TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 14, 1915. » THE STORE THAT SELLS WOOLTEX-MunsiniwearWayneSUk The Wirthmor Waist-$i.oo, Worth More nmiRT F GOLD BOND TRADING STAMPS GIVEN WIT h \ DOUBLE PURCHASE ON. FRIDAY.______________ MEN Thrifty Shoppers are taking advantage of The OCTOBER SALES $18.65 For Hart Schaffner Marx Unquestionable Values—Unequalled Merchandise— Unusual Reductions. Suits Priced up to $27.50. There’s no need to etnplia- size on the wonderful value offered in this selection of H. S. & M. Suits. Every man knows that when be purchases a Suit bearing the II. S. & M. label he gets value dollar for dollar every time. Look what a wonderful I saving, then, you are able to I make by buying your Fall I Suit now. I I I I I I I I How Can Such Beautiful Waists Be Sold at Just One Dollar ? r|MJIS is a question quite frequently asked—and it’s answer explains why the Waists sold here are so entirely disimilar, and so decidedly superior to what is ordinarily sold at the same or somewhat higher prices elsewhere. We in common with one other good store in practically every citj’ of conse­ quence throughout the States, have an arrangement with the maker, which has materially lowered the cost of making and distributing these waists—and the large saving thus affected, has been used to give added value to the product. This it is, that makes possible the sale of these wonderful Waists at Just One Dollar. $18.65 For Hart Schaffner ' Marx Topcoats, Priced up to $25.00. j I I I I I I I Wirthmor Waists are Always $1.00. They are Always Worth More, For cJTlden 's Kersey Overcoats New ^yVIadels on Sale To-Day. Jf you want an inexpensive I Coat that will give real good hard service here’s a bargain. I These Coats are shown in Black and Grey mixed and are bargains indeed. Our New Allot- ment of Welworth Waists will go on For Men’s I Absolutely the latest and most up-to-date Coats for Men and Youngmen who want only what is correct and fashionable. Men’s Rubberized Raincoats At R^mArkable Savings AID a lady to us the other day “It’s no wonder these waists sell so fast ; they are so very pretty and such good value for the price.’’ And she simply voiced the opinion of all who see them. It is not at all surprising that they sell as rapidly as they do, for they are really Waists of such character as people are accustohied to pay a much nigher price for. Just a limited quantity of the new Models go on Sale To-Day. Welworth Waists are Sold Here Exclusively. $5.95 for regular $ 7.50 $7.95 for regular $9.00 $8.85 for ,, $10.00 $11.95 for „ $15.00 Values. Values. Values. Values. Fish Brand Slickers for Men $2.75 Values for $1.85. Three-quarter length Fish Brand Slickers for men at a genuine saving. Buy now for future needs. Men's Shoes in Wanted Styles at Reduced Prices. During the quarter ending July JI, IQ15. the State Engineer issued 15a permits for the appropriation of wat­ er, under which it is proposed to irri­ gate 2J, 143 acres of land, develop 35a horsepower and construct IS reser­ voirs. These permits will require the construction of 210 miles of canals and pipe lines and an estimate expen­ diture of $801,242.00. The following permits were issued in Tillamook County: W. S. Cone, of Bay City, secured a permit to develop 24 horsepower, diverting water from Mapes Creek in Sec 31, T I N, Rv W . Ralph Welsh, of Blaine, for (he ir­ rigation of 0 acres of land, diverting water from an unnamed creek in Sec. 30, T J S. R. 8 W„ 11. M. Farmer, of Beaver, for the irrigation of to acres, diverting water from an unnamed creek in Sec. 1, T. 4 S.. R to W. Wm. G. Tait, of Tillamook, for municipal supply, divering water from unnamed creek in Sec. 32, T. I S.. R. 10 W. Button and Blucher Dress Shoes with good heavy welted soles and gunmetal t|!Q IE vamps. Per Pair*U.de i t Men's Underwear there art* light, medium and heavy grey plush woo) shirts and pants in all sizes as well as a full range of sizes in the famous Cooper Ribbed Under­ wear, the latter being shown in blue mixed and salmon colors onlv. i Every style in this selection is a 1915Fall model—not a single previous season’s coat is included. Sizes are to tit ages 4 to 8 years. CLASSIC COATS, that are priced up to $13.50. The Welworth a Better Blouse at S2.00. For values to $3.48. For values $9.45 and over. A surprising value in positively new style coats in sizes 13, 15 and 17 years for Misses, and 36 to 44 sizes for Ladies. Youngmen’s GIRLS’ COATS, $10.95, values $13.50 and over. For Values up to $5.75. of exceptional style and tailored from cloths of character. Stand in front of our mirrors with one of these coats or. and note the wonderful value offered for such a modest price. Almost too good to be true such an offer as this so early in the season. Come in and see them. There are coats to tit girls 8 to 