TiUamook Hfeadlight, October 7, _______----------- — Proposed Oil Station for Tillamook. Marriage License. CIRCUIT COURT DOINGS. plaint about high taxation, there is an exceedingly strong sentiment in A marriage license was issued to the county in favor of good roads. Thomas Gilford Stillwell Cets Judg­ John Feldschau and and Mrs. Anna First Insertion, per line............ $ .10 I This is not to be wondered at, for ment on Stipulation. Buffutn. - Each subsequent insertion, line. .05 there are dairymen who haul milk to cheese factories every day of the Circuit Judge G. R. Bagley convened Business and professional cards Attention Base Ba*l Fans. year, and now that there are a large one month ................................... 100 number of persons in the county who circuit court in this city on Monday, The Ramsey Hotel will receive re- : Locals per line each insertion. .05 own automobiles, it is not to be won­ and although there are a large num­ ber of cases on the docket, there is dered at that the sentiment is in favor nothing much of importance to be de­ turns of the championship scries T I Display advertisement, an inch, special wire. ________ __ cne month.......................................... 5° of good roads. From what we can cided. gatiier it will require $10,000 to com­ All Resolutions of Condolence Following were the persons who Births. plete the Sour Grass road, half of and Lodge Notices, per line.. .05 which* will fall on Yamhill County, were drawn on the grand juty: Chas. Lundquist, A. O. Jackson, Ben Neil ­ Born on Sept. 30th to the wife . Cards of Thanks, per line..................05 and $10,000 to put the Dolph-Hebo road in shape. 1 hese two improve­ son, Wesley Day, A. S. Lane, Mike of Art Case, a boy. | Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen Abplanalp and Malphus Johnson. On October 3rd, to the wife of , ments are absolutely necessarv, and a etc., minimum rate, not ex­ Judge Bagley appointed Wesley Day I benefit to the entire county, and Frank Hediger, a son. 1 ceeding five lines.............................. >5 should be completed in time for next foreman.. On October 2nd, to the wife ot Henry Schild, Peter Suter and John Berns, a son. year's summer travel. The Sandlake . On October 3rd, to the wife ot Geo. ro’ad is another incompleted project Henry Adolph Erickson were admit­ RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. that should be hastened along. Some­ ted to citizenship. The petition of Stiverson, a son. . (Strictly in Advance.) On October 4th, to the wife of »» thing like $15,000 will have been ex­ Joseph Blattler was continued. One year .......................................... $1.50 pended on the Bayocean road, and Earl Ford was indicted for giving is completed that a minor liquor and pleaded guilty was be built over a slough, the bottom of Underwriters’ Equitable Six months .........................................■ -75 until the road amount of money is.doing no one any fined $150.00, $100.00 of which was which is much below the level of the Step—Look—Listen. Rating Bureau. Three months........................................ 5° good, and for that reason sufficient remitted pending good behavior. He Portland, Ore.. Aug. 26, 1915. street grade and ground on which money should be provided to have was given five months to pay the the corrugated iron-clad oil ware­ Say Brother Rednien; Get a little Mr. John Aschim, City Recorder road finished next year. It will $50.00. house and barn buildings are to be pep in your system and connect up THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. this Tillamook Oregon. take $15,000.. In addition to this the located. They advise us that it is not The.grand jury brought in a “no with the big event to be pulled off by Dear Sir:—In further reference to possible for the oil, in the event of Bayoccan people will have to expend bill” against Andrew Heiseth. the Redmen Thursday evening, Oct. the construction of the small distrib­ the tank breaking, to get out of the on the road, as the county is Editorial Snap Shots. $20,000 Daisy Phillips was indicted for sell­ 7th. Have you heard about it? No. uting standard for the Standard Oi slough and that it could do no dam­ not spending one cent of the tax­ Well here ’ s the stuff right off the bat, ------o------ payers’ money to improve roads on ing liquor without a license. This was there is going to be a BIG EAIS, Company at l illamook, Oregon, and age to the shipping or wharves in Cut it out—new road and bridge the property belongink to the Bav- dismissed by request of the district There’s going to be a BIG SMOKER in reply to your letter of the 24th Tillamook. ocean people. It is somewhat difficult attorney. Under these conditions we beg to project for next year. there's going to be a red-hot boxing inst beg to-state that in our estima­ Helen Stewart and Daisy Philips bout