Vol. XXVI TILLAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER 7, Ç J , Jlraöliöbt 1915, io’<■ circuit Compliments County Officials and Recommends A den non to Court House. I1.50 PER YEAR. «CQrZQQQOOMQGGCGCOQCCGd riie grand jury having completed ? i?,Ho*la’!dJv.s Eastman Wilton work ou Wednesday, submitting a o recovcSrXu.85.,n ‘he drcuit £Ourt 1 its report to Judge Bagley. The report otnpliiucnts the county officials and U r’?1"? and Myrtle Mill .commends that the county court I i rud Fi j.hy from a two week’ ->y a tax ci half a mill to improve ■acatiun 111 Eastern Origen. nd make addition to the court house, tie report is as follows: We, lhe grand jury of the Countv .sc whi PkortU,lJ San Fran Ask any of our customers f'Tillamook hereby respectfully rc- SC'J where they will visit the fair, ort that we have now concluded out n' Gitchel1 vs. Jackson Lc about First National service • burs and request that we be dis- coun't ‘S ? SUK,fllcd in 'he circui tiargcd trom further service.- We court to quiet title of certain proper .ave examined into the condition They are all Pleased with nd management of the public pri­ Justice Frank Taylor fined Join ons of the county, and into the con­ i it and can tell you why ranklin $35.00 and costs for assaul ation and management of the offices I upon C- Wooley las .ertaining to the courts of justice in week, and being unable to pay th. nc county, and also into the condi- fine_was locked up in the county jail 1011 and management of public rec­ ords and buildiugs of the county, and Wanted—Furnished dairy rancl ve hereby certify that we have found near 1 lllainook or Cloverdale. Per he same to be in goqd order and the centage basis. Experienced cow mai public record* well kept; but would TnE a"d „mer. References. Chas. E espectfully recommend to the Hon- Clorc, R.F.D. No. 2 Beaverton, Ore.1 jrable County Court of Tillamook 'PRUDENT Mrs. Fred Zaddach was one of th< Jounty, Oregon, as follows: First, that the steam pipes in the I judges in the National Dahlia Shov MANM Portland which was a well meritec aasement of the county court house honor conferred on her, for she in ai >e ■covered with asbestos in order to It is absolute FOLLY for a mat) who intends to enthusiastic and successful dahlii conserve the heat generated by the .urnace for heating the county court grower. marry 1 or who has „?^VIFE a,ld CHILDREN directly * louse ; and A dependent upon HIM not to save a part of his income 1 Pe-I£.r. Crockatt, English teacher o Second, that the County Court be­ I 1 from his earnings or his business. the Tillamook High School, has ten ginning with the county tax levy for »OCOO&SOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOCCOOOOOOOCQCOOOOOCOGOOOGOGOOO uered his resignation to the Schoo .he year 1915, levy one-half mill each A bank account is like a ball of snow • it will Board. Mr. Crockatt is going to en year until sufficient taxes shall be melt away unles you YDD to it. The habit of con­ tions, dnd the students were much list in the Canadian or British arm) aised to make a suitable addition to Class B, fifth prize. Helen Stain, machine and hand benefited by the talk. stantly INCREASING the balance in their credit will to take part in the war. he said court house, for the reason made dress, fifth prize. make any man or worn an RICH. Superintendent Onthank plans to Miss Carrie Galwith, sister of Mrs hat some of the offices of most im­ The four pupils who won out at the Make OUR bank YOUR bank. J. S. Lamar, left for Kansas Cit) portance therein are becoming crowd­ County Fair, Leona Rupp, Bessie have many good lectures delivered to W ednesday, where she will visit re ed, and from present indications it Thomas, Chester Jensen and Charles the students by local men. We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Deposit. lativcs. It is seven years since th< will not be more than two years be­ Thomas, had a good time at the fair. Cheese Scoring at the Stato Fair. came to 1 illamook, She wi’l probabl) fore the said offices shall be insuffi­ cient in size to do the wrork necessary be away several months. lone therein. Grading of Sour Grass Road Nearly In the cheese scoring contest at the For Sale—Light driving team, har­ Judge Bagley dissmissed the grand Complete. THE OLD RELIABLE. State Fair at Salem last week, Tilla­ ness and hack. 1 .atter practically new. jury.