No. 18. ILLAMOOK. OREGON, cf\ U * playoh0ust for the pupils ’ K,Vfr school is now co.npiete. the contractors. Bales & having completed the job OCTOBER 11. 1915, »1.5-1 PER YEAR. OOOOCOOCCCOOOOG^Z near future. A riot of fun is expected Saturady night when a dounle feature all comedy pre gram will be presented I he line up will be “Chief of the firing U,” 3 red comedy drama R ■ -■¿—One Monarch Steel from the famous Western stor-, "The ‘. ‘"Ker sewing machine; New Janitor", Charley Chaplin at his ! sma.l heating stove. Iron bed and one best,; "Max's Mixup" comedy ami j nuttress All practically good as new. “The Runnaway Horse" comedy. If Inquire City Transfer Co. ♦ you like to laugh see this show. Member Federal Reserve Bank J. F. Robertson vs. Eva A. Fouts, 1 About twenty invited guests were present on Friday evening at the \\ "1 ^Va. A’ ^a'ton. and John Doe, Walton, her husband is a suit filed in home of Mrs. E. E. Koch in this city the circuit court to recover $68000 to hear a musical by Miss Marie Hol­ OFFICERS : on proimssoriy note. den. It was under the direction of Mrs. Koch, and Mr. Koch rendered To exchange first class Portland two B. C. LAMB, President. violin solos. Miss. Holden show­ residence or good wheat land for marked ability as a musician in the dairy and stock ranch in Tillamook ed W. J RIECHERS, Cnshier. she rendered, and received Countv.—Owner, M. O. Rose, 151 E. numbers 79. N, Portland, Ore. » the congratulations of those present. J. C. HOLDEN, Vice-Presdent. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Feldschau cele­ Having taken charge of the auto­ brated the 25th anniversary of their I. E. KELDSON, Assistant Cashier. mobile department of Case’s Garage, wedding on Friday evening, the occa­ 1 solicit your patronage in the future sion being made one of considerable DIRECTORS : as tn the past and will guarantee sat­ enjoyment. The opera house was isfaction, Frank H. Devine. hired, where the “young couple” C. J. E dwards . P eter H kiski .. A. W B unn Wanted—Furnished dairy ranch again pledged their troth to one an­ J. C. H olden . \V. J. R iechers . B C. l.ANH. near 1 illamook or Cloverdale, Per- other. A sumptuous w edding supper , centage basis. Experienced cow man was served to about 50 guests after and farmer. References. Chas. E. which dancing w as indulged in. AfONSY /N OUf? Clore. R.F.D. No. 2 Beaverton, Ore. * Mr. Wm. G. Tait has sold the con-, Careful Attention Given to all Banking I Arenz Construction Co. completed trolling interest in the First National the 1 illainook-Fainicw road on Sat Bank to local parties and is no long- | i urday, which is now hardsurfaced er connected with that institution. Eusiness Placed in Our Hands. 1 with concrete, but it will be several Mr. Tait plans to spend the winter in . The CAREFUL man- the tnan who takes no lone Portland or Seattle, and if he does 1 weeks before the road will be thrown Odd Fellows Bld. TILLAMOOK, OREGON not buy another bank in the North­ chances—is the one will win out over the man who ' open to travel. west before spring he expects to re­ goes blindly into things and trusts to "luck." Nothing I We have made special arrange- turn to Tillamook and engage in busi­ can stop the success of a man who keeps sober, works . ments with the Telephone Co., to ness again. He desires to personally hard and regularly BANKS a part of his income from connect you directly with our office, thank the many friends who gave his labor or his business. Is it not better to have such loyal support as president SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS. in case you wish any of our GOOD him of the above bank. The deposits on your moneyand keep your balance (¡ROWING—than COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co, Call 28W September 30th, the date Mr. Tait re ­ to trust to a DANGEROUS “ luck ?” As Equalized by the Board of Equalization—Assessment is $20,319.885. linquished control, were over $225,- For Sale—Light driving team, har­ 000,.00, a gain of over $113,000.00, or Make OUR bank YOUR bank. ---------- o---------- ness and hack. Latter practically new. We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Deposit. nearly 80 per cent under his manage­ Assessor C. J. Johnson has completed the assessment rolls for the | Will consider trade for cows or ment. year 1915, the assessment for the county being $¿0,319, 885, as follows: ■ young stock. Also two two year olds ( broken to drive double or single. I Thos Coates has received a copy of No. acres tillable land, 16,495 ........................................................... $ 2,361,940 Lloyd C. Smith, Bar View, Ore. ♦ the Bury Times, which gave an No. acres non-tillable land, 170,912 .................................................. 