Hlamook Headlight, Octobe FRANK TAYLOR SUES A. » ARSTILL FOR $1,000. A. SONG PRIZES FIXED. this manag r w.l! have as hi, assist- I Notice of Administrator s Sal®. ^rtenders—».A of tlll ,t, Club Will Give $iz5 (or Best u'r, ----- o----- white coats. Accused of Making False In the County Court of the State cf Loganbetry Verse. BRIEF NEWS Or OREGON I a* fur tiie bj', welt, it wi'l be a Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. Scandalous Statements. t n ,uUr c ue with front and back bars In the matter of the Estate of Jas­ ----- o----- for‘th V Club °ffe,s in prizes !>> !-■- g as> mirrors, considerable per W. Buckles, deceased. Coldie Rigs was chosen Queen of Frank Taylor, editor of the Clo­ for tin bett songs about the Logan- Notice is hereby given that the un­ verdale Courier, and justice of the berrv written by students of Oregon tub soluier-hk-e 1 recuion and.- the Bridge Carnival ut North Bend. dersigned, as administrator of the A •■«en: I here will be a prass foot rail, Douglas county teachers ’ institute ^S^e ’ Xr^^ $U5: — d 0-ace for the third justice district estate of Jasper W. Buckles, deceas­ too and u w Hl be highly polished. will be held in R- seburg on October Shock Is Feit Over Area Ex­ ed, will, pursuant to an order made filed suit in the circuit court to-day ' m > uic exposition is in progress lhe contest onens with this ai,- against A A. Arstil, and alleges that herein on the 2nd day of October, f, 7 and 8. tending Thronghout Six the 1 guub.irv, grape, raspberry and nn the 4th of October, 1915, in the nouncement It closes Oclobtr 31. 1915, sill at private sale, from and A Dahlia and Fall Flower show, the y'r> 1 1 v*c w i>h first honors after lhe 5th day of November, iqt«. lhe c.ub has undertaken a general . presence of J- M. Traxler and Phil Stales. at ill. bar. By the way, there' is anoth ­ first of its kind, was held Wednesday the following rial properly of the Messner at Cloverdale the defendant campaign to promote the resouu. er - ecru just let out of the bag. For in Oregon City. said estate, situated in Tillamook unlawful1 • and maliciously spoke false and attractions in which Oreg ion ex- the I 'list ti.ne, there will b served a cels. and scandalous words concerning the The third anr’iRi W-tr’rr.gton coun­ Baker, Or.—Baker was shaken by a County, Oregon. li' it locks Ilk/- I.H.-r t Forty seven acres of bottom laud plaintiff, and claims damages to the It is starting with the Loga inberry iik. ty fair epenod Octet-.r 6 on the fair l.stir.ct earth-quake shock at 10:50 out of the north part of the west half industry Ortgon produces tou; i.’-fifths to amount of $1,000. grounds east of Forest Grove. o'clock Saturday night. It lasted one of the northcast quarter of section ot the berries the juice of wl hieb is isn I eleven in township one north of Farmers of Carlton have just erected minute. ranked as guperioi to grape juice as a United Brethern Church. beverage. The shock was widely felt, but- the range ten west of the Willamette a cooperative creamery at that place Meridian, together vith the hill land A permanent committee is hand­ TRADING STAMP ACT Sunday ‘School 10 a.m., Preaching, an 1 the plant was put into operation damage »as nominal. Piaster on the lying between said forty seven acres declared invalid . last week. Il am., subject “The Night of Be­ ling the general campaign. A speci 1 walls and ceilings cf the Columbia ho ­ of bottom land and the north line of trayal’ Communion service will follow committee composed of George F W. W. Lax; an. of Oregon City, was tel was cracked and minor breaks said west half of the northeast quar­ the morning sermon. Y. P. C. E. 6:30 AAaggoiicr, W. H. P. Hill, and David Three Federal Judges Concur in D*- ter of said section eleven, excepting claring Law Violation ot Equality N. Mossessohn is in charge of the appointed chairman of the railway were reported at other places. There two p.m. Evening sermon 7:30, subject loganberry acres conveyed to Peter Erickson feature Clause. valuation division of the interstate were also many reports of dishes be­ by deed recorded in book ‘‘I’" at pane "Apostolic Kight.” Whoever will may ——o~ Canning Industry Urged ing shaken from tables and cupboards. 