______________ mook county had a close competitor Will consider trade for cows 01 J. H. Hicks, of the Tillamook Bay for first honors. The scoring was as Parcel Post Social. young stock. Also two two year olds Construction Company, who has the follows: ----- o----- broken to drive double or single. contract for the Sour Grass road, Hugh Barber, Fairview, 95^4. Remember the Parcel Post Social Lloyd C. Smith, Bar View, Ore. * cuts out the hill at Dolph and Hugo Biberstcin, Monmouth, 95. .0 be held in the Guild Hall, on Fri­ which Charles Himes and family returned 1 Agent Ray Grate, of the S. P. has day evening, Oct. Sth. Program will the toll road, was in the city this Harry Hogan, Elwood, oa!4. morning. He informs us that the Harry Thomas, Cloverdale, 94%. from Princeton, Idaho, on Saturday, been advised that with the expiration je as follows: work is progressing rapidlv and that Oscor Wcrschkul, Clover Leaf, 94. and will reside on the farm 1 on the of the present excursion rates to Till Selection, The McGhee Orchestra. the grading is completed with the ex­ Fred Mcitzkc Central, 935-6. ------o Trask river. amook County beaches on Octobei Vocol Solo, Mabel Goync. ception of a mile and a quarter, and N. N. Kirby, Three Rivers 03G. 25th, a special rate of $6.00 from Port Scotch Reading, Peter Crockatt. Houses to Rent, see Watson. ♦ For rent—House, 4 rooms, pantry, if the weather continues fine for an­ A. Schlappt, South Prairie, 93. land for Saturday to Monday will gc Selection, McGhee Orchestra. also furnished house. Rents other ten days all the grading will be A. Schmelzer, Red Clover, 93. into effect. Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. I. ' able. Apply, Elmer Baker, reason- Vocal Duet, Mrs. Poorman and Lamb I finished. The steam shovel is work­ Guy Ford, Maple Leaf, 92. Clough Co. ♦ Miss McKown. * Schrader dock. ing night and day. Two bridges have Gordon Burge, Tillamook, ot. Editor Taylor was in the city the Vocol Solo, Ruby McGhee. put in and there are three others Christ Nelson, East Beaver, 88. For your Sunday roast call Sani­ George Garrett an employee of the first of the week and Editor Rankin After which games will be enjoyed been tary Market. to build, the lumber being on the Portland Journal, was in the city this morning. W'e do not know what 11 and light refreshments served. ground for them. In addition to the happen if these two pencil Get free Kodak instructions at C. I. on Wednesday. He is visiting relat­ would bridges there are several small cul­ pushers from the north and soutl ives at Bay City. Clough Co.’s. * I1 ends of the county should happen to Swastika Club. verts to be buiit. C. W. Miller has returned from Ab­ be here the same day. Mr. Hicks informs us also that it is All kinds of lunch meats at the erdeen Wash., and Mrs. Miller will The Swastika Club met at the home reported that Yamhill County is con­ Sanitary Market. D. C. Collier, of Woods, returned if Mrs. B. D. Lamar, it being the first templating building the Bear remain in Portland for two weeks be­ from a three weeks visit with friends nccting since the summer vacation, road, which will also be cl Wanted a piano for the winter. In- 1 fore returning home. in the W illainctte Valley last week. quire at this office. One ton of coal equals two cords of Mr. Collier has lived in the county fhere was a goodly attendance of able benefit to this county. Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla­ wood and you don’t have *0 sow and for 25 years, and during the past 13 nembers, the guests being Mcsdajnes C. Lamb, S. A. Brodhead, R. V. School Not-s. mook County Bank. * split it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Helio years has been to Tillamook City d. Duncan, W. L. Campbell, H. Crcn- twice. This was his first trip over the >haw and W. Hill. * railroad into this county. The place to eat is at the “Good Centray Gi’tne 28W. The boys of the seventh The afternoon was spent very eighth grades have organized Eats," Ramsey Hotel. * Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Dunstan return­ District Attorney T. H. Goync re­ .deasantly in music, games, conversa­ athletic club. The following officers ed from Salem on Tuesday where tion and fancy work. At a timely hour turned from Salem on Friday, where Teams wanted to haul wood. Apply they had charge of Tillamook’s ex­ were elected, Robert Meyers, Pres., he had gone to attend a meeting of in invitation was extended by the Thomas Keys, Vice-Pres, to Frank Hanenkratt. * Vicc-Pres, James