2'287^995 item in regard to his nephew, a son of THE OLD RELIABLE. H. S. Gilrnore and wife, of Beaver­ Mrs. Alice Coates who visited here No. acres timber land, 421,157 ......................................................... IL902J50 '348,315 ton, W is, are visiting w ith Mr. and some years ago. The paragraph reads: Improvements on deeded lands, .............................................. WOGOGOQOOOOOOOOOOSCCOOOOOQOSCCOOO&GQOOCOQO&eoaoaQCC 1,925,225 Mrs. King at Blaine. He was greatly “Second-Lieutenant Thomas Gordon Town and City lots, 36,998, .............................................................. 393,980 surprised with the improvement in I Coates is the son of Mrs. Coates, Improvements on Town and City lots ............................................ 250 the city and county. Mr. Gilmore paid Egerton-road, Whitefield, and of the Improvements on land not deeded .................................................. I Saturday Specials:—Link Sausage, his first visit to the county 24 years late Mr. Thomas Coates, of Liver­ Steamboats, Sailboats, Stationary Engines and Manufacturing Machinery ........................................................ 192,260 Pork, Veal and old fachioned country ago, but was here ten years ago. I pool, and Cubenda, S.W. Africa, and Merchandise and stock in trade......................................................... 165,940 grandson of the late Mr. William sausage.—Tillamook Meat Co. Two transcripts have been filed in Farming implements, wagons etc...................................................... 31,180 Coates, of Bury. He is "gazetted ' the circuit court appealing the cases I Automobiles.......................................................................................... 47,085 Attorney C. E. Yeager, of Portland, second-lieutenant in the 3rd Batallion Houses to Rent, see Watson. * of J. Tone and Mrs. S. W. Kapischka ............................ 9.200 was in the city on Monday, having vs. the '1 illamook Hotel Company in Dorsetshire Regiment, stationed at Lumber, Salmon ................................................................................................ >3,400 Weymouth. The “ Gazette ” notice ap ­ All kinds of dry wood.—See Shrodc. business in the justice court. which the justice of the peace gave .............................................................................................. 3.33° peared on the anniversary of his Libraries Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ judgment against the company for joining Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. I. Money, Notes and Accounts ............................................................ 8,230 the Public School's Battalion, 122,200 Clough Co. * sey "Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ merchandise furnished, when the ho­ Middlesex Regiment. Before joining Shares of Stock, .............................................................................. tel was in the hands of a receiver. 26,995 he was on the foreign staff of the Hotel and office furniture, .......................................... * For your Sunday roast call Sani­ merly of the Spanish Kitchen. Horses and Mules, 1,533 .................................................................... 83,590 Universal The next Broadway Mercantile Bank of India, London. tary Market. Attorney E. J. Claussen will leave Feature will appear at the Star He was at the time a sergeant in the Cows, 9,034........................................................................................... 