568, records of deeds lor said county: come and be welcome. commerce commission. On the ground that the anti-trading R. E. Sunterlin, Pastor. A distinct earthquake shock lusting the whole tract of land conveyed Realizing that the most important ■-lamp The state W. C. T. U. convention is act passed by the last Oregon work of the commercial organization Legislature is 1:1 contravention of the being held at Newberg this week. nearly two minutes occurred ut On­ containing fifty teres more or less, the south line thereof being parallel ot Portland is development of agii- Sunday at the Presbyterian Church. cultural interests.” announced Mr equality clause of the 14th amendment Over 150 delegates from outside of tario at two minutes of 12. mountain with the north line of said section oi the Constitution of the " ' United time. There was no sudden shock, Newberg are in attendance. eleven and one half of the road run- Waggoner, “the Portland Ad Club Annua! Rally Day will be observed has decided to advertise and advance States, the act was declared void in J. E. David, about 75 years old, resi­ but the earth seemed to roll like ocean ninft along a portion of said lands in all the services, beginning with lhe the Loganberry industry of the Wil­ an opinion handed down by­ Federal a tract of land occupied by the Judge Wolverton Monday. dent of Gilliam county more than 30 waves. The movement seemed to be and Sunday School at 16 a.m. A record lamette valley. school district for school purposes to from not th U> south. l he opinion, which directs the en- years, -representative from that dis­ attendance for the year is expected. be considered as part of the land con­ “It is claimed that the dried and ....... ........ permanently en- trict for two terms, committed suicide It is the day for many of all ages to canned Loganberries are superior .0 tering ot a decree j. veyed. The same being subject to Quake Felt Over California. Start and become enrolled for re-u- other berries on the market and that joining the enforcement of the anti­ at a Condon hotel. said road and to the rights of the lar and systematic bible stud--. the Loganberry juice is superior to trading stamp law, was unanimously San Francisco.—Sharp earthquake school district in said portions. The money for purchase of the re­ "Building Zion's Wall” is Mr. Y’ouel’s grape juice. A very extensive market concurred in by Federal Judges Bean lhe said sale will be made for cash Gilbert, who -heard the case with maining riglit-of-way for the Sutherlin shocks were felt at 13:56 Saturday in hand, or for part, cash and the bal­ subject for the morning sermon, and can be established which should re­ and night at points in Utah, Nevada and railroad has been raised among the in the evening the theme will be sult in hastening a settlement of the Judge Wolverton. ance approved security, and the sale 1 he purpose of the law was to leg­ California. Throughout the northern shall be subject to confirmation by "Bearing the King's Message.” Young Willamette Valley and foot hills. The citizens of Sutherlin, and the deeds stamps, certificates, part of California two distinct trem­ the County Court of the State of Ore­ people's meeting at 6:30. Special product best adopted to the soil of islate trading given by merchants to cus­ will be turned over at once. music in each service. Everybody cor­ the W illamette valley must be pre- coupons, ors occurred tn rapid succession, th ' gon, for the County of Tillamook. tomers with thur purchases, out of The Amity city council has sold and E. J. Claussen. dially invited.___________ . served by canning in order ------ o — —-f to find business, io this end it is imposed delivered to the Western Bond & period of vibration being from 10 to Administrator of the most advantageous s i..„.L market and an annual tax of 5 per cent ot the 15 seconds. Estate of Jasper Special Features at the Star Theater. the development of this one i industry gross receipts both of merchants us­ Mortgage company, of Portland, a So far as known no damage was Buckles, deceased. will stimulate the activities of can- ing them and the company or com­ bond issue of $15,000 for the construc­ caused. panies issuing them. tion of a water works system. The. Star Theater has made ar­ neries throughout the valley. Well, tlie cool weather arrived a It is this tax which the court holds Rules Laid Down rangements to show many extraordi­ Profits of the Western Union Tele­ Shock is Felt in Seattle dav before it was predicted, but was nary features in the near future. Fri­ “The contestants must be cholars to be in violation of the Federal Con­ graph company in Oregon for the year stitution. Seattle.