14years of age, and they are in up-to-date styles only. The Thrifty Housewife will Wel­ come these Bargains in STAPLES AND DOMESTICS. The Dry Goods Section of this store is justly renowned for the Bargains it has offered from time to time and the items mentioned below are typical of the savings that can daily be made in the department. TURK TOWELS, 10c. Regularly sold at 12ic. White and Brown Turk Towels, 32x20 inches and .shown iu plain or fringed ends PILLOW TUBING, 19c. For values to 25c. 36 and 42 inch Pillow Tub­ ings at 25c. Buy now for for your Fall sewing. Wide COATS, $2.48, $6.98, Overcoats and $4.48, For Coats Balmacaans ¡ CHILDREN’S CLASSIC COATS, $10.95 Don’t put off making your se- lection, better view them to-day. Water Permits in Tillamook. Mid-Seasoil Bargains in Ladies', Misses' and Children’s Classic’’ Coats for Fall, which mean actual savings to you in dollars and cents on positively new, stylish and perfectly tailored garments. Come in and try the coats on—it’s your privilege to “shop” here before buying anyway. that sold for $10.00. ^hern's Taxes Collected Amount to $390.478 ------ o Sheriff Crenshaw has collected $390,478.21 in taxes on the 1914 rolls, leaving a balance of $27,250.89 to be collected, which is now delinquent. The first half and straight payments amounted to $253,584.92 and the last half $130,893.29. It cost more to col­ lect the tax in two payments, but the figures show that a large number of the taxpayers avail themselves of the opportunity to pay their taxes in two installments. Considering the fact that money is tight, there is only a comparatively small amount of taxes delinquent out of the total of $417, 729.10 levied in the county. Another Week of Bargains in NEW FALL “CLASSIC” COATS, $7.65 The^ are Sold Here Exclusively. Sale to-day. II, S. At M. Overcoats with Box or Belted Backs, Mili tary Collars and in full 52 inch lengths. There are all sizes in the selection and such popular colors as Tan, Brown, Grey mixed as well as Black are shown. SHEETINGS, 29c. For values up to 38c. Bleached and unbleached 81 and 90 inch wide Sheet­ ings at savings worth your while securing today. SATIN DAMASK, 44 c. Special 64 inches wide. Here’s a quantity of Satin Damask full 64 inches wide, for which you have always paid very much more Fill your table linen needs now and save. Ladies' Dress SHOES, $3.45, PILLOW CASES, 10c. Sizes 42x36. These pillow cases are sold by us regularly at 13c. each, and are well worth the price. Save on your future needs by purchasing today. Amazon SHEETS, 48c. Sizes 72x90. Hemmed Sheets all ready for use at a price anyone can pay. And there's value in every sheet toov Sale of BLANKETS. Including the Famous Nashua Wool Naps. A sale of FlanneletteBlan- kets that is both timely and full of laving possibilities. Regular. Size. Per pair, 79c. 39x68 63c. $1.19 58x76 98c. $1.65 68x80 $1.48 $2.(X) Nashua Woolnaps 60x76 $1,79 COMFORT Makers Can Save Here. For values up to $5.00. Kc?n>to J71c’ Silkalines This sale of Ladies1 Dress Shoes offers some excep- ! w°o1 batt’- uxw, all in one piece $2 19. tion illy smart models in good fitting, good wearing . Reg. 20c. to 25c. and good looking values in KI MONA CLOTHS lace and button styles with craveuetted tops in various 17lc. colors. Vamps are shown 27 and 36 inch pretty color­ in either gunmetal or pat- I ed warm comfy cloths for ent leather. rail wear. I O O The Home of STETSON HATS, Rlorsheim Shoes, Sampeck Clothes for a B oya > Arrow Shirts and Collars. Two Millinery Specials, $2.49 and $3.48. Displayed on two tables in the Millinery Section, on the Balcony we show two prices of styles produced in our own workrooms that are remark­ able values. Every Hat shown is worth considerably more than the price asked and emphasizes our ability to produce smart styles at modest prices as well as in designs at prices considerably higher. Miss Jones' contract with us for the season expires three weeks after this. We should therefore be glad if those ladies desiring Miss Jones advice on Millinery matters will pay her a visit as early as possible. (^Millinery Dept.---Balcon^. Mill End Remnants For Bargain Shoppers. Shown in the Bargain Square under the balcony there are about 3,000 yards of Mill End Remnants of Percales, Ginghams, Outing Flannels, Galateas, Crepes, ^Madras Waistings and Romper Cloths at prices that are simply as­ tonishing. When we tell you, however, that they are manu­ facturers' Remnants, consist­ ing of pieces from 3 to 30 yds- in length, and are bought at enormously reduced prices, you will understand how it i® we can offer such remarkable bargains. 27 inch Percales, yard 27 inch Apron Ginghams 27 inch Outing Flannels 27 inch Ginghams, yard 32 in. Madras Waistings 30 in. Serpentine Crepes 34 inch R^omper Cloths 6c. 6c. 8c. 8ic. Die. Die. Die. I I