TI-.-,A1!OOK HEADLIGHT. OCTOBER 14. 1915 ÎAUcw.dJy_Ço““ty Court. General Fund u’ Barrett . • • • . ........ 4 Prudhonnne ... • L Shreve ‘ ‘ ’ ¿erg-Logus Co. ... L. Owens ............. 1,0 r McKimens ....... "tl Hare ..................... ■| Beals ..................... ' w. Todd .................... i. S- Buel ..................... Crenshaw .................. I. 7 Holden ................... Uhrekr Reporter........... r p Marcher ................ I W. Stanley ................ j H. Goyne.................... J S. Lamar ..,................ bkl. Coufb ............. , H. Gaylord ................ Fust Power Co.............. ICksi & Prudhotnme ... IfE Donaldson ............. t L. McCarty ............... r E. Gruber ............... [j Q Pangborn ................ KTÄieic«:::: ¡Grant Mills .............. ; R Crenshaw ............ H. Crenshaw............ lj| Crenshaw ............ IjC. Holden.............. t W. Stanley ..... A. E. Ball................. j. E. Reedy ■ ......... David O'Donnell....... Geo. Bean ........ ■■■■•■ Barthold Barge Co. .. J. L Shreve ............ E W. Stanley............. Tohl & Anderson .... Gto. W. Phelps ....... A’aacy Craven ........... Mrs. A. E. McKune .. Conover & Condit ... i' D. Gladwcll ....... Tillamook Feed Co. .. Crystal Laundry ....... H. Mason & Co.......... W. H. Guest ............. Berns Bros.................. ' John Seamon ........... Dr. S. M. Wendt .... S. A. Clark ................ Alvin Thompson .... C. E. Trombley ....... Mutual Telephone Co. ¡Tillamook Water Co. [ T. E. Epplett ........... T. E. Eppletet ........... Chas Johnson ........... 1E E. Colestock ....... 5. M. Wendt ............. 9.20 10.00 8.50 14.00 9.00 453-43 1.20 7.05 5.85 3-5° 30.00 18.10 1.20 13-35 1.40 25.10 5-4° 1.20 12.00 2.00 20.00 2.50 13-50 4 50 6.00 38.80 55-00 200.00 6.50 28.35 Total ....................... $4,139.61 Road District No. 1. LA. Worthington........... .... $ 76.00 Fred Zaddach ......................... 36.25 A. Finley ................................. 3->2 L A; Worthington ................ 70.00 Albert Miller ........................... 5.00 ; Geo. Hartzell .......................... 16.25 Km. Brobst ............................ 13.75 Ansel Lommen ....................... 1.85 . John Hicks .............................. 1.85 Orson Batterson ..................... 22.50 Ernest Kebbe ......................... 5.00 Charley Easom ....................... 7.50 John Wood .............................. 7.50 C. Easom ............................... 20.00 1 A Laudloif .............................. 7.50 Km. Barber ............................ 5.00 i Ed Braunesuther..................... 11.25 J Geo. Henderson....................... 2.50 i Scott Linkhart......................... 3.75 L E. Myers ............................ 18.75 Elmer Scovell ......................... 22.50 Basil Scovell............................ 1.25 ■ Joins Tohl .............................. 2.50 I Albert Krake ........................... 74-75 Ray Krake .......................................... 57-00 L H. Kenny .......................... 24 48 I. D. Edgbert........................... 14.37 •A. D. Yommen......................... 9.25 Robert Forkner....................... 5.65 M"1*11 ................................ 1,293-75 J. f. Recher ............................ 7.50 IV. D. Wood.............................. 493-5° H. W. Wright ......................... 1.70 Geo. W. Phelps....................... 1.25 F- F. Hobson ........................... 66.10 WHCndyi.............................. 32-41 "■ n. Derby ........................... 2.50 Total ....................... $j,896.05 Road District No. a. W. M........ . 12.00 Hobson John Delich ....... 12.00 C. C. Jollissffe ... Joy Mane ........... Earl Ayer ......... 3.12 "• Rowin .......... 1.97 Frank Barnes ... US« Oral Barnes ....... 1750 Frank Barnes ... I-50 •- • Oral Barnes ....... 2.50 Coney Dye ......... 72-37 J’7 Deeter .....' 54- 69 Jot Mapes ......... 53-12 Sutton ........... 25.00 P.tyt............. 55- 62 John Little ... 