—Professor E. J. Saunders, just as welcome nevertheless. day evening of this week they offer and students within the state. ended June 30, last, were $25,275.13, who has charge of the seismograph­ Dr. Hillis made the mistake of not Law Never Enforced. the exceptionally strong production i “A committee consisting of five 1 hough the law became effective according to the annual report filed room at the University of Washington, being a banker instead of a minister— of the popular and well known stage leading educators to act as judges success, “Paid In Full,” by the All will be selected. The judges will lis­ last .May 24, it lias never been in force with the state public service commis­ says the seismograph record at tho if his ambition was to get rich. A mass meeting is proposed in Lon­ Star feature Film Co. This program ten to the singing of the songs at tl.e On the morning of that day, Wood­ sion. university showed that the earthquake don to protest against Zcppelines. will be rounded out by a Charlie Chamber of Commerce at a day yet ard, Clark & Co. and other firms us­ With last year ’ s record for attend ­ ing green trading stamps, represent­ vas one of the most pronounced dis- Cheers to make the welkin ring are to be announced. Chaplin comedy subject. to be expected, though a few shots in “The committee has three distinct ing about 300 firms in the state, ap­ I ance surpassed and with exhibits the turbances of recent yearB. Saturdey evening will be shown the plied to Federal Judge Bean for a best in history, the 54th annual Ore­ the right place should be the best to advertise the industry. The much talked of 4 reel special, "The r plans —.... restraining order to enjoin gon state fair closed its gates Satur­ welkin ringer. White Terror,” Not an educational contest is one of the plans. We expect temporary Buildings Sway In Boise. Sperry & Hutchinson Company I Could the householder but live in feature, but it has action and plenty the Ad club to perform one of the the day night in the proverbial blaze of Boise, Idaho.—Boise and this sec- from violating its contract with them of it from start to finish. In this film greatest constructive services for by I tion of Idaho experienced three dls- the ancient way, filling his celler with glory. redeeming the stamps in cash in ­ potatoes, apples and onions in the two of the cast nearly last their lives state development that has been un- stead of merchandise, as it contem­ Tentative dates for the convention tinct earthquake shocks at 11:56 Sat- fall and maintaining a smokehouse in the explosion scene which is real- dertaken.' plated doing in order not to break of the western division of the Oregon urday night. Clocks were stopped ani and soap boiling kettle in the back Contest compositions are to be ad- the law. astic to the extreme This film where ever shown has the endorsement of dressed to George E. Waggoner, 805 , Another temporary restraining order State Teachers' association which will dishes and fixtures in houses rattled, yard, he might not have so much to say about the middlemen. the societies for the presentation of Ycon Bldg. Attorney-General Brown or meet at Medford were fixed as De­ and there was a perceptible swaying Sol I.. Long says that those who C. 1. Lewis, chief of the division of enjoining the white Plague. A comedy reel will cember 27, 28, 29, by the executive of buildings. So far as can be learned criticize District Attorney Evans, of Multno ­ the movies in comparison horticulture at Oregon Agricultural mah County, from enforcing the law also be shown. committee. with flesh and blood plays should re­ no damage was done. This theater has arranged a per­ college, wrote a letter which was to was also applied for. Both these or­ Six Douglas county pupils obtained Reports from all parts of southern alize that the movies are to the drama manent booking of Broadway Uni­ have been read in connection with ders were granted by Judge Bean, versal features, which will be shown “Loganberry Program” at the Ad and have been in Jorce since. Their first prizes at the state fair, and there­ Idaho and eastern Oregon indicate what the Salvation Army is to the church. Well, there's food for thought on Wednesday and Thursday of each Club last Wednesday. effect has been to permit the redemp- | by won the privilege of two weeks at­ that, although the earth shocks were in that. week. These attractions of 5 and 6 Big Returns Expected. tendance at the Oregon Agricultural tion in mrchandise of trading stamps severe, no serious damage was done. reels, present some of the greatest “I believe that in the Loganberry and other merchandise certificates 01 College summer school with all ex­ I stars of the film world. "Scandal,” Oregon has one of the best assets and coupons without liinderance pending penses paid. the first of the Broadway Features that