TILLAMOOK «HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER, ■ 14 THE GREATEST “BUCK UP She will give all the money and all I the men needed for the job she has on tiff for suit money allowed, »»Ifol­ NATION IN CIVILIZATION. TILLAMOOK COUNTY TEACH- Proof of tile pudding is in the eat ­ ADVERTISING RATES. hand.” _____________ lows: $125.00; $75-00 for attorneys ing. Bro. Trombley is a Democratic ERS’ ANNUAL INSTITUTE. Legal Advertisements. fees and $50.00 for suit money. free trade booster and political Hop­ What a Great American Financial ai.ooo MORE ------o------ BRITISH FALL First Insertion, per line............... $ .10 per, and is greatly elated now that we Large Number of Instructors to Take Expert Thinks of England. ------ o .05 are under Democratic rule. We want Each subsequent insertion, line. Part in the Proceedings. Oc’Rber Casualties Already Are Ex­ our respected brother and the people Business and professional cards Isaac F. Marcosson, one of the best tremely Heavy. of Tillamook county to see what free 1. 00 Tilla- known financial journalists of the The annual meeting of the one month ................................ trade did to the lumber industry. mook Teachers’ Institute will take United States, has been in England .05 Here is a paragraph taken from the Local, per line each insertion. The present enrollment of the lill­ London, Oct. 11.—British casualties two months studying the f'"anS1“1 place in this city 011 Monday, Tues- Oregonian: Display advertisement, an inch, day and Wednesday of next week at amook schools is 402. lliis is 15 inor<" conditions of that cou"tryi'.?Vthehead­ reported since October 1 amount to “the blessings of Democratic free the High School building. A large than were enrolled at this tune last more than 21,060. The week-end casu­ .50 one month .................................. so he came 111 touch with the lead trade must be keenly enjoyed by the number of instructors have been se­ year, and 66 more than were enrolled ing n| bankers and great banking insU- alty list published today gives 200 of­ All Resolutions of Condolence British Columbia lumbermen. During ficers and 4300 men. at this time the year before. In the .05 the first eight months of 1915 they cured. There will be an evening ses­ High School the growth is from 104 tuuons oi that country, and lus im- and Lodge Notices, per line.. This brings up the total casualties sion on Tuesday. Belo\v will be found orcssions are interesting, as will he exported to the United States through Cards oi Thanks, per line.......... •05 at this time last year to III, the pres­ mind in the following interview published in the London papers since the names of the instructors and the Whatcom County 2200 carloads valu­ program with the different subjects ent enrollment. The Senior class in the first of the month to 981 officers Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen ed at $850,000, while Oregon ami to be discussed: the High School is smaller than the after making his ‘n***1«?“0"*’ and 20,351 men. etc., minimum rate, not ex­ The impression 1 have after two Washington mills are half closed and Senior Class of last year, but this is Instructors. months' investigation of ,he f‘"anc,a] ceeding five lines...................... .25 are selling at or below cost of pro­ Frank K. Welles, Assistant Superin- conmensated for by the large Sopho­ position in England is one of amaze GERMAN OFFICER LOSSES. duction. Yet American lumbermen tendent Public Instruction, Salem, more and Freshmen classes. 1 here merit and delight at the soundness of ------ o- — contribute to the support of the Unit ­ are 14 boys and 20 girls registered Oregon. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. the situation. Despite the fact that 8,069 Killed, Wounded, and Missing ed States government and Canadian with the Sophomore class and 23 M. S. Pittman, head Rural School (Strictly in Advance.) lumbermen do not." boys and 18 girls registered as Fresh­ Great Britain is called upon to bear In Six Weeks. Monmouth, Oregon. One yeai ........................................... $*-50 Here is another clipping taken from Department, men. Of the 11 students registered in the chief burden of the war as regards E. D. Ressler, Department Indus- financing the Allies prosperity is Six months ............................................ 75 the federal report: Since the beginning of the war Ger­ Dr. ’B. W. DeBusk, Extension Di­ the High School, 37 are residents of everywhere most marked. "In Washington and Oregon 60 per districts outside of lillamook City. many has sustained considerable loss­ Three months........................................ 