between the Little Giant or I ill- i tin’Ol>r letter of the 19th inst., in reiterate what was stated to you pre­ to estimate what it will cost to com­ were indicted for keeping a house of plete the Garibaldi-Wheeler road amook’s Pride, namely Bobby Dris- ' reply to vour letter of August loth, viously, that there will be no increase Taxes are, no doubt, too high and they seem to be continually on the from Seaview Park to Brighton, but ill repute. The latter pleaded guilty coll and Kid Sullivan of New \ ork states clearly that the Standard Oil in rates on buildings except those and was fined $100.00, and as Stew ­ this is another incomplete project jump. Yet, it is not a fact, that dairy­ City. This is sure going to be classy Company’s distributing station nx’ within too feet of same. This plant is what is known accord­ men are burdened with -heavy taxa- which has cost considerable money art did not put in an appearance after stuff. Yea Verrily. Then again we’re be constructed at the contemplated being bound over to the vrand jury, that should also be finished as soon going to have punching bag exhibi­ location, that is, lot I, 2, 3, and4 of ing to insurance terms and the trade tiontion on account of inflated values the bond of $100 was ordered for ­ tions and the initiation of some of Stillwell’s Addition, without affecting terms as a small distributing plant on farm lands brought about by land as possible, as it is of great impor­ tance to the south side of Nehalem feited. our prominent citizens not to men­ the rates in general in lillamook. A large storage fdant such as those speculators? bay. We are heartily in favor of these Charles Zosel was indicted for ob- tion several other good things. Say The onlv buildings the rates on whi.yh on the outskirts of Portland would projects being completed next year, John Sheets having had a spell of if possible, so as to clean this work ‘aining money under false pretenses. brother, if you miss this event you will be effected by this plant are not be permitted within the builtup Warren Construction Co., a cor­ don’t belong to our order,—your those located within 100 feet of same. district of a city. The oil stations the auto craze, invested in a tin sissy. up before other expensive projects Th? Standard Oil Company’s rep­ such as those in Portland, which the poration, vs. Tillamook City, a muni­ place is the cemetery. Be sure and Now he finds that the plagued thing are started._______________ ______________ Committee. resentatives called on us yesterday Council confused with distributing cipal corporation, Damages. Contin­ come. goes on a gasoline jag every time he and advised us that there will be stations are what we term filling sta­ ued. starts out. To provide the jag price, Needed Road Improvement. three steel cylinder tanks 10 by 30 tions. They retail gasoline for auto­ Death of Jacob Blum. Mr. Sheets has gone back to his busi­ T. B. Potter Realty Co., a corpora­ feet on concrete foundation eight feet mobiles, while the distributing plant ness and cooperage, and is again tion, vs. F. D. Mitchell, Action for We have to announce the death of above ground. Each tank will contain is what would be known as a jobbing working at his trade. Jerome Dun was in town Wednes­ money. Continued. another old settler, Jacob Blum, I 19,000 gallons, one each for gasoline, house and supplies the trade. ------o------ day evening, following a short visit at T. B. Potter Realty Co., a corpora­ Trusting this makes our position on Wednesday distilate coal oil. There will also be a Newberg people are protesting the county seat. Mr. Dunn is very tion, vs. Axel Anderson. Action for which took place night, Sept. 29th, at the home of his corrugated iron warehouse for oil clear. against theaters running on Sundays. much interested in the good roads money. Settled and dismissed. son at Pleasant Valley. He had re­ storage and a corrugated iron stable. Yoprs truly, Well, didn’t the Supreme Court dwell movement and like a great many oth­ James Bibby. vs. Josef Blaser. sided in Tillamook county for 28 We are advised that the tank will Jas. N. McCune, Sec. on this phase of the Sunday closing ers in this end of the county, he Action for money. Non suit by plain ­ years, and was held in high respect law, and upheld Sunday theaters.'' We wants to see work commenced early by all who knew him. Funeral ser­ can hardly see how the people of in the spring on the Little Nestucca tiff. Dan Nicklas, vs. S. I- Rathburn. vices were held in this city on Friday road. So do we. Here is where our Newberg can object. cut-off over the tide land would be­ Action for money. Jury trial. Plaintiff afternoon at the United Brethern It’s against the Sunday closing law come doubly useful. In order to make takes non-suit after case had proceed­ Church and the interment was in the Bay View cemetery, a large number to run cheese factories