if the industry is properly devel­ the court’s decision. was shown to a large and well pleas­ oped we should, in the near future, be “It is at once apparent,” says Judfc : In order to get first hand informa­ ed audience on Wednesday evening handling at least $10,000,000 worth of Wolverton’s opinion, which is brief, tion from the people concerning the of this week. The next Broad wav of­ the Loganberry products annually. “that the lax levied was intended and Southern Pacific land grant case, S. fering is beautiful Jane ^Cowl in “The When we stop to realize that this designed by the legislature to be of W. Williams, special assistant to the Garden of Lies.” much money conies in from the out­ such proportions as to be inhabitive Sunday night there will be a well side, it means a great deal to the of the use of such trading stamps attorney general of the United States, ♦ Is in Oregon. Jjkndid program of 4 reels, featuring prosperity of our state. At the pres­ within the state. Washington.—Material pros? ss in September was an exceptionally dry “The Jungle Queen” a realestic and ent time Oregon is producing four- "In a case of like nature, arising the negotiations for settlement of the absorbing drama of the African wilds . fifths of the Loganberries grown in under similar conditions in the state month in Astoria. According to the submarine controversy between the also two other reels. the United States and will continue of Washington, the law was held by records In local Weather Observer to do so. California and. Washington the District Court or the Eastern Di­ Gilmore's ofice the rainfall during that United States and Gormany vas ef­ fected at a conversation between produce in limited quantities. Wc vision of Washington, three judges A Development Sure to Come. have an abundance of soil and climate silling, to lie void as in contravention month was 1.39 inches or 2.31 inches Count von Bernstorf! and Secretary clause of the 14th less than normal. of State Lansing. During the last year there have especially adapted for this berry. of the equality of the Federal Constitu- State Engineer Lewis lias approved been grought into Baker county more Other tlian the three states named, amendment Count von Bernitorff filed with tion. ” ____________ very few Loganberries probably t.ill the application of the Dufur Orchard Secretary l.ar.sing a memorandum on than 150 high bred calves. Most of DONE RIGHT be produced in America. ” company for a permit to appropriate the Arabic case, which In effect them came from Tillamook county, Additional Prizes Likely. SURPASS FAIR OF ’915- noted for its splendid dairy products. the waters of 15 mile creek anil eight solutely disavows the sinking of These calves'Vvill soon be yielding To make the contest even more in­ mile creek for the irrigation of its liner and accepts the position of better milk and permitting the mak­ teresting the.Ad Club hopes to get Manufacturers’ U Land Products 6500 cere orchard near Wasco. Show at Portland This Month ing of even better butter and cheese Portland merchants to put up addi­ United States that attack should RIGHT PRICES i Harvey Wells, ub receiver for the have been made ayd was unjustifiable Will have Better Representa­ than is now being produced. tional cash or merchandise prizes. tion of Oregon Products. Horticultural Fire Relief of Oregon on the grounds of self defense a3 first The movement is an excellent one Contestants should write on one side i i and the Oregon Merchants Mutual and should be taken up by many of the paper only, and must submit other ranchers. The supply of dairv their names, addresses, age and 1 Portland, Oct. 7.—Oregon’s display Fire Assurance association, has file 1 alleged I y Germany. Germany's disavowal of responsibil­ product in Baker county does not fill school with their manuscripts. of soil products at the Maunfacturcrs’ The mint makes it and under the demand and other counties near Just to give an idea of how a song &: Land Products Show to open here a petition in the Marion county circuit ity for the sinking of the Arabic, with terms of the Continental Mortgage court for an order permitting him to here are already getting some of our can be written about the loganberry October 25, will be greater than at accompanying assurances that the pos­ sue the policy-holders who have not sibility of another such incident liai Company you can secure it at 6 per milk, butter and cheese. There is still as a theme, here is one by Dean Col­ the Lewis lit Clark Fair of 1905. plenty of market for these products. lins that was sung by the Ad Club