TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 14, 1915. State Press Flashlight, The representations made by these Th idre|Sid |,edtllers mainly that he '°cal buyer will get somethin ' better or diflerent. It U1ay often be different but not better and it is gen­ eral y dearer. The Portland stores contain everything the most exacting or critical taste can require, for thev are not behind the great cities in quahty or style, or even in quality. the Oregonian has heard of inore than one case where the wife or fam­ ily of some well-to-do citizen, who is a« owner of property in the business district, and who rents to retail mer­ chants, make a practice of buying their suits, or hats, or shoes, or linen or all together, from these high- toned itinerants. They seem to feel under no obligation to patronize the Vekr.y store-keeper who makes it pos­ sible for them to live in luxury. There are others who can find no local tai­ lor good enough for them, and who send to San Francisco or Chicago tor their clothes. \\ ho ever noticed that such models of perfect form and taste were belter dressed than their neighbors? They are not, of course. I here is a certain duty the people of Portland and other Northwest cities have to patronize their local merchants. It ought to be discharged willingly, completely and regularly — Oregonian. Notice. varied campaigns. He has believed in Notice. Scraps o----- free trade. W hen even the approxi­ Owing to the fact that we shall be mations to it failed to work he has Notice is hereby given that the The Oregon legislature received looked about for execuscs. It was in- State Land Board of the State of John D. might lend the atlies that obliged to discontinue our business another jolt today in the decision of «unbent upon him as the guest of Uregon will receive sealed bids at its billion himself; but lie’s no Wall after January 1st, we hereby give notice that all accounts owing to the the federal court over the anti-trad­ honor at St. Joseph to find some office in the Capitol Building at street lamb. Ramsey Hotel, and unpaid after the ing stamp law, which was declared cheer tor the cohorts. Being honest, Salem, Oregon, up iu ¡0 o' clock A.M. loses his poise 20th John Bull never of October. 19C5. shall be handed to be unconstitutional, as it has al­ lie could not overlook the tact that on November 9, 1915, for all the even when bombs drop on London. to our Attorney, Mr. William Marx ready been in many other states.— the- Democratic victory in 1912 was a State’s interest in the tide or over­ Poise rules the world. Umpqua Valley News. thikc. He knew that Mr. Wilson got flow lands hereinafter described,, Billy Sunday’s work in Omaha is said for attention. >• C. S. Barnes. 1,300,000 fewer votes than Mr. '1 aft giving, however, to the owner or to be a financial failure; and what a \V. J. Peterson. and Mr. Roosevelt and that he fell owners of any lands abutting or front­ fall was there my countrymen. Back in Illinois it has been discov­ short of Mr. Bryan’s 1908 vote 110,- ing thereon, the preference right to ert d that some of the boozers in dry The British may release that Stan­ Call for Bids. 000, notwithstanding the growth in purchase said tide or overflow lands territory have been getting their Oil ship when they hear of ----- o----- population, the enlranchisement of at the highest price offered, provided dard drinks by using the fermented liquor John D. Rockefeller's subscription to Notice is hereby given that the the women of W ashington and Cali­ such offer is made in good faith, and that has accumulated at the bottom the loan. School Board for school district No. fornia and the admission of Arizona also privided that the lands will not of the silos. Fermented corn juice has A glimpse at a photograph of Mrs. 46, Tillamook County, Oregon, will and New Mexico. The combined vote be sold for, nor any offer therefore many of the elements found in manu­ of the Republicans and Progressives accepted of less than $7.50 per acre, Dumba proves that the doctor pos­ receive scaled bids for the construc­ factured whisky. The real drinking was also short, 74,000 less than Mr. and that the Board reserves the right sessed diplomatic accomplishments tion of a school house on the school man has a strong resemblance to the property of said district. Said bids to in his courtship days. iaft got in 1908, due to so many dis­ to reject any and all bids. heathen Shinee in “ways that are dark gusted Republicans having pronounc­ Remark by the wife of a Kansas ed­ be opened at the school house of said Said lands are situated in Tillamook and tricks that are vain.”—Telephone Monday, October the 18th, at ed a plague on both the factions. County, Oregon, and described as itor that there’s no such thing as a se­ district, Register. The only comfort Mr. Clark could follows, to-wit: cret in a small town, may account for 2 o’clock p.m.. The plans and specifi­ cations are on file with the district offer was that the young men who Beginning at a point 660 feet north small towns remaining so. According to a recent count there were on the cradle roll in 1896 will of Sec. corner common to 14. 