noon, Oct. 14th, Miss Helen Delesta been drinking and got into a fight were played until a late hour and then John
Parlette,, a Methodist minister
Hellenbuyck, daughter of Mr. and and that Cooney, attacked him with a refreshments were served.
The first three school days of ll.is ci Ohio and tor many years treasurer
Mrs. Emil Hellenbuyck, aged 1J knife.
No trace of Cooney has been found week were holidays for the school of his conference, lie was bo:n near
years. 1 he funeral services were held
Delaware, Ohio, August 30, 1870. He
on Saturday conducted by Rev. Van since the stabbing, although Sheriff students, the teachers attending the graduated
from the high school of
Winkle of the Christian Church, a Crenshaw has scoured the county and institute
x-aRuc, Ohio, in 1887. He learned the
large number of sympathising friends had people watching out. Donovan's i The Junior class planned a hayrack printer's
trade at thirteen, and work­
hat, a soft brown, was found on the party for last Monday night but the
and neighbors being present.
street where the stabbing took place. weather interfered with the plans so a ed his way through college, teaching,
the type and editing the Uni­
Mrs. J. C. Holden gave a “500" It is thought that Cooney is in hiding
was held in the Guild Hall. '1 he setting
partvv Wednesday afternoon at her somewhere near the city. Donovan party
versity Herald, meanwhile carrying
residence in this city, which proved admits that they had often had fistic vited and a good time was enjoyed. lull college work. He graduated from
Stic Ohio Northern University in ¡891
to be a vory enjoyable affair. Mrs. I. encounters during the three years
Mr. Oqthank has received a letter as historian of the class.
S. Lamar carried off first honors and they had been together and that
Mrs. Art Case the consolation prize. Cooney generally .behaved himself from Alfred Boquist, who is attend­ I His newspaper writings attracted
ing the Agricultural College at C'.r- attention and the readers called him
The hostess served a dainty lunch. after a good licking.
vallis, statrig that lie is very well to the platform. Here his real career
As Tillamook had won the cup at the
satisfied with the work there.
began. He has become a national fig-
dahlia show the floral decorations
City Council Meeting.
The fourth and fifth grades are in j lire on the platform, fie went over
were dahlias.
----- o-----
the midst of a contest for perfect , Russia at the close of the Jap-Rus-
The pastors of the Protestant
The Common Council of Tillamook
in spelling. At present the sian war, writing his experience for
Churches of this city have organized City, Oregon, met in regular session lessons
grade is ahead, but the fifth is American publications.
a Ministerial Association, with Rev. October 18th, when were present, fourth
beginning to crowd the fourth grade | He began lecturing in 1896, and has
Ed. Gittins, of the M. E. Church, Hon. S. A. Brodhead, Mayor, Coun­
j been at it ever since, making annual
president; and Rev. VanWinkle of the cilmen G. B. Lamb, John Keldson, I for first place.
Miss Sanders has recently arrived tours into every part of the Union,
Christian Church, secretary. The oth­ M. Melchior, G, A. Edmunds, City
He gives all the year to this work,
er members are Rev. Youel, Presby­ A torney H. T. Bots, Marshal N. J. from Idaho to take charge of the i He
speaks in the winter lyceum
terian Church; Rev. Summerlin, Un­ Myers, Recorder John Aschim, where second grade.
Arlene Burge, who is finishing her I courses, before clubs, schools, univer-
ited Brethern Church; Rev. Smith, upon the ofllowing proceedings were
practice teaching course this year is sitics, institutes, and addressea re­
Nazarcne Church.
had to-wit:
special work with a group of ligious gatherings on Sundays. He
The minutes of the meeting held doing
Clark Smith swore out a complaint
students who need special fills the summer with the Chautauqua
against Roy and Walter Smith on a Oct. 4th were read and approved.
aim of all of the prac- ; engagements. He has filled over 4,000
The matters of adjustment as to ticc teaching courses
charge of assault with intent to kill,
this year will be pay engagements and speaks to more
and a complaint was filed against Third Street with Thayer, and the re­ to strengthen the weaker . students than 125,000 people each year.
Grace Parlette, the well-known ec-
Clark Smith on a charge of assault fund from Giebisch & Joplin fur and bring them up to grade. This will
with a dangerous weapon. It seems gravel hauling were continued.
! give the students taking the teachers' I turer for children, is his sister.
The Ordinance Committee made re- Training Course, the practice teach- j Ralph Parlette became editor of
that Clark Smith was badly beaten up
by Roy and Walter Smith in a racket port as follows on the Standard Oil ing required and will do work which j The Lyceum Magazine in 1909. This
they had over money and accusing Company ordinance; Mr. Melchior is much needed in schools, without magazine has become the acknow­
ledged organ of the entire lycenm and
one another of theft. The matter was favored letting the matter go before cost to the district.
movement, so much so
compromised this morning, Roy the voters for their action while Mr.