Already more than twenty counties paid assessments. on approv- been precluded through stringent in­ cent for any legal purpose Pine Valley reports that its cheese Quartet at the luncheon last Wednes- of the state have space at the expo- Under the direction of Mrs. George structions to submarine commanders, cd real estate. Terms easy, tcll us factories are thriving and Eagle val­ day: ' sition and by the time the exhibition Gerlinger, of Dallas, member of the ley says its dairy supplies always LOGANBERRY JUICE. throws open its doors, it is expected, was regarded by officials of the gov­ your wants and wc will co-operate have plenty of customers. I (Tune: “When you were a Tulip.’’) twenty-five out of the thirty-five board of regents of the University ot ernment us one of the most gratifying with you. “aker County can build up a profit­ ’Twas in a native garden that the Oregon counties, will have attractive Oregon, a vigorous campaign is about results secured by American diplo­ PETTY & COMPANY. able business many times the present Blackberry was wed. displays. to be launched for funds to finance macy sines the European war began. 513 Denham Building Denver, Colo. **ze if it will continue toward being a And got his bride, ’tis said, a nice Counties to make displays, booths the erection of a proposed Woman's dairy country as well as a producer for which have ' een reserved to Oct. raspberry red; pf many other farm products. There And now throughout the country, the 4, were Morrow, Polk, Hood River, Memorial building to be built on the APPLE SALES TO BE STUDIED I Malheur, Marion, Umatilla, Klamath, university campus at Eugene. I people hail her husky son, 18 ~ big field for it. ' Wasco, Crook, Clackamas, Baker, . There is especially good opportun­ The loganberry, pride of Oregon. A great t> urist hotel to cost in the ity in this field for those living along Though some still cling to grape juice Columbia, Multnomah, Union, Linn, neighborhood of $200,000 is to be built Distribution is to Be Watched In the Northwest. 1 Wallowa, Jackson, Washington, Lin­ by R. T. Dabney, a Portland capitalist, the auto truck lines or along the rail-, or to s'iffer drinks, as yet. roads where they have quick trans­ The loganberry is the juice that’s coln and Wheeler. Washington —Complying with I The various Oregon counties to ex- on the outer rim of Crown Point, on portation into Baker. Should a per­ coming up, y ou bet. : hibit at Portland, several being prize the upper Columbia river highway 23 merous requests from the growers' manent highway to Pine Valley be Chorus. , winners at the recent State Fair, are miles from Portland, where the road councils, chamber» of commerce, grow­ constructed so that there will be all Now no more our two lips going after the gold medal and prize passes In a horseshoe curve around ers’ and shippers’ organizations in tue year transportation many thriving Shall make her juleps, of $200 fol the best county display. dairys may be expected to be built Or sigh for beer that flows, »täte« of Washington. Oregon, Idaho i The second best exhibit in this class the edge of a cliff 725 feet above the along the line. It may be that there For we can make merry and Montana, the office of 1 irirketa river. will receive a silver medal and $100 in can be such farms started near the Oil rich loganberry, J. O. Swindler, of Klamath Falls, and rural organization of the United city now and get uninterrupted trans­ It's the drink the whole world cash. The best exhibits from each I county will receive cash from $50 to in co-operation with H. Roland Glais- States department of agriculture has portation, but a good highway will knows. . , $100. cause.the development to continue in­ made plan» to establish I rnporary Oh we arc tryin Individual farm exhibits will re­ yer, county agriculturist, ha» demon­ headquarters In the northwest for the to Pine Valley.—Baker City Herald. To imitate Bryan, . I have some choice young pigs for strated that sorghum, the great »ilage ceive first and second prizes of $50 But honest, v.e’d like to sluice sale, both sexes, the kind that 1915 study of the distribution of the crop, can be successfully raised in Our throats with Oregon s very and $25 in cash, or the choice cf mature: very young. One of my herd OPEN THEATER PROTESTED water tanks or grain bins. This year Klamath county, and on mn Irrigated boxed apple crop. Best red Loganberry, boars weighed f»ao tbs. at eighteen the most artistic apple display re­ land. Mr. Swihdlcr conducted his ex­ The work which tile office will do is months old. My hogs have won rib­ For that is the juiciest juic. Newberg Churches Aroused When ceives a gold medal and Doo in cash. periments on his ranch between Mer­ not that of a telegrai hie market news bons at county a i l slate fairs. Shows Run on Sunday. Apples will be judged in five and ten Phone or write for prices. — o-—— BAR ” WILL BE NOVEL service, blit rather contemplate» the “1916 box lots with prizes of $5 and $3 per rill and Bonanza. JOE DONALDSON, . Newberg, Or., Oct. 3.