on Sundays. a desirable complete road that will ed to trial. Well, if that is unlawful it must be benefit the Oretown-Neskow in peo­ Baron-Fulop Co., a corporation, vs. of neighbors and friends attending equally so to pump the cows and tube ple and every other property owner Eastman Wilson Co., a corporation. the services. The funeral was under milk to them. With freak laws passed in that section the road should be Action for inone.. Settled and dismis­ the auspices of the G. A. R. of which he was a member. by the Oregon System and this ab­ layed out on the most practical route sed. Deceased was born in Switzerland surd Sunday closing law, it is no from Oretown to Sour Grass junction W. II. Wilson, vs. H. E. Carr. Ac­ April, 7, 1834, and came to the Unit­ wonder that people in other states touching the cutoff road leading to tion for money. Judgment in favor of ed States in 1845, locating at New- Cloverdale at teh most proctical point. plaintiff. are giving Oregon the laugh. glurs, Wis., He married Miss Eliza­ 'This will give those coming from the E. D. Kanaga, vs. Jos. Blaser and beth Babbler in 1861. Deceased join­ The question of dispensing with the valley to the resorts here an oppor­ day police or night watchman is not tunity to visit Neskowin and Pacific Marguerite Blaser. Action for money. ed the 9th Wisconsin Reg. during the civil war and saw service with a personal matter with the snap shot City or either one of them without Judgment for plaintiff. Town of Nehalem, a municipal cor­ that regiment for two years. He leav­ man. The citizens are confronted driving al( over christendom to get with additional taxation as a result of there. This road also provides a way poration, vs. Andrew Klein and Anna es a widow and twelve children, 53 grandchildren and 15 great grand the loss of saloon licenses, therefore, for ranchers to get grain from the Klein. Condemnation. Dismissed. the Press has a right to discuss such Willamette Valley at much less ex­ Grant Mills, vs. Carl Lett. Action children. The children are Mrs. M. E. Graf, Mrs. Lydia Mills, Mrs. Doratha matters ami, if possible point out a pense than by the means now used. for money. Settled and dismissed. Detje of Portland, Mrs. Esther Fran­ remedy to prevent extra taxation or Today about all outside travel is over W. G. Dwight, vs. H. A. Kinnaman klin, Salt Lake, Utah, and Edd Arne, a continual deficit in the running the Three Rivers road and of neces­ and Vadie Kinnaman. Action for Chas. John, Fred Alwin, Mrs. Anna expenses of the city. It may be that sity compels them to come through money. Judgment for plaintiff. Simmions, and Martha Simmons, all one person can be dispensed with in Cloverdale to reach either of these First National Bank of Tillamook, the street cleaning. There is only one resorts or the ranches in the south a corporation, vs. C. C. Byers, Mrs. of Tillamook County. Mr. Blum was brought up in the conclusion to be drawn, if the city end of the county. This to quite an S. V. Byers and B. L. Byers. Action Evangelical Church. After he came to council thinks it is unwise to curtail extent is a benefit to the business in­ money. Settled and dismissed. Tillamook he united with the Metho­ city expenses, then there is only one terests of Cloverdale, but notwith­ D. L. Shrodc, Geo. Williams and dist church. After moving to Pleasant thing to do next December, and that standing this fact the Courier believes is to increase taxation, these good it best to have roads layed out where Charles Kunze, partners, vs. H. E. Valley ha was one of the first mem­ old Democratic times. Business men they should be and will support such Carr and Alice Carr. Action for mon­ bers of the United Brethern church at that place, ami was deserving of have to curtail their expenses, and improvements regardless of the per­ ey. Settled and dismissed. sonal interests of a few or many.— IL L. l’rovoost and W. L. Provoost more credit than any one in the the city should do the same. Cloverdale Courier. vs. Elbridge C. Smith. Action for neighborhood in getting the church erected there. He was a faithful money. Settled.and dismissed. From all parts of the county come Christian to the last. He will be great­ appeals and suggestions for new G. F. Cliaphe, vs. R. H. Ashcroft, J. (The Headlight will ask a question ly missed as he was one of the oldest roads and bridges. Notwithstanding If. Hathaway, F. R. Beals and G. H. that an effort is being made to com­ and make a suggestion:-"What will Ward, Foreclosure on lien. Continu­ citizens in the neighborhood. His last and really only sickness was due to plete the Wheeler-Garibaldi road, benefit the people of Nestucca Valley ed. bridge old age and a general breakdown which will cost somewhere in the most, the proposed draw John Hahn, vs. Gus Mahne and neighborhood of $20,000, Wheeler has across the river at Woods or the im­ Marie Mahanc, Confirmation