The High School has recently re­ ehautauqua
book the magazine
Smith pleading guilty to assault and Edmunds and Mr. Keldson favored ceived
and several smaller along the lyceum courses,
because of
battery, was fined $20.00. The other the City Council granting a franchise packages a case
of books from the State the inspiration and direction
to the Standard Oil Company, it ap­
it gives
charges were dismissed.
pearing to the majority of the com­ Library, for use in the history work to committees.
The calf buying firm of Neilson A mittee that the council had full power in both grades and high school, for
proudest moment of my life ”
Melchior will in future be known as to act. Mr. Edmunds further stated debating and other work. These he “The
says, "was to go back to the old
the Tillamook Live Stock Co., and that he had personally interviewed books which cost the district only the school
building in Ohio where I used
they are at the present time prepared the manager of the Board of Under­ cost of transportation, which docs to be janitor,
give the commence­
to take all of your young calves and writers and had been assured that the f not amount to more than a few cents ment address. and
greatest blessing
pay you the highest price possible. erection of the proposed plant would a volume, are of great value in the of my life was The
necessity that
Also buying at this time old cows as have no effect on insurance rates in courses mentioned. Last year some of compelled me to the
they are planning on shipping a coup­ the city at large.
the books which were kept for only
le of cars next week some time. They
Ordinance No. 302 passed on third one term were read by twenty or
Where i* the old-fashioned boy who
are located at the Big Star Barn one reading.
I called
even more students.
a man a “guinea” instead of a
mile cast of the city and have install­
Sidewalk resolution adopted. Lots
ed both phones. Bell phone No. 8F22. 6, 7, and 8 Stillwell Park Addition.
World's serie» produces a jargon of
That's a horrible story about the
Call us up when you have anything in
It was moved, seconded and carried
famous names which won't mean Nicotian, and if true shows that any
our line. We arc paying the highest that a request be made of the Port of new
anything to you if you don’t read up '»crutchcon is in danger of an in-
market price for hides, bring them to Tillamook to have Hoquarton Slough the
baseball department.
cffaccablc blot when there is war.
u$.—Tillamook Live Stock Co.
cleared of snags at the new bridge
now under construction, and that the
Mayor be empowered to act on be­
Reception a Success.
half of the city in this matter.
----- o ■ -
Stillwell Park resolution adopted.
The teachers’ reception which 1 wa* Changing the boundary of city tract.
A communication from the First
held in the Guild Hall last Tuesday
evening proved a great success in National Bank was read making a <1 -
every way. Over 125 were present to mand f6r interest due on certain im­
enjoy the evening, including the 90 provement bonds, and it appearing
that many of the assessments were at
teachers and instructors.
would ccrt.'iiniy not with
The evening's program opened with this time delinquent, it was ordeied
Hint dreadful misfortune,
games which served as introductions upon motion made, seconded and car-
to the teachers from different parts ri d that the City Treasurer be in­
Much dire ealnmitiea ¡ire
of the county. So full was the pro- structed to furnish the council with a
bappenini: daily. Protection in
gram that much was omitted wh n list of all property holders delinquent
the last
event was announced. The as a preparatory step toward taking
easy. A lire irisuranee policy
I oca teachers acted out in play from I action to collect these assessments.
of a responsil 1e firm Inin pro
There being a vacancy in the Li­
their own interpretation of Lochm-
var; dressed in the custumes of the brary Board the Mayor aoprinted C.
ven iiinnme ablv the
Scotch the little pantomime was a J. Edwards for a term of three years
11 life­
to fill same. Upon
motion made, se:»!
side-splitting event.
time w rk. * Reliable Insur­
The banquet was servd at the close onded and carri d the Council con- «
I the program; and when the teach- firmed the appointment.
ance” in our motto.
Upon motion made,
., seconded and ,
is and friends were seated around
le tables, speeches were made by carried, the Mayor 1 was empowered ,
Superintendent of Schools Onthank to take the necessary steps to provide
M S Pittman, of Monmouth, Profes- for the handling of traffic during pav­
- >r Ressler, of Corvallis; Mrs Stran­ ing of the South end of Second Ave.
ahan. the new president of the local East.
The matter of appointing viewers
Parent Teachers' Association. City
superintendent of schoos Onthank fee the opening of streets between PHONE US.
presided as toast master. When the Miller and Thayer Additions wet
closing number was given in the io:.J continued.
“ The Insurance Man