5° cent of wage earners are employed in trial Education, Corvallis, Oregon, Frankly 1 was led to expect a poor Oregon University, Eugene, One is registered from another coun­ England, an England with a diminish­ lI es in officers, and these losses have lumbering. Within two years lumber vision ty in Oregon, one from Idaho and Oregon. much increased in the last months. one from Alaska. Eight students are ing purse, but after thirteen months The statement of German officers, THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. i prices have declined from $13.50 base Mrs. M. L. Fulkerson, Primary In ­ per 1000 feet, to $7.5®, making a dif­ stitute Instructor, Salem, Oregon. attending from district No. 1; J3 of war the England that is revealed killed, wounded and missing on June to me is one ot serene and abundant ference of $30,000,000 to $35,000,000 Mrs. Harriet Hickox Heller, Boys from district No. 2; 3 fr°m district prosperitv, with money never so 1 attained the figure of 43,972 units. the market value of the normal No. 26; 4 from district No. 27 and the Editorial Snap Shots. in and Girls Aid Society, Portland, Ore ­ By July 15 it was raised to 52,041. output. Wages constitute 75 per cent gon. others are scattered. All but one of plentiful and the working classes The increase in a month and a half of the lumber cost and 40 per cent of certainly never so rich. . 1 ■ _ the students in high school are be ­ Karl W. Onthank, principal Tilla­ The piece of road west of the Ma­ th« railroad transportation cost. The All the fear about England losing has thus been 8,069. tween the ages of 14 and 20. None are The German authorities have com­ ple Leaf factory should be hard sur- wage value in lumber far outweighs mook Schools, Tillamook, Oregon. her [dace as the heart of the finan- over 20 and one is below 14. J. H. Dunstan, president County c . *■ world . . • is unfounded. r__ Inner So long as menced to take account of the men cial the timber value.” iaccd. The average daily attendance dur ­ Fair Board, Tillamook, Oregon. the English flag controls the seas aged from forty-six to fifty. These Peter Crockatt, English, Civics and ing the past month was 369.2 and the London must remain the financial measures demonstrate that Germany The way to “beat it”—we mean the per cent of daily attendance was 98.4. “The blow that almost killed father” Sunday closing law—is to put out a struck Bro. Baker this week when Debating, Tillamook Oregon. heart of the world. It is ridiculous to is occupying herself with a difficult Mrs. H. C. Hanson, History and Several classes had above 99 per cent assume sign with these words on it: "Under­ lumber advanced from $1.00 to $2.00 that New York will ever take situation of her effectives after one daily attendance and the grou- of 14 Teachers' Training, Tillamook, Ore­ taker’s parlors.” her place, more especially as in Amer­ year of war and the prodigality of Sophomore boys registered with Mr. per thousand and cheese went up gon. ica the opportunities af orded by the human lives of which she has given Crockatt, went through the last another cent per pound accompanied Roy’ C. Jones, County Agriculturist, The Oregon Voter is beginning to by the announcement that it would month with a perfect record of at­ war have not been at all well taken evidence She has at her disposal, ac­ Tillamook, Oregon. cording to the Journal of Geneva, show its hand. It is boosting Oswald I soon go higher. Bro. Baker’s long -Miss Hazel McKown, Music and tendance and punctuality. Sixteen I advantage of. England will always be only the 1017 class, diminished by West for Congressman. Who’s next I drawn out lament over the depression parents visited schools during the last the great coloniser in men and money German, lillamook, Oregon. on the Democratic slate we wonder.'' of the cheese market this summer, and her flag will always maintain voluntary enlistments. month. Program. The High School Agricultural class, London's position in the financial ; which he claims was caused by Can­ Monday, October 18th. Some people think the President adian and other foreign shipments taught by Mr. Sanders, is doing some realm. .... , • 'TWO FORMS OF MAIL BARRED Selected subject, M. S. Pittman. was a little too premature in doing allowad by the tariff policy of the 1 have been especially interested in “A survey of the Surveyed,” Mrs. practice work in drainage. After the courting act so soon after the Democrats, would be amusing if it studying soils in both field and class the thrift campaign, lhe call has gone Reflections on War Nations Taboo death of his wife. .Maybe he was, blit did not make a public exhibition of M. L. Fulkerson. “Some mental tests of use to teach­ and doing some work in the field home to the rich, but the poorer and in United States. many there are a great _..... . men who do the abnormal condition of his brain with surveyors level loaned by Judge lower middle classes, who are enjoy­ so before their wives are dead, ‘ as . which indeed must be in its last ers.” Dr. B. W. DeBusk. Henderson, the class is planning to ing such abnormal prosperity, have “Supplementary Reading,” Mrs. H. Washington, Oct. II.