of sale. which lie bore with great patience. now started a "holler” for a bridge provement of the Little Nestucca across Nehalem Bay, which, of neces­ Road? If the latter, then why not Sale confirmed. Northwest Claims Graham. M. Abplanalp, administrator of the ----- o----- sity, would be a most costly structure. petition to have the $10,000 appro­ priated for the bridge transferred to estate of B. Irndorf, deceased, vs. W. From our view point we do not see I. D. Graham has resigned as as­ the necessity at the present time for the improvement of this road? As it R. Lusby, ct al. Confirmation of sale. sistant chief of the livestock depart­ will be unused funds, the County Sale confirmed. this great expenditure of the tax­ ment of the Panama-Pacific Inter­ are 111 now, coinc carlv and get your supply John Stoker, vs. Otis Jones, et al. national Exposition to become editor payers' money especially at a time Court could recommend it in its next budget, provided that this is the senti ­ while stock is complete. * Confirmation of sale. Sale confirmed. of the Rural Spirit, at Portland, Ore. . when there are so many incompleted projects that should be finished. If ment of the people of the Nestucca Fred Lange, vs. R. P. York. Con­ Mr. Graham is a welcome addition We have the finest assortment of pencils, Wheeler succeeds next year in get­ \ alley and it is the wisest thing to do. firmation of sale. Sale confirmed. to the ranks of those who are work­ It is the desire of the Headlight that tablets, erasers, pens, pen holders, inks, etc. ting the Wheeler-Garibaldi road fin­ Samuel Leback, ct al. vs. Allen H. ing for better farming conditions in ished, it should be satisfied for one the County Court finish up, as soon Wilson, et al. Foreclosure. Decree in the Pacific Northwest. He was for FOUNTAIN PENS 25 per cent off, for a short year, without wanting to hog the as possible, all incomplete road pro­ favor of plaintiff. nineteen years a professor in the time only 25 per cent off on Waterman Ideal jects, and not enter into any new ones whole of the road fund for that dis­ Tillamook County Bank, a corpora­ Kansas Agricultural College and for pens. trict. Anyway, give the taxpayers a lor there are now too many of these several years was editor of the Kan ­ little rest, for money is scarce and in hand that require large sums of tion, vs. Francis D Mitchell, ct al. sas Farmer. He was the organizer of Hartl wood ruler free to our patrons. business is not what it was a few money, and, as we look at the situa­ Confirmation of sale. Sale confirmed. the Kansas Pure Bred Live Stock Feeney & Bremer Co., a corpora­ Association and was one of the years ago, a fact Wheeler knows tion, it will be unwise to keep on better than other parts of the county. adding new projects that cost large tion, vs. M. H. Dennis and L. M. Den­ strong men in getting legislation fav­ amounts of money. The $10,000 would nis and Nestucca Valley Bank. Fore­ orable to the farmers. go a long way to improve the '.title Mr. Graham is well know to local 1 he Nestucca Valley people are Nestucca road, and it is safe to say if closure of lien. Settled. Eliza D. Bailey, vs. A. M. Myer, et readers of the livestock journals of agitating two new road projects, viz., it is not used on that road it will be al. Foreclosure. Default. national circulation, he being a ’reg­ the I ittle Nestucca \ alley road and used elsewhere, for there does not ap­ L. Jensen, vs. A. M. Myer, Anna ular contributor to several of them. the proposed new road at Arstill’s. pear to be as great a demand for the We do not know but there may be bridge to-day as there was w hen the Myer, J. W. Myer, Hattie Myer and He is enthusiastic concerning the several others. We hope our readers item was placed in the budget. The R. L. Sabin, Trustee in Bankruptcy. possibilities of live stock in the Pa­ cific Northwest, and pronounces the will not think that we arc opposed to Headlight does not want to place any Foreclosure. Default. good roads. Far from it. W e do sav, obstacles in the w av of road improve­ W. C. Thun and F. P. Thun, vs. M. exhibits that he has inspected at the however, that the tax payers are de­ ments in the south end of the county, H. Dennis and Nestucca Valley Bank. state fairs of Washington and Oregon as the equal of the best they grow in serving of some consideration and in fact, we want to encourage them, Foreclosure. Settled and dismissed. that taxation should he decreased but it is just as well to be a little Clark Bundy, vs. John C. Creecy, et the corn belt states, where' much of rather than increased. Some one may more economical in the future for the Kil. Foreclosure. Settled and dismiss the foundation herds and flocks in Oregon, Washington and Idaho have taunt us with the remark that the purpose of reducing taxation. There cd. been purchased. Mr. Graham has a county cannot have good