15, 22 What shall we do with our ex-pres­ clerk and a copy of the same in the ate more than 2,000,000 autos in use vote the Democratic ticket next time. and 23, T. 1 S., R to W. W. M., this idents? Mostly listen to what they office of the County Superintendent. in the United States, and the number But there have been other cradle rolls. point being the meander corner be­ have to say, it seems. They both The Board reserves the right to re­ continues to multiply. The sale dur- ject any and all bids. Every election since 1896 has had its tween sections 14 and 15; thence, command a first-rate audience. ■ ing the past year has been particular­ By order of the school board this crop of first voters. But the Demo­ II East 396.00 feet along U. S. Mean- Our American revolution cost us 6th day of October. 1915. ly large, approximately 700,000—en­ cratic vote, was smaller in 1912 than der line. but$ 140,000,000; but as there was on'y tailing an outlay of something like Mrs. Mary E. Smith, Dist. in 1896, although the population had N. 32 degrees, 45 minutes E. 660.00 3,00,00 people to pay it, the burden of $500,000,000. While the automobile Clerk, Dist. N0.46, Gari­ increased by 23,000,000, three states feet along U. S. Meander line. war was about what it always is. may not be classed in the list of baldi, Oregon. were admitted and women of three | N. 78 degrees 45 minutes E. 759-3° necessities when used for pleasure Once in a while the films in a movie states enfranchised. At every succes­ feet along U. S. Meander line. » alone, it has come to fill a want and show blow up; but even that isn't al ­ sive election the Republican vote N. 24 degrees, 16 minutes E, 482,40 ways as terrifying as being blown up to serve a valuable purpose outside Used For the Slush FunJ. grew larger, being 7,104,779 in 1896, feet along low water line. the stage manager in a real dra­ NEW HOME USERS the field of commercial and industrial 7,-’°7>9*’3 in 1900, 7,623,486 in 1904 and j N. 3 degrers 20 minutes W., 1135.00 by use. The heavy sale, too, reveales the ma. 7,678,908 in 1908. The Democrats at Considering the many calls made ARE widespread prosperity, for it is only on it, the $2,000,000 a w’eek which we no election since have equaled the feet along low water line. I N. 5 degrees 33 minutes E 419.50 If perfect fairness and impartiality is quality choosers the exceptional and incompetent man are the idea,conscription is the only right 1896 vote. Why does Mr. Clark think informed the Germans are using who buys an automobile which he can as a slush fund in this country is not that the young voters of 1916 will be feet along low water line. in Britian. He that will not N. 15 degrees 18 minutes W. 840.00 principle not afford. This class, it might be ad­ any too much. The services which the i more wilingiy defend his country ought to _____ r....... . .......... ...... those ......... unsophisticated than of feet along low water line. ded, would burden itself with some slush fund buys come high. They aie 1900, 1904 and 1912? At no election N. o degrees 49 minutes E. 2.02.00 be made to. other form of luxury if it were not not only generally hazardous, but since 1912 have the Democrats gain­ , feet If Colonel Roosevelt would laugh along low water line. for the automobile.—Oregonian. usually dishonorable. They include ed. \\ here were the young voters N. 3 degrees 37 minutes W. 1340.00 as often as Judge Taft does it would soften the aspect of the general situ­ practically everything from arson to who became of age in 1913 and 1914? feet along low water line. There is some talk of a test being revolution. ation to him a little more. Relax, col­ The Republicans will get their full N. 87 degrees 34 minutes made in the courts of the validity of Between these widely separated share of young voters, and some who feet to point on line between Secs. onel, relax. that provision of the prohibition act slush fund-purchased activities we were young in years in 1912 and old 14 and 15. Perhaps the war did one thing for forbidding the manufacture of beer find the corruption of public opinion in experience with Democratic ad- South, 7302.21 feet to a point of us;it punctured that old- fashioned by the Oregon breweries. Under the by means of the subsidized press, the ministrations now. 1 beginning, containing 241.42 acres in boast that we can "whip any tarna­ federal constitution which prohibits blowing up of American foundaries, ! Secs. 14 and ii ,T. 1 S., R 10 W. tion enemy in all creation.” Maybe wc discrimination in inter-state com­ the subornation of labor leaders, and Applications and bids should be ad­ can, but brag is silent. merce, and also prohibits the des­ the promotion of strikes. All these LA GRANDE HAS SUNDAY LID dressed to “G. G. Brown, Clerk, State That’s an underhand way of pun- truction by confiscation of a lawful things cost money. It docs not mat­ 1 Land Board, Salem, Oregon,” anil our diplomatic victories by business, the Oregon brewers may ter how necessitous is the wretch Drug Stores Get Trade and Cigar marked "Application and bid to pur­ turing publishing that practically all the sub­ E. T. HALTOM, Men to Install "Bakeries." claim that the Oregon prohibition whose maleficicnt services are to be chase tide lands.” marines have been trapped. Are the law discriminates against them in employed, the moment he knows that Tillauiook, - Oregon. Dated August 21, 1915. British really our friends? La Grande, Or., Oct. io.