63-75 [rank Oliver 26.56 Monnakam .. 15.00 Sid Blanchard ... 12.50 “ G. Beals ....... 2.50 45.00 MfVoe • «• Mason & Co. 20.75 Wes ey Rush .... -75 fj* We|]s ....... 2.50 «0 McDowel .. 5.00 y-S. Wells ......... 10.00 21.87 An Case......... ;.- p'.A- Kinnaman **tr Schrantz .. A. Holden ... Jweph Blättler'.'. J- »laser........... c ®aum8artner I®- Betchart ... j £ pnlders ... t Del »man ......... e jyel>er ....... e Woner ........... n ^arr F Kdgar .. Wendell W erner .. P “'«Rs . r J»coby C. Dobic T"05-Vaughn . Veoige Davis .. YT-Älks ..... ^'" Blum ... a u- Groff ••• '■ Ci'. Jurn‘r ... I Pearson ... Blum . A^bra Brown jj'r Wa'ker .. H I1“"1 ”• 7-W 6.00 2.50 1.87 28.87 10.00 25.00 2500 15.00 22.ro 25.OO 12.50 12.50 I2.5O 12.50 2. SO 15.00 26.88 20.00 42-75 5.OO 10.00 37.8« 15 00 22. -O 20.00 20.00 20.00 17 to 3« 25 22.50 5500 18.75 Chas. Fleck ............ Alwin Blum A. D. Lippin............ Henry Nelson ........ Q- Pangborn ....... N. J. Dye .............. Frank Dye ......... Sid Travis ................ Dan Billings .............. Sid Anderson Ed. Hanenkratt ....... 7'' Frank Dye ......... Guy A Union ............ A. J. Wails .............. R. T. Martin ................... Bert Leach ................ Bruce Hare . Will Willks ....... 777.777 7 W. Hanenkratt .............. Homer Wilks ............... Ole Womcr ................. Lloyd Kays ................... A. Appsley .......................... Tory Haugen ...................... ’ Sam Doney ................. M. Darby ............................ ’ Jim Graham ......... .............. Jack Jennings ................... J. Tagman ............................. Lon Kinnaman ..................... J. Beebeheiser ...................... Bert Nichols ........................ L. F. Wilson ........................ J. T. Woodward ................... Overton ................................. Joe Osburn ............................ A. F. Coates Lbr. Co ............ Will Gocres .......................... Bales & Erskine ................... A. F. Coates Lbr. Co............. Lad Quick ................ G. G. Hall ............................. E. J. Geinger ........................ Arcnz Con. Co.........................1 Stone & Hicks S. and G. Co. . J. D. Edgbert ........................ W. B. Aiderman ................... C. E. Pearson ...................... . J. H. Johnson ........................ I. A. Craven .......................... Leslie Dickey ........................ Tillamook Feed Co................. Chas F. Pankow ................... Hiner & Reed........................ Frank Devine ........................ Edgar Munson ..................... Edwards Lazell ..................... Pacific Tel anl Tel Co........... Clell Pearson ........................ W’illard Johnson ................... Verner Holden ..................... G. Hannenkratt ................... V. Donaldson ........................ Peter Schrantz ..................... H. A. Kinnaman ................... Frans Wirtman ..................... John Gedlich ........................ Sam McVey .......................... C. Bauer Mr. Stark D. Myers ........ A. H. Forkner Boy hailing . A. J. Clark ' J- • W. Hester John bailing........ J ini Sp rrv X. B. Met lay . . Ed. Morclicur J C. Crcecy ... N ilhain (. urk Albert Clark Forrest Ayer Roy \\ oocls .......... Lee Lester . . Chas, tinker Robin Lystcr . L. H. Krake L. W. \ an Dyke .. Deo. Van Dyke Henry Kendel J. L. Myers .......... Darlty bandercock Frank Fox .......... Charley Kaudle ... J- N. Hulett ........ Henry Weiss ... I.55 ‘¿5 PAVING DISPUTE IS ARGUED IN PUBLIC Holman Defends County's Action in Not Using Wood Blocks. - m Commissi°ner Total ................... $7,933-51 A v _ Miscellaneous. A. K. Case ................... Southern Pacific Co. ... Southern Pacific Co Feeney & Bremer....... C. P. Morse ................... W. H. Herring .............. Marshall Wells Hdw. Co. . \\ illamina Garage David Hobson ................ Pacific Face Brick Co. .. .7 . C. F. Shorlridge ................... C has Anderson ................ Brighton Mills Co............... / A. H. Averill Mach. Co.......... C. L. Cornell ........................ Norwood Apperson .............. F. E. Hobson ..................... Alex McNair ........................ Good Roads Meh. Co............ Howard Cooper Cor............... Tillamook Bay Con. Co........ Long & Co............................. A. K. Cace ............................ King & Smith ....................... W. A. Williams ................... City Transfer Co................... State Treasurer ................... Sam McVey .......................... Tillamook Iron Works ......... Total Old Establish House Makes Excel­ lent Mattresses. TO-NIGHT CEM THEATRE WALTEMEYER OWNBEY & CO County Commissioner Holman and John P. Dougall concluded at the members’ council of the Chamber of Commerce in Portland Monday the Assisted by Miss Hazel O'Donnell duel they had begun the week be­ in fore over the statement made by Mr. Dougall that the lumber interests had been treated unfairly by the county in kt’ing of contracts for road paving. (. hairman E. L. Thompson inform­ ed the speakers at the outset that personalities were not to be indu'ged in and then "turned them loose.” Latest Popular Songs. "I am not going to discuss Mr. Admission Children, 10c. ; zXdults, 20c. Helman as a friend of mine, but as a Coining Friday, politician." was DougaH's preface to his speech. NANCE O’NEIL, '1 will not refer to Mr. Dougall, who is a life long and bosom friend of mine, personally," retorted Mr. Hol­ “ PRINCESS ROMANOFF.” man when he began to speak, "but as 6 Reels. Fox Feature. a lobbyist for certain timber interests. Mr. Dougall reiterated has asser­ tions of the previous week that the County Commissioners had discrim­ ed upon and said in awarding the con- take. _. ...J | ] For inated against the advocates of wood tracts it had been the desire of the Fo. many weeks — Mrs. Galt and her to the wood relatives have been frequent dinner block paving, and called attention to Commissioners to give t- Sandy House. Often she the fact that Mr. Holman himself block two miles on the L. —, and guests at the White . • ‘ accompanied __ ______ thj had introduced a resolution to the Base line, but that it was found that | has the president on . . would si represent .......... * e*»-* zw\z-i nnirp motor rifles rides. She is r not quite as tall more nmtnr Chamber urging that the county be this $22,000 as Wilson and has dark hair and requested to give a 5 per cent prefer­ than if done in bitulithic. dark eyes. Her tastes are said to be ential on Oregon made products in strikingly similar to those of the pres­ letting contracts. “Later facts have EN- ident, with deep interest in literature shown that you might just as well PRESIDENT WILSON IS GAGED TO WED. and charity work. thrown that resolution into the river,” he said. Notice of Completed Contract. Fuel Case Cited. Mrs. Norman Galt, Rich Widow, to Then he assailed several instances be First Lady of United States. Notice is hereby given, that the of the County Commissioner's activi­ Washington, Oct.6— President Wil­ ties. He declared that on the St. son tonight announced his engage­ County Road Master for Tillamook Johns ferry they had installed a sys­ ment to Mrs. Norman Galt of Wash­ County, Oregon, has filed his certifi­ cate for the completion of the paving tem of oil burning which cost $6.87 a ington. day, whereas when they were burning T he date of the wedding has not contract of the Arcnz Construction slabwood and sawmill waste, it cost been fixed, put probably will take Company, on the Hunt’s Bridge only $6.41 per day. Similarly at the place in December at the home of the Road, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in this office, County Poor Farm he asserted that bride-elect. they were burning oil at a cost of The brief annuncement from the (with the exception of some minor $600 more per year than if slabwood White House, made by Secretary details) and any person, firm