—Two forms divorce proceedings plainly prove. undertake surveying and estimating still to be converted. I stages of the softening _ period, for C. Hanson. of mail matter said to have been ex­ ------ o------ the drainage oi a tract of land owned Slow, But Never Too Late. instead of Canada and New Zealand County and School Fairs, J. H. tensively used by persons desiring to There used to be a terrible lot of shipping butter and cheese to us, as Dunstan. by Judge Mason, north of town. The What is going to happen after the indicate their sympathies in connec­ railroad hot air in Tillamook before , Bro. Baker would have us believe, whole of Saturday afternoon will be war, when the people have been earn ­ Co-operation, County Supt. the county obtained railroad connec­ we have been shipping large quanti­ spent by this class for the beginning ing so much and accustoming them­ tion with the European war were Tuesday, October 19. barred from the mails as unneutral tions. Another hot air wave appears ties to these countries. By the time selves to a In,’her standard of living today by Postmaster-General Burle­ “The preparation of the lesson,” of this project. to be on the tapis. It is what is known you lose another postoffice, Bro. Frank Under the direction of Mrs. E. E. have to face less prosperous condi ­ K. Welles. son. The order follows: as the Coast road, the promoters of Baker, you will be a fit candidate for "Vocational Guidance," E. D. Ress­ Koch and assisted by Mr. Kock, tions? Will there not be a certain “Postmasters are directed to treat which applied for a franchise through the lunatic asylum.—Herald. Marie Holden gave a pianoforte re ­ amount of unrest? It will be interest ­ ler. as nonmailable under section 212 of this city some years ago. Well, these cital last Tuesday evening at the ing to see how England meets this Bro. Trombley the Democratic free " rhe school teachers’ Ifs,” M. S. the penal codef section 481, postal hot air schemes are goo tl ‘ ' for one trade bushwhacker and political Hop­ Pittman. high school auditorium. The splendid danger. ... . laws and regulations) envelopes, post­ thing to boost real estate for the real per, says the snap shot man will be a music was appreciated by a large My opinion of England is that she is Subject selected, Charles H. Jones. cards, etc., bearing stickers contain­ _ ______________________________ estate companies. fit subject for the lunatic asylum “Play and its meaning in Child Life’ audience. Miss. Holden leaves soon the greatest “buck-up” nation in civil­ ing the words, or having printed there I to study music this winter in Califor- ization. When the game is going on words ‘Gott Strafe England,1 or a when he has lost another postoffice. Dr. B. W. DeBusk. There is another reason why new Well, well, well, It is gratifying to “Palmer Penmanship Primary ' nia. Last year she graduated from the swift and strong she can come back. picture or a picture of the German be entered local high school. road projects should not If she does not get into her stride know that he will be fit for something Grades,” Mrs. M. L. Fulkerson. Fire Chief Coates of the City Fire proper until things have become very escutcheon with a red blot labeled ___ There _____ are a good into ___ next year. l We hope however, we haven’t shown Selected Subject, Roy C. Jones. department gave an instructive talk many roads oil the main traveled road such glaring signs of lunacy as our serious she does very remarkably ‘Lusitania’ inscribed* The Blot That Wednesday, October 20 that should be improved, l ake for il­ respected brother, for every time he from that point, and she has “bucked Won't come off,’ as being not only Selected Subject, Frank K. Welles. to the students last Friday. The Sophomore boys of the high up” wonderfully lustration the Blaine road. T here is a butts in about the price of cheese he these last few unneutral, but calculated to reflect on Selected Subject, Mrs. Harriet school have a registration record of months. There was muddle at first, certain classes of persons." large settlement in that vicinity, and i has a brain storm about the post of­ Hickox Heller. too per cent in both attendance and but was it not inevitable? A nation a good deal of country that is being fice. He certainly is buggy about the Selected Subject, E. D. Ressler. made productive by the settlers, but postoffice or a monomaniac on cheese that finds itself at war unprepared is “Teaching Public Speaking in con­ promptness for two reports. LUCY GATES THINKS Wm. G. Tait, local banker, spoke to bound to make mistakes. Waste is al­ MISS the road and some bridges need fix­ and post office. No person with a nection with English,” Peter C. POLYGAMY N ext THING. the students Friday afternoon on the ways waste, but there are no mistakes ing. So, isn't it a good idea to put our clear intellect would start out to dis­ Crockatt. present roads in good shape for trav­ cuss the price of cheese and wind up I ‘School Music”, Miss Hazel Mc- operation of a bank and also gave an now. explanation of the banking system. el before building new ones? We with some fool thing about the post Kown. The great point with England is that . Granddaughter of Brigham Young The Parent-Teachers’ Association when she is wanted she is always right think so. Says War Will be cause. office. •______________ "Health of the Child,” Karl w. will meet at 7:45 Friday evening and there. She has the goods. 