—Oregon’s permitting residents of Oregon to buy the no less great wretches who would G. G. Brown, Yuan Shih-kai is a great admirer of Sunday-closing law was applied here The New Home Sewing beer in limited quantities from brew­ employ him are the disbursers of a Clerk State Land Board. i George Washington. Doesn’t Yuan eries located outside the state while hugh slush fund, his demands for re­ today by County .Prosecutor Fiber- First publication, Sept. 2nd, 1915. Machine Company, remember that many people wanted hard and Sheriff Hug. Proprietors of forbidding them to make purchases compense become apparently high. Last publication. Nov. 4th. 1915- to make George Washington king, San Francisco, Cal. cigar stores and pool halls held an of breweries within the state. . . . And the work he is to perform is not I and that he put away the crown? To the open minded observer, it does the sort that an employer can afford indignation meeting this afternoon Bilboards are to be thanked for Notice of Sale on Foreclosure seem unfair that the citizens of Ore­ to haggle over. So we may be sure when the customary Sunday trade something. A great many young men, ----- o 1 ■ gon are permitted by law to patron­ the German slush fund, while very went to the drug stores. The sense of and training, have come to I ize California breweries and St.Louis large, is none to big to meet all the the meeting was that if drug stores is hereby given that by vir­ by care could, under the law', be compelled to tue Notice like tall, lithe pictures in the breweries while the same law des­ uses to which it is put. of an execution and order of sale look shut off cigar and confectionery trade troys Oregon breweries. It would In connection with this slush fund, issued out of the Circuit Court of the clothing ads. This beets eugenics. and carry around a load Union Station, Kansas City, which seem as though the Oregon brewer­ the following dispatch, which appear­ all would abide by the law w’ithout a State of Oregon for Tillamook Coun­ ; of water and a cold, f ies ought at least have the same in­ ed in a recent’issue of the Oregon fight, If not,, cigar stores threaten, in ty, by the Clerk thereof and under made such a brave struggle for beau- ( Tower’s Fish Brand terstate commerce privileges as are Journal of this city is of some inter­ many instances to put in bakery es­ I the seal of said court, dated the — teous suroutidings is now being ini- | tablishments to dodge the issue. prisoned in billboards we hear. accorded breweries in other states.— est; it is from Washington: 1 day of September 1915, in a case in One hotel proprietor refused even said court wherein W. H. Easom is There's no withstanding their perse­ Oregon Voter. “The department of justice today plaintiff and Eliza F. Evans, P. J. verance. was in possession of evidence show­ the sale of postage stamps. The British prize court which has ing, it was alleged, that the German Brown and Mae G. Brown, his wife, Back to the soil! This advertise­ confiscated $10,000,000 worth of government was directly connected Clark M. Terry and Mabel R. Terry, ment appears in the Philadelphia Rec­ PHEASANT FARM GROWS American property acted upon the as­ with the attempt of Victoriano Huer­ his wife, J. H. Rosenberg, H. H. ord : rheds every drop. sumption that cargoes, though con­ at to foment a new Mexico revolu­ Hood River Woman is Shipping Rosenberg and E. M. Condit are de- Situation Wanted—Am 40 years old, Easy fitting and i fendants, said execution being to me hale, harty and anxious to obtain signed to neutral countries, were des­ tion. A. P. Malloy, arrested in New Birds Throughout Valley, etrong at every directed, and being based upon a dc- home on good farm, with home en- tined for the German army. It had York on a passport fraud charge, as­ point Keflex Edges no evidence upon which to support serts that Franz Rintellen, German Hood River, Or. Oct. 9.