or cor­ was used. Tumulty, came as a surprise to offi­ poration, having objections to file to Then he took up the matter of the cial Washington, but not to a number the completion of said work, may do failure of the lumber men to secure of intimate friends it had long been so within two weeks from the date of » contracts for wood block paving in expected. From this circle came to­ the first publication. Dated this the 14th day of Oct. 1915 the county. night the story of a friendship whose .1. C. Holden, County Clerk. He reiterated his statement of the culmination was viewed as a happy previous week that the lumbermen turn in the troubled and lonely life of First publication, Oct. 14, 1915. Last publication, Oct. 28, 1915. had offered a bond for maintenance the nation's chief executive. on the wood block paving and that It was Miss Margaret Wilson and Bit’s Wanted. the County Commissioners had said her cousin, Miss Bones, who drew it was satisfactory, but had failed Mrs. Galt into the White House cir­ The Reaver Cheese Co. will receive nevertheless to give the wood block cle. They met her first in the early representatives a contract. autumn of last year, and were so bids up to November I, 1915, for a “When we went to a bonding com­ much attracted by her that they cheese maker at said factory for the pany here to secure this bond," he sought her out more and more fre- ensuing year. The company reserves said, “they refused us and showed us quently and the friendship between the right to reject any and all bids. a letter from W. V. Warren, vice- them rapidly ripened into intimae". Notice. president of the Warren-Construction Mrs. Galt spent a month this sum- ; Company, urging them to protect the mer in Cornish as the house guest of patented paving. The same let er the president ’s eldest daughter. It | All time checks issued by the Tilla­ ] went to every bonding house in the was tl hrough ___ „ this __ intimacy of his dau- mook Hay Construction Co. will be city. ghter and cousin that the president paid on presentation at the First Nat­ Favoritism is Asserted. had an opportunity to meet and know ional Bank. They should be turned in at once as the company is anxious “Other bidders for the contract Mrs. Galt. One of the most interesting facts that they should be paid. signed their own bonds, as the rec­ ords will show. We delivered to the about the engagement, as told by county a bond signed by some of the friends, is that the president’s daugh­ millionaire lumb rmcn of the city, but ters should have chosen Mrs. Galt for their admiration and friendship be­ apparently that wasn’t enough. “The Warren Construction Coin­ fore their father did. Mrs. Galt is the widow of a weal­ pany in bidding declined to stand back of its figures unles, the >v?ole thy business man of Washington who contract was awarded to it, and v. lien died eight years ago, leaving her a the Commissioners found themselves jewelry business that still bears his looking into the muzzel of that bitu­ name. She has lived in Washington lithic gun, they threw up their hands since her marriage in 1896, ami is prominent in the Capital's society and said ‘We’ll give it all to you.’’’ When Mr. Holman rose to reply he circles. She is about 38 years old and was did not touch upon the points intro­ duced by Mr. Dougall which had no Miss Edith Bolling, born in Wythe­ bearing on the wood block paving ville, Va., where her girlhood was spent, and with her father, William controversy. “Mr. Dougall last week made state­ H. Bolling, was a prominent lawyer. In the circle of people who have I have some choice young pigs for ments, which he has reiterated this the kind that week, that the wood block paving known Mrs. Galt for many years she sale, both sexes, could be laid more cheaply than the has been regarded as an unusual beau­ matures very young. One of my herd bitulithic, that a maintenance bond ty, gifted with a natural charm. boars weighed 620 lbs. at eighteen was filed with the County Commis­ Friends speak of her as being con­ months old. My hogs have won rib­ sion, and that the County Commis­ stantly sought out as a delightful bons at county and state fairs. Phone or write for prices. sioners had discriminated against companion, remarking especially on JOE DONALDSON. wood block paving in favor of the her thoughtfulness and quick capac­ R. F. D. 1, Tillamook. ity for anything she chose to under- bitulithic. "I wish to repeat at this time that all of the statements made by Mr. Dougall last week were absolutely false. Bitulithic Declared Home Product “As for upholding Oregon products, all of the products that goes into the bitulithic paving, except the bitumen that binds it, is home product. Only about 25 cents a square yard is not. About 20 cents a square yard of the elements that go into making wood block paving are not home products. “Bids for wood block paving were made on two sections of the Sandy and Base Line road. One type of road of which there was 40 miles to be paved, was bid at $1.45 a yard by "the bitulithic people and $240 by the wood block people. Another strip of road, of which type there were to miles, was bid at $1.70 for the bitulith- is and $2.43 for wood block. This would represent a total of $632,544 more had the paving gone in wood block instead of bitulithic, and I do not approve of expending such a sum of the county’s money, even if a lobbyist for the timber interests does demand it.” He denied that the records of the county showed the submission of any bond for maintenance by the wood block advocates. John B. Yeon, roadmaster, was call- “Madame Butterfly.” 4 REELS PICTURES Since 1826, the firm of Haywood Total ................. $18,975.29 Brothers & Wakefield Company have been famous for the baby carriages, Road District No. 3. their chairs and their reed and rattan Frank Taylor ........................ goods. Throughout the United Stutes Cloverdale Tel. Co................. they have established great distribut­ S. D. Carpenter ..................... ing points from which these products John Imlah ........................ ... art sent to the furniture stores in Cloverdale Merc. Co.............. every city and town. Sandberg-Logus Co............... A lew' months ago they began to Jeffrey & Button ................. produce mattresses, and already Hey­ J. M. Weiss & Sons ........ . wood Mattresses are becoming rec­ Tillamook Sand & Gravel Co. ognized as the utmost in quality at B. E. Lewis ............................ the lowest prices. People who, as Dennis & Jcnck ................... children, learned to know the com­ Albert Boon ..................... ••• fort of Heywood baby carriages are J. M. Baker .......................... welcoming an opportunity to buy a Feeney & Bremer ................ mattress on which this same name L. Jensen ............................... appears. Lewis Anderson ................... True to the policy of the institution Fred Lewallen ....................... every Heywood Mattress is fully E. F. Carter .......................... guaranteed. The newspaper announce­ H M Farmer ........................ ments state plainly that every Hey­ Beaver Lbr. Co...................... wood Mattress is sold under a “make Wm. Glick.............................. good" guarantee. Anyone who buys Wheeler Lbr. Co.................... a Heywood Mattress is sure of satis­ M. E. Gruber ........................ faction and service. The policy of M. J. and John Jenck.......... Heywood Brothers & Wakefield Co. M. J. and John Jenck............ is that the customer is always right. Cloverdale Merc. Co............... If you buy a Heywood Mattress and years from now should feel that your E. G. Anderson . Heywood Mattress has not been giv­ W. R. Robedee .. ing you satiafsetion, then Heywood C. M. Vidito .... Brothers & Wakefield Company will B. A. Knoblock . be ready to give you a new mattress Martin Jenck .. . without further cost to you. J. Lewallen ....... Many good furniture stores have Fred Lewallen .. quickly" grasped the opportunity to Ola Lane .......... handle this splendid line of mattres­ W. W. Yates ... ses. While it is true that the profits Victor Lane .. • • on such a quality line are not large, Clyde Lane .... yet the furniture trade knows that it Ade Lane........... means the making of many friends A. S. Lane ....... among its customers to recommend Victor Lane ... • a high grade, guaranteed and widely Lucious Lane .. . known mattress. The customer has R. Kcllow ......... double protection First, there is the F. B. Smith .... guarantee of satisfaction which every Roy Mayfield . .- good retail furniture man offers his John Fleck trade. Secondly, there is back of L. A. Barrack ... every Hevwood Mattress the guaran­ Wm. Glick ....... tee of a house which, for nearly one Harry Brooten . • hundred years, h s built up a reputa­ Geo. Shaver ... ■ tion for reliability. Wm. Hudson . ■ Jack Williams Notice of Completed Contract. Adam Babcock Ed. Pearson . • • Notice is hereby given, that the G. Glick ............ County Road Master for Tillamook C. Babcock ....... County, Oregon, has filed his certifi­ G. Bellcque ....... cate for the completion of the paving E. Paul .............. contract of the Arcnz Construction Fred Tuhn ......... Company, on the Fairview County Chas Murphy . • - Road, in accordance with plans and Alva Learned .. specifications on file in this office, A. A. Imlah .... (with the exception of some minor Tom Brooten .. ■ 55°° details ) and any person, firm or cor- Geo. Lewis ....... 5900 'poration, having objections to file to Roy Mayfield the completion of said work, may do E. E. Colestock ,00° so within two weeks from the date of Guy Mattoon . - 2 50 the first publication. L. Burke ........... 5 °° Dated this the 14th day of Oct. 1915 B. E. Lewis....... 8.12 j c. Holden, County Clerk Chas Cruther. .. ^•’’5 First publication, Oct. 14. 19»5- E. E. Parker . . ’■55 Last publication, Oct. 28, 1015. John Belleque 84-00 ——---- — Ralph Welsh 406 Notice of Appointment of Adminis- Frank Cumm 7.50 trator. David Hess • 5.00 ----- o----- Guss Fowler A GORGEOUS AND ANNETTE KELLERMAN AND CAST A SPECTACULAR 5.00 In County Court of the State of Jacob Kumm 4 37 Oregon for Tillamook County. Arthur Hooag - OF « (JOO PLAYERS IN PICTORIAL TRIUMPH 15.00 jn mattcr of the estate of Jamc» THRILLING SPECTACLE Francis L W elsh 1 '6 McGhee, deceased. Joseph Hollett 1.87 Notice is hereby given to all whom Charles Scares 2 0° it may concern that by ^ordtr of O. W. Kinnaman 4500 the County Court of Tillamook Wm O’Connell 75-0° County. Oregon, made and entered of •n Elmer Bail y 45-«> i r<-cord therein, on the 14th day of The film masterpiece of the world in 7 Reels—450 scenes. Ivan Gist ....... 36.25 ’ October, I9>A. <6« undersigned was E. Kirby .......... 8»37 ; appointed the administrator of the A weird and wonderful production—showing the pt rfect woman ANNETTE KELLERMAN, M Blazier 34-67 j c,tate of said Janus McGhee, deceas- its a great actress a graceful danc er and QI 'EEN < THE SEA. W. Sappington 37-,7‘cd and all persons having any claims Rav Hushbeck ■ 19 .56 against said estate are hereby notified Nothing >ike it has ever been seen before. This feature was shown in Portland at 50c. Walter Aune 44 80 fo r.res nt the same, properly veri- admission, and through the state at 25c. OUR PRICES. W. C Nelson 37-5° jfied to the »aid administrator at the Chas Blum ....... 2 Tillamook ( • unty Bank, within six Robt. Call . 8.75 n onths Cd the date of this notice. Chas Kennedy 86.00 p ] tl,!, 14th day of pt'oBer »915- Edw. Mallorey 6825 C. A. McGhee, 64.75 Administrator. Wm Gould FRIDAY ONE NIGHT ONLY OCTOBER 15th. lohn Slakis n V One of the vexations of a cabinet Nels Haglund 10r.; CHILDREN. Be. Francis Welsh 1,6 25 officer is that 121.25 is asking him to resign. L. A. Yach Frank Yach ... To Introduce the Aluminum Ware Subscribers to the Headlight can obtain a $2.50 COFFEE POT PERCOLATOR for $1.00 At the Headlight Office “ NEPTUNES DAUGHTER’’ STAR THEATRE