roads with­ is no dotfbt whatever but what the John Borba vs. Paul Dowling. Fore ­ national reputation as an authority out the expenditure of money. True. Little Nestucca road would be a great closure. Default. along live stock lines and in his ripe But why pile the agony on so heavy benefit to that part of the county, R. W. Holland vs. Grace M. Hol­ experience as an educator the farmers that taxation becomes burdensome which the Headlight is willing to ad­ of the Northwest have gained 1 when business conditions will not mit, but we are going to strictly ad­ land. Divorce. Divorce granted. warrant it? This is a time to go slow here to the policy of not starting any­ William F. Wollitz, vs. Geo .L. splendid co-worker. and not plunge the county into other more expensive' road projects until Hamlin. Quiet title. Settled and dis­ and more costly road projects. The those now in course of construction missed. Bids Wanted. snap shot man is just as good good­ are completed. If our suggestion of Thomas Gilford Stillwell, et al vs. roads booster as there is in the coun­ placing the $10,000 bridge money on Tillamook City, et al. Cancel deed of The Beaver Cheese Co. will receive ty and is not narrow minded or jeal­ the Little Nestucca road is not wise, trust. Decree was given plaintiff in ous as to which part of the county is then use it on the Sour Grass and accordance with the stipulation which bids up to November I, 1915, for a mostly benefitted with good roads, Dolph-Hebo road, for, to our way of is to the effect that Thomas Gilford cheese maker at said factory for the but we do say this, that it is time to thinking, this is the most important Stillwell gets back the children's ensuing year. The company reserves cut down taxation and not make tax­ and imperative road improvement park he deeded to the city, with the the right to reject any and all bids ation so burdensome. This cannot be that should be carried to completion exception of one acre, which he is to done if half a dozen more costly road as soon as possible, for it benefits deed to the city without any condi­ Call for Bids. projects are to be added to those al­ every part of the county. And further, tions. — o------ ready in hand.. The snap shot man it should be completed in time for Alvina Lundburg vs. Sam Lundburg _ ‘r Ot',CC.JS hereby given that the has a. pretty good idea of the sent­ next year’s tourist travel, for it was Divorce. Settled. 1 bchool Board for school district No. iment of the people, and we will bet this bad stretch of road which kept 4”. lillamook Countv, Oregon will »,,, dollars to dough nuts that the Head­ thousands of tourists and auto parties It is not likely the Haitian war will receive scaled bids for the construc­ light is expressing their desires and out of the county this year who be permitted to rank with 1770, 1812, tion ot a school house on the school wishes in regard to road work and ; would have left thousands of dollars 1847, 1861 or even 1898. property of said district. Said bids to taxation.. be opened at the school house of said in the county.. From what we can Statement is made that Niagara gather it will cost a large amount of Falls will be dry 1000 years from now. district. Monday, October the 18th at The question we raised last week money for the Little Nestucca road, But it is probable the hors?-power i o clock P.m.. The plans and specifi­ are on file with the district about the County Court completing as there are heavy grades to be en­ grabbers will complete their work be­ cations clerk and a copy of the same in tin all unfinished road projects next year countered. However, the first thing fore that. »U'ce of the County Superintendent and not enter into any new ones, of importance is the cost, and this is It has been stated that the Hesper-' the Board reserves the right to re­ seems to be meeting with favor. It is ' something the Courier should ascer­ ian was destroyed by a mine; a num­ ject any and all bids. just as well to admit it, there are too tain and figure out from those who ber of fragments oi th e instrument Lhe sch<>o1 b'urd «bis many road projects, calling for large are competent to make a reliable that struck her gathered from the 6tn day ot October, 1915, sums of road money at the same time estimate, or have the County Cour» deck have been inspected, and they Mrs Mary E. Smith, Dist order a survey and estimate oi cost. — and is well to be a little careful in the are the pieces of a torpedo. How dis- I « 7k- **•«• No-*6, Gari- future. Although there is some cont- Ed.) concerting! j . baldi, Oregon. I ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. Watch For “Neal of the Navy.” You’ll Like It. STAR THEATRE SOON. All School Books CHAS. I. CLOUGH CO. TO SUBSCRIBERS. To Introduce the Aluminum Ware Subscribers to the Headlight can obtain a $2.50 COFFEE. POT PERCOLATOR for $1.00. At the Headlight Office.