1 hat is ------ o------ Onthank. will be entertained by a good pro­ what I have found during my stay in Two of the justices of the peace in Vote of Condolence. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 3.—Poly­ "Seat-work, What and How,” Mrs. gram .after which the election of of­ this country, and so I go back think­ gamy as a means of repopulating this county were in the M. L. Fulkerson. ficers and the transaction of other ing what a wonderful country Eng­ Europe after the war is being serious­ week. Justice Taylor Alder Camp, No. 219. W. of W,. at Evening session, Tuesday, 19th, 8 important business will take place. court, and wants $1,000 a recent meeting, passed a Vote of o’clock I’.M.. land is and what a wonderful people ly advocated by Miss Emma Lucy Professor P. C. Crockatt, English the British are, a people that is al­ Gates, granddaughter of Brighain injured feelings. condolence to the family of the late Round table discussions are arran­ and Debating instructor at the high ways slow to act but in the end is Young, pioneer Mormon leader. Some amusement was caused in the Jacob Blum, who died two weeks ged for the Primary and High School school announced that on account of never too late. circuit court when Dan Nicklas was since, John Blum being a member of Teachers. Coming from Europe since the out­ personal issues and the student body on the stand last week. He was de­ I the order. The committee on condol­ 1 can with truth tell the American break of hostilities, Miss Gates pre­ petition, that he had decided to re- people that there are only two big dicts that the women of the war scribing w hat happened in a case, and ence was J. F. Powers, A. H. Gaylord Circuit Court Proceedings. main until the second semester of things in England to-day, “work and drained nations are today ready to ac­ said he was taken to the skinflint's and Marion Perkins. -o------- school. office, meaning Justice Stanley's of­ fight.” The man who is not working cept polygamous marriages. She Circuit Judge G. R. Bagley is still fice. Now of Justice Taylor can • re­ Christian Church. is fighting. The Ministry of Muni­ bases her belief on twelve years’ as­ grinding out cases at the October cover $1,000 for false accusations, Notice of Sale of Execution. tions is one of the finest examples of sociation with European women in surely Justice Stanley can do the The Sermon subjects for next term of the circuit court, and since business organization it is posisble to various Old World capitals. last week the following cases have same. It is phasing to note, however, Sunday will be as follows: Notice is hereby given that by vir- imagine; it is conducted like the most Miss Gates, who for many years that Justice Stanley is making it hot Morning: “Glorying in Desciple- been dealt with. tue of a writ of execution issued__ perfect industrial concern. The job is sang with the Royal Opera at the John Theilcr vs. Tillamook County. of the Circuit Court, of the State out for persistent violators of the law, ship." Evening: “Sour Grapes.” of Action for money. This case was set Oregon, for the County of Tillamook, being done on scientific lines and the Kaiser’s Theater in Berlin, was re­ and that he skinning them doing so. Last Sunday night Witnessed the aside result is a superb industrial machine. cently here as a soloist with the by the Supreme court and was largest audience that has been in at­ t dated the 14th day of October, 1915, 1 could compare the Ministry of Mu­ To our way of thinking, it would be tendance this fall. The Sunday School tried here on Wednesday. Theilcr I in the cause wherein John R. Harter nitions with some of the best organ­ Mormon Tabernacle Choir. She spoke a wilful waste of'the taxpayers' mon­ has set October 24th, the day our claimed $1,000 from the county on was plaintiff, and Charles R. Soule, ized industries in America as regards freely of her faith in polygamy. Mormon Wives are Happy. ey to sink a big pile of money in a meeting begins, as our fall rally day. account of a culvert across the road, Soule Brothers, Incorporated, a cor­ the way jt is handled. “I have,” she said, “known many costly draw bridge across Nehalem Our aim is 300 in attendance on that which he claimed damaged him that poration, J. J. Jones, J. Swank, O. W. amount of money. The jury decided Serene, But Hard at It. families in Utah where there are sev­ bay. Far better and far wiser, to ex­ day. Wilson and Harriet L. Wilson, his against The serenity of England is at first eral wives, and I have known many pend the money in hardsurfacing The officers and teachers of the county. him giving a verdict for the wife, C. M. Zumzalt, W. C. Look and deceiving to the observer. He is in­ unmarried girls in Europe—where roads in the north end of the countv Primary Dept, will give a party for D. L. Shrode, G eo. Williams and Mrs. W. C. Look, his wife, and W. B. clined to think