hibit at the State Fair. the district attorneys, who discuss­ hostess to retire to the dining room Knudson, Secretary, Jeff O'Donnell, Spring calves for sale—J. W. Jen­ 1 Protect your valuable papers fron ed the matter of inforcing the Sun­ where a delicious luncheon was serv­ Treasurer. Boost! Boost your inferiors be­ after which the meeting adjourn­ nings, Kilchis River. the unexpected fire by renting one of day closing law and the prohibition ed, cause they need it. ed to meet with Mrs. Haltom in Oct­ Margaret Baker has been absent law. It was left to each district at ­ G. L. Hunter, of Napa, Cal., is vis­ our safe deposit boxes. Only one from school on account of sickness. ober. ___________ All human lives leave a trail of mis­ iting relatives in the city. 1 dollar per year. Tillamook County torney to do as he saw best, in re­ gard to the Sunday closing law, it Because of his mother's illness, Jeff takes in their wake. Growing isn’t Bank. * r Plasker has returned from being thought that the law could not Bowling Association. O'Donnell has been absent from having birthdays, but yearning the | Having bought the Tillamook Iron be inforced in some counties, but California and is now in Portland. lessons of the mistakes—an^ then school. A. K. Case all business could be in others. forgetting the mistakes. The Tillamook Bowling Associa­ We are in a position to make sewne some 1 1 Works from ••• The eighth grade enjoyed a picnic r _ time farm - king loans. First National from Sept. 1st will be transacted by | The regular meeting of the City tion met last Tuesday evening, Oct. at Bayocean lately through the cour­ We study agriculture out of the Bank. ~ » 1 H. Sander. books, but that doesn’t make us an * Council was held on Monday evening. 5, at the new Commercial Club head­ tesy of F. Small. formed a bowling We must take a hoe The application of the Standard Oil quarters, and Five room furnished house for rent The reception given by the High agiculturist. For Sale—20 acres, six miles from Co., for permission to locate oil *ta- league consisting of four teams. and go out and agricult! or sale—Inquire at Williams’ Har­ 1 Tillamook City, all in cultivation at tion, was referred to the committee 1 he initial game will be bowled School in honor of the faculty and the ness shop. » The menace of America does not $ 125 per acre and assessed at $15° on licenses. A resolution was passed Friday, Oct. 8 by teams 3 and 4 and new students, at the Guild flail, last Friday evening was a decided success lie in swollen fortunes but in the The county court is in session this per acre.—J. S. Stephens, Room 1, Monday, Oct. 11 by teams 1 and 2 demanding a re-assessment for im­ and so on every Monday and Friday in every way. shrunken souls of those who inherit *eck it teing the regular monthly Commercial Bldg, Tillamook, Orc. provements at Maple Grove addition. the fortunes. Meting. as scheduled. The program consisted of music and What have you to exchange for 20 In regard to the street extension in Great enthusiasm has been shown readings which were much en'oyed 1 have so often noticed that the Mrs. Morris Schnal returned Mon- acres of land 5 miles from Ashalnd, Miller’s addition, this was continued. and the four teams were easily ob ­ by all. The high school chorus under lady who holds a double scat on the ay from visiting relatives in San Ore 10 acres in pear and peach It was decided to use Columbia river tained, with certainly fine material. the direction of Miss McKowan sang crowded day coach, while passengers 'rancisco. | orchard.—!1. O Box 325, Tillamook, sand in street curbs in the new pav­ Team No. I—C. S Barnes, Capt, two songs and then Bernice Nelson are standing, is riding on a pass, and ing contract. Silas Morton, formerly of Bay City, Ore. Chas. Vogler, Geo. Chaffee, Dr. E. D. delivered a recitation. A mixed quar­ the man on the train breaking the .»t now of Ridgefield, Wash., came 1 For Sale—One Monarch Steel Mrs. M. F. Dunstan has received Allen and W. L. Gosser. tet was well encored and Professor most rules is a company employee. 18 on Monday. Team No. 2— Arthur Wallace, Capt. Crockatt gave some readings that And the one doing the most kicking Range; 1 Singer sewing machine; the following letter from R. W. Gill, of the National Dahlia So­ Dr. Geo. J. Peterson, Geo. Chaphc were enjoyed by the audience. Games on the show got in on a "comp.” .