330,880 Get free Kodak instructions at C. I. on Saturday for Eugene, where he Theatre Wednesday and Thursday, Bury Grammar School Contingent of Cattle, 3.452........................................................................................... 56,365 9« Clough Co.’s. * j has business in the circuit court. Oct. 20 and 21st. "The Earl of Paw­ the Officer’s Training Corps. Anoth­ Sheep, 37................................... ’....................................................... Goats, 528 ............................................................................................. 795 tucket," 5 reel feature comedy. A Cal., er grandson of the late Mr. W. Mrs. K. Eisen, of Santa Clara, Ail kinds of lunch meats at the 1,001, ............................................................ 7.975 i arrived on Friday, on a visit to her most striking story in which the ac­ Coates (a son of Mr. Alfred Coates)’ Swine, Sanitary Market. >75 tion varies from the most tense is with the first Australian Expedi­ Dogs, 9................................................. ' daughter, Mrs. Henry Plasker. Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla­ dramatic situation to the highest type tionary Force, and was seriously Mr. Total ........................................................................... $20,319.885 Died, at Mohler on Sunday, of Comedy. wounded in Gallipoli, being now in mook County Bank. 1 Robinson, father fo Mrs. G. R. Mc- The above does not include Public Service Corporations, which are hospital in Malta. ” Hugo Effenbcrger was in the city The place to eat is at the "Good Kimens. He was 82 years of age. assessed by the State Tax Commission. from Nehalem on Wednesday, and he Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. * Rev. Youel, pastor of the Presby­ informs us that there is considerable MRS. I. S. TURNEER KILLED. terian church, left on Monday to at­ competition in the fish market on the Teams wanted to haul wood. Apply tend the Presbytery in Portland. This social event is the first of a Nehalem river, the fresh fish packers By Auto Accident on Railroad Track. ment and pleasure of all present. to Frank Hanenkratt. Action and originality characterized series of social good times planned 1 A. W. Atterbury, who is now locat­ paying 2C per pound for silversides Spring calves for sale—J. W. Jen­ ed at Ashland, is in on a visit. He is and 3c. for Chinook, while the can­ Centralia, Wash, Oct. 11.—Mrs I. the program of games directed by the for the fall and winter for the purpose nery packers are only offering IC., S. Turner, school director of the committee. Parcels of all shapes and of mutual acquaintance, enjoyment nings, Kilchis River. ; delighted with Southern Oregon. consequently the latter are obtaining Centralia district, atid wife of one of sizes were there, and every one in­ and good fellowship, under the aus­ Born, to the wife of John B. Mun­ For Sale—Horse, weight 1100 tbs., very little fish. could make a selection and pay pices of the several departments of the early pioneers of this city, was clined ln- roe, on the 8th, a girl. broke to work single or double, the price according to class by tables, the church.___________ _ instantly killed last night, near Le ­ « Attorney C. W. Talmage left Sun ­ i and afterward discover the nature of Born, on the 9th, to the wife of . ouire of G. H. Poland, I illamook. day for Salem and his homestead in bam, when the automobile in which the article purch; *id. Each package Parent Teacher’s Asscciation to Re­ T. Collins, at Cloverdale, a girl. For rent—House, 4 rooms, pantry, Southern Oregon. He is making an I she was riding with her daughter, consisted of good values, therefore, organize. Dr. and Mrs. Olson returned on also furnished house. Rents reason­ effort to have Governor Withycombc Mrs. W. F. Wolf and Mr. Wolf, was there was no di ception imposed upon Sunday from a two weeks' vacation. able. Apply, Elmer Baker, Lamb pardon C. P. Worrall, quite a number struck by the evening South Bend I any purchaser. Roast chicken, canned The first meeting of the Parent- , petitioned r______ train. Mrs. Turner had been a resi- ' Schrader dock. of leading citizens having useful household articles, and Teacher’s Association of the year will Mr. and Mrs. Lawson, of the Fruit veniur to iu do so. »0. I" Mr.’ Talmage I dent of this city for the past 30 years, 1 goods, the governor I The Coats Driving and Boom Co., article s of wearing apparel and adorn ­ Palace, went to Portland on Tuesday. t_ be _ of ' the ' opinion that what She is survived by her husband, I S. ment. were among the contents of the' be held, Friday night, Oct. 16th, at 1 received the engine and a number of ■ seems to high school. There will be a pro­ and the following sons and The Priscella Club meets with Mrs. cars for the logging road which will Worrall and White did did not con­ Turner, assembled by the ladies for the gram presented by pupils and teach­ daughters; Dr. Theodore Turner, parcels stitute a crime. Stranahan, Friday afternoon, Octob­ . soon be completed. this novel event. Light refreshments Oliver Turner, Raymond Turner, Mrs ers of the various grades and the er, 15. • Married, on Friday, Oct. 8th, at the W. F. Wolf and Miss Naomi Turner. consisting of fruit, punch and cakes high school. Officers are to be elected At the Star Theatre on Sunday 1 were furnished to all present without M. E. Parsonage, b? the pastor. Rev. We are in a position to make sr'tnc 1 evening the star of the program will and plans for the year are to be dis­ The' ladies of the Guild wish to cussed. All are urged to be present. •ong time farm loans. First National be the ever popular Warren Kerri­ Ed Gittins, in the presence of a few­ Mrs. I. S. Turner was a daughter of I cost. express their thanks and earnest ap ­ relatives, Mr. John Feldcshau, and Bank. * late Mr. and Mrs. John H. Nolan, preciation to everyone who so kindly The program will begin at 7:45 sharp. gan in “The Bogus Outlaw. Mrs. Anna Buffum. The young peo­ the County, | assisted in the program of the even- old settlers of ‘ Tillamook ‘ For rent, small furnished house, ple arc well known in the county the The Episcopal Guild will meet next is a sister of Mrs. Thos. Coates She It is a little premature to award especially the members of Mc­ located.—J. R- Wednesday modern, centrally at the home of Mrs. groom being a son of F. C. Feldschau and Mrs. Roliie Watson, of this city. I ing, Ghee’s orchestra and those who fur peace medals until the present war is Harter. Stanley Coates, and all ladies who and the bride a daughter of A. Guld- __ the sad news of her death was re ­ and I nished the literary and vocal numbers. over. of — Mahlen, are interested are urged to be present. strom, and their friends wish them a ceived on Monday. She was the oldest William Self and wife, — long life of happiness. 111, are visiting at the home of F. E. girl in the Nolan family. Her Having bought the Tillamook Iron Pangborn. interest is being taken visit to relatives in this county Works from A. K. Case all business in Considerable the bowling contest now being about two years ago. Five room furnished house for rent from Sept. 1st will be transacted by staged at Casey & Fitzpatrick’s by or sale—Inquire at Williams’ Har- I the Tillamook Bowling League. High * H. Sander. Sunday Service» it M E, Church. ness shop. score for the week was made by Allen One ton of coal equals two cords of Page with Wallace and Leach close Mrs. H. P. Jones, of Dear Park, Sunday School session, IO am. Wash, is visiting her sister, Mrs. wood and you don’t have *0 sow and seconds. Four teams are particirating Five minute sermon, 10:45, W. 1: with every Heater we will ¿ive absolutely Fred Burton. split it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello in the contest and stand as follow»: Noyes, Supt. No. 4, first; No. 2, second; No. 1 FREE Morning worship, 11 o’clock, Mrs. E. T. Haltom left on Thurs­ Centray Gi'me 28W. third; No. 3. fourth. Theme of Sermon, “The T rail of day to visit relatives in the state of Rev and Mrs. Baird, formerly pas­ Washington. Hiram Terwilliger, who came to Faith.” Class meeting, I2wn., W. M. tor of the Presbyterian church were Oregon 70 years ago, died in Portland Heaston, leader. For Sale—23 head of steer heifers Evening service, 7:30. Theme of in the city last week on a visit at the on Thursday of last week. In 1869 he *nd cows. No Jerseys. Sandlake Co, Sermon, “The Price.”