—Mrs. G. 1 cree entered in said cause on the 20th vironments; have college education, stop every drop the decision. It reversed the preced- army officer and banker, supplied the H. Robbins, wife of a West Side day of September, 1915, I have levied anxious to learn something of farm­ from running in ure of a century of international law funds for the movement, Rintellen is nurseryman, has demonstrated this ' upon and will on Saturday, the 23rd ing;make wage secondary—in fact at the front. and put the burden of proof upon the is now confined in a British d ’tention year that China pheasants easily may ¡day of October, 1915, at the hour of will pay $5.00 per month while i’ Protector Hat, 75 cent« shippers. Working itself up into a camp, having been caught while en be domesticated. Mrs. Robbins has ten o’clock in the forenoon of said learning. Address 4416,Record office. fine burst of indignation, it charged route to Germany. Malloy's evidence 120 young Chinas of this year’s hatch­ I day, at the Court House door in Till- Satisfaction Guaranteed the Americans with practicing fraud. probably will be turned over to the ing,, which she is shipping to differ­ 1 amook City, Tillamook County, Orc- Deafness Cannot Be Cured Send for catalog 5 I gon, duly sell at public auction, to the And proceeded to order the stolen State Department.” by local application, an they cannot reach ent points in the Willamette Valley bidder for cash in hand, the the deceased portion of the car. There is goods turned over to the British mili­ That is highly interesting, and may' for W. L. Finley, biologist of the , highest A. J. TOWER CO/ following described real property, sit­ only one way to cure deafness, and that is 5. i BOSTON tary authorities. The German war­ account for the visit which Captain state. I uate in Tillamook City, Oregon, to- by constitution remedies. Deafness is caused an inflamed condition of the mucous . fare on American women and child­ Fritz Von Papen, military attache to Mrs. Robbins obtained the adult wit: Lots five and six in Block eight by lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this ren has obscured the fact that the the German embassy at Washington, bird from a pheasant farm at Seattle. is inflamed you have a rumbling sound 1 William D. Stillwell’s Second Ad­ tube British have engaged in a form of recently made to Mexico. Captain At the same time she purchased a in or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely to the Town of Tillamook closeti. is .... the result, and unless CloBCC. Deafness ....... — -------- -------- --—-- lawlessness against neutrals less Von Papen, it may be recalled, was number of Japanese silkies, a species dition (now Tillamook City), for the pur­ the inflammation can lie taken out and thi« shameful and easier to be born only the writer of a letter, sent to his of chicken of the Bantam family, cov­ pose Sidney K. Henderson, Pre»., tube restored to itu normal condition, of satisfying the decree in said because it was against American pro­ government, by J. F. J. Archibald, in ered with a white plumage. The sil­ cause and the cost and expenses of hearing will be destroyed forever ; nine Surveyor. cn out of ten are caused by Catarrh, perty instead of against American which he affectionately referred to kies have a jet black skin, which as a the sale, as follows: which is nothing but an inflamed condi­ John Leland llentleiaon, Sec­ lives. But now that our controversy the people of this country as "idiotic background for the white feathers of the mucous surfaces. Judgment in favor of plaintiff tion retary Treti»., Attoiney-at- We will give One Hundred Dollars for any with Germany is nearing an end, the Yankees.”—The Spectator. gives the fowl a phantastic appear­ against defendants Evans and Brown casr of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that l.nw, Notrnry Public. Lnited States government will have ance. The pheasant eggs were set for the sum of $552.10 with interest at cannot be cured b^y Hall's Catarrh Cure. Scndfor circulars free. its hands free to deal with Great Brit­ under the silkies and these Japanese 8 per cent per annum from date of Hymns as War Songs. CHENEY At CO., Toledo, Ohio. Tillamook Title and ian. We will no more tolerate British bantams, the best of mothers, reared decree, $125.00 attorney’s fees ami Sold I- by .1. Druggists, ----- o----- 75c. thievery than we will stand for Ger­ It has always been easy to doubt that the young game birds, which became $15.80, costs and disbursements anil Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation Abstract co. man submarine murder. England will “Tipperary" has become a British war as domestic as the ordinary chickens judgment in favor of defendants be made to see that she has no license song in Flanders. That piece was of the barnyard. Rosenberg and Condit against de­ l.i z, Abstracts, Real Estele, Notice of Dissolution. to prey on American shipping—News never written to inspire an army. It Mrs. Robbins, too, has golden fendants Clark M. Terry and wife for Surveying, ’ Insurance. 