„jOr Sale—23 head of steer heifers small heating stove. Iron bed and one I secretary ........................... .. Leach and Chas Mowery. were then played until a late hour It is better to be remembered for c, j*;0,ws' No Jerseys. Sandlake Co., mattress. All practically good as new. ciety, of Portland: “I desire to in- Glen Team No. 3. „ — ' L. E. Butts, Capt; I form you that you won for your city and then refreshments in the form of our loving deeds than for our bad oandlake, Ore. ♦ Inquire City Transfer Co. X. the L. « Portland D.,»ll^n,l L'lnr-i I Qz\z'*«*xz , c Fvrtaittt- J. Claussen, R. E. Henry, L. Maddux, Floral Society's beauti­ ice-cream and cake, were served. To breath. To exchange first class Portland ¡ Wanted to let a contract for haul­ close the happy evening the young ful cup. This is now being engraved and Frank Purdy. Team No. 4.—Henry Leach. Allen people gathered around the piano Copyright 1915, The Lyceum Mag- fl Squire at Coats Lumber residence or good wheat land lo/ and will be sent to you by mail.’’The dairy and stock ranch in Tillamook L’-, Tillamook. Page, Howard Millis, Dr. E. E. Dan ­ and sang popular songs. Over I2J azine, Chicago. I County.—Owner, M. O. Rose, 151 E dahlias sent from Tillamook won were present to enjoy the good time. the first prize for the best display iels, and Crimmins. Tty one of our fancy dressed chick- I 79. N., Portland, Ore. Parlctte will lecture hcrc Friday Special arrangements have been outside of Portland. These were con­ Oct. 29. An interesting lecture was delivered «s for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla­ made for the ladies to attend, »0 ~ Having taken charge of the auto­ tributed by Mrs. Dunstan, Fred C. come along and cheer the boys on to tp the student body of the high school mook Meat Company. * mobile department of Case s Garage. Baker and Mrs. C. B. Wiley. ’ on "Efficient Thinking" last Tuesday All the soldiers in the trenches victory. ___________ I solicit your patronage in the future afternoon, by the Rev, Van Winkle, wuir beards, the French name for Hugh Black, of Dallas, left on as in the past and will guarantee sat­ Mr. and Mrs Ray Walls gave a nre O l f .°_ G wor H 't Foland returned. Hiner & Reed. Tillamook. We would certainly not wish this county has sent to the State Fair, this is quite a good showing and they a?d Mrs. W. S. Buel returned 1 Oregon. Notice. you that dreadful misfortune, can do better another year. had Salem on Monday where they but such dire calamities are The Tillamook school exhibit won We have made special arrange- fjjrarRe °I school exhibit at "" > ,0 All time checks issued by the Tilla­ the sweep-stakes prize for the best the Telephone Co, happening daily. Protection is I ments with mook Bay Construction Co. will be arranged and decorated booth, which ou directly »nd’l ?nd Mr*. Geo. R Edmunds 1 connect yc_ ------ -- with our office, paid on presentation at the First Nat­ is another honor that goes to the easy. A Are insurance policy of our GOOD frame and ^rwin returned on Friday in case j you mm wish any v ional Bank. They should be turned m schools of this county in their first of a responsible tirrn has pro *d therancisc°. w*l«re they visit- COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call .8 at once as the company is anxious effort at the State Fair. fi-ir. ven innumerably the sole savior The childrens' exhibits were also that they should be paid. entered in the Juvenile Exhibit, were of property representing a life­ they were awarded the following time work. ’ Reliable Insur­ Notice. premiums: Emerald Tilden, potatoes. Class A, ----- o— ance” is our motto. Owing to the fact that we shall be gfirst prize. Raymond De Vroy, potatoes Class obliged to discontinue our business Second prize. I after January tst, we hereby give I A, Noah Richards, potatoes. Class B, notice that all accounts owing to the first prize. Ramsey Hotel, ar.d Dorothy Hare, cabbage, Class B . 20th of October, 191/. »J,*! .*>* b»"d'd t* to our Attorney, Mr William Marx first prize. PHONE 1’8. CALL ON US. WRITE US. Edith Myers, celery. Class A., first for attention. f $ prize. TODD HOTEL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK, ORB. j Agnes Coates, hubbard squash, j W J. Pe’trson. SERVICE First National Bank, Tillamook, Ore Tillamook County Bank Tillamook Jottings. FIRE ! FIRE!! FIRE!!! 1 LflRlAR’S VARIETY STORE, Tillamook, Oregon. Dnop in a nd book Around” ? £ ROLLIE W. WATSON The Insurance Man.”