—For the first mail and the compilation FEATURE. collection by Extensive preparation« are being box. Pears will be judged in half R F. D. 1, Tillamook. time in Newberg's history a Sunday boxes with a first prize of $5 and a made for the convention of the Oregon of data and Issuance of weekly bulle- Performance was given this afternoon second prize of $3 Onions will re­ “y a theater. At the morning services Portland Exposition Drinks to be ceive first and second prizes of $10 Mother»’ congrez» etid Parent Teacher Una corce.it :! g the shipments and AMMER FURNITURE Served After State Goes Dry. 1 and $- and potatoes will be judged in association to be held at Corvallis, Oc­ dost* alíen if the northwest« rn boxed >n all the churches a vote of protest COMPANY *as taken by the congregations, and thirty pound lots^vith first prizes of tober 20 to 23. Official delegates to arpies. the Mayor and City Council are to be Portland. Oct. t.-Now comes the $5 and second prizes of $.1. the number of 403 are entitled to rep­ Headquarters for Children’ « asked to close the show house on "1916 Bar” as one of the headliners Assorted grains will receive awards resent the various local associations Minneapolis Votes ta Retain Saloena. Sunday. Cribs, \f itt.'j » » : 1, II. ;» Ju ar «, at the coming Manufacturers as well as Northwestern grown nuts, 1 Minneapolis.—Minneapolis has de- The theater manager says that un­ Land Products Show, to open Oc- evaporated apples and vegetables. > , affiliated with the state association, Buggies, etc. the larg cllned the honor of becoming and It is expected that numerous rep der the recent Supreme Court decis­ ‘OpeoS with parched throats, roam 1 The largest squash will receive $5 ion on the Sunday closing law he is resentativei of circles not so affiliated cat dry city in America By a majority in cash. CHAIRS ------ ------ ------ • *'ithin his legal rights and that no ing about in search of. a «¡ub < j of 89»O, Hejnepfn county, of which 'will also be in attendance zi.d can be passed by the City bation to quench a n»*n«r^r8t’ * “ Many men may not be fit to vote Six fatal accident» marked the week Minneapolis "la the principal pa I. Zo- 'conflict with the state law find a great array of drinks with but wore men are not fit to rule tested local option. The total vete F OCKERS er Ji ng September 30. according to re ­ ffers and ice cream parlors every flavor, and combination of o'hers" without their consent. So much ports submitted to the state industrial was 66.000, or 16.000 more than e'er le on Sundays. I flavors so far discovered in the for liberty. 95r: eventful life of the "soft drink The recent proposition to dredge accident insurance commission, The erst In an election in the coun.y be­ “ Let's have a temperance bar, the | up to the river des Feres so that vessels death roil tbows: H. C. IMeckman, fore , How fast v-y move. The automobile ■tstlf has changed the face of the kind we ll have next year said one may ascend it several mile* docsn t VI ilsonville; John Mieck, Sherwood; $L25 „ .-.,,3 an-1 seem so unreasonable when we read earth. It's all streaked with petroleum committeeman Arlzcna Militia Ordered to M ne». . “That’s a good idea. agreed an that the steamships Eaton Hall and Cecil F Barringer, Sherwood; Chas. roads. HIGH Phoenix, Aria.—Arizona militia was - BarJ Harlesden. lying four and a half miles M Gage, Wilsonville; W J. McClen­ Two hobbling fountains have been °‘-Why not call it the ordered to proceed to Clifton, Aris., don. Pend, and George J Noah. All®- CHAIR3 prairie. from water on the Texa I' seed in convenient places on the suggested the third, and all voted yes were driven by a gharry. During the week 203 accidents where the tnlne strike has reacted In v wit-town streets and more are »i.F> t> $5.5) _ ., an in-'are to be get back in the ’«ere reported to the commission. disorder. promised. Wi:S we were fluent at once. stiution. ’ A X5 w- d ' aM, " g * ,htU1 ‘ enough to endow them with a supply “ tee from J_u. . to October 1. W2STEHH STATES ADMITTED ATTACK ON ARABIC UNJUSTIFIED Have Your House Wiring Done by Co$t power Co. “MONEY