1 imes. pheasants, birds that strut proudly $232.10 with interest at 8 per cent per I was a little love ditty which had to display bright red breasts. She has annum from date of decree, $50.00 Notice is hereby given to all whom Both I’honea. O— come to be very popular in London, it may concern:—That J. W. Maddux [ TILLAMOOK - • OREGON. The people whose eyes are red, and accordingly in all England, at also succeeded in rearing a number of attorney’s fees and $10.40 costs and and F. C. Feldschau, have by mutual itching and filled with tears, and their about the calling out of the first line. Lady Amherst pheasants. The latter disbursements, besides the expense of consent, dissolved the partnership Í »90000000000900000000 nose ditto, and those who can’t stop What more natural than that the men, species is almost as snowy as a bird sale. heretofore existing between them, of paradise. Dated this September 23rd, 1915. as-chooing—in fact all who are suffer- marching away, should sing it, in "My China pheasants begin laying II. Crenshaw, Sheriff and that said Feldschau, is now the ■ng from “pollinosis” or hay fever, want of anything more inspiring? But sa vs GO TO of Tillamook County, Ore. sole owner of the business formerly may yet obtain relief and final cure “Tipperary’s” inspiration, such as it about the latter part of April.” until owned by them as partners, and that Mrs. Robbins. “They continue First publication Sept. 23, 1915. trom the uncomfortable ailment. The is, is that of a young man moving August. said Feldschau, will pay all accounts A single hen will lay 100 Last publication Oct. 21, 1915- M. HANSEN, up-to-date plan of escaping hay fever away from the fields of glory and not owing by them as partners, and col­ I is through vaccination. It has been toward them; west and not cast; not eggs in a season.” lect all sums due them on account of The Swiss Watchmaker, found out that the hay fever patient onward to war, but away from it. their partnership business. Notice of Administrator’s Sale. is a victim of the pollen of a particu­ FOR REPAIRS, it is easier to believe that S. Baring NOTABLE LIFE OF MRS. J. W. Maddux. ----- o---- lar flower. It may be the rag weed, Gould’s "Onward Christian Soldier" DUNIWAY ENDS. F. C. Feldschau. Has one of the best equipped re­ the wild carrot, the daisy, the golden­ has become a war hymn in the British In the County Court of the State of pair shops for making parts on the rod, etc. To solve the fever problem, camps. Although that fine hy'mn is Years Given to Furthering Suffrage Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. after the physician has discovered the purely figurative in making the In the matter of the Estate of Jas­ Administrator's Notice to Creditors. Pacific Coast. In Oregon. particular pollen which is the cause of Christian appear in the light of a per W. Buckles, deceased. Mail and express orders promptly Notice is hereby given that the un­ the patient’s attack, a very slight warrior against the forces of evil in Notice is hereby given, that the attended to. Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway, 81 of the dersigned, as administrator the world, although there is in it none scratch is made on the patient's arm Counly Court of the State of Oregon, years old, sister of the late Harvey OREGON. and a little pollen rubbed in. If that of the purely martial spirit, the clash W. Scott and known as the "mother estate of Jasper W. Buckles, deceas­ for Tillamook County, has appointed BAY CITY, ed; will, pursuant to an order made produces no result another tiny and road which breathe in every line of woman suffrage in Oregon,” died the undersigned administrator of the scratch is made and another sort of of the German "Die Watch am Rhein’ at Good Samaritan Hospital at 12:50 herein on the 2nd day of October, estate of Jesse V. Embum, deceased, pollen rubbed in, and this is continued and the French ’.Marseillaise,” it is o’clock Monday morning. Mrs. Duni­ 1915, sell at private sale, from and and all persons having claims against until a pollen is obtained which gives nevertheless truly inspiring in the ap­ way underwent an operation recentl” after the 5th day of November, IQ15, said estate are hereby required to rise to a wheal around the scratch. peal it makes to men to go forward, for an infection in her foot and for tlvc following real property of the present the same to him at his resi­ The pollen that does that is the pol­ without fear, in meeting any danger some time there had been virtually said estate, situated in Tillamook dence at Tillamook, Oregon, or to T. County, Oregon. H. Goync, an attorney at law, at his len causing the fever and then the interposed between them and what no hope of her recovery. seven acres of bottom land office in Tillamook City, Oregon, to­ physician in charge sets about mak­ they feel to be the ends of righteous­ At the bedside at the time of her out Forty of the north part of the west half gether with the proper vouchers, ing the patient immune in the usual ness. ... death were Ralph R. Duniway and way with injections of pollen solu­ We have heard it in church services Dr. C. A. Duniway, sons. Dr. J. C. of the northeast quarter of section within six months from the date of eleven in township one north of this notice. tion, or serum taken from an immun­ sung in listless droning ways show­ Zan and the nurse. ten west of the Willamette Dated September 9th, 