. home of Mr and Mrs. McNair. married Miss Mary Edwards, of 1 ill ­ Sandlake, Ore. * Good music at these services, A amook County, Oregon, and together "Sour Grapes" is the sermon sub­ they lived in this city for nine years. cordial welcome. Watch the Tillamook Feed Co.’s Edward Gittins, Pastor. s^eoorooecooocecoooooceooceoo window for their Saturday Specials, ject announced for -.ext Sunday m-zht Mr. Terwilliger, while residing here, at the Christian Church. Glorying in was successful in dairying. After the it will pay you. Decipieship” is the morning theme. death of his step mother he moved to Presbyterian Notes. J- M. Selby left on Monday to at­ ----- o.... - Protect your valuable papers frori Portland, where he has since resided, tend the K. of P. Grand Lodge for Services at the regular hours next the unexpected fire by renting one: of His wife survives him. Oregon in Portland. Sunday, to which the people of the safe deposit boxes. Only one A change has taken place in the community Try one of our fancy dressed chick- doilar !>er year. TiBamook County management are cordially invited. of the First National WHAT IF YOU WERE Sunday School offer* a place *ns for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla­ Bank. Bank. Pre idend VCm. G. Tait •>»»' of The int rest and an opportunity for a BURNED OUT? ini? disposed of his stock in the bank. mook Meat Company. * For Sale—20 acres, six miles from The new officers arc B. C. Lamb, helpful study of the Bible to yount would certainly not wish Tillamook City, all c " ,, ‘ va, a , ^ I ^ and older people. For sale, cheap, vine maple and president; J. C. Holden, vice-presi­ The Young People’s society will be spruce limbs. Apply to M. R. Hanen- that dreadful misfortune, dent; W. J. Reichers, cashier; I. E formally you next Sunday even­ kratt, Tillamook, Oregon. Keldson. assistant-cashier. 1 he direc­ ing with a organized good list of members from but such dire calamities are Commercial Bldg. Tillamook, Ore. tors are C. J Edwards Peter Hri.e 1, Don't forget those busted castings. first. happening daily. Protection is A. W. Bunn. J. C. Holden, W. J the The subject of the morning sermon Can be welded for half. Goods sent Riechers and B. ( Lamb. easy. A tire insnrnnee policy by the pastor is “ Under Devine Or ­ Sy parcel post and express promptly Waltemeyer 4 Ounbey, the well der»." Chester McGhee will con­ of a responsitde firtn has pro teturned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, known and popular vaudeville com­ tribute a violin solo to this service. ven inntime ably the sole savior Oregon. pany who have visited ous city on In the evening the subject for the two previous occasions, are at the popular service will be “Your Reason­ of property representing a life­ Gem Theater this week. Monday able Service." time work. Reliable Insur­ evening they made their first appear­ Th* Choir will furnish special mup ance and phyed to a capacity houv ic in each service. ance’' is our motto. everyone who »» present r—— were - more . I he Parcel Post Social given by »■r» wi with this Ladle»' Guild at the Guild Hall than pitted ‘k the effort* '“«»»• of “ >« L i AMAR’S VARIET y STORe |Att pri^av evening, was a great suc- troupe. They ----, will be h re the balance .... every particular, and was at­ cf the week, putting cn of program each evening. tended by a large company of people. change Tillamook, Oregon. The program and entertainment con­ Annette Killerman in ’’Neptune» futed of lit'rary and musical number* .»• ” which will be shown on by »otne of the best talent of the PHONE US. CALL ON US. CALLON WRITE US. Daughter • • Drop in and book fíround of «hi» week head* Friday ev community, and of game* particirat- TODD HOTEL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK, ORE. the list I... of - attractive feature* which will appear at the Star Theatie tn the - d i-a by all contributed to the atr.uu- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus, $30 000.00 POSS iïôr~ 77?UST TO LUCK nc puts h / s SANK Tillamook County Bank Tillamook Jottings. FREE ONE O'CED AR MOP Ammer Furniture Co FIRE ! FIRE ! ! FIRE ! ! ! ROLLIE W. WATSON " The Insurance Man I