that England has not matrimony the only career—and I or build, first, the road around Ne- all children of that department next Shively, Assignee, were defendants, *’ . vs R. H. _______ Bancroft. upon a judgment and decree rendered properly awakened up to the war, but am convinced the woman who is one carney mountain, which is one of the Saturday, October ¡6, from 2 to 4 Charles Kunze, most picturesque spots in Oregon. It pm. at the church. Parents are re­ Action for money. Dismissed by mo­ against the defendants above named, as he studies conditions closer he of the many wives is happier than the would be quite different if Wheeler quested to send the children to ihe tion of plaintiff. and in favor of the plaintiff, John R. finds this serenity hides the most permanent spinster. Charles Ray and Wm. M. Owen, vs Harter, for the sum of seven hundred tremendous activity. To me it is mar­ “Many girls in the Old World have and Nehalem had no wagon roads. church at that time (all children be- L. W. VanDyke, Action for money. and oo|ooo dollars, with interest there­ velous that England should be con­ told me they would much prefer be­ When the < larilutldi Wheeler road is tween the ages of 3 and 8 inclusive). For trial by the court. ducting this great war sending wave ing a plural mate of a man who could finished, Wheeler will have two roads W e cordially invite all w ho do not on at the rate of eight per cent per L. S. Miller, vs. E H. Lane and annum from the 22nd day of July, after wave of khaki to the front, man­ give them a pleasant home, where in or out, and as Neralem will pro- attend church elsewhere to our ser­ Mcrtie D. Lane. Action for money. ufacturing munitions both for herself they could live a useful life, to being x id I with roads, we believe it is a vices next Sunday. 1911; seventy-five dollars attorney's Verdict for plaintiff and against de­ fees; thirty eight and 621100 dollars, and for Allies, and yet be keeping up an old maid. little premature to spend a lot of fendant in the suinof $107.22. "1 was txvelve years in Berlin, and money on a costly draw bridge across Fishermen Have Their Troubles. with interest thereon at the rate of her ordinary world-wide commerce. Carl O. Shagran vs. The “Arab,” six per cent per annum from the 30th lhe world docs not realize the ex­ 1 have heard numbers of German Nehalem Bay. -o ■■■■ ■ — Action for money. Settled per stipu ­ For years past there has been more day of January, 1915; sixty-one and tent of the enormous force of Eng­ women say they thought it far better John T. Dougall appears to be mak­ or less trouble among the Nehalem lation in open court by the defendant ,63'100 dollars, with interest thereon land’s wealth and England’s intangi­ to have a home and family on a poly­ paying $175.00 and each party paying ing himself as obnoxious in Multno­ river fishermen in regard to set net : at the rate of six per cent per annum ble assets. Pouring out all her treas­ gamous basis, where a husband took mah 1 ounty as he did in Tillamook annR At the same time criminated against. main road through the county have the bankrupt, and transact such other proceedings attempting to vacate be Sheriff of Tillamook one doubts whether there will be “That is true today. I am intimately reversed and annulled. 1 id more money expended on it from business as may properly come be­ I —. County, Oregon. "'ouiy enough in Germany to allow acquainted with the four wives of Henry Plasker, et al, vs. Clarence First publication Oct. 14, 1915. year to year than what it would have fore the meeting. >h' "pCn’e ol *rta‘ President Smith of the Mormon Mallett and Bos Turner. Foreclosure cost to hardsurface it. A good start chincry developments. t laims must be presented in form of lien. Demurrer to plea in abate-1 Last publication, Nov. 11, 191/ Church and each have the same Finally let me repeat how delight- things the others have." has been made in hardsurfacing, so required by the Bankruptcy Act, and men sustained. why not push it along to completion sworn to. „ Vth i‘h: *O,idity °f ««’»- Charles Zaiel „„ .................. „„„ -------------------- - Those thenchers hated to get was indicted and out cial machine I have been permitted as soon as possible. Every new and I he schedule file discloses no assets pleaded not guilty and trial set for of lheir ca»y chairs in their undcr- Every body is pleased at Secretary costly road project that is sanctioned ’"d how 1 am to Daniels’ asking Congress to provide Dated October it, 1915. October t*. ... ground apartments: but as Frederick £ will delay the work of hard surfacing be able to return to America with the A. M. Cannon, for battle curisers that nobody will Philadelphia Ann Owens vs. W illie ,hc Great once shouted to his soldiers the highway through the county. mesiage, ^England is as sound as a Referee in Bankruptcy. R. Owens. Divorce. Motion of plaiu- plain- y°u «»nt «0 live forever!” I I bell, and England I is well under wav. be mean enough to remind him of his last annual report. School News Items. I W