1915. ized body. Thus far, the physicians ing all too plainly that its appeals Mrs. Duniway’s death came while range Meridian, together with the hill land John Embum, Administra­ of New York City, who have been was little felt there. Yet its words she was sleeping peacefully. lying between said forty seven acres tor of the estate of Jessie making researches to combat the hay glow in a fine fire of zeal and fervor Early Life Spent in Illinois. bottom land and the north line of , V. Embum. deceased. fever, do not feel safe to guarantee a to make it acceptable to men casting Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway was of cure, yet this spring, this body of their lives upon a stake and ready to born October 22, ¡834, in a border said west half of the northeast quar­ physicians out of 32 cases treated stand the hazard of the die. It is fill­ cabin home in Illinois. Her father, ter of said section eleven, excepting Notice of -Appointment of Adminis­ only two did not respond. This au­ ed with high and holy thoughts and John Tucker Scott, born in Kentucky two acres conveyed to Peter Erickson trator. deed recorded in book "P” at page tumn 100 cases are undergoing treat- quickly commend it to the men in t e in 1809, was of Scotch-Irish and Eng­ by 568, records of deeds for said county; shadow of death, and who have wait ­ ment.—News Reporter. lish parentage, while her mother, Ann Notice is hereby given to all whom DONE RIGHT ed in vain for some minstrel of their Roelfson, was born in 1811 of Ger­ the whole tract of land conveyed it may concern; that by an order of containing fifty acres more or less, land to strike his harp with a war ­ man, French and English stock. High Toned Peddlers. the County Court, of Tillamook rior’s hand and make it sing to them Mrs. Duniway was one of a l^rge the south line thereof being parallel at of the righteousness of their cause, family of children. Two of her sisters with the north line of said section County, Oregon, made and entered of This is the time of the year wh n the record herein on the tith day of eleven and one half of the road run ­ call to sacrifice, and the salva- are living in Portland. They are Mrs. ning along a portion of said lands September, 1915, the undersigned was Fortland and other Northwest cities RIGHT PRICES. are invaded by sundry unctuous gen­ tion of soldiers who die m the Lord. Mary Frances Cook, who is two years and a tract of land occupied by the appointed the administrator of the So men have always been in war. An older than was Mrs. Duniway, and school district for school purposes to estate of Jasper W. Buckles, deceas­ tlemen and ingratiating ladies who army has never been seen un­ Mrs. Harriett Palmer. Three sisters represent certain New York, or Chi­ atheist der the sun, and never can be. Any are dead. They were Mrs Margaret | be considered as part of the land con­ ed.All persons having claims against »> cago, or San Francisco, or Paris em­ church hymn is better for war music Fearnside, who died in 1865; Mrs. veyed. The same being subject to said estate are hereby notified to poriums of fashion, and who are here Said road and to the rights of the Sarah M. Kelty, who died in I9°>. school district in said portions. The mint make* it and under >he for the purpose of selling their wares than any music hall ditty. present them, verified as requird by and Mrs. C. A. Coburn, who died to impressionable citizens of bo'h The said sale will be made for cash law to the undersigned as said ad­ terms of the Continental Mortgage about three years ago. sexes. These visitors are mere ped- in hand, or for part cash and the bal­ ministrator at his office in Tillamook Mr. Clark’s Cradle Roll. Two of the brothers died in infancy, | ance approved security, and the sale City, Oregon, within six months of Company you can secure it at 6 per dlers who have nothing to sell which ----- o----- cent for any legal purpose on approv* a third brother, John Henry Scott, might not better be bought at home shall be subject to confirmation by the date of this notice. Champ Clark essayed the of and who are entitled to consideration prophet in his speech on < I; k Day died at Forest Grove in 1862. while 1 the County Court of the State of Ore­ bated this 16th day of September, cd real estate. Terms easy, tell ua from city or state, or its people. Thev at St Joseph. No one questions his Harvey W. Scott, editor of the Ore-1 gon, for the County of Tillamook. your wants and wc will co-operate «915- pay no taxes, they pay no rents, thev belief in the Democratic pa-ty He gonian, died in 1910. Mrs. £>. C.; E. J. Claassen, E. J. Claussen, with you. I.aLourette, a half sister, lives at Ore- | do not invest a dollar here beyond has given it loyal allegiance all hu Administer of said estate. Administrator of the PETTY * COMPANY. gj.Z City. Charles W. Scott a half I their living expenses, and they life He even defended all the vagaries Estate of Jasper W. First publication Sept. 16, 1915. — 513 Denham Building D«nv